Magnolia Mississippi Final Settlement

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‘SETILEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE Tietlenen Apoenet and Reet mae eee ins yf ne 2021, song Colne Cpoion ash fit sides Coen ning bt et ined Magna Heath Pn, Ie. CMagnoli), Cetne Managenet Conran, CCM, ns “Enola Soon Ie, Ene" leila o aCe En she Atorey Gera on Beate Ste of Misi he Misinp Divison of Mo, ‘nd al other state departments, agencies, buteas, lens, o programs ofthe State of Msssip for Which the Cente Ettes provided any pharmsey benef or trvoe, or which paid o reimbursed ‘any Cenlene Entity for providing such « phurmasy benefit ot service (hereinafter collectively ‘efered tow “Attorney Genera" “Sate of Mississipi" o the “State (he Centene Entities and the Sute of Mi isspp, collectively refered to ab the “Parties” of “Setling Pate"), Tis Settlement Agreement and Release Is intended by the Setting Pate to fly, nally ei forever ‘evolve, dicharge and sete potential claims rlsing fom orf any wy elated fo the pharmacy business ofthe Centene Ents in Misiasppl during the defined ime ered runing from January 1, 2016, tothe execution ofthis Sertment Agreement and Releate (he “Stren”. WHEREAS, the State has been reviewing the operations of Manolis and is Pharmacy Benef: Mangget, Evolves ‘WHEREAS, the Centene Ents expressly deny Uabilty, any wrongdoing, andlor any lation of ay feral or stte atte oregon oe sommen la WHEREAS, the Centene Eaies recognize the importance of providing high quality and coatefective phurmacy benefit orice othe Sate andthe St need for tansparency around the costs associated with those bervices; WHEREAS, the Stile acknowledges Centene’s good faith and responsible corporte 1 itzenship in eacing thie resolution; WHEREAS, while the State believes tht the Centene Entities have provided high quay pharmacy benefit service oth S ‘nd ae gusified to continue to provide such services, the State egies fl ranspareny rom the Centre Ents sound the costa es mocited with howe services pai for by the State \WIIEREAS, the Parties have invested he fc and ave analyzed the relevant egal insesrepadingconceas ried during the State's investigation; WHEREAS, the Pres have each conierd the cots and delays associated withthe contnved investigation and defente of the investigation, en have rashod a son claims filed, voile, or whch eould be file, arsing from on anyway relating tothe (Cenene Entities provision of pharmacy beefs o services in comnetion with any Health Care Coverage provided by Cenisne Enites andor conduct that could have bean alleged by the Releason ‘WHEREAS, the Pats belive the Steet st fart herein voids the uncer of conned invetgntion and assures tha he Beefs elected erin ae obuic nd () e fs resonable an edequat and in the bet intrest of the people ofthe State of Missi WHEREAS, the State and Centene Entities ace that neither thi Agreement, nor any statement ede inthe negotiation thereof, hall be deemed or conte fo be a conestion ato {ny lai, a edison evden of any violation of ny statute o nw evidence of any Haily cr wrongsolng by ane or more Centon Ente Reese, or evidence of the th fay ofthe clans or legatons made tog the iovetation; (WHEREAS, erms-ength settlement negotiations have taken place between the Centene send the State; end NOW, THEREFORE, [TIS HEREBY AGREED by and among the Stato end Centene Entities, by end through ther respective counsel, that hee is a settlement between the State and 2 the Centene Bates as at forth below, |A. Deletions. As used inthis Agreement, the following caplized terms have the meanings specified below. ® o o ® greement” or "Selement Agreement” means this Setlement ‘Agreement and Reese, togater with any exhibit stachedhen9, “Cente Ente" means Centene Corporation and exch of ts subsidiaries, including but not limited to, Megnlia Health Plan Ine, Centene ‘Management Corporation, and Bavolve Pharmacy Solutio, Te. “Covered Conduct” means any anal acs, conduct, omlsions, events oF teanistions, whether known or unknown and whether discovered. oF undiscovered, dung the pci ftom January J, 2016 up te a ishing the Effective Date, relating tote operation or delivery of payment for, all pharmacy bent produets by any Centene Entity as pat of, oF In conection with the provision of Health Care Coverage siding but not Himited to: () the peyment or ceimbursement toot fom any. slate

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