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The Seven Sins

1. Lust- The second-oldest and second-in-command to the Sins. She is a skilled

gymnast and an excellent fighter. She is also a succubus and feeds herself by
feasting on the souls of men. Besides that, she is able to look into a person and see
their innermost desires. She then can force them out until the victim succumbs to
them. Finally, she is able to transform into the object of a person’s desires. She
can match the love interest of that person exactly. However, if the person truly
loves that person and knows everything about her, they will be able to guess that
the person is not their love interest and is really Lust in disguise. Also, her powers
don’t work on those who virtuous in spirit. Finally, she is weak in strength
compared to the other Sins.

2. Wrath- The most impulsive of the Sins. She is a skilled warrior and fighter. She
loves battle in all forms. The longer and more intense a battle is, the more
powerful she gets, until she develops an uncontrollable rage. Her skin turns blood
red and her eyes yellow. In this state, she puts all her focus into beating and
killing her opponent. She ignores any wounds she gets and continues on fighting.
Also, if she is fighting on the remains of old battlefield, she is able to absorb the
souls of all the people who died there, making her even stronger. However, if she
does this, she risks suffering horrific war flashbacks or visions, which mentally
hurts her. Also, it is impossible for her to transform back into herself when she is
in her rage state; she must be beaten into submission and knocked out for her to
return to normal.

3. Sloth- The laziest and the most uncharismatic of the Sins. She is able to use
Dream Manipulation. She is able to view a person’s dreams in their sleep and then
change them to whatever she wants them to. She can bestow nightmares, entrap
people in REM sleep and even hurt others in their dreams so that their wounds
occur in the real world. Also, though you wouldn’t know it just by looking at her,
she is regarded as ‘the smartest of the Sins’. The main problem with her power is
that it doesn’t work against people who have the ability to protect their mind from
outside interference. Also, she obviously can’t control the person unless their
asleep, which makes her useless during the daytime.

4. Gluttony- The biggest and strongest out of the Sins. As his name implies,
Gluttony is able to eat or consume any type of matter possible. He can even
consume things that most people would find inedible. He has an infinite digestive
system and can eat anything he wants without harming his mouth or stomach. He
can also store matter within his mouth and spit it back out whenever he wants. He
is also the strongest (physically) out of the Sins. He could stop a heavily armored
tank with just a single punch if he wanted to. However, though his weight and
strength is his greatest asset, it’s also his greatest fault. He is incredibly slow and
may run out of breath simply by walking up or down a flight of stairs. He is easily
distracted, and can forget what he was doing just a few moments ago over
something trivial. Also, though you wouldn’t know it, Gluttony happens to be a
very picky eater and will only eat food he likes or has tried before. He hates trying
new things.

5. Envy- The youngest and the most pessimistic of the Sins. He is able to inflict
envy or jealousy into a person, thus making himself more powerful. He is also an
impressive fighter. His true power, however, is Soul Possession. He is able to
send his soul into any being he wants. Usually, he does this to possess another
person, but he can also possess inanimate objects if he wants. When he has
control of the body, he is able to do whatever he wants with them and can control
them for up to a period of 2 ½ hours. However, to possess something, Envy must
have perfect accuracy. If he misses, even by just a bit, he may end up possessing
the wrong thing. Also, even if he tries to possess a person, there’s a chance he
may not succeed if the person’s will is stronger than his own. He also leaves his
body defenseless by doing this, so if a person hurts his body while his soul is
vacant, he will feel the pain when his soul returns. Also, once he does this, he has
to wait 2 ½ hours before using it again.

6. Greed- The greediest of the Sins, and perhaps the most disloyal. He is also the
most determined. When he has a goal, he goes after it with all his heart. The more
determined he is, the stronger he becomes. He is able to summon any kind of
famous weapon throughout history from another dimension if he wants.
(Example: Excalibur, Masamune, Tonbogiri) He can pull out as many weapons as
he wants. He is also skilled with any kind of weapon, so this works well for him.
However, for each weapon he pulls out, it takes out an exact minute for each one.
This leaves him open to attack. Also, whichever weapons he pulls out, he cannot
use again for an entire week.

7. Pride- Oldest of the heptad and leader of the Sins. Unlike his siblings, whose
powers only have to deal with their respective sins, Pride has two powers that he
can use. His first power, is that he is able to absorb various forms of energy and
utilize it in some way, such as converting it into physical strength or using it to
power energy blasts. This includes: kinetic energy, heat energy, electrical energy,
and even radiation. He also has the power of Enhanced Regeneration, meaning
that whatever wound he is inflicted on him will quickly be healed within a matter
of seconds. This also protects him from getting sick or inhaling any dangerous
vapors. However, though he can heal instantly, he is not immortal, so he can still
be killed by normal means. Also, his main weakness is his head, since, if you
attack his brain, he cannot heal it or re-grow brain cells. Also, though he can
absorb energy, if he absorbs too much, it may prove fatal to him.

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