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000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022

Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2


Read Text I to do questions 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56 based on it.

Text I

The Shirt On Your Back: Of What Is It Made? From Where Does It Come?

Your shirt is cotton. It is most likely that the raw material or the shirt’s finished fabric comes from the Xinjiang
region of China.
And that means there is a good chance that forced labor made the raw or finished product. The laborers are
the Uyghur people. They are a Muslim minority in China.
For years, big global brands such as H&M, Nike, Burberry, Calvin Klein, and Tommy Hilfiger have used cotton from
the region. They are part of the problem. Now they are acting. They are moving the factories that create the final
garments. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bangladesh are the new locations.
The labor problem is everywhere. But it is most evident in Xinjiang. The companies work with advocates for
workers. ______ suspect conditions in the factories are terrible. The truth about what is happening is hard to find out.
The Xinjiang cotton goes through many hands from the field to the factory. It is hard to tell from where it
Companies and countries condemn China’s treatment of the Uyghur people. The Chinese government does not
like it. The Communist Party is urging the Chinese people to boycott the products made by these big global companies.
China is a big country. If the people who live there do not buy Nike, Nike is in big trouble.
(Adapted from:

51. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “They are moving the factories that create the
final garments”, the word “they” refers to
(A) Nike.
(B) Uyghur people.
(C) Tommy Hilfiger.
(D) China.
(E) big global brands.

52. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The sentence in bold in the text is in the:
(A) Past continuous.
(B) Present Continuous.
(C) Simple Present.
(D) Simple Past.
(E) Present perfect.
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

53. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) Fill in the blank with the suitable option:
(A) Much.
(B) Several.
(C) A lots of.
(D) Lots.
(E) Amount of.

54. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) “such as” underlined in the text, is closest in
meaning to
(A) but.
(B) so that.
(C) instead of
(D) for instance.
(E) rather than.

55. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) “terrible”, underlined in the text, is opposite to
(A) terrific.
(B) awful.
(C) horrible.
(D) frightful.
(E) rough.

56. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, we can infer that
(A) the Uighur people are present in a large number in China.
(B) big global brands such as H&M, Nike, Burberry, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger make large cash donations to combat
the harsh working conditions in China and some other countries.
(C) The truth about exactly what happens inside the factories is not yet known, but the working conditions are not good.
(D) the Chinese government has gone to great lengths to end maltreatment inside factories.
(E) It is easy to know where Xinjiang's cotton comes from.
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

Read Text II to do questions 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62 based on it.

Text II

How Will Colleges Evaluate Students during Pandemic?

When schools around the U.S. closed starting in March 2020 because of COVID-19 restrictions, more American
students than usual received low grades.
Now, many people are wondering: How will colleges and universities consider promising students who had trouble
in school?
Information gathered by the Reuters news agency shows that the number of very low grades increased by two
or three times in some places. School closures and the move to internet classes affected all grade levels in U.S.
Reuters looked at schools in big cities like Chicago, and in smaller places like Carlsbad, California. Schools in all
areas were affected by the move to teaching by video, or distance learning. But communities where people are poor
and most students are minorities appeared to be affected the most.
Fairfax County, Virginia, is a large school system outside of Washington, D.C. A report showed that the largest
increase in failing grades in Fairfax came from students who did not grow up speaking English and those with learning
Eric Hoover writes about college admissions for The Chronicle of Higher Education. He said universities are getting
used to the idea of making “adjustments and allowances” for the many things that are missing from students’ high
school transcripts.
In addition, he said, top colleges “have had to loosen all kinds of rules and standards and expectations this year.”
About a year ago, a project organized by the Harvard Graduate School of Education helped the heads of admissions
from 300 colleges and universities say what they “care about in this time of crisis.” It was called Making Caring
The document says students should be sure to let the admissions office know about the problems they faced
during the pandemic. Universities said they understand that many after-school activities were canceled. They also
know that students may have had to take a job or help care for a sick family member.
Adapted from:

57. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) “like” underlined in the text, is closest in meaning
(A) at last.
(B) so.
(C) dislike
(D) as.
(E) however.

58. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) “because of” underlined in the text, is closest in
meaning to
(A) due to.
(B) at least.
(C) as.
(D) for example.
(E) since.
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

59. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The comparative form of the underlined word in
the sentence “Fairfax County, Virginia, is a large school system outside of Washington, D.C.” is
(A) largier.
(B) more large than.
(C) the largest.
(D) more larger.
(E) larger

60. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In the fragment “But communities where people
are poor and most students are minorities appeared to be affected the most.”, the antonym of "poor" is
(A) shabby.
(B) wealthy.
(C) healthy.
(D) foolish.
(E) witty.

61. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The word “learning” underlined in the text is
(A) an adjective.
(B) an adverb.
(C) a noun.
(D) a verb.
(E) a pronoun.

62. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, we can infer that
(A) the way in which the evaluation of admission to universities would occur was a major concern of these institutions.
(B) during the pandemic the students' grades went up a lot.
(C) during the pandemic the students who stayed at home took the opportunity to cheat on the tests
(D) in general, students maintained their grades during the year of the pandemic and nothing has changed with regard to
admission to universities.
(E) Universities had to intensify their standards and expectations this year because despite the pandemic the student's level
should not be changed.
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

Read Text III to do questions 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68 based on it.

Text III

Prince Philip, the husband of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has died. The royal family said he was 99 years old ___
The Duke of Edinburgh was Prince Philip's official name. He had been by his wife’s side as she led the country for
69 years. She has been queen longer than any other ruler in British history.
The British royal family said in a statement, “It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen announces the
death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.”
“His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning ___Windsor Castle. Further announcements will be
made in due course. The Royal Family join with people around the world in mourning his loss.”
Philip was born into the royal families of Greece and Denmark. His father was Prince Andrew of Greece and
Denmark and his mother was Princess Alice of Battenberg. Philip married Elizabeth ___ 1947.
He helped to bring the British royal family tradition into modern life after World War Two. In Buckingham Palace,
the official royal family home, he was said to be the one person the queen could turn to and trust.
Adapted from:

63. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) What title is more appropriate for the text above
(A) Queen Elizabeth, the greatest queen of all time.
(B) Britain's Prince Philip Dies at 99.
(C) Prince Philip and Duke of Edinburgh are the same person.
(D) Prince Philip's fantastic story and his great deeds.
(E) The story of Prince Philip's long-suffering death.

64. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) Fill in the blanks with the suitable option:
(A) on – at – on
(B) in – on – at
(C) at – in – on
(D) at – in – on
(E) on – at – in

65. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In the fragment “It is with deep sorrow that Her
Majesty The Queen announces the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.”,
the antonym of "deep" is
(A) hollow.
(B) profound.
(C) shadow.
(D) shallow.
(E) widow.
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

66. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, Prince Philip was
(A) reliable
(B) disloyal
(C) fickle
(D) doubtful
(E) spurious

67. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “She has been queen longer than any other
ruler in British history". The word any has the same idea in
(A) She isn´t going to spend any money.
(B) My mother never buys any soft drink at the supermarket.
(C) She needs to choose any gift.
(D) Does she need to speak any language?
(E) He went home without any clothes.

68. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, consider the following
statements about the text.
I. Prince Philip was formerly called the Duke of Edinburgh because he was the prince of Greece and Denmark.
II. Prince Philip was a person that Queen Elizabeth had extreme confidence in.
III. Prince Philip died of a severe heart attack the night before.

Choose the correct alternative.

(A) Only the statement I is correct.
(B) Only the statement II is correct.
(C) Only statements II and III are correct.
(D) Only statements I and III are correct.
(E) Statements I, II and III are correct.
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

Read Text IV to do questions 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 and 76 based on it.

Text IV

America: What is Going On?

Friends and foes of America agree on one thing. The United States is a mess.
Donald Trump won the race for U.S. president in 2016. His message was to “Make America Great Again.” His plan
was to portray America as a victim of bad trade deals and undocumented immigrants. His goal was to win over a
segment of white voters.
Facts did not matter. White voters did not even have to be white. They were anyone who was out of work. Or
believed that border crossers or imports from other nations took their jobs. You were white if you blamed somebody
else for the problems in your life.
A lot of working people once thought it was the Democratic Party that looked out for them. Trump convinced
them otherwise. Democrats were for immigrants, that was ______ (20) biggest sin. Trump used China and Mexico as
examples of how Democrats were supporting foreigners taking jobs from Americans.
It did not matter that the Republican Party stood for free trade. Free trade means that countries like China and
Mexico sell what they make cheapest to countries like America, and America sells what it makes cheapest to China
and Mexico. For example, it is cheap to make clothing in China. It is cheap to grow food in America.
Trump hit upon an idea. One that had some truth to it. Some of the rules of free trade were not fair. America had
gone overboard to help poorer nations. And China has taken advantage of those rules.
Trump sold “America First” as his idea of how to govern. It is an old trick to put the nation first. It is called
“nationalism.” Nationalism appeals to the instinct to protect the “nation.” Dictators from Hitler to Putin put nationalism
to use.
The election for the next president in the U.S. is coming up in a _____weeks. The Democratic candidate is Joe
Biden. Biden is going with the Democratic game plan to make life better for all Americans. The plan includes, for
example, providing health care for all. He wants an America that is fairer to all its people.
Trump believes that negative is stronger than positive. He believes hate is more powerful than love. In November,
voters must decide whose views, and whose vision of the future, they support.
Adapted from:

69. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “Friends and foes of America agree on one
thing.”, the word “foes” is closest in meaning to
(A) buddy
(B) mate
(C) crony
(D) enemy
(E) pal

70. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In, “…that was ______ biggest sin”, fill in the
blank with the suitable option:
(A) your
(B) yours
(C) his
(D) them
(E) their
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

71. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) . In the sentence “He believes hate is more
powerful than love”, “more powerful than” is to “weaker” as
(A) faster is to quicker.
(B) lighter is to darker.
(C) tougher is to harder.
(D) sadder is to more unhappy.
(E) freer is to more independent.

72. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The word “for example”, in bold in the text, is
closest in meaning to
(A) for some time
(B) for a while
(C) for instance
(D) for sure
(E) for the time being

73. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “They were anyone who was out of work”, the
word “they” refers to
(A) White voters.
(B) Facts.
(C) border crossers.
(D) The U.S.
(E) Democratic Party.

74. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) Find the alternative that shows a Present
Continuous tense.
(A) For example, it is cheap to make clothing in China.
(B) A lot of working people once thought it was the Democratic Party that looked out for them.
(C) Trump used China and Mexico as examples of how Democrats were supporting foreigners taking jobs from Americans.
(D) The plan includes, for example, providing health care for all.
(E) The election for the next president in the U.S. is coming up.

75. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “The election for the next president in the U.S.
is coming up in a _____weeks”, fill in the blank with the suitable option:
(A) many
(B) little
(C) mount of
(D) few
(E) a lot of
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

76. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, consider the following
statements about the text.

I. According to the text, everyone believes that the situation in the United States is chaotic.
II. Donald Trump was extremely nationalist and believed that the arrival of undocumented immigrants to the United
States was a bad deal for the country.
III. To win the election, Donald Trump used the strategy to convince Americans that Democrats supported other
countries that ended up taking jobs from the American people.

Choose the correct alternative.

(A) Only the statement I is correct.
(B) Only the statement II is correct.
(C) Only statements II and III are correct.
(D) Only statements I and III are correct.
(E) Statements I, II and III are correct.

Read Text V to do questions 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 and 83 based on it.

Text V

A Tribal Lobster War in Canada

Long ago, people belonged to tribes. Members of the tribe were there to support each other. To succeed, they
had to protect the members of their tribe. So long as food was on the table, the tribe could fight ___ enemies. Over
time, tribes won and lost their battles.
Thousands of years later, tribes continue their ways of behaving.
Canada is the world’s biggest source of lobster. Tribal warfare has broken out in Canada. At stake is a lobster
fishery. The tribe is an Indigenous people who fish the waters under treaty rights. The other “tribe” is the commercial
fishermen who trap lobsters for a living.
It is white people against a First Nation tribe. Each side sees the struggle from their own point of view. Is race an
issue? Or is it all about money?
The lobster battle began last month. The Sipekne’katik First Nation tribe opened its own fishery enterprise. It
started fishing for lobster outside of the government-approved fishing season.
Commercial fishermen viewed the new fishery as a threat to their business. Acts of sabotage began soon after
the fishery opened. A fishery owned by the Indigenous Sipekne’katik people was burned. The conflict turned violent.
The Sipekne’katik are part of the Mi’kmaq people. Under a treaty dating to 1752, the Mi’kmans have a legal right
to hunt and fish to earn a “moderate livelihood.” That right was upheld in a court case.
So it is a dispute about business. Why was the fishery ransacked and destroyed by fire? Why are First Nation
people threatened and attacked?
Canada ______ a problem. The nation’s Prime Minister agreed. He said his country’s past was one of “humiliation,
neglect and abuse” of the country’s 1.4 million Indigenous people.

Adapted from

1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

77. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The word “commercial” is
(A) an adjective.
(B) an article.
(C) a noun.
(D) an adverb.
(E) a pronoun.

78. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In, “Canada ______ a problem”, fill in the blank
with the suitable option:
(A) have
(B) has
(C) haves
(D) had had
(E) is having

79. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In which sequence of words there is the odd one
(A) oyster, shrimp, clam, octopus.
(B) crab, lobster, shrimp, clam.
(C) shrimp, oyster, lobster, crab.
(D) crawfish, lobster, shrimp, clam
(E) crab, lobster, cow, octopus.

80. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The indefinite article can be appropriately used
(A) ____ people.
(B) ____ fishermen.
(C) ____ water.
(D) ____ food.
(E) ____ member.
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2


1.000 Questões de Inglês – ESA 2022

Caderno 2

51 E 76 E
52 C 77 A
53 B 78 B
54 D 79 E
55 A 80 E
56 C 81 C
57 D 82 D
58 A 83 D
59 E 84 B
60 B 85 A
61 C 86 E
62 A 87 C
63 B 88 C
64 E 89 A
65 D 90 B
66 A 91 A
67 C 92 E
68 B 93 A
69 D 94 D
70 E 95 B
71 B 96 A
72 C 97 C
73 A 98 C
74 E 99 D
75 D 100 E
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

Questões comentadas
Resolvidas e comentadas por: Prof. Leonardo Pontes

Read Text I to do questions 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56 based on it.

Text I

The Shirt On Your Back: Of What Is It Made? From Where Does It Come?

Your shirt is cotton. It is most likely that the raw material or the shirt’s finished fabric comes from the Xinjiang
region of China.
And that means there is a good chance that forced labor made the raw or finished product. The laborers are
the Uyghur people. They are a Muslim minority in China.
For years, big global brands such as H&M, Nike, Burberry, Calvin Klein, and Tommy Hilfiger have used cotton from
the region. They are part of the problem. Now they are acting. They are moving the factories that create the final
garments. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bangladesh are the new locations.
The labor problem is everywhere. But it is most evident in Xinjiang. The companies work with advocates for
workers. ______ suspect conditions in the factories are terrible. The truth about what is happening is hard to find out.
The Xinjiang cotton goes through many hands from the field to the factory. It is hard to tell from where it
Companies and countries condemn China’s treatment of the Uyghur people. The Chinese government does not
like it. The Communist Party is urging the Chinese people to boycott the products made by these big global companies.
China is a big country. If the people who live there do not buy Nike, Nike is in big trouble.
(Adapted from:

51. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “They are moving the factories that create the
final garments”, the word “they” refers to
(A) Nike.
(B) Uyghur people.
(C) Tommy Hilfiger.
(D) China.
(E) big global brands.

A alternativa E está correta. “They are moving the factories that create the final garments” (Eles estão movendo as
fábricas que criam as peças de vestuário finais). De acordo com o texto, as grandes marcas globais estão movendo suas
fábricas para outros lugares como Vietnã, Camboja e Bangladesh.

Gabarito: E
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

52. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The sentence in bold in the text is in the:
(A) Past continuous.
(B) Present Continuous.
(C) Simple Present.
(D) Simple Past.
(E) Present perfect.

A alternativa C está correta. A frase, “It is hard to tell from where it comes.”, encontra-se no simple present. Observe que
tem um verbo “to be” na sua forma no presente (it is) e temos também o verbo “to come” na sua forma do simple
present por estar terminando com “s” (it comes).

Gabarito: C

53. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) Fill in the blank with the suitable option:
(A) Much.
(B) Several.
(C) A lots of.
(D) Lots.
(E) Amount of.

A alternativa A está incorreta. Much é usado com substantivos singulares e incontáveis.

A alternativa B está correta. Several = vários e portanto, é sinônimo de muitos = many. Cuidado pois, após a lacuna
aparece “suspect conditions” (condições suspeitas), e suspect está no singular por ser um adjetivo e adjetivos no inglês
são sempre invariáveis. Os quantifiers devem sempre concordar com o substantivo e não com o adjetivo. Observe que
esse sim encontra-se no plural “conditions” ( condições) e portanto deveremos “many” ou algum de seus sinônimos.

A alternativa C está incorreta. A lots está incorreto, o certo deveria ser, ou “lots of” ou “a lot of".

A alternativa D está incorreta. Lots está incorreto, o certo deveria ser, ou “lots of” ou “a lot of".

A alternativa E está incorreta. Amount of é usado com substantivos singulares e incontáveis.

Gabarito: B

54. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) “such as” underlined in the text, is closest in
meaning to
(A) but.
(B) so that.
(C) instead of
(D) for instance.
(E) rather than.
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

A alternativa A está incorreta. but = mas / porém.

A alternativa B está incorreta. so that = para que / afim de que.

A alternativa C está incorreta. instead of = ao invés de.

A alternativa D está correta. for instance = por exemplo e portanto, é sinônimo de such as = tal como. Ambos serve
para introduzir um exemplo.

A alternativa E está incorreta. rather than = ao invés de.

Gabarito: D

55. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) “terrible”, underlined in the text, is opposite to
(A) terrific.
(B) awful.
(C) horrible.
(D) frightful.
(E) rough.

A alternativa A está correta. Ao contrário do que parece, terrific é um adjetivo com um significado positivo. “terrific” =
ótimo. E, portanto, é antônimo de “terrible” que significa terrível.

A alternativa B está incorreta. awful = horrível.

A alternativa C está incorreta. horrible = horrível.

A alternativa D está incorreta. frightful = assustador.

A alternativa E está incorreta. rough = áspero.

Gabarito: A

56. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, we can infer that
(A) the Uighur people are present in a large number in China.
(B) big global brands such as H&M, Nike, Burberry, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger make large cash donations to combat
the harsh working conditions in China and some other countries.
(C) The truth about exactly what happens inside the factories is not yet known, but the working conditions are not good.
(D) the Chinese government has gone to great lengths to end maltreatment inside factories.
(E) It is easy to know where Xinjiang's cotton comes from.

A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, esse povo é uma minoria muçulmana na China.
1.000 Questões de Inglês - ESA 2022
Estratégia Militares – Caderno 2

A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto não fala que as grandes marcas globais como H&M, Nike, Burberry, Calvin Klein e
Tommy Hilfiger fazem grandes doações em dinheiro para combater as duras condições de trabalho na China e em alguns
outros países.

A alternativa C está correta. De acordo com o texto, o problema do trabalho está em toda parte. Mas é mais evidente
em Xinjiang. As condições de trabalho nas fábricas são terríveis, entretanto a verdade sobre o que está acontecendo é
difícil de descobrir.

A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto não fala que o governo Chinês tem feito de tudo para acabar com os maus-tratos
dentro das fábricas, de acordo com o texto, empresas e países condenam o tratamento dado pela China ao povo uigur.

A alternativa E está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, o algodão de Xinjiang passa por muitas mãos, desde o campo até a
fábrica. É difícil dizer de onde vem.
Gabarito: C

Read Text II to do questions 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62 based on it.

Text II

How Will Colleges Evaluate Students during Pandemic?

When schools around the U.S. closed starting in March 2020 because of COVID-19 restrictions, more American
students than usual received low grades.
Now, many people are wondering: How will colleges and universities consider promising students who had trouble
in school?
Information gathered by the Reuters news agency shows that the number of very low grades increased by two
or three times in some places. School closures and the move to internet classes affected all grade levels in U.S.
Reuters looked at schools in big cities like Chicago, and in smaller places like Carlsbad, California. Schools in all
areas were affected by the move to teaching by video, or distance learning. But communities where people are poor
and most students are minorities appeared to be affected the most.
Fairfax County, Virginia, is a large school system outside of Washington, D.C. A report showed that the largest
increase in failing grades in Fairfax came from students who did not grow up speaking English and those with learning
Eric Hoover writes about college admissions for The Chronicle of Higher Education. He said universities are getting
used to the idea of making “adjustments and allowances” for the many things that are missing from students’ high
school transcripts.
In addition, he said, top colleges “have had to loosen all kinds of rules and standards and expectations this year.”
About a year ago, a project organized by the Harvard Graduate School of Education helped the heads of admissions
from 300 colleges and universities say what they “care about in this time of crisis.” It was called Making Caring
The document says students should be sure to let the admissions office know about the problems they faced
during the pandemic. Universities said they understand that many after-school activities were canceled. They also
know that students may have had to take a job or help care for a sick family member.
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57. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) “like” underlined in the text, is closest in meaning
(A) at last.
(B) so.
(C) dislike
(D) as.
(E) however.

A alternativa A está incorreta. at last = finalmente.

A alternativa B está incorreta. so = então.

A alternativa C está incorreta. dislike = desgostar.

A alternativa D está correta. as = como e serve para introduzir exemplos. Cuidado, pois a palavra “like” nem sempre
será o verbo gostar, por vezes ela também terá a tradução de “como” e servirá para introduzir exemplos.

A alternativa E está incorreta. however = contudo / entretanto.

Gabarito: D

58. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) “because of” underlined in the text, is closest in
meaning to
(A) due to.
(B) at least.
(C) as.
(D) for example.
(E) since.

A alternativa A está correta. due to = “devido a” e por isso é sinônimo de because of = por causa de.

A alternativa B está incorreta. at least = pelo menos.

A alternativa C está incorreta. as = como

A alternativa D está incorreta. for example = por exemplo.

A alternativa E está incorreta. since = desde / já que (como conjunção).

Gabarito: A
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59. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The comparative form of the underlined word in
the sentence “Fairfax County, Virginia, is a large school system outside of Washington, D.C.” is
(A) largier.
(B) more large than.
(C) the largest.
(D) more larger.
(E) larger

A alternativa E está correta. larger = mais amplo. Os Adjetivos que possuem uma sílaba e os que são dissílabos
terminados em -le, -ow e -er formam o comparativo com o acréscimo de -er ao final do adjetivo. Os Adjetivos terminados
em e, perdem o e para receberem -er
Gabarito: E

60. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In the fragment “But communities where people
are poor and most students are minorities appeared to be affected the most.”, the antonym of "poor" is
(A) shabby.
(B) wealthy.
(C) healthy.
(D) foolish.
(E) witty.

A alternativa A está incorreta. shabby = gasto / surrado.

A alternativa B está correta. wealthy = rico e portanto é antônimo de poor = pobre.

A alternativa C está incorreta. healthy = saudável.

A alternativa D está incorreta. foolish = tolo.

A alternativa E está incorreta. witty = espirituoso.

Gabarito: B

61. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The word “learning” underlined in the text is
(A) an adjective.
(B) an adverb.
(C) a noun.
(D) a verb.
(E) a pronoun.
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A alternativa C está correta. “distance learning” = aprendizagem à distância / ensino à distância / educação à distância. E
portanto “learning” é um substantivo.
Gabarito: C

62. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, we can infer that
(A) the way in which the evaluation of admission to universities would occur was a major concern of these institutions.
(B) during the pandemic the students' grades went up a lot.
(C) during the pandemic the students who stayed at home took the opportunity to cheat on the tests
(D) in general, students maintained their grades during the year of the pandemic and nothing has changed with regard to
admission to universities.
(E) Universities had to intensify their standards and expectations this year because despite the pandemic the student's level
should not be changed.

A alternativa A está correta. O próprio título do texto faz uma pergunta sobre como as faculdades avaliariam os alunos
durante a pandemia, revelando então que há, de fato, uma preocupação dessas instituições com relação à avaliação
do alunos para o ingresso nas universidades durante a pandemia.

A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, Informações coletadas pela agência de notícias Reuters mostram
que o número de notas muito baixas aumentou duas ou três vezes em alguns lugares.

A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto não fala que os alunos que ficaram em casa aproveitaram para colar nas provas.

A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, o número de notas muito baixas aumentou duas ou três vezes em
alguns lugares e até as melhores faculdades tiveram que afrouxar todos os tipos de regras, padrões e expectativas neste

A alternativa E está incorreta. O texto não fala que as faculdades intensificaram seus exames de admissão, pelo contrário,
de acordo com o texto, até as melhores faculdades tiveram que afrouxar todos os tipos de regras, padrões e expectativas
neste ano.
Gabarito: A
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Read Text III to do questions 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68 based on it.

Text III

Prince Philip, the husband of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has died. The royal family said he was 99 years old ___
The Duke of Edinburgh was Prince Philip's official name. He had been by his wife’s side as she led the country for
69 years. She has been queen longer than any other ruler in British history.
The British royal family said in a statement, “It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen announces the
death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.”
“His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning ___Windsor Castle. Further announcements will be
made in due course. The Royal Family join with people around the world in mourning his loss.”
Philip was born into the royal families of Greece and Denmark. His father was Prince Andrew of Greece and
Denmark and his mother was Princess Alice of Battenberg. Philip married Elizabeth ___ 1947.
He helped to bring the British royal family tradition into modern life after World War Two. In Buckingham Palace,
the official royal family home, he was said to be the one person the queen could turn to and trust.
Adapted from:

63. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) What title is more appropriate for the text above
(A) Queen Elizabeth, the greatest queen of all time.
(B) Britain's Prince Philip Dies at 99.
(C) Prince Philip and Duke of Edinburgh are the same person.
(D) Prince Philip's fantastic story and his great deeds.
(E) The story of Prince Philip's long-suffering death.

A alternativa A está incorreta. Queen Elizabeth, the greatest queen of all time. (Rainha Elizabeth, a maior rainha de todos
os tempos.).

A alternativa B está correta. Britain's Prince Philip Dies at 99. (O príncipe Philip da Grã-Bretanha morre aos 99.). O
texto fala exatamente a respeito da morte do príncipe Philip.

A alternativa C está incorreta. Prince Philip and Duke of Edinburgh are the same person. (O príncipe Philip e o duque de
Edimburgo são a mesma pessoa.).

A alternativa D está incorreta. Prince Philip's fantastic story and his great deeds. (A história fantástica do Príncipe Philip e
seus grandes feitos.).

A alternativa E está incorreta. The story of Prince Philip's long-suffering death. (A história da longa morte do Príncipe
Gabarito: B
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64. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) Fill in the blanks with the suitable option:
(A) on – at – on
(B) in – on – at
(C) at – in – on
(D) at – in – on
(E) on – at – in

A alternativa E está correta.

Lacuna 1 – Utilizamos a preposição on para dias da semana.

Lacuna 2 – Utilizamos a preposição at para locais específicos.

Lacuna 3 – Utilizamos a preposição in para anos.

Gabarito: E

65. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In the fragment “It is with deep sorrow that Her
Majesty The Queen announces the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.”,
the antonym of "deep" is
(A) hollow.
(B) profound.
(C) shadow.
(D) shallow.
(E) widow.

A alternativa A está incorreta. hollow = oco.

A alternativa B está incorreta. profound = profundo.

A alternativa C está incorreta. shadow = sombra.

A alternativa D está correta. shallow = “raso” e, portanto é antônimo de deep = profundo.

A alternativa E está incorreta. widow = viúva.

Gabarito: D

66. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, Prince Philip was
(A) reliable
(B) disloyal
(C) fickle
(D) doubtful
(E) spurious
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A alternativa A está correta. reliable = confiável. De acordo com o texto, dizia-se que o príncipe Philip era a única
pessoa a quem a rainha podia recorrer e em quem confiar. (“he was said to be the one person the queen could turn to
and trust.)

A alternativa B está incorreta. disloyal = desleal.

A alternativa C está incorreta. fickle = inconstante.

A alternativa D está incorreta. doubtful = duvidoso.

A alternativa E está incorreta. spurious = espúrio (desonesto / falso).

Gabarito: A

67. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “She has been queen longer than any other
ruler in British history". The word any has the same idea in
(A) She isn´t going to spend any money.
(B) My mother never buys any soft drink at the supermarket.
(C) She needs to choose any gift.
(D) Does she need to speak any language?
(E) He went home without any clothes.

A alternativa C está correta. Usos do “any”

Ao usar any em sentenças afirmativas, a palavra toma o significado de “qualquer”.

Em sentenças negativas, any assume o significado de “nenhum”.

As sentenças interrogativas trazem o significado de “algum” para any.

Observe que a frase dada está na afirmativa e portanto “any” assumirá o valor de qualquer. A única opção que também
está na afirmativa é a alternativa C. todas as outras alternativas estão na negativa ou na interrogativo. Cuidado! A
alternativa E, a pesar de estar na afirmativa, ela possui a partícula “without” que significa “sem” e possui sentido
Gabarito: C

68. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, consider the following
statements about the text.
I. Prince Philip was formerly called the Duke of Edinburgh because he was the prince of Greece and Denmark.
II. Prince Philip was a person that Queen Elizabeth had extreme confidence in.
III. Prince Philip died of a severe heart attack the night before.

Choose the correct alternative.

(A) Only the statement I is correct.
(B) Only the statement II is correct.
(C) Only statements II and III are correct.
(D) Only statements I and III are correct.
(E) Statements I, II and III are correct.
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A alternativa B está correta.

I – Incorreta: O texto não fala que o príncipe Philip era anteriormente chamado de duque de Edimburgo porque era o
príncipe da Grécia e da Dinamarca. E sim que esse é seu nome oficial. E seu pai é que era o príncipe da Grécia e da

II – Correta: De acordo com o texto, dizia-se que o príncipe Philip era a única pessoa a quem a rainha podia recorrer e em
quem confiar. (“he was said to be the one person the queen could turn to and trust.)

III – Incorreta: De acordo com o texto, o príncipe faleceu pacificamente esta manhã no Castelo de Windsor.
Gabarito: B

Read Text IV to do questions 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 and 76 based on it.

Text IV

America: What is Going On?

Friends and foes of America agree on one thing. The United States is a mess.
Donald Trump won the race for U.S. president in 2016. His message was to “Make America Great Again.” His plan
was to portray America as a victim of bad trade deals and undocumented immigrants. His goal was to win over a
segment of white voters.
Facts did not matter. White voters did not even have to be white. They were anyone who was out of work. Or
believed that border crossers or imports from other nations took their jobs. You were white if you blamed somebody
else for the problems in your life.
A lot of working people once thought it was the Democratic Party that looked out for them. Trump convinced
them otherwise. Democrats were for immigrants, that was ______ (20) biggest sin. Trump used China and Mexico as
examples of how Democrats were supporting foreigners taking jobs from Americans.
It did not matter that the Republican Party stood for free trade. Free trade means that countries like China and
Mexico sell what they make cheapest to countries like America, and America sells what it makes cheapest to China
and Mexico. For example, it is cheap to make clothing in China. It is cheap to grow food in America.
Trump hit upon an idea. One that had some truth to it. Some of the rules of free trade were not fair. America had
gone overboard to help poorer nations. And China has taken advantage of those rules.
Trump sold “America First” as his idea of how to govern. It is an old trick to put the nation first. It is called
“nationalism.” Nationalism appeals to the instinct to protect the “nation.” Dictators from Hitler to Putin put nationalism
to use.
The election for the next president in the U.S. is coming up in a _____weeks. The Democratic candidate is Joe
Biden. Biden is going with the Democratic game plan to make life better for all Americans. The plan includes, for
example, providing health care for all. He wants an America that is fairer to all its people.
Trump believes that negative is stronger than positive. He believes hate is more powerful than love. In November,
voters must decide whose views, and whose vision of the future, they support.
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69. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “Friends and foes of America agree on one
thing.”, the word “foes” is closest in meaning to
(A) buddy
(B) mate
(C) crony
(D) enemy
(E) pal

A alternativa A está incorreta. buddy = amigo.

A alternativa B está incorreta. mate = companheiro.

A alternativa C está incorreta. crony = camarada.

A alternativa D está correta. enemy = foe = inimigo

A alternativa E está incorreta. pal = amigo.

Gabarito: D

70. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In, “…that was ______ biggest sin”, fill in the
blank with the suitable option:
(A) your
(B) yours
(C) his
(D) them
(E) their

A alternativa E está correta. “Democrats were for immigrants, that was their biggest sin.” (Os democratas eram à favor
dos imigrantes, esse foi o seu maior pecado). O maior pecado eram dos Democratas e portanto o pronome que devemos
utilizar é their pelo fato de Democratas ser uma terceira pessoa do plural. Devemos também utilizar um pronome
possessivo adjetivo pois a lacuna encontra-se ao lado do substantivo “sin”.

Gabarito: E

71. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) . In the sentence “He believes hate is more
powerful than love”, “more powerful than” is to “weaker” as
(A) faster is to quicker.
(B) lighter is to darker.
(C) tougher is to harder.
(D) sadder is to more unhappy.
(E) freer is to more independent.
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A alternativa A está incorreta. faster = mais rápido e quicker = mais rápido

A alternativa B está correta. lighter = mais claro e darker = mais escuro. A alternativa B é a única opção que apresenta
dois comparativos com significados opostos assim como “more powerful = mais poderoso” e “weaker = mais fraco”.

A alternativa C está incorreta. tougher = mais difícil e harder = mais difícil.

A alternativa D está incorreta. sadder = mais triste e more unhappy = mais infeliz.

A alternativa E está incorreta. freer = mais livre e more independent = mais independente.

Gabarito: B

72. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The word “for example”, in bold in the text, is
closest in meaning to
(A) for some time
(B) for a while
(C) for instance
(D) for sure
(E) for the time being

A alternativa A está incorreta. for some time = por um tempo.

A alternativa B está incorreta. for a while = por algum tempo.

A alternativa C está correta. for instance = for example = por exemplo.

A alternativa D está incorreta. for sure = com certeza.

A alternativa E está incorreta. for the time being = por enquanto.

Gabarito: C

73. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “They were anyone who was out of work”, the
word “they” refers to
(A) White voters.
(B) Facts.
(C) border crossers.
(D) The U.S.
(E) Democratic Party.

A alternativa A está correta. “White voters did not even have to be white. They were anyone who was out of work.” (Os
eleitores brancos nem precisavam ser brancos. Eles eram qualquer um que estava sem trabalho.). O pronome they (eles)
faz referência a eleitores brancos (eles é que eram qualquer um que estava sem trabalho).
Gabarito: A
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74. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) Find the alternative that shows a Present
Continuous tense.
(A) For example, it is cheap to make clothing in China.
(B) A lot of working people once thought it was the Democratic Party that looked out for them.
(C) Trump used China and Mexico as examples of how Democrats were supporting foreigners taking jobs from Americans.
(D) The plan includes, for example, providing health care for all.
(E) The election for the next president in the U.S. is coming up.

A alternativa E está correta. O Presente Contínuo é formado com o presente simples do verbo to be (como verbo auxiliar)
que nesse caso será “is” pois o sujeito é “The election for the next president in the U.S.” (it) + o gerúndio (-ing) do verbo
principal. A única opção que apresenta um verbo to be no presente mais o verbo principal com ING é a E
Gabarito: E

75. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In “The election for the next president in the U.S.
is coming up in a _____weeks”, fill in the blank with the suitable option:
(A) many
(B) little
(C) mount of
(D) few
(E) a lot of

A alternativa A está incorreta. A pesar de utilizamos many antes de substantivos contáveis no plural, essa não será a
resposta pois a eleições ocorrerão em poucas semanas e não em muitas semanas. Devemos também, prestar atenção ao
artigo “a” antes da lacuna.

A alternativa B está incorreta. Utilizamos (a) little antes de substantivos incontáveis no singular.

A alternativa C está incorreta. Utilizamos amount of antes de substantivos incontáveis no singular.

A alternativa D está correta. Usamos (a) few antes de substantivos contáveis no plural e ele significa poucos (as) e
completa corretamente a lacuna.

A alternativa E está incorreta. Utilizamos a lot of antes de substantivos contáveis no plural ou incontáveis no singular
portanto ele é sinônimo de muitos (as) e perceba também que antes da lacuna já possui o artigo “a” e por isso não
podemos colocar o “a” da palavra a lot of.

Gabarito: D
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76. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) According to the text, consider the following
statements about the text.
I. According to the text, everyone believes that the situation in the United States is chaotic.
II. Donald Trump was extremely nationalist and believed that the arrival of undocumented immigrants to the United
States was a bad deal for the country.
III. To win the election, Donald Trump used the strategy to convince Americans that Democrats supported other
countries that ended up taking jobs from the American people.

Choose the correct alternative.

(A) Only the statement I is correct.
(B) Only the statement II is correct.
(C) Only statements II and III are correct.
(D) Only statements I and III are correct.
(E) Statements I, II and III are correct.

A alternativa E está correta.

I – Correta: De acordo com o texto, amigos e inimigos da América concordam em uma coisa. Os Estados Unidos estão
uma bagunça, ou seja, eles estão em uma situação caótica.

II – Correta: De acordo com o texto, Donald Trump venceu a corrida para presidente dos EUA em 2016. Sua mensagem foi
“Make America Great Again”. Seu plano era retratar os Estados Unidos como uma vítima de maus negócios e imigrantes
sem documentos, Trump também vendeu o “America First” como sua ideia de como governar, é um velho truque colocar
a nação em primeiro lugar, chamado de “nacionalismo”.

III – Correta: De acordo com o texto, muitos trabalhadores pensaram que era o Partido Democrata que cuidava deles.
Trump os convenceu do contrário. Trump usou a China e o México como exemplos de como os democratas estavam
apoiando estrangeiros que aceitavam empregos de americanos.

Gabarito: E

Read Text V to do questions 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 and 83 based on it.

Text V

A Tribal Lobster War in Canada

Long ago, people belonged to tribes. Members of the tribe were there to support each other. To succeed, they
had to protect the members of their tribe. So long as food was on the table, the tribe could fight ___ enemies. Over
time, tribes won and lost their battles.
Thousands of years later, tribes continue their ways of behaving.
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Canada is the world’s biggest source of lobster. Tribal warfare has broken out in Canada. At stake is a lobster
fishery. The tribe is an Indigenous people who fish the waters under treaty rights. The other “tribe” is the commercial
fishermen who trap lobsters for a living.
It is white people against a First Nation tribe. Each side sees the struggle from their own point of view. Is race an
issue? Or is it all about money?
The lobster battle began last month. The Sipekne’katik First Nation tribe opened its own fishery enterprise. It
started fishing for lobster outside of the government-approved fishing season.
Commercial fishermen viewed the new fishery as a threat to their business. Acts of sabotage began soon after
the fishery opened. A fishery owned by the Indigenous Sipekne’katik people was burned. The conflict turned violent.
The Sipekne’katik are part of the Mi’kmaq people. Under a treaty dating to 1752, the Mi’kmans have a legal right
to hunt and fish to earn a “moderate livelihood.” That right was upheld in a court case.
So it is a dispute about business. Why was the fishery ransacked and destroyed by fire? Why are First Nation
people threatened and attacked?
Canada ______ a problem. The nation’s Prime Minister agreed. He said his country’s past was one of “humiliation,
neglect and abuse” of the country’s 1.4 million Indigenous people.

Adapted from

77. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The word “commercial” is
(A) an adjective.
(B) an article.
(C) a noun.
(D) an adverb.
(E) a pronoun.

A alternativa A está correta. fishermen = pescador. Observe que commercial encontra-se ao lado de um substantivo e
portanto ele será um adjetivo.
Gabarito: A

78. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In, “Canada ______ a problem”, fill in the blank
with the suitable option:
(A) have
(B) has
(C) haves
(D) had had
(E) is having

A alternativa B está correta. De acordo com o texto, Canadá tem um problema e portanto é um fato atual e por isso
devemos utilizar o simple present. Como Canadá é uma terceira pessoa do singular então o vero deve vir com “s” no final
dele, portanto, tome cuidado pois “have + s” = has e não “haves” (esta forma está incorreta.

Gabarito: B
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79. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) In which sequence of words there is the odd one
(A) oyster, shrimp, clam, octopus.
(B) crab, lobster, shrimp, clam.
(C) shrimp, oyster, lobster, crab.
(D) crawfish, lobster, shrimp, clam
(E) crab, lobster, cow, octopus.

A alternativa E está correta.

Tradução das palavras das opções

Oyster = ostra; shrimp = camarão; clam = molusco; Octopus = polvo; crab = carangueijo; lobster = lagosta; crawfish =
lagostim; cow = vaca.
Observe que a alternativa E é a única alternativa que apresenta um animal que não é aquático. Cow = vaca e portanto
esta é a resposta correta.
Gabarito: E

80. (Estratégia Militares 2021 – Inédita – Prof. Leonardo Pontes) The indefinite article can be appropriately used
(A) ____ people.
(B) ____ fishermen.
(C) ____ water.
(D) ____ food.
(E) ____ member.

A alternativa A está incorreta. people = pessoas que está no plural. Não utilizamos artigos indefinidos antes de
substantivos plurais.

A alternativa B está incorreta. fishermen = pescadores que está no plural. Não utilizamos artigos indefinidos antes de
substantivos plurais.

A alternativa C está incorreta. water = água que é um substantivo incontável. Não utilizamos artigos indefinidos antes de
substantivos incontáveis.

A alternativa D está incorreta. food = comida que é um substantivo incontável. Não utilizamos artigos indefinidos antes
de substantivos incontáveis.

A alternativa E está correta. Esta é a única opção em que não há uma proibição do artigo indefinido.

Gabarito: E

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