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Life of Christ


During this six-week online course you will gain a deeper appreciation for Jesus as we examine the context,
claims, works, message, death, and resurrection of the greatest life ever lived.


As a result of this class, you should:

1. Grow in your understanding of the Jesus revealed in the Gospels.
2. Gain an appreciation for the method and message of Jesus in the first century.
3. Integrate and apply the life and message of Jesus into your life in deeper ways.
4. Deepen your love for God as you grow in your relationship with Jesus.


(Suggested, but not required)

Yancey, Philip. The Jesus I Never Knew. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1995.


It is fair to expect 2–3 hours of work for each week of the class. This time will vary if you choose to read the
suggested book The Jesus I Never Knew and complete other optional resources in addition to the required
coursework. This time will include the following activities:

A. Reading Assignments: For each lesson you should read the required reading. You are NOT
required to read the optional reading, but it is highly encouraged and will maximize your
learning during each class session. If you choose to read The Jesus I Never Knew, it is
suggested that you read the selected chapters prior to listening to the audio for each lesson.

B. Audio and PowerPoints: For each lesson you should listen to two parts of the audio recorded
from the previous live Life of Christ courses. It is suggested that you print out the PowerPoint
slides in order to take notes as you listen along.

C. Discussion Questions: You should answer each discussion question and respond to at least
one other student’s answer by the start of the next lesson of the course.

D. Quizzes and Final Exam: The quizzes are for your benefit only, and the questions are taken
from the PowerPoint slides in addition to the required course readings. The final exam is
comprehensive and is an opportunity to see how much you learned during this class.

Introduction Read: Syllabus
Optional Podcasts:
“What is Jesus Like?” Interview with the author Phillip Yancey Part 1
“Jesus Doesn’t Fit the Mold” Interview with the author Phillip Yancey,
Part 2

Lesson 1: Context Read: “Historical Context”

Listen: Context Parts 1 and 2
Due: Quiz #1

Lesson 2: Claims Optional Reading: The Jesus I Never Knew, Chs. 1, 3, 5

Listen: Parts 1 and 2
Read: “What Are We To Make of Jesus Christ?” and “The Shocking
Due: Discussion Question #1

Lesson 3: Works Optional Reading: The Jesus I Never Knew, Chs. 2, 4, 9

Listen: Parts 1 and 2
Due: Quiz #2

Lesson 4: Message Optional Reading: The Jesus I Never Knew, Chs. 6, 7, 8, 13

Listen: Parts 1 and 2
Read: “The Mission of God”
Due: Discussion Question #2

Lesson 5: Passion Optional Reading: The Jesus I Never Knew, Ch. 10

Listen: Parts 1 and 2
Due: Quiz #3

Lesson 6: Resurrection Optional Reading: The Jesus I Never Knew, Chs. 11, 12, 14
and Commission Listen: Resurrection and Commission
Watch: “That’s My King”
Read: “HEART”
Due: Discussion Question #3

Conclusion Due: Final Exam; Final Discussion Question

Optional Podcast: “Jesus” with Philip Yancey

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