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Assignment/Activity Title — Opinion Piece

Year — Sophomore

Portfolio Competency — Social Awareness

Skill(s) — Writing, Media, Research

The Opinion piece project was the most interesting assignment for me because I learned so much
about the problems in other countries. My piece focused on the exploitation of workers leading up to the
2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. In this assignment I had to pick an ongoing issue in the world and write
about my opinion on the topic. The piece had to be written in the format of an article that contained
images and important information. In the end the goal was to become better at writing but also to have the
ability to successfully include my opinion into an article and make valid points on a very important issue.

From the beginning of this assignment to the end my research was what helped me write my
opinion piece. Researching everything about the issue and understanding the problems faced clearly were
very important. Being able to research is key for this assignment because you need to have an opinion
based on actual facts. I would say being able to research properly is the most important and helpful skill
to have for this assignment. A very important skill to have in this assignment is writing. Writing in a way
that attracts the reader's attention all throughout the piece and making sure it’s developing the opinions
presented. I had to write a different format than usual as this was an article not an essay. Throughout the
project I really developed my writing skills to be able to write in a different form then the one I usually
do. Using my writing skills helped me create a great opinion piece. Finally a skill I had to use was the use
of media. Using the different forms of media to make this project come together was very important. I
used social media to find new information, mostly using websites and articles written on the issues, but I
also used social media platforms to understand the various opinions that the world had. From researching
on social media and writing an opinion piece I gained a better understanding of an issue that needs to be
known around the world. From now on I can use the new information I have to help others understand the
issues in Qatar and possibly try to change these problems for the better.

Once I finished the project I learned so much about Qatar, I learned about all of the issues
surrounding the 2022 World Cup and the government of Qatar. I was able to learn about a new group
other than the group I'm used to which was very interesting. I learned that there are many corruption
problems with different countries hosting big sporting events, and ultimately they result in hurting many
people around the world. Although the new ideas I learned weren't very joyous, it was very important to
learn about these problems so I can spread awareness.

Student Signature: Francisco Hidalgo Date: 06/08/2021
Sarah Forman 6/14
Teacher Signature Date

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