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NAME: _________________________________________ _________________________ GRADE: _______

Completa los recuadros con There is o There are.

    ___________ three books on the desk. 

  ______________ pencils in this box. 

    _________ two dolphins in this picture. 

    __________ a telephone on the desk. 

    _________ twenty cigarettes in a packet.

    ______________a dog in the mailbox. 

1.  _________________ many animals in the zoo.

2.  _________________ a snake in the window.
3.  _________________ a zebra in the grass.( neg)
4.  _________________ lions in the zoo, too.
5. _________________ many baby lions near their parents.
6.  _________________ a bird next to the tree?
7.  _________________ many monkeys in the trees.( neg)
8.  _________________ an elephant in the zoo.
9.  _________________ some water in the lake near the elephants.
10.  _________________ birds in the zoo?
11.  _________________ many people visiting the animals today.
12.  _________________ many children, too.
13.  _________________ a gorilla in the tree?
14.  _________________ some grass under the tree.
15.  _________________ bananas in the tree with the gorilla.(neg)
16.  _________________ many birds near the gorilla?
17.  _________________ a rock near the tree?
18. __________________ many sharks in the aquarium.
19.  _________________ an eel in the aquarium, too.
20.  _________________ many animals to see at the zoo.(neg)


1. ________ a terrible earthquake in Japan in 2005.

A. There was B. Was C. There were

2. _____________ a cake on the table when I arrived home.

A. were B. wasn't C. there wasn't
3. _________ any apples left when I came back home yesterday.
A. There weren't B. There wasn't C. There were

4. How many children __________ at the party?

A. there were B. was there C. were there

5. _________ any water in the bottle? No, _________ any!

A. Was there / wasn't there B. Was there / there wasn't C. Were there / there weren't

1. ___________________ a terrible earthquake in 2005.

2. ___________________ a boy riding a bike in the picture?
3. ___________________ any oranges left.
4. How many boys _____________________ in the garden?
5. ___________________ any wine in the bottle? No, __________________
6. I phoned Lucy, but _____________________ anybody at home.
7. _______________________ many clouds in the sky?
8. Last nigth, ________________________ some children in the cinema.
9. ________________________ a large queue at the bank.
10. ______________________ many chairs at the meeting.


1. ________________________ lemonade have we got? We've got only one bottle.

2. ________________________ bottles are there? Three.
3. ________________________ meat is there? We have got two steaks.
4. ________________________ bananas have we got? We haven’t got any.
5. ________________________ sugar have we got? Enough.
6. ________________________ bread have we got? Some.
7. ________________________ pens are in your bag? Six.
8. ________________________ money have we got? We haven’t got a lot.
9. ________________________ bikes are there in the garden? Two.
10. _______________________ children have they got? Two girls and a boy.


______________ sugar ______________ time ______________ houses ________________ cheese

______________ cars ______________ money ______________ children _________________ girls
______________ coffee ______________ hobbies ______________ electricity ________________suitcases
______________ rice ______________ wáter ______________ bottles of wáter _____________ coal
______________ scarves ______________ information ______________ dollars _______________ sand

____________ time _______________ money _______________ dollars ______________ milk

____________ children _______________ wáter _______________ fun ________________ dogs

_____________ people _______________ CDs _______________ music ________________ cups

_____________ juice _______________ time ______________ pencils _______________ cheese


1. You ___________________ speak to your brother and try to solve that problem

2) You _____________________ come with us to the cinema; the film we are going to see is marvellous

3) You are very fat. You ___________________ practice sport (consejo)

4) Please, we are in the church; you ___________________ stop making that unpleasant noise (A father to his son)

5) If you want to watch TV, first you ____________________ finish your homework

6) If I want to buy a new house I ________________________ get a mortgage (A mother to her daughter)

7) You cannot go out with your friends. You _____________________ stay at home because you have fever

8) In internal flights you _______________________ check in one hour before the departure

9) I ________________________ go to the bank to get some money

10) You ________________________ visit Paris. What a beautiful city!

11) The doctor is very worried about my dad and has told him that he _______________________ work less

12) I ___________________ fill the tank; it is almost empty

13) Our teaches have told us that we _______________________ be quiet during the class (A father to his son)

14) You will have exams in two weeks. You _____________________ study harder (obligation)

15) (The police officer to the protesters) You ________________________ leave this place immediately

16) I ________________ leave immediately; it is very late and tomorrow I have to get up early

17) In the petrol station we _______________________ switch off the engine before filling the tank

18) The weather is really nice. We ___________________________ go for a walk

19) You ____________________ to go to the dentist; you have lost a filling (consejo muy enfático)

20) You ___________________ go by plane; by car it is a very long journey

21) You ___________________ read more; it is very good for your education

22) Kevin, you __________________ shave yourself; you look a little bit scruffy (A mother to her son)

23) You ___________________ get up; it is very late (orden)

24) Jane, you ______________________ rest; you look very tired

25) The police told us that we ___________________ get out of the car

a. Bob _____________ swim but he _____________ when he was two years old..

b. Steve's younger sister _______________ surf, but he _______________

c. Last week it was sunny and we ______________ go swimming, but this week we ______________.

d. Russel _________________ play the violin, but he __________________ play the piano.

e. Seaturtles _________________ swim, but they ______________ fly.

f. Tony ______________ cook now, but he ________________ before taking cooking classes.

g. Snails __________________ jump, but frogs __________________

h. Kimi __________________ dance with fans, but she ______________ dance samba.

i. Hippos ________________ fly, but they ________________ swim.

j. Joe _________________ whistle at all. Now he _________________

k. Lisa __________________ play baseball, but she _______________ when she was three.

l. Mary was so busy that she _________________ accept the invitation to go out.


a. Before Asmau came to the USA, she can / can't / could / couldn't speak English. Now she / can / can't /
could / couldn't understand everything.

b. Nancy can / can't / could / couldn't run a hundred miles when she was younger.

c. Brian was so tired last night that he can / can't / could / couldn't sleep.

d. We had a great picnic last Sunday, but my friend Bob can / can't / could / couldn't come.

e. I can / can't / could / couldn't somersault now, but I can / can't / could / couldn't when I was two.


1. fast ____________ 2. Heavy ____________ 3. dangerous ____________ 4. small____________

5. large ____________ 6. Light ____________ 7. rare ____________ 8. Common ______________

9. bad ____________ 10. good ____________


1. Cats are popularer than snakes as pets. _________________________________________________

2. Pigs are more intelligent as other animals. _______________________________________________

3. Turtles are slow than crocodiles. _______________________________________________________

4. Elephants are heavyer than pigs. ______________________________________________________

5. Bears are more rare than snakes. _____________________________________________________


1. I am _________________ (tall) my sister.

2. My mum thinks that cats are ____________________ (good) pets than dogs.

3. Cycling is one of _____________________________ (dangerous) sports.

4. I want to have ________________ (big) car.

5. A blue whale is ___________________ (heavy) twenty-five elephants.

6. You look ____________________ (thin) last month. Have you lost weight?

7. Bicycles are ____________________ (slow) cars.

8. She is ________________ (nice) person I know.

9. What is ___________________ (good) film you´ve seen?

10. Computers are _____________________ (cheap) mobile phones.

11. Is your brother ____________________ (tall) you?

12. I think Spanish is ___________________ (easy) Japanese.

13. Our dog is ____________________ (nice) your dog.

14. Glass bottles are ____________________ (good) plastic bottles.

15. I think Rafael Nadal is ___________________(good) tennis player in Spain.

16. Sharks are _____________________________ (dangerous) other fish.

17. This situation is _________________________ (serious) the last one.

18. He is ____________________ (smart) his brother.

19. My brother wanted ____________________________________ (expensive) trainers in the shop.

20. Today is ______________________ (good) day of the year.

21. Daniela is _______________________ (funny) me.

22. My house is ____________________ (larger).

23. Mount Everest is ______________________ (high) mountain in the world.

24. The sea is ___________________ (large) a lake.

25. My job is ___________________ (easy) yours.

26. London is ___________________ (big) city in England.

27. This car is ____________________ (comfortable) yours.

28. He is ___________________ (rich) man in town.

29. I am ____________________ (strong) you.

30. A baby blue whale gets _________________ (big) a great white shark.

1) Dogs are (intelligent) ________________________________ than rabbits.

2) Lucy is (old) _____________________________ than Ellie.

3) Russia is far (large) _______________________________ than the UK.

4) My Latin class is (boring) ______________________________ than my English class.

5) In the UK, the streets are generally (narrow) _________________________________ than in the USA.

6) London is (busy) ________________________ than Glasgow.

7) Julie is (quiet) ____________________________ than her sister.

8) Amanda is (ambitious) ________________________________ than her classmates.

9) My garden is a lot (colourful) _______________________________________ than this park.

10) His house is a bit (comfortable) ____________________________________ than a hotel.

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

My house is (big) bigger than yours.

This flower is (beautiful) ____________________________________ than that one.

This is the (interesting) ______________________________________ book I have ever read.

Non-smokers usually live (long) _____________________________ than smokers.

Which is the (dangerous) _______________________________ animal in the world?

A holiday by the sea is (good) ______________________________ than a holiday in the mountains.

It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) _____________________________________ than a beer.

Who is the (rich) ________________________________ woman on earth?

The weather this summer is even (bad) _________________________________________ than last summer.

He was the (clever) ___________________________________ thief of all.

My brother has a (tidy) _____________________________________ room than me.

Australia is (big) ___________________________________ than England.

I'm (good) ________________________________ now than yesterday.

She's got (little) __________________________________ money than you, but she doesn't care.

He thinks Chinese is (difficult) ________________________________________ language in the world

Valencia played (bad) ______________________________________ than Real Madrid yesterday.

Cats are not (intelligent) __________________________________ as dogs.

Show me (good) ________________________________ restaurant downtown.

(hot) _________________________________ desert of all is the Sahara and it's in Africa.

Who is (talkative) ________________________________ person in your family?


1. clean 11. hot

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

2. easy 12. happy

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

3. good 13. wet

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

4. dirty 14. narrow

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

5. fat 15. big

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

6. beautiful 16. busy

____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

7. sad 17. noisy

____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

8. flat 18. dirty

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

9. active 19. thin

____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

10. comfortable 20. Little

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________


She is collecting stickers, __________________?

We often watch TV in the afternoon, ___________?

You have cleaned your bike, __________________?

John and Max don't like maths, _______________?

Peter played handball yesterday, ______________?

They are going home from school, _____________?

Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, _______?

He could have bought a new car, _______________?

Kevin will come tonight, ____________________?

I'm clever, ________________________?

Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, _______________?

The car isn't in the garage, __________________?

You are John, ______________________?

She went to the library yesterday, _____________?

He didn't recognize me, ____________________?

Cars pollute the environment, _________________?

Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently______?

The trip is very expensive, ___________________?

He won't tell her, ___________________?

Hugh had a red car, _______________________?

She's from a small town in China, ______________?

They aren't on their way already, ______________?

We're late again, _________________________?

I'm not the person with the tickets, ___________?

Julie isn't an accountant, ____________________?

The weather is really bad today, ______________?

He's very handsome, _______________________?

They aren't in Mumbai at the moment, __________?

You aren't from Brazil, _____________________?

John's a very good student, __________________?

I like chocolate very much, __________________?

She doesn't work in a hotel, __________________?

They need some new clothes, _________________?

We live in a tiny flat, ______________________?

She studies very hard every night, _____________?

David and Julie don't take Chinese classes, ______?

I often come home late, _____________________?

You don't like spicy food, ____________________?

She doesn't cook very often, _________________?

We don't watch much TV, ___________________?

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