2 Unidad Touchstone

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Miss Nelson Where's Hiroki?

Is he here today
Alison No, he's not.
Maybe he's at wo
Miss Nelson OK. How about Ellen?
AUson Idon't know. I think she's siCK.
Miss Nelson Oh. Ok, Are Carmen and Suzanna here?
AlUson No, they're in the cafeteria. The verb BE
Miss Nelson They're late again. OK. And Nick?
Alison He's over there. I think he's asleep!



Hiroki Ellen Carmen and Suzanna

1 Getting started
A Look at the pictures. Who is in class? Who is absent?
B 4)116 Listen. Who is
sicktoday? Who is late? Who is asleep? Practice the conversation.
ORC Circle the correct words. Use the conversation above
to help you,
1. A Hiro ? Is he here today? 3. A ,Is/ Aré
Carmen and Suzanna late:
B No, he's/ she's at
work. B Yes. They're / She's in the cafeteria.
2. A Ellen? Is/ Are she in class? 4. A ls/ Are
B No, she is / she's
Nick here?
not. She's sick. B Yes, he's / he here. I think he's /
is as
the sentence
are also in Miss Nelson's class.
Where are they today? Complete
A These s t u d e n t s

3. Della_arein class.
2. Liz and Tom in She a absent.
1. Daniel S at the gym.
n o t in the cafeteria.
They're in class, to
He n e t i n class.
at the library.
Fred Or
They a E
He Sot hec sick. re_asleep.
He t _ s i c k .

true answers. Then ask and
the questions about the students above.
B Complete
the questions with a partner.
P s T o m asleep?
Daniel sick?
and Fred in class?
5. Ae theDella
Liz in class?
2. Della sick?
3. ha Liz and Tom at the gym?

A Is Daniel sick?
B No, he's not. He's at the gyi.

Listening Who's absent today?

Are these students in
class or absent? Check () the boxes.
A 1.18 Listen. It's day. the next

Then listen again and match

the two parts of the sentence.
a. Sick.
Absent 1. Ellen's
In class
2. Carmen's b. asleep.
1. Ellen C. at work.
3. Hiroki's
2. Carmen
4. Alison's d. at thelibrary.
3. Hiroki

4. Alison

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