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Instructor: Tiju, Lalzarzova, Mayur Name:

Class: Mentoring (Prof.Ghadially) Date:



The questions prepared below are related on the Country’s Indices.

Indices often serve as barometers for a given market or industry and benchmarks against which
financial or economic performance is measured

Have you ever heard an announcement of the . . .

... unemployment rate by the Bureau of Labor Statistics?
... the Consumer Price Index, or CPI, by the Bureau of Labor Statistics?
... the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, by the Bureau of Economic Analysis?

a. No
b. Yes
c. I did not know they existed

Do you refer to indices for measuring the country’s economy with comparision to others ?

a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know the ‘I’ of Indices

One of the economic indicator published by the government is Consumer Price

Index, or the CPI. Compared with a year ago, what was the percentage change in overall price
as measured by the Consumer Price Index, or CPI, published by this government

a. [Answer A]

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b. [Answer B]
c. [Answer C]

The Bureau of Economic Analysis regularly publishes data on the total amount of goods and
services produced in the India. This figure is called the Gross Domestic Product and is often
abbreviated as GDP. Compared to a year ago, what was the percentage change in the Gross
Domestic Product, or GDP, published by this government agency?

a. [Answer A]
b. [Answer B]
c. [Answer C]
d. [Answer D]

How important is it for a person like you to have exact information about the rate of
the rate of change in prices, and the rate of change in the Gross Domestic Product — would you
it is extremely important, very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not
at all?

a. [Answer A]
b. [Answer B]
c. [Answer C]
d. [Answer D]

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Now turning to business conditions in the economy as a whole — do you think that during the
twelve months conditions will be better, or worse than they are at present, or just about the

a. [Answer A]
b. [Answer B]
c. [Answer C]
d. [Answer D]

During the next twelve months, do you think that prices in general will go up, or go down, or
where they are now? By what percent do you expect prices to go (up/down) on the average
the next twelve months?

a. [Answer A]
b. [Answer B]
c. [Answer C]
d. [Answer D]

In terms of GLOBAL ECONOMIC POWER INDEX, India rose from 10th position in year 2000
to 5th position in 2011. Do you think that India will rise from its 5th position and reach
TOP 3 rankings by 2015 ?

a. [Answer A]
b. [Answer B]
c. [Answer C]
d. [Answer D]
e. [Answer E]

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Would you like to be more informed about these topics in future ?

a. Yes. I m interested to know lot more about these indices
b. No. Not interested.

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