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Need Theory by Maslow and Herzberg concept is about human needs and their satisfaction and the motivators

which includes
achievement, recognition and opportunity for growth. In our organization Yearly monitoring and evaluation of Result – Based
Performance Management System is an observable practice and more personal and Professional Development and growth
opportunities is a suggestion to improve the organization. Expectancy Theory by Vroom and Lawler it is about the concept of
“I can do this.” and based on an individual's past experience, self-confidence, and the perceived difficulty of the performance
standard or goal. Job Satisfaction Theory by Hackman and Oldham is about Task itself is the key to teacher’s motivation, also
coordinatorship/advisorship/special task and having an Officer-in-Charge for the Month arece, some of our practice whereas
by assigning coordinatorship/advisorship/special task to every teacher equally will improve the organization. Positive
Reinforcement by Skinner is about praising good effort in the workplace instead of, or in addition to, criticizing bad effort
additionally positive feedbacks from school head/ MT after a job well done presentation of school reports or Class
Observation, further entoring with positive feedbacks will improved this practice . The Group as a Focus of Change by Lewin
is planned change made up of three steps. It entails a perception that it is needed, then moving to new behavior and
solidifying that new behavior. Our practice is alteration, betterment, improvement, restructuring, or adjustment in the
processes or contents of school organization by Selection of Teachers Association Officer thus it will be improve. Changing
Values through the Group by Arygyris is a persons' development processed along a continuous break of an immaturity
situation to a maturity situation therefore more organizational participations and allow task variety to the teachers will improve
such practice. The Group Unconsious by Bion is about group work and basic assumption group or the underlying assumption
where the group is based on. Organizational environment that is conducive to collaboration and communication with others is
our good practice and it will improve through Social gatherings with the group.

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