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HSE Risk Assessment Tool

2. IMPACT TABLE Negligible Minor Moderate Major Extreme

Significant injury requiring medical treatment
Minor injury or illness, first aid treatment e.g. Fracture and/or counselling. Major injuries/long term incapacity or disability Incident leading to death or major
Adverse event leading to minor injury not requiring required Agency reportable, e.g. HSA, Gardaí (violent and (loss of limb) requiring medical treatment and/or permanent incapacity.
first aid. <3 days absence aggressive acts). counselling Event which impacts on large number
Injury < 3 days extended hospital stay >3 Days absence of patients or member of the public
No impaired Psychosocial functioning Impaired psychosocial functioning greater than 3 3-8 Days extended hospital Stay Impaired psychosocial functioning greater than Permanent psychosocial functioning
days less than one month Impaired psychosocial functioning greater than six months incapacity.
one month less than six months

Unsatisfactory service user experience related to

Totally unsatisfactory service user
less than optimal treatment and/or inadequate Unsatisfactory service user experience related to
Reduced quality of service user experience related to Unsatisfactory service user experience related to outcome resulting in long term effects,
Service User Experience inadequate provision of information
information, not being to talked to & treated as less than optimal treatment resulting in short
poor treatment resulting in long term effects or extremely poor experience of care
an equal; or not being treated with honesty, term effects (less than 1 week)
dignity & respect - readily resolvable

Gross failure to meet external

Repeated failure to meet external standards.
Repeated failure to meet internal standards or Failure to meet national norms and standards /
Compliance with Standards Repeated failure to meet national
Minor non compliance with internal standards. Small Single failure to meet internal standards or follow protocols. Important recommendations Regulations (e.g. Mental Health, Child Care Act
norms and standards / regulations.
(Statutory, Clinical, number of minor issues requiring improvement follow protocol. Minor recommendations which that can be addressed with an appropriate etc).
can be easily addressed by local management management action plan. Critical report or substantial number of
Professional & Management) significant findings and/or lack of adherence to
Severely critical report with possible
major reputational or financial
Inability to meet project objectives.
Objectives/Projects Barely noticeable reduction in scope, quality or
Minor reduction in scope, quality or schedule.
Reduction in scope or quality of project; project
Significant project over – run. Reputation of the organisation
schedule. objectives or schedule.
seriously damaged.
Sustained loss of service which has serious Permanent loss of core service or
Interruption in a service which does not impact on the Some disruption in service with unacceptable
Short term disruption to service with minor impact on delivery of service user care or service facility.
Business Continuity delivery of service user care or the ability to continue
impact on service user care.
impact on service user care. Temporary loss
resulting in major contingency plans being Disruption to facility leading to
to provide service. of ability to provide service
involved significant ‘knock on’ effect
National/International media/ adverse
publicity, > than 3 days. Editorial
follows days of news stories &
National media/ adverse publicity, less than 3 features in National papers.
days. News stories & features in national papers. Public confidence in the organisation
Local media – adverse publicity. Local media – long term adverse publicity. undermined.
Rumours, no media coverage. No public concerns Local media coverage – short term.
Adverse publicity/ Reputation voiced. Some public concern.
Significant effect on employees morale & public Public confidence in the organisation HSE use of resources questioned.
perception of the organisation. Public calls (at undermined. HSE use of resources questioned. CEO’s performance questioned. Calls
Little effect on employees morale. No Minor effect on employees morale / public
local level) for specific remedial actions. Minister may make comment. Possible questions for individual HSE officials to be
review/investigation necessary. attitudes. Internal review necessary.
Comprehensive review/investigation necessary. in the Dáil. Public calls (at national level) for sanctioned. Taoiseach/Minister forced
specific remedial actions to be taken possible to comment or intervene. Questions in
HSE review/investigation the Dail. Public calls (at national level)
for specific remedial actions to be
taken. Court action. Public
(independent) Inquiry.

Financial Loss (per local Contact) <€1k €1k – €10k €10k – €100k €100k – €1m >€1m

Release affecting minimal off-site area requiring Toxic release affecting off-site with
Environment Nuisance Release. On site release contained by organisation. On site release contained by organisation. external assistance (fire brigade, radiation, detrimental effect requiring outside
protection service etc.) assistance.

1. LIKELIHOOD SCORING 3. RISK MATRIX Negligible (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Extreme (5)
Rare/Remote (1) Unlikely (2) Possible (3) Likely (4) Almost Certain (5) Almost Certain (5) 5 10 15 20 25
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
Probability Likely (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Occurs Occurs Occurs
At least
every 5 1% every 2-5 10% every 1-2 50% Bimonthly 75%
99% Possible (3) 3 6 9 12 15
years or years years
more Unlikely (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Rare/Remote (1) 1 2 3 4 5

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