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Context - Content of the communication

FIRST TOPIC 7. Noise - an interference is that which modifies a signal

in a disruptive manner, as it travels along a communication
Purposive Communication - is about writing, channel between its source and receiver. The term is often
speaking, and presenting to different audiences and used to refer to the addition of unwanted signals to a useful
for various purposes. signal.


CHAPTER 1 Physiological noise - is a distraction caused by

COMMUNICATION some physiological process that interferes with
processes, principles and ethics the communication process. ... Noise is any type of
disruption that interferes with the transmission or
Lesson 1
interpretation of information from the sender to the
The word “ Kinematics” comes from a Greek word receiver.
“Kinesis” meaning “Motion”
For Ex: when u angry, happy, sad, emotional,
The Nature of Communication
Psychological noise -talking to fast, consists of
Communication is derived from the Latin word distractions to a speaker's message caused by a
“common” which means, “belonging to many” and receiver's internal thoughts. For example, if you are
“communico” means to confer with others. It is the
preoccupied with personal problems, it is difficult to
mutual exchange of information, ideas, and
understanding by any effective means.
give your full attention to understanding the
meanings of a message.
Common- use by Everybody to understand english
speaking Another Ex: Wondering, thoughts, sarcasm

Elements of Communication Physical noise -is any external or environmental

stimulus that distracts us from receiving the
1. Sender (encoder) - a person who sends or intended message sent by a communicator 
transmits a message, letter, email, etc.
Ex: of physical noise include: others talking in the
That is a person who do a message or start the background, background music, a
message startling noise and acknowledging someone outside
2. Medium (message) -is a channel or system of the conversation.
of communication—the means by which Another Ex: videoke, sounds ng computer,
information (the message) is transmitted between a soundtrip ng kapatid mo
speaker or writer (the sender) and an audience (the
receiver). The plural form is media, and the term is Semantic Noise - is the interference during the
also known as a channel. construction of a message, as when your professor
uses unfamiliar words. Psychological noise is the
3. Channel- refers either to a physical transmission different biases and predispositions that can
medium such as a wire, or to a logical connection over a
unconsciously shape how we interpret messages.
multiplexed medium such as a radio channel in
telecommunications and computer networking.  Notes for semantic noise : The difference or
4. Receiver (decoder/listener) -is the listener, reader, beliefs , differents beliefs ng sender at receiver
or observer—that is, the individual (or the group of
individuals) to whom a message is directed.
5. Feedback (response) - is the response of an
audience to a message or activity. Feedback can be Lesson 2
conveyed both verbally and nonverbally. Principles and Characteristics of Communication
1. Communication is Schemata-driven - Makes you another party, we cannot take or retrieve it back,
send to or receive messages from somebody by whether it is what we intended to say or not.
activating your schemata, experiences or
Notes: Irreversible we communicate whatever you
background knowledge that you have stored in your
want to.
brain since your early developmental stages.
Notes: Free talk under the sun.
2. Communication is an interpretive Act -The only
person who knows the exact or full meaning of the 8. Communication is Contextual - is defined as the
message transmitted is the sender or speaker. ... bidirectional transfer of information between two
Because the role of the receiver or listener is just parties where both sides are aware of the relational,
to interpret, infer, or guess the meaning of things environmental and cultural context of the exchange.
appealing to his sense of hearing. For example, behaviors, preferences, and stored
3. Communication does not guarantee a direct or
information can all be processed.
automatic link between two minds. - These forms of Notes: It was meaning full , change new ideas, We
knowledge become meaningful only to others when talking about the past
you initiate communication with them. It will not
be possible without initiation. 9. Communication is developmental -  refers to the
use of communication to facilitate
4. Communication is Active, Powerful or Forceful. - social development. Development
Eliciting different meanings or reactions, these communication techniques include information
messages are prone to changes. Subjected to the dissemination and education, behaviour change,
changeable and continued existence of the social marketing, social mobilization, media
world, communication is a dynamic(A process or advocacy, communication for social change and
system characterized by constant change) as life community participation.
that goes on and on like a river.
For Ex: elementary to high school to Senior high
5.Communication is Symbolic -is the exchange of school to college it change to develop
messages that change a priori expectation of events.
... Symbolic communication includes gestures, 10. Communication is a progress
body language and facial expressions, as well as For Ex: Hindi ka marunong mag english so wag ipilit
vocal moans that can indicate what an individual because it is the process.
wants without having to speak.
11. Communication is Ethical - Communication Ethics
For Example: nag bigay ng Excuse letter ang is how a person uses language, media, journalism, and
students. Ibig sabihin excuse sya sa araw nayon or creates relationships that are guided by an individual's
event nayun. moral and values. These ethics consider being aware of the
consequences of behavior and consequences; it's to “respect
6. Communication always results in something - 2 or other points of view and tolerate disagreement”
more person response to participate in any
Notes: Any communication is expected apply rules
communicative act.

The first, expresses or sends a message; the second,

responds or reacts to the message. ... It is
impossible for any person communicating a 12. Communication is influenced by Media and
message not to get any response or reaction at all Technology - a lot more easier than before, there is
from his listeners. internet present today which enables chatting with
7. Communication is Irreversible -  and can be friends and families through phone screens. It
described as a principle of interpersonal interaction greatly affects the distribution of information, it
whereby when we say or pass an information to widens the range in just a short time.
Lesson 3 2. Non-verbal Communication

COMMUNICAT a. body movements - posture, eye movement, smile,

body movement.

b. paralanguage -  is the pitch of your voice. The

ION CUES: non-verbal elements of speech, and to a limited
extent of writing, used to modify meaning and

VERBAL AND convey emotion, such as pitch, volume, and

For Ex: highness, loudest, softness
NON-VERBAL c. time - punctual and the late

LANGUAGE Punctual (maaga) - communicate what type person you

Communication Cues: Verbal and Non-Verbal Late - eto yung mga taong tinatawag na “ Eto nanaman
Language si laging late”
1. Verbal Communication d. Proxemics - Proxemics is the study of human use of
space and the effects that population density has on
Verbal symbols refer to the use of speaker language
behaviour, communication, and social interaction.
(Antonio,, p. 30)
(3) Three types of proxemics
Notes: Letter or mark to subject symbolizing the idea to
spoken to others -Public distance
It could b: -Personal distance

through text -Social Distance

Through chat e. physical appearance and object language -

Symbolize the body appearance, body shapes ,
Through face to face communicate how to present your body
Notes: Kasi merong tao na matataba , mapapayat na
hirap mag salita minsan yung matataba pag nag kwento

2nd lesson purposive Com 2. Demonstrate an understanding of how cultural

diversity affects communication, and
3. Appreciate the benefits and challenges of cross-
(Multicultural Setting) Intercultural communication
According to science, each person is genetically unique
Except identical twins, each person has a unique genetic
composition. This uniqueness becomes even more
IN MULTICULTURAL SETTINGS heightened because of individual experiences. Humans
are formed by forces other than genetics. Family
background, religious affiliations, educational
LEARNING OUTCOMES: achievements, socio cultural forces, economic
conditions, emotional states, and other factors shape
1. Demonstrate an awareness of the reality of cultural human identities. Because of this, no two people can
diversity, ever be exactly the same.
This situation - the diversity of people and cultures - SEQUENTIAL VS. SYNCHRONIC
impacts communication People interacting with those
coming from unfamiliar cultures may have difficulties in Some cultures think of time sequentially, as a linear
communication. Most people tend to conclude that commodity to “spend", "save" or "waste". Other
miscommunication results from a speaker's lack of cultures view time synchronically, as a constant flow to
proficiency in a language What is not realized is the fact be experienced in the moment, ad as a force that cannot
that even with excellent language skills, people may still be contained or controlled.
experience miscommunication. In sequential cultures (like North American English,
German, Swedish, and Dutch), businesspeople give full
attention to one agenda item after another as a force that
COMMUNICATING ACROSS CULTURES cannot be contained or controlled In sequential cultures
(like North American English German, Swedish, and
By Carol Kinsey Goman (2011) Dutch). businesspeople give full attention to one agenda
Communicating across cultures item after another.

is challenging. Each culture has set rules that its In synchronic cultures (including South America,
members take for granted. Few of us are aware of our Southern Europe and Asia) the flow of time is viewed as
own cultural biases because cultural imprinting is begun a sort of circle, with the past, present and future all
at a very early age. And while some of a culture's interrelated. This viewpoint influences how
knowledge, rules, beliefs, values, phobias, and anxieties organizations in those cultures approach deadlines,
are taught explicitly, most of the information is absorbed strategic thinking. investments, developing talent from
subconsciously within and the concept of "long-term planning

The challenge for multinational communication has Orientation to the past, present and future is another
never been greater Worldwide business organizations aspect of time in which cultures differ Americans
have discovered that intercultural communication is a believe that the individual can influence the future by
subject of importance not just because of increased personal effort, but since there are too many variables in
globalization, but also because their domestic workforce the distant future, we favor a short term view.
is growing more and more diverse, ethnically and Synchronic cultures context is to understand the present
culturally and prepare for the future. Any important relationship is
a durable bond that goes back and forward in time, and it
We are all individuals, and no two people belonging is often viewed as grossly disloyal not to favor friends
to the same culture are guaranteed to respond in exactly and relatives in business dealings.
the same way. However, generalizations are valid to the
extent that they provide clues on what you will most AFFECTIVE VS. NEUTRAL
likely encounter when dealing with members of a In international business practices, reason and emotion
particular culture both play a role. Which of these dominates depends
HIGHT-CONTEXT VS. LOW-CONTEXT upon whether we are affective (readily showing
emotions) or emotionally neutral in our approach.
All international communication is influenced by Members of neutral cultures do not telegraph their
cultural differences. Even the choice of communication feelings, but keep them carefully controlled and
medium can have cultural overtones. The determining subdued. In cultures with high affect, people show their
factor may not be the degree of industrialization, but feelings plainly by laughing, smiling, grimacing,
rather whether the country falls into a high-context or scowling, and sometimes crying, shouting, or walking
low context culture out of the room
High-context cultures (Mediterranean, Slav, Central This doesn't mean that people in neutral cultures are cold
European, Latin American, African, Arab, Asian, or unfeeling, but in the course of normal business
American Indian) leave much of the message activities, neutral cultures are more careful to monitor
unspecified, to be understood through context, nonverbal the amount of emotion they display. Emotional reactions
cues, and between-the-lines interpretation of what is were found to be least acceptable in Japan, Indonesia,
actually said. By contrast, low-context cultures (most the U.K., Norway, and the Netherlands and most
Germanic and English-speaking countries) expect accepted in Italy, France, the US, and Singapore.
messages to be explicit and specific
Reason and emotion are part of all human Multimedia is content that uses a combination of
communication. When expressing ourselves, we look to different content forms such as text, audio, images,
others for confirmation of our ideas and feelings. If our animations, video and interactive content. Multi
approach is highly emotional, we are seeking a direct media contrasts with media that use only
emotional response: "I feel the same way. If our
rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or
approach is highly neutral, we want an indirect response:
traditional forms of printed or hand-produced
"I agree with your thoughts on this."
It's easy for people from neutral cultures to sympathize
with the Dutch manager and his frustration over trying to - Transparency
reason with that excitable Italian". After all, an idea -Video
either works or it doesn't work, and the way to test the
validity of an idea is through trial and observation. That -Sound recording and reproduction
just makes sense doesn't it? Well, not necessarily to the
Italian who felt the issue was deeply personal and who CHAPTER 4
viewed any rational argument as totally irrelevant!
Communication in Various Purposes
The five purposes for communication are the
CHAPTER 3 following:
Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools - Inform
of Technology - Persuade/Argue
- influence
What is a Communication Aid?
- meet social expectations
A communication aid helps an individual to
communicate more effectively with O pople around
Communication aids are also referred to as AAC 1. Research your topic.
devices. AAC refers to Aug mentative and
Alternative Communication 2. Essay plan.

There are two main types of AAC system: 3. It is ok to search for some content, BUT PLEASE
2 Main Types Of ACC SYSTEM
4. Always begin with an INTRODUCTION!
. Unaided Communication
5. Three (3) Body Paragraph.
. Aided Communication
6. Conclusion.
What Are Communication Strategies?
Communication strategies are the blueprints for
how this information will be exchanged. Speaking in English Fluently

Types of Communication Strategies —Respond to others conversation.

Communication strategies can be verbal, —Must be able to understand.

nonverbal, or visual. Tntegrating all the strategies
together will allow you to see the most success.
This allows a business to meet employee needs and Oral Fluency
increase workplace knowledge
—Measurement of both production.
Using Tools of Technology
—Reception of speech.
10. Birthday Celebrant. (Birthday Celebrator)
Oral reading fluency 11. Blow-out. (Treat)
—Refers to the ability to read words accurately and 12. Ref. (Fridge)
quickly while using good vocal expression and
13. On behalf (kabilang ang mga) vs. In behalf.(para
sa mga)
14. Tin/Pin number. (Tin/Pin)
Fluency involves two sides:
15. Repeat again. (repeat)
Physical fluency - your mouth needs to develop the
First and foremost.
ability to produce the words coming from your
mind. Join together. (Join)
Mental - your brain needs to develop the ability to Each and everyone. (Each)
find and produce words, phrases and sentences
quickly and smoothly. The reason is because.
Exactly the same.

5 steps to improve ENGLISH FLUENCY Future plan.

1. Get out there and speak. 16. Main Branch.

2. Get used to pressure.

3. Speed reading. How? PUBLIC SPEAKING

1. Find a text. (read it again and repeat it 3 times the - a presentation that's given live before an
fast as you can). audience. Public speeches can cover a wide
variety of different topics. The goal of the
2. Using songs. speech may be to educate, entertain, or
4. Apply it on your daily basic life. influence the listeners. Often, visual aids in
the form of an electronic slideshow are used
5. Make time and use every opportunity. to supplement the speech and make it more
interesting to the listeners.


1. Bow down your heads. (Bow your heads)
There's a good chance that there's been
2. Sit down. (Sit)
public speaking, in one form or another, as long as
3. Past experience. (Experience) there've been people. But most academics and
others involved with public speaking, including
4. Moral Lesson. (Moral/Lesson)
those at The Public Speaking Project, trace the
5. Anyways. (Anyway) origins of modern public speaking back to ancient
Greece and Rome. Those societies didn't have any
6. Traffic. (Light traffic/moderate traffic) of the electronic conveniences we've got today to
7. Monthsary. (Happy 1st month) help with public speaking but they did have a need
for public speaking and developed public speaking
8. Pentel Pen. (Marker) methods that are still studied today
9. Tuck-in or Tuck out. (Tuck)
The Importance of Public Speaking 10. grab attention at the beginning, and close with a
dynamic end.
Whether you're a small business owner, a student,
or just someone who's passionate about something
—you'll benefit if you improve your public speaking
skills, both personally and professionally. Some
benefits to public speaking include:
 Improves confidence
 Better research skills
 Stronger deductive skills
 Ability to advocate for causes

How to Become Better at Public Speaking?

The truth is that public speaking is a skill. It can be

learned. While some people may have more
natural speaking ability than others, or a more
pleasing voice, or are more charismatic—anyone
who can speak can learn to be a better public
speaker than they are right now. It just takes some
know-how and some effort.

10 Tips for Public Speaking

1. nervousness is normal. practice and prepare!
2. know your audience. your speech is about them, not

3. organize your material in the most effective manner

to attain your purpose.

4. watch for feedback and adapt to it.

5. let your personality come through
6. use humor, tell stories, and use effective language.
7. don’t read unless you have to. work from an outline.
8. use audiovisual aids wisely.
9. use your voice and hands effectively. omit nervous

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