Visegrad Booklet

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Developing Regional Cooperation

among Roma Entrepreneurs


This booklet is produced as an outcome of the project “Developing
Regional Cooperation among Roma Entrepreneurs” , implemented in
May 2019 - December 2020, co-financed by the Governments of
Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants
from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to
advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

A ve minutes walk into a Roma REDI implemented the project in
community from any country in the V4 partnership with Uccu Roma Informal
region is depressive: poverty, lack of Educational Foundation from Hungary,
infrastructure, discrimination are very Center of Common Interest from Czechia,
visible. Governments do little to support the and Dakujem PALIKERAV from Slovakia.
development of these communities. The
majority in these countries generally
perceive Roma people as lazy, unwilling to As a result of the project, we outreached
nd and keep work, and more interested in and mapped a total number of 236 Roma
living on welfare. But we speak of a few entrepreneurs. We have provided
million people! information support and consultancy
Our long-term goal is to change this services to 84 Roma entrepreneurs,
narrative about the Roma communities by created three national Roma Call Centers,
supporting existing Roma entrepreneurs and organized an online regional
and helping them start developing from matchmaking event to create networking
within their communities. linkages between Roma and non-Roma
Developing Regional Cooperation among
Roma Entrepreneursis a rst preparatory In this booklet, we share 15 successful
phase focused on supporting Roma stories of Roma entrepreneurs from
entrepreneurs in V4 countries through Hungary, Czechia, and Slovakia, aiming
capacitating partner NGOs, building to shift narratives and produce a positive
cadre, mapping entrepreneurs, and getting image of successful Roma entrepreneurs
them connected. in the region.
The project was led by the Roma
Entrepreneurship Development Initiative These stories are few among many other
REDI, an international network of Roma millions of successful Roma entrepreneurs
NGO s focused on developing an who stay behind the scene!
eco-system and nancial inclusion of Roma
entrepreneurs in Western Balkan and
Ladislav Horvath was born in Eastern Slovakia. His
family, musicians, moved to Brno after the
Zaneta Danielova was born in Brno. She
revolution. He is also a musician himself, playing
graduated from business school.
the piano. However, after a certain age, he
realized that music is not his profession.
During my studies, I worked in my father’s
In my rst job, I worked in the excavation and did company in the accounting sector, handling
earthworks. It was tough, which taught me the accounting and administrative tasks. Later, I
value of work. During this time, I have seen many worked as an operational manager in a cleaning
Roma entrepreneurs who are very successful. For company.
that reason, I decided to do my own business.
After this work-experience, I decided to establish
I founded a construction company. I was lucky my own cleaning company. From the beginning, I
because I was surrounded by many successful managed to get bigger job-orders and some
Roma entrepreneurs who helped me get the rst smaller ones. It was a signi cant advantage for me
important construction contracts. as a new business-woman to get these deals. I
don’t have a company website, but it is an honor to
I started in earthworks and excavations with few call a potential client interested in cleaning with
people. Now I consistently employ ten people. someone recommending us.
Our specialization remains earthworks, which will
I appreciate my employees, and it is my main
always be in great demand.
priority to make them satis ed, at least nancially. I
am happy to have a stable team of people with
I am glad that we have the same contracting
whom we have become friends.
authorities for many years. Doing quality work is
an essential value for the business. Happy to have
Currently, I received a government contract, and it
a stable team of responsible people. With my
is a win at this challenging time. My goal is to
story, I want to motivate other Roma people to do
employ Roma people, especially Roma women,
business as well.
who have more dif culties accessing the labor
Mario Stojka was born in Ostrava in a Kvetoslav Daniel was born in Holic Anna Melkova, was born in Vyskov of
business family. His father was a (western part of Slovakia). As a the South Moravian region.
successful Roma entrepreneur in the child, he wanted to be a bricklayer. My father spent his whole life working
construction area, and Mario learned When Kvetoslav graduated, he went with wood. It inspired me to be
from him as a child. He grew up with into practice. For many years he creative and bene cial to my
four brothers and three sisters and had worked in the construction area and surroundings. Already as a child, I had
to start working to support his family. built houses. Later, he decided to a positive attitude towards movement
Later he decided to found his own open his own construction company. and outdoor activities. I have been
company. He started with smaller offers. engaged in professional physical
My brother lent me 20,000 crowns. I Predominantly it was earth and activities for several years. I enjoy and
added a few more crowns and started excavation work. He gained many ful ll the work of a lecturer.
with that. I started the company from connections based on his character I have been a certi ed yoga teacher
scratch together with two staff. They and friendly approach, which since 2019. It never occurred to me
bought pickaxes, shovels, and other helped him develop the business. His that I would be a yoga teacher, but it
necessary equipment and went company slowly grew up. happened.
digging and doing ancillary work. The great success came when they I have always loved movement, and
The beginnings were not easy, but we obtained the biggest construction the general relationship to sports has
worked out ourselves and got contracts in Brno. At that time the been a part of me since I was a child.
signi cant construction contracts. company employed more than 80 After 15 years of spinning teaching,
Diligence and a clear goal were people. we longed for a change and tried
essential. From the rst money we His motto is: "You will reach the yoga. After taking a few lessons, yoga
earned, we bought other necessary farthest only with honesty.", which penetrated my daily life and settling
equipment for our work. Then we represents his quality of work. The there permanently.
purchased a working car, clothes, and contracting authorities are always I hope you will also nd out in my
invested in the rst advertisement. satis ed with the performance of the lessons that yoga is a movement that
I currently employ 20 permanent company. He uses a similar consumes one, but thanks to breathing
people. Most of them are Roma. The approach with his employees, and concentration, full strength and
employment of Roma should be the paying them the salaries on time. energy go away.
responsibility of Roma entrepreneurs. Kvetoslav Daniel has well-deserved I believe that my studio will allow me
respect in the South Moravian region to provide high-quality service and
between Roma people but also in care for our customers.
I see education and a positive mainstream society. He appreciates I look forward to seeing you at my
approach to work as the key to all Roma entrepreneurs who strive to lessons in our studio.
become successful. succeed in business and strong
Business is challenging but also competition.
independent and exciting. I wish all
start-ups success!
I am KlÆra GulyÆs, chair of the EpisztØmØ- Researcher, I was an employee in Gyros buffets for nearly ten years.
Community builder, and Cultural Association. After a while, I felt that I wanted more than that. I
always had the drive to execute my ideas, recipes, and
establish my own business. This year I opened my buffet
as a family business at VÆc, a town by the Danube.
The organization’s main pro le is to research the
ethnicities and minorities living in the Carpathian-basin.
These researches are conducted in the elds of history,
In Csoda Gyros we are waiting for our guests with a
social sciences, and cultural anthropology. Moreover,
wide range of hot-dogs, hamburgers, gyros, and
EpisztØmØ has a community development activity for
the examined groups. Accentual goal to study the
cohabitation situations between Roma and non-Roma.
The biggest challenge was transforming the goals into
In addition to tracing Roma cultural traditions,
reality, to nd a suitable place and business image.
preserving tradition, strengthening Roma identity, and
Besides this, to start the operation and getting the
attain more Roma cultural representation.
permits was not an easy task because of the lengthy
procedures and the bureaucratic system. We
succeeded in opening the buffet in October of 2020.
The Association’s targetis local, Hungarian
municipalities along with transborder ethnic Hungarian
villages. Involving these subregions in community At the Csoda Gyros we work with our recipes, sauces,
development and social innovations and expansions. fresh and quality ingredients. I hope we will prosper in
the future and extend our business.

I believe the recipe for success is will power, invested

We would like to achieve a better and higher quality of energy, and a process to make our plans happen.
life for the locals by strengthening their skills of Believe in yourself and nd that pursuit in which you feel
self-advocacy, local identity, and local publicity. terri c. Do not let people dissuade you from your plans.
Furthermore, we would like to execute projects, aiming
at the young Roma and children living in settlements
that help establish a more just and inclusive society.
I graduated from the Faculty of Law at
the KÆroli GÆspÆr University of the I am Marcsi Baranyi, a journalist, I am Dzsennifer va Kanalas and I
Reformed Church. After my studies, I coach-mediator, and communication own a business, called Elite Box
worked at a bank as a risk assessment consultant. My motto: From Budapest by Jennifer.
expert. Besides this, I am volunteering disadvantage to advantage, from
at a program that helps Roma dream to reality. I am 22 years old and I was 9 when I
integrate into the labor market. We rst helped at my parent s business.
help Roma candidates land As a social worker, I conducted This is how acquired the craft of
white-collar jobs. hundreds of hours assisting trading. The brand Elite Box
Inspired by the work we do, I wanted conversation. Most of the time, the Budapest came to life in 2018 as an
to help more Roma. Hence, with my clients weren t motivated in setting online webshop after I dreamt about it
business partner, we found Aroma TV goals and reaching them. It often for a year. In 2020 I succeeded to
channel to provide extensive help. happened that I cared more about open my rst shop. At the Elite Box
We aim to ght the preconceptions xing their problems than themselves. Budapest s service is to make unique
against Roma and explore future At least, this is what their behavior and special gift Boxes. I love my job
partnerships to support Roma implied. Hence, I decided to help since I like being one-of-a-kind and I
entrepreneurs through this project. those, who are truly motivated and are can express my creativity through the
Besides wanting to showcase the willing to step out of their comfort zone. boxes. I like to make people happy.
beauty of the Roma culture, there are a I searched for new opportunities. In the
few more reasons why we started redesign of my path, I had help in the My biggest dream is to have my brand
Aroma Tv. Based on my own form of coaching, mediation, and shops present all over the globe.
experience, there is a lack of a self-awareness, and communication My rst shop is successful. I am
platform where our focus group- the training. Forging all of my knowledge planning to have my next shop on the
young Roma can access information and experience I decided to establish island of Tenerife. The plans are
about their opportunities. my entrepreneurship. I stepped out of already made, my next boutique will
the employee status and became a be at Santa Cruz on the ocean s shore.
My goal is to ll in for this platform. I freelancer.
want to help talented singers make I would advise everyone not to give
their videos and support Roma up their dreams. Just believe in
businesses by advertising them. I hope As a coach, mediator, and communi-
cational trainer I motivate people and yourselves and you will reach your
with my efforts, I can help to advance goals. Nothing is impossible. Avoid
the process for an inclusive society. I write articles in this eld as well. I
help people to believe, that in small negative thoughts.
Coming from extreme poverty, I often
heard, you won t succeed. I try to steps but you can make your dreams
deny these kinds of sentences and your reality and you can start over
make it into a motivation of mine. anytime if faith ordained that.
Believe in yourselves and never give
up! Be diligent and dare to dream big!
I am Mariana Balogova, I am 38 years old, and I come
from a small village Vtackovce in Slovakia. I am
My name is Andrej Vasil. I come from a village called
married and have two children.
Secovska Polianka in Slovakia. I am 56 years old, and
I am the father of 6 kids. I taught my children the fact
I met my husband when I was very young. I was not
that education is crucial.
able to nish high school because I was pregnant.

I thought during maternity leave, what could I do I studied at a technical high school. As a teenager, I
without education and with a small baby. I decided to was always thinking about how to do business and in
start my own business and created a small shop with which area. I thought it would be effortless to do my
food in my house, which was at the beginning, opened own business, but actually, it was not. I encountered a
when my son was sleeping. It was vital for me to do lot of challenges, but I did not give up on doing my
something and not just stay at home. own business. Instead, I was more eager to develop
my business more and more and to help people to ful ll
It was a great and easy idea- people always needed to their dreams.
buy food, and I also needed to earn money during
maternity leave. The shop was the easiest way for this. Starting a business was very dif cult. I had to think
Additionally, I took driving licenses to buy the goods on about everything, starting from the initial capital up to
my own for the shop. the chosen sector and employees.

In the future, I would like to employ somebody because My vision for the business was clear, to employ as
nowadays I work alone in my shop. many people as possible and help them with nances.
Roma also have the right to a better life. Therefore, it is
necessary to try everything possible; even if we fall ten
Don t be shy to ask for help. When you need assistance,
times, we need to get up 11 times and continue.
you should always ask for it. If you ask for help, it
doesn·t mean that you are a weak person. It means that
you want to do things better!
Hi, my name is Mario Maco, and I am 30 years old. I
am Roma, living in a small village in Slovakia called
Varha ovce. I am married and have three sons. I
studied economy in secondary school. I was good at
school, but I couldn’t go to university because I met my Hi, my name is Stano Balog, I am 27 years old, and I
wife and wanted to have a family. live in Vtackovce in Slovakia. I am studying architecture
at University. My father had a construction company for
After nishing high school, I was unemployed for three many years, and he was always telling me that I have to
months. I always wanted to follow my father’s steps, study architecture, and he will help me establish my own
who was a builder and knew how to take care of 6 sons. company.
I worked with him as a young adult during the summer
holidays. When my father retired, I created my own My grandfather has four sons, and all of them work in
business, and my father supported me. construction. Everybody in the family wanted me to
study architecture. I was passionate about music and
In Slovakia, the government helps unemployed people football. And this was my life.
who want to create their businesses with training, But three years ago, something happened and
business plan creation, and a grant of 3000 . changed my mind.

I created my own construction company with the My father, who has been working his entire life for my
government program’s support and bought the initial family and me, broke his leg and could no longer work.
equipment needed for my business. My brothers were I understood that this was a serious issue, and I had to
the company’s rst employees because all of them have take responsibility and start working. I took over his
experience in construction, and later I employed other business.
unemployed men from our village. In the beginning, I had issues with the employees who
were older than me, and I had to gain their respect.
I knew that this business is progressive, and I can earn After nishing the studies, I was sure that the business
money with this work. Like many other businesses, I would be even better.
encountered many challenges. Competition is always My grandfather always was telling me that school is the
there. In the beginning, I had to show that my employees most important. You must study and work harder, and
and I have the experience to be better than the others. your lifestyle can be a motivation for others! And don·t
forget- Fight and never lose.
You must believe in yourself and make everything that is
in your power!
Roma Entrepreneurship Development
Initiative - REDI Skopje +
Address: Miladin Popovikj 4/1A, 1020
Karposh-Skopje, North Macedonia
Web: www.redi-ngo.EU

Uccu Roma Informal
Educational Foundation +
Address: Gyöngyház utca 8
2/1, Budapest, 1132 , Hungary

Name: Center of common Name: Dakujem -
interest "PALIKERAV"
Address: Mikulovska 1, Brno, Address: Varhaňovce 95, 082
628 00, Czech Republic 05 Šarišské Bohdanovce
Web: Web:

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