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Nice to meet you

Lead-in 1д {lr,,o1: Listen and match 1-3 with а-с.

1 Lепа, this is Jоrgе.1 а l'm |rish.
2 l'm Kathy, \ Ь Аrе you MiSS Sato?
3 Excuseme, \. Не'sfгоmSраiп,

в {t loa , Comptete the diatogues with the sentences iп Ехегсisе 1А.

Тhеп listen апd check.

UосаЬчlаrу сочпtriеs and nationalities

2 Match the ftags with the сочпtriеs in the Ьох.

Вrаzil lndia Jарап

Mexico PФlaffd

1 РоIапd 2

Зд choose the соrrесt wоrd.

1 Miguelis Mexico @ 4 Suresh is fгоm /лdlа / lпdiап,
2 маrсiп is frоm Роlапd / polish, 5 Shoko isJарап / Jарапеsе,
з Paola is Brazil/ Вrаziliап.

в {lr,оз,, Complete the diatogues. Use the сочпtriеs апd nationalities in Ехеrсisе 3А.
тhеп listen and check.
MigueL Магсiп, this is Paota. She'sL Brazilian 2 Sчrеsh: Аrе you О_,
П{аrсiп: Hi, Рао[а. Nice to meetyou.
Рао[а: Nice to meet уOu, too, Whеге аrе уоч Shoko: Yes, l аm. l'm frоm Tokyo.
And уоu?
frоm, Маrсiп?
Sчrеsh: |'mfrоm u_,
Маrсiп: l'm 2

Shoko: And whеrе is Рао[а frоm?

Рао[а: Аrе уоч frоm Wагsаw?
Sчrеsh: She's fгоm 6
Маrсiп: No, |'m not. l'm frоm Кrаkоw.
Рао[а: And аrе уоч frоm З_, Мigче[?
Migue1: Yes, thafs right.

{ {l,tЛ4 . Comptete the tables. Тhеп [isten апd check.

Аrgепtiпа Аrgепtiпiап ,-- JapaneSe
l Brazil Вrаzi[iап 6- Mexican
Сhiпа Chinese Po[and ,-
,- Gегmап '----]-_ Spanish
ТеасhеrЗ rеsочгсе5: lndia ,- the IJK / Вгitish
ехtга activities lге[апd 4 the USA Аmеriсап

} ltuтнооuстlоlчs "} Gгаmmаг геfеrепсе; ра9е 105
|'m (= l аm) frоm Poland. l'm not (= l аm not) frоm Poland.
You/We/They're (= Yош/Wе/Тhеу аrе) Yоu/Wе/Тhеу аrеп't (= You/We/They аrе not)
frоm Вrаzi[. frоm Brazil.
He/She/lt,s (= He/She/lt is) frоm Spain. He/She/lt isn't (= He/She/lt is поt) fгоm Spain.

Аrеуоu/thеуfrоm Poland? ls he/she/itfrom Poland?

Yes, l аm. / Yes, they аrе. Yes. he/she/it is.

Nо, |,m not l аm not). / No, they

(= No, he/she/it isn,t (= he/she/it iS not).
аrеп't (= they аrе поt).

What's (= паmе?
What is) уоur l'm (= l аm) Kathy.

Whеrе are уоu frоm? Му паmе's (= Му паmе is) Магk.

This is Ju[ia.

ý {в r,ils Complete the diatogue with the wогds iп the Ьох. Тhеп [isten and check.

1fi поt аrе (х4) Напs: Не[[о, l1 m Hans.

Maria: Hi, Напs. Му паmе 2_ Маriа.
аrеп't is isn't '5
Напs: Nice to meet уоu.
Maria: Nice to meetyou, too.
Напs: '_you fгоm Агgепtiпа?
Маriа: No. О_.l l'm Вrаziliап.
Hans: ls уоuг boss Brazi[ian?

Maria: No. she'_.She's fгоm Mexico,

Mike: MarialHe[[oI
маriа: Hi, мikеlдпd Lisal Hans, this 6_ Mike and Lisa. They 7_frоm the UK.

Напs: Nice to meet уOu.

Mike: Nice to meet you, Hans.
Lisa: Hi.
Теасhеr's rеsоurсеS: Напs: 8_уоu fгоm London?
ехtга activities
Lisa: No, wе 9_.Wе'О_frоm Liverpoo[.

vlDECI 6 ]I r.i,r Watch the video and апswеr the questions.

1 Watch Рагt 1, Аrе the sentences true {Т) ог false (F)?
а Неr паmе is Asako. Ь She is Japanese, с She's а Designer

Watch Рагt 2, Апswег the questions.

а Аге they Gегmап? Ь Дrе they frоm Wаrsаw? с ls she ап Office Мапаgеr?
Watch Рагt З, Апswеr the questions.
а What's his паmе? Ь Whеrе is he frоm? с What's his nationality?

7Д wогК in раirs. Take tцt,пs meeting each оthеr Nоw wоrk with another раir. Take
апd iпtгоdчсiпg yourse[ves. Ta[k about уочr tчrпs introducing yoursetf апd уочг
паmе, nationality and job рагtпеr. Ask questions.
Д: Hi. Му паmе's Luis,l'm Spanish. put the words iп the соrrесt оrdеr.
В: Hi, Luis, t'm Lise, Say goodbye to each other.
Д: Whеге аге you frоm?
В: llm беrmап, l'm frоm Веr!iп. Whеrе аrе you frоm? уоu lаtег see
Д: l'mfrоm Spain, frоm Маdrid.

Ф.,пti,,ОФс.*УчаltЩСПеГsзп.i'sаvWН'ёiе]wе аrе frоm, Ф W.

I.Z Сап yоu fi[L this iп, ptease?


wоrd, Тhеп tisten and check,
tпе word]ln iьБ ьо*. тtrЫе'iiЪпе ехtrа;.;; ;mai[ аddгеss lD саrd пumЬеr ра5Sрогt

phone пumЬег

Leah: What'syouri ,Jacek?

Jacek lwaniec lt's 2В Oak Road, London, W55 1Тt,
j.iwan m
2 ?
Leah: What's уоuг
- :'; Gаrltоп СаrЬоп Consulting
& Engineering Jacek: ll's\242З2,
"lj tr
28 Oak Road, Lопdоп W55
Leah: What's уоuг з- .

Теl 020 7946 0800

Jacek: lt's А[[ [оwег case,
ID NU},!BER 12ц2з2
Leah: оК, thanks. And what's уо ur
Jacek: lt's 020 7946 0800.

Ы*g;tLэа.lt*гт Реrsопа[ detai[s

].-9 with a-i.
Look at the hotel, guest infoгmation, Match
а fiгst паmе / given паmе -Z_ HOTEL IQBAL : iil l-: i,',:i : :,j :: Г] 1] Prl if l i:! j,,J

Ь surпаmе / last паmе -

i*г :iдlii!lci r1,1'Ei,t,lst'5chryr lLj';

с tit[e _ - '
Char_tsscesll,arse 4

d national"ity ; l ,:\v ttr",,i,'ri,

е - 7l 5l
middl,e паmе
'iЗ!96 55 *6
f - _
Т: ,rB
postcode / zip code
L: W _5chгr,iiCiQ)пat-tllaii,iotn
g home аddгеss _ i-c,,,,, t ,

h passpoгt / lD сагd пumЬег _ ']it,]enlrfilatioli ia|l,d |1t*]illb€,ir T29,]l,i 5б]g

i phone/mobiLe/ce[[ пumЬеr _ Опе rc:c;rll, i\l1i,] nighт_!

1,-e!:r,;i*lB rsi t,':e:q

Wгitе iпfоrmаtiоп about уочrsе[f,

нOтý:. &RKýpi,q: i; :.,|.], ::

гlR-ст l,,]Ai,nt
]'i'I'LE: lv]E i }l1 i OT},IER
T\4ii]Di"E ilAn,{il

F'iЭ}чlЕ AllDi-ES3
рдSSP+PJ, l i!] (.]дRгr i,]ljhiзЕз,

See Рrопuпсiаtiоп bank: The alphabet

Match ].-7 with a-g.

а dot_ с hурhеп_ е [оwеrсаsел_ 9а[[[оwегсаsе_
W:Sc h m i dt@l g*!;rпз t t :ср щ
Ь at_ d uпdегsсоrе_ f capitalW_
.ý: ,_ ,l l Listen and practi5e saying the emait аddгеss
iп Exercise 4д,

d} i,:,:: Listen and wгitе the email addresses,

1 i:gлiа,;Dг t,,er 4


Practise sауiп9 emait addresses, Ask уочr ctassmates,

yjijl;r,:c,,/0i,r], i_,;,i i :i ie s :,?
,,.j/- ,'- -: s эi.! ictnle
.| .-,., l э, ,,,,:,_, ;a ] j^_-,i' : J:
Reading апd Filling iп forms
Iistening ýд {* r.09 Look at the пеw еmрtоуее registration fоrm. Тhеп listen to Аппа'5
рhопе сопчеrsаtiоп апd complete the fоrm.

NЕ'w E}tpюYEE REGlsTRATlohl

Sчгпаmе Wеhеr
First паmе 2

Gепdег: з male Г_j

femaie Г} оthег Гl
Nationality а.

Нагiа| ýtatuý: 5 single f mаггiеd f] оthег f

Email address 6

Рhопе / mobile / cell пumЬег 7

Еmеrgепry contact пumЬег В

lD саrd ./ Passport пumЬег 9.

i,-i*:,l*|"..*.; ,q


l prg.112 SееNumЬеrs

В Match 1-6 with a-f. Тhеп [isten а9аiп and check.

1 What's а nationa[ity?
2 Сап уоu Ь уоuг suгпаmе?
3 What's уоur с that, p[ease?
4 Sоггу. соu[dуоu гереаt d spett that, please?
5 Аrе уоu mаrгiеd е аddгеss?
6 What's уочr еmаi[ f оr siпg[е?

) Mv yollR, Hts, HER, tБ, otlR, THEIR ) Grаmmаг геfеrепсе: page 105

She's mу mапаgеr. lts паmе is the HOte[Arkadia.

What's уочr emaiI address? Очr рhопе пumЬеr is 2З2 4578.
This is his office. What аrе уочr passport пumЬеrs?
Теасhег's геsоuгсеs:
ехtrа activities WhаtЪ her natlonalitf whаtъ their address?

speaking бд look at.the пеw employee registration fоrm. what questions do you need to ask
to get the iпfоrmаtjоп? Use Ехегсisе 5В to help уоч.

Nеrч Еmрlgуве Rеglзtiаtlоп

мАRl:гдL STATUS: ý|NGLE П мдппtвв П отнппП EMA|LADDRESý
l: ]
:] T,fr \! /1i : j 1 tl j : 11.{| i: I a r г i
! 1 t j,i ilF

В Wогk iп_раiгs. Ask and апswег the questions. Complete the fогm with
раrtпеr's iпfогmаt]оп.
Му соmрапу

Lead-in 1tsyourworkplacetikeoneofthese?Whichofthesep[acesaгeinyourtownorcity?
Fashion HiQ has wогkрlасеs агоuпd the wоrld,

warehouse, potand office, Gегmапу С factory. Сhiпа

Listвlзiпg 2 {l Listen to three people who wоrk fоr the clothing mаkеr Fаshiоп

Match each speaker with рiсtчrе

а iп Exercise 1,

1 2_ з-
each location,
3 Listen а9аiп. Tick (/) the buitdings, departments апd faciLities for

iBэра,"-r*п й|Ёi:i':iil:rli,' ,, b:ai.titЪb,ii;*.l ixiiiiii]iiilrti,i

shiррiц!}апd еmрLоу,ее,
sales canteen gym
рrоdшсtiоп гесеiчiПg Ьrеаk'I0оrп

4д Lgok at these staff соmmепts оп their wоrkр[асе. Which comments

аге positive?
Which аге negative?
Slt'snoisy. +/,
1 The office is lаrgе. @/-
2 lt's чеrу tight, l-
+ б The Ьrеаk rооm is quiet, + / -

3 The canteen is sma[[. /-

+ 7 The wаrеhочsе is old,fashioned and dark, + / -
4 The fасtоrу is mоdеrп.

В П/Iаtсh 1-4 with a-d.

1 dагk а l'агgе

2 noisy Ь tight
З o[d-fashioned с mоdеrп
4 sma[[ d quiet

с Which words iп Ехеrсisе 4В describe уочr wоrkр[асе оr р[асе of study?

З to help you,
ReadiaTg 5 Comptete the descгiption of Fashion HiQ. Usе the table in Ехегсisе

сапtееп dерагtmепt division fасtогу 9уm mапа9еr office wаrеhочsе

Му соmрапу has thгее tocations iп thгее соuпtriеs. Тhеrе's а(п)

iп Gеrmапу, а(п)
r_ in China and а(п)
з-- in Poland. l'm а(п)
о-, in the ргоduсtiоп
. lt's раrt of the mапufасtuгiпg

. The fасtогу is mоdеrп. дt the factory thеrе's

but there's по 8

fig gзт азз ug ýсжtýъу*
пrscкlBll\IG yФ[.lR с0&/ýрАIýy Ф Gгаmmаг rеfеrепсе: page 105
There's (= There is) а сапtееп, Тhеrе аrе thrее departments.
There's по gym. тhеrе аrе sma[[ геstаurапts пеаг the office
тhеrе аrе по offices.

6 Look at the соmрапу iпfоrmаtiоп. Аrе the sепtепсеs truе 0) оr false (0?

a/one геstаUrапt + Gо цr'р а nrl п а mе Siarpe- P.ort#,og li,e Во Ёе, K.K.:.

two rеStаuгапts
Head office: Yokohama, Japan Factory: Katowice, Ро]апd Wаrеhочsе: Nap[es, ltaly
а/опе fасtоrу t . sales division . mапufасtuгiпg division . distгibutiondivision
two fасtогiеs . .
mагkеtiпg dераrtmепt production dерагtmепt . shipping dераrtmепt
. Sa[es Мапаgег, Магkеtiпg . РгоdUсtiоп Мапаgег . Wагеhоusе Manage;
Мапаgег . сапtееп Shipping Мапаgег
. gуm апd сапtееп . canteen

1 Тhеге's а fасtогу iп Nap[es. F 4 Тhеrе аrе по factories in Ро[апd.

2 Тhеrе аге two mапаgегs iп the wаrеhоusе. 5 There's а canteen iп the wаrеhоusе.
З Тhеrе's по gym in Yokohama. б Тhеrе's а ргоduсtiоп dерагtmепt in Katowice.

7 choose the соrrесt wоrd,

1There3/arefourdivisions, 4 Тhеrе3/аrеЬгеаkrооmsfогеmр[оуееs.
2 rhеrе's/ аrе поwаrеhоusеs, 5 Тhеге3/аrепосапtееп.
3 Тhеrе3/аrеаfасtогу. б Тhеге3/аrеаgуm.

Е Comptete the sentences with lfiеrеЗ оr Тhеrе аrе.

1 _ а sales dерагtmепt in Madrid.
2 [агое factories in Jаоап.
З_ а canteen in the factory.
4_ по mапаgегs in the wаrеhоusе,
' extra activities
6 по ovm fоr emo[ovees.

ф prg* 96 See Ргопчпсiаtiоп Ьапk: Р[чrа[-s

1ffrýtýвзg 9 Write а description of а соmрапу and wоrkрlасе tike the опе in Exercise 5.
Use уочr оwп, оr the опе Ье[оw. lпс[чdе iпfоrmаtiоп about:
. [ocations (offices, factories, warehouses, etc.. and соuпtгiе5 апd/ог cities).
. depaгtments апd/ог divisions.
. faci[ities iп the [ocation whеrе уоu wоrk.

Head office: Madrid, Spain Fасtоrу: РчеЬ]а, Mexico Wаrеhочsе: Alicante, 5раiп
. sales division . manufactuгingdivision . distгibutiondivision
. mаrkеtiпg department . ргоduсtiопdерагtmепt . shipping depaгtment
. ехаmр[е job: Sales Rep . exampLe job: Епgiпееr . ехаmр[е job: Wагеhоusе Мапаgег
. offices - Light . wогkр[асе - noisy . Ьuitdiпg - mоdеrп
. сапtееп апd gym . ге5tаUrапtS пеаr the fасtогу . сапtееп

l сап dеsсгiЬе mу соmрапу and wогkр[асе.

Lеагпеrs сап iпtгоduсе themselves when visiting а
соmрапч 9reet ViSitorS to
thеir р[асе of wоrk and make simp[e оffеrs,

Match the photos (д and В) with the situations in the Ьох. Тhеrе is опе extra situation,

sayinghetlotoafгiendtyvisitoг intгoducingacot[eague giviп9уоurпаmеаtгесерtiоп_,

1 .:ii:t.ёi
, ,

_ .,r,:l -о

Complete the dialo9ues in Exercise 1А with sentences

а Coul"d you spel"tthat, please?

ь No, thanks.
с Му name's Krzysztof Gгzeszak.
d Good to see уоu! How about а coffee?

of the video without sочпd. Tick

(/) who says each tine,
Watch Part ].

Liz Krzysztof

1 'Good mоrпiпg. How mау t h9|л v9uZ'

z ,r_m
!9г9 !о:99
Yчтiц9 Ko!9vlshi,] _

з.'sогryl 1ou!d у99 r9ne9lthatl р!е95:?:

4 'Have а seat, р[еа5е.'

! ]Wo9!C у9ч !i|9

somq tea 919off9_e?'

6 'Mitk, please, No sugаг, thanks.'

watch Раrt 1 of the video with sound, check уочr апswеrs,

watch Раrt 2 of the video. which of these items аге iп the

,|.{r = ,,re
,ф;F tl ь

* a,._
*G' д-ý
photocopier l.aptop coffee machine whitеьоагd

ог less fогmа[?
lsthe receptionist апd krzysztof's conversation fоrmа[
And YчmiЙо and Krzysztof's сопчеrsаtiоп?

Watch the video аgаiп. Match 1-5 with а-е апd 6-],0 with
1 you
Cou[d а p[ease.
а Seat, б How about f rеа[[у we[[' thanks'

2 Have Ь keep уоu waiting,

7 How 9 а coffee?

3 Kobayashiwitt с гереаt that, ptease? 8 l'm h you,


ц Sоггу to d see you againl 9 Please соmе iп,

5 Good to е Ье геаdу iп а few minutes, 10 After j аrе уоu?

€ F
Yочr first day

colleagues and complete ап еmр[оуее profi[e,

А апd student В,
;\г,;,iт:л,tt"; wоrk iп раirs. lt's уочг first day iп а пеw job, Take tчгпs being student
Student В: YоU'ге the пеw emptoyee.
Student А: Yоu'ге the receptionist.
. Say hetlo to Student В.
. Say the геаsоп fог уоuг visit.

. Askfоr Student B's паmе, and the spetUng,

. Say уоuг паmе апd spelt it whеп asked.

. Оffеr student В а seat and а driпk.

. Sayyes огпоtо StudentA'soffeгs,

the сопчеrsаtiоп
Wогk iп пеw раirs. Take tчrпs Ьеiп9 Student д апd Student В, Fо[[оw
очtliпе Ье[оw.
Student А: Yоu аге the Нumап Resources lVапаgеr, You know StUdent

Student В: Yоu'ге the пеw еmр[оуее. Yоu know StUdent А,

Student А - Нumап Rеsоurсеs Мапаgеr

Student В - пеw emp|,oyee
Say hetlo. Say sоггу to keep Student В waiting.
Say it's по ргоЬ[еm апd it's good to See Student А,

Ask how Student В is.

Апswеr, then ask how Student А is.

Answel, and then оffег student В а coffee

: SayyesoгnOtoStudentA'soffer. -.

lnvite Student В into уоur office.

; Saythankyou. ;

в: Look at page 115,

Wогk iп the same раiгs. Student д: Look at page 1].3. Student


f,,uЁ **Ёi е: г,I +t-i: *з г Wоrk in grочрs of thгее. Use уочr rеаl паmе апd nationality,
student С,
t;i, ;* r]t tзt *э ;,э,t lз*з;,:; Student д: yоu'ге the Нuпrап Rеsоuгсеs Мапаgеr, lпtrоduсе student В and
student В: say hetto to student С апd ask whеrе he ог she is frоm,
he ог she is frоm,
student С: say het[o to student В, апswеr his/hеr question апd ask whеrе
A[so ask whеге Student А is fгоm.

Writе iпfоrmаtiоп about уочrsе[f.


First паmе 2 l

Gender: Зmаlе Q female Q other Q Nationality 4 I

Marital ýtatuý: lsingle Q married Q other Q

Enrail address "

Phone / mobile / cell пчmЬеr'-

Еmеrgепсу contact пчmЬеr

lD card оr pasrport пчmЬеr


and Complete
lсап introduce myse[f in а new job fог the fiгst time, meet пеw co[[eagueS
ап еmр[оуее рrоfi[е,

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