Evidenc The Story of Bottled Water

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Learning activity 3

Evidence: The story of bottled water

1. What are the problems derived from drinking bottled water? Mention two
problems at least.

R: If you drink bottled water, the environment will be contaminated, since the
plastic bottles are made with oil, this implies that the extraction and production of
the same affect the ecosystem, in the same way, the elimination of bottle waste
generates pollution in the air.
Another problem is the disposal, if you use plastic bottles and then throw away
the waste, it becomes an issue, because the incineration releasing toxic pollution

2. What is the difference between bottled water and drinking water?

R: If you decide to drink bottled water, this would imply the manufacturing process
and the contamination of the companies that manufacture the bottles, instead,
the tap water is consumed directly by the people, without generating any type of
affectation to the environment.

3. Describe the process involved in manufacturing a plastic bottle.

R: Throughout the life cycle of the product, different processes are presented,
such as the extraction and production of oil to make water bottles, send them
around the planet and then people drink them, so that finally, the waste is
eliminated and generate a production cycle.What happens with the plastic bottles
after we throw them away. In the process of waste disposal, if the bottles are
incinerated, a large pollution in the air will be generated, in the same way, if these
are thrown into dumps they will remain in this place for years as in the case of

4. What solutions can be implemented to solve this problem?

R: If people did not use plastic water bottles and instead drink tap water, a series
of environmental problems would be reduced, therefore, it is necessary to
encourage people through awareness campaigns.

5. Is this problem common in your community? What does the community do to

deal with it?
R:If we observe the consumption of water bottles in my community, we will
observe that it is very common for people to buy bottled water, since it is assumed
that this water is completely purified, but in the case of my community in
particular, if people use bottles plastic, they will be asked to deposit them in
specific containers within the residential complex
6. Will you drink bottled water again? Why? Why not?

R: If I have the option of choosing between drinking bottled water or a tap, in

the case of Bogotá I would prefer to drink tap water, because if you do, you would
not only be saving water but also implicitly helping the environment

7. What will you do in the future to reduce the number of plastic bottles used in
the world?

R: To reduce the consumption of plastic water bottles in the future it is necessary

to generate talks to the whole community in general, because if people are made
aware of this environmental problem, they will probably react to the
consequences of the use and consumption of this resource in plastic bottles

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