Materi SAD - Data Process and Modeling

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Chapter Outline

• Data Flow Diagrams

• Data Dictionary
• Process Description Tools
Data and Process Modeling
Logical model
• Shows what the system must do, regardless of how it
will be implemented physically.

Physical model
• Describes how the system will be constructed.
Data and Process Modeling Tools
Systems analysts Tools:
use many graphical • Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
techniques to
describe an • Data Dictionary
information system. • Process Descriptions

 DFD uses various symbols to show how

the system transforms input data into
useful information.
 DFD provides a logical model that shows
what the system does, not how it does it.

Data Flow
• Four basic symbols that represent
processes, data flows, data stores,
and entities.
• Two symbol set
 Gane and Sarson
 Yourdon

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.

DFD Symbol: Process
• A process receives input data and produces
output that has a different content, form, or
• Processes contain the business logic (business
rules), which transform the data and produce
the required results.
• The process name identifies a specific function
and consists of a verb (and an adjective, if
necessary) followed by a singular noun.
• Referred to as a black box, because the inputs,
outputs, and general functions of the process
are known, but the underlying details and logic
are hidden.
Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.
DFD Symbol: Data
• Path for data to move from one
part of the information system to
• Data flow represents one or more
data items.
• Must have a process symbol on at
least one end.

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.

DFD Symbol: Data
Must avoid:
• Spontaneous generation. Produces
output, but has no input data flow.
• Black hole. Process that has input,
but produces no output.
• Gray hole. Process that has at least
one input and one output, but the
input obviously is insufficient to
generate the output.

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.

DFD Symbol: Data
• Represent data the system stores
because one or more processes
need to use the data at a later time.
• Must be connected to a process
with a data flow.

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.

DFD Symbol: Data
• Have no process between data
• Lack either an outgoing or incoming
data flow.

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.

DFD Symbol: Entity
• Also called terminators because they are
data origins or final destinations.
• Source = entity that supplies data to the
• Sink = entity that receives data from the

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.

DFD Symbol: Entity

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.
Guidelines for Drawing DFDs
• Draw the context diagram so it fits on one page.
• Use the name of the IS as the process name in the context
• Use unique names within each set of symbols.
• Do not cross lines.
• Provide a unique name and reference number for each
• Obtain as much user input and feedback as possible.
Step by Step Drawing DFDs
1. Draw a context diagram
2. Draw a diagram 0 DFD
3. Draw the lower-level diagrams
Data Dictionary (Data Repository)
• Central storehouse of information about the system’s data.
• Also defines and describes all data elements and meaningful
combinations of data elements.
• Data element (data item / field), the smallest piece of data that has
meaning within an information system.
Process Description Tools
• Documents the details of a functional primitive and
represents a specific set of processing steps and business
• Can also be used in object-oriented development.
• Modular Design
• Structured English
• Decision Tables
• Decision Trees
Process Description Tools
Modular Design
• Based on
combinations of three
logical structures
(control structures),
which serve as building
blocks for the process.
• Sequence
• Selection
• Iteration (looping)
Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.
Process Description Tools
Structured English
• Subset of standard English that describes logical processes
clearly and accurately.
• Similar to pseudocode, but the primary purpose is to
describe the underlying business logic.
• Make sure that process descriptions are understandable to
users who must confirm that the process is correct, and to
others (analysts and programmers).
Decision Tables
• Logical structure
that shows
combination of
conditions and

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.

Process Description Tools
Decision Trees
• Graphical representation of the conditions, actions, and rules
found in a decision table.

Image source: Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition.

Reference (s)

• Scott Tilley and Harry Rosenblatt, Systems Analysis and Design 11th
Edition, 2017, Cengage Learning.
• John Satzinger, Robert Jackson, and Stephen Burd, Systems Analysis
and Design in a Changing World 7th Edition, 2016, Cengage Learning.
• Video Rental RCM adalah toko sewa video/film. Toko ini meminjamkan video/film/dvd ke
customer dan customer membayar uang sewanya, Toko ini membeli video dari supplier local.
• Customer meminjam video, memilih kotak dvd kosong yang mereka pilih ,bisa mendapatkan kartu
member juga dan pembayaran yang selalu dengan kartu kredit untuk membuka akun customer.
Customer mengembalikan video yang mereka pinjam setelah selesai menontonnya. Jika waktu
peminjaman sudah melewati waktunya, maka kartu kredit mereka kena biaya dan surat pengingat
dikirimkan. Biaya tetap bertambah per harinya dan surat pengingat dikirimkan terus hingga
customer mengembalikan videonya dan biaya denda nya sudah dibayar.
• Customer baru wajib mengisi formulir dengan data pribadinya dan detail kartu kreditnya dan staff
akan memberikan customer baru kartu member. Setiap formulir customer yang baru akan
ditambahkan dalam file customer.
• Supplier video mengirimkan list judul yang tersedia kepada video rental RCM, dan akan
mengirimkan pemesanan/order serta pembayarannya. Jika pemesenan sudah dikirim maka
supplier akan mengirimkan video yang sudah dipesan ke toko video rental tersebut. Setiap video
yang baru akan dibuatkan forum stock yang baru dan disimpan dalam file stock
Data Flow Pengirim/Sender Penerima/Receiver
Video loan system customer
Customer detail Customer system
Kartu member Customer System
Kartu member System customer
Kotak dvd kosong/ request video Customer system
pembayaran Customer system
Mengembalikan video / returned Customer system
Denda kartu kredit System customer
Surat tagihan System customer
List judul film Supplier system
Order/pemesanan System supplier
Pembayaran pembelian video System supplier
Forum stock video System system
Data Flow Pengirim/Sender Penerima/Receiver
Video loan system customer
Customer detail Customer system
Kartu member Customer System
Kartu member System customer
request video Customer system
pembayaran Customer system
returned video Customer system
Surat pengingat System customer
List judul film Supplier system
Order/pemesanan System supplier
Pembayaran pembelian video System supplier
-sewa video RCM -Proses
-Customer – ExEnt
-Supplier -ExEnt
Thank you!
Credits: icons used in this presentation is taken
from Flaticon, and Infographics & images from
Freepik unless specified differently.

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