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VBA Keyboard Shortcuts

How to perform the keyboard shortcuts:

+ (plus) separator means press and hold each key in order.
, (comma) separator means press and release each key in order.
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# Shortcut Windows Mac

01. Running Macros & Code

1 Jump between Excel and the VB Editor Window Alt+F11 Opt+F11 or Fn+Opt+F11
2 Run Macro/Procedure F5 F5
3 Step Through Each Line of Code F8 Cmd+Shift+i
4 Run to Cursor Ctrl+F8
5 Add a Break Point F9
6 Reset/stop code Alt,R,R
7 Compile VBA Project Alt,D,L
02. Navigating Through Code Modules & Procedures
8 Flip through open code windows Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Tab
9 Flip backwards through open code windows Ctrl+Shift+Tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Jump to Definition (procedure name that text
10 Shift+F2
cursor is in)
11 Jump to last position Ctrl+Shift+F2
12 Jump to previous/next procedure Ctrl+Page Up/Down Fn+Ctrl+Cmd+↑ or ↓
13 Select the entire procedure Ctrl+Shift+Page Down Fn+Ctrl+Cmd+Shift+↓
14 Find Window Ctrl+F Cmd+F
15 Replace Window Ctrl+H Cmd+Shift+H
03. Writing Code
16 Complete Word Ctrl+Space Ctrl+Space
17 Delete entire line Ctrl+Y Cmd+Y
18 Jumps to the beginning or end of a word Ctrl+← or → Cmd+←or →
19 Selects the entire word Ctrl+Shift+→ or ← Cmd+Shift+→ or ←
List properties/methods (Intellisense drop-down
20 Ctrl+J Cmd+J
21 Quick Info Ctrl+i Cmd+i
04. VB Editor Windows
22 Immediate Window Ctrl+G Ctrl+Cmd+G
23 Project Explorer Window Ctrl+R Ctrl+Cmd+R
24 Properties Window F4
25 Insert a new code module Alt,I,M
26 Insert a new userform Alt,I,U
27 View userform code F7
28 Object Browser F2 Ctrl+Cmd+B 1 of 1

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