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Paete Science and Business College, Inc.

J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna

A.Y. 2017-2018


` This research study entitled “DEMAND AND PRODUCTION SCHEMES

IN PAETE, LAGUNA, PHILIPPINES” prepared and submitted by Jexter Paul
Fadul, Gisselle M. Bustamante, Haizel M. Bustamante, Lovely T. Umale, and
Eisenhowerr D. Valdellon, in partial fulfillment of Accounting, Business, and
Management Strand, has been examined and recommended for oral


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination and a grade of _____

this _____ day of March, 2018.

_______________________ _______________________
SHS Coordinator Statistician
Research Adviser

Accepted and approved in fulfillment of the requirements for the

specialized subjects of Accounting, Business, and Management Strand.
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018


This research would not have been possible without the guidance and
support of several individuals who contributed and extended their valuable
assistance in the preparation and completion of the study.

First and foremost, to GOD ALMIGHTY for giving the proponent never-
ending blessings and continuous provision of knowledge and wisdom while
undergoing this research study.

To Dr. Sonia S. Cadawas, Dean of Graduate Studies of Paete Science

and Business College Inc., for being very supportive to make this study excellent.

To Ms. Rena Edlagan, the statistician, for providing time and effort to
guide the proponents for this research study.

To the respondents for their worthy support and cooperation and time
spent providing all necessary information and data even though they are not
aware that they are providing valuable insights.

The researchers also offer their insights regards to all who supported the
proponent’s thesis in any respect during the completion of the work.




Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018



The proponents of this research study wishes to offer the piece of work to
those exist making this piece of work successful one.

First of all to our FATHER IN HEAVEN for His abundant blessing, wisdom,
knowledge, and everlasting love.

To the proponents’ parents who provided financial and moral support until
the research study was finished.

To the researcher themselves for sacrificing their time, money and effort to
complete this research study.





Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018



Approval Sheet………………………………………………………………………….i



Table of Contents…………………...…………………………………………………iv


Chapter I: The Problem: Rationale and Background……………………...….2


Background of the Study……………………………………………………………3

Theoretical Framework………………………………………………………..…....5

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………..7

Research Paradigm…………………………………………………………………8

Statement of the Problem…..…………………………….………………………..9

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………..10

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………….12
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature………………………………………14

Wood Carving Business…………………….……………………………………...14

Wood Carving Products…………………….……………………………………...14

Length of Year in Business…………………………………………….…………..15


Production Scheme…………………………………………………………………16

Chapter III: Research Methodology…………..………………………………….18

Research Design………………………..……………………………………………18

Setting Study………………………..………………………………………………...18

Research Procedure…………..……………………………………………………..20

Research Instrument………………………………………………………..………..20

Statistical Data of the Treatment…………………………………………..………..21

Chapter IV: Results, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data…………….……...22

Profile of Respondents

Wood Carving Business……..………………………………………….……22

Wood Carving Products……..……………………………………..…………23

Length of Year in Business……...……………………………………….…………..24

Computed Weighted Mean of the Extent of Demand……..…………..…………..25

Computed Weighted Mean on Level of Production Schemes………..…......…...27

Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018

Significant Difference on the Respondents Profile ………………………………..29

and Extent of the Demand

Significant Difference on the Respondents Profile…………………...........………30

and Production Schemes

Significant Difference on the Extent of the Demand and …………..……………..32

Level of Production Schemes

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation……………...…….33

Summary of Findings……………...…………………………………………………..33




Internet References………..………………………………………………….38

Published References……….……………………………………………….38


A. Cross Tabulation of the Profile……………………………………………………40

B. Cross Tabulation of the Extent of the Demand and the………………………..42

Level of Production Schemes

C. Survey Questionnaire....…………………………………………………………...43
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018

Curriculum Vitae……………………………………….…………………………….46
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 1

Wood Carving is the main ethymology in the proposed setting of this

research study. The research proponents analyzed and evaluated the society’s

environment and factors affecting the business industry particularly in Paete,

Laguna, Philippines.

This research study aims to help and improve the wood carving industry in

the town of Paete. The proponents are finding out the significance and difference

of the demand and the production schemes implemented by a certain wood

carving store.

Paete is known as the Carving Capital of the Philippines. Being the known

source of fine and high quality wood crafts, sculptures and paper maches I n the

Philippines. Therefore, the demand of the wood carving products is consistent.

The production schemes implemented by local wood carvers are related

and based to their production demand.

This research study defines the significant relationship between wood

carving demand and production schemes utilized by wood carvers in Paete,

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 2



The production schemes and methods that are commonly used by

businessman depending on the demand are the one-off production also known

as custom work, batch production or manufacturing, and the mass production or

continue production of large amount of product. These schemes are used to

meet the demand of every business (BBC GCSE 2012).

As the demand increases the production system is enhanced and

implemented. The activity whereby resources, flowing within a defined system

processed, combined, and transformed in a controlled manner to meet the

demand efficiently and less cost (Gulshan 2011).

Deciding which production scheme and method of wood carving

production that is appropriate in coping with the demand is the factor that is

usually disregarded by wood carving businessmen in Paete, Laguna. The

Carving Capital of the Philippines which is the main source and home of fine and

high quality of wood carving products is depending their production schemes on

the demand of clients. Hiring additional laborers will enhance production capacity

and yield of woodcarving products during peak seasons that demand increases.
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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 3

Another approach that is capable of meeting the demand is implementing

proper production management. By hiring skilled worker that carries the

knowledge and capabilities of managing, organizing and forecasting for

appropriate production systematization to meet the demand of every client.

Paetenians wood carvers usually run their business solely. Besides they

are the one who manages and do the labor alone, that probably won’t make any

breakthrough and development of a business, but still as known as the Carving

Capital of the Philippines. The fine wood carving products are still patronized by

clients coming from different locality. Even though there is no proper manage of

their wood carving business.

Appropriate implementation of condign production schemes and method

might help this situation, and to prove that they really work this research study


Background of the Study

As the demand increases the production schemes and methods must be

applied which is defined as planning, implementation, and control of the

production process to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of a business. It

is the activity whereby resources, flowing within a defined system, are combined

and transformed through the wood carving process in a controlled manner to

meet the demand and produce adequately.

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 4

The challenges that the wood carving industry is facing now are the

factors affecting the demand of every wood carving business in Paete, Laguna.

The production schemes implemented by businessman were modified depending

on the demand.

Within this framework, the adjustment of production based on the demand

is analyzed. There are specified explanatory variables, capacity, demand, and

production imbalanced that prove that the behavior model which is the demand is

dynamic (Olsen, 1989).

Lack of management skills for accurate production, opportunity seeking,

and seizing are the factors disregarded by wood carving business owners. They

trust themselves for knowing that clients and the demand for wood carving

products will never stop since Paete is the carving capital and source of fine

wood carving products of the Philippines. This study mainly focuses on what

production schemes they usually do when the demand increases. The capacity

of production might increase when the demand increase through hiring laborers.

Working capital increases as the demand increases. The excess of

current assets over current liabilities of a business that has showroom so that

clients can choose and product will be exposed. This research is study finding

out if there is a significant relationship on the demand and establishing a

showroom of a woodcarving business (Capital, 2005)

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 5

There are many challenges that wood carvers are facing now, factors that

might affect the business. Strength,, weaknesses and external problems that

lingers the business that might be the reason of net loss. Lack and high cost of

supplies like wood, tools, equipment and materials are one of the threats that

affect wood carving business. Other wood carvers use scrap woods to produce

newly and creative wood carving items. It is a clever way but do not cost much.

Some of them also hire employees to designate certain jobs to complete a

process and finish a wood carving item. It is a great scheme to distribute

responsibilities for faster and swiftly process. There are some of the reasons why

cleverly schemes and collaborative strategies are implemented.

Theoretical Framework

Paete (Laguna Province) is acknowledged as the wood-carving capital of

the Philippines. This reputation dates back to the town’s founding in 1580 when

Franciscan friars discovered that residents had a talent for wood-carving, using

‘batikuling’ wood (“Elaeocarpuscalomala”), a native tree species ideal for making

religious images or “santos.” The town’s name in fact comes from “paet” or

chisel, an essential woodcarver’s tool (Pedro 2017).

As the Spanish evangelization progressed across the archipelago, the town was

tapped to supply the religious statuary needed for new houses of worship — and

has not stopped carving ‘Santos’ since then.

Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 6

Today, there are around 500 woodcarvers working in some 50 woodcarvings

shops. The town’s masterpieces — in statues, pulpits, murals and bas relief —

are found in churches, palaces and museums all over the world – among them

St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, in New York, the Mission

Dolorosa in San Francisco, the San Cayetano Church in Mexico, the St. Joseph’s

shrine in Sta. Cruz, California, and various churches and chapels in the


If we were able to visit Paete, we will see how a piece of plank becomes a

display in our homes in just a matter of hour. For them, it is not an ordinary task.

Back then, when Spaniards dawn into this land, a lot of religious idols and some

wood appliances were made by some ancestors of Paete.

The talent of Paetenians shows how we Filipinos are “world class.” Traces show

that some Filipino ice carvers and some international ice carvers who serve and

work for international luxurious hotels and cruises have been influenced by wood

carving of Paete or trained in the town. No wonder that more and more tourists

give a loud applause for their one of a kind carving.

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 7

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Illustrate the conceptual model of the study.

The left box presents the independent variable which shows the

profile of the respondents. It also presents the extent of the study. The right box

presents the dependent variables which is the production scheme in wood

carving business.

The line connecting the left box and right box connotes that the

profile of the respondents are correlated with the dependent variable.

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 8

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

I. Profile

A. Woodcarving Business

B. Woodcarving Products

C. Length of years in Business

III. Production Scheme in

Wood Carving Business

II. Extent of the Demand

Figure 1. Shows the research paradigm of the study which involves the profile of

the respondents, extent of the studyand theproductionscheme in wood carving

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 9

Statement of the Problem

This research aimed to study about the demand and production

schemes in wood carving business.

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of the following:

1.1 Wood Carving Business

1.2 Wood Carving Products

1.3 Length of years in business

2. What is the extent ofdemand?

3 What is the level of production schemes in wood carving business?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the respondent profile and the

extent of the demand?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents profile and level of

production schemes?

6. Is there a significant difference in the extent of the demand and level of

schemes of a woodcarving business?

.Hypotheses of the Study

The following hypotheses were formulated to find temporary answers

to the specific question related to the study.

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 10

1. There is no significant relationship between the respondent profile and the

extent of the demand.

5. There is no significant relationship between the respondents profile and level

of production schemes.

6. There is no significant difference in the extent of the demand and level of

schemes of a woodcarving business.

Significance of the Study

The researcher views that the following benefits will be derived from

the study.

To the Wood Carvers, they share to understand, they will aspire to

understand and know in some techniques in wood carving.

To the Woodcarving Businessmen,to know and understand their

strategies in maintaining a successful business in wood carving.

To the Community, to know how woodcarving business impacts the

productivity of the town.

To the Future Researchers, to give them idea about woodcarving

business for future theses.

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 11

Scope and Limitations

The emphasis of this is to determine the demand and production

schemes of wood carvers in their wood carving business.

The subject of this study is the wood carvers who are implementing

production schemes in their wood carving business. The numbers of respondents

are chosen using purposive sampling technique. The research utilized the

experimental control group research utilized the questionnaire techniques in

gathering data.
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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 12

Definition of terms

For the purpose of gaining more understanding in this study, the

following terms were defined operationally:

Business. It is the activity of making, buying, or selling goods or

providing services in exchange for money.

Carving. Shaping and molding different mediums like wood, fruits,

vegetables etc. using certain tools.

Demand. It is the quantity of a commodity or a service that people are

willing or able to buy at a certain price, per unit of time.

Production.Production is the process of making, harvesting or

creating something or the amount of something that was made or harvested.

Showroom.A showroom is a large space used to display products or

show entertainment.

Production. Production is the process of making, harvesting or

creating something or the amount of something that was made or harvested.

Scheme. It is the way that woodcarvers arranged or organized their

woodcarving business.

Production schemes. The ways and methods of producing a variety

of products.
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A.Y. 2017-2018 13

Wood. Material that came from trees that used by woodcarvers to

make a finished woodcarving item.

Wood Carving. Is a form of woodworking by means of a cutting tool

(knife) in one hand or a chisel by two hands or with one hand on a chisel and one

hand on a mallet, resulting in a wooden figure or figurine, or in

the sculptural ornamentation of a wooden object.

Wood Carving Business. Woodcarving activity that includes buying

and selling of woodcarving items in exchange of money.

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A.Y. 2017-2018 14

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Wood Carving Business

Is a strategically arranged area used to display products, and if used

correctly, it can proved to be very beneficial for sales. Showrooms provides an

experience, this experience is amplified with special product arrangements that

give off the impression to the clients instantly. Amount of returns decline, being

that people know exactly what they are getting after seeing it with their own eyes,

there’s less room for surprise disappointments. Customer trust increases, gaining

customer trust is huge, and putting your products out on physical display in an

honest move. The quality of the honest wood carving products will be exposed to

clients. ( Doz 2016).

Wood Carving Products

Describes the history, culture and communities of practice in wood carving

in the town of Pate. Church leaders throughout the history of the town encourage

the local townsfolk to pursue and create religious images and other church

adorments while the rural way of life also provided inspiration in creating wood

sculptures depicting rural scenes in addition to these,”bangayngay,” or home

decorations and utilitarian kitchen wares like bowls and plates, wooden shoes or

“bakya,” and “taka” or paper mache products were also produced. Of more

recent origin are the sculpture carved from ice, fruits and vegetables from the
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 15

original wood carvers who have found employments in hotels and restaurants in

the overseas market as kitchen staff of cruise ships and hotels. (Fajardo 2008)

Length of Years in Business

According to Aquino (2017), Length of years in Business is a huge factor

affecting the efficiency of a business. The growth of a business is measured and

developed based on length of years and service in the industry. Customer’s trust

and loyalty is one of the pledge and effect of this factor, increasing the probability

of incease in sales and productions.


Rohandi (2007) stated that many of these products are export through

cargo companies. It is estimated that less than 5% of the carvings produced are

sold locally to tourists.

In this literature in wood carving is directly related to Foase Traditional

wood carving. That traditional is one of the challenges. It is made the validationof

certain demand and orders from the clients. There is also the stereotyping

existing. (J.J. Hudson, 2011).

F. Matose (2008) also stated in his study that in this literature, the

common property over the last few decades issued to customer who have bought

curious for as some part of curio movement permit.

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A.Y. 2017-2018 16

According to J. Mutinda (2008), the wood carving industry in Kenya is

highly indigenous tree species. The hardwood products were imported from

Turkey and Syria to service the local demand.

The information on wood carving activities in Kenya and UNESCO

initiatives to enhance sustainable hand their preference on customer demand

(65%) and durability (35%). (E. Okran, 2009).

Production Scheme

Asantes are noted for their expertise in variety of specialized visual arts

such as wood carving. Ahwiaa wood carving industry has developed; though

production techniques have remained stereotyped. Tools have greatly remained

simple, materials the same, variations in form have not changed much and

conventional treatment has not promoted creativity and originality, yet some new

trends, new approaches are noticeable today. (Amoh, 2009).

With the methods and procedures adopted the researcher was able to

trace a detailed history of Wood Carving in Aburi and its development through

the last two decades. The findings revealed that returnees from Nigeria took to

carving for tourists resulting into the growth of the industry, with other groups

coming from the Volta and the Northern Regions to increase the productions

there. (Adzovie, 2009)

According to Consuelo (2008), wood carving is essential to the living

culture and tradition of communities in the ASEAN region. Each country

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A.Y. 2017-2018 17

produces unique wood products as dictated by functionality and later by

aesthetics and symbolisms. The symbolisms or representations of spirit, power

or wealth in the kingdoms or various religious denominations, teak and rosewood

furniture of continental Asia, the animal and plant carvings of the islands in the

South East, all these provide a diverse gamut of influences and traditions that

define the living culture of a community. This paper presents the major influences

of the wood carving tradition of three towns all located in the island of Luzon,

Philippines that have eked a living from the creation of wood carvings and

furniture from wood harvested from the nearby mountain ranges of Sierra Madre

and the Cordillera.

Kanwil (2008) stated in his study that wood materials from wood carving

are obtained mostly from other Indonesian islands. There are 20 companies

recorded as wood suppliers in Bali.

Thousands of designs with high variability in both volume and value make

it difficult to find a single representative recovery factor for calculating the added

value on the products. (Rohandi, 2010)

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A.Y. 2017-2018 18



This chapter presented the methods the procedures that were used in

accomplishing the study. It consisted the research design, sampling technique,

subject of the study, data gathering procedure, research instrument and the

statistical treatment of data.

Research Design:

The study which is entitled Demand and Production Schemes in

Wood carving Business was determined through Descriptive Research. It aims to

identify and compare wood Carver’s different collaborative strategies and

schemes in managing their woodcarving business.

Descriptive Research design identified a comparisons group that

was as similar as possible to the treatment group in terms of baseline


Setting of the study:

Paete, Laguna is the designated setting of the study the name of

Paete is derived from the tagalog word “paet” which means chisel. Paete is also

known as the Carving Capital of the Philippines. Paete is a fourth class

municipality in the province of Laguna. The town is politically subdivided into 9

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 19

barangays: IbabaDel Sur, Maytoong, Ermita, Quinale, Ilaya Del Sur, Ilaya Del

Norte, Bagumbayan, Bangkusay, and Ibaba Del Norte.

This is the appropriate location to conduct this kind of study which is

known foe fine wood crafts, arts and sculpture in the wood carving industry.

Figure 2. Setting of the study

Research Procedure:
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A.Y. 2017-2018 20

A questionnaire was planned with the assistance of some skillful

colleagues and guidance of the research leader. Thoughts, ideas, and opinions

are combined to meet the necessary information in this research. The

researchers consult wood carvers for more information for this study.

The researchers started to utilize questionnaires from the data collected.

Internet and library research will be needed for the study.Lastly, the

questionnaire and results are computed and tabulated and using the statistical

formula to be interpreted.

Research Instrument:

The assessment test for Wood Carving Businesses was the main

source of information from Wood Carvers, which is the respondents, with regards

to the degree and extent of Demand and Production Scheme In Wood Carving


Subject of the study:

To obtain the desired sample study purposive sampling technique is

used. Participants will be selected from the wood carvers of Paete,Laguna.

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A.Y. 2017-2018 21

Statistical Treatment of Data:

Treatment of data was very important in research. It was the process on

how the data gathered was treated, computed and interpreted so that the

researcher found the answer for his/her inquiry in a particular subject under

study. After gathering the collecting data, the researcher analyzed the gathered

data with the use of statistical tools. The profile of the respondents is determined

by using the frequency, percentage and rank. Wherein (P)% F/N x 100 where: F

is the frequency, N is the total number of the respondents and P is the

percentage. The extent of the demand is determined by using the weighted mean

as well as the sale ability of the products, wherein: TWF/N: wherein: WM is

weighted mean; N is the total number of respondents and W/F is the weighted

mean. For the relationship between the profile and the extent is determined by

using chi-square as well as the relationship between the profile and level.

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A.Y. 2017-2018 22


This chapter presented the result, analysis and interpretation of data in

tabular form of the study.

Table 1. The Profile of the Respondents in terms of the Wood carving


Frequency Percentage Rank

With Showroom 34 42.5 2
Without showroom 46 57.5 1
Total 80 100.0

There is a greater number of respondents who doesn’t have a showroom,

42.5 % of the respondents have their own showroom and the remaining 57.5 %

of the respondents doesn’t have a showroom. Most of the respondents who do

not have a showroom only have their workstations and at the same time it is

where the clients go and conducted negotiations between the respondent, they

used the one-off production or accustomed work where the wood carving

business only produce as the client orders. While respondents who have

showroom possess wood carving products that is ready to sell, the implication of

this portion is most of the respondents production method is pre-order or custom

work method.

Table 2. The Profile of the Respondents in terms of Wood Carving

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A.Y. 2017-2018 23

WoodCarving Products Frequency Percentage Rank

Religious 35 43.8 1
Functional 23 28.8 2
Decorative and other 22 27.5 3
Total 80 100.0

Most of the respondents focus on producing religious wood carving

products. 43.8% of the respondents focus on producing religious material, 28.8%

only focuses on producing functional wood carving products, and 27.5%

produces either the decorative and religious or functional wood carving products.

The proposed reason for this outcome is Paete, Laguna is known for carving

religious statues, monuments and pieces of art.

Since 1950’sas the Spanish arrives in the Philippines, most of what

Paetenians carve are for religious places like retreat houses or even churches.

Statues of Jesus, the last supper and the Stations of the Cross are some of the

popular wood carvings Paetenians always offer to their customers. Paete

deserves the title of being the Wood Carving of the Philippines with their wide

range of imagination, creativity and delicate hands that alter wood. These

characteristics lead them to create world class statues, monuments and pieces of

art. (Magtibay, 2011).

Table 3. The Profile of the respondents in terms of length of year in


Lengthof Years Frequency Percentage Rank

1-15 years 40 50.0 2
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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 24

16 years and
above 40 50.0 2
Total 80 100.0

The respondents’ responses were distributed equally, both of respondents

who are in business from 1-15 years and 16 years and above got 50%. This

outcome indicates that there are no relationship between the age of Paetenians

and their interest to wood carving. Until now, there are respondents who just in

progress to be in the wood carving industry.

Table 4. Computed Weighted Mean on the Extent of the Demand of Wood

Carving Business

Weighte Ran
Extent of the Demand d mean Interpretation k
 1. I receive orders from clients daily. 3.16 Often 4
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A.Y. 2017-2018 25

 2. I receive orders from unexpected clients. 3.19 Often 3

 3. I receive numerous orders during peak seasons and
certain occasions. 3.05 Often 5
 4. I accept rushed orders. 2.76 Often 8
 5. I accept deals of supplying large amount of wood
carving products on certain institutions. 2.88 Often 7
 6. I accept deals on multiple clients at the same time. 2.98 Often 6
 7. I believe that the demand for my products is not
affected by my competitors. 3.34 Always 2
 8. I have advertising schemes implemented to
increase the demand of my products. 2.56 Often 9
 9. I meet all the demand of my clients. 3.53 Always 1
 TOTAL 3.05 Often  

The Often overall scale indicates that the demand for wood carving

products in Paete, Laguna is proved and viewed high by the respondents. The

demand of wood carving products in Paete is still great. They stated that they

received orders from clients daily and received unexpected orders from various

clients. Respondents also stated that they accept and never declined orders from

multiple clients even supplying large amount of wood carving products. No one in

the nine indicators specified as seldom and never that state that the Demand of

wood carving products in Paete is legitimate.

The indicator who got the highest weighted mean according to

respondents is number 9 with 3.53 weighted mean. It indicates that the

respondents met and never miss producing wood carving products to meet the

demand of their clients. The indicator who got the lowest weighted mean

according to the respondents is number 8. It means that only some of the

respondents implement advertising schemes to increase the demand. The

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 26

proposed factors might be the name and fame of Paete, Laguna as the source of

fine wood carving products and as the Carving Capital of the Philippines. This

specifies that clients will still visit Paete to buy wood carving products even

without executing advertising schemes.

SEDC. (2014), the demand can be controlled and it is called “mapping the

demand” that will open opportunities for a certain business. The Demand is the

opportunity itself to improve and develop a business if controlled.

Table 5.Computed Weighted Mean on the Level of Production Schemes in

Wood Carving Business.

LEVEL OF PRODUCTION SCHEMES d Mean Interpretation Rank
 1. I am credible and trusted by lending
institutions. 2.74 Often 9
 2. I use my own money for capital. 3.33 Always 4
 3. I have sufficient capital for production. 3.28 Always 5
 4. I hire labourers for wood carving production. 2.1 Seldom 11
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A.Y. 2017-2018 27

 5. I have sufficient items produced by my

labourers. 2.56 Often 10
 6. I hire internal officers and workers for my
business management. 1.68 Never 12
 7. I acquire high quality materials for my
production. 3.09 Often 8
 8. I acquire equipment and machineries for faster
production. 3.13 Often 7
 9. I have materials and equipment maintenance. 3.44 Always 2
 10. I produce every order at the exact date it is
needed. 3.46 Always 1
 11. I produced and never miss producing every
order I accepted from clients. 3.43 Always 3
 12. I experience continuous growth in production
and profit. 3.28 Always 5
 TOTAL 2.96 Often  

Almost the entire indicator interpreted was according to the respondents. It

is further indicated that production schemes of wood carving business owners

are often implemented for certain reasons. The respondents specify that they

often acquire materials and equipments that lead to producing and processing

their products exceptionally and always on time.

The indicators who are interpreted seldom and never are numbers 4 and

6. Indicator number 4 indicates that they seldom hire labourers for production

and indicator number 6 states that they don’t hire internal officer for business

management. These factors specify that usual business structure of wood

carving business is family based. They usually work independently or with their

family members as their employee, but they don’t have resilient business plan

and proper knowledge in management. They don’t have accountants and

assistants. It is very infrequent that wood carver business owners hire external
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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 28

employees and forces for business management and production. It is proposed

that wood carver usually work self-reliantly and don’t need external forces.

Production must be characterized and evaluate before implementation

and identify if there are enough demand to avoid waste of unsold yields.

(Production 2006)

Table 6. Test of Significant Difference on the Respondents Profile and

Extent of the Demand

Profile Chi-Square P-Value Relationship

Wood Carving .61 .4334 Not Significant
Wood Carving .20 .9046 Not Significant
Length of Years 1.07 .3017 Not Significant
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A.Y. 2017-2018 29

The Extent of Demand is not affected by the Wood Carving Business or

having a showroom. Whether the respondents have a showroom or not, the

extent of the demand is not affected. The demand with respondents who has

showroom and without showroom has similar demand. Therefore, there is no

significant relationship between the wood carvers with showroom and the extent

of the demand.

The extent of the demand is not associated by the type of wood carving

products produced by wood carvers in Paete, Laguna. It does not indicate that

the respondent who produces religious wood carving products has higher

demand than other type of wood carving product. There is no significant

relationship between respondents who produces religious products with the

extent of the demand.

The Extent of the Demand is not affected by the length of year in business

of a respondent. The demand is similar to respondents who are 16 years and

above in the industry with the novice wood carver in the field. So there is no

significant relationship between the lengths of years in business of the

respondents with the extent of the demand.

Table 7. Test of Significant Difference on the Respondents Profile and

Production Schemes

Profile Chi-Square P-Value Relationship

Wood Carving 17.74 0.0001 Highly Significant
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A.Y. 2017-2018 30

Wood Carving 1.56 .4579 Not Significant
Length of Years .07 .7928 Not Significant

The Level of Production Schemes that the respondents apply

corresponding to having a wood carving showroom has significant relationship

with respondents who has showroom needs to execute more production

schemes including additional capital, investments, for maintenance of products

and additional expenses they might encounter. The relationship between the

wood carving business and production schemes implemented is interpreted as

highly significant.

The Level of Production Schemes that the respondents apply associating

to what type of wood carving products they produce is not significant. The

respondents production schemes implemented is not affected no matter what

type of wood carving product they produce.

The Level of Production Schemes that the respondents apply associating

to length of years in business is not significant. The production schemes

implemented do not depend on the length of years in the wood carving industry

in Paete, Laguna. The relationship between the Length of year in business and

Production Schemes is interpreted as not significant.

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A.Y. 2017-2018 31

Table 8. Test of Significant Difference on the Extent of the Demand and

Level of Production Schemes

Profile Chi-Square P-Value Relationship

Extent Vs. Level 6.65 .0099 Highly Significant

The Extent of the Demand and the Level of Production Scheme’s

relationship is interpreted as highly significant. As the demand increases, the

production schemes implemented by the respondents also increases and there’s

Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
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A.Y. 2017-2018 32

a larger possibility that many variations of schemes used depending on the

demand. The demand is directly proportional to the production schemes.



This chapter discusses the summary of findings from previous chapter. It

also presents the conclusions out of the findings and gives necessary

suggestions and recommendations for future studies related to this work.

Summary of Findings
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 33

The following are the finding drawn out of the study:

1. Extent of the Demand in Wood Carving Business

The demand of wood carving business in Paete, Laguna is not affected by

possessing a showroom, producing certain type wood carving products and

length of years in the wood carving industry of the respondents. The respondents

from Paete accept and receive demand and orders from multiple clients daily.

They meet all the demand and the orders from their client at the exact date it is

due. They also viewed that the demand for wood carving product will never be

low because of the fame and Paete is well-known for fine woodcrafts which is the

reasons of continuous demand for wood carving products. This showed that the

there is no significant relationship between the respondent’s profile and the

demand in Paete, Laguna.

2. Respondents Production Schemes in wood Carving Business

The production schemes are implemented by the respondents and

interpreted as often in the scale. The Often Scale is 76.3% of the respondents

while the Always Scale is 23.7 % of the respondents. The respondents apply

production schemes corresponding to additional capital and investments for

production enhancement. They also acquire high quality materials and

equipments for fine wood carving products that made the trademark of Paete,

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A.Y. 2017-2018 34

3. Difference of the Respondent’s Profile and the Production Schemes in

Wood Carving Business.

There is no difference between the wood carving product and length of

year in business to the production schemes implemented aside from the wood

carving business that has a showroom that will increase the demand of wood

carving products. The respondents who have a showroom will execute more

effort for the equipment and product maintenance.

4. Extent of the Demand and the Level of the Respondents Production

Schemes in Wood Carving Business

The extent of the demand was found to be highly significant in the level of

production schemes. Through evaluation and surveys the proponents of this

research study discovered that the production scheme implemented by

respondents from Paete depend on the extent of the demand from clients.


In light with foregoing findings the following conclusions were realized.

1. Production Scheme was an effective approach on meeting the demand and

business development. The respondents conducted different methodologies and

schemes that improved the business management and produce products

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J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 35

2. The respondents’ responses were positive implement production schemes

often to meet the demand. They keep the quality of woodcrafts Paete, Laguna at

its best and never miss any order from clients that maintained the trademark of

Paete which is the home and center of Wood Carving Products.

3. Respondents who have showroom increased the production schemes that is

required to be implemented but surely result to positive outcomes.

4. The Extent of the Demand was found highly significant in Implementing

Production Schemes in Wood Carving Business. As the demand increased,

there’s a tendency thatthere were more production schemes that is necessary to

be implemented to meet the demand. As the Production Schemes implemented

increases, there’s also a chance that the demand increased. As the demand

increases, the production schemes applied by the respondents also increased or

vice versa.


Based on the conclusions laid, here are the suggestions offered by the


1. Paete wood carving Businessmen must use production schemes and continue

to seek for opportunity and development for their business even without increase

of demand or whether on certain situations that the scheme is only needed.

Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 36

2. The business owner must analyze what production method shall be used like

one-off production, batch production, or mass production to avoid waste of

unsold products.

3. The Production system must be applied where the production is monitored and

manage in a mannered and controlled behavior to ensure the quality and avoid

waste of unsold products that may lead to loss.

4 Hiring external employees with capabilities of managing and accountants that

will make the cash flow of the business transparent is suggested.

5. The municipality of Paete, Laguna must conduct seminars and programs to

educate the wood carving business owners to apply different production

schemes pertaining to increase in capital and investments, hiring laborers for

production increase, and hiring external forces with knowledge of managing.

Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 37

Internet References

 www.Mendeley.com

 www.google.scholar.com

 www.google.books.com

 www.worldwidescience.com

 www.Science.gov

 www.researchgate.com

 www.Infotopia.com

Book References

Unpublished References

 Jannet M. Abadier, Colaborative Strategy and Retention of

Learning in Mathematics of Grade I Learners, Paete Science
and Business College, Inc.
 Ramos, Aseco, Fajardo, Tidon, Asido, Establishing and
Irresistible and Inviting Fragrance Company in Sta. Cruz,
Laguna, Phillipines.
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 38

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A.Y. 2017-2018 39

Appendix A


Cross tabulation

Wood Carving Business WITH SHOWROOM 24 10 34
Total 60 20 80

.61 chi-square
1 df
.4334 p-value


Wood Carving Products RELIGIOUS 26 9 35
Total 60 20 80

.20 chi-square
2 df
.9046 p-value
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 40

Length of Years 1-15 YEARS 32 8 40
16 YEARS AND ABOVE 28 12 40
Total 60 20 80

1.07 chi-square
1 df
.3017 p-value
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 41

Appendix B




Wood Carving Business WITH 18 16 34
WITHOUT 43 3 46
Total 61 19 80

17.74 chi-square
1 df
2.53E-05 p-value

Wood Carving Products RELIGIOUS 29 6 35
Total 61 19 80

1.56 chi-square
2 df
.4579 p-value
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 42

Length of Years 1-15 YEARS 30 10 40
16 YEARS AND ABOVE 31 9 40
Total 61 19 80

.07 chi-square
1 df
.7928 p-value



ALWAYS 11 9 20
Total 61 19 80

6.65 chi-square
1 df
.0099 p-value
Paete Science and Business College, Inc.
J. P. Rizal St. Paete, Laguna
A.Y. 2017-2018 43

Appendix C

Survey Questionaire
Name: (Optional)
I. Profile
Direction: Please provide appropriate answers to each following items by putting
a check mark.(/)
1. Woodcarving Business: ( ) with showroom ( ) without
2. Woodcarving Products: ( ) Religious Items ( )
Functional Items
( ) Decorative Items
3. Length of years in business: ( ) 1-5 years ( ) 16-30
( ) 6-15 years ( ) 30 years above

II. Extent of the Demand

Direction: Please provide the appropriate answers by putting check mark to each
following statements using the scale below.
4- Always3- Often 2- Seldom 1-Never


Statements 4 3 2 1
1. I receive orders from clients daily.
2.I receive orders from unexpected clients.
3.I receive numerous orders during peak seasons and certain occasions.
4. I accept rushed orders.
5.I accept deals of supplying large amount of woodcarving products on
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A.Y. 2017-2018 44

certain institutions.
6.I accept deals from multiple clients at the same time.
7. I believe that the demand for my products is not affected by competitors.
8. I have advertising schemes implemented to increase demand.
9. I meet all the demand of my clients.

III. Level of Production Schemes in Woodcarving business

Statement 4 3 2 1
1. I am credible and trusted by lending institutions.
2. I use my own money for capital.
3. I have sufficient capital for production.
4. I hire laborers for woodcarving production.
5. I have sufficient items produced by my laborers.
6. I hire internal officers and workers for my business management.
7. I acquire high quality materials for my production.
8. I acquire equipment and machineries for faster production.
9.I have materials and equipment maintenance.
10. I produced every order at the exact date it is needed.
11. I produced and never miss producing every order I accepted from clients.
12. I experience continuous growth in production and profit.
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A.Y. 2017-2018 45


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