Changing The IP Address of The TV CM or The Connected Cameras

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Changing the IP address of the TV CM or the connected cameras

It could be necessary to change the IP address of the connected cameras or the TV CM itself for
multiple reasons. Below is a short guide describing how to do this.

Changing the IP address of the TV CM itself

The ThermoVision Condition Monitor (TV CM) has two network cards which works as an ordinary
computer. The network cards are accessed from the control panel under Control Panel\Network and
Internet\Network Connections

To check the IP address of each network cards, just right click them and press Properties. From the
properties popup, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then press Properties.

From this Properties window you can see the IP address of the TV CM. To change this IP, just write a
new IP address with the correct Subnet mask and Gateway and then press Ok. A few things to have in
mind when setting the IP address of the TV CM:

• The TV CM and the connected cameras needs to be on the same subnet. For example, if a
camera has, the TV CM needs to have an IP address in this format:
• The TV CM has two ethernet cards. If one views the TV CM from behind, the left is LAN1 and
the right is LAN2. It is possible to have one of the network cards configured in DHCP and
connect it to the Internet while the other network card is only connected to the offline camera

Changing the IP addresses of the connected cameras

There can be many reasons to change the IP address of the cameras that are connected to the TV CM.
Follow the steps below to change the IP address of one camera and then do it for all the cameras you
want to modify.

Video settings
1. Start the program Ethiris Admin. This is the software that is responsible for the video server. It
runs as a service on the TV CM and handles the video streaming and video recording.
2. Navigate to the Camera menu to the right according to the image below. It is found under
Ethiris Components -> Ethiris Servers -> Ethiris -> Cameras
3. From this menu, you can change the IP address of all the cameras. To change it, just write the
new IP address in the Address field. It can be useful to also start the software FLIR IP Config to
make sure that the cameras are connected and found.
4. Once you have changed the IP address to the desired value. Press File -> Save all. To check if
the changes had effect, open the TV CM software and check the Video tab. If everything works
as expected, you can close the Ethiris Admin program, the Ethiris service will continue to run
and the video will be recorded and streamed to the TV CM software.

Data settings
1. Navigate to the folder C:\Users\admin\Documents\WideQuick Projects and double click on
ThermoVision CM.kpro. The software starting now is the software that is used to modify the
graphical presentation of the TV CM software. Now that the video IP settings are changed, you
also need to modify the IP address settings which handles the temperature data.
2. Expand the menu ThermoVision CM -> Data Store on the menu to the left. Here you will see
all the FLIR cameras configured in the system. By default, they are named Flir1, Flir2 etc. To
change the IP address, right click on one device and press Properties…

3. From the properties popup, you can modify the IP address of the device. Once this is
changed for all the devices, press File -> Save Project and then press File -> Transfer to
Target System. Don’t change anything on the Transfer Project window, press transfer and
then you can close the WideQuick Designer software.

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