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T r e n d s i n

C h e m i c a l
Vol. 15, 2014

A comparative analysis of the performance of various

equations of state in thermodynamic property prediction
of reservoir fluid systems
Faith U. Babalola* and David O. Oduwole
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The most prominent use of an equation of state is

Six equations of state (including ours) were to predict the state of gases and liquids. One of
compared for their thermodynamic property the simplest and oldest equations of state for this
prediction accuracy for reservoir fluid systems. purpose is the ideal gas law, which is roughly
This was done using their percentage absolute accurate for real gases at low pressures and
deviation to search for and establish a trend in moderate temperatures. However, this equation
accuracy for each on conventional wells which becomes increasingly inaccurate at higher pressures
will give a clue to their applicability to HPHT and lower temperatures, and fails to predict
(High Pressure High Temperature) PVT modeling. condensation from a gas to a liquid. Therefore, a
A group of three showed fairly good accuracy number of much more accurate equations of state
with a trend of improvement up to about 1800 psi. have been developed for gases and liquids. At
Another set of two interestingly showed very present, there is no single equation of state that
similar trends with continuous improvement in accurately predicts the properties of all fluids
accuracy as pressure increased making them under all conditions. This work is limited to EOS
potential candidates for high pressure reservoir that predict properties of reservoir fluids at
PVT modeling. One equation of state (EOS) equilibrium. Since these EOS are semi-empirical,
however showed an irregular error trend. in the sense that they have some theoretical basis,
their parameters must be adjusted. The number
KEYWORDS: equation of state, prediction, of parameters determine the category/complexity
liquid volume, compressibility factor of the EOS. In general terms, the more complex
the EOS, the more accurate it is (with a few
1. Introduction exceptions). In some cases a rather simple EOS
can do a very good job.
An equation of state is a mathematical expression
describing the relation between various Since the time of the ideal gas law (ideal gas
macroscopically measurable state properties of a EOS), a great number of equations of state have
system. Many EOS have been developed and been proposed to describe real gas behaviour.
modified to improve accuracy of prediction of However, many of them have not passed the test
properties and are currently widely used in the oil of time. Only few have persisted through the
and gas as well as in other chemical process years; this is because of their relative simplicity.
industries. In the petroleum industry, the most common
modern EOS are the Peng-Robinson EOS (PR
EOS), Soave-Redlich-Kwong EOS (SRK EOS),
*Corresponding author: Patel-Teja EOS and a few more recent versions.
48 Faith U. Babalola & David O. Oduwole

Most of these are cubic and hence are derivations 4. Erdogmus-Adewumi Equation of State
of the van der Waals EOS. (EA-EOS) of 2000.
Fluid properties are essential factors to be 5. Esmaeilzadeh-Roshanfekr Equation of State
considered when dealing with equipment design (ER-EOS) of 2004.
in petroleum reservoir engineering and chemical 6. Babalola-Peng-Robinson Equation of State
engineering. Accurate values of these fluid (BPR-EOS) of 2005.
properties such as volumes, viscosities, densities,
etc. are required in solving design problems. In 2. Brief literature review
most cases, experimental measurements of these The progress in the development of equations of
important fluid properties are difficult or state has spanned a few centuries. Beginning with
impossible to obtain directly. The alternative way the ideal gas laws by Boyle in 1662 and that by
of obtaining the values of these properties is Charles in 1787 after a period of more than a
empirical prediction through mathematical expression century, Dalton’s law quickly followed in 1801
of equations of state. The application of EOS and then the most popular ideal gas law (still in
models in predicting fluid properties is preferred use today) by Emile Clapeyron in 1834. The
because it is flexible, rigorous and useful for scope was expanded to include real gases by the
describing complex systems such as hydrocarbon inclusion of parameters, the first of which was by
systems. van der Waals [1]. His finite volume assumption
There are various equations of state which are for real gases ended the work on EOS for ideal
useful in the prediction of fluid properties. The gases and charted a new course for the application
accuracy of each equation of state depends on of equations of state to real gases and liquids. A
the nature and condition of the fluid involved. well-improved EOS was developed by Redlich
Adequate knowledge of this will definitely make and Kwong [2], modified by Soave [3] and was
design work easy and more efficient. very closely followed by the celebrated Peng-
The analysis of the performance of various Robinson EOS [4]. The following three decades
equations of state can be achieved if the available saw numerous modifications and development of
experimental thermodynamic data have high EOS, five of which have been selected in addition
accuracy. The source of such experimental data to the Peng-Robinson EOS for performance
and the state of experimental equipment used to assessment in this work using percentage absolute
obtain the data are of great concern. There are deviation analysis.
little or no information, in most cases, on the Peng-Robinson equation of state
accuracy of the experimental equipment used to
obtain most available thermodynamic data. Also A cubic three-parameter equation of state, developed
the purity of fluid substances used in the by Peng and Robinson is well established in
experiment of most thermodynamic data is not literature [4].
always available with their data. Patel-Teja equation of state
In this work, the performance of six equations of Patel and Teja [5] proposed an equation of state
state developed over a period of three decades for that improves saturation properties prediction,
use in the petroleum industry were analyzed and especially for heavy hydrocarbons and polar
compared using two thermodynamic properties - substances, while maintaining the good features
volume and compressibility factor. The six of PR and SRK equations; it introduces a third
selected EOS are: constant, ‘c’ into the van der Waals equation’s
1. Peng-Robinson Equation of State (PR EOS) attraction term. This equation is also well established
of 1976. and available in literature.
2. Patel-Teja Equation of State (PT EOS) of
1982. Elliott-Suresh-Donohue equation of state
3. Elliott-Suresh-Donohue Equation of State The Elliott-Suresh-Donohue (ESD) equation of
(ESD-EOS) of 1990. state was proposed in 1990 [6]. The equation
Performance of equations of state in reservoir fluids 49

seeks to correct a shortcoming in the Peng- Erdogmus-Adewumi equation of state

Robinson EOS due to the inaccuracy in the van The Erdogmus-Adewumi equation of state is an
der Waals repulsive term. The EOS accounts for extension of that of Patel and Teja. They modified
the effect of the shape of a non-polar molecule the Patel-Teja EOS to improve the prediction of
and can be extended to polymers with the addition liquid phase density and vapor liquid equilibrium
of an extra term. The EOS itself was developed [7]. The equation is written as
through modelling and computer simulations and
was meant to capture the essential physics of the P=   (7)
size, shape, and hydrogen bonding. It expresses
the compressibility factor (Z) as where

(1) (8)
a = Ωaa( ) .α

where (9)
b = Ωb ( )

c = Ωc ( ) (10)

  (3) α = {1 + m(1 - TR0.5)} 2 (11)

and m according to Erdogmus and Adewunmi is given

c is a “shape factor”, with c = 1 for spherical as:
molecules. m = KZc + n (12)
For non-spherical molecules the following
relation is suggested:
c = 1 + 3.535ω + 0.533ω2 where ω is the acentric   (13)
factor K= 1.466867 + 3.400456 + 3.776977 (14)
The reduced number density η is defined as
n = 0.283470 + 0.393438 –   (15)
  (4) Esmaeilzadeh-Roshanfekr equation of state
Here, there is an introduction of a substance-
where dependent critical compressibility factor which
v* is the characteristic size parameter allowed a more accurate reproduction of the
n is the number of molecules experimental saturated liquid density at a specified
V is the volume of the container temperature [8].
The characteristic size parameter is related to the Their work showed that the optimum value of
shape parameter c through substance critical compressibility was not equal to
the experimental critical compressibility of the
fluid of interest. Using the generalized van der
  (5) Waals theory, Esmaeilzadeh and Roshanfekr used
a mathematically simple cubic EOS to model
where attractive interactions between molecules. The
proposed equation of state in their work is as
  (6) follows:

and k is Boltzmann’s constant. (16)
50 Faith U. Babalola & David O. Oduwole

where “a” is a function of temperature and “b” predict two thermodynamics properties namely
and “c” are constants. In this EOS, a(T), ‘b’ are Compressibility factor and Specific Volume. In
given as: order to conveniently use a computer simulation
technique each equation had to be transformed
(17) into a machine-compliant form. The computer
simulations provide the required predictions.
  (18) The predicted values were compared with
experimental values (actual field data) and the
resulting deviations were critically analyzed and
(19) interpreted to illustrate the performances of these
equations of state.
Moreover, it is found that Esmaeilzadeh-
Roshanfekr EOS is most accurate for predicting 3. Calculations
gas-condensate properties, while the original SRK For a property prediction model, it is most
and PR equations remain reliable for oil samples convenient to transform each EOS into a
[9]. polynomial expression in terms of the property
to be predicted. This transformation involves
Babalola-Peng-Robinson equation of state algebraic mathematical manipulations and is no
Babalola [10] modified the Peng-Robinson equation simple task. The six EOS under investigation
of state as: were so transformed and are given below, firstly
in terms of molar volume (V) and secondly in
P=   (20) terms of compressibility factor (Z).

The attractive force parameter ‘a’, which was 3.1. Modeling

considered to be a constant with respect to Peng-Robinson (P-R) EOS
pressure in Peng-Robinson EOS as well as in
other EOS was modified by Babalola. The  V 
modification, in which parameter ‘a’ was treated
as a variable with respect to pressure for multi-   (22)
component multi-phase high density reservoir
systems was to improve accuracy in the prediction and
of properties of complex reservoir fluids for PVT
modeling. The variation was represented with a Z 
linear equation:
a = α1 P + α2 (21)
where α1 and α2 represent the slope and the where
intercept respectively of the straight line obtained
when values of parameter ‘a’ are plotted against and
This modification increases the accuracy of Peng- Patel-Teja (P-T) EOS
Robinson EOS for heavier fluids particularly at
high pressure ranges (> 30 MPa) and eliminates
the need for tuning the EOS before use thereby
minimizing the cost of using the EOS in the oil
The comparison of the performance of these
equations was done by using each equation to and
Performance of equations of state in reservoir fluids 51

temperature-dependent parameters ‘α’ and ‘m’

which are contained in ‘A’.
Esmaeilzadeh-Roshanfekr (E-R) EOS

Elliot-Suresh-Donohue (E-S-D) EOS
Z = 1 +   +    (26)

Z =   

 =    (27) and  

  (28) Babalola-Peng-Robinson (B-P-R) EOS

and  V 



Erdogmus-Adewunmi (E-A) EOS where


These transformed EOS lend themselves easily to
and computer programs; they were solved using
3.2. Mixing rules
With various mixing rules available in literature,
where the choice here is arbitrary since the systems
whose properties are here predicted are normal
  and   reservoir fluids and whichever one is used will be
applied to all six EOS and mixing rules are not
Erdogmus-Adewunmi EOS in this form is EOS-specific. Therefore, the van der Waals I-fluid
identical to Patel-Teja EOS of which it is a mixing rules were used in this work and are given
modification. Their difference lies in the modified for parameter ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ as
52 Faith U. Babalola & David O. Oduwole

  (36) the results generated by the program are presented

in Section 4.

  (37) 4. Results and discussion

The predicted liquid volume for Data 1 as shown
in Figure 2 reveals that PR-EOS and PT-EOS
  (38) predicted almost exactly the same values with a
near match by EA-EOS throughout the range
spanned by the data. They deviated more from the
where actual (experimental) values at lower pressures
  (39) than at higher ones. BPR-EOS and ESD-EOS
followed the same trend with ESD-EOS
The Mixing Rules for parameter ‘a’ were not predicting slightly higher values. Their deviations
employed in the Babalola-Peng-Robinson EOS, from actual values are quite high at lower
rather, the EOS uses a variable parameter ‘a’ pressures but reduced steadily with pressure
approach (VPAA) as fully discussed by Babalola increase. ER-EOS deviated from experimental
and Susu [11]. values at higher and lower pressures but showed
its best prediction with lowest deviation at a
3.3. Comparative analysis using percentage pressure of about 20 MPa. Very similar observations
absolute deviation trend are made in the performance of all six EOS in
The predicted property values were compared predicting the compressibility factor of Data 1 as
with experimental (field) data by calculating the shown in Figure 3.
percentage absolute average deviation (%AAD) In Figure 4, the volume prediction for Data 2
for a set of N values. The standard %AAD is shows again that BPR-EOS and ESD-EOS
defined mathematically as behaved alike, PR-EOS, PT-EOS and EA-EOS
behaved alike while ER-EOS showed large
deviations at low pressures but improved slightly
(40) with pressure increase. This trend is close to that
seen in Figure 5 where compressibility factor was
N = number of data points used predicted for Data 2. Data 3 however involves
For a closer observation and monitoring of the temperature variation (an increase) with pressure
curves generated using each of the six EOS increase. Liquid volume and compressibility factor
under study, the percentage absolute deviation predictions (Figures 6 and 7) still maintained
(%AD) instead of %AAD from the field data was the grouping of the EOS earlier observed for
found for each pressure value (point) and these constant-temperature cases; PR-EOS, PT-EOS
deviations were plotted against pressure. This is and EA-EOS closely followed the experimental
more revealing for our purpose than determining values, BPR-EOS and ESD-EOS followed very
the percentage absolute deviation %AAD which is similar curves with BPR-EOS giving a better
a lump value. prediction throughout the pressure range. ER-EOS
however showed a point of lowest accuracy at
3.4. Computer simulation about 20 MPa.
The program, whose flow chart is shown in Figure 1 For our particular interest, rather than calculate
below was used along with our input data and the commonly used %AAD (percentage average
parameters for three reservoir fluid systems to absolute deviation), it was preferable to determine
calculate the liquid molar volumes and the the %AD (percentage absolute deviation) for each
compressibility factors for the three reservoir fluid predicted point and plot to reveal the trend. The
systems used in this work, namely Data 1, Data 2 percentage absolute deviation from experiment for
and Data 3. Following the flow chart in Figure 1, the six EOS are shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9
Performance of equations of state in reservoir fluids 53


Read ω, Tc, Pc, R, Experimental V & Z

Calculate Zc, K & n

Calculate TR, m & α
Calculate Ωa, Ωb & Ωc
Calculate a, b & c
Calculate A, B & C

Calculate V
Calculate Z

V & Z = Real


Calculate AAD




Figure 1. Flow chart for the program.

54 Faith U. Babalola & David O. Oduwole

Figure 2. Volume prediction for Data 1.

Figure 3. Compressibility factor prediction for Data 1.

Figure 4. Volume prediction for Data 2.

Performance of equations of state in reservoir fluids 55

Figure 5. Compressibility factor prediction for Data 2.

Pressure (MPa)

Figure 6. Volume prediction for Data 3.

Figure 7. Compressibility factor prediction for Data 3.

56 Faith U. Babalola & David O. Oduwole


Figure 8. Percentage absolute deviation for predicted volume for Data 1.

Figure 9. Percentage absolute deviation for predicted compressibility factor for Data 1.

Figure 10. Percentage absolute deviation for predicted volume in Data 2.

Performance of equations of state in reservoir fluids 57

Figure 11. Percentage absolute deviation for predicted compressibility factor for Data 2.

Figure 12. Percentage absolute deviation for predicted volume for Data 3.

Percentage Absolute Deviation




Figure 13. Percentage absolute deviation for Z values obtained from Data 3.
58 Faith U. Babalola & David O. Oduwole

for Data 1, Figure 10 and Figure 11 for Data 2 and m : parameter in the EOS for α
finally in Figure 12 and Figure 13 for Data 3. All n : number of molecules
EOS maintained their signatures even for Data 3 N : the number of data points
which had temperature variation except ER-EOS η : reduced number density
which had a minimum for Data 1, a maximum for Φ : shape parameter
Data 2 and no turning point for Data 3. PR-EOS, P : pressure
PT-EOS and EA-EOS as a group began with a R : ideal gas constant
%AD of about 8, dropped steadily to about 3.5 at T : temperature
about 10 MPa and remained almost constant with V : volume
pressure increase. The group of BPR-EOS and v* : the characteristic size parameter
ESD-EOS has an interesting feature. Their %AD ω : acentric factor
began though with a very high value of about 22 γ : adiabatic index
and 25, respectively, but a continuous decline was Zc : critical compressibility factor
maintained as pressure increased for Data 1 and Zrep : repulsive parameter
Data 2. This leads to an expectation that %AD Zatt : attractive parameter
will keep reducing even as pressure values Z : compressibility factor
increase beyond the range covered in this work. Ωa, Ωb, Ωc : parameter in the a, b, c
Even for the variable temperature case, Data 3, constants of the EOS
these two EOS also show a decline in %AD at Subscripts
high pressure. It is worth noting here that the c : critical condition
BPR-EOS was developed for use at moderate and r : reduce condition
possibly high pressures. m : molar value

5. Conclusion REFERENCES
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