LO1 Operation and Project Management

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The Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1892 and established its Headquarters in Atlanta.
The Coca Cola Franchise is the World’s biggest Beverage Industry. It dominated a 48% of
the global Market share. In total the Franchise is responsible for over 160 different
beverages within a market consisting of 200 Countries. Examples of their products are
Coke, Sprite, Dasani and many more. Their products range from Sport’s Beverages, Juices,
Tea, Coffee and Water.

Coca-Cola is a product company that manufactures and sells concentrated drinks and
juices; and finished beverages (including sparkling soft drinks; water and sports drinks;
juices and plant-based drinks; and tea and coffee).

Example: Coca-Cola , Sprite , Fanta , Schweppes , DASANI , smart water , POWERADE ,

vitamin water , innocent , Simply , Costa Coffee , Fuze Tea , Honest.

4 V's of operation
Volume: Volume- this refers to the amount of a particular item required to satisfy its
demand. Low volume activities have a tendency to be less repetitive and dull with staff
involved in more than one role (multitasking) while high volume involves repeatable
techniques, which can be institutionalized or computerized. A high volume can reach and
satisfy the demand as the production process is faster due to automated activities. Coca
Cola as a company can produce with greater volume efficiency than smaller, local beverage
companies. All around, more than 10,000 Coca-Cola are consumed each second, according
to UK business insider, so you can imagine how many bottles and cans of Coca Cola drinks
are being produced.
Variety: Variety-relates to the variety of goods/service to be created and sold to client.
Variety is all about diversity. High variety enables organizations to adapt and create
products or service to meet customer requirement. The higher the variety the lower the
volume of the products or services. For example, Coca Cola creates variety of different
beverages, so how Coca Cola operates will differentiate from a beverage company that
produces just a couple. Coca Cola will have a lot of factories making different products, some
abroad, as they sell variety of drinks. The team will also consist of big groups and Coca Cola
will have more specialists working for each product for taste trials and research, while small
beverage company like normal orange juice will have a local factory with small group
working together with no specialist.
Visibility: Visibility-insinuates the measure of the organizational process does the customer
truly experience. Service industry has high visibility because the customer experiences the
process frist hand. Coca Cola organization does not have high visibility as they are in
manufacturing industry and all the process happens at the back (factories) customers only
gets to experience the product. Customers doesn't get to see how the product is being made
they just get to taste it. Even restaurant staffs do not get the full experiences of how the
drink is made as they are given premade syrup which they mix with carbonated water.
Variation: Variation-this alludes to the how much the level of demands changes over a
period of time because of outer components. Nonetheless, various elements make it hard to
foresee variety. For instance, a catastrophic event, for example, if an earthquake hits Great
Britain, this will prompt an expansion in nourishment stuff and house supplies and less
demand for Coca Cola drinks.

Approaches of operation
Mass production: Coca-Cola has established itself as a commodity that has integrated into
many cultures around the globe. This is no secret, Coca-Cola is everywhere. Just last year,
Coca-Cola products were found in over two hundred countries worldwide, with consumers
drinking more than 1.8 billion company beverage servings each day. Coca-Cola is an all-
encompassing commodity whose mass production is credited to the extraction and
refinement of its ingredients. The companies interdependent relationship with government-
run utilities and agribusiness is necessary to obtain resources of production and producing
Coca-Cola within these outsourced countries for better profits.
The production of Coca-Cola is based on the ingredients that compose the substance.
Through the private-sector partnerships, six critical ingredients have enabled Coca-Cola to
be acquired at a low cost. These main ingredients include water, sugar, caffeine, coca leaves,
packaging, and high-fructose corn syrup.

Agile: Coca-Cola associates globally are being trained in agile practices, leaders are
implementing agile principles, and agile teams have been formed to address strategic
priorities. Best practices are being shared through digital tools and community events
throughout the organization.

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