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General Rules for Hired Guns

• Only one unit from this codex can be selected per side, per game. This can only be done with
the prior agreement of both players

• Any unit selected from here does NOT exist in the FOC, and does not ever satisfy
requirements in that chart.

• Hired Guns can NEVER be scoring units

• You may only select the hired gun for your army - if it's "accepted armies" includes yours,
you may include it. Otherwise you are prohibited from selecting it.

• Hired Guns are not worth killpoints, but DO count for the purposes of rules such as "Power
from Pain" etc.

• Mercenaries - Any unit with this rule, is only out to earn some cold hard cash (or some other
tangible reward). If the hired gun unit is not within 12" of any friendly HQ (or within 12" of a
unit that an HQ is attached to), then it must take a leadership test at the start of its turn. If
this is passed, they will act as normal. If the test is failed, they will not do anything for the
remainder of the turn (although will fight back if assaulted). If the hired gun unit is falling
back at the start of its turn, it still takes this test, but with a difference. If the test is passed,
the unit can rally (assuming other rally conditions are met) - but if the test is failed, then all
loyalties are abandoned, as the unit completely flees. Remove the unit as a casualty.

• Loners - Any unit with this rule, tolerates each other - but nothing else. No independent
characters may be attached to this squad. If the unit is a character, it may not join units.
Commorragh Gladiators

For as long as the sadistic Dark Eldar have been banished to the Webway, so too has existed their
despicable forms of entertainment. From various hedonistic pleasures, to extreme narcotic
stimulation - the excess of the Dark Eldar knows no bounds.

One such "pleasure", is the enjoyment of combat in the slave pits of Commorragh. Dark Eldar nobles
will often wager high sums of money on fiendish outcomes, such as which combatants will bleed the
most before dying or even betting on whether the winner will smile as he deals a death blow to his
opponent. Individuals from have been forced into this grim battle, enslaved during Dark Eldar raids
in realspace.

Every once in a while, some fighters last more than a few fights in the pits, and earn themselves the
attention of a local noble. Often at this point, the noble will send in his favoured champions to
dispose of the would-be challengers in a suitably brutal fashion, much to the glee of the crowd.

One group of fighters defied this trend (although it would never be admitted in the dark city). A band
of unlikely brothers - a human guardsman, a tau fire warrior, an Eldar noble, and a Black Legion
captain, were pitted as a team against nightmarish fiends created by Haemonculi. Despite their
obvious enmity for each other, they continued to accumulate victories. Frustrated at the growing
popularity of this group, the local noble took to the Arena himself, surrounded by his finest
bodyguards - determined to stamp out this nuisance once and for all.

The battle was long, bloody and gruelling - but in the end, the unlikely alliance won through. After
the death of the noble, the arena descended into chaos, as an desperate power struggle began to
unfold. Seizing their chance, the four somehow managed to escape the dark city, and made it back
to realspace. What became of that group is unknown - but it is whispered in many places, by many
dark eldar; that the group was not alone in their escape.

Such groups have nowhere to return to - not after an experience like this. Several factions have
dubbed them the "Commoragh Gladiators". The name still sticks to this day, and it could not be
more apt a description.


6 3 3 3 5 1 3 9 5+

• Unit Type: Infantry

• Squad Size - 5 - 10 Gladiators
• Points - 15 Points per Model
• Wargear - Gladiatorial Weapons
Special Rules
May Be selected by: Eldar, Tau, Imperial Guard, Orks, Chaos Space Marines, Space Marines

Preferred Enemy: Dark Eldar

Gladiatorial Weapons : Because of the situations these warriors have had to survive in , they have
become extremely adaptive to any situation they may face. When in close combat, a gladiatorial unit
may chose to make 1, 2 or the full 3 attacks on their profile.

The whole unit must pick the same number of attacks - there is no additional bonus for extra close
combat weapons, but charging bonuses are still given. So for example, if the unit decides to make 1
attack each this turn, and it charged , it would gain the effect from selecting one attack, but would
still have 2 attacks each that turn.

If the unit makes 3 attacks each, no extra effects are given .

If the unit makes 2 attacks each, the unit counts as rending, but also strikes at -1 Initiative

if the unit makes 1 attack each, they are treated as having power weapons that turn

A different number of attacks may be selected each player turn.

Lightning Speed : Years of dodging dark lances has sharpened the wits of these fighters beyond that
of ordinary beings. Their 5+ save is invulnerable.

Transport : The squad may select a stolen Dark Eldar Raider as a transport at a cost of +50 Points.
This is equipped with a Single Dark lance, and has the following profile:

Front Side Rear

10 10 10

Fast, Skimmer, Open Topped

Capacity: 10 Models
Loxatl Brood-group

The huge, reptilian Loxatl are a common sight for those Imperial armies that have the misfortune to
face the Blood Pact in battle. Loxatl brood-groups act as light support elements for the relentless
infantry of the Blood Pact, moving with inhuman speed to bring their weaponry to bear on weak
places in the enemy line.

While the Blood Pact is by far the largest employer of the Loxatl, brood-groups can be found
scattered across the galaxy, in the service of any warlord with coin to spare. Many an army has
found victory through the cold cunning and vicious armament of the Loxatl kindreds.


3 5 4 5 3 2 2 9 4+


3 4 4 5 3 1 1 8 4+

• Unit Type: Infantry

• Squad Size – 1 Matriarch and 4 Broodkin
• Points - 100 (May add up to 5 additional Broodkin for +16 Points per model)
• Wargear – Fletchette Blasters

Special Rules
May Be selected by: Eldar, Tau, Imperial Guard, Orks, Chaos Space Marines, Dark Eldar

Loners, Mercenaries, Relentless, Fleet, Move Through Cover

Faithful Children: As long as the Matriarch is alive, a Loxatl Brood-group has the Stubborn Universal
Special Rule

Amphibious: Loxatl treat water features as clear terrain when moving. A brood-group that ends its
move within a water feature has 3+ cover from all shooting, but may not fire any weapons that
Shooting phase

For every 5 models in the unit, 1 Broodkin may replace their Flechette blaster with one of the
• Flamer - +5 Points
• Grenade Launcher - 10 Points
• Plasma Gun - 10 Points
• Heavy Bolter - 10 Points
• Autocannon – 20 Points

The Matriarch may replace her Flechette Blaster with one of the following;

• Assault Cannon – 20 Points

• Flechette Cannon – 25 Points
• Plasma Cannon – 30 Points

Weapon Statistics

Flechette Blaster: S4 AP4 18" Assault 2

Flechette Cannon: S3 AP3 24" Assault 2 Blast – Ignores Cover

Networked Dragonic Tanks
Several years after the third war for Armageddon, an Ultramarines expedition investigated one of
the crash sites of the ork Roks. Instead of finding wreckage, they instead found a vast chasm.
Descending carefully, they came across a network of catacombs. The squad advanced through the
ruin, taking careful note of their surroundings – the ruin was unlike anything they had ever seen on
any imperial ship, or on any xenos world.

Eventually the squad arrived at a vast chamber. As the Techmarine activated the lights to the room,
Hundreds of war marchines were illuminated. The tanks had massive cylindrical curves on their back,
and on the front of each rested a snarling face of a Dragon. The Brother-Captain moved to radio back
to the waiting Thunderhawk – but never got the chance. In an instant, hundreds of rippers swarmed
the chamber, and began crawling into every orifice on every tank. Suddenly, each tank began to
glow, and it seemed as if the furthest away tank was charging up. The Ultramarines began to sound
the retreat, but it was too late. The screams of the marines were drowned out by the sound of the
flames lashing around the room.

These tanks have been seen in several conflicts throughout the galaxy. No one knows their origin, or
even cares – the most important thing to know is whose palm to grease to acquire some of them.

Networked Dragonic Tank

Front Side Rear

11 11 10

• Unit Type: Vehicle, Tank, Fast

• Squadron Size – 1 to 3 Tanks
• Points - 50 Points if one tank is Taken, 100 Points if 2 tanks are taken, 200 Points if 3 tanks
are taken
• Weapons - 1 Incinerator Cannon

Special Rules
May Be selected by: All Races

Lightly Armoured: All glancing hits scored on a Networked Dragonic tank are only reduced to a
score of -1 on the damage chart, instead of -2.

Volatile: If a Networked Dragonic Tank is wrecked (either result), then it explodes in a smouldering
shower of fire. All units within 2D6 take D6 SD6 hits

Network: Alone, Dragonic Tanks can cause some damage. In a network, their power is truly
fearsome. A unit of Dragonic tanks must remain in 2” coherency rather than the usual 4” allowed
for vehicle squadrons. Each turn, each tank may fire its Incinerator Cannon at a separate target.
Alternatively, the Squadron may fire as a network. All of the available fuel is made available to one
firing tank, and this is expelled in a superheated ball of fury. That one tank may fire the Mega
Incinerator that turn, but no other tanks may fire.
Weapon Statistics

Incinerator Cannon: S6 AP3 Heavy 1 Template

Mega Incinerator: S8 AP 1 24" Large Apocalypse Flamer Template

Warp Scourge
Throughout the galaxy, races of all shapes and sizes have been touched by the warp. Some can resist
its effects, while others are consumed by them entirely. On occasion, individuals can master its
secrets – or so they think. Warp Scourges are damned psykers who wield incredible power – but at
an unthinkable price. They often still resemble their original species (though some have grown to a
larger, more monstrous stature), but all have one distinguishable feature in common – a large
abnormal growth upon their back.

These strange individuals have their own agenda, and often show up unannounced to a battle to
obliterate one side with its fearsome powers., even if this help is unwanted.

Their incredible power makes them very resilient to all forms of attack, for it is important for Warp
Scourges to maintain their strength – for if weakened enough, the psyker will be consumed by
something unimaginable…

Warp Scourge

2 8 2 5 2 5 1 10 2+

• Unit Type: Independent Character

• Squad Size – 1 Warp Scourge
• Points - 150 Points
• Wargear – Force Weapon, Warp Barrier

Warp Horror (See Below)

8 3 6 6 5 4 5 10 4+

• Unit Type: Monstrous Creature (Moves as if jump infantry)

• Squad Size – 1 Horror
• Points - N/A
• Wargear – N/A

Special Rules
May Be selected by: All Races

Loner, Fearless, Eternal Warrior

Surging Power: The Warp Scourge may use up to 4 psychic powers a turn, but not the same power
twice. Every Power he uses after the first, is taken at -1 Leadership for each test. For example, if the
Scourge uses a second power, he will test at Ld 9. For a third, Ld8 and so on. The Scourge may target
different units with each power, but may not target the same unit more than once per shooting
phase. Using a Force weapon counts as using one of these powers per turn
Warp Barrier: The Scourge has learned to ignore the effects of most mortal weapons. The Warp
Scourge has a 2+ invulnerable saving throw. This is reduced to a 5+, if he suffers a perils of the warp
attack, or if the wound is inflicted with a psychic shooting attack (such as blood lance). The 2+
invulnerable can be taken against all other types of wound.

Instability: Because the Scourge's soul is so close to damnation, opening any portal to the warp no
matter how small, represents extreme risk. When taking a psychic test, use these special rules
instead of the standard ones.

When casting a power, the Scourge tests against his current leadership (this is affected by the
following modifiers:

• -1 For each power already used this turn (in accordance with the surging power rule)
• -1 For each wound lost so far
• -1 For each wound inflicted in the previous turn from a psychic shooting attack

If the Leadership test is passed, the power works as expected. If it is failed, the Scourge immediately
suffers a perils of the warp attack (and can save using his reduced 5+ save).

Energy Release: As soon as the Warp Scourge loses its final wound, lay the model down on its side
(adjacant to a close combat if it was killed in an assault, or next to the destroying unit if was
sweeping advanced).

At the start of that player's next turn, roll a D6 to discover the final Fate of the scourge:

1. The body explodes, covering all units within D6 inches in warp-stained ichor. All non-vehicle
units within this radius are slow and purposeful for the rest of the battle, but NOT relentless.
Vehicles treat all terrain as dangerous and difficult (even open terrain).

2. The body mysteriously evaporates, leaving a highly corrosive vapour in its wake. All units
within D6 inches take 2D6 Strength 2 hits. Vehicles take D3 Glancing hits.

3. Darkness forms above the battlefield, as if some malevolent energy has been released. For
the remainder of the battle, the Night Fight rules are in effect

4. The corpse explodes violently - as all nearby units think they can hear a howl of frustration.
All units within 2D6 of the corpse suffer 2D6 SD6 APD6 hits. Non vehicle models must then
immediately take a morale test to avoid falling back

5. (or 6) - A triumphant howl can be heard, as an abomination crawls out of the growth on the
Scourge's back. Replace the scourge with a suitably large monstrous model. This model has a
Warp Horror profile shown above, and also has access to the psychic powers listed below.
The horror may only cast one power a turn (and uses the rules for normal psykers). Once
spawned, the player controlling the Warp Scourge nominates a unit in his opponents army.
That player may then move the Horror towards that unit, and cast psychic powers at it. The
horror must be moved towards this unit every turn if possible, and must always assault it if
in range. Once the unit is destroyed, the opposing player may now nominate a unit
belonging to the original owner of the Warp Scourge, following the same process. This then
alternates between players, and continues until all other units are destroyed, or until the
Warp Horror is destroyed. It's 4+ saving throw is invulnerable.

Psychic Powers

Spears of the Warp: Choose a unit within 24". Then roll 2D6. This is the number of spears the
Scourge generates. Roll to hit with these shots as normal.

Strength: D6 +1 AP: D6 -1 (To a minimum of 1)

Conflagration: Pick any point on the table and place a marker. Scatter this marker 3D6 inches
(ignoring hits and using the small arrow). Once this is done, place the flamer template along one
edge of the marker, and rotate it 360 degrees. All models under this rotation are hit. Models with an
armour save of 3+ or better must reduce their saving throw by 1 for these wounds, as their armour
will be heated to supernatural levels.

Vehicles take an automatic glancing hit.

Strength: D6 AP: -

Haste: One friendly unit has its initiative increased to 10 for the remainder of the turn. This is not
overridden for powerfists etc, so they will still strike at I1. If the Scourge fails when attempting this
power, the unit is reduced to I1 for the remainder of the turn

Misdirection: The scourge has levels of prescience beyond anything ever known. Until the start of its
next turn, the Scourge can manipulate D3 units of enemy reserves. If outflanking, the Scourge
specifies which side. If deep striking, the unit rolls 3D6 for scatter.

Destruction: The scourge summons his darkest energies to crush all who would oppose him.

Strength: 9 AP: D6 (To a minimum of 1) Range 12" (Large Blast Marker)

Grim Totem: All hostile units not locked in combat within 3D6 must take a morale test on Ld -2, or
fall back immediately.

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