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I am so glad you're here! 

Have you ever stayed in a situation too long when you KNEW you needed to
change course?  All the signs were there yet you persisted with the hope
that things were going to change?  Who hasn't, right?  

However, the problem is that the longer we stay in a situation that isn't
working for us, the worse we start to feel and with that we're actually
programming our mind for more of the same.

That's when we start to self-sabotage and in this book, I'm going to share
How to Eliminate the Five Self-Sabotage Habits that Keep Brilliant Women
from Having the Success They Want.

But why should you listen to me?

Great question! 

My name is Karen Luniw and I am an International Executive Coach for

Women in Business and I've been doing that for the past 14 years. 

You can find out more about me on my About page at, but really briefly I specialize in two areas
- I am here to help women who are at a turning point or are leveling up
their professional life or are dealing with overwhelm and burnout. I help
them take mastery over the self-sabotage habits that invariably show up
when they are making these shifts. Join Us:


We help women create their work

and their life ON THEIR TERMS.

Many of my clients have gone on to

make 6 figure and some multiple 6
figure incomes (both entrepreneurs
and those working for others), they
have paid off their homes, traveled
and gotten the recognition they
deserve and are living their

It's an amazing process and works

for those who use the tools.
I've been a Top 10 iTunes Podcaster since 2006 with well over 20 million
downloads and have been featured on The Huffington Post, Global TV,
made the front page of the Vancouver Sun and also been seen in national
papers, TV stations, radio.  As an author and speaker, I've also been featured
at Women's Business Events and telesummits.

I've worked worked with people in virtually every job or business you can
imagine including lawyers, doctors, teachers, nurses, coaches, consultants,
financial managers, sales pros, actors, producers and even a staff member
of the Executive Office of the President (44), just to name a few.

There isn't much I haven't seen in my career, so chances are I can help you
overcome your self-sabotage habits, too.

Now, let's get at it and start uncovering those self-sabotage habits! Join Us:


You are a high-achieving woman.

 You get sh*t done, fast.  You always
have, you always will.  You are the
go-to gal for just about everything.
You make it happen for everyone else but
it's not happening for you (anymore) at
the pace you expected. Something's
changed. Momentum in your own life,
business or career has slowed down or
come to a full stop.  

'Is this all there is?' - you're wondering…

You read a book.  You work harder, do

more. You take a professional
development course on speaking or
marketing or Facebook ads or something
specific to your corporate life.  

It still doesn't change.  

It doesn't make sense.  Everyone thinks

you've got it all together and things come
easily to you.  Yet, no matter what you do
- you haven't quite achieved the money,
the recognition, the freedom or the
impact you expected by now. Join Us:


'Is there something wrong with me?'

'Maybe I'm being greedy, I should be
happy with what I've got.'

You read another book, you take

another course, you hash it out with
your friends or in online groups and
still, nothing changes.  

Six months, a year, two years, five goes

by and despite all your good efforts
there has been minimal change.
 Some good, some bad but you're still
nowhere near where you had
expected or hoped to be at this time
in your life.


I could have spent more time and

gotten in deeper (did I mention the
young whipper-snipper kid that got
the job or contract you wanted?
What's up with that craziness? Or the
neighbour who is dumber than a sack
of potatoes and is now driving that
fancy new Tesla?)

The five self-sabotage habits that

keep brilliant women from having the
success they want was interwoven in
the previous paragraphs.  Can you
pick them out? Join Us:


In the past 11 years that I've been coaching in my business, every one of my
clients from across the globe had at least ONE of the habits.  Often,
especially if it was a woman I was working with, they would have ALL FIVE
These people were no slouches.  They were Smart, Educated, Well-spoken,
Thoughtful and Driven.  Some had families, some were single, some were
older, some younger.  

For each of them, I was able to help them create the professional life they
love ON THEIR TERMS whether they worked for someone else or for
themselves.  The side effect?  More money, more recognition, aligned with
their purpose, happier relationships.  How does it get better than that?!

What did I do to help them?  First, let's identify the

Five Self-Sabotage Habits that Keep Brilliant Women from

Having the Success They Want 

Self-Sabotage Habit #1 -  Keep Repeating Patterns

Have you heard the saying ‘wherever you go, there you are’?  

It really just means that people try to change the outer circumstances of
their life and more often than not, it doesn’t have the impact for which they
were hoping.  


Often, whatever is causing us to repeat patterns (bad bosses, low wage,

stealing your ideas or on the entrepreneurial side - crazy clients that don’t
pay, boom and bust periods of income) comes from an internal belief or
point of view like it’s hard to get a job or get clients; or I need more
experience in (fill in the blank) in order to ask for more money.  

What I suggest is to start exploring

those beliefs. 
If we don’t start exploring what those
beliefs are that are blocking us - we
will continue to repeat these patterns
over and over again.  Now, think
about where you believe you should
be in your career or your business in
terms of recognition, authority,
satisfaction and income - how much
is every six month period that you stay
in this pattern, cost you?  My bet, it’s
in the thousand of dollars, if not tens
of thousands (and for some, even
more),never mind what it’s costing
you in terms of your self-esteem,
confidence and happiness.  

Here’s the crazy thing, if you’re not

trained to identify what those beliefs
could be - they are so natural to us
that it’s darn near impossible to do so
on our own.  

One of the first things I do with these

smart women is to start to identify
their beliefs and their stories and then
I blow them up with a few very
powerful techniques I have along with
an entirely different perspective.  This
is the part where minds are literally
blown and in the process,
transformation starts to happen. Join Us:

What you
you become.

Self-Sabotage Habit #2 

Professional Development Junkie

One of my highest values is learning or

being knowledgeable.  I like to be
considered smart.  Chances are you do,
too - I mean, what high-achieving
woman doesn’t value learning?

Where the problem comes in, and I’ve

seen it over and over again, is that it is
often a cover-up for the Imposter
Syndrome where we never feel good
enough or we feel like a fraud and
someone is going to find out so we
better get a certificate (degree,
diploma - you name it) so I can prove
that I know what I’m talking about.  
This is another self-sabotage habit.

‘If I take this course, that’s when I’ll get

(fill in the blank - promotion, more
money, more clients, more recognition)
and I’ll feel accomplished then’  
Translation:  I’ll feel good enough.

It’s also a great way to put off our

success for another day. Join Us:


Why would we do that?  Fear of success or fear of failure.  You choose,

could be both.

If you don’t unpack what’s behind that fear and eliminate it - you’ll stay
stuck.  (See Self-Sabotage Habit #1)  

Not only are you now putting off your success until you finish the course -
you’re now adding the cost of the said course to your life.  Having been
around on the planet for awhile now and working with women
internationally - the time and financial costs start to add up.

 If you’re 20, no worries, you have some time to explore.  

Let me tell you, when you reach 30 - time seems to speed up by quantum
leaps every few years.  It’s nuts!

What I suggest is to identify whether or not you’re taking another course

because it’s actually warranted or because you feel you have to - instead of
putting yourself out there and asking for more from your job or your

Ask for more? When I’m already not getting what I want?  Yes.  A thousand
times YES!

Ask for more money, ask for more recognition, ask for whatever is going to
make your work life better.

There are strategies for every situation but you have to take the first step
and and believe you're worthy of what you want (without all the extra
pieces of paper on your wall) Join Us:

New Business and 5-figure
Months in a Year

Karen is my coach and she is amazing!

Love thinking in possibility! I couldn't
have increased my business and wealth
without it!

I shifted and my business is booming! I

have abundance daily! I believe next
year I will make 500,000!

~ Nicole Dunn., Dunn Pellier Media,

Media Consultants, Los Angeles, CA

Self-Sabotage Habit #3  Overwhelm & Procrastination

These are probably evident as self-sabotage habits.  However, in some

circumstances, both may not be about self-sabotage at all but actually
indications of something good.  

When they do show up as self-sabotage, what I have found with the

hundreds of people I’ve worked with through the years relates back to
what I mentioned earlier about the stories or conclusions we come to
about ourselves, our situations or specific events.  

Lots of people (women, especially) don’t like to say ‘no’ to anyone and
specifically in their work or business environment.  By nature, we’re
helpers and we want to see people be happy and be liked.  When we don’t
set boundaries and find the language on how to say ‘no’ in an assertive
way vs. a passive or bitchy way - we get overwhelmed with the extra
things we take on.  

Our stress level goes through the roof and we definitely don’t want to take
on more duties to add to our already stressful, busy, overwhelmed life.
 The challenge with that is that sometimes, in order to grow, we need to
take action on some things that will move us forward.  

What happens then is we procrastinate.  This is just one instance where

we would procrastinate but there are other reasons we procrastinate as
well. It can all come back to the stories or beliefs we have about the
activity we’re procrastinating about and we aren’t always aware that we
have a story or belief that are stopping us.  

We’ll just look at the to-do on our list and feel uncomfortable about it and
move on the next thing justifying to ourselves that we’ll get to it….and we
don’t. Join Us:


Then, we start to feel bad about

ourselves or worse, we miss out on
an opportunity.  The longer we feel
overwhelmed or procrastinate, the
more time goes by and the more
opportunity falls by the wayside.  

What I suggest is to start looking at

what’s behind the overwhelm and
procrastination.  Why aren’t you
setting boundaries?  What’s the fear
about why you’re not acting on a
task that you know will get you
where you want to go?

Better to do these things sooner

than later because the costs in
business can be HUGE!  Lost jobs or
other opportunities like a job or a
sale or getting to meet a potential
new influential contact.  Over time,
these things add up...but I probably
don’t need to tell you that.  

The question is, what are you going

to do about it? Join Us:


Self-Sabotage Habit #4  

Playing Too Small

Virtually every woman (even the really

high-achievers who EVERYONE thinks
has it all together) I’ve known or have
worked with - plays too small in their
professional life.

One of the things I’ve been blessed

with since I was pretty young was that
I could immediately see the vast
potential of the person in front of me
and I’ve always had a knack of
bringing that out in them.

We have this faulty belief that we

need someone to give us permission to
rise to the next level and that’s just not
true.  Period.

As women, we play nice, we wait to be

chosen, we wait to be noticed.  Men,
for the most part, don’t do that - they
tend to overestimate themselves and
women tend to drastically
underestimate themselves.  

I see it happen all the time. Join Us:


What happens is that we get passed over time and time again for that
promotion.  Or, if you have your own business, you see another person in
your profession doing exactly what you do and get paid handsomely for it.
 Am I right?

Look, you’re not crazy because you have this idea to do something you
haven’t done before.  You just need to give yourself permission to do it.  You
might succeed or you might not, but don’t let it stop you.  Don’t stop!!

You have to come around to the belief that you have that idea for a reason
and I happen to believe it’s not an accident that the idea landed with you.  

Believing in yourself is required.  Simple, but not always easy because we

tend to rely on our senses and the belief that ‘seeing is believing’ when it’s
actually the opposite, ‘believing is seeing’.  

My background in my business started in teaching the law of attraction

and it quickly shifted to teaching my clients the power of their mindset and
how to strategically use it for their success in their professional life.  By
shifting their perspective and using some new, proven tools - they end up
making more money than they had previously, they have more fun, they
end up creating their job or their business so it fits into their lifestyle (you
read that right!), their relationships end up being way better and, in
general, they’re happier and their confidence has gone through the roof.  

Some of these shifts happen when getting new information but more
important, they have a shift in mindset and therefore they take different
(and better) actions that result in crazy-amazing results.

You can do that, too!!  

However, that leads us to the last self-sabotage habit... Join Us:

Cleared Blocks =
Big Money Flows!

Hi Karen, thank you again for all your help and support
this morning! I am so very, very grateful.

Just thought I’d report in on what happened right after

our session—proving that things are shifting in a big and
very good way. It all feels easier now.

I landed two clients and one new prospect one after the
other, and had an unexpected client booking come in for
this afternoon and also found out some money owed will
be paid to me today = extra money already flowing
as of today. Wahooooo!!

Total minimum estimates of money flow triggered today:


How cool is that –and how easy was that –and Wahooo!
There’s more where that came from.

~ S.H., Business Owner, Victoria, BC


Self-Sabotage Habit #5 

Never Putting Yourself First

The high-achieving women I have met

tend to be very strategic, very
analytical, very logical AND quite
intuitive (even if they don’t know it

They will put their loved ones first,

their business or career and all that
goes with that first but they always
come in at the highest, third on the

The very smart, very logical gals tend

to justify their actions of putting
others first as the fact that it just
makes sense to them.  'It's what I'm
supposed to do, right?'

They will help most anyone get what

they need in a business environment
but when they need help...often it’s not
there for them.

How disappointing.  Who looks after


What sometimes comes up for them is

that old ‘I’m not worthy’ imposter
syndrome again until one day they
snap. Join Us:


That’s what happened to me years ago.

 In my previous marriage, I realized I
was trying to make my husband and
everyone else happy yet I was getting
verbal and mental abuse that
impacted me years after the day I
snapped and left.

One of the things that is really

important to me in my business,
actually my life, is to share the things
I’ve learned that make sure others don’t
have to wait until they snap for things
to change.

You have so much more control over

your life and certainly your professional
life than you currently know.  

How do I know that?  If you knew how

powerful you are, you wouldn’t be self-
sabotaging yourself.  

Everyone will self-sabotage - the key is

having the awareness to catch it really
quickly and the tools to shift yourself
back into action, pronto.

Ask yourself this - 'what will it take to

put myself first?'  Feel the discomfort 
and find out where it comes from. Join Us:


The question is - how long are you going to let yourself sit in your self-
sabotage habits?  Six months?  A year?  Five years?

How long are you going to let yourself feel lousy about yourself and your
circumstances?  How long are you going to let this repeating pattern,

What has it cost you?  Financially?  Mentally? Emotionally?  Spiritually?

Sometimes people feel like God or their higher power has abandoned them
or even worse - that they’ve done something wrong to make that higher
being abandon them.  


Self-esteem takes a plunge and the flow in your life starts to lose

 It doesn’t have to be that way.  

Not if you get the help you need.  

What will it take for you to put yourself first?

Whether it’s me or someone else, take a look at how long you’ve already
been mired in your self-sabotage habits and get help.  

It is SO liberating, so freeing and you’ll be amazed at the life you can

create, ON YOUR TERMS. Join Us:


Tell me this - how great would it be to finally have the satisfaction

to know that you've achieved exactly what you want? 

Who would you tell?  How would you celebrate?  What difference
would it make in your life?

It can happen, there are tools, right now, that you could use that
will get you to where you want to go!  

If you're tired of running around in circles not getting to where you

want to go - do something about it!  Take action!

Set up a time to chat with myself or one of my No Limits Team - we can

see what's happening for you and whether or not we can be of service to

Here's a link to my calendar - No Limits Calendar - let's talk - it's

complimentary and everyone gets so much out of these calls!  They can
be absolutely life-changing.

You can also click here to check out some of the Rave Reviews from past clients. 
If not now,
~Eckhart Tolle

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