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To: Nancy Myers

From: Levi Dierks

Date: May 18, 2021
Subject: APLED-121 Progress Report


Purpose of Report
The purpose of this report is as a homework assignment for my APLED-121 class taught by
Nancy Myers. I am report on my progress in my MACH-162 Shop 3 class taught by Sean Denny.
I started the Shop 3 class on 04/05/2021 and will finish, ready or not on 06/18/2021.

Task list and estimated dates

1. Start MACH-161 Shop 3 (April 5th)

2. Mill block project (April 6th)
3. OD taper project (April 15th)
4. ID taper project (April 21st)
5. Instructors choice fly cutter project (May 17th)
6. Student choice project (May 18th)
7. Pipe thread Project (May 31st)


Start MACH-161 Shop 3
Mill block project
OD taper project
ID taper project
Instructors choice fly cutter project
Student choice project
Pipe thread Project
Shop final
Work Accomplished Work Remaining

Work Accomplished

 Started MACH-161 shop 3
 Mill block project
 OD taper project
 Id taper project

 Instructor choice Fly cutter project

Problems Encountered
 At times all of one type of machine, whether It be a mill or lathe would be in use and
cause some time delay while waiting for it open.
 I had some difficulty deciding what I wanted to do for my personal student project but
have since decided.

Work Remaining
 Pipe thread project
 Shop final
 I accomplished half of my projects in April, I am on track to finish my personal project
before the end of May. I should finish the pipe thread project in early June. This means I
am a little ahead of schedule and should have some free time at the end of June to work
on more personal projects.

 I have no recommendations.

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