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Lesson Reflection

Carlos Vasquez

National University


I believe the content of the lesson was well-planned and appropriate for covering the standards of

the unit. The lesson was on the Swing era, and our lesson covered how Swing music was the next

popular music after Dixieland jazz, what and how a Swing band looked like, and how the genre

was popular for a multitude of reasons. The lesson could have had more content, such as

mentioning more significant Swing musicians other than Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington,

but for the interest of time, only the highlights of the genre were mentioned.

Teacher Role

Using Nearpod has made my role as a teacher much more simple through the online medium. It

has been very difficult to engage the students while teaching through Microsoft Teams. My role

as an educator has been made easier through Nearpod, a website that allows for students to

engage in the lesson by giving them opportunities to discuss topics amongst themselves as well

as give the students formative assessments on the content area. These assessments help me know

when and how to give students feedback to help them learn the content.

Student Role

There has been much confusion amongst the students about how they are to behave while

learning through an online medium. Some students believe it might be rude to interject with

comments throughout the lesson, but at this moment, I believe educators are craving that human

interaction that makes teaching so rewarding. In order to make students more engaged in their

learning, I have provided them with an opportunity to engage in the lesson without making them

feel uncomfortable by using Nearpod. Their role as learners in the classroom is therefore

enhanced by partaking in active engagement in their learning.



Students were given several opportunities to access the contents of the lesson. Aside from

accessing the lesson by attending our 3rd period time slot on Microsoft Teams, the students are

provided with a link to the lesson that is “student-paced”, which will take them to the Nearpod

website and will allow them to go through the lesson at their own pace, and retake the formative

assessments until they feel comfortable with the content. The students are also given access to

the content on an outline of the lesson on Canvas, our online classroom platform. Students are

allowed to respond to the discussion through nearpod, and can also respond on the chat feature

on Teams as well.

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