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Matrix of Program

Village Gumeng
Project name Public Toilet Renovation
Material unit(s) Price per unit
Time Frame Work Force
Bricks 100 pieces Rp 1,000.00
Cements 5 sacks Rp 57,000.00
Sands 0.5 pick up Rp 200,000.00
Black Paint (5 kg) 1 can Rp 85,000.00
Blue Paint (5 kg) 1 can Rp 85,000.00
Red Paint (5 kg) 1 can Rp 85,000.00
White Paint (5 kg) 1 can Rp 85,000.00
Yellow Paint ( 5 kg) 1 can Rp 85,000.00
Brushes 4' 5 pieces Rp 11,000.00
water faucet3/4' 2 units Rp 21,000.00
Bailer 2 units Rp 7,000.00
Duct Tape 4 units Rp 3,000.00
5 days
Doors 2 units Rp 200,000.00
Mur + fiser 32 units Rp 4,000.00
Bucket 2 units Rp 20,000.00
Asbes 6 units Rp 85,000.00
Asbes's nail 1 kg Rp 23,000.00
Reng's nail 1 kg Rp 15,000.00
Wood (4x6 cm) 4 units Rp 27,000.00
Wood (2x3 cm) 4 units Rp 10,000.00
Hardplex 4 pieces Rp 45,000.00
Sign board (man & woman 2 units Rp 10,000.00
builder's cost 2 person Rp 500,000.00
13 people total
Goal of project The toilet can be used well by the villagers
project description repair the closets, water tub, doord, and renovate the wall and roof
person in charge Chika Evangelica

Rp 100,000.00
Rp 285,000.00
Rp 100,000.00
Rp 85,000.00
Rp 85,000.00
Rp 85,000.00
Rp 85,000.00
Rp 85,000.00
Rp 55,000.00
Rp 42,000.00
Rp 14,000.00
Rp 12,000.00
Rp 400,000.00
Rp 128,000.00
Rp 40,000.00
Rp 510,000.00
Rp 23,000.00
Rp 15,000.00
Rp 108,000.00
Rp 40,000.00
Rp 180,000.00
Rp 20,000.00
Rp 1,000,000.00
Rp 3,497,000.00
Village Gumeng

Project Name Public Bath Renovation Cost

Material unit(s)
Time Frame Work Force
Bricks 800 pieces
Cements 20 sacks
Sands 1 pick up
Black Paint (5 kg) 1 can
Bulue Paint (5 kg) 1 can
Red Paint (5 kg) 1 can
White Paint (5 kg) 1 can
Yellow Paint (5 kg) 1 can
Brushes 4' 5 pieces
11 days 13 people
Asbes 9 pieces
Asbes's nail 2 kg
Reng's nail 2 kg
Wood (4 x 6 cm) 4 units
Wood ( 2 x 3 cm) 4 units
bucket 5 units
Paint Roll (big) 5 units
Builder's cost 2 persons
Goal of project Renovate the public bath so it can be used by the people of Gumeng village com
Project description Rebuild and elevate the wall, set up the roof, make a mural signs to persuade the people
Person in charge Eko Sunjoyo

Price per unit Total
Rp 1,000.00 Rp 800,000.00
Rp 57,000.00 Rp 1,140,000.00
Rp 250,000.00 Rp 250,000.00
Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
Rp 11,000.00 Rp 55,000.00
Rp 85,000.00 Rp 765,000.00
Rp 23,000.00 Rp 46,000.00
Rp 15,000.00 Rp 30,000.00
Rp 27,000.00 Rp 108,000.00
Rp 10,000.00 Rp 40,000.00
Rp 8,500.00 Rp 42,500.00
Rp 18,000.00 Rp 90,000.00
Rp 500,000.00 Rp 1,000,000.00
tal Rp 4,791,500.00
y the people of Gumeng village comfortably
mural signs to persuade the people to use the facility.
Village Gumeng
Project Name Elementary School Renovation
Time Frame Work Force Material unit(s)
Wood (3 x 5 cm) 9
Wood (4 x 6 cm) 4
Nails 1
Wood Paint (blue) ( 1 kg) 4
Yellow Paint ( 5 kg) 1
Black Paint (5 kg) 1
White Paint (5 kg) 1
Red Paint (5 kg) 1
Blue Paint (5 kg) 1
School ID's board 1
3 days
Class ID's board 7
Tiner A 4
Brush 2" 6
Brush 4" 6
Brush 1" 6
Brush 1.5" 6
Bucket 5
paint roll (big) 3
paint roll (small) 3
6 people total
Goal of project the school will look better and colorful
Project description Repainting and doing mural at the school's wal
Person in charge Debbie Kusuma
unit(s) Price per unit Total
pieces Rp 25,000.00 Rp 225,000.00
pieces Rp 27,000.00 Rp 108,000.00
kg Rp 15,000.00 Rp 15,000.00
cans Rp 50,000.00 Rp 200,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
pieces Rp 800,000.00 Rp 800,000.00
pieces Rp 70,000.00 Rp 490,000.00
units Rp 26,000.00 Rp 104,000.00
units Rp 5,000.00 Rp 30,000.00
units Rp 11,000.00 Rp 66,000.00
units Rp 3,000.00 Rp 18,000.00
units Rp 4,000.00 Rp 24,000.00
units Rp 8,500.00 Rp 42,500.00
units Rp 18,000.00 Rp 54,000.00
units Rp 13,000.00 Rp 39,000.00
total Rp 2,640,500.00
better and colorful
ural at the school's wall
Village Gumeng
Project Name Playgroup Teaching
Time Frame Work Force Material
Poster about number & alphabet
Pencil colors
Paper ( A4)
4 days 6 people origami paper
Coloring book
Goal of project kids will understand about numbers, alphabet, and doing crative p
Project description teaching kids about numbers, alphabets and how to make
Person in charge Lita Borong
unit(s) Price per unit Total
5 pieces Rp 7,500.00 Rp 37,500.00
5 packs Rp 25,000.00 Rp 125,000.00
1 ream Rp 31,000.00 Rp 31,000.00
15 packs Rp 10,000.00 Rp 150,000.00
10 units Rp 10,000.00 Rp 100,000.00
20 units Rp 20,000.00 Rp 400,000.00
total Rp 843,500.00
out numbers, alphabet, and doing crative project with origami
out numbers, alphabets and how to make and origami
Lita Borong
Village Gumeng
Project Name Playgroup renovation
Time Frame Work Force Material unit(s)
Wood (2x3 cm) 2
Nails 1
hardplex 2
Yellow Paint 1
Black Paint 1
White Paint 2
Red Paint 1
Blue Paint 1
Playgroup ID's board 1
3 days
Tiner B ( 1 liter) 1
Brush 2" 6
brush 4" 6
brush 1" 6
brush 1.5" 6
bucket 5
paint roll (big) 1
paint roll (small) 1
10 people Total
Goal of project the playgroup will looks better and colorful
Project description renovate the wall, doing mural and repar the roof
Person in charge Evelina & Bertaria
unit(s) Price per unit Total
pieces Rp 10,000.00 Rp 20,000.00
kg Rp 15,000.00 Rp 15,000.00
pieces Rp 45,000.00 Rp 90,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 170,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
can Rp 85,000.00 Rp 85,000.00
pieces Rp 800,000.00 Rp 800,000.00
units Rp 18,000.00 Rp 18,000.00
units Rp 5,000.00 Rp 30,000.00
units Rp 11,000.00 Rp 66,000.00
units Rp 3,000.00 Rp 18,000.00
units Rp 4,000.00 Rp 24,000.00
units Rp 8,500.00 Rp 42,500.00
units Rp 18,000.00 Rp 18,000.00
units Rp 13,000.00 Rp 13,000.00
Total Rp 1,664,500.00
looks better and colorful
ing mural and repar the roof
na & Bertaria
Village Gumeng
Project Name Healthy Life Teaching
Time Frame Work Force Material
tooth paste
tooth brush
1 day 8 people
plastic mug (containing 50 pieces)
small towel
Goal of project kids will understand about simple healthy life, such as washing hand, usin
Project description give a lesson by video and practicing about how to brush your teeth, washing hand an
Person in charge Thomas Benmetan
unit(s) Price per unit Total
1 unit Rp -
1 unit Rp 5,000.00 Rp 5,000.00
20 units Rp 10,000.00 Rp 200,000.00
20 packs Rp 3,000.00 Rp 60,000.00
1 packs Rp 9,000.00 Rp 9,000.00
20 pieces Rp 5,000.00 Rp 100,000.00
10 pieces Rp 4,000.00 Rp 40,000.00
total Rp 414,000.00
ple healthy life, such as washing hand, using toilets and brushing teeth
how to brush your teeth, washing hand and have a lessong about how to use toilet
Thomas Benmetan
Village Gumeng
Project Name Culture Day
Time Frame Work Force Material unit(s)
Banana 10
Cassava 10
Sweet Potato 10
Coconut milk 10
all team Palm Sugar 5
Sugar 4
Jackfruit 2
Pandan Leaves 10
1 day total
Goal of project Strengthen the relationship between COP participants and villag
Project description cooking together for people after a long day fasting
Person in charge Lita Borong & Evelina
unit(s) Price per unit Total
clusters Rp 15,000.00 Rp 150,000.00
kg Rp 10,000.00 Rp 100,000.00
kg Rp 10,000.00 Rp 100,000.00
liter Rp 7,500.00 Rp 75,000.00
kg Rp 10,000.00 Rp 50,000.00
kg Rp 15,000.00 Rp 60,000.00
units Rp 20,000.00 Rp 40,000.00
pieces Rp 4,000.00 Rp 40,000.00
total Rp 465,000.00
between COP participants and villagers
r people after a long day fasting
Borong & Evelina

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