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User guide

© 2010 by Internet Alchemy, Inc.

ISBN: 1453630600
EAN-13: 9781453630600

Printed in the United States of America.

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This book has been written to provide information about us-
ing a
account. Every effort has been made to
make this report as complete and accurate as possible.
However, there may be mistakes in typography or content.

Also, this book provides information on using a ProFollow

account only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this book
should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source of
ProFollow information.

The purpose of this book is to educate. The author and the

publisher does not warrant that the information contained
in this book is fully complete and shall not be responsible
for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall
have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or en-
tity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to
be caused directly or indirectly by this book.


Table of Contents
Introduction .........................................................................13

What is An Autoresponder? ................................................. 15

Why Use an Autoresponder? ...............................................19

How to Use Autoresponders in Your Business................... 23

Opt In Box Creation ............................................................ 29

Follow Up Message Creation .............................................. 33

Broadcast Messages .............................................................37

Staying Compliant With Spam Rules ..................................41

Signing Up For A ProFollow Account..................................47

Setting Up Your First List .................................................... 51

Create Your First Opt In Form.............................................61

Setting Up Your First Autoresponder Message ...................79

Creating A Broadcast Split Test .......................................... 95

Sending A Blog Broadcast ................................................... 99

Your Subscribers ................................................................105

Reports ................................................................................111

Conclusion .......................................................................... 117


As a marketer, there’s no better tool that you can use to
connect with your audience, educate them and motivate
them than an email. Sending out emails to people who are
interested in what you have to offer is made simple with au-
toresponders. Autoresponders allow you to easily collect
and manage email addresses, send out automatic messages
at predetermined times and instantly reach your audience
with a timely email.

Whether you own a small niche site or are planning on sell-

ing your own product, you can’t discount the importance of
autoresponders. Using an autoresponder, such as Profollow,
can greatly increase your presence in your market. You’ll be
able to create relationships with your prospects and cus-
tomers which can lead to increased sales and a stronger

However, this all relies on your ability to use autoresponder

technology. It’s a process with many steps, but with the
right training and guidance, even the most technophobic
marketer can make autoresponders work for them.

In this guide, we’ll be going over what autoresponders are

and how they can help your business. We’ll explain the most
common methods of using autoresponders on your website
and how your list members benefit. Once we’ve covered all
these concepts in theory, we’ll walk you through the specif-
ics that you need to use in order to get your email marketing
list up and running. We’ll cover all of the ins and outs of set-
ting up a new mailing list, which message types you can use
and how to manage your list once it’s up and running.

Let’s get started!


What is An
Autoresponders are commonly referred to in Internet mar-
keting guides as one of the “essentials” of running a
successful business. But what are they exactly? And how can
they help your online business?

Autoresponders are email delivery systems. They automati-

cally send out emails to specified email addresses. They can
be set up very simply or they can be more complex, depend-
ing on the type of program that you use and your

A very simple example of an autoresponder is when some-

one sets up an “away” message on their email address when
they are on vacation. When you send an email to someone
who has set up an autoresponder on their email address,
you’ll automatically get an email back that indicates that
they are away. Since the process is completely automatic, it
can be considered an autoresponder.

This type of autoresponder is generally not sophisticated

enough for marketing purposes, but it gets the basic concept

The type of autoresponder we’ll be covering in this book is

much more advanced and will offer you the opportunity to
manage your list and send out messages in a variety of ways.
Autoresponders can be much more advanced which can al-
low you to deliver messages in a variety of different ways.

What Autoresponders Aren’t

There are many ways that you can communicate with people
online, but autoresponders are unique from other methods
of message delivery because you are in control of the mes-

Autoresponders are not:

Outlook groups: If you use Microsoft Outlook for your email

management, you are likely familiar with Outlook groups.
This setting allows you to mail multiple people at once by
using one keyword. Outlook groups are convenient but they
differ from autoresponders because the email addresses in
the latter are not in your personal email address contact

In addition, Outlook groups automate the process of decid-

ing who goes in the “to” field but you still have to create the
message each time. Autoresponders allow you to pre-set
messages that will be used each and every time a new mem-
ber joins the list.

Yahoo groups: Yahoo groups allow people who have the

same interests to join a group and send messages to one an-
other. The messages are sent to the group address and all
members of the group can read the messages. Autore-
sponders differ because you are the only one in control of
the messages. Members of your list are not aware of one an-
other and they cannot send messages back and forth to each
other. They cannot generate messages for the group and
they cannot see the email addresses of other list members.

Spam: Unfortunately, for many people unfamiliar with

email marketing, autoresponders have become synonymous
with “spam” – unwanted emails. There have been several
laws put into effect in both the United States and United

Kingdom that have stiff penalties against sending unwanted

operate on an “opt in” basis meaning the
list members request to receive information from you. This
means that your messages are welcome and cannot be con-
sidered spam. Using an autoresponder can also help you
decrease the chances that your messages will be caught up
in “spam filters” which block messages from reaching a re-
cipient’s inbox, but we will go over the details of this later in
this book.

Two Autoresponder Options

Autoresponders come in two basic varieties – outsourced

autoresponder services and server side autoresponder pro-

Server side autoresponder programs – These are installed

on your company’s server and are managed in house. Typi-
cally they are used by large corporations because they have
extensive autoresponder needs. They require a great deal of
technological knowhow to get working correctly.

Autoresponder services – This may also be referred to as

the “outsourced ASP model.” Basically, this is an autore-
sponder that is hosted by an outside provider. The provider
sells autoresponder services for a monthly subscription fee
and gives the subscribers access to a web-based control
panel. They are much more user friendly for independent
Internet marketers and small businesses. The steps in this
book use an autoresponder service, rather than a server side
autoresponder program.

Once you sign up for an autoresponder service, there are

several steps to getting your list up and running. You’ll be-
gin a new list and give it a unique name. Most autorespon-
der services will allow you to have several lists on the same
account. This is helpful if you are building multiple niche
sites that each need their own list.

After setting up the new list, you’ll create an opt in box that
you can place on your website or blog. The opt in box will
allow your site visitors to enter their name and email ad-
dress to be added to your list. They will begin receiving
messages from your list as soon as they confirm their sub-

You can send out emails in a pre-determined sequence, so

all new list members will start out with the same first mes-
sage. You can also send out broadcast messages to all list
members at once when you have a special offer, timely news
or a new product.

Why Use an
Before we delve into the specific mechanics of using an au-
toresponder, you may be wondering why you should use
one. There are several reasons why using an autoresponder
makes sense for your online business.

Think about it this way. These days, people are being bom-
barded with information from the time that they wake up to
the time they go to sleep. If you want to make an impact on
your target market, you have to go above and beyond simply
posting information online.

Imagine you’re a customer and you’re looking for informa-

tion on dog training. You come across several dog training
websites. After browsing through several different search
engine results, you find two sites that pique your interest.

Option #1 - A general information sites that has informative

articles and an information product for sale.

Option #2 – A short sales letter page (called a “squeeze

page”) that offers a free two week training course on how to
train your dog. (This site owner also sells an information
product, but you aren’t aware of this yet.)

You sign up for the course on the option #2 site and in-
stantly receive the first session of your course. Over the next
two weeks, you receive regular emails from the second site
that offer helpful tips and techniques for training your dog,
with links back to the full fledged product.

The first site is saved as a bookmark on your browser and
never visited again, while you are consistently reminded of
the second offer.
Which product do you think you’ll be more likely to buy?
With an autoresponder campaign, the second marketer has
clearly edged out the competition by keeping their offer and
value right in front of you long after you’ve left their site.

Autoresponders allow you to create email marketing cam-

paigns that will help you connect with your audience and
make an impact. Consistent contact is essential in branding
yourself as a valuable resource to your market, and an auto-
responder lets you do just that.

Autoresponders also offer:

Automatic response to your list members – Once a visitor

signs up for your list, they instantly begin receiving mes-
sages from you. They’ll continue to automatically receive
messages however you’ve set them up. For example, you can
set up a message right after sign up, and then one every few
days for two weeks.

Predefined messages – You can set up messages to send to

your list well in advance and have them working for you
long into the future. In the previous example the marketer
could have created the messages in the free course in the
previous year and have it working for years to come, since
the topic is not one that changes rapidly. Predefined mes-
sages allow you to work on your marketing message and
your sales funnel so that you can get your approach just

Versatility – Autoresponders offer you the opportunity to

customize the experience for your list members. You can
send them regular messages every two days, every week,
every month or just once in a while. You can send messages
in plain text or use an HTML template with pictures to dress
up your presentation. The choice is completely up to you.
Low human intervention – Although there are a few steps
involved in getting your autoresponder messages set up just
right, once you get them set up you don’t have to manually
approve their delivery. In addition, if people decide to opt
out of your list, the autoresponder will automatically do this
for you. You don’t have to manage email addresses. This low
human intervention factor means that autoresponders au-
tomate much of your marketing, customer follow up and
customer education processes so you can concentrate on
other parts of your business.

Spam protection – Laws against those who send “spam”

(unsolicited emails) are strict and you don’t want to run into
trouble with delivering your emails to your list members.
Autoresponders often include checkers and filters that will
help you understand how to create a spam free message.
They will prevent you from accidentally sending out mes-
sages that could be construed as spam.

As you can see, there are many benefits to using an autore-

sponder in your business. Without using one, it would be
very difficult to make a lasting impression in the mind of
your audience.


How to Use
Autoresponders in
Your Business
As previously mentioned, autoresponders allow you to au-
tomate email message delivery by setting up messages for a
list of email addresses. Autoresponders are very versatile
and can be used in a variety of different ways.

For example:

• Your customer purchases a product, and is directed to

a page where they can opt in to receive the product via
email. Once they opt into the list, they’ll automatically
receive a thank you email with a link to the product
download page and a customer satisfaction survey.
• Your website visitor signs up for a free seven part free
course on your site. They receive all seven parts over
the course of the following two weeks. This method
can also be used to sell premium e-courses, the only
difference being that they’ll need to go through the
payment processor before getting the ability to opt in-
to the list.
• Your site visitors sign up for your weekly newsletter,
which you create each week with new content. Your
newsletter will be sent to each member of your list all
at once.

You’ll learn how to set up all of these different message

types later in this book.
No matter what your reason is for using an autoresponder
is, the basic process will remain much the same. The process
starts with an opt
in box which is placed on your website or
blog. The opt in
normally includes a headline, a space
for the visitor’s name and a space for their email address.
The headline will encourage the visitor to sign up for the

The visitor is transferred to a default thank you page where

you’ll thank them for signing up for your list, opting into
your newsletter, etc. The page will have instructions for the
visitor on their next steps. In most cases, the instructions
will tell the list member that they will be receiving a confir-
mation email in their inbox, and be waiting for their
confirmation email.

They’ll receive an email that will include a verification link.

In order to become part of the list, the visitor must click on
the verification link to ensure that they were actually the
person who wanted to join your list. This is called “double
opt in confirmation” because the visitor is being asked to 1)
sign up for the list and 2) confirm they signed up for the list.
It is used by most autoresponders (including Profollow) be-
cause it decreases the likelihood of spam. Without this
second step, people could be added to the list by somebody
else without their consent.

By clicking on the link, the visitor confirms that they want

the information, course or product you are offering through
the autoresponder. When they click on the link they will be
transferred to another default thank you page that confirms
they are signed up for the list.

Once the email address has been confirmed, the new list
member will begin receiving messages in the order and fre-
quency at which you’ve set them up. New list members will
receive the same sequence of emails as those who joined the

list previously. You can set up different types of email mes-
sages to go out to your list members, but we will go over the
details later
this book.
Once someone is part of your list, they will continue to be
indefinitely unless they choose to unsubscribe. They can opt
out of the list by clicking on a link at the bottom of the
email. Autoresponders normally include this unsubscribe
link automatically with each email you send out, so you
don’t have to remember to do it. In addition, the list mem-
ber is unsubscribed automatically from your list without
your intervention.

Multiple Pathways to List Membership

The process described above is the basic method of having

site visitors opt into your list, but there are several varia-
tions that you can use as well in order to customize the

Instead of using the default thank you and confirmation

pages, you can make your own and host them on your own
website. Customizing these pages will allow you to make the
process more unique to your list.

For example, you can have a bonus download report on the

thank you page once the visitor opts into your list. You can
use this page for advertising purposes, or can offer a special
“one time offer” of your main product at a lower price.

You can also place special offers, bonus downloads, adver-

tisements or more information on the confirmation page
that the list member reaches once they’ve confirmed their
opt in to your list.

Here are two examples of how you could use your autore-
sponder with a free e-course and information product.

Pathway #1 –
• A visitor comes to website and enters their email ad-
dress and name.

• They are transferred to a thank you page that instructs

them that they’ll receive a confirmation email in their
inbox and they need to click on their link to become
part of the list.

• They receive the email, click on the link and are trans-
ferred to the custom confirmation page. The page has
a thank you message and lets them know their course
is on its way. It also offers a onetime offer of the in-
formation product for a special price.

• The new list member either decides to take you up on

the one time offer, or they simply close that tab in
their browser and continue to get the free course.

Pathway #2 –

• A visitor comes to your website and opts into your list

by entering their name and email address.

• They are transferred to a thank you page that includes

an advertisement for your information product, as
well as instructions to check their email for confirma-
tion of subscription to the email list. The new list
member will either purchase the product then or close
the window to check their email.

• The new list member will check their email and click
on the confirmation link. They will be transferred to a
default confirmation page.

• They will receive the free course as scheduled.

These two pathways are just a small sampling of the options
you can use with your autoresponders. You can customize
the information you put on the thank you pages and confir-
mation pages to suit your needs.

Message Types

There are two basic types of emails: follow up emails and

broadcast messages. Follow up messages are automatically
delivered in a specific sequence. Normally there is an email
sent automatically when the new list member joins the list.
Then there are emails that are sent every few days.

Broadcast messages are sent to all email list members all at

once, regardless of when they’ve joined the list. They can be
scheduled for specific dates, but once they are sent they are
not sent again.

The key difference between follow up messages and broad-

cast messages are that follow up messages are scheduled
and delivered in a certain order for each new list member
while broadcast messages are a one-time message.

Follow up messages are normally used to deliver courses or

deliver messages that move your list members through your
sales funnel. For example, follow up messages could be used
to deliver:

* A seven part educational course that helps the list mem-

bers accomplish a specific task (i.e.: training their dog).

* A three part series of reports where you send your list

members a short message with a link where they can down-
load the new part of the course.
* An ongoing course with a new part each month.

* A sales funnel sequence that takes the list members from
unfamiliarity with the product to a desire to purchase your

Broadcast messages can be used for a variety of different

purposes and are appropriate if you need to update all of
your list members at once. They can be used for:

* Special limited time offers on products or services.

* New blog posts.

* New product announcements.

* New product pre-selling announcements.

* Teleseminar announcements.

* Other timely messages that need to be delivered on a spe-

cific date.

Both types of messages are used in effective email market-

ing lists. Most likely you’ll set up a follow up message
sequence and then use broadcasts as need be. In the follow-
ing sections, we’ll look at more detailed examples of the two
most important parts of autoresponder usage – the opt in
box and creating messages.

Opt In Box Creation
Creating your opt in box correctly is key to getting list mem-
bers. Creating an opt in form is easy with an autoresponder
service. Most autoresponder services have interfaces that
allow you to quickly and easily create an opt in form with all
of the code that you need to be able to collect email ad-

An opt in box has three major areas, at least – the headline,

a space to enter an email address and a space to enter the
user name. In addition to these two fill in spaces, you can
also collect other personal information about your new list
members. For example, you can request their home city, in-
formation on how they heard about your site or any other
number of factors depending on your needs.

Most marketers use the either the email address alone or

the name and email space, however. People are reluctant to
give too much information out online, especially to someone
that they don’t know. Asking for more than their email ad-
dress and name may turn some of your target market off.

In addition to setting up the name and email space for your

opt in box, you’ll need to create the headline. The headline
needs to grab attention and motivate your visitors to opt in-
to your list. The headline to your opt in box should quickly
sum up the benefit that the reader will get by becoming part
of your list.

If you’re not sure what to put in the headline for your opt in
box, think about the benefit that the reader will receive by
opting in. For example, if you are giving away a free ecourse,
you should emphasize what they will learn in the ecourse.

Some marketers make the mistake of focusing on what the
opt in is offering and not how it will help the reader.
For example, they’
use a headline that says “Sign Up Here
for Your Free Course.”

That’s not enough to motivate a reader to take action and

give up their email address.

You can motivate the viewer to opt in by emphasizing how

they’ll benefit. Your viewer will be thinking “What’s in it for
me?” How will the free course help them?

What will they learn in the free report? Write down some
ideas before you start crafting your headline.

You can also motivate the reader to join your list by increas-
ing the urgency in the headline.

If there is a limited time offer on your free ecourse or your

free report, it increases urgency and motivates the visitor to
opt in for the list right away.

Here’s a look at two different opt in boxes. Notice how the

headlines compel the reader to sign up.



( source: )

As you can see in these examples, it’s important to give the

reader a reason to opt in. In these cases, they’ll receive an
email course or a series of case studies in exchange for their
email address. In the first, there’s a promise that they’ll
learn exclusive tips and tricks by becoming part of the list.
In the second, there is a time limit on the offer so the matter
seems urgent.

Once you’ve set up your headline and fill in fields in the au-
toresponder, it will generate code for you to use on your
website. The code will make sure that the opt in box shows
up and functions properly wherever you place it on the web-

With the Profollow web form creator, you can create a cus-
tomized opt in box that will collect email addresses on your
website. You can add other customized fields, change the
size and color of your headline and add in graphics if you
like. Once you’ve adjusted the settings to meet your needs,
you have the choice of using HTML code or Java script code
to install your autoresponder.

The default method of installation is the Java script code.

Not only is JavaScript a short piece of code but it will auto-

matically update your opt in box if you make any changes in
your opt in box. For example, if you decide to try out a dif-
ferent headline, you’d simply update the headline in the
autoresponder account and it would automatically update
on your website without any intervention on your part. You
shouldn’t use the HTML version of the opt in box code un-
less you absolutely need to.

In order to install the Java script code you’ll need to login to

your hosting account and access your web page files. If
you’re not sure how to accomplish this, it can be easily out-
sourced to someone else on a programming website like or

Opt in forms are one of the most important steps in building

your email list because they collect email addresses and
names of interested visitors. However, before you set up
your first opt in form, you need to make sure that you get
your follow up messages are in order.

Follow Up Message
Follow up messages start being delivered as soon as the new
list member signs up. Normally the first message is received
immediately when the new member joins, so it’s important
to have your message set up before you place the opt in box
on your site.

It’s advisable to start with a welcome message to both thank

the new list member and let them know what to expect. For
example, if you have offered a free report to your list mem-
ber, thank them for signing up and place the link to the page
where they can download the free report. If you’ve offered a
free course, you can thank the new list member and include
the first part of the course. Let them know that they’ll be re-
ceiving a new part every day (or every other day…depending
on how you set up the delivery of the messages).

You should follow that up with a message the very next day.
The key to making an impact with your market is increased
exposure. If they come to know your emails and expect
them, they’ll be more likely to open them and take action.
There’s nothing worse than creating an email list, sending a
few messages and then not sending one again for months
until you want to promote an affiliate product. Building
trust takes time and you should sequence your emails so
that they are received over a period of a few weeks instead of
just back to back.

If you’re not offering an ecourse with a specific amount of

messages, you may wonder how many messages you should
create. There’s a “rule” in marketing that says that it takes at
least 7 exposures for a prospect to act on your offer. If you’re
using your email marketing list as a pre-selling tool for your
main product,
translates into needing at least seven
messages in your follow up sequence. Aim for seven and get
them set up before you add your opt in box to your page.

You can sequence your messages to be delivered over a cer-

tain period of days. When you create each message in the
autoresponder order you’ll have the option of selecting the
number of days between the current message you are creat-
ing and the follow up message. You can set the number of
days at the bottom of message creation screen and the mes-
sages will all go out at your pre-set sequence.

Each message will need a subject line and the body of the
email. Your subject line should be catchy and invite the re-
ceiver to open up the email. The subject line can’t be
misleading, as you’ll see in the following section on spam,
but it should tease the reader into opening the email.

For example:

Your key to long term profits is inside.

{Name}, here’s the first part of your course.

Are you getting all you can from your organic garden?

You can add the list members’ names automatically in the

subject line by using the autoresponder’s customization fea-
ture. You can test out different subject lines to see how well
they work for you. Once you have your follow up messages
in place, you can always edit them later. The edited emails
will be used with any future list members who sign up after
the date of editing.

After getting your subject line in order, you can create the
body of your email message. Be sure to keep your para-
graphs short. People won’t sit and read through long para-
graphs in their inboxes. The autoresponder will guide you to
set the length
of the sentences correctly. Without this guide,
the sentences will wrap awkwardly and the message will be
hard to read.

You can use text only messages to your list or use HTML to
incorporate colors and design. Text messages can include
links to a website or a download link. These links can be
made live with HTML coding. In addition to this basic form
of HTML editing, you can also use HTML templates to make
your messages more appealing to the eye. Most autorespon-
der programs, like Profollow for example, offer HTML
templates that you can use in your email marketing.

As soon as you get your follow up messages in order, you

can begin using your opt in form on your website. Be sure to
double check your spelling, links and language in the follow
up messages before you “go live.” Since the follow up mes-
sages will be serving you for the long term, it’s important to
get them right.


Broadcast Messages
In addition to follow up messages, you can also use broad-
cast messages for a variety of different purposes. As outlined
in a previous section, broadcast messages will allow you to
update all of your list members at once. They are good for
blog updates, special offers, notifications and any other sit-
uation in which you need to reach all members at once.

You set up broadcast messages similarly to follow up mes-

sages with regard to the subject lines and body set up. The
only main difference is in scheduling the broadcast mes-
sages for delivery. You can set up your broadcast message
and send it out immediately. You can also schedule it for
delivery at a later date and even at a specific time.

Broadcast messages can be set up weeks or months in ad-

vance, which makes them similar to follow up messages.
The main difference is that whereas follow up messages are
continuously delivered, the broadcast messages are only de-
livered once.

Scheduling your broadcast messages for specific times is a

good measure when you are dealing with special offers that
need to be opened at a specific time. You can choose the day
and time and then put the broadcast message in the queue
once you authorize it. It will be delivered automatically to all
of your list members.

In addition to scheduling delivery for your message, you can

also segment off your list and only deliver a broadcast mes-
sage to a certain group of list members. For example, if you
only want the message to go out to list members who have
joined within the last week, you can set this as an option
when you create the broadcast message.
Broadcast messages can be a very effective tool in reaching
your list with important information. Once you learn how to
set up a
message, you can use them whenever you
need to in order to
reach your list.

Split Testing

Autoresponders allow you to send slightly different mes-

sages to different members of your list. This is called “split
testing” and allows you to test and improve upon your sub-
ject lines and body copy. Split testing is the process of
sending out an email to two groups of people – an A group
and a B group.

You can make the content of the email completely different,

but it’s much more effective to make a small change that you
can use to test your subject line or your offer.

For example, if you are sending out a broadcast message

you can make a slight change to the subject line – the inclu-
sion of the list member’s name. The autoresponder can be
set up so that half of your list receives one subject line and
the other half receives the other subject line.

Once the message is sent, you can see how many people
opened the message and compare group A to group B.

It will let you know whether using a name in the subject line
is more effective with your market than using a subject line
without a name.

Split testing is only available on broadcast messages and can

only be used if your list has 100 or more list members.

It is a helpful tool in determining how your list will respond
to messages and with use it will make you a better online


Staying Compliant
With Spam Rules
Spam is a big concern in email marketing and is an impor-
tant issue when dealing with autoresponders. Spam is any
unwanted or unsolicited email that is received without re-
quest. Each time you send an email out to a large group of
people, you are risking being labeled as a spammer. The key
is to be sure that you are following all of the rules and send-
ing out emails correctly.

Without following spam rules, you’ll either get stuck in

spam filters or be labeled as a spammer by your message re-
cipients. Virtually all email service providers offer their
users an option for labeling a message as spam. If you get
too many of these complaints, there are several actions that
may be taken.

Your Internet Service Provider may deny you access to the

Internet and start investigating your online usage. Your web
hosting company may do the same and may even shut down
your site for a period of time. As a final step you may be
“blacklisted” which is a process where your email address is
added to a list that is maintained by ISPs and others. Being
blacklisted will result in your email address being perma-
nently caught by spam filters.

Using an autoresponder can actually help protect you from

being marked as a spammer. Most autoresponders offer
spam filters that will check your messages for the likelihood
of spam before you send them out. Knowing whether or not
you are sending out messages that may not reach their re-
cipients will help you be a more effective email marketer.
Although you can’t stop some individuals from marking
your messages “spam” even though they requested to be
part of your list, you can take steps to remind your list
members of their interest in your information.

-Using double opt-in confirmation will ensure that people

added to your list really want to be on your list. Most auto-
responder programs have double opt-in confirmation as the
default setting.

-Sending emails on a regular basis will keep your name and

contact information fresh in the list members’ minds. Peo-
ple are much less likely to mark a message as spam if they
recognize the name or the email address. You don’t have to
email every day but you should set up messages to be deliv-
ered at the very minimum of once a month.

-Always use a consistent format and approach to the mes-

sage. If you send text emails one time, a full color HTML
message the next and then send them a short message with
a link to your website, the list members are much less likely
to remember who you are.

-Don’t make your messages look like spam. Using all capital
letters, lots of punctuation and non-text characters are the
hallmarks of spam messages. Even if you are offering qual-
ity information, your message may be marked as spam if it
looks like spam.

The CAN-SPAM act of 2003 set strict rules in the United

States regarding the delivery of unwanted emails.

There are several different rules outlined in the CAN-SPAM

act and if you’d like to see all of the details, you can visit:

Here’s a brief summary of what you need to be aware of:

• Each email needs include your name or business
name, subscription update instructions (which will al-
low the reader to unsubscribe if they’d like to) and a
physical address.

• Messages cannot contain false or misleading informa-

tion. The from address you send emails from must be

• Identify the message as an ad, if it is one.

• The subject line and the body of the email must
match. For example, you can’t have an email with a
subject line that says “Your account information” and
the body of the email that is simple an advertisement.

Following these rules will allow you to successfully deliver

your messages.

As mentioned previously, autoresponders offer spam pro-

tection by checking your messages for the likelihood of
spam before you send them out. Typically, an autorespon-
der will check for several words that are associated with
spam, such as “free,” “make money,” “spam” and “special

Your autoresponder program will scan your messages be-

fore you send them out and give them a “spam score.” With
too high of a spam score, your message will likely be caught
in spam filters and you’ll unable to deliver your message.
The autoresponder program will check the message for spe-
cific words like those listed above. Typically, your
autoresponder program will give you tips for lowering your
spam score before you send out your email message. For ex-
ample, you can lower your spam rating by eliminating
certain “spam related” words.
Spam rules are important to abide by. Using an autorespon-
der and the above guidelines will help you avoid being stuck
in spam filters so your message can actually get through to
the people who need it most.

Reports are a final area of autoresponders that will help you

determine how well your lists are responding to your emails.
Reports are collected and compiled from the data that the
autoresponder receives once you send out a message. An
autoresponder will collect data on how many people re-
ceived the message, how many opened it, how many clicked
on links inside, etc.

Reports can be emailed to you directly on a daily, weekly or

monthly basis. Alternatively, you can login to your autore-
sponder account and see all of the important data.

Reports can generally look at many different aspects of the

autoresponder process – from verification times, to ad
tracking, to the states or counties that your subscribers are
in, to how long they stayed through your follow up se-
quence. Using the reporting function in your autoresponder
can enhance the way you use your autoresponders.

You can use the reports in order to plan your next moves as
an online marketer. As an online marketer, you’ll be primar-
ily concerned with the open rate and the click through rate
on your links.

Reports can give insights into how well your messages are
performing. For example, if you notice that your emails
aren’t being opened at all, you will need to work on your
subject lines. If your reports reflect that your messages are
opened but not acted upon, you’ll know that your problem is
within the message itself.

As important as reports are, you can’t use them until you
start moving through the steps of building your own list and
sequence. In the following sections, you’ll see
just how you can do that to be on the road to having your
own list and using email marketing effectively.


Signing Up For
ProFollow Account
The first step to using the ProFollow autoresponder is to
sign up for a ProFollow account. This is fairly straightfor-

Go to and click on the ‘Order’ button at the

top of the page.

Once you click on this link you’ll be redirected to the sign up


Choose which payment method you want and then fill out
your personal details in the form shown below.

Make sure to write down your login name and your pass-
word for future reference.


Once you have filled out the form correctly you can com-
plete the order. You will be sent information from
ProFollow after you have signed up. Check your email to
confirm your login information and then come back to the
ProFollow homepage.

Click on the “Customer Login” link at the top of the page.

On the next page fill in your login name and password, as

shown below, and click ‘login’ to be taken to your account
home page.

The screenshot below shows what your account home page

should look like. This is where you start.

You can access all areas of your account from this page.


Setting Up Your
First List
Once you’ve signed up and logged in, you are ready to set up
your first list. Close to the top of the page on the right hand
side, you’ll see a link that says “create and manage lists.”

Click on the link and you’ll be transferred to a list of your

various autoresponder lists. Below are the most recent lists
on our sample account. This is where you will see all of the
lists that you have created previously. It will also give you
the option of deactivating any of the lists you have created
previously that you may not want to use anymore. If you de-
activate a list and then within 30 days find that you need it
after all, there is the option to reactivate the list.

Click on “Create New List” in order to start a new list from

scratch. Once you click on the link, you’ll be transferred to a
new page where you’ll see a series of sections for you to fill
out. ProFollow will automatically give your list a name, but
you can change it to something more memorable. The first
section on the page is the essential information of your list.

This includes the list name, list description, “from” name
and email address.

The list description will be viewable to your list members, so

be sure to use a name that is both descriptive and relatable
to your prospects.

For example, you wouldn’t want to name your list “People I

Sell To.” “Organic Gardening Tips” is a much better name.

Scroll down to the next section and fill out your Company
Branding information.

Fill in your company name, logo url, website url and your
email signature.

Your email signature will be included on each email that

goes out to your list.

When you are done click ‘Save’.


You can add custom global fields to personalize your mes-

sages in the future. Click on “Create a Global Field” and a
name and value space will be added to the page.

This way the messages in your follow up sequence can be

changed automatically all at once.

For example, you may launch a new version of your product

that is called Online Cash System 2.0.

Rather than having to go through and change each and

every follow up message, you can

You can fill in custom global fields which are a group of per-
sonalization variables that when used throughout your
messages in this list will always print the value that you
have specified . EG create a field called "website url" with a
value of "" and use {!global
website url} in your messages. If your website name changes
you can instantly update all your messages in this one loca-
Scroll down further to fill in your email address so you can
receive important notifications about the account.

When you’re done, click “Save List Settings” and then “Go to
Step 2.”

The next step is to configure your verified optin settings and


You’ll be automatically transferred form clicking on “Go to

Step 2.”

The page you’ll arrive on looks like this.


Leave the setting to “On.”

When you are on the verified opt-in page you can customize
your verified opt-in subject, intro and closing.

Note that the body text can’t be edited.

Just click on the subject, intro and closing and you’ll be able
to edit the text.


After customizing your verified opt-in message make sure to

fill out the ‘Confirmation Success Page’. This is the url of the
page you want to send your subscribers to when they have
confirmed their subscription to your list. Set the URL for
the success page and then click on “Save List Settings.”

As discussed in previous sections, on your confirmation suc-
cess page you should have a “thank you for subscribing”
message and the download links to the bonuses or thank
you gift you promised for subscribing. You can also use this
as an opportunity to sell to your list members. Put a couple
of products on there that are related to your niche and you
may just get a few extra sales that you wouldn’t have gotten
otherwise. Just don’t leave the page blank. This is prime vir-
tual real estate! If you aren’t using it, you should be.

Once you have your verified opt-in customized to your satis-

faction click on “Save List Settings” and you can then move
on to setting up any automation rules that you want to apply
to the list.

Click on the “My Lists” tab at the top of the screen and select
the “Automation” option.

Here is the automation screen.

There are three automation rules you can use. The first one
will unsubscribe a person from one list when they are sub-
scribing to
list. The second one will unsubscribe a
person from one list when they are unsubscribing from an-
other list. And the third one will subscribe someone to one
list when they are subscribing to another list.

As you can see in the screenshot example we have set the

automation rule for people who are subscribing to the cus-
tomer-demo list to be unsubscribed from the 0501 demo

Automation rules can be very helpful for list management.

For example, you may start your subscribers off on a freebie
list and be sending them product offers.

They may then purchase one of the offers so you may have it
set up that they will be unsubscribed from your freebie list
when they are added to your customer list.

Click “My Lists” again and select the “Custom Fields” option
to create custom field names to use in your opt in form.

Simply type in the name of the custom field that you’d like
to use in your opt in form and then click the plus sign to add
it to your field options.


Click on “Save” to keep your new custom fields. Now that

you have customized your list you can go on to create your
first opt in form.


Create Your
Opt In Form
ProFollow calls Opt In Forms “Web Forms” and you’ll find
them under the “Web Form” tab in the header.

On the next page click on the ‘Create Web Form’ button as

shown below.

You’ll be transferred to the web form creation page. There is

a lot going on here, but if you go step by step it’s very easy to
create a customized web form that meets your information
and design needs exactly. Below you’ll see the web form set
up fee. There are three steps to setting up a web form – de-
sign, settings and publish. Start with Design, which is the
page you’ll land on immediately when you arrive on the cre-
ate Web Form page.
In the center, you’
see options for a variety of different
templates. The templates include colors and design ele-
ments to make your web form unique. You can scroll
through the options and choose something that matches the
design of your landing page or blog.

ProFollow automatically loads the Name and Email address

as the default fields for the web form. In the left hand side
you can see that you can create and add new fields to the
web form, like address, last name or how they found the

You can select your template by scrolling through the op-
tions. Just click on whichever template you’re interested in
to instantly load it into the work area.

Once you select your template, you’ll need to choose your

form type. Form type is the default option in the drop down
menu shown below. You can always go back to it by select-
ing it from this menu in the future.

There are four different form types to choose from which

will create the way in which the web form is displayed on
your page. The options are:

Inline – This web form is displayed as part of your landing


Pop-over – This web form will appear as a pop over the

landing page when the page loads for the visitor. It hovers
within the page and is unblockable.

Lightbox – Similar to a pop-over but it darkens your web

page until the web form is closed.

Pop-up – This web form opens in a new window and is usu-
ally blocked by Internet browsers.
You can also set
width of the web form in this header, or
alternatively you can resize the web form in the work area,
as shown below.

In this section, you can also edit the input fields that the vis-
itor will fill out.

The input fields that you’ve created previously will be view-

able on the left hand side.


You can also create new fields in the web form builder by
clicking “create a new field.” When you do this, you’ll see the
following form pop up. Enter the name of your field. Keep it
short and to the point. Use “Occupation” and not “Where do
you work?”

Once you’ve entered your field name, click OK. You’ll see
the next screen come up immediately where you can choose
the type of input. If you want the visitor to enter their in-
formation via text, choose “text input.”

Click okay once you select the input type, and you can move
on with editing the rest of the web form.

Once you’ve set the width and the type of the form, you can
work on the header.

Select header from the same drop down menu that includes
form type.


The header selection will allow you to change the back-

ground color, border and size of border. By clicking on the
background color icon a new pop up window will appear
which allows you to pick your color.

Clicking on the gray “edit header” button will open up a new

pop up window that will allow you to type in your headline,
set the font and style.


There are several other options in the drop down menu on

the left hand side.

The body option will allow you to change the color and bor-
der of the body.

Labels allow you to choose the orientation of the labels for

the opt in forms.

Select Inputs from the drop down menu will allow you to se-
lect a font and size for the inputs. Links allow you to edit the

By selecting from the drop down menu, you can change the
submit button orientation and color.

The options in the right hand corner of the header will ori-
ent the submit button to the left, to the right or in the


You can also customize what your submit button says. I find
a lot of people don’t bother with this but I always do as it
makes it a little more personal and it shows that you have
put extra thought into what you are trying to achieve instead
of following the herd.

The footer section can be selected from the same drop down

In the footer section you can edit the color, border and size
of border.

By clicking on the gray “edit footer” section you can edit the
text in the footer in the pop up editing window.

Most of these changes aren’t completely necessary (like the
color changes).
Since there are a variety of templates available for your web
form, you will probably be able to find an existing web form
that looks exactly the way you want it to.

However, it’s still important to know how to accomplish this

if you need to.

You can preview your web form by clicking “preview” in the

upper left hand corner of the menu.

Make sure your pop up blocker is turned off because the

preview will appear in a new browser window.


Here is what our form looks like so far. Close out the pop up
window and then go back to the main menu. After you’ve
made all of the necessary changes to your web form design,
click on “Save Web Form” and then “Go to Step 2.”

In Step 2, you’ll set up the basic settings for your web form.
Give your form a distinct name and set a thank you page
and already subscribed page.

Right here I want to talk a bit more about the thank you

As you can see it is already set as the basic version of the

thank you page.

There’s also an audio thank you page that ProFollow uses.

However, a lot of people fail to customize this page and
therefore are missing out on extra opportunities.

This is your virtual real estate here and you should use it to
your advantage.

Send people to a ‘Thank you for subscribing. Please confirm

your email address’ etc. page and also on that page have

some sort of offer or pitch one of your other lists, some-
Don’t waste this opportunity to expand your business.

Select “custom page” from the drop down menu.

Use this space to enter your custom URL. Double check this
URL to be sure your new list members are transferred to the
right website.

I also want to expand upon whether to open your thank you

page in a new window or not.

If the page your sign up form is on sole function is to get

sign ups then don’t have it open in a new window. If the
page that your sign up form is on is a sales page or your blog
or some other web page that you want people to spend time
at then click the ‘Open in new window?’ box.

This will then open your thank you page in a new window
and your original page will remain open also. Just click the
box in order to set the page to open up in a pop up window
if you’d like that.

You can follow the same process for the already subscribed

This is the page that visitors will arrive on if they have al-
ready subscribed to your site.

You can use the default setting or select your own custom
Once you’re done with the settings, click on “Save Web
Form” and then “Go to Step 3.”

The following screen is what you will see on the step three
page. You have three options – installing the form yourself,
sending the link to the web designer or having

It’s advisable to choose one of the top two options rather

than having the form hosted on ProFollow’s site.

If you choose this option, you’ll have to offer a link to the

opt in form and not have it placed on your page.

This can be an impediment to your site visitors opting into

your list.

When you click on “I will install my form” you will see two
options, a JavaScript Snippet and a Raw HTML version.

As explained earlier in this book, you should use JavaScript

unless you have a specific reason why you need to use the
raw html.

JavaScript will allow you to track the number of times you

web form is displayed.

Simply copy the JavaScript code and paste it into your site’s

Alternatively, if you are uncomfortable with working with

the code on your site you can use the email your designer

Click on the option and you’ll see the following.


Fill out the message form and click “Send” to have your de-
signer put the web form on your site.

Creating A Web Form Split Test

Because tracking is important in everything that we do on-

line, ProFollow gives you the option of split testing your web
forms. To do this you need to have created two or more web

In order to create a split test, click on “Create Split Test”.
You will be taken to a page similar to the screenshot below.

Name your split test and determine which forms you will be
using. In the case of the screenshot there are only two forms
that can be used, so it is an even 50-50 split. If you have
four forms for example the split would be 25% each. Once
you’re done setting up the split form, click save and you’ll be
transferred back to the main web form page where the split
testing section has been updated to reflect the new split test
set up.

Once you have created the split test click on ‘Get HTML’ to
get the code to paste into your opt-in page. Once you start
using the split test ProFollow will automatically rotate
which form appears on your website. You will then be able
to determine which form generates the most new subscrib-
ers by checking out the stats for each form.
Right, you are
done with setting up your first web form.
It is time to move onto setting up your first autoresponder

Setting Up Your
First Autoresponder
Your first message will be the message that is emailed to
your new subscriber as soon as they confirm their email ad-

As previously mentioned, this should be in the form of a

welcome message. You can write anything you want but
these first messages usually include the ‘Hello and welcome
to the ‘Name of your list/newsletter’. Thank you for sub-
scribing…. Etc. (you get the idea). Plus you probably want to
include the link to the page where they can download the
bonuses or thank you gift you promised for subscribing.

To get started click on “Messages” and then select “Follow


You’ll see the following page.

On this page you will be able to create your first message.
Before I get to that however, there is another way to load
your autoresponder sequence without having to write all of
the messages. There is the option of campaign sharing.

What this means, for example, is if you know someone who

has a list already in your niche and you can buy their auto-
responder sequence from them, then you will be given a
campaign code similar to this ‘campaign code: demoPro-
Follow-17eb6-$F’. All you have to do is paste this code into
the campaign code box and click ‘Load Campaign’ and your
autoresponder will be filled with the messages you pur-

Of course you don’t have to just use campaign sharing to

load up messages you have purchased, you can use it to copy
messages from one of your own lists to another.

To do this, just enable campaign sharing in the list you want

to copy the messages from. You can choose to have follow-

ups only, broadcasts only or both follow-ups and broad-
Click the “Save”
button to generate the campaign code.

Once you have the code, go to the list you want to fill with
the messages, insert the campaign code and click ‘Load

If you don’t have campaign sharing codes, you can set up

brand new follow up messages.

Click on “Add New Follow Up Message” and you’ll be taken

to the following message creation screen.

As you can see, the follow up message is labeled message #1.
This message will be delivered to the new list member as
soon as they join the list.
Start with your subject line, in the area shown below.

Make sure the subject is welcoming toward your new list


You can also make the subject line more personalized by

clicking on the “Personalize” option.

These personalize options will auto fill the subject line with
the information that they supplied when they opted into
your list.

For example, if you use {!name} then the message will be

personalized with the list member’s name.

After setting the subject line, you can select from one of the
many templates available for messages, or you can start typ-
ing your message in the body section with no HTML

If you want to go with a template, select your template to see

a preview.

Click on “Load Template” and the template will be put into

the body of the email where you can edit it further.

However, for most marketers’ needs the plain template will

work just fine.

Next, it’s time to write your message.

There are personalization fields for the body as well, which

will help you make your message more personal, as you can
see in the message below.


Once you’re done with your message, you can click on “Pre-
view” in order to see what your message will look like to
your audience.

You’ll notice that this message field says “HTML message”

at the top. There are two different ways to create your mes-
sage – HTML messages and plain text messages.

You may want to send your message as HTML if you want to

include such things as pictures and logos as well as having
the option of different fonts, colors etc. If that is the case
you can use the ProFollow html wysiwyg editor.

However, we recommend that you always include a text

message even if you are sending a html message in the event
that your subscribers email client can’t display the html
message. Sending plain text messages usually have a better
deliverability rate than html or html/text messages.


As you are creating your plain text message, you’ll notice

that your text will extend past the suggested recommended
width (see the following).

By clicking on wrap long lines, you can shorten the line to

the recommended length so that you can be sure your mes-
sages are read properly.


It is important to have at least one message in your se-


The reason for this is, if you send out a broadcast message,
which will go to all of your subscribers on this list at the
same time, without having any follow up messages, then it
will automatically put all of your subscribers to message

The reason this happens is that if you send out a broadcast

without having a message in follow up ProFollow assumes
that this list will only be used for broadcast messages.

Subsequent messages can be sent out at an interval that you

choose, such as 2 days, 4 days or even 7 days.

You can choose the time interval by typing the number in

the box at the bottom of the message creation page, on any
messages past the first one..

In addition to the interval setting, there is also another im-

portant option toward the bottom of the page.

Click the ‘Click Tracking’ button if you want to track clicks

in your message.

If you use click tracking ProFollow will replace your links
with special links that will keep track of how many of your
subscribers actually click on them.

This is important information to know.

If your subscribers aren’t clicking on your links you can re-

evaluate your messages and change things around until you
find something that works.

When you are done writing your message you can preview it
by clicking the ‘Preview’ button. If it all looks ok then you
can save it by clicking the ‘Save’ button.

Once you’ve clicked save, you’ll be back at the follow up

messages screen where you can add as many follow up mes-
sages as you need.

Sending Out A Broadcast Message

To create a broadcast message click on the “Messages” tab
and then click on the “Broadcast” sub tab.

There really isn’t a lot of difference in how you set up a

broadcast message to setting up a follow up message but
there are a couple of differences.

We’ve already discussed the major differences between

broadcast and follow up messages, so you known that
broadcast messages are only sent out once.

However, ProFollow keeps a list of your previously sent

broadcasts, so you can access them in the future if you need

If you use the same format every time you create your email
message then there is a handy copy link next to each mes-

You can use the copy function to create a new message with
all of the settings you have put in place previously.

To create a new broadcast message just click on the ‘Create

Broadcast Message’ button.

Your new broadcast message will be created.

You will see that the message set up is very similar to the
follow up message.

However, there are a few extra things that you will need to
be aware of, which as shown below.

This area is toward the bottom of the page.


First, you can choose the date and time for when you would
like your message to go out. This is a great feature because it
lets you schedule your message to go out on a specific day
and time when you may, for example, have a launch you
want to promote. You can set the message to go out around
an hour before to remind them of what is happening.

Next is the “send to segment” option. The default is set at all

leads which means that the message would go to all of your
subscribers. But there may be times when you don’t want to
send the message to your whole list so you can specify who
you want to send it to. You can send to leads that have been

added to your list in a variety of intervals. You can also cre-
ate a new view by clicking the “Add a new view” link.
You can also include or exclude lists. This means that you
can send your broadcast to more than one of your lists. It
also means that you can exclude lists from receiving the
message. Just click the check boxes to include or exclude a

This is a helpful feature if you have more than one list in a

niche but have an overall message you want all subscribers
to see. Also by using this feature you avoid sending more
than one of the same message to your subscribers as ProFol-
low checks for the same email address on multiple lists
before sending.

And, lastly, clicking on the social media site will help you
promote the message on social media sites. The links will
display your broadcast for any one even if they aren’t part of
your list.

Once you’ve completed your settings, you’re ready to move
forward. Click save and you’ll be brought back to the set-
tings home page.

Your broadcast message is now waiting for you to queue it,

but before you do you should check the spam score by click-
ing the “Spam?” link. You should also send a test copy to
yourself as well by clicking the “Test” link.

Once you are satisfied that everything is in order click the

“Queue Now” button to tell the system to send the message
on the specified date and time. If you don’t click this button
your message will not be sent regardless of the send date.

If you don’t want to send the message, click the “Delete”

button to remove it completely.

If everything looks good, click “yes” on this screen and then
your broadcast message will be sent out at the specified


Broadcast Split Test
You have the option of creating a split test broadcast. To do
this your list needs to have at least 100 active subscribers.

If you have less than 100 subscribers on your list you will
not see this option.

Why would you want to split test? Well you may want to
test two or more different subject lines or maybe you want
to test two or more different offers inside your email. You
may want to write two or more different emails to see which
one converts the best.

To split test a broadcast message click on the ‘Create Split

Test Broadcast’ button.

You will be presented with the following screen. You may

test up to 4 split test groups of varying percentages.

You may want to do a 25% split test in which case ProFollow

will automatically randomly divide your list into unique

You don’t have to use all four boxes, you can use three or
just two, depending on what results you want back. The

numbers in each box don’t all have to be the same as long as
they add up to a total of 100%.

For this screenshot example I have created a 50-50 split.

ProFollow has now set up two different messages to be sent.

You then need to go into them and edit them with your sub-
ject lines, email body copy and offers etc.

When you are done with entering the information into your
emails, you just click each of the “Queue” buttons when you
are ready to send them.
You don’t even have to send them out at the same time.


Sending A Blog
Included in your ProFollow account is a very nice feature
called the blog broadcast.

When you set up this feature ProFollow will send a broad-

cast email to your list automatically for you when you have
updated your blog.

The email will include a snippet from your blog post and a
link back so that your subscribers can go and read the rest
of the post.

This is a great way to keep your subscribers regularly up-

dated with what is going on with your business.

To get started click on the “Messages” link on the sub menu

and the click the “Blog Broadcast” option button and you
will be taken to the blog broadcast edit page like the one
shown below.

Click on “Create New Blog Broadcast” and you’ll arrive on a

page similar to the following.


The first area to look at is the RSS Feed URL. ProFollow

needs to know which RSS feed you’d like to publish to your
mailing list.

Enter your RSS field URL into the form.

There are also several other preferences you can set up for
your blog broadcast.


You can set up blog broadcasts to go out immediately when

new blog posts hit your blog. By clicking “send automati-
cally” the posts will go out immediately. You can also set
them up to go out when there are several new blog posts on
your blog, or you can select updates to go out on a certain
day and time, or days of the month. For example, you can
have the dates come up every two weeks.

You can set this up to send out a broadcast immediately af-

ter every post you make to your blog. You can set it up to go
out at a specific time or on a specific day. Or you can set it
up to send it out after a certain number of new items have
been posted
Next you can choose
to enable click tracking just the same
as inside a follow up message or an ordinary broadcast mes-

Just like with broadcast messages, you can select social me-
dia/sharing options.

The next step is to set up the template for displaying the

blog broadcast.

With a follow up message or ordinary broadcast message

you automatically have the basic plain template selected.

When you do a blog broadcast it doesn’t work that way.

You have to select a template and the click on the “Load

Template” button.


Once you have chosen a template the message area will now
show the information that you can see in the screenshot be-
low. This tells the system what to put in the email. You can
swap this around or add to it, but if you want to keep it sim-
ple you can leave the information as is.

Once you’ve made any changes you need, click on the “Save”
button. On the next page it will tell you that your RSS feed
has been created.


Your Subscribers
Your subscribers list is another important area of your auto-
responder account. To search your subscribers click on the
“Subscribers” link on the menu bar. You will be taken to the
main subscribers page.

To search all of your leads click on the “Display Segment”

button. It will display “All Subscribers” as the default view.

You can also search leads that have been added in the past
24 hours, 48 hours etc. The screenshot below shows all of
the various views that you can search.

You can then see who is subscribed to your list by name and
email address. You can see what message they are on in
your autoresponder sequence, what date they were added to
your list, what date they were last emailed and if they have
unsubscribed what date they stopped receiving your emails.
You can also add, import, unsubscribe, block and suppress
email addresses from the “Subscribers” area. Click on “Sub-
scribers” and then “Add” in order to add leads.

Use this option if you have less than ten subscribers you
want to add. If you have more than ten use the “Import”
function, which is also available through the “Subscribers”

Note that all manually added subscribers must be verified

before they will be added to your list. Fill in the name and
email address. Fill in any optional ad tracking and choose
whether you want the lead to start on message number one
or at the end of follow ups, broadcast only.

Don’t add anyone here unless they specifically asked to be

added to your list.

When you are done click on the “Add Subscriber” button.

Use the ‘Import’ function if you have more than ten sub-
scribers you want to add to your list. The same applies here
as the add function.
All manually added subscribers must be verified before they
will be added to your list and don’t add anyone here unless
they specifically ask to be added to your list.

To unsubscribe leads click on the “Unsubscribe” option.

You can unsubscribe leads from all of your lists at the same
time, in many different methods.

You can unsubscribe leads using an automation rule.

You can add unsubscribed leads to the block list.


On this page you can also see your previous unsubscribe

history if you have used the unsubscribe feature before.

The “Block” option is also available under the “Subscribers”

tab. If you block leads you prevent specific email addresses
or even an entire domain from being able to subscribe to
your list. Just fill in the email address or domain, make a
note of why you are blocking them and then click the
“Block” button.

You can use the suppression file feature to prevent a group
of leads and/or domains from receiving your broadcast
emails. This feature will not unsubscribe any email ad-
dresses from your list, it will only temporarily prevent them
from getting your broadcast messages.

Just fill in the box with the email addresses or domains that
you want suppressed and then click the ‘Suppress’ button.


As previously mentioned, ProFollow supplies you with re-
ports on each of your lists.

There are many things you can see that are happening with
your list on a daily basis.

To view your reports click on the “Reports” link in the head-


At a glance you can see your daily new leads that have been
added for the last thirty days.

The screenshot of the graph below is of a thirty day period

for a sample list.

You can see how many subscribers were added for each day.

The green are subscribers who have verified their email ad-
The yellow is for unverified email addresses and the blue is
for leads that have unsubscribed from this list.

Not only does ProFollow show a graph of this information it

also shows the information in a form like the one below.

This is a screenshot of my easy research list that I used for

giving away a free report.

The unsubscribed leads were added to another list that I

had set up with an automation rule.


There is much more information you can get from the re-
ports section.

As well as seeing your daily new leads you can see it as

weekly new leads or monthly new leads.

You can see your verified leads and verification times, what
the subscribe method was, which ad categories were used,
how many subscribed and unsubscribed.

You can also see the city, state and country of your subscrib-

Reports will also let you know about follow up totals and
broadcast totals. By clicking on the links shown in the
screenshot below you can access this information and more.


If you enabled click tracking in either your follow up or

broadcast messages you can find this information here in
the reports section. To find out your click tracking stats for
your follow up messages click on the “Follow Up Totals”
link. If you want to find out your click tracking stats for your
broadcast messages click on the “Broadcast Totals” link.

In addition to looking at reports in the reporting section,

you can have reports sent to you by email. As you are look-

ing at any of the reports, you’ll be able to schedule an
emailed report by clicking on the link.

You can manage the scheduled reports by clicking on “Re-

ports” and “Scheduled Reports.”

You can choose to have the reports emailed to you. You can
choose the time interval that you want for having it sent to
you. You can have an email report sent to you every day,
every week, every two weeks or every month.


That’s all there is to it! By using all of the features in an au-
toresponder like ProFollow you’ll be able to create and
manage your autoresponder list like a pro.

Follow the directions in this book to get the most from your
autoresponder and grow your Internet marketing business.

As you probably already know – unless you skipped right to
this page for some reason – I strongly recommend that
you join today.

I've been using AWeber, which is the technology behind, for more than 11 years. ProFollow is ex-
tremely reliable, affordable and easy to use.

And, there's truth in numbers…

Thousands of people have joined because it

is the most reliable, easiest and cost effective tool to cap-
ture web site visitors, generate leads and send unlimited
follow up messages and newsletters.

Best Regards,

Jeff Walker


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