Life Coaching Speech

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At this point of time, it’s difficult for most people to get a full grip of the situation we are currently

facing. Indeed, the virus is unprecedented and has put us in a state of panic, distraught, and disorder for
several months already. This situation calls for remote working and isolation, which some people are
perfectly capable of, but others, not too much.

It’s important to know whether you are comfortable doing abrupt changes. It seems that everything
we’ve been accustomed to is subject to some minor and major modifications. This may come off as
overwhelming if not handled well. Our minds are left vulnerable to negative thoughts on how we are
and should be approaching such problems. Consumed by these thoughts and feelings, our mental,
physical, and emotional health are at risk.

There’s a lot of troubles that would come along, take for example, different routines, poor
concentration, lack of motivation for productivity, and other distractions; these may appear minimal but
affect us greatly one way or another. Dealing with all of these will certainly take a toll on an individual’s
health. For this matter, it’s ideal to seek for help whenever you feel too burdened. Even if we have all
the tools and technology in the world, one can’t simply overcome these alone, we are just human after

Instead of dwelling on the things you aren’t able to do, focus on what you can influence or change for
the better. Looking at things in a negative perspective would only drag you down. Rather, see this time
as an opportunity for development. Moping and sulking wouldn’t stop this pandemic, and would
certainly not do you any good either. Having said this, what can we do?

First off is to set realistic goals, make sure that you’d stick to one routine and commit to it as well. It’s
important to manage your expectations and not pressure yourself to achieve it in a short amount of
time, taking breaks is a must. It pays to be informed just so you know what’s going on around you. Stay
connected with your family and friends while following the rules, being in quarantine doesn’t mean you
should completely cut off ties with them. Eat healthily to get the nutrition to combat the virus, along
with sufficient amount of sleep and exercise. Lastly, remember that this too shall pass. It’s good to look
forward for the near virus-free future. For the meantime, stay safe and thank you.

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