Atrabilious Trophy - Inchristianitie

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Atrabilious Trophy | Inchristianitie 25/9/13 16:43

A veneficial & solecistic literatist's

Atrabilious Trophy
Posted on Sunday, 22 September 2013 / 17

O’ the incorrupted coil

Enfleshed & dying evermore

Ambivalence ~ A Familiar to the nithe

Hung upon unshaded verdancies of Autumn Page 1 of 5
Atrabilious Trophy | Inchristianitie 25/9/13 16:43

Athwart, splenetic Soul girns

Spiracle of distempered genius
Bound, fitful, & withdrawn

Celebrate melancholie
Optic of contemporaneous humours
Dernful & excretitious

Keats’ Sovran hast of mine those spoils strewn

Against the pillar in the desolate field
Where phantoms of the pitiless Moon plaint their unremembrance

13:51 ~ 22 Septembre 2013

Ye Venefick Gentyllman

Credit: Gustave Doré

The Vision of The Valley of Dry Bones ~ 1866

The poignant glossary:

atrabilious, adj.
Affected by black bile or ‘choler adust’; melancholy; splenetic, acrimonious.

trophy, n.
1. a. A structure erected (originally on the field of battle, later in any public place)
as a memorial of a victory in war, consisting of arms or other spoils taken from the enemy, hung upon a tree,
pillar, &c., & dedicated to some divinity.
2. b. fig. Anything serving as a token or evidence of victory, valour, power, skill, &c.;
a monument, memorial.

incorrupted, adj.
1. Not decayed. 2. Free from corruption, debasement, or perversion
c1593—1664 Page 2 of 5
Atrabilious Trophy | Inchristianitie 25/9/13 16:43

nithe, n. Obs.
Envy, malice, hatred; enmity, ill will.

athwart, prep.
5. Across the course of, so as to oppose.

splenetic, adj.
2. a. Affected with, or suffering from, disease or disorder of the spleen;
in later use, affected with melancholia. Obs.
b. Characterized by, tending to produce, melancholy or depression of spirits. Obs.
3. a. Having an irritably morose or peevish disposition or temperament;
given or liable to fits of angry impatience or irritability;
ill-humoured, testy, irascible.
b. Of humour, temper, &c.
4. Characterized by, arising from, displaying or exhibiting, spleen or ill-humour.

girn, v.
1. a. intr. To show the teeth in rage, pain, disappointment, &c.;
to snarl as a dog;
to complain persistently;
to be fretful or peevish.
c. trans. To utter in a snarling tone.

spiracle, n. 1. Breath, spirit. Obs.


distemper, n.
3. Derangement or disturbance of the ‘humour’ or ‘temper’ (according to mediæval physiology regarded as
due to disturbance in the bodily ‘humours’);
a being out of humour;
ill humour, ill temper;
uneasiness; disaffection.
4. a. Deranged or disordered condition of the body or mind
(as by the uncontemporaneous regard of disorder & the state of the humours);
ill health, illness, disease.

genius, n. Page 3 of 5
Atrabilious Trophy | Inchristianitie 25/9/13 16:43

1. a. A pagan belief in an innate spirit,

which affects fortune & character.
2. A demon or spiritual entity to intervene powerfully
upon human invocation.
3. a. Of persons: Characteristic disposition;
bent, turn or temper of mind. Obs.
e. Of material things, diseases, &c.: The natural character,
inherent constitution or tendency.
5. Native intellectual power;
extraordinary capacity for original thought & creation.

humour, n.
I. Physical senses.
1. b. spec. In ancient & mediæval physiology, one of the four chief fluids ( cardinal humours ) of the body
(blood, phlegm, choler, & melancholy or black choler),
by the relative proportions of which a person’s physical & mental qualities
& disposition were held to be determined.
II. Senses denoting mental quality or condition.
4. a. Mental disposition (orig. as determined by the proportion of the bodily ‘humours’); constitutional or
habitual tendency; temperament.
5. b. Mood natural to one’s temperament; habitual frame of mind. Obs.

dernful, adj. Obs. Mournful, dreary.


excretitious, adj. Of the nature of an outgrowth.

—Oxford English Dictionary

About Ye Veneficial Gentyllman

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One Response to Atrabilious Trophy Page 4 of 5
Atrabilious Trophy | Inchristianitie 25/9/13 16:43

Dub says:
Monday, 23 September 2013 / 02 at 02

I can’t usually understand your entries without the aid of the glossaries you provide at the end of each, but genuinely creepy
and beautiful fare you’ve provided here.

The Twenty Ten Theme. Blog at


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