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1. How would you feel if you were caught and arrested for drug

I would first feel exactly like Kristen. My heart would be flying millions of miles
per house trying to procces what I am going to do and how much I hate
myself for it.

2. If a friend told you that you were sexually assaulted last night or that
you sexually assaulted someone as a result of taking ecstasy, how
would you react?

I personally would not know how to react. Perhaps f I had soeone share their
expirence with me such as Alexia had, I might feel less alone and more
comfortable to try to remember moments of it in order to regain my power
back and get closure.

3. Explain what happened to Syden Wells. What could have been done
to prevent his current situation?

Syden went to a club where he was handed a water bottle which was
completly filled with GHB ingredients. He was unaware and drank a lot of it.
5 min later he was dead, he was resusetated not long after but unfortunetly
ended up in coma. After he regained consciousness he was diagnose with
loads of brain damage which has altered his life dramatically to the point of
no return. One possible solution to have kept ths from happening is to
never receive drinks even from people you know at a bar or party, this way
you are completly up to knowledge in what you are drinking.

4. Some young people get high from using inhalants, but inhalants are
not considered to be drugs. What are they? What can happen from
using them?

Inhalants are poisons not drugs. Many things happen to every organ in your
body when you huff an inhalant. Like the part of the brain that makes you
“tick”, won’t work anymore when you huff. Every huff changes the rhythm of
your heart and you won’t be able to get the oxygenated blood to continue
flowing through your body. As well as when you huff aerosel fat fills the
lungs to the point were ou can’t breath any longer. Generally when you huff
your brain shuts down and in that moment you can easily die.
5. What happens to the brain of someone who has been abusing drugs?

Drug addiction is a desiese that completly changes your brain. After a while
the brain of a user starts to become dependent of that substence. And
become your primerly focus leaving other things in your life meaningless.
The blockage of blod flow that is created by using drugs creates “holes” in
your brain were eventually would lead to loss of certain fuctions.

6. At the end of the video, Melissa (a 15 year old) died. How did she

Melissa, a 15 year old female died after she has taken cocaine for the first
time in her life.

7. How could you make sure that some of the negative consequences
that happened to people in this video do not happen to you and your

Make sure too be fully aware of all the consequences that could occur if my
friends and I were to take drugs. And if we were to take drug make sure we
don’t take the substances that are extremely dangerous such as
methamphetamine or GHB. As well as understand if any of us need
proffesional help immedietly and provide a list of organizations and people
who are capable of helping. Plus kepping safe by looking out for each
others drinks and location. Perhaps try to stop if usage is taken to far. Once
or twice of merijuana might be considered okay but constant use is clearly
a sign to go reaching for help.

8. Drug use/abuse affects many people other than the user. Explain.
Substance abuse dosn’t just effect the user, it also affects the people surrounding
them. Such as their friends. When you have a friend in which constansly uses,
you tend to want to joing them to place confort or to have fun, which leads to a
dangerous path for both. As well as family, if one were to continously use, their
family would have to deal with the personality behaiour and be in serious danger
if they were to try and get help when the user doesn’t want it. Like how Meghan
threatened her brother with a knife under the influence of meth. Also your family
and friends or parter are also affected when the user suddenty dissapears or is in
need of medical help. The pain and hurt they have to go through and feelings of
fear that they might loose them can have a traumatic effect. Like Sy’s parents, or
Wade’s family.

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