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Earned Value Management Exercises

Based on the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition


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Practice Exercises

Earned Value Management

Exercise 1:
You’re a subcontractor responsible for refurbishment of an automobile showroom. The estimated
refurbishment cost is $500 per square feet. The total showroom area that needs to be refurbished is
1,000 square feet. Based on your past experience, you know your team can refurbish 100 square feet
per week.

After 4 weeks, you have 45% of the job complete and you have spent $250,000.

Determine the value for each of the terms below:

Term Value

Budget At Completion

Planned Value

Earned Value

Actual Cost

Cost Variance

Schedule Variance

Cost Performance Index

Schedule Performance Index

Estimate At Completion

Estimate To Complete

Variance At Completion

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Exercise 2:
Your project is required to install lighting fixtures in a 200 room hotel. You have to install 5 lighting
fixtures in each room. Your project’s approved budget is $500,000 and the approved schedule is 14

After 8 weeks, you have 110 of the rooms completed and you have spent $250,000.

Determine the value for each of the terms below:

Term Value
Budget At Completion

Planned Value

Earned Value

Actual Cost

Cost Variance

Schedule Variance

Cost Performance Index

Schedule Performance Index

Estimate At Completion

Estimate To Complete

Variance At Completion

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Exercise 3:
Your project is tasked with excavation of 1,000,000 cubic feet of soil. According to the project
management plan you need to excavate 60,000 cubic feet of soil per week at a cost of $5 per cubic feet.
According to the first month’s progress report the project’s EV was 1,000,000 and the AC was 1,200,000.
According to the second month’s progress report the project’s EV was 2,200,000 and the AC was
4,400,000. After the 3rd month (12 weeks) you have 250,000 cubic feet of soil remaining to be excavated
and you total cost to date is 4,000,000.

Determine the current values for the project for each of the terms below:

Term Value
Budget At Completion

Planned Value

Earned Value

Actual Cost

Cost Variance

Schedule Variance

Cost Performance Index

Schedule Performance Index

Estimate At Completion

Estimate To Complete

Variance At Completion

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Exercise 4:
You are the Program Manager managing the construction of a new airport. Five project managers are
directly reporting to you. Each project manager is assigned a part of the total scope of works to be
executed independently. The total duration allowed to complete all works is 24 months and the total
approved budget is $10,000,000.

At the end of the first year, you should have completed $6,000,000 worth of work but the project is only
50% complete. Actual costs reported by each project manager for the first year are:

Project manager 1: $200,000

Project manager 2: $1,200,000

Project manager 3: $1,800,000

Project manager 4: $500,000

Project manager 5: $900,000

Determine the current values for the entire program for each of the terms below:

Term Value
Budget At Completion

Planned Value

Earned Value

Actual Cost

Cost Variance

Schedule Variance

Cost Performance Index

Schedule Performance Index

Estimate At Completion

Estimate To Complete

Variance At Completion

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Earned Value Management Exercise

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Exercise 1 Solution:

Estimated refurbishment cost 500.00 per square feet

Total showroom area 1,000.00 square feet

Refurbishment pace 100.00 square feet per week

Budget At Completion ($500 x 1,000) 500,000.00 dollars

Total duration (1,000 / 100) 10.00 weeks

Duration Elapsed 4.00 weeks

Planned Value (4 / 10 x BAC) 200,000.00 dollars

Percentage completion 45%

Earned Value (45% x BAC) 225,000.00 dollars

Actual Cost 250,000.00 dollars

Cost Variance (EV - AC) (25,000.00) dollars

Schedule Variance (EV - PV) 25,000.00 dollars

Cost Performance Index (EV / AC) 0.90

Schedule Performance Index (EV / PV) 1.13

Estimate At Completion (BAC / CPI) 555,555.56 dollars

Estimate To Complete (EAC - AC) 305,555.56 dollars

Variance At Completion (BAC - EAC) (55,555.56) dollars

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Exercise 2 Solution:

Budget At Completion 500,000.00 dollars

Approved duration 14.00 weeks

Duration Elapsed 8.00 weeks

Planned Value (8 / 14 x BAC) 285,714.29 dollars

Completed scope of works 110.00 rooms

Total scope of works 200.00 rooms

Percentage completion (110/200) 55%

Earned Value (55% x BAC) 275,000.00 dollars

Actual Cost 250,000.00 dollars

Cost Variance (EV - AC) 25,000.00 dollars

Schedule Variance (EV - PV) (10,714.29) dollars

Cost Performance Index (EV / AC) 1.10

Schedule Performance Index (EV / PV) 0.96

Estimate At Completion (BAC / CPI) 454,545.45 dollars

Estimate To Complete (EAC - AC) 204,545.45 dollars

Variance At Completion (BAC - EAC) 45,454.55 dollars

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Exercise 3 Solution:

Total scope of works 1,000,000.00 cubic feet

Remaining scope of works 250,000.00 cubic feet

Completed scope of works (Total - Remaining) 750,000.00 cubic feet

Percent completion 75.00%

Weekly target 60,000.00 cubic feet per week

Total duration (SOW / target) 16.6667 weeks

Budgeted cost per week (target x $5) 300,000.00 dollars per week

Budget At Completion (cost per week x duration) 5,000,000.00 dollars

Duration Elapsed 12.00 weeks

Planned Value (12 / 16.6667 x BAC) 3,600,000.00 dollars

Earned Value (Percent complete x BAC) 3,750,000.00 dollars

Actual Cost 4,000,000.00 dollars

Cost Variance (EV - AC) (250,000.00) dollars

Schedule Variance (EV - PV) 150,000.00 dollars

Cost Performance Index (EV / AC) 0.94

Schedule Performance Index (EV / PV) 1.04

Estimate At Completion (BAC / CPI) 5,333,333.33 dollars

Estimate To Complete (EAC - AC) 1,333,333.33 dollars

Variance At Completion (BAC - EAC) (333,333.33) dollars

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Exercise 4 Solution:

Budget At Completion 10,000,000.00 dollars

Planned Value 6,000,000.00 dollars

Percent complete 50%

Earned Value (Percent complete x BAC) 5,000,000.00 dollars

AC - Project 1 $200,000 dollars

AC - Project 2 $1,200,000 dollars
AC - Project 3 $1,800,000 dollars
AC - Project 4 $500,000 dollars
AC - Project 5 $900,000 dollars
Total Actual Cost $4,600,000 dollars

Cost Variance (EV - AC) 400,000.00 dollars

Schedule Variance (EV - PV) (1,000,000.00) dollars

Cost Performance Index (EV / AC) 1.09

Schedule Performance Index (EV / PV) 0.83

Estimate At Completion (BAC / CPI) 9,200,000.00 dollars

Estimate To Complete (EAC - AC) 4,600,000.00 dollars

Variance At Completion (BAC - EAC) 800,000.00 dollars

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