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Polish Numbers - Cardinal and Ordinal 24/05/2017, 11:16

Polish Numbers
This page contains a table including the following: Polish Numbers and
numerals cardinal and ordinal. Try to memorize them because they're very
important in communication, and might be very helpful to convey your most
important expressions. Make sure to check our Learn Polish page, which
contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Polish Cardinal Numbers

The meaning of cardinal numbers in Polish as well as in English is digits such

as 3 or 11 or 630 or any other number used in counting to indicate quantity
but not order.

Numbers Polish Cardinal Numbers

0 zero
1 jeden
2 dwa
3 trzy
4 cztery
5 pięć
6 sześć
7 siedem
8 osiem
9 dziewięć
10 dziesięć Page 1 of 3
Polish Numbers - Cardinal and Ordinal 24/05/2017, 11:16

11 jedenaście
12 dwanaście
20 dwadzieścia
100 sto

Polish Ordinal Numbers

First, second, third, etc., are ordinal numbers, usually coming before a noun.
They can be written as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. In Polish depending on the
gender, ordinal numbers may have different endings:
1st (first) can be: pierwszy (masc. singular), pierwsza (fem. singular),
pierwsze (plural masc.), pierwsi (plural fem.).

Numbers Polish Ordinal Numbers

1st pierwszy
2nd drugi
3rd trzeci
4th czwarty
5th piąty
6th szósty
7th siódmy
8th ósmy
9th dziewiąty Page 2 of 3
Polish Numbers - Cardinal and Ordinal 24/05/2017, 11:16

10th dziesiąty
11th jedenasty
12th dwunasty
20th dwudziesty
100th setny

Polish Cardinal numbers are used more often than ordinal numbers;
therefore they need more attention, so try to memorize them by heart. Make
sure to check our Learn Polish page, which contains several lessons that
might help you in your learning process.

I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some
Polish Numbers, numerals etc..., Make sure to memorize them to be able to
use them in your daily conversation. If you want to practice what you have
learnt here, go to Language Test. Page 3 of 3

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