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58 Section 1 Guide to Reading 18, Which of the following could best be substituted for the word fundamental in the passage? © basic O shifting © predictable © complicated Passage 3 Manufactured in the tranquil New England town of Concord, New Hampshire, the famous Concord Coach came to symbolize the Old West. Its rugged body and a suspension system made of leather straps could handle the hard jolts from rough roads. A journalist describing a railroad shipment of thirty coaches bound for Wells, Fargo and Company wrote, “They are superbly decorated ... the | bodies red and the running parts yellow. Each door is painted, mostly with landscapes, and no two coaches are exactly alike.” Wells, Fargo and Company was founded in 1852 to provide mail and bank- ing services for the gold camps of California and later won a monopoly on express services west of the Mississippi. A Wells, Fargo Concord Coach carried nine to fourteen passengers as well as baggage and mail. The accommodations | ‘were by no means plush. However, while conditions may have been primitive and service not always prompt, the stagecoach was stil the fastest method of | travel through much of the Far West. l 19. The word tranquil in the passage is closest in meaning to © busy © industrial © peaceful O tiny 20. 21 23, 26. Lesson 2: Vocabulary Questions 59 The word symbolize in the passage is closest in meaning to fulfil © represent © deny © transform Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word rugged in the passage? © streamlined © roomy O sturdy primitive In the passage, the word jolts is closest in meaning to shocks O injuries O signs © accidents The phrase bound for in the passage in closest in meaning to © belonged to © headed for © built by D owned by In the passage, the word superbly is closest in meaning to © occasionally O surprisingly professionally © wonderfully In the passage, the word plush is closest in meaning to inexpensive clean > convenient luxurious The word or phrase closest in meaning to prompt in the passage is polite on time available at risk 60 Section 1 Guide to Reading Passage 4 To the Hopi people of Arizona, the institutions of family and religion are of paramount importance. The Hopi believe in a harmonious existence that ‘makes the self-sacrificing individual the ideal. The Hopi individual is trained from birth to feel that his or her highest responsibilty is to and for the Peaceful People—the Hopi’s own term for themselves. Fighting, bullying, and attempting to surpass others bring an automatic rebuke from the community. Implicit in the Hopi view is an original and integrated theory of the universe. With this they organize their society in such a way as to obtain a measure of security from a hazardous environment made up of foes, famines, and plagues. ‘They conceive of the universe—humans, animals, plants, and supernatural spr its—as an orderly system functioning under rules known only to them, These rules govern their behavior, emotions, and thoughts in a prescribed way. ‘The word paramount in the passage is closest in meaning to O greatest O differing > equal © decreasing 28. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word harmonious in the passage? © hostile © philosophical exclusive 29. The word bullying in the passage is closest in meaning to O ling organizing © entertaining © tormenting 30. In the passage, the word rebuke is closest in meaning to O prestige © reaction D criticism © compliment 31. Which of the following could best be substituted for the word hazardous in the passage? © dangerous © random © familiar © changing Lesson 2: Vocabulary Questions 61 The word foes in the passage is closest in meaning ro O fears needs failures 33, The word prescribed in the passage is closest in meaning to © illogical set © harsh Passage 5 Canadian researchers have discovered a set of genes that determine the lifespan of the common nematode. This finding sheds new light on the aging process that may allow science to eventually delay the inexorable process of aging. By manipulating the newly discovered genes, the team at McGill University in Montreal was able to increase the lifespan of the nematode fivefold, Altering the genes apparently caused the metabolism of the worms to operate at a more leisurely pace. This caused the DNA effects thought to bring about aging to accumulate at a reduced rate. Of course the causes of aging in humans are more involved than those in nematodes. However, researchers are confident that these discoveries will provide invaluable clues about this hitherto mysterious process, 34. ‘The word determine in the passage is closest in meaning to © control maintain shorten © explain 35. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase sheds new light on sage? in the pa contradicts what is know about > emphasizes the importance of provides more information about © calls more attention to 36, The word inexorable in the passage is closest in meaning to O anuet > essential unstoppable incomprehensible 62 Section | Guide to Reading 38, 39, 40. 4 What is meant by the word manipulating in the passage? © discovering © understanding 2 modifying © destroying The phrase more leisurely In the passage is closest in meaning to © slower © more predictable © mote efficient O harder The word involved in the passage is closest in meaning to © serious © well known easily observed > complicated Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word clues in the passa © plans O hints secrets 5 discoveries The word hitherto in the passage is closest in meaning to O universally © almost O previously > somewhat

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