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Name R= (mace ensu] MADE EASY India's Best Institute for IES, GATE & PSUs ESE 2019 : Mains Las yi ENGINEERINC EXAMINATION Civil Engineering Test-1: Geo-technical & Foundation Engg. + Environmental Engg. RollNo: |C] El UI |MITIDILIAI6 |é 18 Test Centres Stuaents signature Bhopal [Noida Jaipu Indore know] Pune Kolkata) Bhubaneswar] Patna seed aes Question No. Marks Obtained Do furnish the appropriate details in the Seaton answer sheet (vz. Name & Roll No} eS ee s sn Egon S SE 2 es Use ony blade pn, | 4 6 The space limit for every part of the oe rispeciedintasQuesioncum |_| as g fewer Dole. Cane shou he aa ee } : a in th jestion Cum Answer Booklet Ss ‘must be clearly struck off. Q7 t two page these wo pages te completion ofthe ar) ac 3 tae q Ah | eeore aa wa nih pene eof Evaluator Cross Ped by Jens — | Webs fomwhmadecasy.in 48 MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | Page 1 of 70 Donat theme Q1 4a) A ccore-cutter of diameter 100 mm and height 130 mm having weight 1.5 kg was pushed into embankment under construction and mass of core cutter with soil was found to be 3.865 kg, The soil has water content of 11% and specific gravity of soil is 2.67. Determine the bulk unit weight, dry unit weight and void ratio of soil sample. The unit weight of water is 9.81 kKN/m3. [12 marks] Given Mery af Coke caster a rots off Cou OSK OFM 0-199q,9 Motecpet) << is fi Cy Mens CBy voleine Gy aa, ! J ) ae = "Panis ilies 2 (g. 92] Ce ted Gy Po La Donat Gr) D=lap, Dep grout S73 ee a eee a eee eh 24-696 KN foo 8 f Cameeut (C,) = 24-696 x 250 Gus 24 6194.09 ] Now $02, comekay Frefseced vide Bertone 4696 ~ 0-5 % 250 + Ges 7 [4568-26 reg Qe = C194. 07 — 4568-76 Surya apices) | pe Ot Ale ren tur Bagpeel: $4:823 X 29-679 = 2513 46m Gre 25) 3 4649%!) 24-6 J6x0-rx |20 MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 7 of 70 ain Moline of Cernd = wo / ye 0/8 HH (8961 Votiime off Cermnt = [9 422 Bbe/ » = Are ie b Mobs of tmnt = Si aa M, atid = [29-893 MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 8of 70 Qa) The soil profile at a site for a proposed building is shown in figure Ccaptary scion» above WI ~+.-Af | The soil isa homogeneous, poorly graded sand. Determine, the increase in vertical effective stress at which a soil element at a depth of 3 m, under the center of the building will fail if the increase in lateral effective stress is 20% of the increase in vertical effective stress, ‘The coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest ky is 0.5. Assume all stresses are principal stresses. [12 marks] Grieven,— Sait 1 Homagercors, (orrly paclee| Saud Age Ags 92 Any, Ko =0- 5 Ee! At AA — Lefa Be Loony 4) = '8 + (8-9-6) x2 = 34.38 kan? | : <(5}| 0: 5K 34:38 = [PIFKP] es Now Ai AA fbr loodeg ag [=< 24-38 + Az, 7) ),- (F402 OG MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 9 of 70 Do not sere mee = ead 9964 Gis | sing G+), 34.36-|4:19¢ 0 BAG erage 34.284 19-19¢ Lhe 1919p 0° BF = OP? ee yas (D ee hs one ee pra Qnesaoe In vertebrate shu ct wid soit fo n Cum Answer Booklet —_| Page 10 of 70 @ | MADE EASY Qe Q2 (a)| (i) Consider the following options: (Constructing a cofferdam and casting the concrete in situ. (ii) Floating a prefabricated box caisson and lowering it is to the bearing stratum, (iii) Sinking a well foundation and plugging it. Which of the above options would be most appropriate for constructing a 10 m wide foundation on a strong bearing stratum beneath a river bed for the following three cases? Case A: Depth of water above bed = 2m, depth of strong bearing stratum below bed = 2 m. Case B: Depth of water above bed = 20 m, depth of strong bearing stratum below bed = 3m. Case C: Depth of water above bed = 10 m, depth of strong bearing stratum below bed = 20 m. (ii) A new canal is excavated to a depth of 5 m below ground level, through a soil having, the following characteristics : ¢= 14 kN/m?, = 15°, e = 0.8 and G = 2,7. The slope of banks is 1 in 1. Calculate the factor of safety with respect to cohesion when the canal runs full. If it is suddenly and completely emptied, what will be the factor of safety? [Take, for i= 45°, 6 = 15°, s, = 0.083 and for i= 45°, 6 = 7.3°, s, = 0.122] [10 +10 marks] MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet — | Page 13 of 70 Donet thsi Q2(b) (i) What are the differences between reinforced soil walls and nailed soil walls? (ii) A foundation trench is to be excavated for a large project ina site. The soil investigation report shows the following details Ground Surface | Type of oil Index Properties | 0-8m Finesand | Void rato 1.20, Sp.gr. = 262 8-10m Greyishclay | Void ratio =0.76,Sp.gr = 26 Below 10 m | coarse sand = Itis observed that an open excavation is stable up to 5.75 m depth with the existing water table. The excavation is to be made up to 8.5 m depth for which water table is to be lowered, What are the initial and final depths of water table? [6 +14 marks] MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 16 of 70 z Q2 (e) (Compute the vertical stress on a horizontal plane situated at a depth of 2m below point O in the figure shown below. The area is loaded uniformly to an intensity of 300 KN/m?, [Use Boussinesq’s theory] A +0 Fi im Yim (i) In an unconfined compression test, a sample of clay 100 mm long and 50 mm in diameter fails under a load of 200 N at 10% strain. Calculate the shear resistance of the soil sample by taking into account the effect of change in cross-section of the sample. [10 +10 marks} Donat Q3 a) ‘The piles are square in cross-section (356 mm x 356 mm). The center-to-center spacing, d of the piles is 889 mm, Determine the allowable load carrying capacity of the pile group. Use FOS = 4. [Note : Ground water table coincides with the ground surface. For group act take N, = 8.57] 889mm & 356m = Do a lelitste t=) ie] b ooo RB =0889x24 0-356 = 2° 134y, ce bo L= 0-889x2 + 0-356 = 3.093, S tortidlts, Individuhl pile Failute Assume Bu= Oper pe = Ne = 8-5 Bus oNe Abt xa. APxL Fa BAn eed Chae Cox ne pr 0-38% +[0 SV XK BS |x ems 4 x0KGx I. bo For LraiviaupP Cer A oscen ptt Actroy Sus Ed % 4-59 L 73 KN Aer Rey 0 at. as AE aed ae Oy, 2 2955-52 ky MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet — | Page 190f 70 |e, ‘The section of a3 x 4 group pile ina layered saturated clay is shown in figure. cw. ¥ 7 a ae a ‘Chay 372m fy 19.02KN/m Le p MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 200f 70 | Leos, cle Bree Pailtete <—__—————- a Ong et Ne Ag + «Ge Pye oe” Bs Ix13-92. +50: 359 4. SH 2x(2-134 42 023 Bog y2 85) B05 942-4 2028+ >) (Boek g Rite) “9,- 191) 8.0.5 4eK a 13 955.52 be Gr Nie Ha ee ae xn Bg 718-05 Og = 12955-2Kn (Por Folluce € neta Pree) Qs- & > s° Sh + ines . Baae ky] w, MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 22 of 70 Q3(b) Ananchored sheet pile supports a sandy back fill of height 3 m having angle of shearing resistance of 30° and unit weight of 19 kN/m®, The soil below dredge line is clay with a unit weight of 19 KN/m?, cohesion 20 KN/m? and zero angle of internal resistance. The anchor rods are placed 1 m apart and 1 m below the level surface of the backfill. Assuming free earth support, calculate the force in anchor and the depth of sheet pile. Use Rankine’ theory for earth pressure. A a [20 marks] mn pao MSsure Plea abl ubpork estate Det Ble pe = semi |9x3 — 2x20 e a te fos [AKN/ ne ve pon wflaeae exp} — 2x20 Repoegvo | Mire Donat MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 230f 70 |e. 44 2 2B bp = Kpa +2 SB, Reet =f 1s bp: Ovl + Qxtox | fe- do At ce pp = 19xD + 2x20 = do The Marek ppe= 1922. + mes wli- 2 aapock to rd 2 Jo Knfe™ 19 Kuler Ry Fer a 13 Rdfim™ fa CN as tase eed Kasper Zhe el Ps ok 2x19 = 26-57 Bai (oes s (19 4194190] xD é Tas 24 | [e+ 2g) 13-2000) LD Py = 0-5 dot 90440]x D Taeaeed) a 2. = 2+ (4o4 2«(Pp+te Diy atte = Ke Ee + 2« (PB 49, De40 344190 + os [e410 | x [2+ Eras 300g 34 re ee isd ae | MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | Page 24 of 70 roatreef es Fevce in Anchet ad ce 2. ye P +R. 1% = Ps 2e-54 0-5 194 9+ 19 poss) Kora 4o+ 19x pe KOSH _ MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet — | Page 25 of 70 Donot thismersin Q3 (9) A light weight building stands over a 10 m thick stratum of sand. Beneath the sand stratum a clay layer of 5 m thick exists. The clay layer is underlain by a rock stratum. The water table lies at a depth of 1.0 m below ground surface and the sand above the water table is saturated with capillary rise. The sand has a void ratio of 0.75 and sp. gravity 2.65. During, dry season, water is pumped out from the sand stratum till the water table is lowered by 4.0 mand sand above water table becomes dry. Calculate the number of days when the building settles by 25 mm. Ignore settlement during pumping operation. Take properties of clay : Void ratio = 0.60, Specific gravity = 2.70, Liquid limit = 40%, Coefficient of consolidation = 6 x 107 cm?/s. [20 marks} Gunns = i Of Lriteding « ifs anighs Baby — 4 TSF ‘ Gut Gee Ge ere doe wr Sm Diy ——___ fe ecerte CV eet /e G22 Che to Ai ae cay b= 7 Assam Chay is Ne Gz ce09[UL-}o] lez 00°95 [4e-10J =0-2F 22 Yaw = (a i ap : x98. 10°42 Keepy? leone oY, One 14 d= = 259-8) =. BEkny The eee ee Yer = (G12) caper {SR (70 bens & Toa ey ~ yea re 4 oor yp x 9°81 = 7° 25KNihe MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | —_ Page 260 70 TPE Por a T= [Petey Ix FI Wy (0:4 a — gen He Pocpury ge (Meee aig ea An= cH Loy, ( = 2 O27 Soe bop, be ae Ito ‘ Ioee (28-2¢ dH 4e- | at PVE) Ta = 2 o V<6o% re 4 OS ANE ee 2 ee AY 4269 Os 5/254 Sxto-3 KI £ eS. =m (Sas: + 4 @s1asy Singe Hag) poe ar eta > | Cane 3 Seex24 @ MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet —_| Page 28 of 70 24) Calculate the total active earth pressure on the retaining wall 6 m high as shown in the figure. Also calculate the line of action of the lateral force from the base of the wall. 42 204N/m? let ec C= 10KN/m? / (oa Sch yr 18kN/m? a a 5 2 2m eo ens" Ly) teemiewe g < [20 marks} ke, = I—Sing = I-Sinjo <9 Jo4 asin Ut Sinto Kay = |= Sinzo i Ts ie AeA spo= kag - 2eSKy fe = 0-904x 30 2x JoxJodoq = #339 KNe perso ee is ae =< 240 = PKG 18x Jo-qog Zap? 20 = Pore PH PR Fert Aho he 2 0°904% [304 18% 4] — 2x lox fo.4ag Pe BB 02% Kena pi Jest Below ee @ Lx [aor Ia) = 2x 0 xJo-3eq pee 34KN/ MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet —_ | Page 29 of 70 Do not iin sr At ce Cs go= | [Belexae @e-9 sx? ] fee 42:13 kwAr Foe Rane 55-027 KN/nr— ; Ass. ct Knffps* a 49 < R a KN)m™ if 4213 Kayne Re os psoas 029) x 4 = 118: 232K, feo (eee ee te (2 EN/rn Pas P+ = [194-862 KN/m Ars Bee oy | Aeetgoe-82? gx 4 = 34 z ———— g 3 | ym 4.3994 95-829 ee ES = o-F6ed vn Ba Fars 2 MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 300F 70 | z= PR 2y+ Be rh ot Eee Pee Dit Pe Se ie tees 2 4S, Palace 787) Ne ap24 W/2 Ary Q4(b) MADE ERSY Question cum Answer Booklet | Page 201 70 ‘A square mass concrete in footing usually implies raft concrete footing supporting a load of 3250 KN extends from ground level to 3.5 deep into a clay stratum. What will be the size of the footing allowing for a factor of safety of 4? Unit weight of concrete is 25 KN/m’. Unit weight of soil 21 kN/m°. Cohesion of soil 0.12N/mm®. Adhesion of clay with footing is 25 kN/m?. The adhesion may be supposed to act over a depth of 2m from the bottom. of the foundation. For @ = 0°, Nc=5.7,N, = 1,N,=0 [20 marks] Prive pipe PET ID apap ME te a P= 3250KN ie Fev= 4 Y= 25 by/m3 ben V= 21K W/m? Ce = O12 Man eo Ge O12 Xlow KN ne Rez 57, Nez t Brae Cee NKR) Pssume wee Thee ot OE Comes D=2 fen Beto AScerre 325¢K10 > wb. tyttinel alle welie boa AtaBz 25 KN fo tae Ne+ Capo ab yNy ynte er \et AS; oO gave (30 New (Fron Tek ee mez. Russ iy = = as = ost Op £ lef = Ans pee Se @ | MADE EASY auestion cum Answer Booklet | Anema Me + 25 ea OS Pactra \ Bee Dana by PAIDKPR PES @> 25x 2% 4x P Arex sffechue = He be Br es He wef oo eer Page 33 of 70 ane = es Apps FS Tastes [ey Teezagle 5 Me) sage, Den tiet 12x Wrox Ft —. yeas ie —— 4 ‘ikea Ws pape @= Bom | be + go ae Gre Bers a a Pepenbs Do not wrt rage MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet —_ | Page 35 of 70 [wie Q4 (| (i) Draw contact pressure distribution under the following cases: (@) Rigid footing on cohesionless soil at shallow depth. (®) Rigid footing on cohesive soil. (0) Rigid footing on cohesionless soil at deeper depth. (ii) Find an expression for the unconfined compressive strength q, in terms of c’, 6’ and A, (pore pressure parameter at failure). Take parameter B = 1 and initial capillary tension = U.. [5 +15 marks] hsm Page 36 of 70 MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Yu = ee oy <0 ayH0 Aus Oe inca) (Fix Setracted AB 2Ae hoe ee) Oe aye | eee \epaadee) A As,- te/de Ve— Cue) = Ap 29 ee Up + Ve = Ac Yu “= BP! tar tne g) + 2¢ ttn Corny") G/- O- UF a o/s -% o ge i Reo ea MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | —_—_Page37 of 70 @ Gt Tay ee F du - % Qu-u = E%) oe et Ue = AG du —Ue Heating, 1 4, eA FA du + Ve) hei f | hide, fon Cte oh | alia + Ap tp) = Ve[g- 1) $ 2e JM a Ste Cope + 22 pH [i + a Mp7 BEE oD @ MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 38 of 70 Exe eens Q5 (a) State the salient features of a water supply scheme and also draw a flow chart for the same. Seliud Frade of matte Supply shame (— OD Boone Selectea/ Should De Alike A. Lei fotor scpply ff tote « te. Sheth fporiole tu det ern tn \s. = < %s. pale dn < d clogs Rg ee @ td= 20 days cn ba = Base™ germ Pefh= a nll teateecky enter Duele oe ah 0: 3K Ge | ee een By 5oce | Dut Ld je’ BbeuK Ax O-& de> Sd = be AI Cte de: EE] ag de og—a 5] Page 68 of 70 |e @ | MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet Q8 (c)| () What is Vermi-composting? State various steps involved in Vermi-composting, (ii) State the merits and demerits of incineration method of solid waste disposal. [12 +8 marks] Wweste eo Methed of coe dditrorl Kind - Vetomi — compost frp — Decompsrhren of Biolegto Eesthuotms— to P a a Stepp owatoed Veet Aare Thor cd x Ut at a oa oS < a he pat gore Worth © ft Jy Ranely fee ip res Pee he ete eo NPA CAA prerta In-ciredion tatied 4 SAK OO Dit pote - aleafie Vela 4 Hegh, tasting en Abdard » 2 Of kedveef wee fo minirnel vollinc, Hatafeee — Harrolliry ide As Aedn cla 0 MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 69 of 70 fs magn O Sudha if Muu jy Sheba PL PT pees arr Cep Ge L247) @ lew oft Cr Dereut; — LD Bosenivy crertts lof oa PQlekcom Ag POlution C5 Dory ns- @ Lasts ~ Koboleel Weerirg © Kan fret helt people Ray ne ee wkorpre vhee of Drolin. y Caw oo

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