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Dr.Hadeel Abdullah

How is the Banking sector managing talent across different age profiles 'X & Y'?

This paper aims to know the ability of banks to manage talent and manage human resources in different
age groups, to find out the extent of their impact through attracting talents in the banking sectors and
placing them in the right place, retaining the required skills and develop their employees .

Keywords: Talent management, attracting talent, human resources, Develop talent, retaining talent.

1- Definition of talent management in general.

2- How to attract X and Y talents in the banking sector.

3- Retaining and developing employees of Generation Y and X

4- Determine the ability of banks to manage talent and ensure that they are placed in the right place.
How companies are responding to talent management across different age groups. How companies
work to manage talent and different age groups of individuals. This study aims to determine how to
manage talent in general through attracting, developing and retaining generations (X&Y) in the banking
sector. In this context, talent management in general and from the two generations (X&Y) is defined for
their most important features, the age group they represent, and the role of the banking sector in their
development, retention and retention. An online survey was distributed to the bank’s employees via
Google Form and the human resources department was chosen to respond on this questionnaire. Data
collected, analyzed, and presented by Google Form. The results showed that the percentage of males is
higher than that of females and that the percentage of generation X is higher than generation Y. The
difference in age groups positively affects the company's performance, employee performance, and
career development and employee retention.


Talent management
Talent management has become almost an inevitable management process in modern days. Due to
tough competition in every sphere of the business world today, organizations are vying for the best
people from the job market.

However, attracting the best talent from the job market it requires a lot of competence, expertise, and
experience on the part of the organization to recruit the best in the industry. A major part of the Human
Resource Department is devoted to talent management, which is mostly dedicated to the purpose of
recognizing, sourcing, and poaching the best talent.

The Inception of Talent Management

Although the term would not be coined for centuries, the industrial era set the stage for talent
management with factories and workshops that needed qualified staff. Workforce managers sorted
through pools of applicants to find the most experienced workers for tasks such as cloth manufacturing,
basket making, carpentry, wood milling, and much, much more. Their processes were somewhat
streamlined, but still generally scattered and far from the organizational processes that comprise the
term today.
The word “talent management” was coined in a 1998 paper entitled “The War for Talent,” written by
Elizabeth G. Chambers, Mark Foulon, Helen Handfield-Jones, Steven M. Hankin and Edward G. Michaels
III. The crux of the paper is that top talent is necessary for organizations that want to be adaptable,
decisive and successful, but that companies frequently find themselves unable to fill these key positions.
The answer? A talent management process that helps you attract and retain employees through the
creation of key value propositions and development of an attractive workplace environment.

Talent Management Today

Today, HR departments devote significant resources to talent management. Most organizations have
developed carefully streamlined processes to help them hire the right people, train them well, keep them
happy and ensure that their benefits (pay, promotions, perks, etc.) successfully keep them around. Many
even use a talent management system to help organize all of this data in a single place. Increasingly,
however, companies recognize that talent management must permeate all departments of an
organization to ensure that good people stay over the long haul.

The issue with many companies today is that their organizations put tremendous effort into attracting
employees to their company, but spend little time into retaining and developing talent. A talent
management system must be worked into the business strategy and implemented in daily processes
throughout the company as a whole. It cannot be left solely to the human resources department to
attract and retain employees, but rather must be practiced at all levels of the organization. The business
strategy must include responsibilities for line managers to develop the skills of their immediate
subordinates. Divisions within the company should be openly sharing information with other
departments in order for employees to gain knowledge of the overall organizational objectives.


M. Armstrong defined talent management as the processes for ensuring that talented people are
attracted, retained, motivated and developed in line with the needs of the organization. Jamika defined
it as "attracting, developing and retaining talent", that is, the most valuable employees, by creating
conditions that help develop their potential, so that they can be used in the company's operations for the
longest period possible since then. J. Moczydłowska stated that talent management is a group of
activities undertaken towards employees with outstanding talents, to ensure their development and
increase their operational efficiency, while achieving company goals at the same time.

Source: own study based on: Armstrong, 2007, p.354; Jamka, 2011, p. 196; Moczydłowska, 2010 p. 38;
Pocztowski, 2008, p. 50.

Armstrong, M. (2007). Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi (Human Resources Management), p. 61, 75-76,
205, 354. Kraków

Jamka, B. (2011). Czynnik ludzki we współczesnym przedsiębiorstwie: zasób czy kapitał? (The Human
Factor in a Modern Enterprise: Resource or Capital?). p. 196. Warszawa.

Moczydłowska, J. (2010). Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi w organizacji (Human Resources Management

in Organisations). p. 38; 40. War szawa.



Generation Y, on the other hand, is the demographic cohort for people born between the early 1980s
and 1994. The closest individual was born in 1980 while the youngest was born in 1994, and is now 38
and 24 years old, respectively. Generation Y also referred to as Millennials, follows Gen X and precedes
Gen Z.

Formation events associated with Gen X include the Cold War and the rise of heavy computing while Gen
Y is associated with events such as the Great Recession, growing terrorism, and massive use of the
Internet including social media. When it comes to managerial roles, Gen X takes on a better cloak than
Gen Y for most individuals. They are good at bridging the gap between younger and older generations,
delegating, and assigning roles without arousing any outrage.

Generation Y does not need much supervision either in terms of financing, Generation X is more
concerned with generating revenue but does not do well on a measure of cost efficiency while
Generation Y is better at saving the money they earned and is more interested in financing in general.

Both generations also witnessed an expansion in technology, but each is at a certain stage of
development. However, Generation Y takes technology to a higher level and its efficiency is higher.
Generation X, on the other hand, leans less towards technology and spends a fraction of its time on the
internet compared to Generation Y.
On the other hand, General Y is affected by administrative difficulties. It is mostly influenced by social
skills and age that makes them judge especially if they are responsible for the elderly.

Gen X, Xers, Post Boomers, or 13th Generation are all names associated with the Generation X group
born between 1960 – 1979. Many influencers affect this group, such as growing up as latch-key kids and
having to take care of themselves because both parents worked. This group is self-reliant, well educated,
and open to change.

Generation X includes those born between 1960 and 1979, during the reconstruction of Europe after the
war. Their life has not been easy, since, after a period of upheaval, finding a job was a great challenge.
To work and produce was their philosophy of life, leaving no room for idealism. Individualism, ambition,
and an addiction to work — or being a workaholic — are the values with which they grew up.

They went through the entire period of technological evolution and the rise and development of the
media, as well as enjoying stability in terms of both work and family and being active both physically and
mentally. In spite of having adapted to a world, they are less dependent on smartphones than the next

In the Workplace

Xers bring much value to the workplace. Adapting well to change, they’re direct communicators, are
eager to learn, very determined, and excellent multitaskers. To engage Xers, managers should:

Spend one-on-one time with these associates to better relationships and foster trust.

Be flexible with work schedules to appease their desire for work-life balance.

Include them in the decision-making process – they’re problem solvers.

Because they grew up independently and, in some cases, raising their siblings, you can trust them to get
the job done.

Engagement, to Xers, is being connected to a strong sense of their company’s mission and purpose. If
you can’t keep them engaged, they’ll seek other positions or jobs.
Gen X vs. Gen Y
Comparison Table

Characteristics Gen X Gen Y

Meaning Generational cohort born Demographic cohort born
between the early 1960 and between the early 1980s and
1979. 1994.
Origin of the name Name coined by a Hungarian Name coined in 1987 by William
photographer in 1950 Strauss and Neil Howe
Birth Years 1965-1979 1980-1994
Tech savviness Gen X is moderately tech savvy Highly proficient with technology
and is less concerned with with most time spent online Gen
deeper digging of such things as Y would rather stream videos,
social media Gen X prefers music, and news from online
listening to the radio or platforms rather than watch the
watching the TV telly or listen to the radio
Economic discipline Looks for better ways of Less concerned with finances in
generating income but not good general but are better at cost
at cost efficiency saving

Arab Jordan Investment bank (AJIB)

About the Arab Jordan Investment Bank AJIB

For more than four decades, Arab Jordan Investment Bank - AJIB has embarked on a journey of
excellence and leadership, which has paved the way for the bank to become one of the leading
investment and commercial institutions in Jordan. Committed to customer satisfaction, AJIB provides a
range of innovative services and state-of-the-art products that meet the needs of all its clients, whether
individuals, SMEs or corporations. AJIB continuously develops updates and upgrades its human
resources, providing the latest technologies, best practices and business mechanisms in response to the
growing needs of its high net worth customers and individuals in Jordan and the region.

Today, AJIB plays a pivotal role in the region's banking investment scene due to its vast expertise in the
field of investment banking, as well as the innovative products and solutions it provides.

Scope & Limitation

Scope of the study

This study was conducted in 2020, and the study was limited to the banking sector, especially the Arab
Jordan Investment Bank in the Human Resources Department in Jordan, and focused on Generation Y
and Generation X. How does the banking sector deal with groups in terms of attracting, retaining and
developing talent, and how to do this and manage them to obtain On sustainable competitive
advantages in building and developing talent, the questionnaire was distributed to 30 employees from
within the bank (20) from the human resources department and (10) from other departments.

Limitation of the study

-difficulty obtaining previous studies and sufficient references.

-Insufficient accuracy and reliability.
-difficulty communication with specialists to obtain sufficient information from companies.
-Nearly all studies that I have reviewed their information were not enough as they are old studies and
don't give accurate information according nowadays.

1- (Talent management: art or science?, Spring2008 , Fang Fang Li and Pierre Devos )

Talent management in recent years has had a positive impact on some factors for companies and
individuals, including the ability to build convincing, productive, and important companies with high
value in the community for (employees, clients, business partners and investors)

In recent years, talent management has worked to facilitate some things in companies, including
flexibility and empowering quick talent for business. This includes great compatibility with the
requirements set by corporate leaders in developing companies. At the same time, it was important for
companies to attract a high-quality workforce and how to retain them.

In this thesis, the researcher conducted research on how to build a talent factory within the company
and how to recruit distinguished people to meet business needs, maximize employee potential, how to
put the right people in the right place, and finally how to keep the best people in the company. In order
to achieve this.

It is necessary for organizations to manage talent in order to carry out the most important functions of
the company, occupy key positions, and improve the level of institutions and companies, which helps in
other practical aspects through building talent factory to ensure the recruitment, deployment,
development, and retention of talent within companies, leaders can raise the level of individual
development and the entire organizational business performance.
1. Clearly identify the current talent gaps and future talent needs. A good talent strategy cannot live
without a clear understanding of the talent gaps. Only when you know what the current employee ability
is, what needs to be developed, what type of people you are looking for, you can make the first step
towards talent management.

2. Establishing learning and development pathways to maximize the potential of employees. The
development of employees is one of the important reasons for them to stay. Building a learning
organization to ensure the transfer of knowledge and information plays an important role in optimizing
the employees‘ potentials.

3. Cultivate a diverse culture within the organization. Culture shapes the relationships and influences the
organization's functions. A truly diverse culture goes far beyond the ethnic duty; it is more about
individual difference.

4. Backed up by a strong HR department. The HR department plays a leading and coaching role in talent
management. It is where the business strategy converted into the talent strategy

2-(Bridging the Generational Gap in the Hospitality Industry: Reverse Mentoring—an Innovative
Talent Management Practice for Present and Future Generations of Employees, 25DEC2019, Laura
Cismaru and Ray Iunius

At the present time, for generations, talent management has evolved in terms of practices and
approaches, as it has evolved from the stage of "the war for talent" to the "war after talents", which was
defined by competitiveness and elitism, as this study identified a major goal, which is to ensure reverse
orientation, and that the followed talent management appeared As a response to the need to bridge the
gap between the current generations. Whereas, the study appeared with focused results on identifying
the positions and opinions of the employees regarding the implementation of the reverse orientation and
how to analyze them and support the results of the idea of reverse guidance.


In this chapter, I will talk about my research methodology for this study. Further, I will mention the
research strategy, research method, research methodology, methods of data collection, how I chose the
sample, types of data analysis, and finally the ethical considerations and limitations of my project.
Data collection method and tools:

In order to collect data for my research, I read past studies and books online and did a survey. A survey is
a research method to collect data from a previously selected group of respondents (sample) to collect
data on a specific topic through primary and secondary data.

Primary data and secondary data:

Primary data: Baseline data is any original information that you collect for the purposes of answering a
research question that you compiled from a survey you conducted using Google Form

Secondary data: Secondary data is information that has already been collected by other researchers,
books, websites, and previous studies.

The questionnaire was distributed by:

Google form: Google Forms is survey administration software that is included in the Google Docs
Editors software suite along with Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. It allows for collecting
information from users through surveys. The collected information can be automatically entered into a

- Because it is easy to use
-It does not require much time and effort
-Obtaining a graphical summary of the questionnaire result
-The ability to send it via e-mail

-You can’t collect some rich metadata as Pictures, Barcodes, and Signatures.
-It is necessary to have the internet to be able to use this tool.

Interview: An interview is essentially a structured conversation where one participant asks questions,
and the other provides answers. In common parlance, the word "interview" refers to a one-on-one
conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee

-High credibility
-Increase information acquisition and understanding
- It takes longer
-Analyzing the information takes time, effort and cost
-Some refused to be interviewed

The Diffract between Reliability and Validity.

Reliability: When it produces the same duplicate result under the same conditions, the test will be

Validity: The degree to which the description, inference or estimate is well known and likely to be related
to actual reality.

Sample size:
This study will be conducted on the employees of (AJIB), where the sample will be divided into two parts:
the employees and managers in general and the human resources department in particular, where their
number is at least. 30 employees, the survey will be distributed to the employees randomly via Google
form by email.

1-Do you think that the different age groups negatively or positively affect the performance of the

2-Do you think that the different age groups negatively or positively affect the performance of
employees within the company?

3-Do you think that different age groups within the company affect career development?

4-Do you think that different age groups within the company affect employee retention?

5-Does the company agrees with the strategies used in it to attract employees?

6-Do you think that the company provides an opportunity for employees to develop their knowledge and
skills according to the appropriate learning style for their ages?

7-Do you think that the company seeks to employ different age groups?

8-Do you think that the policies followed within the company contributes to employee development and

9-Do you agree that the company is investing in emerging talent and putting them in the right place?
10-Do you agree Generation X&Y helps your company perform better?

11-Regardless of age groups, do you agree that the company develops talent properly?

12-Regardless of age groups, do you agree that the company is hiring talent in the right place?


The purpose of this question is to find out what percentage of employees are They represent generation
x and generation y in the company
Result: Generation Y represents 83.3%
Generation X represents 16.7%
It was found that generation (Y) is higher than generation (X) in the company.
The purpose of this question to define the percentage of male or female in the company
Result: female 33.3%
Male 66.7%
It was found that the percentage of males in the company is higher than the percentage of females.

The purpose of this question is to know the educational level of the employees within the bank
Result: 90% Bachelor
It was found that the percentage of holders of a bachelor's degree is higher than the percentage of those
with a master's degree.
The purpose of this question is to know whether it generation X and Y positively or negatively affects the
company's performance.
Result: Positive 83.3%
Negative 16.7%
it was found that the different age groups positively affect the performance of the company.

The purpose of this question is to find out if the generation X and Y has a positive or negative influence
on the employees' performance at work
Result: Positive 66.7%
Negative 33.3%
it was found that different age groups have a positive impact on the performance of employees within
the company.

The purpose of this question is to find out if career development is affected by different age groups in the
Result: Yes 83.3%
No 16.7%
It was found that a percentage of (83.3%) employees believe that different age groups affect career
development and (16.7%) believe that it does not

The purpose of this question is to find out if age groups influence the retention process.
Result: Yes 66.7%
No 33.3%
It was found that (66.7%) of employees believe that different age groups affect the process of retaining
employees and (33.3%) believe that this does not affect the retention process.

The purpose of this question is to find out if the strategies followed in the company to attract employees
are correct or not
Result: Yes 60%
No 40%
It was found that (60%) of the employees agree with the company strategies to attract employees (40%)
do not agree with the strategies followed.

The purpose of this question is to know if the company develops and develops the skills of employees
according to the method appropriate for their ages
Result: Yes 46.7%
No 53.3%
It was found that (53.3%) of the employees believe that the company provides an opportunity to develop
and develop their skills according to a method suitable for their ages (46.7%) and do not agree with this

The purpose of this question is whether the company seeks to recruit people of different age groups.
Result: Yes 60%
No 40%
It was found that (60%) of employees believe the company is looking to hire people of all ages (40%) and
The purpose of this question is to know the extent of employee agreement with the policies followed
within the company regarding development and retention
Result: No 53.3%
Yes 46.7%
It was found that (53.3%) of the employees believe that the policies followed within the company do not
contribute to the development and retention of them (46.7%) agree with these policies.

The purpose of this question is to find out whether the company is investing in emerging talent (without
experience) and employing them in the right place or not
Result: Yes 53.3%
No 46.7%
It was found that (53.3%) of the employees agree with the company that it is investing in emerging
talent properly and employing them in the right place (46.7%) do not agree with this.
The purpose of this question is to find out if the two generations X & Y contribute to improving the
company's performance for the better
Result: Yes 86.7%
No 13.3%
It was found that (86.7%) of the employees agree that generation X&Y is helping to improve
performance (13.3%) do not agree with this.

The purpose of this question is to find out if employees agree that the company is developing talent in
the right way or not
Result: Strong agree 0 employees
Agree 3 employees
Neutral 11 employees
Disagree 12 employees
Strong disagree 4 employees
It was found that (53.3%) of employees do not see that the company develops talent correctly (36.7%)
Neutral, (10%) agree that the company develops talent properly.

The purpose of this question is to find out whether or not employees agree that the company is hiring
talent in the right place
Result: Strong agree 0 employees
Agree 4 employees
Neutral 7 employees
Disagree 11 employees
Strong disagree 8 employees
It was found that (63.4%) of employees do not see that the company is hiring talent in the right place
(23.3%) is neutral, (13.3%) agree that the company is hiring talent in the right place.


1. Maintaining the diversity of age groups within the company because it positively affects the
performance of the company and the performance of the employees

2. Maintaining the diversity of age groups within the company because it affects the career development
of individuals in a positive way

3. The company maintains the strategies used in the process of attracting employees and trying to
improve them

4. Change and reform the policies followed within the company regarding the employee development
and retention process

5. Adopting new strategies in the talent development process

6. Following correct methods and mechanisms in the process of developing and recruiting talent in the
right place

7. Establishing learning and development paths to maximize the potential of employees according to
their ages.

8. Supporting a strong human resources department in order to raise the level of job satisfaction of
individuals in terms of development, recruitment, polarization.

9. Changing the strategies used in the employee development process.

10. Changing employee retention strategies.

11. Work to develop talents in a manner that suits employees and in the right manner.

12. Work to employ individuals in a manner that suits their skills and abilities to give the best results.

Recommendation for further study

The study sought to investigate how the Y&X generation of talent management developed in the
banking sector, attracted and retained. He also sought the role of human resources in talent
management for the two generations (X&Y). In this case, results and conclusions are limited to
Generation X&Y

And the staff of the bank (AJIB). In addition, the study ignored the influence of other generations of
employees on this sector in general. The study did not take into account other variables such as bank
size, environment, strategy, and civilization that might have an impact on the genders (X & Y). Future
studies should focus on studying the impact of the (baby boom) in this sector and making a paradox with
another bank to compare the strategies followed in retaining, developing, and attracting the two
generations (X&Y) and using the interview method in collecting data due to problems of understanding.

the main purpose of this study is to find out how to manage talent in the banking sector for the two
generations through development, attraction, and retention processes.

Based on the questions and answers we got through the questionnaire, the bank should make a change
and improvement from the strategies related to the process of developing and retaining workers
because it negatively affects the performance of employees and the performance of the company in
general, and it has to develop talents in the form or way that is appropriate for their ages and employ
individuals in a manner that is appropriate With their abilities to give them the best performance and

In addition to that, the company must maintain the diversity of age groups for both sexes (X&Y) because
it positively affects the performance of the company and its employees.

And maintaining the strategies followed in the process of attracting and recruiting employees because
helps to create an advantage for the bank in and in improving the bank’s reputation, which attracts
more talents and helps it at a higher level to improve the performance of the institution’s business and
its results

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