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República bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la educación

U.E “Colegio” Gabriela mistral
Edo. Guárico, San juan de los morros

Actividad de ingles
(2ª actividada del tecer lapso)

Zonia Zapata
Aaron Luna

Respond according to the key

a. Where is the airplane fluing? Over the lake
It is over the lake

b. Where are people singing? In the concert

They are in the concert

c. Where is the truck parking? behind the tree

It is benhing the tree

d. Where is the monkey eating? In the park

He is in the park

a. What do you want to drink? Orange juice
i drink orange juice
b. What does she has in their hand? A letter
she has a letter
c. What color has the table? Dark brown
it has color dark brown
d. What do you friends have? A concert
we have a concert

a. When does she come in? al night
she enters the night
b. Whe do you go out ? a quarter past eignt
I out a quarter past eight
c. When is he going? Tomorrow
he leaves tomorrow
d. When does she go to school? In the morning
she leaves In the morning

a. Who are you? You name
my name is nelly
b. Who is she? Grandmother
her grandmother
c. Who are they? My parents
They are my parents
d. Who is he mr. thomas
His neighbor is Mr. Thomas

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