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Interpretação e artigo C hapter


Getting e-mail right Even if we have the best of intentions, the lack of continuous
30 feedback, by which we constantly adjust our words in conversation,
can cause us to go on happily composing messages that will make
We all know that personal relationships are important, and that no
the recipient angry. The less we know someone, the more likely we
matter the quality of our ideas and our work, good relationships help
are to engage in what psychologists know as transference — the
us meet whatever goals we have. However, relationships that rely on
tendency to project our desires and fears onto another person. Without
email may face a difficult battle. Consider this study by Janice Nadler,
35 social cues, such tendencies can get out of control, causing us to
5 Ph.D., a psychologist and law professor at Northwestern University.
interpret messages in ways that are overly self-affirming and potentially
She paired law students from Northwestern and Duke and asked each
extremely inaccurate.
pair to agree on the purchase of a car. The teams were to bargain
entirely through e-mail, but half of them were secretly told to precede (By Hara Estroff Marano.
the negotiation with a brief getting-to know chat on the good old (In: slight adaptations).)
04 According to the last paragraph, the probability that “transference”
01 In her study about electronic communications, Dr. Nadler: will take place is greater when you:

(A) do not know your interlocutor very well.

(A) wanted to prove that law students are the best bargainers. (B) do not like the person you are writing to.
(B) asked two teams of law students to buy cars from Internet websites. (C) are afraid of the person you are communicating with.
(C) instructed some pairs to talk on the phone before starting the negotiation. (D) are familiar with the concept of transference in psychology.
(D) grouped all the students in pairs to evaluate their phone negotiation skills. (E) ‘feel that unknown psychologists are not to be trusted.
(E) advised all the students to use only e-mail interactions in their negotiations.
05 About the whole text, check the only correct statement:
10 The results were dramatic. Negotiators who first chatted by phone
were more than four times likelier to reach an agreement than those (A) “Those” in “those who used” (l. 11) refers to “results” (l. 10).
who used only e-mail. Those who never spoke were not only more (B) “Them” (l. 24) refers to “emoticons” (l. 23).
likely to hit an impasse; they also often felt resentful and angry about (C) “They” (l. 24) refers to “messages” (l. 24).
the negotiation. Of course, all sorts of online exchanges can be (D) “Which” (l. 30) refers to “feedback” (l. 29).
15 misunderstood, but faceless strangers are especially likely to run into (E) “Such” (l. 34) refers to “cues” (l. 34).
problems. Avoiding simple greetings, for example, can come across
as rude, especially if communicators don’t know each other. A hurried 06 About the whole text, mark the only option in which the two words are
email can give the impression that the exchange is unimportant. And synonymous in the text:
because first impression set the tone for subsequent interactions, the
20 exchange can go downhill quickly from there. (A) “Purchase” (l. 7) – sale.
(B) “Resentful” (l. 13) – joyful.
02 The main purpose of Paragraph 2 is to: (C) “Subsequent” (l. 19) – previous.
(D) “Instantly” (l. 24) – eventually.
(A) briefly discuss the findings of Dr. Nadler’s research. (E) “Perceived” (l. 28) – understood.
(B) criticize Dr. Nadler’s opinion about online exchanges.
(C) warn people against rude, resentful and angry negotiators. 07 In “... such as disagreements or criticism” (l. 26-27), “such as”
(D) teach people how to become successful e-mail communicators. introduces a(n):
(E) explain the importance of exchanging greetings in any interaction.
(A) contrast. (D) example.
The missing element in electronic communications is rapport, says (B) condition. (E) comparison.
Dr. Nadler. Facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice are all cues (C) addition.
missing in e-mail (and smiley face emoticons can’t do much to replace
them). But because messages travel instantly, people act as if they
Artigo – Article
25 are in face-to-face conversation. This illusion of proximity tricks us Os artigos definidos ou indefinidos são elementos de particularização
into thinking we can communicate about difficult subjects, such as ou generalização das palavras que modificam:
disagreements or criticism, and that the tone of our writing will be
perceived correctly. 1. Artigo indefinido – indefinite
03 According to the text (l. 21-28), emoticons: article “a, an” (um, uma)
Ex.: I bought you a flower.
(A) help people to avoid difficult subjects.
(B) are a poor substitute for facial expressions. A (um, uma)
(C) may create disagreement or attract criticism. Usa-se antes de:
(D) enable electronic messages to travel instantly. (A) consoante: a clock
(E) have exactly the same effect as people’s gestures. (B) u som “iú”: a useful machine, a European, a uniform, a university, a ewe

Inglês – Chapter 1

(C) y: a yellow submarine, a year (antes da palavra EAR usamos AN EAR) (C) Antes de nomes de Cordilheiras:
(D) w: a window Ex.: The Andes, The Alps.
(E) o com som de w: a one-eyed man (D) Antes de nomes de arquipélagos:
(F) h aspirado: a house, a horse, a hand Ex.: The Virgen Islands.
An (um, uma) (E) Antes de nomes de rios:
Ex.: The Mississipi, The Amazon.
Usa-se antes de:
(A) vogal: an egg. (F) Antes de nomes de oceanos e mares:
(B) h mudo: an hour. Ex.: The Pacific, The Atlantic
(G) Antes de nomes de pessoas, países, ruas e cidades, quando estes
Obs.: existem somente quatro palavras iniciadas por H mudo: honest, nomes estiverem sendo usados como adjetivos para modificar algum
hour, honor, heir. substantivo:
Ex.: The Chicago fire was a large one.
Ambos (a, an) são usados nos seguintes casos: (H) Antes de substantivos de qualquer ordem quando relacionados
(A) Antes de substantivos singulares que designam nacionalidade ou especificamente a uma pessoa ou coisa:
profissão Ex.: The patient of my father.
Ex.: Peter is an Italian / My uncle is a lawyer. (I) Antes de adjetivos quando estes equivalem a um substantivo plural:
(B) Antes de numerais como dozen, hundred, thousand, million..., quando Ex.: The rich frequently despise the poor.
estes numerais estiverem no singular (J) Antes de dois adjetivos ou advérbios no grau comparativo, nas
Ex.: The tailor bought a new pair of scissors expressões de comparação;
She spent a hundred dollars in the superrmarket. Ex.: The more I see you, the more I want you.
(C) Com a palavra half: (K) Antes de adjetivos no grau superlativo:
Ex.: They stayed half an hour here. Ex.: She is the prettiest girl.
(D) Antes de expressão de tempo, peso e medida: (L) Antes de numerais ordinais:
Ex.: Once a weak. Ex.: Tom is the third man she gets married to.
(E) Depois da palavra what em exclamação com o substantivo no singular: (M) Antes de nomes de idiomas, quando seguidos da palavra “language”:
Ex.: What a wonderful night. Ex.: The English language is very important in this work.
(F) Depois de quite ou rather, quando tais palavras precedem substantivos (N) Com expressões que designam as partes do dia:
adjetivados: Ex.: In the morning.
Ex.: It was quite a beautiful day.
(G) Depois da palavra such, precedendo substantivos no singular isolados Frequentemente se omite o artigo THE antes de: BED, CHURCH, COURT,
Ex.: I was in such a hurry. HOME; quando elas assumirem seu sentido principal.
(H) Antes das palavras little e few, dando o mesmo sentido de “some”: Ex.: We went to bed to sleep
Ex.: Wouldn’t you have a little salt?
(I) Algumas expressões como:
Ex.: a lot of, a great deal of, a couple, a dozen
01 Complete as frases abaixo, usando “a” ou “an” quando necessário:
(J) Em expressões relativas a preço, velocidade, taxa:
Ex.: 5 p a kilo
a. The old statue was ____________ important monument that we
wanted to preserve.
Não se usa nos seguintes casos: b. Juliano is ___________ engineer and his wife _________ computer
(A) Antes de substantivos plurais: tables, sisters, relatives, etc. programmer.
(B) Antes de substantivos incontáveis: poverty, snow, sugar, milk, money, c. What ___________ great idea! Let’s go to the beach now!
time, etc. d. It’s _____________ honor for us to welcome __________ European
(C) Antes de refeições, exceto quando a refeição for antecedida por scientist like you.
adjetivo. e. It was such ____________awful storm that we had to stay home.
f. My grandfather used to say that ___________ house is not
2. Artigo definido – Definite article _________ home.
“The” (o, a, os, as) g. Another word for twelve is _____________dozen.
h. On our way back home we bought _________eggs and _________
Ex.: The car that I bought is white. fruits.
O artigo definido é usado nos seguintes casos: i. What ___________insulting thing to say to your parents.
(A) Antes de nomes próprios no plural que estejam designados a família: j. We spent ___________ thousand dollars on ____________ single
Ex.: The Millers, The Smiths. weekend.
(B) Antes de países de nomes compostos:
Ex.: the United States

124 Vol. 1
Interpretação e artigo

02 Assinale nas frases abaixo, o artigo que tiver sido utilizado de forma 4. __________ city guide we bought in ________ London was such
INCORRETA: _______ useful thing that we had no problems finding our way there.

a. Elaine will visit us on the Christmas. (A) the/-/a (D) -/-/-/

b. The United Kingdom is a wonderful country. (B) the/the/ an (E) -/the/the
c. The women’s volleyball team was very good. (C) the/-/an
d. How can we refer to the years 1990-1999?
5. ___________ excellent contribution for __________ survival of
e. The milk is good for the our health.
___________mankind is that man stop destroying ___________
f. The piece is very important for every person.
g. The moon goes round the Earth every 27 days.
h. He wouldn’t bother you, he’s the nicest person I know. (A) the/the/the/the (D) a/-/the/the
i. Sand went to the movies, but I went to the theater. (B) an/the/-/- (E) the/a/a/the
j. The honey is good for me. (C) an/the/the/a

03 Supply a, an or the: 6. Mr. Delano was holding _______ candle at __________time of

_________ explosion.
a. I bought ________ book. _________ book cost 10 dollars.
b. We had ________ very good time at __________ picnic. (A) the/a/an
(B) -/the/the
c. I found ________ dog in ________ street.
(C) the/the/a
d. This is _________ boy who I was talking about. (D) a/the/the
e. ___________ Kennedys are _________ rich family. (E) a/the/a
f. _________ Severn is ________ longest river in _______ British Isles.
g. ___________ rich must help ___________ poor. 7. Apenas uma das frases abaixo está correta:
h. ___________ Thompsons have bought _________ house.
i. ___________ children bought ___________ dozen eggs. (A) The population of China is almost fourfold the population of United
j. ___________ milk which is in that glass is sour. States.
(B) The population of China is almost fourfold the population of the United
___________ changes in __________ last two decades are amazing.
(L) We have seen ___________ importance if ___________ invention (C) Population of China is almost fourfold population of the United the
of _______ wheel. States.
(M) __________ Kralatoa, which was _________ island in __________ (D) China population is almost the fourfold population of United States.
Indonesia, was exploded. (E) Population of China is almost fourfold population of United States.
(N) __________ Sun rises in the __________ east and sets in 8. _________jealous wife is always ___________unpredictable woman.
(O) Before __________ war, I worked for ________ insurance company. (A) a/a (D) the/a
(B) an/an (E) an/the
04 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as frases: (C) a/an

1. One of __________ most important causes of conflict is ________ 9. We’ve been waiting for you for more than __________ hour.
way people use ____________ sides of __________ question.
(A) a (D) the
(A) the/the/a/the (B) an (E) of a
(B) the/-/the/a (C) -
(C) -/the/the/a
(D) the/the/the/a 10. _________ fat is not good for people with hypertension.
(E) -/-/the/a
(A) -
2. For me _______ sixties represented __________ incredible breakpoint (B) the
in history. (C) a
(D) an
(A) the/ - (D) a / the (E) not the
(B) the/ a (E) the/ an
(C) - / an 11. They all believe that Mrs. Schneider is _______ honest woman.

3. I’m sure that _________ men and ________ women will always fight (A) a
for ________ their rights. (B) -
(C) an
(A) -/-/the (D) the/the/the (D) one of
(B) -/-/- (E) -/the/- (E) one of the
(C) the/-/the

Inglês – Chapter 1

12. A passenger is asking for information. 14. ____________milk and __________ meat are good for __________
Passenger: “Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ________ city center?”
Policeman: “Yes, go straight ahead, and then take ___________ next turning.” (A) –/–/– (C) the/the/–
(B) –/the/– (D) the/the/the
(A) a/- (D) -/a
(B) the/the (E) the/a 15. Complete the text below with some articles where they are necessary
(C) an/ a or just omit them when they are not supposed to be used:

13. Mary and Susan are very good friends. Mary meets Susan on her way Everyone has something to learn from _________ Kosovo. But
to the park on a beautiful Sunday morning. _________ keenest students of the war should be those who live in Western
Europe. Other places in ____________ world have seen as much or more
Mary: “What _______ wonderful morning. Let’s go for _______ walk? bloodshed since _______ end of the cold war. But only ________ Europe
has medieval hatred taken hold so close to the heart of what boastfully
(A) a/a supposes itself to be ___________ rational, sophisticated civilization.
(B) a/-
(C) -/a (A) the/-/the/the/a/the (C) -/the/the/the/-/a
(D) the/a (B) the/the/-/an/the/a (D) -/the/the/an/-the
(E) a/the























126 Vol. 1
Interpretação e substantivo C hapter

(AFA 05 “My friend would still be living in New York if his father hadn’t died in
Read the text below to answer questions from 1 and 2. the countryside.”

So you can come to a conclusion that he:

It’s more than flying!!
(A) would live in New York if his father died.
The Air Force is not just airplanes. It’s men and women _______ are (B) is taking care of his father in the countryside.
integral parts of a closely knit organization. (C) still lives in New York and not in the country now.
Being an Air Force cadet says something about you. It’s an indication (D) lost his father in the countryside, not in New York.
_______ you have imagination and drive to get things done. Nothing of real
and lasting value can be accomplished without dedicated people. That’s 06 Choose the alternative which express the same idea of the sentence
why the Air Force is seeking people _______ are selflessly loyal to their below, but changes all the nouns to its corresponding gender, masculine
country, the Air Force and themselves. or feminine.
You can become an Air Force officer proudly working at a demanding
and challenging profession _______ calls for dedication, hard work and “The bachelor, who is the widower’s son, should date with our niece,
discipline, but also offers many personal rewards. a bright student from Colorado University.”
Accept the challenge. Be an Air Force cadet. The experience can
change your life. (A) The bacheless, who is the widow’s son, should date our nephewer...
(B) The spinster, who is the widower’s son, should date with our nephew...
(C) The spinster, who is the widow’s daughter, should date with our nephew...
01 In the second paragraph, the pronoun “it” refers to: (D) The spinteress, who is the widower’s daughter, should date with our niecetor...
(A) an indication. (C) being an Air Force cadet. Read the text:
(B) something about you. (D) nothing of real lasting value.
Everyone has something to learn from _______ Kosovo. But _______
02 According to the text we could say that “nothing of real and lasting keenest students of the war should be those who live in Western Europe.
value can be accomplished by: Other places in _______ world have seen as much or more bloodshed
since _______ end of the cold war. But only _______ Europe has medieval
(A) the Air Force”. (C) dedicate people”. hatred taken hold so close to the heart of what boastfully supposes itself
(B) seeking people”. (D) their imagination”. to be _______ rational, sophisticated civilization.

03 Observe the articles in these following sentences: 07 Complete the text above with some articles where they are necessary
or just omit them when they are not supposed to be used:
I. Sandra is an engineer and her sister is a teacher.
II. Please, don’t give me an advice.
(A) the / ___ / the / the / a / the
III. I’ve never seen such a beautiful day!
(B) the / the / ___ / an / the / a
IV. My father is going to give you a money.
(C) ___ / the / the / the / ___ / a
V. I can’t imagine such patience as the Browns had with those three
(D) ___ / the / the / an / ___ / the
babies together.

(A) only sentence IV is wrong.

(B) sentences I, III and V are correct. 1. Substantivo
(C) sentences I, II and III are correct.
(D) sentences II, III and V are correct. 1.1 Número
04 Regra geral: singular + s
“Some friends of mine say Robert is dating my cousin Jane. I’ve never
seen them together yet. This either is or is not so. In any way it’s none of Ex.: clock – clocks
my business.” Terminados em s, sh, ch, x ou z: singular + es
You can infer from this paragraph that: Ex.: bus – buses / kiss – kisses
ash – ashes / brush – brushes
(A) there won’t be any way to know if Robert is dating.
bench – benches / branch – branches
(B) Jane’s cousin can’t say whether or not Robert is dating her.
tax – taxes / box – boxes (porém OX – OXEN)
(C) if Robert is dating, Jane’s cousin must not care about his own business.
topaz – topazes
(D) if Jane’s cousin saw either Robert or Jane they would be actually dating.

Inglês – Chapter 2

Obs.: Terminados em ch com som de “k” (como em book – books) Louse – lice
seguem a regra geral. Child – children
Foot – feet
Tooth – teeth
Ex.: stomach – stomachs
Goose – geese
monarch – monarchs
Mouse – mice

Terminados em f ou fe: singular + s

Existem alguns substantivos que permanecem com a mesma forma
no plural:
Ex.: roof – roofs
safe – safes Nomes de animais como: sheep, deer, salmon, trout, cod, skate,
chief – chiefs squid, etc.
cliff – cliffs Nacionalidades como: Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese,
Lebanese, Swiss, English, French.
Obs. 1: Existem 12 substantivos que terminam em f ou fe e que apresentam As palavras Aircraft / Spacecraft.
a formação de plural de forma irregular. Retira-se f ou fe e acrescenta-se
ves. As palavras são: As palavras “FISH” e “FRUIT” têm uma só forma para o singular e para
o plural. Usa-se “fishes” e “fruits”, quando a referência é feita a várias
espécies de peixes ou de frutas.
Calf – calves Half – halves
Knife – knives Life – lives
2. Substantivos coletivos
Loaf – loaves Leaf – leaves
Crew, family, team, government, army, navy, staff, class, etc. Podem assumir:
Self – selves Sheaf – sheaves
singular – se considerarmos a unidade
Shelf – shelves Thief – thieves plural – se considerarmos o grupo.
Wife – wives Wolf – wolves
Algumas palavras são consideradas como plural:
Obs. 2: Alguns substantivos têm os dois plurais:
Scarf – scarfs / scarves • Clothes
Wharf – wharfs / wharves • Police
Dwarf – dwarfs / dwarves
Hoof – hoofs / hooves Garments consisting of two parts: breeches, pants, pajamas, trousers.
Tools and instruments consisting of two parts: binoculars, glasses,
Terminados em y pliers, scales, scissors, shears, spectacles.
Y precedido de vogal + S Outras palavras:
Ex.: toy – toys / boy – boys.
Arms (weapons) Grounds Quarters

Y precedido de consoante + ies Damages Outskirts Riches

Ex.: body – bodies / city – cities. Earnings Pains (trouble) Savings
Goods Particulars Spirits (alcohol)
Terminados em o: singular + s Greens (vegetables) Premises Stairs
Precedido de uma vogal: Cattle Clergy Surroundings

Ex.: radio – radios / bamboo – bamboos.

Precedido de consoante: Palavras que terminem em ICS:
Athletics, ethics, hysterics, mathematics, physics, politics pedem plural
Ex.: echo – echoes / tomato – tomatoes / hero – heroes / negro – exceto quando consideradas ciência.
negroes / potato – potatoes. Ex.: His mathematics is weak.
Mathematics is an exact science.
Obs.: Exceto palavras de origem estrangeira.

Ex.: dynamo(s) / kimono(s) / piano(s) / Kilo(s) / photo(s) / soprano(s) / Plural de substantivos compostos
embryo(s) / concerto(s) Os substantivos compostos formam o plural com acréscimo de ‘s’ à
palavra principal (ideia central).
Substantivos com plural irregular
Man – men Ex.: mother-in-law – mothers-in-law
Woman – women
Ox – oxen • Nos substantivos compostos de dois nomes (separados ou não por
hífen) o segundo elemento recebe o plural:

128 Vol. 1
Interpretação e substantivo

Ex.: hairpin – hairpins 3. Gênero

hairbrush – hairbrushes
São quatro gêneros em Inglês:
• Os substantivos compostos por ‘ful’ recebem ‘s’ para o plural. Neutro (coisas inanimadas)

Ex.: spoonful – spoonfuls Ex.: Chair, window, computer, ball.

• Quando o primeiro elemento é um verbo, o último elemento recebe Comum (ambos os sexos)
o plural.
Ex.: Friend, cousin, student, child, person, baby, neighbor, teacher.
Ex.: forget-me-not – forget-me-nots
Masculino (pessoas ou animais do sexo masculino)
• Os substantivos compostos terminados com a palavra ‘man’ fazem
o plural em ‘men’. Ex.: Paul, uncle, king.

Ex.: Englishman – Englishmen ou man drive – men drivers Feminino (pessoas ou animais do sexo feminino)

Exceção: German – Germans / Roman – Romans / Norman – Normans, Ex.: Mary, aunt, queen.
uma vez que estas palavras são de origem latina – (Germânico, Romano
e Normando) e não uma fusão do adjetivo pátrio com a palavra MAN – O gênero é determinado por:
como em Englishman, Irishman etc.
• Terminação diferente
Plural de palavras estrangeiras
Lion – Lioness Patron – Patroness

phenomenon – phenomena radius – radii Poet – Poetess Murderer – Murderess

memorandum – memoranda terminus – termini Heir – Heiress Actor – Actress

crisis – crises basis – bases Jew – Jewess Waiter – Waitress

bacillus – bacilli thesis – theses Priest – Priestess Friar – Nun

cactus – cacti medium – media Monk – Nun Tiger – Tigress

datum – data stimulus – stimuli Duke – Duchess Widower –Widow

analysis – analyses formula – formulas, formulae Prince – Princess Hero – Heroine

axis – axes libretto – libretti, librettos Lord – Lady Steward – Stewardess

vertebrae – vertebra tempo – tempi, tempos Host – Hostess Manager – manageress

fungus – fungi bacterium – bacteria • Palavra diferente

erratum – errata gymnasium – gymnasiums, gymnasia Boy – Girl Man – Woman
oasis – oases Father – Mother Brother – Sister
Son – Daughter Husband – Wife
Algumas palavras possuem duas formas de plural com significados
diferentes. Uncle – Aunt Nephew – Niece
Stag – Doe Dog – Bitch
Ex.: appendix – appendixes ou appendices (termo médico) Drake – Duck Horse (stallion) – Mare
Appendix – appendices (relativo a livro)
Bull – Cow Cock – Hen, Chicken
Index – indexes (relativo a livro)
Index – indeces (matemática) King – Queen Bachelor – Spinster
Gentleman – Lady Sir – Madam
Muitos substantivos são usados somente no singular, como:
goodness, beauty, truth, information, iron, gold, tin, knowledge, advice, Heifer – Bullock Buck – Doe
music, stop, luck. Tomcat – Tabby Gander – Goose
Alguns substantivos, embora escritos com s no final, são seguidos
Fox – Vixen Colt – Filly
por um verbo no singular: means, mechanics, business, news, mumps,
rickets, shingles, billiards, darts, draughts, bowls, dominoes, series, Boar – Sow Ram – Ewe
species. Tiger – Tigress Monk – Nun
Billy – Nanny Friar – Nun
Earl – Countess

Inglês – Chapter 2

3.1 Caso genitivo Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis

O caso genitivo expressa posse e é usado para pessoas e animais: – Substantivos contáveis podem ser usados no plural.
– Substantivos incontáveis são aqueles que não podem ser usados no
Ex.: the boy’s name (the name of the boy) plural:
the cat’s eyes (the eyes of the cat)
Air Advice Baggage
É formado pelo acréscimo de ’s ao possuidor ou somente o apóstrofo (’).
Beauty Bread Beer
Ex.: Jack’s car Camping Cloth Coffee
Charles’s book = (Charles’ book)
(Registro Britânico Charles’s book – Registro Americano Charles’ book) Courage Cream Damage
Death Dislike Dread
Quando o possuidor for um nome clássico, usa-se somente o apóstrofo (’)
Dust Experience Fear
Ex.: Pythagoras’ Theorem / Jesus’ words. Furniture Gin Glass
Gold Hatred Help
Quando o substantivo termina em -s (plural), usa - se somente o apóstrofo (’)
Hope Horror Ice
Ex.: the girls’ room / The ladies’ dresses Information Jam Love
Knowledge Luggage Mercy
Substantivos compostos são tratados como substantivos simples:
Money Music Oil
Ex.: my father-in-law’s car
Paper Parking Pity
Relief Sand Shopping
O caso genitivo também é usado para se referir a lugares:
Soap Stone Suspicion
Ex.: I’m going to Grandma’s. (grandma’s house)
He’s going to the baker’s. (the baker’s shop) Tea Time Trouble
Water Wine Wood
Quando há mais de um possuidor: Work Weather Wonder

• Para indicar posse comum, apenas o último possuidor recebe o genitivo. Alguns substantivos podem ser contáveis ou incontáveis com
significados diferentes:
Ex.: Jack and Peter’s father. (o mesmo pai para os dois) Paper (jornal) / Glass (copo) / Time (vez) / Business (empresa)
• Para indicar posse individual, usa-se o genitivo para cada um dos People é usado para referir-se a pessoas em geral, coletivamente. É
possuidores. o plural de person.
Quando se deseja enfatizar a ideia de “pessoas” como um número de
Ex.: Joe’s and Jane’s fathers. (pais diferentes) indivíduos usa-se preferencialmente a forma persons.
Fred’s and Mary’s toothbrushes (As escovas de dentes de Fred e
de Mary) Ex.: The people have made their decision.
(As pessoas tomaram sua decisão.)
Expressões que indicam tempo:
Ex.: The table is big enough for six persons.
Ex.: a week’s holiday / today’s paper. (A mesa é grande o bastante para seis pessoas.)
PEOPLES é o plural de people, quando refere-se a povos.
Expressões de dinheiro + worth:
Ex.: ten dollars’ worth.
01 Write the plural of the following nouns:
Com FOR + NOUN + SAKE (A) Policeman (I) Chief
(B) Door (J) Berry
Ex.: for heaven’s sake / for goodness’ sake
(C) Century (K) Toy
(D) Echo (L) Window
Pode-se dizer: winter’s day ou winter day, o mesmo ocorre com
(E) Peach (M) Key
Summer. Mas Spring ou Autumn não aceitam o possessivo.
(F) Brush (N) Bus
(G) Book (O) Potato
Letras, siglas, números, anos acrescenta-se ’s ou somente s
(H) Pen
Ex.: the 1980’s ou the 1980s.

130 Vol. 1
Interpretação e substantivo

02 Write the masculine of the following nouns: 7. The _______________ were all caught by the cook.

(A) Niece (I) Mare (A) mice. (D) rat.

(B) Lioness (J) Aunt (B) mouse. (E) mickey.
(C) Englishwoman (K) Mother (C) mousse.
(D) Countess (L) Godmother
8. Choose the correct alternative for the sentence: “Mr. Meyer, the
(E) Granddaughter (M) Cousin
Englishman, and his son are visiting the duke.”
(F) Queen (N) Wife
(G) Sister (O) Hen (A) Mrs. Meyer, the Englishwoman, and her daughter are visiting the dukess.
(H) Actress (B) Mrs. Meyer, the Englishwoman, and her daughter are visiting the duchess.
(C) Mr. Meyer, the Englishwoman, and her daughter are visiting the dukess.
03 Assinale a alternativa correta: (D) Mrs. Meyer, the Englishman, and her son are visiting the dukess.

1. A poisonous GAS was being released by the BUS through its damaged 9. Choose the correct alternative for the sentence: “The waiter is serving
exhaust pipes. the widower now.”

As palavras destacadas têm como plural, respectivamente: (A) The waitess is serving the widow now.
(B) The waitess is serving the widowess now.
(A) gas/bus. (D) gass/bus. (C) The waiteress is serving the widoweress now.
(B) gases/buses. (E) gas/buses. (D) The waitress is serving the widow now.
(C) gases/bus.
10. Choose the correct alternative for the sentence: “My stepbrother is
2. A forma plural da frase “The manager considered that employee as bringing my uncle to my grandfather’s house today.”
a dead weight” é:
(A) My stepbrother is bringing my aunt to my grandfather’s house today.
(B) My stepsister is bringing my aunt to my grandmother’s house today.
(A) Managers considered those employees as a dead weghts.
(C) My stepsister is bringing my uncle to my grandfather’s house today.
(B) The managers considered that employees as a dea weights.
(D) My stepbrother is bringing my uncle to my grandmother’s house today.
(C) The managers considered those employees as deads weight.
(D) The managers considered those employess as dead weight. 11. Choose the correct alternative for the sentence: “My neighbor and his
(E) The managers considered those employees as dead weights. child love to ride their horse in the morning.

3. Respectivamente, as formas de plural de FOOT, BOX, PENNY, (A) My neighbor and her child love to ride their mare in the morning.
PHENOMENON são: (B) My neighboress and his childress love to ride their horse in the morning.
(C) My neighbor and his child love to ride their mare in the morning.
(A) feet, boxes, pennies, phenomena. (D) My neighbor and her child love to ride their horse in the morning.
(B) feet, boxes, pennyes, phenomena.
(C) foots, boxes, pennies, phenomena. 12. (AFA – 2000) No one could avoid noticing my _________ or
(D) foots, boxes, pennys, phenomena _________ dresses during the party.
(E) feet, boxes, pennys, phenomenos.
(A) wives/daughter (C) wife’s/ daughter’s
(B) wife/daughter’s (D) wives’s/ daughter’s
4. A forma plural da frase “The thief was threatening the child with a knife” é:
13. (AFA – 2000) Choose the alternative in which there are only
(A) The thiefs were threatening the childs with knives. uncountable nouns:
(B) The thieves were threatening the childs with knifes.
(C) The thieves were threatening the children with knives. “Yesterday I went to the supermarket and bought _________,
(D) The thiefs were threatening the children with knifes. _________, ___________, ___________.”
(E) The thieves were threatening the children with knifes.
(A) tea, cream, paper, beer, ice
5. _____________ names were published on that list. (B) fruit, salmon, rice, sugar and oil
(C) lettuce, milk, jam, egg, cucumber
(A) Hundreds (D) One hundred of (D) beans, cabbage, fish, carrot, water
(B) Hundreds of (E) Five hundred
(C) Hundred 14. (AFA – 1999) Choose the alternative which express the same idea of
the sentence below, but changes all the nouns to its corresponding gender,
6. Put in the plural: “The hero’s name will be remembered.” masculine or feminine.

(A) The hero’s name will be remembered. “The bachelor, who is the widower’s son should date with our nice...”
(B) The heroes’s names will be remembered.
(A) The bacheless, who is the widow’s son, should date with our nephew...
(C) The heroes’ names will be remembered.
(B) The spinster, who is the widower’s son, should date with our nephew...
(D) The hero’es names will be remembered.
(C) The spinster, who is the widow’s daughter, should date with our nephew...
(E) The names of the heroes’ will be remembered.
(D) The spinsteress, who is the widower’s daughter, should date with our

Interpretação e quantificadores C hapter

Books are being scanned to make them 04 Nicole Quaranta (l. 18) does most of her graduate research online
searchable on the Internet. Television broadcasts are being recorded instead of going to libraries because:
and archived for online posterity. Radio shows, too, are getting their
digital conversion – to podcasts. With a few keystrokes, we’ll soon be (A) she feels intimidated by thick books.
5 able to make good use of much of the world’s knowledge. And we’ll (B) she will never learn how to use a library.
do it from nearly anywhere – already, newer iPods can carry all your (C) she thinks that libraries are disorganized.
music, digital photos and TV classics along with more contemporary (D) libraries do not have academic journals, only books.
prime-time fare. (E) in her opinion, web pages are easier to search than books.
Will all this instantly accessible information make us much
10 smarter, or simply more stressed? When can we stop to think, absorb 05 The opposite of properly in “..., if used properly, the new resources...”
and evaluate all this data? (l. 16) is:
“People are already struggling and feeling like they need to keep
up with the variety of information sources they already have,” said (A) correctly.
David Greenfield, a psychologist who wrote Virtual Addiction. “There (B) insistently.
are upper limits to how much we can manage.” (C) disproportionately.
(D) in good order.
01 The main purpose of the text is to: (E) inadequately.

(A) list all the current problems derived from poor online search. Otherwise, they might as well not exist.
(B) discuss the research methods of graduate students from New York. With a generation growing up expecting everything on the Internet,
(C) criticize university students who cannot make good use of traditional libraries. libraries, non-profit organizations and leading search companies like
(D) advertise new products developed by companies like Google and Yahoo. Yahoo and Microsoft are committing hundreds of millions of dollars
(E) evaluate the advantages and disadvantages brought by the instant 30 collectively to scan books and other printed materials so they can be
access to information. indexed and retrieved online. […]
Meanwhile, television shows formerly locked up in network or
02 In “There are upper limits to how much we can manage.” (l. 13-14), studio vaults are starting to emerge online. “Before, once it has been
David Greenfield means that: broadcast, it’s gone, and it doesn’t really contribute to our knowledge
35 space,” said Jakob Nielsen, a Web design expert with Nielsen Norman
(A) we are not allowed to exceed established limits. Group.
(B) there isn’t a strict limit to everything we do in life. For the past year, Google has been digitally recording news and
(C) psychologists cannot help us choose the best information source. other programs from several TV stations in the San Francisco area.
(D) people are not quite prepared to deal with information overload. Early next year, America Online and Warner Bros. will offer free access
(E) human beings are always struggling to overcome their own limits. 40 to dozens of old television shows, and Apple Computer recently started
selling episodes of shows old and new from ABC and NBC Universal
15 It may take better technology to cope with the problems better for $1.99 each — viewable on computers and its newer iPods.
technology creates. Of course, if used properly, the new resources
have vast potential to shape how we live, study and think. Consider 06 Mark the correct statement according to the piece of the text above:
books. Nicole Quaranta, 22, is a typical youth. The New York University
grad student in education does most of her research online. She’ll (A) In the near future many books and TV shows will be available on the
20 check databases for academic journals and newspaper articles — but Internet.
rarely books, even though she admits that an author who spent years (B) Younger generations are disappointed because there are no plans to
on a 300-page book might have a unique perspective. “The library is put books online.
intimidating because I have to go there and everything is organized (C) Apple Computer will soon start selling TV shows to be viewed on iPods.
by academic area, “Quaranta said. “I don’t even know where to begin.” (D) It is easy and very cheap to scan all kinds of printed materials and
25 Were books as easily searchable as Web pages, she would reconsider. digitalize TV programs.
(E) The process of digitalizing TV shows and printed matter is totally being
03 In “It may take better technology to cope with the problems better financed by search engines like Yahoo.
technology creates.” (l. 15-16), cope with can be correctly substituted
by: In audio, National Public Radio has been producing free podcasts
featuring clips or entire programs. Anyone with a music player can
(A) reduce. 45 listen anytime, anywhere.
(B) handle.
And then there are materials born digital: Photos from digital
(C) reveal.
cameras can now be easily shared, even among strangers, at sites
(D) preserve.
like Yahoo’s Flickr.
(E) understand.

132 Vol. 1
Interpretação e quantificadores

Steve Jones, a professor of communications at the University of Quantifiers – Quantificadores

50 Illinois at Chicago, says centralization and easy access could make
people smarter: Instead of wasting time finding information, they can
focus more on assessing its worth. But there’s the danger, he says,
that people will simply take information for granted: Assuming that • Usado com substantivos incontáveis.
whatever pops up first is the best. Worse, people may simply tune I don’t have much money.
• Usado nas frases interrogativas e negativas.
55 out.The key may lie in technologies that push to the top items you
seek. Search analyst Danny Sullivan describes such a tool as “some Did he drink much wine?
sort of metal detector or magnet to pull all the good stuff out of the • O uso de MUCH em frases positivas não é muito comum, por isso
haystack.” normalmente é substituído por:
Virtual communities may contribute to that end. […] A lot of / lots of / plenty of / a great deal of
60 “Social networks, search engines and things yet invented are critical She eats a lot of food.
as we bring millions of movies, books and musical recordings online,” She likes plenty of salt in her food.
said Brewster Kahle, a search pioneer who created the Internet Archive,
a nonprofit preservation group.
Even more important will be good research skills — infoliteracy, if • Usado com substantivos contáveis.
I don’t have many dollars.
65 you will. That means knowing where and how to look, and evaluating
what you get back. […] • Usado nas frases interrogativas e negativas.
Did he buy many things?
(By Anick Jesdanun, Associated Press. Dec. 25, 2005.) • O uso de MANY em frases positivas não é muito comum, por isso é
frequentemente substituído por:
07 There are several ways to avoid the stress caused by instantly A lot of / lots of / plenty of / a large number of
accessible information online (l. 49-65), EXCEPT to: She has a lot of friends.
They have lots of CDs.
(A) join virtual communities.
(B) develop good research skills. Obs.: Usa-se MANY e MUCH depois de TOO, SO, AS.
(C) be able to evaluate what you find. Ex.: There are too many cars.
(D) assume that what appears first is the best.
(E) use technologies that push relevant items to the top. Little = Not much
08 About the whole text, mark the only correct statement concerning
• Usado antes de substantivos incontáveis.
She has little money.
(A) “Their” (l. 3) refers to “conversion”. Few = Not many
(B) “It” (l. 5) refers to “knowledge”.
(C) “Who” (l. 21) refers to “she”. Few
(D) “They” (l. 26) refers to “books”. Usado antes de substantivos contáveis.
(E) “Its” (l. 42) refers to “shows”. Sue has few friends.
09 About the whole text, check the item in which the words in bold type A little – A few
express an idea of purpose.
A LITTLE e A FEW transmitem uma ideia positiva
(A) “She’ll check databases (…) but rarely books, even though she admits Let’s have a drink. We’ve got a little time before the bus leaves.
that an author who spent years on a 300-page book might have a (Eles têm tempo suficiente antes da partida do ônibus.)
unique perspective”. (l. 19-22). Porém, as expressões ONLY A LITTLE e ONLY A FEW têm um significativo
(B) “Otherwise, they might as well not exist”. (l. 26). negativo.
(C) “… Yahoo and Microsoft are committing hundreds of millions of dollars
collectively to scan books and other printed materials so they can be Ex.: Hurry up! We’ve only got ONLY A LITTLE time.
indexed and retrieved online.” (l. 29-31). The school was very small. There were ONLY A FEW students.
(D) “Meanwhile, television shows formerly locked up in network or studio
vaults are starting to emerge online”. (l. 32-33). Também temos as expressões:
(E) “Instead of wasting time finding information, they can focus more on
assessing its worth.” (l. 51-52). So much e Too much
– How much does this book cost?
10 About the whole text, in “Virtual communities may contribute to that
– $ 2.000,00
end.” (l. 58), the word that could replace may without changing the
– I don’t have SO MUCH money on me. I think it’s TOO MUCH money
meaning of the sentence is:
for a poor man like me.
(A) will. (D) should. So many e Too many
(B) can. (E) need to.
(C) must. These facts happens SO MANY times.
There are TOO MANY people in this room.

Inglês – Chapter 3

Enough (of) – Not enough (of) 08 Don’t disturb me. I’ve got ________ work to do.
São usados para substantivos contáveis e incontáveis quando
(A) many
desejamos expressar se a quantidade é ou não suficiente.
(B) so many
(C) a lot of
Ex.: Have we got enough food? (D) few
There is not enough information about this problem.
09 She doesn’t speak ________ English. Only ________ words.
Mark the correct alternative: (A) much – a few
(B) many – a few
01 I think there isn’t ________ gas in the tank. We’ll have to go to a gas (C) much – many
station. (D) many – a lot of

(A) much 10 She didn’t take ________ photos when she was in Paris.
(B) many
(C) little (A) much
(D) few (B) a little
(C) many
02 Carol eats ________. That’s why she is very fat. (D) too much

(A) too many 11 It cost me ________ money to furnish this house.

(B) so many
(C) a few (A) lot of
(D) too much (B) lots of
(C) many
03 I think I have ________ food in the refrigerator. I have to go to the (D) a few
12 I can’t believe you’re still hungry. You’ve had ________.
(A) a little
(B) little (A) many to eat
(C) too much (B) a few to eat
(D) a few (C) plenty to eat
(D) little to eat
04 A lot of people entered the train. There were ______ passengers in it.
13 He bought ________ objects in that shop that he couldn’t carry the
(A) much packages.
(B) plenty
(C) a little (A) a great deal of
(D) lots of (B) so many
(C) a few
05 We’ll have to hurry. We haven’t got ________ time. (D) too much

(A) many 14 He drinks ________ milk. More than 1 litre a day.

(B) a little
(C) much (A) many
(D) so many (B) too many
(C) a little
06 I put ________ salt in the soup. Perhaps too ________. (D) a lot of

(A) many – much 15 Have you got any money? Yes, __________ . Do you want to borrow
(B) many – many some?
(C) a lot of – many
(D) a lot of – much (A) a few.
(B) a little.
07 This car is expensive to run. It uses ________ petrol. (C) not so many.
(D) not many.
(A) a lot of
(B) lot of 16 This is not a very lovely city. There isn’t ________ to do.
(C) many
(D) a few (A) many (C) few
(B) so many (D) much

134 Vol. 1
Interpretação e quantificadores

17 There has been ________ rain recently. The plants are green. 19 This car is not so good. It has broken down ________ times before.

(A) a lot of (A) a little

(B) many (B) little
(C) much (C) a few
(D) few (D) few

18 I don’t think Mary will be a good teacher. She has ________ patience 20 There aren’t ________ policemen on the street.
with children.
(A) a lots of
(A) a little (B) many
(B) little (C) much
(C) many (D) a little
(D) a few

























Interpretação (I) C hapter

AFA 1996-1997 (Adaptada – Parte 1) 03 According to the text, the market for buying and selling houses in
California is:
(A) dropping. (D) sky-rocketing.
1. _____________ you survive in that forest ? (B) stable. (E) inflated.
I had a survival course three years ago so I knew how to get food. (C) rising.

(A) How did (C) What can 04 The underlined word in “wriggling larvae” (l. 5) means that the larvae are:
(B) Why didn’t (D) Who could
(A) growing. (D) twisting.
2. A house-breaker could easily go into that building because of ________ (B) migrating. (E) dying.
windows were broken, but he might have hurt ________. The police could (C) reproducing.
see blood on the ground. They are going to find out what has happened to
_______. 05 The expression “boasts a three-car garage” (l. 2) reveals an attitude
which is:
(A) his / itself / his. (C) my / myself / it.
(B) their / itself / it. (D) its / himself / him. (A) humble. (D) hospitable.
(B) haughty. (E) holy.
3. _____ man I don’t know has called you but didn’t leave any message. (C) hopeful.
______ man just told me he’d call again during __________ week.
06 When “mortgage companies seize properties” (l. 11-12) this means they:
(A) An / A / an. (C) The / A / the.
(B) A / The / the. (D) The / The / a. (A) take them down. (D) take them out.
(B) take them off. (E) take them apart.
(C) take them away.
Meet the new neighbours
07 In “provide them free” (l. 18) them refers to:
The empty house, in a middle-class corner of southern California,
is two storeys high and boasts a three-car garage. Roses bloom (A) lawyers. (D) pests.
around a kidney-shaped swimming pool, which is green with algae. (B) larvae. (E) fish.
Bill Bobbitt, a county inspector, dips a ladle into the water and brings (C) authorities.
5 up half a dozen wriggling larvae. Mosquitoes, and the West Nile virus
that some of them carry, are thriving in California’s plunging property
market. Pronomes
West Nile virus arrived in America in 1999 and made it to California Pronome pessoal
three years later. Since then it is known to have infected 2.300 people
10 in the state, of whom 76 have died… In theory, owners are supposed Pronome pessoal do caso reto (personal pronoun
to keep their properties in decent shape whether they live there or subject case)
not. California has even passed a bill fining banks and mortgage
São usados antes do verbo, ou seja, assumem a função de sujeito.
companies that seize properties and then allow pools to fester. But
Mr. Bobbitt isn’t waiting for the lawyers. He has treated the pool in
15 Santa Ana with oil and synthetic growth hormones, which will keep I you he she it we you they
the mosquitoes adolescent, preventing breeding. Then he tips in a few
dozen mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), which begin happily munching Obs.:
larvae. You can buy a lot of the fish for what a lawyer charges per • Quando na mesma oração você se refere a si mesmo e a outra pessoa,
hour, and some authorities, with commendable creativity, even provide você deve mencionar a outra pessoa primeiro (em virtude das normas
them free to help control the pests. de cortesia)

Ex.: My sister and I will go to the movies.

(The Economist, August 2d, 2008, p. 34.)

02 The tone of the title is: • Depois das palavras than e as o pronome assume a forma determinada
pela função que exerce.
(A) tragic.
(B) sympathetic. Ex.: Robert is taller than I (am).
(C) ironic. He loves her more than me. / He loves her more than I. (love her)
(D) wailing.
(E) enthusiastic. • O pronome she é, às vezes, empregado em relação a países, cidades
e máquinas (carros, navios, motocicletas, etc.)

136 Vol. 1
Interpretação (I)

Ex.: Brazil is a very large country. It (she) is in South America. Pronome Reflexivo (Reflexive Pronoun)
• O pronome it pode ser usado em relação a bebês quando lhes São usados quando o sujeito e o objeto da ação verbal são a mesma
desconhecemos o sexo, embora tal prática seja considerada, pessoa. A ação se reflete sobre o próprio sujeito. Concordam em gênero
principalmente nos Estados Unidos, ligeiramente indelicada. e número com o sujeito.

myself yourself himself herself

Ex.: The baby is crying. I think it is hungry.
itself ourselves yourselves themselves
Pronome Pessoal do Caso Oblíquo (Personal Pronoun
Object Case) Obs.:
• Os pronomes reflexivos podem ser usados com três funções diferenciais:
São usados depois do verbo, ou seja, assumem a função de objeto.
me you him her it us you them (A) Fator de ação reflexiva: posição imediatamente depois do verbo

Obs.: Ex.: I shave myself.

• Depois de preposições
(B) Como elemento de ênfase geral: posição imediatamente depois do
Ex.: The children must talk between me and him. sujeito ou no fim da frase.

• Com as palavras both e all. Ex.: The President himself drove the car / The President drove the car
Ex.: Both of us study at high school.
(C) Como elemento adverbial: significa alone ou without help – sempre
Pronome Possessivo e Adjetivo Possessivo precedido pela preposição by e no fim da frase.

(Possessive Pronoun and Possessive Ex.: She can do it by herself. (without any help)
Adjective) She went to the movies by herself. (without any company)
Os adjetivos possessivos são sempre seguidos de substantivo (ou
adjetivo + substantivo) Pronome demonstrativo (Demonstrative
my your his her its our your their
Existem quatro pronomes demonstrativos:
Os pronomes possessivos nunca são seguidos de substantivo. this that these those

mine yours his hers ours yours theirs

This (este, esta, isto) refere-se a algo que está próximo.
Obs.: O plural de this é these.
• Tanto os adjetivos como os pronomes possessivos concordam em That (aquele, aquela, aquilo) refere-se a algo que está longe.
gênero e número com o possuidor. O plural de that é those.
Ex.: They have to solve their problems and Mary has to solve hers.
Pronome indefinido
• Os derivados de every, some, any, no, que se refere a pessoas, Some – algum, alguma, alguns, algumas, um pouco
respectivamente, everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody são É usado:
acompanhados dos adjetivos ou pronomes possessivos no singular,
• Com substantivos no plural, em frases afirmativas.
Ex.: She asked me some questions
Ex.: Does everybody have his books here?
• Em frases interrogativas, expressando um oferecimento, ou quando
• Na construção feita com a preposição of podemos usar tanto os
há expectativa de resposta positiva.
adjetivos como os pronomes possessivos.
Ex.: Would you like some eggs?
Ex.: A friend of mine is going to have lunch with me.
One of my friends is going to have lunch with me.
• Em frases afirmativas e interrogativas (oferecimento), antes de
substantivos incontáveis.
• Quando nos referimos a ambos os sexos, podemos usar os adjetivos
e pronomes no masculino.
Ex.: I’d like some water, Would you like some water?
Ex.: If a person misses his bus, he’ll have to wait for another one.
• Formas derivadas: somebody, someone, someway, somehow,
somewhere, something, sometime

Inglês – Chapter 4

Any – algum, alguma, alguns, algumas, nenhum, Obs. 2: That é o pronome relativo preferencialmente usado:
nenhuma, qualquer, quaisquer (A) quando há antecedentes diferentes:
É usado: Ex.: The girl and the boy that I saw on the beach are at home now.
• Em frases interrogativas, com a tradução de algum/alguma, alguns/
algumas. (B) após superlativos e palavras como some, any, no, everything, much,
little, only, all.
Ex.: Do you need any help?
Ex.: He is the best doctor that I had.
• Em frases negativas**, com a tradução de nenhum/nenhuma.
Obs. 3: quando houver preposição antes do pronome relativo usa-se whom
Ex.: I haven’t seen any of your friends. (pessoa) ou which (coisa ou animal)

Ex.: The girl about whom you are talking is my sister.

• Em frases afirmativas, com a tradução de qualquer.
Which / that – (que)
Ex.: You can take any of those books.
São usados quando o antecedente for coisa ou animal.
• Nas frases em que aparecem as expressões if (se) ou unless (a menos • Usa-se which ou that quando o pronome é sujeito do verbo.
que), com a tradução de algum, alguma, alguns, algumas.
Ex.: The dog which entered the room is sick.
Ex.: Call me if you need any help.
• Usa-se which, that ou omite-se o pronome quando este é objeto do verbo.
• Formas derivadas: anybody, anyone, anyway, anyhow, anywhere,
Ex.: The dog which you saw is sick. / The dog that you saw is sick. /
anything, anytime.
The dog you saw is sick
**Alguns termos como rarely, seldom, never, hardly e without tornam a frase negativa. Whose – (cujo, cuja, cujos, cujas)
No / none – nenhum, nenhuma Indica posse, é usado com qualquer antecedente e não pode se omitido.

Ex.: The boy whose bycicle is broken is my friend.

É usado:
• Em frases afirmativas, seguido de um substantivo. Pronome interrogativo
Ex.: Brazil suffered from no earthquake so far. What o que, qual?
Who quem?
• No final de frases afirmativas, referindo-se a um substantivo já citado. Whom quem?
Which que, qual?
Ex.: Did you buy any books? / No, I bought none.
Why por quê?
• Formas derivadas: no one, nobody, nowhere, nothing. When quando?
Where onde?
Pronome relativo
Whose de quem?
Who / whom / that – (que, quem) How como?
São usados quando o antecedente for pessoa. como é? com que se parece?
What + be + like
(aparência ou personalidade)
• Usa-se who ou that quando o pronome é sujeito do verbo.
What does he / she /
Ex.: The girl who arrived is beautiful. it look like?
What about que tal? o que você acha?
• Usa-se WHO, WHOM, THAT ou OMITE-SE o pronome quando este é What for por quê?
objeto do verbo. How far qual a distância?
Ex.: The girl whom I saw / The girl who I saw / The girl that I saw / How deep qual a profundidade?
The girl I saw. How long qual o tamanho? Quanto tempo?
How wide qual a largura?
Obs. 1: Quando a oração subordinada não for essencial para o significado
How tall qual a altura?
do período:
How old qual a idade?
• Ela sempre vem entre vírgulas
• Não se pode usar THAT How much / many quanto? quantos?
• Não se pode omitir o pronome How high qual a altura?
How often qual a frequência?
Ex.: He, who / whom you saw yesterday, is an American citizen.
What is he qual a profissão?
Swimming, which I like very much, is a good sport.

138 Vol. 1
Interpretação (I)

Relative clauses (B) Non – defining ou non – restrictive

(A) Defining ou restrictive • não define um substantivo, somente adiciona informação.
• descreve um substantivo precedente. • não é essencial.
• é essencial ao entendimento da mensagem. • é escrita entre vírgulas.
• não pode ser omitida.
Ex.: Peter, who everyone suspected, turned out to be innocent.
Ex.: I saw the man who robbed you. That block, which cost $ 5 million to build, has been for years.
This is the house which I bought.


01 Supply all possible relative pronouns. (K) He has hardly __________________ books to lend his friends.
(L) __________________ in Austria is a delightful place.
(A) He was speaking about the books and the writers _________ he likes. (M) Do you have ________________ books that I can borrow?
(B) The man to _______________ you gave the money has died. (N) Will you get ____________________ flowers on your way home,
(C) The table on ______________ you put your shoes cost 300 dollars. please?
(D) My mother knows everything ______________ is written in this book. (O) There is _________________ left over after this party.
(E) She is the most beautiful girl ________________ I have seen.
(F) Jennifer is the fattest girl ___________________ I know. 03 Choose the correct alternative.
(G) I have just seen the woman _________________ son studied
monkeys and bears. (A) (We, Us) often get up early.
(H) There is the lady __________________ car has been stolen. (B) I usually meet (him, he) at school.
(I) The horse _________________ owner is a gypsy works in a circus. (C) (It, I) is very late.
(J) All _________________ glitters is not gold. (D) What is the problem with (they, them)?
(K) This is the first time ______________ I have come here. (E) Don’t tell (she, her) about (I, me)
(L) She is the only person _____________ understands me. (F) (They, Them) are very tall and strong.
(M) Disneyland, ________________ is an amusement park, is known (G) Give (it, he) to (I, me).
worldwide. (H) (I, Me) don’t like (it, she).
(N) There is the man against ______________ you are going to fight. (I) (They, Them) always go to the movies with (we, us).
(O) Mrs. Scott, ______________ is my mother, wants to see you. (J) (I, me) meet (they, them) in the park every morning.

02 Supply some, any, no or compounds. 04 Choose the correct alternative.

(A) I haven’t ___________________ time to help you. (A) I am doing (my, mine) homework.
(B) He can’t see ___________________ without his glasses. (B) (Our, Ours) magazine is here, where are (their, theirs)?
(C) Please don’t make ________________ noise. (C) Sally is reading (her, hers) English book, Tom is reading (his, its).
(D) I never have ___________________ trouble with the children. (D) (My, Mine) name is Betty, what’s (your, yours)?
(E) I can’t tell you _________________ about him. (E) The dog is in (it, its) house.
(F) I asked him for _________________ money, but he didn’t have (F) The children don’t like (their, theirs) new school.
_________________. (G) Tom, (your, yours) father is on the phone!
(G) Did you go ___________________ last night? (H) This book is (her, hers).
(H) Would you like ________________ tea? (I) The red car is (our, ours).
(I) Did you see _________________ in the park? (J) Sally is a friend of (my, mine).
(J) Ask him if he has _______________ cigarette.










Interpretação (II) C hapter

AFA 1996-1997 (Adaptada – Parte 2) 10. Choose the right alternative to complete the blanks.
“The airplane _______ at 3.000 feet _______ the airport when the
pilot _______ something was happening with one of the engines.”
1. Jennifer, __________, didn’t do a good job but the _______ was very
well in that movie.
(A) had flown / over / repaired
(A) the actriss / artist (C) the actress / actor (B) was flying / above / noticed
(B) the actrix / author (D) the actoress / actor (C) had been flying / on / had been
(D) has flown / up / had communicated
2. He ___________ smoke a lot but he stopped because he was running
a big risk.
Tempos verbais
(A) has (C) hates
(B) loves (D) used to Simple present
• É formado pelo verbo no infinitivo sem TO.
3. Cabral _________ Brazil many years ago and his discovery opened
new gates for Portugal, __________ ? Ex.: I like to be a teacher.
(A) discovered / didn’t it (C) had discovered / didn’t him
(B) has discovered / did it (D) has been discovered / did they • O presente simples é usado para expressar ações habituais.

4. You should have called to say you’d be late. Ex.: I always work a lot. / She never complains about it.
I _________ but there was nobody home.
• O presente simples pode também expressar verdades universais e
(A) did call (C) can’t call ações futuras planejadas.
(B) tried call (D) try phone
Ex.: Birds fly. / The train leaves in five minutes.
5. The victim ______ walking along the bridge with a tall man.
(A) has seen (C) didn’t see • O presente simples também é usado para expressar situações ou
(B) was seen (D) wasn’t seeing características :

6. I ________ ten days in Europe in my last vacation and I _______ it Ex.: I live in London. / He works downtown. / I am a teacher. / She is
was wonderful. a doctor. / He is tall. / She is beautiful.

(A) spend / think • É geralmente empregado com advérbios de tempo: always, often,
(B) spent / thought usually, frequently, sometimes, never, every day, on Mondays, etc...
(C) had spended / thought
(D) spended / have thought
3a pessoa do singular
7. The correct interrogative form of the sentence “The Air Force is not • Para formar a 3a pessoa do singular de alguns verbos acrescenta-se S.
just airplanes.” is:
(A) Isn’t the Air Force just airplanes? Ex.: walk – walks.
(B) Is there just airplanes in the Air Force?
(C) Are not just airplanes in the Air Force? • Se o verbo terminar em S, SH, CH, X, Z, O, acrescenta-se ES.
(D) Does the Air Force isn’t just airplanes?
Ex.: kiss – kisses / watch – watches / buzz – buzzes / wash – washes
8. The sentence “just do it”, which is Nike’s slogan, is in: / fix – fixes / go – goes.

(A) the present tense. • Se o verbo terminar em Y precedido de consoante, troca-se o Y por I
(B) the present perfect tense. e acrescenta-se ES.
(C) the imperative affirmative.
(D) the contracted emphatic form. Ex.: try – tries / study – studies

9. The past tenses are correct in: • Se o verbo terminar em Y precedido de vogal, acrescenta-se apenas
(A) meant – shook – understood – shaved. o S.
(B) taught – touched – lent – earnt – burnt.
(C) kept – trusted – bought – stealed – owned. Ex.: play – plays
(D) dreamt – spoke – hurted – realized – thought.

140 Vol. 1
Interpretação (II)

• Formas: to adore to imagine to need

Afirmativa: You study.
Negativa: You don’t study. to remember to sound to believe
Interrogativa: Do you study? to know to owe to require
Formas abreviadas: don’t (do not), doesn’t (does not).
to taste to cost to like
Present Continuous Tense to please to resemble to think
• É formado por: presente do verbo to be + o particípio presente do to detest to love to prefer
verbo principal (-ing)
to see to understand to hate
Ex.: I am studying. / She is walking. to mean to recall to seem
to want to hear to mind
• O presente contínuo é usado para expressar ações que estão
acontecendo. to recognize to smell to wish

Ex.: I am working now. Alguns deles, no entanto, podem ser usados tanto no present
continuous quanto no present simple, mas o seu significado será diferente,
• O presente contínuo pode expressar ações futuras. dependendo da forma utilizada.

Ex.: I am working tomorrow at this time.

• Present simple
to think
• É geralmente empregado com advérbios de tempo: now, at this
I think he is a good teacher. (Eu acho que ele é um bom professor.)
moment, etc.
to appear
• Formas: The weather appears to be better. (Parece que o tempo está melhor.)
Afirmativa: She is reading.
Negativa: She is not reading. • Present continuous
Interrogativa: Is she reading? to think
Formas abreviadas: isn’t (is not), aren’t (are not). I’m thinking about going on holiday soon. (Estou pensando em sair
de férias em breve.)
• Geralmente os verbos não têm modificações ao receber a terminação
to appear
He’s appearing at the Royal Theatre now. (Ele está se apresentando
Porém, se o verbo termina em E, for átono, ele perde o E ao receber
no Royal Theatre agora.)
o ING.

Ex.: live – living / write – writing. Past continuous tense

• É formado pelo passado do verbo to be + o particípio presente do
verbo principal (-ing)
• Se o verbo for um monossílabo terminado em consoante/vogal/
consoante, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se o -ing. Ex.: I was studying.
They were drinking beer.
Ex.: put – putting / stop – stopping / plan – planning.

• Formas:
• Nos verbos dissílabos ou trissílabos terminados em consoante/vogal/ Afirmativa: They were studying.
Negativa: They weren’t studying.
consoante, dobra-se a última consoante caso a sílaba tônica do verbo
Interrogativa: Were they studying?
seja a última e acrescenta-se o -ing.
Formas abreviadas: wasn’t (was not), weren’t (were not)
Ex.: Open – Opening / Happen – Happening / Develop – Developing
• O passado contínuo é usado para expressar:
Transmit – Transmitting / Omit – Omitting / Refer – Referring.
(A) ações que estavam acontecendo em um determinado momento do
• Se o verbo for terminado em IE, troca-se a terminação IE por Y.
Ex.: They were studying five minutes ago.
Ex.: die – dying.
(B) ações que estavam acontecendo quando outra ação ocorreu.
Ex.: They were studying when I arrived.
Existem verbos que normalmente não se empregam na forma contínua
em inglês, mesmo quando se referem a um estado temporário. São eles: (C) duas ações que estavam acontecendo no mesmo momento.

Ex.: They were studying while I was working.

Inglês – Chapter 5

Simple past tense Negativas: there is not, there are not, there was not, there were not,
there will not be.
• É formado, de um modo geral, acrescentando-se -ed ao infinitivo dos
Formas abreviadas: there’s (there is), there isn’t (there is not), there
aren’t (there are not), there wasn’t (there was not), there weren’t (there
were not).
Ex.: I walked.
It takes
• O passado simples é usado para expressar ações acabadas em um
• Usa-se IT TAKES para expressar o período de tempo que se leva para
tempo definido.
realizar uma ação.
O passado simples pode expressar também hábitos passados.
Ex.: It takes me 20 minutes to go from home to school.
Ex.: I always walked to school when I was five years old.
It will take us 30 minutes to clean our room.
• É geralmente empregado com advérbios de tempo: yesterday, ago,
last, etc. Imperativo
• É formado: por verbo no infinitivo sem TO
• Em Inglês há verbos regulares e irregulares.
Ex.: Come! Go!
Para se formar o passado simples dos verbos regulares acrescenta-se
-D/-ED ao verbo. • Existem duas formas:
Afirmativa: – Go home!
Negativa: – Don’t go home!
Ex.: love – loved / change – changed.
• É usado para expressar uma ordem ou um pedido, sugestões,
• Se o verbo terminar em Y precedido de consoante, troca-se o Y por conselhos.
Ex.: Clean your room! Please help me!
Ex.: carry – carried / study – studied.
• A forma imperativa LET’S + VERBO é usada para expressar uma
• Em verbos monossílabos, dissílabos e trissílabos terminados em proposta ou um convite
consoante/vogal/consoante, seguimos a mesma regra quanto a dobrar-se Existem duas formas:
a consoante final como quando acrescentamos a forma -ing.) Afirmativa: Let’s visit Nancy.
Negativa: Let’s not visit Nancy.
Ex.: stop – stopped / plan – planned / open – opened / happen –
happened / develop – developed / occur – occurred / transmit EXERCISES LEVEL 1
– transmitted / omit – omitted / prefer – preferred.
01 Supply the Simple Past Continuous Tense or Simple Past:
Os verbos irregulares não seguem as regras citadas para a formação
do passado. No passado, os verbos têm a mesma forma para todas as a. When she called us we ______________ (correct) our exercises.
pessoas. b. The cat _____________ (sleep) in the yard when it started raining.
c. They were watching TV when the light _______ (go) out.
• Formas: d. A dog __________ (go) after us while we were walking to school.
Afirmativa: He studied. e. The bird _____________ (try) to fly when the cat caught it.
Negativa: He did not study.
Forma abreviada: didn’t (did not) 02 Supply the Simple Past or the Simple Present:
Interrogativa: Did he study?
a. He always ________ (give) me beautiful presents.
Nas formas negativa e interrogativa, em que se usa o verbo auxiliar (did), b. John _________ (come) to the party alone last night.
o verbo principal fica no infinitivo, sem to. c. He ____________ (keep) her photo in his drawer.
d. We ______________ (bring) many sandwiches for our last picnic.
There to be (present/past) e. They ______________ (build) many new buildings by the lake in
there is (há) / there was (havia) / There will be f. My neighbor ________ (catch) the burglar by himself two weeks ago.
• PLURAL g. She often _________ (have) her meals in the kitchen.
there are (há) / there were (havia) h. Someone ___________ (drink) all the wine from this bottle yesterday.
i. She usually _________ (hit) him when she is angry.
• Formas:
j. He ______ (eat) my cake when he arrived from school.
Afirmativas: there is, there are, there was, there were, there will be.
Interrogativas: is there?, are there?, was there?, were there?, will
there be?

142 Vol. 1
Interpretação (II)

































Tempos verbais (continuação) C hapter

Futuro(s) Ex.: On October 25th we will have been married for ten years.
(No dia 25 de outubro vamos fazer dez anos de casados.)
He will have arrived by then.
Future com will (A essa hora ele já terá chegado.)
O future com will é usado para fazer referências a fatos ou situações I shall have been here a month tomorrow.
que o falante acha que irá acontecer. (Amanhã vai fazer um mês que estou aqui.)

Ex.: In 100 years the world will be a different place. Presente(s)

(Daqui a cem anos o mundo vai ser diferente.)
The journey will take over three hours. Present Perfect
(A viagem levará mais de três horas.)
• É formado por:
Presente do verbo have + particípio passado do verbo principal.
Will também é usado para expressar decisões tomadas pelo sujeito
no momento da fala. Ex.: I have studied.
• Formas:
Ex.: I’ll answer the phone. / (Vou atender o telefone.) Afirmativa: They have studied.
I will make a complaint. / (Vou fazer uma reclamação.) Negativa: They have not studied.
Interrogativa: Have they studied?
Future com going to Formas abreviadas: haven’t (have not), hasn’t (has not).
Essa forma de futuro indica a intenção das pessoas ao que já foi
decidido e vai acontecer em um futuro muito próximo. O particípio passado de verbos regulares é igual ao passado simples.

Ex.: My brother is going to sell his house. Ex.: study – studied – studied
(Meu irmão vai vender a casa dele.)
She is going to visit her friends in the countryside next week. O particípio passado dos verbos irregulares não segue regras.
(Ela vai visitar seus amigos no interior na próxima semana.)
Ex.: do – went – gone.
A forma going to é usada quando podemos fazer uma previsão de que
um fato vai acontecer no futuro devido a um indício no presente. • O presente perfeito é usado para expressar:
(A) ações que começaram no passado e continuam até o presente
Ex.: It’s cloudy. It’s going to rain. / (Está nublado. Vai chover.) momento ou ações que aconteceram no passado, sem data específica,
e que apresentam um resultado interferindo no presente.

Future com present simple Ex.: I have lived here since 1980. / I have lost my keys.
O present simple é empregado para fazer referência a eventos futuros (B) ações que aconteceram em um tempo indefinido no passado. (Se
que são parte de uma programação ou tabela de horário: for mencionado o tempo definido em que a ação ocorreu, usa-se o
passado simples.)
Ex.: The sun rises at 5.31 tomorrow.
(O sol nasce às 5h31 amanhã.) Ex.: I have studied English I studied English yesterday.
The plane takes off in twenty minutes. / (C) ações que aconteceram várias vezes no passado.
(O avião decola daqui a vinte minutos.)
Ex.: We have seen that film many times.
Future com present continuous (D) O presente perfeito é também usado com as seguintes palavras:
O present continuous pode ser usado para fazer referência a eventos Since (desde): I have studied English since April.
que foram planejados para acontecer no futuro. Seu uso é similar ao de For (durante): I have studied English for two years.
going to. Just (acabar de): They have just arrived here.
Already (já): They have already arrived. Have they already arrived?
Yet (já, ainda): They haven’t arrived yet. Have they arrived yet?
Ex.: England is playing against Scotland tonight.
Ever (já = alguma vez na vida)
(A Inglaterra joga contra a Escócia hoje à noite.)
Obs.: As palavras just, already e ever serão sempre posicionadas entre
Future perfect o verbo HAVE e o PARTICÍPIO PASSADO.
O future perfect é formado com shall/will + have + particípio Ex.: She has just arrived.
passado. Essa forma é empregada para indicar ações ou estados que I have already talked to Frank.
terão terminado em um certo ponto no futuro. Have you ever traveled to Europe?

144 Vol. 1
Tempos verbais (continuação)

Present Perfect Continuous • Formas:

• É formado por: Afirmativa: She would have gone to the movies.
Presente do verbo have + presente perfeito do verbo to be + particípio Negativa: She would not have gone to the movies.
presente do verbo principal (forma -ing). Interrogativa: Would she have gone to the movies?
Forma abreviada: wouldn’t (would not).
Ex.: I have been studying.
• Formas: • Existem as orações condicionais:
Afirmativa: They have been studying. A oração condicional expressa uma condição e sempre aparece ligada
Negativa: They haven’t been studying. a uma oração principal.
Interrogativa: Have they been studying? As orações condicionais podem expressar:

(A) Condição provável: usando o presente simples e futuro simples.

O presente perfeito contínuo, assim como o presente perfeito, é
usado para expressar ações que começaram no passado e continuam Ex.: If she has the money, she will go to the movies.
ou apresentam resultado interferindo no presente, porém enfatiza a
continuidade das ações.
(B) Condição improvável: usando o passado simples e o condicional
Portanto, só deverá ser utilizado quando nos referimos a ações que simples.
não sofreram interrupção alguma.
Ex.: If she had the money, she would go to the movies.
Ex.: I’m very tired because I’ve been working since in 7 a.m.
(C) Condição impossível: usando o passado perfeito e o condicional
Passado(s) perfeito.

Ex.: If she had had the money, she would have gone to the movies.
Past Perfect
• É formado por: • Casos especiais de orações condicionais:
Passado do verbo to have + particípio passado do verbo principal.
(A) O verbo to be no passado tem a forma were para todas as pessoas
Ex.: I had studied. quando aparece em orações condicionais, (principalmente no registro
americano da Língua Inglesa, uma vez que na Inglaterra o uso do verbo
• Formas: TO BE em sua forma normal (IF I WAS ...) é popularmente bastante
Afirmativa: They had studied. aceito, porém aconselhamos a usar IF I / HE / SHE WERE)
Negativa: They hadn’t studied.
Interrogativa: Had they studied? Ex.: I wouldn’t go out tonight if I were you.
Forma abreviada: hadn’t (had not).
(B) Condição de passado com efeito no presente.
O passado perfeito é usado para expressar uma ação que aconteceu
antes de uma outra ação no passado. A ação que ocorreu primeiro virá no Ex.: If you had eaten before you wouldn’t be so hungry now.
Past Perfect e a ação que ocorreu após virá no Simple Past. Nesta estrutura utilizamos Past Perfect e Simple Conditional.

Ex.: When I arrived, the teacher had spoken for two hours. Note bem que, nos casos chamados especiais, utilizamos estruturas
When I arrived home, my mother had already left. diferentes das citadas anteriormente nos itens B (condição improvável) e
C (condição impossível) deste tópico.
Past Perfect Continuous
• É formado pelo: (C) Quando se deseja expressar verdades universais ou leis naturais, os
Passado do verbo to have + passado perfeito do verbo to be + o verbos das duas orações podem aparecer no presente simples.
particípio presente do verbo principal (forma -ing).
Ex.: Metals expand if you heat them.
Ex.: When I arrived, the teacher had been speaking for two hours.
(D) Pode-se usar o presente simples com o imperativo.
• Condicional simples: Ex.: If you have any problem, call me.
É formado por would + verbo principal sem TO.
(E) Quando na frase houver had ou were, pode-se omitir o if fazendo-se
• Formas: a inversão do verbo com o sujeito.
Afirmativa: She would go to the movies.
Negativa: She would not go to the movies. Ex.: If John had arrived early, he would have seen the show.
Interrogativa: Would she go to the movies? Had John arrived early, he would have seen the show.
Forma abreviada: wouldn’t (would not).
• Condicional perfeito: (F) Unless (se não; a menos que) pode ser usado em lugar de if not.
É formado por would have + particípio passado do verbo principal.
Ex.: Bill won’t come to the party if you don’t invite him.
Bill won’t come to the party unless you invite him.

Inglês – Chapter 6

Lista dos principais verbos INFINITIVE

irregulares em inglês
to feed fed fed alimentar
Os verbos constantes da lista a seguir foram agrupados pelas
características que têm em comum. to feel felt felt sentir
Em inglês, os verbos são irregulares quando: to fight fought fought lutar
to find found found encontrar
I. Suas formas de infinitivo (presente), passado e particípio passado
são idênticas: to get got got pegar, etc.
to hang hung hung pendurar
to have had had ter
to hear heard heard ouvir
to bet bet bet apostar
to hold held held segurar, prender
to burst burst burst estourar
to keep kept kept guardar
to cast cast cast arremessar
to lay laid laid pôr, colocar
to cost cost cost custar
to lead led led liderar
to cut cut cut cortar
to leave left left partir, deixar
to hit hit hit bater, golpear
to lend lent lent emprestar
to hurt hurt hurt ferir, machucar
to lose lost lost perder
to let let let deixar, permitir
to make made made fazer
to put put put pôr, colocar
to mean meant meant significar
to quit quit quit desistir, parar
to meet met met encontrar
to read read read ler
to pay paid paid pagar
to set set set pôr,
estabelecer to say said said dizer
to shed shed shed derramar to seek sought sought procurar
to shut shut shut fechar to send sent sent enviar, mandar
to split split split rachar, partir to sell sold sold vender
to spread spread spread espalhar, to shine shone shone brilhar
difundir to shoot shot shot atirar
to wet wet wet molhar, to sit sat sat sentar-se
to sleep slept slept dormir
II. Suas formas de passado e particípio passado são idênticas: to spend spent spent passar, gastar
to stand stood stood ficar, suportar
INFINITIVE TRADUÇÃO to strike struck struck bater, golpear
to bend bent bent dobrar, curvar to sweep swept swept varrer
to bind bound bound atar, amarrar to teach taught taught ensinar
to bleed bled bled sangrar to tell told told dizer, contar
to bring brought brought trazer to think thought thought pensar, achar
to build built built construir to understand understood understood entender
to buy bought bought comprar to weep wept wept chorar, lamentar
to catch caught caught pegar win won won ganhar
to deal dealt dealt lidar, negociar
to dig dug dug cavar

146 Vol. 1
Tempos verbais (continuação)

III. Suas formas de infinitivo, passado e particípio passado têm vogais V. Suas formas de particípio passado são formadas pelo acréscimo de
diferentes: -n, -en ou -ne às suas formas de passado após verificadas pequenas
mudanças, como a queda do e final, a repetição da consoante final
to drink drank drunk beber to bear bore born dar à luz, gerar

to ring rang rung soar, tocar to bite bit bitten morder

to break broke broken quebrar
to sing sang sung cantar
to chose chose chosen escolher
to sink sank sunk afundar to forget forgot forgotten esquecer
to spring sprang sprung saltar to freeze froze frozen congelar
to swim swam swum nadar to lie lay lain deitar, jazer
to speak spoke spoken falar
IV. Suas formas de particípio passado são quase idênticas às do infinitivo, to steal stole stolen furtar, roubar
havendo apenas o acréscimo de -en, ou -n (sendo que, em alguns
casos, a consoante final pode aparecer dobrada): to swear swore sworn jurar
to tear tore torn rasgar
to wear wore worn vestir
to beat beat beaten bater, vencer
VI. Suas formas de infinitivo e particípio passado são idênticas, havendo
to blow blew blown soprar apenas alteração de uma vogal na forma de passado:
sacar, to become became become tornar-se
to draw drew drawn
desenhar to come came come vir
to drive drove driven dirigir to run ran run correr
to eat ate eaten comer VII. Suas formas de passado e particípio passado são construídas com
to fall fell fallen cair o acréscimo de -ed, mas podem também apresentar variações:

to saw sawed sawed / sawn serrar
to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar
to sew sewed sewed / sewn costurar
to give gave given dar
to sow sowed sowed / sown semear
to go went gone ir to show showed shown mostrar
to grow grew grown crescer
VIII. Há duas formas possíveis de passado e particípio, sendo uma delas
to hide hid hidden esconder regular (-ed):


to know knew known
conhecer to burn burned / burnt burned / burnt queimar
cavalgar, to dream dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt sonhar
to ride rid ridden
passear to lean leaned / leant leaned / leant apoiar-se
to rise rose risen levantar-se to learn learned / learnt learned / learnt aprender

to see saw seen ver to smell smelled / smelt smelled / smelt cheirar
to spoil spoiled / spoilt spoiled / spoilt estragar
to shake shook shaken balançar, bater
to sweat sweated / sweat sweated / sweat suar
to take took taken tomar, pegar
IX. Suas formas de infinitivo, passado e particípio são todas diferentes
arremessar, entre si:
to throw threw thrown
to write wrote written escrever
to fly flew flown voar

Inglês – Chapter 6

EXERCISES LEVEL 1 03 Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:

01 Supply the correct verb tense: (A) He would have seen her if he ______________(wait).

(A) We ____________________________(see) you tomorrow. (B) If I _____________________(be) you, I would not do it.

(B) I ______(meet) him in the park every day. (C) They _______________(give) him the message if they had seen him.

(C) The girls ______________(be) late today. (D) If we had been here, we __________________(help) you.

(D) The boys _______(be) near the bar 5 minutes ago. (E) If today ________________(be) Monday, I would have to go to work.

(E) Sally __________(help) Mom in the kitchen now. (F) If he _______________(have) a car, he would have taken the trip.

(F) Listen! The telephone _____________(ring). (G) If he _______________(be) tired, he would go to bed).

(G) They _____________(play) tennis while I ______________(work). (H) I ____________________(ask) her to go if I had thought of it.

(H) She ________(learn) French when she _____(go) to France last year. (I) I _________________(try) to visit her if I had time.

(I) He didn’t ____________(come) by bus yesterday. He _________ (J) She __________________(buy) that picture if it cost only ten dollars.
(come) on foot.
(K) The reporter ______________(write) about it if he has enough time.
(J) They ___________________________(pay) the bill tomorrow.
(L) He ___________________(like) my play if he read it.
(K) She ___________(watch) TV every night.
(M) The secretary ________________(type) it if she had not been ill.
(L) _________(go) quickly! Your friends ________(wait) for you now.
(N) If we liked her, we __________________(invite) her.
(M) I always ________(buy) newspapers here.
(O) If you _______(call) at 8 o’clock, I will be having breakfast.
(N) We ______(live) in Brazil now but we _______________(live) in
Spain next year. ESPCEX – (Adaptada) Choose the correct alternative in the sentences
(O) They ___________(work) in the garden now.
02 Supply the correct past tense of the verbs in parentheses: 01 “These books are all new. ________ one do you want to buy?”

(A) They _____________(drink) two beers before they ___________ (A) who
(start) dinner. (B) why
(C) where
(B) She __________(answer) the door after we __________(ring) the (D) which
bell many times. (E) how

(C) I _____________(sleep) for one hour when he __________(knock) 02

at the door. “ _____do you do for a living?”
“Me? I work as a babysitter.”
(D) He __________(shout) to his horror that he ____________(eat) a
fly. (A) Who
(B) Where
(E) The girl _______(ask) me what ______________(happen). (C) How
(D) When
(F) The house _____(be) much smaller than he _____________(think). (E) What

(G) He _________(say) he __________(look) for the book everywhere. 03 “ _______ did John go yesterday?”
“ He went to the doctor’s with his mother.”
(H) I _________(be) sure that I ____________(see) him before.
(A) Where (D) Who
(I) We _______(see) that we ___________(take) the wrong way. (B) What (E) Which
(C) When
(J) _______ he _______(say) what he ________(do) with your money?

148 Vol. 1
Tempos verbais (continuação)

04 “There _____ 2,000 people living here and almost everybody _______ 10
their own car.” “Yoko and I are having dinner at a restaurant tonight. It’s _____
anniversary. Do you want to come with _____?”
(A) is/has “I’m sorry, but Bill is coming to _____ house. I invited _____ for
(B) is/have dinner.”
(C) are/has
(D) are/have (A) us / we / my / he
(E) was/has (B) our / us / his / him
(C) us / our / my / him
05 (D) our / us / my / him
“Did you take the medicine?” (E) our / our / my / his
“Yes, but when I________ it, it ________ any good.”
Read the text and answer the following questions.
(A) took/doesn’t
(B) take/didn’t do HACKERS
(C) took/didn’t do
(D) took/didn’t Man is the only animal that stores wealth. Prehistoric men stored bones
(E) take/doesn’t because they used them as weapons. Later, men stored salt because they
used it as currency, and even later they stored gold, silver and precious
06 How often ______________ in São Paulo?” stones. In our present time, information is the most valuable commodity.
In the past, people used to store goods and there was always someone
(A) does it rain trying to steal them.
(B) it rains Today there are people who steal information from computers. They
(C) does rain are called hackers. Most hackers are young, male and love computers.
(D) rains All they need is a computer and a telephone line. They use the telephone
(E) rain line to connect their computers to other computers.
07 Good hackers can enter even well-protected systems. They can transfer
large amounts of money from one bank to another. They can get free air
Mike and John are on the phone:
tickets, and use someone else’s credit card number to buy anything.
Mike: “I know that you and your uncle speak English. And what about
your nephew?” Hackers steal infomation for fun. Many others sell information to
organized crime gangs.
(A) John: “She speaks German.” More companies use computers everyday, so there will be even more
(B) John: “They speak French.” computer crimes in the future.
(C) John: “I speak English, too.”
(Adapted from Série Aquarius, level 2: Ed. Moderna.)
(D) John: “We speak Portuguese.”
(E) John: “He speaks Italian.” 11 They in line 2 refers to:

08 (A) bones.
(B) prehistoric men.
“I play ____ tennis once or twice _____ week if I can. It’s my favorite
(C) weapons.
sport. I can say I’m _____ good player, but not _____ expert.”
(D) animals.
(E) wealth.
(A) the / ____ / a / the
(B) ____ / an / a / a 12 It in line 3 refers to:
(C) ____ / a / a / an
(D) the / an / a / an (A) curreney.
(E) ____ / the / ____ / the (B) gold.
(C) silver.
09 (D) precious stones.
“My friends live in _____ old house in ____ small village. There is (E) salt.
____ beautiful garden behind _____ house. I would like to have _____
garden like that.” EXERCISES LEVEL 2
(AFA 1999)
(A) an / a / a / an / the
(B) an / a / a / an / a
(C) a / an / a / the / the
08:00 p.m. – Mike had several glasses of wine.
(D) a / an / a / the / a
12:00 a.m. – Mike had an accident.
(E) an / a / a / the / a

Inglês – Chapter 6

What could you say about Mike at this present moment? 08 __________ milk and __________ meat are good for __________
our health.
(A) Mike will have gone home earlier then.
(B) He has been driving drunk for many hours. (A) ___ / ___ / ___
(C) Mike can’t drive very well after the accident. (B) ___ / the / ___
(D) After he’d drunk several glasses of wine, Mike had an accident. (C) The / the / ___
(D) The / the / the
02 The sentence “just do it”, which is Nike’s slogan, is in:
Read the text to answer the questions:
(A) the present tense.
(B) the present perfect tense. “Second Wind – This is a feeling of relief that occurs after exercise
(C) the imperative affirmative. has become strenuous. Whereas breathing was labored and the work felt
(D) the contracted emphatic form. painful before, breathing becomes easier and the work more tolerable after
athletes experience a second wind. The reasons for this reduction in effort
03 The past tenses are correct in: are not known. The early distress may be associated with the temporary
use of anaerobic metabolism until oxygen consumption has increased
(A) meant – shook – understood – shaved and aerobic metabolism is providing a larger percentage of the energy for
(B) taught – touched – lent – earnt – burnt work. There is some support for this notion in the fact that second wind
(C) kept – trusted – bought – stealed – owned only occurs during endurance efforts.
(D) dreamt – spoke – hurted – realized – thought Second wind usually occurs when athletes are just beginning their
training program after a long layoff. Well-trained athletes rarely experience
04 Choose the right alternative to complete the blanks. this phenomenon, probably because their circulatory system adjust more
rapidly after they become conditioned.”
“The airplane _______ at 3.000 feet _______ the airport when the
pilot _______ something was happening with one of the engines.”
(MAGLISHO, Ernest. Swimming even faster.)

(A) had flown/ over/ repaired 09 According to the excerpt, second wind is _______.
(B) was flying/ above/ noticed
(C) had been flying/ on/ had been (A) a painful exercise
(D) has flown/ up/ had communicated (B) a good sensation
05 Jake began to work out at 5:00 p.m. It’s 6:30 p.m. now and Jake’s (C) an exercise training
still working. (D) the aerobic metabolism

The sentence tells us that Jake 10 When does second wind happen?

(A) might quit working soon and go home. (A) During endurance efforts.
(B) has been working long hours at the job. (B) In the beginning of a layoff.
(C) has been exercising for 1:30 hours at all. (C) When athletes reduce efforts.
(D) will have gone back inside at any moment. (D) When doing anaerobic exercises.

(AFA 2000) 11 __________ do not feel second wind often.

06 No one could avoid noticing my __________ or __________dress (A) Athletes who have a good preparation.
during the party. (B) Athletes who have strenuous breathing.
(C) Athletes who have increased the use of anaerobic consumption.
(A) wives / daughter (D) Athletes who have a good experience with this kind of phenomenom.
(B) wife / daughter’s
(C) wife’s / daughter’s 12
(D) wive’s / daughter’s – Hey Jackie are you there?! Jackie?!
– I’m here!
07 Choose the alternative in which there are only uncountable nouns: – The phone is ringing!
– __________ it.
Yesterday I went to the supermarket and bought _________,
__________, __________, ______________________. (A) I’ll get
(B) I’ve rung
(A) tea , cream, paper, beer and ice (C) I ought answer
(B) fruit, salmon, rice, sugar and oil (D) I’d been taking
(C) lettuce, milk, jam, egg and cucumber
(D) beans, cabbage, fish, carrot and water

150 Vol. 1
Tempos verbais (continuação)

Read the text below to answer the questions. Directions: Read the text below and then answer the questions below.

“I can empathize with the person who has his home violated and seeks A fox was walking through an orchard when he saw a bunch of grapes
both revenge on burglars in general, and a painfully deterring experience for which had just turned ripe. They were on a vine that was growing over a
the next burglar in particular who chooses him for a victim. But booby traps lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst”, he thought. Drawing back
are not the way.(...) a few paces, he took a run and a jump and just missed the brunch. Turning
Under American law you can only hurt the burglar if he threatens the life round, he again tried to jump, but with no better success. Again and again
and limb of innocent persons inside. A booby trap, something that physically he tried after the tempting morsel. At last he had to give it up and walked
harms an intruder, can maim or kill a fire fighter breaking in to rescue your home away with his nose in the air, saying to himself, “I am sure they are sour.”
and possessions from a blaze. It can spring shut on your spouse or child, or
(Adapted from Stairway to English.)
even on you if you come home preoccupied with something else and forget to
circumvent your trap. Improperly set up, it can go off accidentally and injure or
18 Who was the fox trying to convince?
kill you or a member of your family, or your household pet.(...)
Booby traps are for guerrilla soldiers. They do not belong in American (A) Himself.
homes and business. If you try to use them you will be the “booby” who (B) Myself.
ultimately gets “trapped”. (C) Herself.
(D) Ourselves.
(AYOOB, Massad F. The truth about booby traps. )

13 According to American laws a citizen has the right to __________. 19 In the sentence “... a vine that was growing over a lofty branch”, the
underlined word means:
(A) run away only during a fire
(B) kill only to protect his house (A) high.
(C) revenge only particular intruders (B) huge.
(D) hurt only if he receives threatens in his house (C) tiny.
(D) distant.
14 “Booby trap” is a (an) ___________.
20 The opposite of “sour” in the fable is:
(A) proper weapon for revenges
(B) proper device for guerrillas (A) salty.
(C) home device safe against robbers (B) ripe.
(D) excellent mechanism of protection (C) bitter.
(D) green.
According to the text:
21 In the text we have some irregular verbs in the Simple Past Tense:
I. Booby traps only hurt innocents.
II. Your own family can be hurt. WAS – SAW – HAD – THOUGHT – TOOK
III. You can be your own victim.
IV. An accident may hurt your house in fire. The infinitive form of these verbs are respectively:

15 From the statements above, the right one (s) are (is)_________. (A) am / see / has / thank / taking.
(B) are / sees / have / thinking / takes.
(A) only II (C) III and IV (C) is / seen / has / thinks / taken.
(B) II and III (D) I, II and III (D) be / see / have / think / take.

16 (AFA 2001) In the following alternatives, all the nouns are feminine, 22 Consider the following statements:
• Phil is going to Denver tomorrow.
(A) daughter / cock / witch / aunt • Phil’s plane will depart at 10 tomorrow morning.
(B) spinster / niece / vixen / hen • It’s 10 a.m. now.
(C) heiress / jewess / empress / mare
(D) lioness / gander / ewe / bee Based on the information above, we can say that at this time tomorrow Phil:

17 Mark the correct set of pronouns to complete the sentences below. (A) is going to be in Denver.
(B) would have gone to Denver.
(C) will have arrived in Denver.
Duchess Sharon couldn’t find any jewels in the jewel case because
(D) will be departing to Denver.
_____ children had taken ____ to perform a play at school. ____ didn’t tell
it to _____ mother and ____ got very irritated with ____ because of ____.
Since 1961, the World Wildlife Fund has saved lots of animals and birds
from extinction. It has given more than 40 billion dollars to conservation
(A) their / they / Them / their / her / them / him projects around the world. It has created or supported 260 National Parks
(B) your / him / They / them / your / her / them on five continents. But there’s still much more work to do.
(C) her / them / They / their / she / them / it
(D) his / their / Their / they / he / they / its (Adapted from Time.)

Inglês – Chapter 6

23 According to the context and the verbal tenses used in the article, it’s 28 (AFA 2002) Think you feel bad about those lost vacation photos?
correct to say that: Consider (1) Barry Mathews. In 1993 (2) British geologist traveled
to (3) Arctic Circle. There, he photographed soils and vegetation for (4)
(A) the World Wildlife Fund’s work may be considered a finished action. study on climate change. Back in (5) England, he took (6) film to his local
(B) the help given by the World Wildlife Fund began in the past and it’s still pharmacy for (7) developing. That was (8) last he saw of it. Three years
active. later, (9) pharmacy admits it lost (10) film. Mathews, 59, is suing for £
(C) the fund is going to support National Parks in the future but not now. 30,000 – (11) cost of another trip. Our advice: take (12) sketch pad.
(D) animals and birds were saved by the Fund in 1961 and before then.
About the 12 gaps on the text above, mark the FALSE alternative.
24 On December 7th, 1941, Pearl Harbor, an American Naval base in the
(A) All the gaps can be completed with definite or indefinite articles.
Pacific Ocean, was attacked by Japanese planes, causing the United States
(B) We cannot use articles in three of the gaps.
to enter the war the next day. Nineteen ships and about 200 planes were
(C) Gaps number (4) and (12) are correctly completed with indefinite articles.
destroyed or seriously damaged in the attack.
(D) It’s correct to use definite article in seven gaps.
Mark the correct alternative to complete the sentences below so that the 29 The main U.S. concern is that Russia is the source. Moscow has
questions are correct and can be answered based on the text above. responded to fears that terrorists could use stray nuclear material to build a
dirty bomb by promising to tighten security around its nuclear submarines
I. ______ planes were destroyed or damaged in the attack? and nuclear research centers.”
II. ______ was Pearl Harbor attacked by?
III. ______ caused the US to enter the war? Considering the underlined words as C (Count Noun) and NC (Noncount
IV. ______ did Japanese planes attack Pearl Harbor? Noun), how can you classify them?

(A) How many / Who / What / When (A) concern – C / source – NC / research – C.
(B) Whose / When / How / What time (B) concern – NC / source – C / research – C.
(C) What / Why / Who / How (C) concern – NC or C / source – C / research – NC.
(D) Which / Where / What / How long (D) concern – NC or C / source – NC / research – NC.

25 Choose the option that completes the sentences below correctly: 30 I’m still doubtful about the characters of the new novel. You probably
agree that the suspects reactions were totally unexpected as their
I. The ladder ________ I was standing began to slip. explanations didn’t make their intentions clear enough in the testimony.
II. My roof leaks ________ it rains. We could first deduce that the fake nun was the prime suspect for having
III. The wine, ________ was in the cellar, was ruined. poisoned the stallion and the sow. On the other hand, the cunning steward
IV. _________ happens don’t forget to call us. and the wily widower had extravagant posture after the judgement.

Considering the underlined words in the text, you could say that:
(A) on which / whichever / when / wherever
(B) that / whenever / which / whatever (A) three words are female.
(C) which / when / that / whichever (B) all of words are male.
(D) ___ / when / what / whenever (C) two words are female.
(D) just one word is female.
26 T he underlined sentence in which the connecting word was
ERRONEOUSLY omitted is: 31 Mark the option that completes the text correctly:

Sam is not a man we can trust at all(1), believe it or not. He told me My little boy is just 8 but completely curious about the study of different
the cheese comes from his city is quite good(2).He’s a liar. In fact it tastes _________ and theories. He got the surprise of his life when he discovered
pretty bad. He also told me the land he sold me is good for farming(3). It’s at school that ________ are the smallest living things. He is enchanted with
an arid region. And he insists on saying that he didn’t tell me anything of hundreds of ________ about the universe and surprised for sometimes
this. But he can’t forget the things he said(4). Now I’m terribly disappointed. not finding answers to the ________ and the fantastic development of
nature. Therefore, I suppose he knows his ________ can also explain to
(A) 1. (C) 3. him some doubts he has about thousand of ________ of the universe and
(B) 2. (D) 4. procreation, considering the existence of God, of course.

(A) formula / bacteria / mysterys / thesis / believes / phenomenon

27 Mark the item that completes the following passage correctly with the
(B) formulas / bacterium / mystery / theses / believes / phenomenos
appropriate missing articles when required.
(C) formulae / bacteria / mysteries / theses / beliefs / phenomena
(D) formulas / bacterias / mysterious / thesis / beliefs / phenomenon
“Immediately after _____ assault, rape or robbery, victims or witnesses
can usually summon up _____ mental image of _____ assailant. But by 32 The funniest scene of the comedy is the one when the host spills red
_____ time they sit down with _____ sketch artist at _____ police station, wine on the heir’s coat and by mistake kneels down beside a shy spinster
their memories often have faded.” to offer _____ apologies. So, a problem of communication arises between
them because the shy spinster is deaf. Besides, _____ can’t understand
(A) ___ / the / an / ___ / the / the (C) the / ___ / the / ___ / the / ___ what’s happening. While the heir is in the bathroom cleaning the coat, a
(B) an / the / ___ / the / ___ / a (D) an / a / the / the / a / the water pipe bursts and floods the whole place where the guests are. The
heir _____ gets confused about what to do. I burst into laughter.

152 Vol. 1
Tempos verbais (continuação)

Choose the item that completes the gaps correctly: 37 After reading the two stories below, mark the opinion that best explain
the tenses used in each of them.
(A) his / he / by herself
(B) her / she / herself Text A
(C) him / he / by himself
(D) his / she / himself Unemployed Terry Fitton has applied for an amazing 2.350 jobs…
and he’s still out of work. Terry, 50, has posted applications at the rate of
33 According to the Possessive Case rules, mark the only option in which nearly four a day for the past two years.
the justification in parentheses is correct:
Text B
(A) Thomas’s knapsack was sewn by a hospitable old woman in the last
hostel he was. (Incorrect – If a noun ends in s, you put just ’ after the Superstar Paul McCartney last night watched a heart-stopping sea
s) search for his 15-years-old son James. The ex-Beatle and his wife Linda
(B) Next week’s meeting has been canceled because of the last stormy stood ashen faced on a beach after the youngster was swept out of sight
night. (Incorrect – you can’t use ’s with time expressions) while surfing. But thirty minutes later they were joyfully hugging James
(C) Thousands of passers–by went to the city’s new theater to shelter as he stepped unharmed from the waves.
from the rain. (It’s possible to use ’s for places)
(A) Text A has a time phrase: for the past two years, which sets the time
(D) Jack and Jill need eight hours’ sleep a night. (Incorrect – you can’t
as time coming up to now. And Text B has the time phrase last night,
use ’s with plural words and with periods of time)
which sets the time as time finished, separated from now.
(B) Text A no explicit time phrase used so it doesn’t matter which tense
34 Taking the following sentences mark the option which fills the blanks
you choose when there is no time phrase. And text B, past is used
because the speaker considers it important in relation to now
(C) In text A it doesn’t matter which tense you choose because there is
I. Is it true that _________suggestions were declined by the senators?
no time phrase, so both are always possible. In text B, past is used
II. _________manholes could be severely depleted over the storms.
because things have happened recently.
III. Just_________knowledge is needed to solve such elementary
(D) In text A, the present perfect is used because things are separated
technical problem.
in the speaker’s mind from now. In text B, the past is used as things
IV. Do you get_________chance to travel in your job?
happened a long time ago.
V. After_________deliberation the judges awarded the prize to her.
38 Considering the sentence “in my foolish lover’s games”. The boldface
(A) few – Many – little – much – much.
structure is grammatically correct in the context because:
(B) a lot of – Few – many – lots of – little.
(C) much – Lots of – a few – a little – a lot of.
(A) ‘s is used with singular and plural nouns not ending in s.
(D) lots of – Little – lots of – little – few.
(B) a simple apostrophe (‘s) is used with abstract nouns.
(C) it’s a classical name not ending in s.
35 Mark the correct alternative to complete the dialog:
(D) referring to feelings, ‘s should be used.
A: “What a terrible trip I had.”
(AFA 2004)
B: “Come with me. I’ll show you a place to sleep.”
A: “Thanks. By the way, (I) ?”
Considering the extracts of some texts, answer the question below:
B: “It’s Linda’s. She’s living in London now. So, you can use it as long
as you want.”
I. The woods were visible from the back windows and it was clear why
A: “ (II) ?”
the house was called Common wood House, because there were views
B: “Since last summer.”
of the common from all sides.
II. The Hospital where Maggie in Little Dorrit was treated for fever is able
(A) (I) Whose room is this?
to provide its impoverished patients with fruit and soft drinks…
(II) How long has she been living there?
III. Most of the work was completed before the start of the nineteenth
(B) (I) Who’s this in the picture?
century. Thus the next chapter will focus on how land was farmed in
(II) How much was she away?
Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire in the eighteenth century. Changes
(C) (I) Whose is this bedroom?
after 1700 will not be discussed.
(II) When did she go to London?
IV. Immediately after an assault, rape or robbery, victims or witnesses
(D) (I) Who had lived in this room?
can usually summon up a mental image of the assailant. But the time
(II) When has she lived in London?
they sit down with a sketch artist at the police station, their memories
often have faded.
36 (AFA 2003) In the sentence “ Took a lot of pills”, which other expression
of quantity couldn’t be used in it?
39 What are the real topics mentioned in the extracts you’ve just read
(A) a large number of.
(B) a couple of. I. The reason why the house was called Common wood House.
(C) a great deal of. II. The fact that a hospital can feed the poor patient with good supply.
(D) plenty of. III. How a great part of a work was completed in the nineteenth century,
how it was farmed in some places and the changes they suffered.

Inglês – Chapter 6

IV. There’s an evidence that after an assault or robbery, the victims get 42 Mark the option that justifies the use of the underlined verbal tense in
frightened of telling the police the true facts. the context:

(A) I and IV. (C) II, III and IV. (A) indefinite time. (C) finished action.
(B) I and II. (D) I and III. (B) reported speech. (D) beginning of an action.

Read the ad and answer the question below. 43 The sentence ‘ They slowly fade away” means:

Lockheed Martin and Sikorsky. Working together for three decades, (A) The places are sometimes harmful to people.
this team ________ (I) and integrated __________ (II) any other team in (B) The things gradually disappear.
the world. That includes the SH-60B, __________ (III) the new MH-60R (C) Person in love may die.
and MH60S programs. This ____________(IV) delivers the proven Naval (D) Minds are mainly confused.
hawk airframe with advanced multi – together we capabilities to the U.S.
Navy and navies world wine – together we deliver __________ (V) naval 44 All the sequences of nouns below are in the plural form, except one.
capability to ________ (IV) customers. Mark it.

40 Fill in the blanks correctly with grammatical subjects that have been (A) sheep / series / women / loaves / fruit
asked in the questions below: (B) means / children / mice / lice / wolves
(C) geese / thieves / oxen / buzzes / feet
I. Use the Present Perfect Tense of the verb to build. (D) news / electronics / measles / nephew / widower
II. Use a Comparative form of Superiority.
III. Use a Comparative form of Equality. 45 Mark the alternative that best completes the text below:
IV. Use the right Possessive case of nouns.
V. Use the Superlative form of an adjective. “Would you like to travel back in time and see knights in armor fighting
VI. Use the right Pronoun. battles? Or go forward to the 21st century and see the world of the future?

(A) has built/ more naval helicopters than / as well as / team’s synergy / Time travel __________ the dream of science-fiction writers for many
the best / our. years. Perhaps the first story about time travel was. The time machine by
(B) have build / many naval helicopters as / so good as / teams’ synergy H. G. Wells, but there has been many more stories, films and TV series
/ the better / ours. since then. In the movie BACK TO THE FUTURE, Michel J. Fox plays a
(C) had build / much more helicopters than / less well as / team synergy’s teenager __________ accidentally travels back 30 years in time. There
/ more and more / us. he meets his parents, who are still teenagers and __________ in love yet.
(D) has builded / less helicopters than / not so bad as / team synergys’s He has to help them get together, because if they don’t get married,
/ the most / we. he __________ exist! When he gets back to the present, he finds that he
has improved their lives – and his own.”
Read the text below and answer the question below.
You may think that time travel is just fantasy, but some scientists believe
One day in 1895 a German scientist named Wilhelm Roentgen it’s possible – at least traveling into the future.
discovered an astonishing thing. He ___________ with the electron
rays, shooting them at a coated glass screen. Roentgen happened to (A) was/ that/ have fallen/ wouldn’t
pass his hands between the rays and screen. To his amazement, the (B) has been/ who/ haven’t fallen/ won’t
shadow of the bones inside his hand _________ instead! Most of the rays (C) is/ whom/ have fallen/ won’t
_______________ right through the flesh of his hand lighting the screen, (D) have been/ in which/ haven’t fallen/ would
but enough of them were stopped by the bones to produce a clear shadow
of the hand’s skeleton. Roentgen ______________ the X-ray. 46 In the text above, the pronoun they in the 9th line refers to:

41 Fill in the blanks in the text. Choose the best verbs to complete it. (A) H. G Wells and Michel J. Fox.
(B) M. J. Fox’s parents in the film.
(A) experimented / appears / passes / discovered (C) The science-fiction writers.
(B) had experimented / appeared / has passed / has discovered (D) The films about science-fiction.
(C) is experimenting / is appearing / passed / was discovering
(D) was experimenting / appeared / were passing / had discovered Read the dialogue and answer questions 47 and 48.

Read the part of the lyrics and answer the questions below: A: “Sue has been playing volleyball a lot recently”!
B: “That’s because she wants to be a professional.”
Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don’t you know you might find 47 Mark the option that best explains the use of the underline verb tense.
A better place to play
(A) It expresses a habit or a regular past activity.
You said that you’ve never been (B) It’s a situation that started and finished in the past.
But all the things that you’ve seen (C) It’s an activity that starred in the past and hasn’t finished yet.
They slowly fade away (D) The action is happening right now and will go on in a near future.

154 Vol. 1
Tempos verbais (continuação)

(AFA 2006) 51 According to the text:

“In a country which learned not to believe in God, it reigns the belief in (A) our fuel is being produced in our country and we need to import it.
science. Like saints, the cosmonauts (the way Russians call astronauts) (B) Brazilians now have their own production of fuel that’s why we may
occupy a place of eminence in the pantheon of the national Russian heroes. be proud of Petrobras.
They have multiple talents, being the greatest one, the capacity of going (C) a lot of investment should be done in order to put Brazil in a high
to space. Streets, avenues and schools are named after astronauts. There position.
are a lot of statues and museums all over the country. There’s also a date (D) Petrobras has been the first company to produce fuel in great quantity.
to celebrate them, April,12. The following extract is from a children’s school Science book. Read it and
Up to now, ninety nine Russians have already gone into space since answer the question below.
1961, when Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into orbit. Not by
chance, he’s adored among the conquerors of Cosmo. His premature When houses are double glazed, only a relatively small amount of heat is
death when he was 34 years old (seven years after his first and unique lost through the windows. Double glazed windows have two panes of glass
space flight in a tragic plane accident whose causes are still mysterious) and air is trapped between them, preventing escaping of the heat. Double
contributed to create the myth.” glazing also ensures that condensation is reduced and noise is decreased
Heating bills can be reduced when double glazing is installed People living
(Adapted from O Globo, April, 02-2006.) near busy roads or airports also find that double glazing has to be fitted.
(Taken from Exploring Grammar in Context – Cambridge University Press)
48 Taking the sentence, “There are a lot of statues and museums all over
the country. There’s also a date to celebrate them.”, the word in boldface 52 “only a relatively small amount of heat is lost through the windows.”
refers to: The boldfaced expression in the sentence can only be substituted for:

(A) the statues and museums in Russia. (A) a gretat deal of.
(B) the astronauts from Russia. (B) plenty of.
(C) streets, avenues and schools in Russia. (C) a little.
(D) scientists from Russia. (D) a small number of.

June 12th, 1997. Diana, Princess of Wales, addresses a seminar on Who Moved My Cheese?
landmines. Here are some excerpts of her speech. Who Moved My Cheese? It’s a parable that reveals deep truths about
changes. Two little mice and two little men live in a labyrinth searching
I. “I welcome this conference on landmines (...) because the world is for some cheese - a metaphor used to express what we wish to have in
too little aware of the waste of life, limb and land which anti-personnel life, from a good job to spiritual peace. One of them is successful and
landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth. writes what
Indeed, until my journey to Angola early this year, (...) I was largely he learnt from his experiences on the walls of the labyrinths.
unaware of it too”. (...)
The scribbled words on the walls teach us how to deal with the
changes to live with less stress and achieve much more success at work
49 According to the excerpt above the underlined statement means that:
and personal life.
(Spencer Johnson, M. D.)
(A) anti-personnel landmines are causing awareness among not only the
poorest people but the landmines, too. 53
(B) the poorest people on earth are wasting their lives in landmines that’s
“Two little mice and two little men live in a labyrinth searching for
why they waste their healthy, too.
some cheese.”
(C) limbs and lands that are among the poorest population are not aware
of the world.
(D) many people not even know or care about limbs and lands that are The word little can only be substituted for ____________and refers to
being lost due to landmines among the poorest people. the ____________.

50 According to Diana’s speech we may observe that her first concern (A) few / size of the men and mice
is related to the: (B) brief / height of them
(C) short / the lack of importance showed by the author
(A) ones who are not killed outright. (D) small / emphatic opinion given by the author to the characters
(B) little information the world has about the deaths caused by landmines.
(C) terrible injuries people from Angola suffer. 54 “Who moved my cheese?”
(D) world that remains largely aware of the handicapped ones. What’s expected from the one who reads it?

Read the paragraph below to answer question 51. (A) Knowing life and the labyrinths to succeed more than usual.
(B) Searching spiritual peace and living as the characters, always
“Os brasileiros são os grandes beneficiados com a autossuficiência complaining about the career and life in general.
na produção nacional de petróleo e com os investimentos que estão sendo (C) Dealing with changes, living better and achieving success.
feitos pela Petrobras.” (D) Scribbling new experiences and admitting the ones success to use
them deeply.
(Revista PETROBRAS, abril de 2006.)

Inglês – Chapter 6

Read a letter and answer the questions below. Read the paragraph and answer the questions below.

“As a survivor of the Holocaust, I lost the life I led more than 60 years, The concept of generation gap is widely accepted in Canada and the
when the world didn’t give a damn or, like today, acknowledge that a storm United States. It was a concept that grew in prominence in the 1960s
of destruction was imminent (‘The Lost City’, Sept. 12). Sitting in my and 1970s, when a common belief among young people was “Never
comfortable, dry home watching the horror of New Orleans made me cry trust anyone over thirty”, and many older people felt they could no
the tears I didn’t have when I was a child losing everything, fleeing with just longer understand young people. These days, many people think that the
the clothing I wore that day. More than 60 years ago, I was on a different generation gap is lessening because the babyboom generation (those born
continent. The disaster that unfolded in front of my eyes today took place between 1946 and 1961) has moved past the age of thirty.
in my adopted country, among my adopted people. “We didn’t know” is an
unpardonable excuse. “We didn’t care” is more like it. (Taken from Passages 1 -TM, CUP.)

Without hesitation, America spends billions and wastes human life in

a country that is not interested in democracy. 58 The sentence in italics, “when a common ...thirty” has the function of:
Yet we quibble about the cost of Katrina, a cost that will affect everyone (A) establishing contrast.
in our own backyard for years to come.” (B) emphasizing a concept.
(C) explaining something.
(LIEBMAN, Lucie L. Staten Island, New York.)
(D) showing a condition.
55 The letter was written by someone who:
59 What’s the main idea of the text?
(A) subsisted a terrible hurricane even in her own country.
(B) resisted the Holocaust though she had been in an unfamiliar country.
(A) Never believe older people.
(C) didn’t die despite the tragedy.
(B) The excessive amount of births after war caused the generation gap.
(D) continued living in New Orleans otherwise she had passed away.
(C) What is known as generation gap was spread by the young people in
the sixties and seventies.
56 The Present Tense of the underlined verb in the first line is:
(D) The United States and Canada have a lot of problems concerning people
coming from different generations.
(A) lead.
(B) led.
60 The text affirms that “the generation gap is lessening”. It means it has:
(C) lid.
(D) leaden.
(A) increased.
(B) decreased.
57 We realize that Lucie feels extremely sorry about _______ because
(C) stabilized.
(D) not changed.
(A) the whirlpool / it destroyed part of her life
(B) America / it isn’t democratic
(C) the hurricane / she lost almost everything
(D) katrina / it destroyed her country












156 Vol. 1
Gabarito V olume
Inglês 02
a. nephew. i. Horse.
b. lion. J. Uncle.
Assunto 1 c. Englishman. k. Father.
Exercícios de interpretação d. Count / earl. l. Godfather.
e. Grandson. m. Cousin.
01 Letra C. 05 Letra D. f. King. n. Husband.
02 Letra A. 06 Letra E. g. Brother. o. Cock.
03 Letra B. 07 Letra D. h. Actor.
04 Letra A. 03
1. Letra B. 8. Letra B.
Exercícios propostos 2. Letra E. 9. Letra D.
01 3. Letra A. 10. Letra B.
a. an f. a, a 4. Letra C. 11. Letra A.
b. an, a g. a 5. Letra B. 12. Letra C.
c. a h. -, - 6. Letra C. 13. Letra A.
d. an, a i. an 7. Letra A. 14. Letra C.
e. an J. a, a
02 As frases são A, E, F e J. Assunto 3
a. a, the i. the, a Exercícios de interpretação
b. a, the J. the 01 Letra E. 06 Letra A.
c. a, the k. the, the 02 Letra D. 07 Letra D.
d. the l. the, the, the 03 Letra B. 08 Letra D.
e. the, a m. -, an, - 04 Letra E. 09 Letra C.
f. the, the, the n. the, the, the 05 Letra E. 10 Letra B.
g. the, the o. the, an. Exercícios propostos
h. the, a
01 Letra A. 11 Letra B.
02 Letra D. 12 Letra C.
1. Letra D. 9. Letra B.
2. Letra E. 10. Letra A. 03 Letra B. 13 Letra B.
3. Letra B. 11. Letra C. 04 Letra D. 14 Letra D.
4. Letra A. 12. Letra B. 05 Letra C. 15 Letra B.
5. Letra B. 13. Letra A. 06 Letra D. 16 Letra D.
6. Letra D. 14. Letra A. 07 Letra A. 17 Letra A.
7. Letra B. 15. Letra C. 08 Letra C. 18 Letra B.
8. Letra C. 09 Letra A. 19 Letra C.
Assunto 2 10 Letra A. 20 Letra B.

Exercício AFA 1999 Assunto 4

01 Letra C. 05 Letra D. Exercícios AFA 1996-1997 (Parte 1)
02 Letra A. 06 Letra C. 01 Letra A. 06 Letra D.
03 Letra B. 07 Letra C. 02 Letra D. 07 Letra B.
04 Letra B. 03 Letra B. 08 Letra C.
Exercícios propostos 04 Letra C. 09 Letra E.
01 05 Letra A.
a. policemen. i. chiefs.
b. doors. J. berries. Exercícios propostos
c. centuries. k. toys. 01
d. echoes. l. windows. a. That i. Whose
e. peaches. m. keys. b. Whom J. That
f. brushes. n. buses. c. Which k. That
g. books. o. potatoes. d. That l. That
h. pens. e. That m. Which
f. That n. Whom
g. Whose o. Who
h. Whose


02 f. is ringing
a. Any i. Anybody g. were playing, was working,
b. Anything J. Any h. was learning, went
c. Any k. Any i. come, came
d. Any l. Any J. will pay
e. Anything m. Some k. watched, watches
f. Some / any n. Some l. go, are waiting
g. Anywhere o. Anything m. bought, buy
h. Some n. are living, will live
03 o. are working
a. We 02
b. Him a. had drunk, started
c. It b. answered, had rung
d. Them c. had slept, knocked
e. Her / me d. shouted, had eaten
f. They
e. asked, had happened
g. It / me
h. I / it f. was, had thought
i. They / us g. said, had looked
J. I / them h. was, had seen
04 i. saw, had taken
a. My j. Did say, had done
b. Our / theirs 03
c. Her / his a. had waited i. would try
d. My / yours b. were j. would buy
e. Its c. would have given k. will write
f. their d. would have helped l. would like
g. Your e. were m. would have typed
h. Hers f. had had n. would invite
i. Ours g. were o. call
j. Mine
h. would have asked
Assunto 5 EsPCEx 2000
Exercícios AFA 1996-1997 (Parte 1) 01 Letra D. 07 Letra E.
01 Letra C. 06 Letra B. 02 Letra E. 08 Letra C.
02 Letra D. 07 Letra A. 03 Letra A. 09 Letra E.
03 Letra A. 08 Letra C. 04 Letra D. 10 Letra D.
04 Letra A. 09 Letra A. 05 Letra C. 11 Letra B.
05 Letra B. 10 Letra B. 06 Letra A. 12 Letra E.

Exercícios propostos
Exercícíos Extras
a. were correcting 01 Letra D. 31 Letra C.
b. was sleeping 02 Letra C. 32 Letra D.
c. went out 03 Letra A. 33 Letra C.
d. went 04 Letra B. 34 Letra A.
e. was trying 05 Letra C. 35 Letra A.
02 06 Letra C. 36 Letra C.
a. gives, gave f. caught 07 Letra A. 37 Letra A.
b. came g. has, had
08 Letra A. 38 Letra A.
c. keeps, kept h. drank
d. brought i. hits 09 Letra B. 39 Letra B.
e. built j. ate 10 Letra A. 40 Letra A.
11 Letra A. 41 Letra D.
Assunto 6 12 Letra A. 42 Letra A.
Exercícios de gramática 13 Letra D. 43 Letra B.
01 14 Letra B. 44 Letra D.
a. will see 15 Letra B. 45 Letra B.
b. met, meet 16 ANULADA. 46 Letra B.
c. were, are, have been 17 Letra C. 47 Letra C.
d. were 18 Letra A. 48 Letra B.
e. is helping 19 Letra A. 49 Letra D.

488 Vol. 1

20 Letra B. 50 Letra B. 26 Letra B. 56 Letra C.

21 Letra D. 51 Letra B. 27 Letra D. 57 Letra A.
22 Letra D. 52 Letra C. 28 Letra A. 58 Letra B.
23 Letra B. 53 Letra D. 29 Letra C. 59 Letra C.
24 Letra A. 54 Letra C. 30 Letra C. 60 Letra A.
25 Letra B. 55 Letra C.




























Interpretação e verbos modais C hapter

Interpretação EXERCISES LEVEL 1

At the start of the 20th century, immigrant labor and innovation
helped turn the U.S. into a powerful manufacturing nation. Today, 01 The best title for this text is:
foreign-born engineers jam the corridors of Silicon Valley, abetting
America’s information-technology boom. And as the 21st century (A) A Powerful Manufacturing Nation.
5 dawns, yet another wave of immigrants will once again help transform (B) Cultural Diversity in the U.S.
the economy. (C) The Changing Face of Immigrants.
During the next decade, barring a change in government policy, (D) Immigration Drives Workforce Growth.
nearly million immigrants are expected to arrive in the U.S. every year. (E) American Information – Technology Boom.
Most, both legal and illegal, will continue to come from Latin America
10 and Southeast Asia, but every foreign land will be represented. So will 02 According to the passage:
every level of skill, education, and talent. New arrivals will make up hotel
beds, start their own shops, and pursue pathbreaking medical research. (A) all immigrants have difficulty in adjusting to life in the U.S.
(B) the lives of today’s immigrants in the U.S are extremely difficult and
And they’ll play a critical role in providing the workers needed
to keep the economy healthy. As baby boomers age and domestic
(C) less skilled immigrants are more likely to obtain low-skill jobs.
15 birthrates stagnate, only foreign-born workers will keep the labor
(D) foreign workers are more creative and educated than most native
pool growing. By 2006, in fact, immigrants will account for half of all
new U.S. workers; over the next 30 years, their share will rise to 60%.
(E) immigrants from Latin America and South Asia will work mainly in
It’s not all about sheer numbers, of course. To lift productivity and restaurants.
stimulate growth, immigrants must provide creativity, entrepreneurial
20 energy, or simple initiative that America couldn’t find otherwise. “If all 03 From what we read in this text, we can infer that the author’s intention
you did was bring in people who are exactly the same as those we was to:
have here, there would be no economic benefit,” says Rand Corp.
economist James P. Smith. “You’d just have more people.” (A) comment on the increasing importance of immigrant labor to the U.S.
Just as crucial, the array of education and skills immigrants bring economy.
25 could fit neatly with the supply of jobs over the next decade. According (B) criticize prejudice against immigrants in the U.S.
to Linda Levine at the Congressional Research Service, a branch of (C) discuss the pros and cons of Latin American immigration to the U.S.
the Library of Congress, 60% of the jobs created through 2005 will (D) inform the reader about the new wave of Asian immigrants to the U.S.
require some post-secondary education. But, she adds, low-skill jobs (E) exemplify typical jobs taken by immigrant engineers in Silicon Valley.
will still represent about half the total employment.
30 Compare that job market to the prospective immigrant labor force. 04 The text you have just read was published as part of:
Of recent arrivals, only 63% have finished high school. No surprise that,
while immigrants make up only 12% of today’s workforce, they clean (A) a chronicle on ethnic violence in the U.S.
half the restaurant tables in the U.S. Yet immigrants also are 50% more (B) an essay about ethnic wars in Latin America and Southeast Asia.
likely than Americans to have a graduate degree. And a staggering 23% (C) a newspaper article about ethnic cleansing in the U.S.
35 of U.S. residents holding PhDs in science and engineering are foreign (D) a short story about ethnic minorities in the American labor force.
born, according to the National Science Foundation. (E) a magazine article about ethnic diversity in the American labor force.
Indeed, foreign-born workers have shown an extraordinary ability 05 The pronoun “those” in “... the same as those we have here ...”
to assimilate and flourish. Certainly, some less skilled workers will (line 21-22) refers to the word “people” (line 21). Identify the item which
remain at the bottom economic rung all their lives. Yet others will contain an incorrect correspondence:
40 catch up quickly.
That, of course, will raise immigrants’ living standards, delivering (A) “they” (line 13) refers to “new arrivals” (line 11)
foreign-born workers and their families into America’s middle and (B) “their” (line 12) refers to “the next 30 years” (line 17)
upper classes. More important, it will help drive innovation and (C) “she” (line 18) refers to “Linda Levine” (line 26)
entrepreneurship, key engines of the 21st Century Economy. (D) “they” (line 32) refers to “immigrants” (line 33)
(E) “their” (line 39) refers to “some less skilled workers” (line 38)
Extracted and reduced from a text by Howard Gleckman in Business Week; August 31, 1998.

Inglês – Chapter 7

06 In “Just as crucial, the array of education...could fit neatly with the Could I ask a question?
supply...” (line 24), the modal could indicates that the writer tries to transmit (Eu poderia fazer uma pergunta?)
an idea of:
May I go now?
(A) certainty. (Posso ir agora?)
(B) impossibility.
(C) obligation. You may begin now.
(D) ability. (Você pode começar agora.)
(E) probability.
Might I enquire what the reason for this is?
07 The only option in which make up has the same meaning as “... while (Eu posso perguntar qual a razão disto?)
immigrants make up only 12% of today’s workforce ...” (lines 32) is:
CAN, COULD – capacidade
(A) “The committee is made up of representatives from all the university”. This car can run at 200 kph.
(B) “You must make up what you owe before the end of the month”. (Este carro pode chegar a 200 km/h.)
(C) “She never goes without making herself up first”.
(D) “I can make up a bed for you on the floor”. When I was younger I could run 100 metres in 12 seconds.
(E) “He made up an incredible story about his holiday”. (Quando eu era mais novo, podia correr 100 metros em 12 segundos.)

08 The sentence “Yet immigrants” (lines 33-34) introduces: Can you speak German? – No, but I could when I was at school.
(Você sabe falar alemão? – Não, mas eu sabia quando estava na escola.)
(A) a conclusion.
(B) a definition. TO BE ABLE
(C) a contrast. Como os modais não têm infinitivo, emprega-se o verbo TO BE ABLE
(D) a result. para substituir CAN quando este não pode ser usado por razões sintáticas.
(E) an example.
No infinitivo:
09 The sentence “Indeed, foreign-born workers have shown an It is important to be able to drive these days.
extraordinary ability to assimilate and flourish” (line 37-38) means that: (É importante saber dirigir hoje em dia.)
(A) immigrant workers are indeed remarkably similar to American ones. Precedido de outro modal:
(B) immigrant workers have shown a remarkable ability to assimilate You must be able to speak English to be a diplomat.
English. (Você tem de saber falar inglês para ser diplomata.)
(C) foreign workers go to the U.S. to learn English and to work with flowers.
(D) foreign-born workers are outstanding gardeners. No futuro:
(E) immigrant workers have a talent for mixing and succeeding. I don’ t know if I´ll be able to go.
(Não sei se vou poder ir.)
10 Check the only word from the text that could be used in the plural form:
MAY, MIGHT, CAN E COULD – possibilidade.
(A) information (line 4).
(B) land (line 10). MAY é a mais clara ou a mais forte possibilidade.
(C) research (line 12).
(D) energy (line 20). COULD (que não deve ser confundido com o passado de CAN) sugere um
(E) employment (line 29). grau de possibilidade um pouco menor.

Verbos anômalos (modais) MIGHT indica uma possibilidade mais remota. CAN, por sua vez, somente
Características gerais dos verbos anômalos: é usado na negativa para indicar impossibilidade:

a. não têm infinitivo You may find that a week is not enough.
b. não recebem S ou ES na 3a pessoa do singular no presente (Você pode achar que uma semana não é suficiente.)
c. não são seguidos de infinitivo com TO (exceto be able, be, have e ought)
d. geralmente formam suas próprias interrogativas e negativas I don’t know if I’ll go. I might.
(Não sei se vou. É possível.)
CAN, COULD, MAY e MIGHT – permissão
Existe uma gradação de formalidade (da informalidade gentil à formalidade That could explain his strange behavior.
fria, dependendo da circunstância). (Isso poderia explicar seu comportamento estranho.)

CAN é o menos formal e o mais direto. He can’t have been going to work at that time.
(Não é possível que ele tenha ido trabalhar àquela hora.)
COULD, MAY e MIGHT são os mais formais.
You can use my umbrella if you like. It couldn’t have been an accident.
(Você pode usar o meu guarda-chuva se quiser.) (Não podia ter sido um acidente.)

64 Vol. 2
Interpretação e verbos modais

WILL, WOULD, CAN e COULD – pedido Shall we stop now

WILL é para fazer um pedido de forma mais direta. (Vamos parar agora?)
WOULD é um pouco menos direto, porém mais elegante.
CAN denota mais delicadeza ainda. SHALL – ameaça, promessa
COULD indica menos objetividade. O uso de SHALL, nesse caso, é bastante formal:
Mas, como sempre, o uso desses verbos depende do contexto, do tom
de voz, etc. He shall suffer for this.
(Ele sofrerá por isso.)
Will you show me that letter? Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
(Você me mostra aquela carta?) (Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque alcançarão
Would you move over a bit?
(Você poderia se afastar um pouco?) MUST (obrigação) e SHOULD / OUGHT TO – obrigação moral ou
Can you help me lift this, please?
(Pode me ajudar a levantar isto, por favor?) Os modais SHOULD, MUST e OUGHT TO são de uso corrente na linguagem
Could you tell me how to get to the airport?
(Poderia me dizer como chegar ao aeroporto?) MUST possui um significado mais forte.
SHOULD é utilizado normalmente como forma de dar um conselho.
WILL, SHALL – futuro
WILL e SHALL são os únicos modais que indicam especificamente o You should read this. It’s very good.
tempo, no caso, futuro. (Você deveria ler isto. É muito bom.)

SHALL só é usado na 1a pessoa do singular e do plural ( I e WE ) em inglês Anyone wishing to speak to the director should make an appointment.
britânico um tanto quanto antigo, quando falamos em uso comum da (Quem quiser falar com o diretor, deve marcar uma hora.)
língua. Porém, há casos em que o uso de SHALL é quase que obrigatório.
All students must register by August 15th.
WILL é conjugado nas demais pessoas. Contudo, atualmente se nota o (Todos os estudantes deverão se matricular até o dia 15 de agosto.)
uso de WILL para todas as pessoas nos registros de língua inglesa falada
fora da Inglaterra. You ought to have worked harder.
(Você deveria ter trabalhado mais.)
I shan’t be long.
(Não vou demorar.) MUSTN’ T, OUGHTN’ T – proibição
A negativa de MUST indica sempre proibição.
We shall be expecting you.
(Vamos esperá-lo.) You mustn’ t tell them.
(Você não deve contar para eles.)
It will soon be summer.
(Logo mais será verão.) SHOULD, MUST E OUGHT TO – dedução lógica
Os verbos que denotam obrigação também são usados quando se quer dar
I’ ll go if you like. a ideia de “dedução lógica”. Nessa situação, esses verbos são utilizados
(Eu vou se você quiser.) para fazer deduções

How will we recognize him? The weather should be good in Italy now.
(Como vamos reconhecê-lo?) (O tempo deve estar bom na Itália agora.)

Ao fazer um pedido em um restaurante, em geral usa-se WILL: They ought to have finished by now.
(A essa altura eles já deviam ter terminado.)
I’ ll have shrimps, with French fries and salad.
(Eu vou querer camarões com batatas fritas e salada.) It must be ready to eat now.
(Deve estar pronto para comer agora.)
SHALL – sugestão, convite
He must be nearly 80.
Shall I get you a glass of water? (Ele deve ter quase 80 anos.)
(Posso lhe trazer um copo com água?)
HAVE TO está sendo cada vez mais empregado para expressar “dedução
Shall I open the window a little? lógica”, principalmente nos EUA e entre pessoas mais jovens na Inglaterra,
(Você quer que eu abra um pouco a janela?) embora neste país ainda não seja aceito como “inglês correto” pela maioria
das pessoas:
Shall we go to the cinema this evening?
(Vamos ao cinema hoje à noite?) He has to be the worst singer in the word.
(Ele deve ser o pior cantor do mundo.)

Inglês – Chapter 7

USED TO (costumava) * Ordinary verb

– auxiliar + need
Expressa: – full infinitive

– A ideia de costumava. NEED – MUST – HAVE TO

– Algo que era habitual no passado e não é mais praticado no presente.
– Need – speaker’s authority or advice
Afirmativa: I used to have better choices. Ex.: You needn’t write me another check. Just change the date.
Negativa: I didn’t use to gave better choices.
Interrogativa: Did I use to have better choices? – Must – obligation imposed by the speaker.
Estas são as formas coloquiais e as mais comuns. Também são registradas Ex.: Doctor: you must eat sensibly and you mustn’t overeat.
as formas:
– Have to – external obligation
I usedn’t to drink ou Used you to drink? Ex.: Patient I have to eat sensibly …

Obs.: Estas são, de acordo com as gramáticas mais completas, as formas Needn’t perfect tense
corretas, uma vez que USED TO é um modal, não necessitando de auxiliares – Express an unnecessary action which was nevertheless performed.
para as formas Interrogativa e Negativa. Porém, o uso com o auxiliar DID é
o mais usado atualmente em todos os países de língua inglesa. I needn’t have written to him because he phoned me shortly afterwards
(But I had written, thus wasting my time)
BE USED TO (estar acostumado)
I needn’t have watered the flowers, for it’s going to rain (you wasted time)
Afirmativa: She is used to driving on the right I didn’t have to water the flowers, for its going to rain (no obligation, no action)
Negativa: She isn’t used to driving on the right.
Interrogativa: Is she used to driving on the right. TO BE TO
– shows intention
Expressa: – mutual arrangement
– wish of another person
– A ideia de estar acostumado a algo. – purpose
– Pode ser seguido de outro verbo conjugado no particípio presente
(ING) ou de substantivo Ex.: I am to visit you next week.
We were to be married in May.
HAD BETTER (’D BETTER) (é melhor)
Afirmativa: We’d better take an umbrella with us.
Negativa: We’d better not take an umbrella with us. 01 Shall we go to the movie?
Interrogativa: Had we better take an umbrella with us? Sorry, to the theater.
Expressa: (A) I’d rather to go.
(B) I’d rather go.
– Uma espécie de conselho, algo que deveria ser feito por alguém. (C) I rather to go.
– É traduzido como seria melhor / deveria ser melhor. (D) I’d rather going.
– É sempre seguido de infinitivo sem TO. (E) I rather going.
WOULD RATHER (preferir) 02 If you really want me to I’ll date Lorene but.
Afirmativa: I would rather take a taxi than walk home. (A) I’d rather you dated her.
Negativa: I would rather not take a taxi than walk home. (B) I’d rather to you dated her.
Interrogativa: Would I rather take a taxi than walk home? (C) I’d rather dating you with her.
(D) I’d rather to date her you.
Expressa: (E) I’d rather you to dated her.
– Preferência 03 We don’t know about you, but we ...................... attend the Math class
– É sempre seguido de infinitivo sem TO than go away.
* Auxiliary (A) ’d better to (D) ’d rather not to
– Interrogative or negative (B) ’d rather to (E) ’d rather be to
– No variation, no auxiliar (C) ’d rather
– Need, Need not (needn’ t)
– Bare infinitive

66 Vol. 2
Interpretação e verbos modais

04 Listen, if you really want to get over your sickness you not sleep late. 13 He go with us. He may stay with the children.

(A) ’better (D) ’d better (A) needs not (D) doesn’t needs
(B) ’d better to (E) would better (B) needn’t (E) needs not to
(C) ’better to (C) doesn’t need

05 When I was younger, I overreact to situations but now I doing it any longer. 14 Cintia read a magazine than a book.

(A) used to/ am not used to (D) used/ am not used to (A) ’d rather to (D) ’d not better
(B) used/ am not used (E) used to/ used to (B) ’d better to (E) ’d rather
(C) used to/ not use to (C) ’d not rather

06 She up late in the morning. 15 Everybody’s watching us. We leave now.

(A) was used to get (D) is used to get (A) ’d better not (D) ’d not better
(B) used to getting (E) used to got (B) ’d better to (E) would better not
(C) is used to getting (C) ’d better not to

07 They’re so good that they do this without a laughter. 16 you to come along with us?

(A) can’t (D) should (A) Might we have asked

(B) can (E) isn’t able to (B) Might have we asked
(C) may (C) Might asked we have
(D) Have might we asked
08 I be a lazy student, but now I’m a very responsible one. (E) Have we might asked

(A) used (D) using 17 Prepare yourselves now and you worry about the test later.
(B) used to (E) to used to
(C) to use (A) can have
(B) won’t have
09 Before Mara arrangements to travel to Paris she received an amazing (C) won’t have to
letter from Dorival. (D) will have not to
(E) will to have not
(A) may make
(B) must make 18 Every educated citizen pass on his good examples to the new
(C) ought make generations.
(D) could make
(E) mays make (A) are to.
(B) should to.
10 My father is a nap after meals. (C) cans.
(D) is to.
(A) used to taking (E) were to.
(B) used to take
(C) uses to take 19 Marcela us this favor.
(D) used taking
(E) used taking to (A) could have do
(B) could has done
11 Sorry, it was my only choice. I simply .................. what I did. (C) could have died
(D) could has did
(A) did done (E) could have done
(B) had to do
(C) must do 20 I can’t find Ruth anywhere. She
(D) ought do
(E) should doing (A) must have leave (D) must have left
(B) have must leave (E) must to have left
12 It’s late now. You home. (C) has must leave

(A) should be head (D) should to head

(B) should heading (E) should have heading
(C) should be heading

Adjetivos e advérbios C hapter

Interpretação EXERCISES LEVEL 1

What is 21st Century Education? 01 The central theme of this text is the:
It is bold. It breaks the mold. It is flexible, creative, challenging, (A) use of handheld gaming devices and sites such as in schools.
and complex. It addresses a rapidly changing world filled with fantastic (B) decadence of the world’s societies in sixty years, when today’s
new problems as well as exciting new possibilities.
kindergarteners will be retiring.
The new millennium was ushered in by a dramatic technological (C) emergence of new forms of energy, advances in medicine and means of
5 revolution. We now live in an increasingly diverse, globalized, and communication.
complex, media-saturated society. According to Dr. Douglas Kellner
(D) unlimited possibilities of globalization and emerging technologies that make
at UCLA this technological revolution will have a greater impact on 10
the world a better place.
society than the transition from an oral to a print culture.
(E) importance of developing innovative educational strategies to meet the
Today’s kindergarteners will be retiring in the year 2067. We have needs of the students in the new century.
10 no idea of what the world will look in five years, much less 60 years,
yet we are charged with preparing our students for life in that world. Our
02 According to Dr. Douglas Kellner in paragraph 2 (lines 6), the
students 15 are facing many emerging issues such as global warming,
famine, poverty, health issues, a global population explosion and other technological revolution of the 21st century:
environmental and social issues.
(A) cannot change the way people live nowadays.
15 These issues lead to a need for students to be able to communicate, (B) can mark the transition from an oral to a print culture.
function and create change personally, 20 socially, economically and (C) has been unprecedented in the history of human societies.
politically on local, national and global levels. (D) will only bring negative consequences to the future generations.
Even kindergarten children can make a difference in the world by (E) ill be less important to mankind than the invention of the printing press.
participating in real-life, real-world service learning projects. You’re
20 never too young, or too old, to Vmake your voice heard and create 03 In “These issues lead to a need for students to be able to communicate,”
change that makes the world a better place. (lines 15), the expression “these issues” refers to the:
Emerging technologies and resulting globalization also provide
unlimited possibilities for exciting new discoveries and developments (A) emerging technologies that will have a huge impact on today’s society.
such as new forms of energy, medical advances, restoration of (B) social, economical and political problems that were solved locally in
25 environmentally ravaged areas, communications, and exploration into the past.
space and into the depths of the oceans. The possibilities are unlimited. (C) needs students have to communicate, function and innovate in the
world of today.
iKids in the New Millennium (D) importance of participating in real-life, real-world service learning
27 You may have heard today’s students referred to as “digital projects that will make the world a better place.
natives”, and today’s educators as “digital immigrants”. We are (E) problems found in the contemporary world, such as global warming,
working with students whose entire lives have been immersed in the famine, poverty and population explosion.
30 21st century media culture.
According to an article on the web site, today’s 04 In “So, there must be a dramatic departure from the factory model
students are digital learners – they literally take in the world via the filter
education on the past.” (lines 46-47), “must” is correctly replaced by:
of computing devices: the cellular phones, handheld gaming devices,
PDAs, and laptops they take everywhere, plus the computers, TVs, (A) will. (D) might.
35 and game consoles at home. A survey by the Henry J. Kaiser Family (B) can. (E) would.
Foundation found that young people (ages 8-18) mainline electronic
(C) ought to.
media for more than one quarter of their day. Many are multitasking –
listening to music while surfing the Web or instant-messaging friends
while playing a video game. 05 In paragraph 7 (lines 27-28), the author uses the expressions “digital
natives” and “digital immigrants”. Choose the alternative that correctly
40 Even toddlers utilize multimedia devices and the Internet with
explains the meanings of these expressions in the text.
tools such as handheld video games like Leapster and web sites
such as and Preschoolers easily
navigate these electronic, multimedia resources on games in which (A) “Digital immigrants” refers to the fact that the students are immigrating
they learn colors, numbers, letters, spelling, and more complex tasks to a new world, different from the one they were born into.
45 such as mixing basic colors to create new colors, problem-solving (B) “Digital natives” means that the educators are familiar with the new
activities, and reading. So, there must be a dramatic departure from electronic devices, because they grew up in this technological environment.
the factory-model education of the past. It is abandonment, finally, (C) “Digital natives” and “digital immigrants” are used to symbolize the
of textbook-driven, teacher-centered, paper and pencil schooling. It extreme intimacy of students and educators with technology.
means a new way of understanding the concept of “knowledge”, a (D) “Digital natives” and “digital immigrants” are used to symbolize,
50 new definition of the “educated person”. A new way of designing and respectively, today’s students’ intimacy and the educators’ unfamiliarity
delivering the curriculum is required. The 21st century will require with technology.
knowledge generation, not just information delivery, and schools will (E) “Digital natives” refers to both students and educators who make good
need to create a “culture of inquiry”. use of technology, while “digital immigrants” refers only to students
Disponível em: <>. who still need to learn to use computers.

68 Vol. 2
Adjetivos e advérbios

06 Mark the only option that states an important conclusion of the study Adjetivo
conducted by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, reported on paragraph
6 (lines 31-32). # Definição: os adjetivos modificam os substantivos, não têm gênero e
(A) Students should not be encouraged to multitask because it can lead Ex.: a good friend, a nice girl
to hyperactivity.
(B) Children and adolescents spend more than six hours of their day using # Posição: em inglês há duas posições principais para o adjetivo:
electronic devices.
(C) Listening to music while surfing on the Web can be dangerous and I. Imediatamente antes de um substantivo, podendo aparecer mais de
harmful for students’ studying habits. um adjetivo.
(D) No handheld video games and websites can help preschoolers learn
colors, numbers, letters and spelling. Ex.: Valentine’s Day has a long and romantic history.
(E) All contemporary school teachers make students use different
technological devices to learn, such as PDAs, cellular phones, and II. Após um *verbo de ligação, podendo aparecer um ou mais adjetivos.
handheld gaming devices. No caso de dois adjetivos, eles são ligados por and. Havendo três ou mais
adjetivos, somente os dois últimos são ligados por and; os anteriores, por
07 Which option contains a correct correspondence of meaning? vírgula.

(A) “exciting’ (line 3) and stimulating are synonymous. Ex.: The dog was old, ugly, and smelly.
(B) “unlimited”(line 23) and endless are antonymous. * verbos de ligação – be, get, become, seem, look, feel, sound, test,
(C) “advances” (line 24) could not be replaced by developments. smell, remain
(D) “ravaged” (line 25) and preserved have similar meanings.
(E) “designing” (line 50) and planning indicate opposing ideas. # Adjetivos terminados em ING e ED:
Existem muitos adjetivos terminados em ING e ED.
08 Which of the following expressions in italics introduces a contrast? Comparando alguns desses adjetivos abaixo:
(A) “… world filled with fantastic new problems as well as exciting new (A) My job is boring
possibilities.” (lines 2-3) I’m bored with my job.
(B) “We have no idea of what the world will look in five years, … yet (B) My job is interesting.
we are charged with preparing our students for life in that world.” I’m not interested in my job any more.
(lines 9-10) (C) My life is tiring.
(C) “…provide unlimited possibilities for exciting new discoveries and I’m very tired.
developments such as new forms of energy, medical advances, (D) My salary is satisfing.
restoration of environmentally ravaged areas,”(lines 22-25) I’m not satisfied with my salary.
(D) “So, there must be a dramatic departure from the factorymodel (E) That routine is depressing.
education of the past.” (lines 46-47) I’m depressed with that routine.
(E) “It is abandonment, finally, of textbook-driven, teachercentered, paper (F) Julia thinks politics is surprising.
and pencil schooling.” (lines 47-48) Julia is very surprised with politics.
(G) The film was disappointing.
09 Mark the only alternative that does NOT express a characteristic of the I was disappointed with the film.
21st century, according to the text. (H) The news was shocking.
(A) Educators need to prepare students for a kind of life in the future that We were very shocked with the news.
is unpredictable.
(B) Schools will deal with a new generation of students that are motivated ING – refere-se a alguma coisa ED – refere-se a alguém
to ask questions and find their own answers.
(C) Future generations of learners will be more familiar with technology Tipos de Adjetivos
than older generations of educators.
(D) Students of the new century will need to create solutions for problems Existem adjetivos classificados como:
that will certainly become more dramatic in the near future.
(E) Students will have to learn in an environment where education is (A) adjetivos de fato (dão-nos informações sobre o substantivo).
textbook-driven, teacher-centered, and paper and pencil-based. (B) adjetivos de opinião (dizem-nos o que alguém pensa).

10 Based on the discussion presented in the text, a “culture of inquiry” Quando usamos mais de um adjetivo, é necessário seguir uma ordem
(line 53) should: quanto à posição deles:
(A) focus on learning about different nationalities.
(B) reduce the large amount of time students spend multitasking.
(C) restrict the young learners’ use of different digital sources to access
(A) Tamanho (size)
(D) develop an investigative attitude motivating students to construct
(B) Idade (age)
knowledge, not just repeat information.
(C) Formato (shape)
(E) create new teaching methodologies focused on delivering information
and following a pre-defined curriculum.

Inglês – Chapter 2

(D) Cor (colours) Ill Short

(E) Origem (origin) Just Still
(F) Material (material) Kindly Straight
(G) Propósito (purpose) Late Well
Left Wrong
Obs.: “Little, old, young são frequentemente usados não como informação
simples mas como uma combinação adjetivo – substantivo. Ficam sempre Deeply – mais comum quando refere-se a sentimento.
próximos do substantivo. Ex.: He was deeply offended.

Ex.: Your nephew is a nice little boy.

Directly – indicando tempo (quando) ou conexão.
Obs.: “Pretty” seguido de outro adjetivo sem vírgula entre eles é um Ex.: He will be here directly (soon)
advérbio de intensidade. It will affect us directly.

Hardly – raramente.
Highly – somente com sentido abstrato.
# Definição: os advérbios modificam verbos, adjetivos ou outros
Ex.: They spoke very highly of him.
Ex.: She walks slowly. Justly – corresponde justo / certo / lícito.
They are very stupid. Lately – corresponde a recentemente.
Mostly – corresponde a principalmente
Muitos advérbios de modo e intensidade são formados pelo acréscimo de Nearly – corresponde a aproximadamente
ly ao adjetivo correspondesnte. Prettily – corresponde ao adjetivo pretty, mas também pode ser um
advérbio de intensidade (pretty).
Ex.: The girls are always prettily dressed ou The exam was pretty difficult.
* Adjetivo com final y perde o y e ganha i + ly. Rightly – usado com um verbo no particípio significando correctly, justly.
happy – happily
Ex.: He was rightly / justly punished.
* Adjetivo com final e, acrescenta-se ly exceto: true – trully, due – duly,
Whole – Wholly. Shortly – Soon
Wrongly – usado com um verbo no particípio.
* Adjetivo terminado em consoante + le, retira-se a letra e acrescenta-se y.
capable – capably, simples – simply
Ex.: You were wrongly informed.
* Adjetivo terminado em vogal + l , acrescenta-se ly.
Well – quando é adjetivo seu significado é “IN GOOD HEALTH”.
beautiful – beautifully

* Adjetivos terminados em IC, acrescenta-se o sufixo – ALLY Ex.: How are you today? I’m very well.
tragic – tragically
Hardly Ever – quase nunca
Outras exceções: Fairly – razoavelmente, bastante.
GOOD – WELL É usado com adjetivos positivos.
KINDLY – é adjetivo e advérbio Ex.: The weather was fairly nice.
FRIENDLY, LIKELY, LONELY não são usados como advérbios e não tem
forma adverbial correspondente. Quite – muito, bastante, totalmente, completamente.
Ex.: The cake was quite full.
Adjetivos e advérbios que possuem a mesma forma:

Back Little Rather – Bastante.

Deep Long É mais aplicado com sentido negativo.
Direct Low
Early Much Ex.: The film was rather boring.
Enough More
Far Most OBS.:
Fast Near Rather
Hard Pretty
High Right I. Pode ser usado antes de alike, like, similar, different e antes de
comparativo, significado A LITTLE or SLIGHTLY

70 Vol. 2
Adjetivos e advérbios

II. Pode ser usado antes de determinados substantivos: DISAPPOINT, EXERCISES LEVEL 2
III. Pode ser usado antes de determinados FAVOURABLE ADJECTIVES
01 Choose the correct alternative:
tais como AMUSING, CLEVER, GOOD, PRETTY, WELL, mas seu
significado muda para NEARLY
He’s able to tell you anything about ______________________works.
Ex.: It´s a fairly good play – poderia não estimular alguém a assistir a peça.
(A) Shakespeare’. (D) a Shakespeare.
Ex.: It´s rather good play – é uma forte recomendação e expressa até
(B) Shakespear. (E) Shakespeares’.
uma ideia de surpresa.
(C) Shakespeare’s.
Pretty – Tem o mesmo significado que rather.
02 I ________________ in the park every morning when I was a child.
É usado de forma neutra.
(A) walk.
Ex.: The test was pretty easy.
(B) had walked.
Quite – Pode ter dois significados: (C) have walked.
(D) am walking.
COMPLETELY – usado com determinados adjetivos: GOOD, CERTAIN, (E) used to walk.
AMAZING, EXTRAORDINARY, HORRIBLE, PERFECT 03 We are looking forward to _________________ news from them.
Quando usado com outros adjetivos/advérbios, quite tem um efeito mais
brando. (A) receive.
# Tipos: (B) receives.
(C) receiving.
(D) received.
Adverbs (I) (E) will receive.
Time, frequency, manner
‘‘Sometimes when you’re making a...gesture..’’ 04 A: “Would you like some more whiskey?”
B: “No, thanks. I ____________________ a lot.”
Em final de frases.
Time No inicio de frases.
Antes de verbo principal. (A) have already drunk.
(B) have already drank.
(C) already drink.
He used to have a beard, then.
Soon he will understand our reasons.
Yet deve ser usado no final de frases negativas ou
interrogativas como Present Perfect Tense.
(D) has already drunk.
The children are still studying Have you been to Tom’s yet? (E) have already drinking.
v.a. v.p. No. I haven’t been to Tom’s yet.

Frequency Antes de verbos principais e após verbos auxiliares. 05 What’s wrong with your sister? She’s uptight because she’s
Always Never Often Seldom Rarely Once ________________of money.
sempre nunca frequentemente raramente raramente uma vez
He is always in a hurry We have never visited Japan She often sings for us.
v.a. v.a. v.p. v.p. (A) let go.
(B) run out.
Manner (-ly)
Em final de frases.
Após verbos auxiliares e antes de verbos principais.
(C) brought down.
(D) gone over.
Slowly kindly Well Fast Otherwise
lentamente gentilmente bem depressa de outro modo, ao contrário (E) get out.
That car runs fast. OTHERWISE deve ser usado após o verbo principal.
This medicine is to be taken in small doses, for taken otherwise it
You could kindly ask him to leave.
v.a. v.p. could be harmful. v.p. 06
In: “A lot of people want to go to the Olympics, and only so many
tickets are available. So to keep everybody happy, you sometimes have
Observação: to stretch the definition of sport. This, no doubt, is how the Greeks came
up with the pole vault. And this year offers a borinty of stupid sports to
A inversão do sujeito com o verbo auxiliar é obrigatória quando certos advérbios mollify the masses.”
(geralmente com sentido negativo) aparecem no início da oração. São eles:
By Joel Stein – This is Sport?. Time. Latin American Edition. September 11, 2000.
1. Hardly, scarcely, barely (quase não, muito pouco) In the excerpt the underlined phrasal verb means:
2. Neither / Nor
3. Never (A) realized.
4. No sooner (B) invented.
5. Nowher (C) recollected.
6. Only (D) got rid of.
7. Seldom (E) picked up.
8. So

Inglês – Chapter 2

07 “Why is your partner uptight?” 09 “She won’t object to not being invited” means:

“I guess she’s not used to _______________ harshly.” (A) They wouldn’t invite her unless she didn’t object.
(B) She wishes they would invite her.
(A) being spoken to (C) Although she won’t object, they invited her.
(B) being spoke to (D) She doesn’t care about being invited or not.
(C) be spoke to (E) She could object not to be invited.
(D) be spoked to
(E) be speaking to 10 The police ________________looking for the terrorists _______________
are still at large.
08 The word that does not form the superlative in the same way as:
“craziest” in: (A) are – which.
(B) are – that.
“We are the craziest people in the world. We celebrate our tragedies. (C) is – who.
What victory, what freedom are they talking about?” (D) is – whom.
(E) is – that.
Unemployed schoolteacher Stojan Pontovski. Newsweek. April 3, 2000
11 A fine tomb, _______________, marks the grave of the poet Chaucer.
(A) far
(B) little (A) which in the fifteenth century was erecting
(C) clever (B) erecting in the fifteen century
(D) lovely (C) erected in the fifteenth century
(E) common (D) been erected in the fifteenth century
(E) erect in the fifteenth century



















72 Vol. 2
Comparativo e superlativo C hapter

Interpretação EXERCISES LEVEL 1

Reducing the dependence on oil
Ildo Sauer, Gas and Energy Director, Petrobras Brazil’s energy 01 The main purpose of the text is to:
sector is following the worldwide tendency owards greater
diversification of primary energy sources and the increased use of (A) criticize the significant rise in production costs of gas in Brazil.
natural gas and 5 biofuels. There are several reasons for this change. (B) list the advantages and disadvantages of the changing profile of gas supply.
5 The ost important are the environmental restrictions that are gradually (C) discuss relevant issues in the use of gas as a primary energy resource in
being adopted in the world’s principal energy-consuming markets and Brazil.
the need to reduce the dependence on oil, set against a scenario of (D) recommend the need for intensification of competition and greater
accelerated 10 depletion in oil reserves and escalating prices. diversification of primary energy sources.
The share of gas in Brazilian primary energy consumption has (E) evaluate all the current environmental restrictions adopted in the world’s
10 more than doubled in a short period, increasing from 4.1% in 1999 principal energy-consuming markets.
to 8.9% in 2004, and this share is forecast to rise to 12% by 2010.
02 According to the author, the world gas industry, since the late 80s,
Over the past two decades, the world gas industry has experienced
a structural and regulatory transformation. These changes have has:
altered the strategic behaviour of gas firms, with an intensification of (A) maintained a local focus and faced huge losses.
15 competition, the search for diversification (especially in 20 the case
(B) felt the need to resort to traditional power generation mechanisms.
of power generation) and the internationalisation of industry activities.
(C) become a less competitive market due to the rising competition of
Together, these changes have radically changed the economic
environment and the level of competition in the industry.
(D) suffered changes in both the structure of the industry and the norms
Brazil’s gas industry is characterised by its late development, that regulate it.
20 although in recent years, internal supply imports and demand have
(E) banned the internationalization of its activities in search for higher
grown significantly – the growth trajectory of recent years exceeds
national economic advantages.
that of countries with more mature markets, such as Spain, Argentina,
03 In Brazil, the gas industry can currently be considered:
the UK and the US. And the outlook is positive for continued growth
over the next few years, particularly when set against the investment
(A) a segment growing at a slow rate, despite the forecast of a few
25 plans already announced in Brazil.
prospective investments in the area.
The country has a small transportation network concentrated
(B) a promising economic segment that has recently exceeded results of
near the coast. The distribution network is concentrated in the major
more traditional markets.
consumption centres.
(C) more mature than the Argentinian gas industry, yet not as profitable.
Domestic gas sources are largely offshore in the Campos basin
(D) feasible, as it requires no investment in transport and distribution.
30 and Bolivia provides imports. Given the degree of gas penetration in
(E) potentially weak in terms of national demands for its growth.
the country’s primary energy consumption, the industry is poorly
developed when 40 compared with other countries. The industry
04 Mark the only correct statement.
requires heavy investment in expanding the transport and distribution
(T&D) networks, as well as in diversifying and increasing its supplies.
35 Such investments are necessary for realising the industry’s enormous (A) “this change” (line 4) refers to “reasons” (line 4).
potential. Another key industry highlight is the changing profile of (B) “that of” (line 22) refers to “years” (line 20).
gas supply. A large part of the gas produced domestically to date (C) “its” (line 19) refers to “industry” (line 19).
has been associated with oil production. The latter diluting or even (D) “The latter” (line 38) refers to “gas produced domestically” (lines 37).
totally absorbing the costs of exploiting the gas. In most cases, (E) “This” (line 4) refers to “(E&P) sector equipment” (line 45).
40 gas production was feasible only in conjunction with oil production
activities. However, the country’s latest gas finds are non-associated. 05 According to the text, which of the following is NOT going to be a
Thus, an exclusively dedicated structure must be developed to produce problem for the future of the gas industry in Brazil?
this gas – translating into a significant rise in production costs. This 55
is more significant when analysed against the high costs associated (A) The need for Bolivian imports and the domestic offshore gas sources.
45 with the market for exploration and production (E&P) sector equipment. (B) The need for intense capital investments to expand the distribution
In recent years, the leasing costs of drilling rigs and E&P equipment networks.
have been climbing in parallel with escalating oil prices. This directly (C) The restricted transportation network and its concentration along the
affects endconsumer prices. Brazilian coastline.
In a world of primary energy consumption diversification, of (D) The increased competition in the world market, which can easily stifle
50 greater environmental restrictions and the reduced dependence on the sector in Brazil.
oil, Brazil has been seeking to develop alternative energy sources (E) The interest of Brazilian authorities in developing alternative energy
– principally natural 65 gas and biofuels. The gas industry holds sources including biofuels and natural gas.
enormous potential for Brazil, although there is still a long way to go
before it reaches maturity and major investment is required.
World Energy in 2006. copyright © 2006, World Energy Council. p.29-31.

Inglês – Chapter 9

06 Choose the only alternative that corresponds in meaning to the following “Natural gas is fast becoming the economic and environmental fuel of
sentence in Paragraph 5 “Given the degree of gas penetration in the choice. The last 30 years have seen the global industry almost triple in size
country’s primary energy consumption, the industry is poorly developed and similar growth can be expected in the next 30, as national governments
when compared with other countries.” (lines 30-32). and global industry look to gas to ensure the stability and diversity of their
energy supplies.”
(A) The Brazilian gas industry is less developed in relation to that of other
countries if one considers the share of gas in Brazilian primary energy 10 This comment by Linda Cook, Executive Director of a British Gas and
consumption. Power Company, reproduces a similar idea to that in the following segment
(B) The Brazilian government gives large incentives for an increased from Ildo Sauer’s text:
penetration of primary energy sources in the market.
(C) The degree of industrial development in Brazil is poor and requires (A) “Brazil’s energy sector is following the worldwide tendency towards
alternative primary energy sources from other countries. greater diversification of primary energy sources and the increased
(D) The poor development of the gas industry in other countries results in use of natural gas and biofuels.” (lines 1-4)
a lower share in primary energy consumption. (B) “Over the past two decades, the world gas industry has experienced
(E) The gas penetration in Brazilian primary energy consumption reveals a structural and regulatory transformation.” (lines 12-13)
a poorly developed country. (C) “The distribution network is concentrated in the major consumption
centres.” (lines 14)
07 Check the only correct option. (D) “The industry requires heavy investment in expanding the transport
and distribution (T&D) networks,” (lines 32-34)
(A) “depletion” (line 8) means the same as abundance. (E) “In most cases, gas production was feasible only in conjunction with
(B) “forecast” (line 11) and backcast are perfect antonyms. oil production activities.” (lines 39-41)
(C) “set against” (line 7) and set forth have equivalent meanings.
(D) “to date” (line 37) and until now have the same meanings.
(E) “feasible” (line 40) means unlikely. Grau Comparativo e Superlativo de Adjetivo e
08 According to Paragraph 6 (lines 29-48), it is correct to state that:
Comparative Forms
(A) production costs will not affect end-consumer prices in the gas industry.
(B) the need for drilling rigs and other equipment for exploring gas are not Comparative Structures
major concerns for the Brazilian gas industry. Comparativo de Igualdade
(C) the most recently found sources of gas have the advantage of being
associated with oil exploration and production. afirmativo
AS... AS... Marcos is as strong as his younger brother.
(D) the production of gas in Brazil has, until recently, been separated from (tão... como/quanto...) Marcos is as impulsive as his younger brother.
the production of oil and has thus been economically advantageous.
(E) heavy investment in a gas-dedicated structure will be the major negativo
Marcos is not so strong as his younger brother.
drawback for the exploration and production of the recently found gas NOT SO... AS...
Marcos is not as strong as his younger brother.
NOT AS... AS...
supplies. (não/nem tão...
Marcos is not so impulsive as his younger brother.
como/quanto...) Marcos is not as impulsive as his younger brother.
09 Check the item in which there is an incorrect correspondence between
the idea expressed by the words in bold type and the idea in italics.
Comparativo de Inferioridade
(A) “– the growth trajectory of recent years exceeds that of countries with LESS... THAN... Marcos is less strong than his younger brother.
(menos... que...)
more mature markets, such as Spain, Argentina, the UK and the US.” Marcos is less impulsive than his younger brother.
(lines 22)Such as – example
(B) “The industry requires heavy investment in expanding the transport and
distribution (T&D) networks, as well as in diversifying and increasing Comparativo de Superioridade
its supplies.” (lines 34) As well as – addition -ER THAN...
Marcos is stronger than his younger brother.
(C) “However, the country’s latest gas finds are non-associated.” MORE... THAN...
Marcos is more impulsive than his younger brother.
(lines 41) However –contrast (mais... que...)

(D) “Thus, an exclusively dedicated structure…” (lines 42) Thus-result

(E) “The gas industry holds enormous potential for Brazil, although there
is still a long way to go…” (lines 53) Although – consequence

74 Vol. 2
Comparativo e superlativo

Superlative Forms Ex.:

I am more tired than you – He is the most tired athlete in our team.
Superlative Structures French is more difficult than Portuguese – I think Chinese is the most
difficult language in the world.
Superlativo de Inferioridade
THE LEAST... Marcos is the least strong of the boys.
(o/a menos...) Marcos is the least impulsive of the boys.
Simple – Simpler than More
The simplest – The most simple
Superlativo de Superioridade simple than
THE -EST Clever – Cleverer than More The cleverest – The most clever
Marcos is the strongest of the boys.
Marcos is the most impulsive of the boys. Narrow – Narrower than More
(o/a menos...) The narrowest – The most narrow
narrow than
Parallel Increase Mature – Maturer than More
Modelo The maturest – The most mature
quanto mais... mais.. mature than
THE + COMPARATIVE, THE + COMPARATIVE quanto menos... menos...
Friendly – Friendlier than More
The sooner, the better. The Friendliest – The most friendly
The older, the more esperienced. friendly than
The more diferent, the more beautiful.
Os adjetivos – Common – Handsome – Polite – Pleasant – Quiet – Eager –
Gradual Increase Stupid – Modern – Solid são mais usados na regra MORE + ADJECTIVE +
Modelo I mais/menos... THAN, pois o uso do sufixo ER soa estranho embora gramaticalmente correto.
cada vez mais/menos
mais e mais
The weather is getting/becoming cold. menos e menos...
Os adjetivos RIGHT – WRONG – JUST – REAL – seguem a regra MORE +
The weather is getting/becoming colder. ADJECTIVE + THAN .
The weather is getting/becoming less cold.

Modelo II
III. Adjetivos dissilábicos não terminados em Y:

SUJEITO + BE + GETTING/BECOMING + COMPARATIVO + AND + COMPARATIVO • Comparativo – more + adjetivo + than.

The weather is getting/becoming colder and colder. • Superlaivo – the most + adjetivo.
Modelo III


FAR FARTHER (distância fisica)
The weather is getting/becoming more and more cold.
The weather is getting/becoming less and less cold. FURTHER (abstrata, genérico, adicional)
Comparativo LITTLE LESS


OLD ELDER (pessoas da mesma família)
I. Quando um adjetivo monossilábico termina em uma consoante única, OLDER (pessoa ou coisa em geral)
precedida de uma só vogal, a consoante final é duplicada antes de
acrescentar ER ou EST.
II. Adjetivos dissilábicos terminados em Y:

• Comparativo – troca-se o Y por I e acrescenta-se ER + THAN. 01 The phrase “longer than” is one of the comparative forms of the
• Superlativo – troca-se o Y por I e acrescenta-se EST. adjective “long”. Choose the alternative which has another comparative
form and a superlative one:

(A) as long – longest (D) as long as – longest

MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN THE MOST + ADJECTIVE (B) so much longer – longest (E) as long as – the longest
More tired than. The most tired. (C) as long – the longest

More boring than. The most boring. 02 Which alternatives contain comparative statements?
More famous than. The most famous. (A) Some dreams are more mysterious than others.
More comic than. The most comic. (B) Some dreams are as real as life.
(C) Some dreams are longer than others.
More interesting than. The most interesting. (D) Freud became famous for studying dreams.
(E) It is clear that some dreams are universal.

Inglês – Chapter 9

03 Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas. 09 Marque a alternativa que completa as lacunas corretamente.

Riding a horse is not _____________ riding bicycle. Of all the movies I have seen lately the one Isaw yesterday was ______.

(A) so easy as (A) worse

(B) easyer than (B) worst
(C) more easy than (C) the worse
(D) the least easy (D) the worst
(E) so easy so (E) the most worse

04 John: Is Sam from China? 10 Bob Evans, that athletic-looking young man, ran _________ and finally
won the race.
Hellen: No, he is from Canada.
John: Is Canada __________ than China? (A) fast and faster
Hellen: I don’t know. (B) faster and fast
(C) fast and fast
(A) most large (D) faster and faster
(B) large (E) more and more fast
(C) largest
(D) more large
11 __________ the child _________-the payment.
(E) larger
(A) The eldest – the greater
05 Our next examination may be ____________ the last one.
(B) Older – greater
(C) The oldest – the greatest
(A) more bad than
(D) The elder – the greatest
(B) more worse than
(E) The older – the greater
(C) much bad than
(D) worse than
(E) more badly than 12 Air-jets are much __________. Let’s go by car. It’s _________.

06 Mr. Smith: I’m sorry, Mr Johnson. I believe the candidate you sent us (A) slower – quicker
will not suit our purposes. We need somebody ___________ than he. (B) cheaper – more cheap
Mr. Johnson: In that case I would suggest Miss Cary. She is definitely the (C) expensive – more cheap
__________ person in our group. (D) quicker – more slow
(E) more expensive – cheaper
(A) smarter – most intelligent
(B) smart – intelligent 13 “When will you be able to give us ___________ information about
(C) smartest – more intelligent the crime?”
(D) as smart – as intelligent
(E) as smart as – as intelligent as (A) far
(B) furthest
07 Dadas as afirmações de que o comparativa de superioridade de: (C) farthest
(D) farther
I. Clever é Cleverer. (E) further
II. Much é More.
III. Many é More.
14 The ___________ people know about our private lives, the better.
Constatamos que está(ao) corretas(s):
(A) few
(A) apenas a afirmação I. (B) little
(B) apenas a afirmações II. (C) least
(C) apenas a afirmação III. (D) lest
(D) apenas as afirmações I e II. (E) less
(E) todas as afirmações.
15 Choose the sentence(s) that contains (contain) adjectives in the
08 Qual o superlativo de little? comparative form:

(A) most little. (A) Chris Dawson is a good climber.

(B) littlest. (B) He feels cold in the morning.
(C) lesser. (C) People in expeditions usually know each other.
(D) least. (D) Climbing mountains is more difficult than swimming.
(E) less. (E) She is the most beautiful girl here.

76 Vol. 2
Comparativo e superlativo

































Vozes ativa e passiva A ssunto


01 Which is the meaning of the underlined words in these sentences from 07 “If you think of the difficulties, you will realize why marriage decisions
the text? take time.”
Another way to express the same idea can be:
Improperly set up, it can go off.
You will be the “booby” who ultimately gets trapped. (A) Think of the difficulties or else you will realize the marriage decisions
(A) fix / be injured.
(B) Think of the difficulties and you will realize why marriage decisions
(B) imagined / tune in.
take time.
(C) deployed / be caught.
(C) If thinking of the difficulties realized you it’s because the marriage
(D) tuned in / be confused.
decisions time.
(D) If you thought of the difficulties, you would realize why marriage
02 “You won’t discover the limits of your soul, however far you go.”
decisions take time.
(Heraclitus) What do you infer from this saying?

(A) You must go far to discover your limits. We know dinosaurs only by their bones. The largest, most powerful
(B) As a matter of fact, your soul has no limits. animals to walk the earth are extinct. Their “arrogance of power ”was of
(C) The limits of your soul aren’t however very far. no use.
(D) Walk a long way through and you shall find your limits. There is an irony here. If we had been their contemporaries, we would
never have suspected that theirs would be such a sad and inglorious end.
03 Choose the correct question for the context: The stronger the better, we assume, in the struggle for existence. The
more powerful a species is, the greater should be its chances of survival.
You are speaking to your daughter. You want to make sure that she turned
off the stove. You ask her: But this did not prove to be true. Animals of much more fragile
structure, whose bodies were weaker and smaller beyond comparison
(A) You turned off the stove, did you? are still around. But dinosaurs are nothing more than memories of one of
(B) You do turn off the stove, didn’t you? life’s experiments that failed.
(C) You didn’t turn off the stove, did you? The dinosaurs disappeared not because they were too weak, but
(D) You did turn off the stove, didn’t you? because they were too strong. Their fantastic power came from a biological
framework which was basically absurd, and the result was annihilation. Can
04 What’s the right answer for the numerical expressions below? you cure an insane person by making his body physically fit? Obviously
not. This would add power to insanity, making it more insane still. The
1 3 16 power generated by an irrational structure only tends to aggravate the very
; 2 ;
5 5 15 irrationality from which it springs. By adding power to the absurd one does
not abolish it; on the contrary, it becomes still more hopelessly entangled in
(A) One fives / two thirty-five / sixteen fifteen. itself. Power is like a mathematical number inside a bracket. If the bracket
(B) One five / two and third fifth / sixteen fifteens. is preceded by a minus sign, it is not possible to transform into a plus by
(C) One fifth / two and three fifths / sixteen fifteenths. making the number bigger and bigger. This simply increases its negativity.
(D) First fifths / second thirty-five / sixteenth fifteenths.
Power is a simple potential zing factor. It can never go beyond the
logic of the structure that generates it. This is why dinosaurs had to die.
05 Choose the alternative that is correct:
Their “arrogance of power” entrapped them in the very absurdity of their
organic structure. They were thereby made incapable of responding in
(A) I hid the remote control of my son.
different ways to the new challenges their environment presented.
(B) We can say that fortune smiled to him at last.
(C) Whip the eggs and the butter and then add sugar to the mixture. Our civilizations is behaving just like the dinosaur. Underneath
(D) After thinking about the matter for a long time, he arrived to decision. everything it does, one finds the ultimate certainty that there is no problem
that cannot be solved by means of a little more power. It is not by accident
06 What’s the passive voice for “Mr. McCannigan left this leather jacket that for years detergent makers have been advertising “stronger”, “faster”,
in the back seat of my car last night”? “more concentrated” and improved formulas. They know that these values
control our collective unconscious. What is stronger must be better. Love
(A) Mr. McCanningan had been leaving this jacket in the back seat of my of power has become our obsession, and power itself our sole god.
“Tomorrow’s child” Rubem Alves
(B) Last night this leather jacket in the back left in my car by Mr.
(C) This leather jacket was left in the back seat of my car by Mr.
McCannigan last night.
(D) This leather jacket had been left by the back seat of Mr. McCannigan’s
car last night.

78 Vol. 2
Vozes ativa e passiva

08 “But this did not prove to be true”. The underlined word refers to the Ex.: John told me a story. A story is told to me by John or I was told a story
_____________. by John.

(A) irony of us being dinosaurs contemporaries Obs.: Alguns verbos que podem ter dois objetos:
(B) best dinosaurs struggled for a contemporary existence
(C) fact that we believed we were stronger than dinosaurs
(D) assumption that the more powerful the longer it’ll live To answer To offer To teach
To ask To promise To tell
09 According to the text we can conclude that: To call To pay To give
(A) Power is not the best remedy for absurd. To send To make To show
(B) A fit body obviously does not belong to a sane person.
(C) Frameworks are so absurd that they’re basically destroyed.
(D) Insanity ought to be cured by the acquisition of more power. 6– Às vezes pode-se usar GET em vez de BE na voz passiva quando se
diz que alguma coisa acontece, aconteceu, acontecerá a alguém.
10 Animals that were much less powerful than dinosaurs __________ .
Ex.: Our dog got run over by a car.
(A) were experiments that failed. Jill is liked by everybody (not “ gets liked” – this is not a happening)
(B) did not become extinct at all.
(C) couldn’t prove they were true. Tempo verbal voz ativa voz passiva
(D) were around the smaller bodies.
Presente contínuo is reading is being read
11 The text tells us that ___________ . Passado contínuo was reading was being read
Going to is going to read is going to be read
(A) human beings are too devoted to power.
(B) the strongest things have an obligation to be better. Futuro simples will read will be read
(C) God is solely the power that controls our unconscious. Futuro contínuo will be reading will being read
(D) we are solely obsessed with God because of His power. Presente simples reads is read
12 We learn from the text that power _______. Passado simples read was read
Presente perfeito has read has been read
(A) must be logical, well structured and simple.
Passado perfeito had read had been read
(B) can potentialize the absurd, but cannot solve it.
(C) becomes more entangled when preceded by certain signs. Condicional simples would read would be read
(D) is negative and cannot be transformed into something bigger. Condicional perfeito would have read would have been read
Can can read can be read
13 The text tells us that dinosaurs were ________.

(A) present in an environment that was very absurd. EXERCISES LEVEL 2

(B) killed by other species that went beyond their structure.
(C) unable to adapt to natural changes that had occurred. 01 Assinale a alternativa correta:
(D) arrogant because they entrapped other organic structures.
He… in a terrible fight with some burglars last week.
Vozes ativa e passiva
(A) was died (D) killed
1– É formada por verbo to be (no tempo adequado) + particípio passado (B) has been died (E) was killed
do verbo principal. (C) dead

Ex.: Jane writes a letter – A letter is written by Jane. 02 Our team…five times this season.

2– O objeto da voz ativa torna-se sujeito na voz passiva. (A) has been defeated (D) defeats
3– O sujeito torna-se agente da passiva. (B) defeated (E) is defeated
4– O agente da passiva vem sempre precedido por by ou, então, pode (C) has defeated
ser omitido.
03 Your article will be … in tomorrow’s edition.
Ex.: Jane is reading the book. The book is being read.(by Jane)
(A) publicated
Obs.: Quando o sujeito da ativa for: PEOPLE, THEY, ONE podemos omiti-los. (B) public
(C) publish
Ex.: They asked the President many questions. (D) published
The President was asked many questions. (E) publishing
5– Quando o verbo da voz ativa tiver dois objetos, qualquer um deles
pode ser o sujeito da passiva.

Inglês – Chapter 10

04 They expected the house ___ before they came back from their 11 Which are the two ideas that correspond to he meaning of the following
vacation. sentence: “Our baggage having been found, we boarded the train.”

(A) builted (A) I. our baggage have been found.

(B) be built II. we boarded the train.
(C) to be built (B) I. We have found our baggage.
(D) to building II. We boarded the train with it.
(E) build (C) I. Our baggage is found.
II. we boarded with it.
05 The sun was _____________ in splendour. (D) I. we found our baggage.
II we have boarded the train.
(A) raising.
(B) rising. 12 Which is the passive voice of the sentence below:
(C) lifting.
(D) bearing. We export this computer to seventy different countries. Fortunately, they
(E) borning. didn’t damage the machinery.

06 “Is it possible ___________ against syphilis?” (A) We export this by computer to seventy different countries. Fortunately,
the machinery wasn’t damaged.
(A) inoculating (B) This computer is exported to seventy different countries. Fortunately,
(B) have inoculated the machinery / wasn’t damaged.
(C) to be inoculated (C) We are exported to seventy different countries by the computer.
(D) have been inoculated Fortunately, it wasn’t damaged by the machinery.
(D) This is computer is exported to seventy different countries. Fortunately,
07 “I’ve got very disappointed to hear that the celebration __________.” they were not damaged by the machinery.

(A) cancelled Read the text and answer the questions from 13 through 15.
(B) were cancelled
(C) had been cancelled There are four main forces which act on an airplane in flight: lift, weight,
(D) will have been cancelled thrust and drag. The weight force is, of course, due to gravity and, they
are vertically downwards. So if the airplane is to remain in level flight, the
08 Write these words in the correct order: They – he – have – comes – weight has to be opposed by an equal force which we call lift. Thrust is
waiting – been – when – often – home – work – from. the force provided by the engine in order to move the airplane through
the air, and drag is the result of the air resisting such movement. In level
(A) When they comes home from work he’ve often been waiting. flight at a constant airspeed, the drag and thrust forces must be equal and
(B) When he comes often home they have been waiting from work. opposed to each other and will, be acting horizontally. Lift and drag are
(C) They have been waiting home often when he comes from work. known as aerodynamic forces.
(D) They have often been waiting when he comes home from work.
13 The engine supplies a force called ______________.
09 You’re speaking to your friend.
You wan to make sure that the movie begins at 7:30. You ask him:
(A) lift
(B) thrust
(A) The movie begins at 7:30, does it?
(C) gravity
(B) The movie does begin at 7:30, does it?
(D) equal force
(C) The movie do begins at 7:30, doesn’t it?
(D) The movie does begin at 7:30, doesn’t it?
14 The weight force acts _________ due to the gravity.
10 Match the following sentences:
(A) vertically upwards
(B) horizontally upwards
I. Many plays have been presented on our campus.
(C) vertically downwards
II. “Romeo and Juliet” is one of the best of them.
(D) horizontally downwards
(A) Many plays have been presented and “ Romeo and Juliet” is trio best
15 O texto trata:
of them on our campus.
(B) “Romeo and Juliet” is one of the best plays Who have been presented
(A) da sustentação do avião no ar.
on our campus.
(B) das quatro forças aerodinâmicas.
(C) Many plays have been presented on our campus that “ Romeo and
(C) das funções do motor de um avião moderno.
Juliet” is one of the best.
(D) das forças que atuam sobre um avião em voo.
(D) “Romeo and Juliet” is one of the best plays that have been presented
on our campus.

80 Vol. 2
Discurso direto e indireto C hapter

Inglês – Chapter 11

The Reported Speech (II)


Especiais 1. Imperativo → Infinitivo

Said Told
• She said, “Go home and rest!”
She told me to go home and rest.

2. Pergunta → Estrutura condicional

Said Asked
• Jack said, “Can you wait a minute?”
Jack asked me whether I could wait a minute

se (expressando “dúvida”)

3. Imperativo → variações (além de TOLD):

Said Commanded
• She said, “Go home and rest”
She commanded me to go home and rest.

4. Imperativo → substituição do narrador:

• She said, “Go home and rest!”

I was told commanded to go home and rest.

82 Vol. 2
Discurso direto e indireto

Considerações Importantes (D) Used to → não muda

(E) Could no sentido de habilidade não muda
I. Quando o verbo introdutório estiver no presente, presente perfeito ou – para presente → não muda
futuro, podemos reportar o que foi dito sem mudança de tempo verbal: – para futuro → pode não mudar ou ser substituído por
would be able.
Paul (Phoning from the station): I’m trying to get a taxi. – para passado → pode não mudar ou ser substituído por
Ann (To Mary, who is standing beside her): Paul says he is trying to had been able.
get a taxi.
(F) Could no sentido de permissão no tipo 2 ou 3 da oração condicional
II. Em narrativa formal, geralmente o passado é recontado no passado não muda
perfeito. Há algumas exceções:
IV. Pronomes geralmente mudam, exceto quando o narrador do discurso
(A) Past / Past continuous → a oração adverbial de tempo indireto é o mesmo narrador do discurso direto.
normalmente não muda.
“I Said,” I like my new house”
He said, “When we were living in Paris...” I said that I liked my new house.
He said that when they were living in Paris.
V. Advérbios de tempo e lugar sofrem modificações que não são
(B) Uma situação do passado que ainda acontece no momento em necessárias se o discurso direto e indireto ocorrerem no mesmo dia
que foi narrada ou recontada: ou lugar.
She said. “I decided not to buy the house because it was on a
At breakfast this morning he Said, “I’ll be very busy today”
main road.
At breakfast this morning he said that he would be very busy today.
She said that she had decide not to buy the house because it was
on the main road.
VI. If ≠ Whether
Whether reforça a ideia de que a escolha tem que ser feita.
(C) Passado → wish, would rather / It’s time to / had better não
mudam. “Do you want to go by car or by train?” the agent asked.
The agent asked whether I wanted to go by car or by train.
“We wish we didn’t have to take exams”, said the childen.
The children said they wished they didn’t have to take exams. VII. Let’s geralmente expressa uma sugestão.

(D) Orações condicionais tipo 2 e 3 permanecem sem mudança. He Said, “Let’s have a drink”
He suggested us to have a drink
“If my children were older I would emigrate, he said.
He said that if his children were older he would emigrate. VIII. Yes e no são narrados no discurso indireto da seguinte forma:

III. Modais Subject + auxiliar adequado

(A) Might → não muda, exceto quando for uma solicitação He Said, “Can you swim? And I said “no”
(B) Ought to / should no sentido de obrigação não muda He asked (me) If I could swim and I said that I couldn’t
(C) Would → não muda em afirmativas que não sejam solicitações


Put these sentences into the Indirect Speech: 08 The zoo keeper said, “Don’t feed the animals.”

01 She said to me, “Can you draw a horse?” 09 Mother said, “The boys were fighting a minute ago.”

02 The boy said, “I will never catch a fish in this river.” 10 Dad said to me, “The milk froze because you put the bottle in the
03 Mrs. Sheen said, “My hair is getting gray.”
11 My neighbor said, “My flowers didn’t grow as much as yours.”
04 The man said to us, “Do you want to bet that I can read your minds?”
12 I said to you, “What time did the sun rise yesterday?”
05 Grandpa said to the kids, “Close all the doors because the wind is
blowing hard today.” 13 Nancy said, “I like the clothes you were wearing the day before
06 Frank said to us, “Why are you digging this hole in the garden?”
14 Mother said, “Who tore my beautiful curtain?”
07 The doctor said to me, “Bend your knees and tell me where it hurts.”

Inglês – Chapter 11


01 (ESPM-2010) Rewrite in indirect speech: “What does the company 03 (ESOM-2007) Leia o cartoon acima e responda:
“What do I have to do to get a straight answer around here?” Sign the
(A) The man asked what did the company sell? right reported speech:
(B) The man said: “What the company sold?”
(C) The man asked what the company sold.
(A) The boy asked what he had to do to get a straight answer around
(D) The man asked if the company sold computers.
(E) The man asks what the company does sell.
(B) The boy told his mother that she had to do something to get a straight
answer around here.
(C) The boy said what did he have to do to get a straight answer around
On self-knowledge here?
(D) The boy asked his Mom if I had to do something to get a straight
And a man said, “Speak to us of Self-Knowledge.” And the Prophet answer.
answered, saying: “Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and (E) The boy asked his mom what he did to get a straight answer around
the nights. But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart’s knowledge. there.
You would know in words that which you have always known in thought.
You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams. And it 04 (PUC-2000) The girl said to her parents:
is well you should. The hidden well-spring of your soul must need rise and
run murmuring to the sea; and the treasure of your infinite depths would be “Mom and Dad, the police were here while you were gone.” If we
revealed to your eyes. But let, there be no scales to weigh your unknown turned this statement into reported speech, we would have: “The girl said
treasure; and seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding to her parents that the police...”
line. For self is a sea boundless and measureless. Say not, I have found
the truth, but rather, I have found a truth. Say not, I have found the path (A) had been there while they had been gone.
of the soul. Say rather, I have met the soul walking upon my path. For the (B) had been here while they had gone.
soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it (C) have been there while they were gone.
grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.” (D) have been here while they would be gone.
(E) would have been there while they have been gone.
The PROPHET, by Kahlil Gibran.

05 (Escola Naval- 2008) My little sister went to Peter’s home yesterday.

02 Mark the option which contains an indirect form to complete the
He was stressed and shouted: “Do not touch my things!” What did he say?
prophet’s idea in the following gap: The Prophet __________ in silence
the secrets of the days and the nights.
(A) He said to thelittle girl do not touch his things.
(A) said to the man that his heart has known (B) He told to the little girl not to touch his things.
(B) said to people’s hearts know (C) He said to the little girl to not touch his things.
(C) told him: your heart knows (D) He told the little girl not to touch his things.
(D) told them that their hearts knew (E) He told the little girl to not touch his things.

84 Vol. 2
Conjunção C hapter

Conjunções coordenativas We could discuss it now, or else* we could leave it till next week.
(Podemos discuti-lo agora, ou podemos deixar para a próxima semana.)
*Or Else é mais enfático.
Duas orações podem ser relacionadas em um mesmo período por meio
de conjunções. As conjunções se dividem em dois tipos: coordenativas e
subordinativas. Either...Or
As conjunções coordenativas unem orações ou termos que têm a Either...Or expressa ideia de escolha entre duas opções.
mesma função sintática, ou seja, que são independentes e que poderiam
aparecer em enunciados distintos. Por exemplo: Either you start to take your work seriously or you’ ll have to look for
another job.
Peter prepared the chicken and Mary made the salad. (Ou você começa a levar seu trabalho a sério, ou vai ter que procurar
(Peter preparou a galinha e Mary fez a salada.) outro emprego.)

Aditivas (adição)
Neither...Nor expressa ideia de “nem uma nem outra” entre duas
And opções.
And mostra uma relação de adição entre dois termos ou duas orações.
Portanto, é uma conjunção coordenada aditiva. I neither know nor care.
(Não sei nem quero saber.)
He brushed his teeth and combed his hair.
(Ele escovou os dentes e penteou os cabelos.) We have neither the time nor the resources.
(Não temos nem o tempo nem os recursos.)

Both...And indica que cada uma das duas opções está incluída.
The Children both love and respect their teacher. So expressa motivo. Pode ser conjunção coordenativa ou subordinativa,
(As crianças tanto gostam de seu professor como o respeitam.) dependendo do contexto. O exemplo abaixo ilustra a primeira possibilidade.
So como conjunção coordenativa:
Both Britain and the US opposed the plan.
(Tanto a Grã-Bretanha como os EUA se opuseram ao plano.) He told us to go away, so we did.
(Ele nos mandou ir embora, então fomos.)
Not Only...But Also
Not only...But Also é um modo formal de expressar adição:
Andrew desires not only a Mercedes but also a Ferrari. But dá ideia de contraste entre dois termos ou duas orações. É uma
(Andrew não só quer uma Mercedes como também uma Ferrari.) conjunção coordenada adversativa.

And Then We shouted and shouted, but no one heard us.

(Gritamos várias vezes, mas ninguém nos ouviu.)
And Then é uma outra forma de expressar adição:

David spent three days in Rio de Janeiro and then a week in Recife. Yet = Still
(David passou três dias no Rio de Janeiro e depois uma semana em Yet expressa contraste, oposição, É uma conjunção coordenativa
Recife.) adversativa.

Alternância He tries hard, yet never seems to get any better.

(Ele se esforça muito, porém nunca parece melhorar.)
OR/ Or Else
Or/ Or Else expressam ideia de alternância entre dois termos ou duas Otherwise
orações. São conjunções coordenativas alternativas.
Otherwise expressa ideia de alternância, ao mesmo tempo que
We can stop now or play another match. transmite ideia de contraste.
(Podemos parar agora ou jogar outra partida.)

Inglês – Chapter 12

You should take na umbrella otherwise you´ll get wet. If

(Você deve levar um guarda-chuva, senão vai ficar molhado.) If I go to the shop, I will buy a new blose.
(Se eu for à loja, comprarei uma blusa nova.)
Neste exemplo, a condição possível é “I go to the shop”, e o resultado
For é “I will buy a new blouse”
For pode ser utilizado para expressar razão, da mesma forma que
because: If Not
If Not expressa uma condição negativa:
He was extremely tired for he had walked all day.
(Ele estava extremamente cansado, pois havia caminhado todo o dia.)
We will go to the park if it is sunny, if not, we will stay at home.
(Iremos ao porque se estiver sol; caso contrário, ficaremos em casa.)

Conjunções subordinativas
If Only
If Only é usado para expressar o desejo de que a situação fosse
A conjunção subordinativa introduz uma oração subordinada, que
completa ou determina o sentido da oração.

Causa e efeito If only I had studied more, I would have done better in my exams.
(Se pelo menos tivesse estudado mais, eu teria me saído melhor nos
Because exames.)
Because expressa ideia de motivo, razão.
On The Condition
He didn’ t do his homework because he was tired. On The Condition (That) expressa a ideia de “com a condição de que”:
(Ele não fez sua lição de casa porque estava cansado.)
He will sign the contract on the condition that some of the clauses
Since are changed.
Since também tem o significado de “porque”, “já que”. (Ele assinará o contrato desde que algumas das cláusulas sejam
Since you have a headache, I will help you with your work.
(Já que você está com dor de cabeça, irei ajudá-lo no seu trabalho.) Provided That
Expressa uma condição, tem o mesmo significado de If.
Now That
Now That expressa a ocorrência de um fato como consequência de outro. We will be given a bonus provided that we finish the project in December.
(Receberemos um bônus desde que terminemos o projeto em
Now that I am over 18 I am allowed to drive a car. dezembro.)
(Agora que tenho 18 anos posso dirigir um carro.)
As Unless tem o significado de IF...NOT.
As pode ser utilizado com o sentido de “porque”, “como”, “uma vez que”
I’ ll play tennis tomorrow unless the weather is bad.
As she wasn´t busy, she helped me with my homework. (Jogarei tênis amanhã a não ser que o tempo esteja ruim.)
(Como ela não estava ocupada, ajudou-me com minha lição de casa.)
Essa frase tem o mesmo significado de “I’ll play tennis tomorrow IF
the weather ISN´T bad.”
As/So Long As
As/ So Long As também expressam o momento em que um fato ocorre
como resultado de outro. Suppose/Supposing
He always bought the children presents as long as he had some money. SUPPOSE (THAT) E SUPPOSING (THAT) podem ser usados para
(Ele sempre comprava presentes para as crianças, desde que tivesse expresser a ideia de “se”:
algum dinheiro.)
Suppose that you won the lottery, what would you do?
(Suponha que você ganhe na loteria: o que faria?)
Nesse caso, as orações adverbiais apresentam a condição para que Supposing that you won the lottery, what would you do?
algo aconteça ou não. (Supondo que você ganhe na loteria, o que faria?)

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Whether...or Not Such As

Expressa a ideia de que nem uma condição nem a outra são Try taking more exercise. For example, you could walk to work.
necessárias, pois o resultado será o mesmo. (Tente fazer mais exercícios. Por exemplo, você poderia caminhar para
ir ao trabalho.)
I’ m going to play tennis tomorrow whether the weather is good or not.
(Eu irei jogar tennis amanhã esteja o tempo bom ou ruim.) Finalidade
In Case
This machine is used to cut plastic.
In case (That) expressa ideia de “no caso de”: (Essa máquina é usada para cortar plástico)

You should take an umbrella in case it rains.

(Você deveria levar um guarda-chuva para o caso de chover.) In Order To
She was running in order not to miss the bus.
(Ela estava correndo para não perder o ônibus)
Although, Though, Even Though So That = So As To
Even though he was the best player, he lost the match. I gave him a map so that he could find the place.
(Mesmo sendo o melhor jogador, ele perdeu a partida.) (Eu dei a ele um mapa para que ele pudesse encontrar o lugar)

Even If Tempo
I really enjoyed the party even if I didn’ t know many of the people there.
(Eu realmente gostei da festa, mesmo não conhecendo muitas das When
pessoas que estavam ali.) When expressa ideia do momento em que ocorreu uma ação.

When we were in Dublin, we visited the Irish National Gallery.

(Quando estivemos em Dublin, visitamos a Irish National Gallery.)
However expressa a idéia de oposição direta e geralmente inicia a
segunda oração.
Tim is rich; however, Peter is poor. After expressa ideia de um momento posterior no tempo.
(Tim é rico; entretanto Peter é pobre.)
After I arrived, I saw them.
(Depois que cheguei, eu os vi.)
Whereas, While
Essas conjunções são utilizadas para mostrar uma oposição direta, I saw them after I arrived.
quando uma coisa é extremamente o oposto da outra. (Eu os vi depois que cheguei.)

Whereas/ While Brazil is a large country, Uruguai is a small one.

(Enquanto o Brasil é um país grande, o Uruguai é pequeno.) Importante
Quando uma oração adverbial preceder uma oração principal, como
Nevertheless, Nonetheless, Notwithstanding no primeiro exemplo, utiliza-se uma vírgula para separar as orações.
There was no news, nevertheless, she went on hoping. Quando a oração adverbial estiver depois da oração principal, como no
(Não havia notícia, no entanto ela contiuou a ter esperança.) segundo exemplo, a vírgula não é utilizada.

In Spite Of, Despite As

Mark went on working in spite of feeling unwell. As pode ser usado da mesma maneira que while para expressar ideia
(Mark continuou trabalhando apesar de sentir-se mal.) de simultaneidade.

She wanted to go despite the danger. I fell in the street as I was running home.
(Ela queria ir apesar do perigo.) (Eu caí na rua quando corria para casa.)

Exemplificação As Long As
As Long As expressa ideia de um período completo.
For Example
Buy healthy food, such as fruits. I will stay here as long as necessary.
(Compre comida saudável, tal como frutas) (Eu ficarei aqui todo o tempo necessário.)

Inglês – Chapter 12

As Soon As Until/Till
As Soon As expressa idéia de algo que ocorre em um momento Until/ Till expressa a ideia de “até determinado momento”.
específico ou antes dele.
You cannot leave until your work is finished.
I came as soon as I heard the news. (Você não pode sair até que seu trabalho esteja terminado.)
(Eu vim assim que ouvi a notícia.)
Before Whenever expressa a ideia de “qualquer tempo” ou “todo o tempo”
Before expressa idéia de um momento anterior no tempo.
He is in a bad mood whenever I see him.
Come and see me before you leave for Europe. (Ele está de mau humor sempre que o vejo.)
(Venha me ver antes de ir para a Europa.)
By The Time While expressa a ideia de duração, de simultaneidade.
By The Time também expressa ideia de algo ocorrendo antes de um
momento específico no tempo. The phone rang while I was having a bath.
(O telefone tocou enquanto eu tomava banho.)
We will have finished all the work by the time he arrives.
(Teremos terminado todo o trabalho quando ele chegar.) Every Time
Every Time (That) é outra forma de expresser whenever.
During The Time
During The Time (That) expressa ocorrência de um evento durante He is in a bad mood every time that I see him.
um período específico. (Ele está de mau humor todas as vezes que o vejo.)

I used to read a lot during the time that I was a student. The First Time
(Eu costumava ler muito durante a época em que era estudante.)
The First Time (That) expressa a primeira ocorrência de um evento.

Immediately Sandra fell in love with John the first time that she saw him.
Immediately expressa a ocorrência de uma ação, sem pausa ou atraso, (Sandra se apaixonou por John na primeira vez que o viu.)
imediatamente após um fato.
The Last Time
The Last Time (That) expressa a última ocorrência de um evento até
He went on holiday immediately after receiving the money from the lottery.
o instante presente.
(Ele saiu de férias imediatamente depois de ter recebido o dinheiro da
He was working in a computer company the last time that I spoke to him.

The Moment That Casos Especiais

The Moment That também expressa uma ação que acontece sem atraso.
We had tea the moment that she arrived. I. For # because
(Tomamos chá assim que ela chegou.)
A “for-clause” cannot precede the verb which it explains.

Once E.g.: Because it was wet, he took a taxi.

Once pode ser usado do mesmo modo que As soon as. Expressa a
ideia de algo que ocorre no momento ou um pouco antes de um evento A “for-clause” cannot be preceded by NOT, BUT or ANY conjunction.

We can relax a bit once we have finished this work. E.g.: He stole, not because he wanted the money but because he
(Podemos relaxar um pouco assim que finalizarmos esse trabalho.) liked stealing.

A “for-clause” cannot be used in answer to a question.

Since pode ser usado como preposição e como conjunção (quando E.g: Why did you do it? I did it because I was angry.
liga duas orações).
II. “AS” can mean though/ although but only in the combination
Peter has been in Brazil since last week.
(Peter está no Brasil desde a semana passada.)

Peter has been in Brazil since he got married. E.g.: Tired as he was he offered to carry her.
(Peter está no Brasil desde que se casou.) Though he was tired he offered to carry her.

88 Vol. 2

III. “Like” – comparison or exemplification it’s more common to 02 Asinale a alternartiva incorreta:
use “like” as a comparison, but sometimes it can be used as an
exemplification. (A) Despite the heavy rain, we managed to get to the hotel.
(B) It took my wife a long time to get dressed. Therefore, we missed the
E.g.: ( comparison)The floor has been polished. show.
(example) It’s like walking on ice. Some sports, like motor (C) The new working procedure was accepted both by the managers and
racing, can be dangerous. the employees.
(D) The bus drivers were on strike. As soon as, some buses could be seen
VI. A conjunção THEN não só pode indicar sequência de fatos como on the streets.
pode indicar resumo, conclusão. (E) These clothes are very nice indeed, but I don’t think I can afford buying
E.g.: You ought to take your medicine regularly.
You’ll feel better, then. 03 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase:

Outras conjunções com a mesma aplicação são: in short, in all, “You and Vanessa are very good friends, ________, they sometimes stop
altogether, more generally talking to each other ________. Both of them are very stubborn. “

V. Reinforcement shows additional point in an argument. Examples of (A) so that / otherwise

such conjunctions are: (B) however / because
(C) but / whether
besides, in any case, anyway, furthermore (D) even if / for
(E) “a” and ‘c” are correct.
VI. Conjunctions that denote explanation:
04 Dadas as sentenças
That is (i.e.), namely (viz.), for example (eg.)
I. He was hired as a bartender when he was only 18.
EXERCISES LEVEL 1 II. Otherwise the hot weather, people were all happy.
III. The doctor came in as soon as he heard the announcement on the
Learning to quit
(A) apenas a I. (D) apenas a I e a III.
Jodi Hall started smoking at age 9.By the time she was 16, she (B) apenas a II. (E) todas as sentenças.
was up to a pack a day – and she wanted to quit. A couple of reasons: (C) apenas a II e a III.
one, her health two, a guy named Mony. “He said that when he kissed
me, it was like kissing an ashtray,” Jodi says. 05 Qual a alternativa que completa corretamente a seguinte frase:
5 Earlier this year, Jodi, along with 25 of her classmates at Johnson
High School, in Savannah, GA, enrolled in the schools first stop- “The students said that they remained outside the classroom ..........
smoking class. During the eight-week Tobacco Free Teen class, they they could not see their demands accepted by the Board.”
learned what smoking can do to their body, their- wallet and their grades
(some kids end up cutting class to satisfy their nicotine cravings). But (A) however (D) until
10 it wasn’t just about scare tactics. The goal is behavior modification, (B) not only (E) till
not punishment, so students are taught techniques for handling stress (C) otherwise
and resisting the urge to light up even when friends or parents do.
According to the American Lung Association (ALA), wich sponsors 06 Assinale a alternative INCORRETA:
the class about half the adults who smoke were regular smokers by
15 age 18. “These numbers are only going to get worse,” says Kristine (A) Not only Margarida but also Cristina are not working at this moment.
Lewis of the ALA. “The tobaco industry is turning to teens.” (B) Carminha does no study much. Yet, she always gets goods grades.
How did the students do? Jodi has been cigarette less for three (C) You should buy a new computer, so that you could surf the Internet
months. But she’s the only one. Her classmate Adam Cushman is faster.
(D) I’m not the kind of person who can easily forgive. Even if, I’m trying.
20 slowly puffing his way back to three packs a day. The 16-year-old says (E) I’ve been working like a dog, I’m very tired.
he wants to stop, “but the way things are going, I doubt I’ll be able to.”
07 Qual das alternativas abaixo completa corretamente a frase:
01 The word BUT in “But she’s the only one” indicates:

(A) cause. “You are not dedicated to your work anymore _______ you do not
(B) contrast. look for something better. What’s happening?“
(C) addition.
(D) conclusion. (A) and (D) in spite of
(B) however (E) like
(C) as soon as

Inglês – Chapter 12

08 Quando você terminar de preencher este formulário, eu já terei me 15 Be polite ________ you call someone on the telephone, ok?
(A) when (D) not only
(A) as soon as. (D) nevertheless. (B) still (E) despite of
(B) as long as. (E) by the time. (C) yet
(C) still.
16 ________ he acknowledged your invitation he couldn’t come to your
09 O termo sublinhado na frase abaixo está corretamente vertido ao birthday party. ________ he hopes you’ll forgive him.
inglês em uma das alternativas apresentadas. “Os radicais recusaram-se
a negociar com os americanos até o último instante. Portanto a guerra era (A) Though / As soon as (D) Although / Until
inevitável.” (B) Though / By the time (E) Though / Till
(C) Although / Therefore
(A) still. (D) otherwise.
(B) therefore. (E) however. 17 Be careful when you cross any street, ________ you may hurt yourself.
(C) yet.
(A) otherwise (D) despite
10 Assinale a única alternativa que não permite corretamente a frase: “We (B) although (E) thought
ought to stay together ________ we cannot overcome this challenge”. (C) after

(A) otherwise (D) despite 18 It was not ________ Easter that she returned our tablecloth.
(B) although (E) so
(C) though (A) yet (D) however
(B) still (E) before
11 Put into English: “Faça o que tiver de fazer, contanto que eu não perca (C) though
meu dinheiro”.
19 They’ve even tried harder. …….. , they were not able to win the race.
(A) Do whatever you have to do, although I do not lose my money.
(A) yet (D) as
(B) Do whatever you have to do, as long as I do not lose my money.
(B) since (E) as just
(C) Do whatever you have to do, even if I do not lose my money.
(C) because
(D) Do whatever you have to do, however I do not lose my money.
(E) Do whatever you have to do, as soon as I do not lose my money.
12 Passe para o inglês a seguinte frase: “Não reclame, trabalhe... ainda “[…] Americans approve artists with a perfect set of teeth such as
que nada seja fácil, hoje em dia”. Britney Spears, and they think bad teeth make performers less attractive
– thus making consumers less prone to buy their CD’s.”
(A) Don’t complain, work ... even though nothing is easy nowadays.
(B) Don’t complain, work … nevertheless nothing is easy nowadays. Thus, underlined in the text above, means:
(C) Don’t complain, work … however nothing is easy nowadays. (A) likely. (C) in reality.
(D) On’t complain, work … as long as nothing is easy nowadays. (B) moreover. (D) consequently.
(E) Don’t complain, work … otherwise nothing is easy nowadays.
21 In replacing the word “if” in the sentence “If petroleum gets into
13 A tradução correta para a frase “ Inspite of being a good engineer, he’s the lungs, it can cause quite a bit of damage to the lungs [including]
been unemployed since 1998” é: pneumonitis, or inflammation of the lungs.”, the linking element that would
significantly change the meaning expressed in the original is:
(A) Não importa ser um bom engenheiro, se o desemprego começou em
1998. (A) in case. (D) in the event that.
(B) Embora fosse um bom engenheiro, ele desistiu do emprego em 1998. (B) assuming that. (E) despite the fact that.
(C) Ele queria ser um engenheiro desempregado logo que se formou em (C) supposing that.
(D) Apesar de ser um bom engenheiro, ele está desempregado desde 22 The expression in boldface introduces the idea of conclusion in:
(E) Apesar de bom engenheiro, ele desempregou muita gente desde 1998. (A) “But a new model quickly determines the best routes and means for
delivering humanitarian aid,”
14 ________ all his mother’s efforts Otavio is still ill-mannered. (B) “Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another
to maximize profit,”
(A) Though (C) “her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while
(B) In spite of capturing factors such as the perishability of the product…”
(C) Until (D) “‘You don’t know where demand is, so it’s tricky,’ ”
(D) Therefore (E) “This is particularly important where response must be rapid and
(E) As soon as effective, such as during disaster scenarios...”

90 Vol. 2

23 While the role of the state oil company is not in question, the level and 27 The word in parentheses describes the idea expressed by the word in
manner of participation by the private sector is not as clear. boldtype in:

However, Brazil’s new oil and gas potential has raised doubts about (A) “...a need to accelerate the development of alternative energy fuel
the extent of that openness in the future, as the government debates the resources in order to ensure energy security and reduce emissions,”
preferred degree of private participation. (contrast)
(B) “‘The common belief that alternative fuels such as biofuels...” – (result)
“While...” and “However,” could be correctly replaced with: (C) “Instead of relying on those silver bullet solutions,”– (consequence)
(D) “However, these methods have a far higher carbon output than
(A) although – therefore. conventional drilling,” (reason)
(B) yet – due to the fact that. (E) “...the emissions produced during extraction as well as during usage.”
(C) whereas – for that reason. (addition)
(D) even though – nevertheless.
(E) in the meanwhile – on the other hand. 28 If you want to get something done, decide when and where you’re
going to do it. Otherwise, take it off your list.
24 The boldfaced item is synonymous with the expression in parentheses in:
Otherwise in the sentence “Otherwise, take it off your list.” can be
(A) “Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something much more
substituted, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by:
spectacular.” (Thus)
(B) “…neither the company nor the country’s oil industry has so far been
big enough to become a government cash cow.” (meanwhile) (A) Unless.
(C) “However, ‘if we have a firm and successful local content policy, no” (B) Or else.
(Moreover) (C) Despite.
(D) “ ‘because other sectors in the economy are going to grow as fast as (D) However.
Petrobras.’ ” (due to the fact that) (E) Therefore.
(E) “Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease will depend not just
on how the money from the oil is spent.” – (Furthermore) 29 The expression in boldface introduces the idea of consequence in:
25 The word in bold type expresses the idea in parenthesis in:
(A) “Instead, most use wood, coal or even dung to heat and cook their
(A) “Yet full development of the fields will pose…” (condition). homes –”
(B) “as financing constraints hinder investments…” (comparison). (B) “…but, except for periodic jumpstarts during election season,”
(C) “since Petrobras ranks among …” (contrast). (C) “Access to adequate, affordable and basic modern energy services is
(D) “Unlike drilling through rock,” (result). thus crucial to achieving sustainable human development.”
(E) “such as longer drilling times,” (exemplification). (D) “However, in the same region, mobile phones are widespread,”
(E) “All of this exists despite the absence of a convenient outlet in which
26 The boldfaced marker is synonymous with the expression in to plug basic electronic appliances.”
parentheses in:
30 In the fragment “Moreover, it is hard to call this measure drastic or
(A) “In order to sustain the needs of an ever globalized world,”. (So as radical:”, moreover can be substituted by:
(B) “Nonetheless, geological limitations will disrupt this improbable (A) instead.
scenario.” (Moreover) (B) besides.
(C) “Nevertheless, this methodology is dangerously defective on several (C) however.
key points…” (Consequently) (D) therefore.
(D) “Therefore, relying on the R/P ratio gives a false impression of (E) on the other hand.
security…” (Yet)
(E) “Moreover, OPEC countries continue to present their reserves as
flat…” (However)








Exercícios extras C hapter


01 (EFOM-2001) The passive form of “They expected him to arrive at 07 (EFOM-2001) “She won’t object to not being invited” means:
night” is:
(A) They wouldn’t invite her unless she didn’t object.
(A) He is expected to arrive at night. (B) She wishes they would invite her.
(B) They are expected to arrive at night. (C) Although she won’t object, they invited her.
(C) He expected to arrive at night. (D) She doesn’t care about being invited or not.
(D) He was expected to arrive at night. (E) She could object not to be invited.
(E) They were expected to arrive at night.
08 (EFOM-2001) Seat belt laws were introduced _______________
02 (EFOM-2001) What’s wrong with your sister? She’s uptight because traffic facilities would be reduced.
she’s ________________of money.
(A) then (D) as if
(A) let go (D) gone over (B) when (E) so as to
(B) run out (E) get out (C) so that
(C) brought down
09 (EFOM-2001) Today, “carpet” refers to floor covering that reaches
03 (EFOM-2001) “Somebody opened the door”. from wall to wall, ________________ “rug” refers to a piece of material
that covers only one section of the floor.
(A) The door was opened.
(B) The door opens. (A) therefore (D) among
(C) The door is open. (B) whereas (E) despite of
(D) The door open. (C) in as much as
(E) The open door.
10 (EFOM-2001) A fine tomb, _______________, marks the grave of
04 (EFOM-2001) “Why is your partner uptight?” the poet Chaucer.

“I guess she’s not used to _______________ harshly.” (A) which in the fifteenth century was erecting
(B) erecting in the fifteenth century
(A) being spoken to (D) be spoked to (C) erected in the fifteenth century
(B) being spoke to (E) be speaking to (D) been erected in the fifteenth century
(C) be spoke to (E) erect in the fifteenth century

05 (EFOM-2001) In: “It should come as no surprise that two women 11 (EFOM-2002) You must pay the installment tomorrow __________
who train on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro are expected to dominate an you’ll hurt your credit rating.
Olympic sport known as much for its sun-and-surf atmosphere and itty-
bitty uniforms as for the spikes and serves of competition.” (A) so that (D) so as to
(B) in spite of (E) otherwise
(Time - Latin American Edition / September 11, 2000.)
(C) nevertheless
The underlined adjective means:
12 (EFOM-2002) If it hadn’t been for the strike, __________________
(A) extremely small. (D) very tight. _________________.
(B) extremely cheap. (E) very comfortable
(C) extremely expensive. (A) it would have been sent it (D) it would have being sent
(B) it would have been sent (E) it would been sent
06 (EFOM-2001) “We have been waiting for you for over an hour.” (C) it would have it sent

“The traffic was heavy; _________________ I would have been here 13 (EFOM-2002) Choose the correct alternative:
half an hour before.”
(A) The wolfs have been attacking the sheeps.
(A) however (D) otherwise (B) The wolfes have been attacking the sheeps.
(B) thus (E) anyway (C) The wolves have been attacking the sheeps.
(C) nevertheless (D) The wolfs have been attacking the sheep.
(E) The wolves have been attacking the sheep.

92 Vol. 2
Exercícios extras

14 (EFOM-2002) Fill in the blank. 21 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct answer:

When are the Government going to meet in order to discuss the new policy? “Everybody’s watching us.
Everybody looks forward to knowing when _________________ talk is We __________________ leave now.”
going to take place.
(A) ’d better not (D) ’d not better
(B) ’d better to (E) would better not
(A) his (D) your
(C) ’d better not to
(B) its (E) our
(C) their
22 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct answer:
15 (EFOM-2002) Choose the correct Passive Voice.
“We can camping with Bill ___________ we bring our own equipment.”
(A) A second coat of paint will be spread over that surface tomorrow. (A) nevertheless (D) as though
(B) A second coat of paint shall be spreaded over that surface tomorrow. (B) even if (E) in order that
(C) A second coat of paint will spread over that surface tomorrow. (C) as long as
(D) A second coat of paint shall spread over that surface tomorrow.
(E) A second coat of paint will be spreaded over that surface tomorrow. 23 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct answer:

16 (EFOM-2002) Fill in the blank. “My fiancée doesn’t like wool sweaters. She ________ ever wears them.”

The police _________________________ it strategic to come to their (A) fairly (E) very
knowledge that they are pursued. If they learn of it, they’ll succeed in (B) rather (D) pretty
escaping. (C) hardly

(A) doesn’t find (D) do find not 24 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct alternative:
(B) does find (E) does find not
(C) don’t find “My nephew is _____________________ a nap after meals.”

17 (EFOM-2002) Fill in the blank. (A) used to taking (D) used taking
(B) used to take (E) used taking to
My boss lost all his documents and money. In my opinion he (C) uses to take
_______________ more careful.
25 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct answer:
(A) must have been (D) would have been
“John has been unemployed for six months now. He __________________
(B) may have been (E) should have been
the job he was offered.”
(C) might be
(A) oughtn’t to accepting (D) ought have accepted
18 (EFOM-2002) Fill in the blank. (B) should to have accepted (E) should have accepted
(C) needs have accepted
It’s not my fault! It was _______________ who insisted on coming here.
26 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct answer:
(A) him (D) I
(B) me (E) us “They admire him, ____________________ his faults.”
(C) he
(A) so that (D) in spite of
19 (EFOM-2002) Fill in the blank. (B) despite of (E) whereas
(C) unless
He turned the stereo down very low ________________ he shouldn’t
disturb the old lady downstairs. 27 (EFOM-2003) In: “Eventually her idea was accepted”, the meaning of
the underlined word is:
(A) so as to (D) even if
(A) fortunately. (D) usually.
(B) in order to (E) so that
(B) finally. (E) suddenly.
(C) nevertheless
(C) occasionally.
20 (EFOM-2002) Fill in the blank.
28 (EFOM-2003) The correct version of the expression: ‘so that you can’t
be seen’ is:
When you were at high school, you were never good at Mathematics. You
did not even manage to learn _______________________. (A) ‘so that anything can’t see you’
(B) ‘so that nothing can’t see you’
(A) Pythagora’s Theorem (D) Pythagoras Theorem (C) ‘so that anybody can see you’
(B) Pythagoras’ Theorem (E) Pythagoras Theorem’s (D) ‘so that none can’t see you’
(C) Pythagoras’s Theorem (E) ‘so that no one can see you’

Inglês – Chapter 13

29 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct answer:

36 (EFOM-2005) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
“I’m not sure ___________________.” sentence.

(A) whom she is staying with “If she had taken my advice, she ______________.”
(B) with whom is she staying
(C) with who she is staying (A) should learned the lesson.
(D) with who is she staying (B) should understand the lesson.
(E) with which is she staying (C) would learned the lesson.
(D) would have learnt the lesson.
30 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct answer: (E) would had learned the lesson.

“She usually takes notes. She knows ____________________ by heart.” 37 (EFOM-2005) Which is the best sentence?
(A) none (D) nothing (A) “I’ve drunk beer, but I don’t anymore.”
(B) no (E) neither (B) “I drank beer, but I didn’t anymore.”
(C) none of (C) “I had drunk beer, but I haven’t anymore.”
(D) “I would drink beer, but I don’t anymore.”
31 (EFOM-2003) Mark the correct answer: (E) “I used to drink beer, but I don’t anymore.”
“One of _________ most important causes of conflict is _________ way
38 (EFOM-2005) Mark the correct option.
people see _________ sides of _________ question.”

(A) the / the / a / the (D) the / __ / the / a Helen said: “Somebody must send me the new books!” She said that:
(B) the / the / the / a (E) __ / __ / the / a
(A) somebody had to send her the new books.
(C) __ / the / the / a
(B) somebody had sent her the new books.
(C) the new books were sent to her.
32 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct answer.
(D) she was going to receive the new books.
“You must pay the installment tomorrow, ________________ you will (E) she must have sent the new books.
hurt your credit reting.”
39 (EFOM-2005) Which sentence is correct?
(A) in order to (D) otherwise
(B) notwithstanding (E) furthermore (A) “How is the educational system in your country?”
(C) so as to (B) “How was the weather like?”
(C) “How’s work these days?”
33 (EFOM-2003) Choose the correct alternative: (D) “How’s your mother?” “– She’s a very nice person.”
(E) “What’s your new girlfriend like?” “– She likes to go jogging at the
“Bob’s score on the test is the highest in class. He ________________.” beach.”

(A) should study hard last week 40 (EFOM-2005) Mark the sentence which is NOT accurate.
(B) should to have studied hard last week
(C) must have studied hard last week (A) “These sheets are to be washed.”
(D) must had to study hard last week (B) “He was nowhere to be seen.”
(E) has to study hard last week (C) “Nobody was to blame for the accident.”
(D) “I have work to be done.”
34 (EFOM-2005) Mark the correct answer: (E) “This form is to be filled in in ink.”

“If she _____________ in your place, she ______________ that over 41 (EFOM-2005) Check the correct meaning.
and over again.”
In: “Look at John! He must be drunk?”, must expresses:
(A) have been – would not do
(B) had been – would not have done (A) deduction. (D) permission.
(C) were – will not do (B) obligation. (E) ability.
(D) was – will not have done (C) prohibition.
(E) am – would not have done
42 (EFOM-2005) Choose the best option to complete the sentence below.
35 (EFOM-2005) Choose the best answer in questions 23 and 24 to
complete the blanks. Sam: “We have been waiting for you for over an hour.”
Joe: “The traffic was heavy; ______________ I would have been here
“Measles______________ a long time to get over.” twenty minutes sooner!”

(A) are taking (D) take (A) however (D) nevertheless

(B) is taken (E) are being taken (B) in spite of (E) howbeit
(C) takes (C) otherwise

94 Vol. 2
Exercícios extras

43 (EFOM-2005) Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence: Text

Holiday on the Titanic
“She would have been in a real trouble __________ your help.”
In July an expedition will leave St. John, Newfoundland on a voyage
(A) as (D) but for to the wreck of the Titanic.
(B) unless (E) even if The voyage is organized by Deep Ocean Expeditions, which was
(C) as soon as founded by Australian adventurer Mike McDowell in 1998. The company
owns several deep sea “submersibles” – underwater craft smaller than
44 (EFOM-2005) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following submarines. This expedition will use a special Russian-owned ship. Its
sentence: crew has 15 years’ experience in deep sea diving expeditions. The ship
offers spacious cabins and a top-class chef prepares the meals. The
“My father is a person __________ technical knowledge of computer will 608-kilometre journey to the Titanic wreck takes two days. During the
impress ___________.” voyage experts give lectures on marine life and deep sea diving.

(A) whom – everybody (D) for whom – nobody Sad and beautiful
(B) whose – anyone (E) who – everyone
(C) which – someone At the site of the wreck, the team send radar devices to the bottom
of the ocean so the submersibles can navigate around the wreck. The
45 (EFOM-2006) “The paint is wet because he ____________ the divers spend time in the submersibles to make sure no one suffers from
picture”. claustrophobia. The dive lasts 10 hours: the submersibles descend 3,600
metres to the bottom of the ocean.
(A) is just ending (D) has just ending
Brigitte Saar made the trip in 2001. She explains what she saw: “Finally
(B) just ended (E) has just ended
we see the old lady: Titanic’s starboard side towers in front of the sub.
(C) have just ended
She’s sad and beautiful and much bigger than I imagined. After visiting the
boat deck we visit the grand staircase. When the chandeliers are visible
46 (EFOM-2006) “People still smoke ____________ they know smoking
outside my porthole, I don’t know what to feel: panic because the sub is
is dangerous”.
literally stuck, or sadness because in my inner eye I can see elegant people
enjoying themselves in their first-class luxury world.”
(A) despite (D) as soon as
(B) in spite of (E) instead of
(C) although Reservations

47 (EFOM-2006) In: “The invention of the automobile has changed Are you a real adventurer? Check out the next scheduled trip with
American life in several ways”, the passive Deep Ocean Expeditions. The cost of a ticket? Around 37,000 US dollars!
voice is:
(For further info: Matéria Publicada na revista Speak Up
edição 227 – abril/2006.)
(A) “American life is being changed in several ways”.
(B) “American life was being changed in several ways”. 50 (EFOM-2007) The word crew in line 6 means:
(C) “American life is changed in several ways”.
(D) “American life has been changed in several ways”. (A) a group of tourists.
(E) “American life would be changed in several ways”. (B) a group of tourists guiders.
(C) people working on a ship, plane.
48 (EFOM-2006) The word since can be used to appropriately fill in the (D) family members.
blank of which sentence below? (E) a group of friends.

(A) “I am studying here ____________ 2004.” 51 (EFOM-2007) What we can NOT say about Brigitte Saar impressions
(B) “She has slept ____________ two hours.” of her trip:
(C) “They had been staying at the hotel ____________ many days before
they decided to move to an apartment.” (A) Titanic’s wreck was beautiful, but also sad.
(D) “Bob has worked at that big company ____________ he moved to (B) She could imagine graceful people having a great time on that ship.
Washington.” (C) Titanic’s wreck was not as big as she imagined.
(E) “Carol lives in Boston ____________ she was born.” (D) Her feelings were confusing.
(E) She was anxious to visit Titanic’wreck.
49 (EFOM-2006) Lucy: “– Has Betty finished writing that letter?”
Tom: “– No, and she ____________ three hours ago”. 52 (EFOM-2007) According to this article, we can say that:

(A) should had finished (A) submarines are used in this expedition.
(B) should have finished (B) the trip is long and the dive is short.
(C) should to finished (C) people do not have enough experience to a trip like this.
(D) should finished (D) you learn about diving and marine life during the trip.
(E) should finish (E) the ship and submersibles are not comfortable.

Inglês – Chapter 13

53 (EFOM-2007) “Please, clean the basement, _____________ mom 57 (EFOM-2007) “Lucy’s brothers earn __________ living working for
will be furious.’ the government while ____________ father earns______________as a
(A) even if (D) despite
(B) instead of (E) as well as (A) her / her / his (D) their / their / yours
(C) otherwise (B) her / their / his (E) their / her / his
(C) her / their / yours
54 (EFOM-2007) “The loan______________back if they hadn’t been
held up last week.” 58 (EFOM-2007) “David, ___________ Mr. Willcox and Mr. Alex
____________ the P&O Shipping Company in 1837?” “That’s right. That
(A) would have paid (D) will have paid was the first year.”
(B) would pay (E) will be paid
(C) would have been paid (A) did / found (D) does / found
(B) has / found (E) have / founded
55 (EFOM-2007) In “This expedition will use a special Russian-owned (C) do / find
ship.”, the passive voice is:
59 (EFOM-2007) “Alan, ________________ the lights when you leave
(A) A special Russian-owned ship will use by this expedition. the room.”
(B) A special Russian-owned ship would use by this expedition.
(C) A special Russian-owned ship will be used by this expedition. (A) you always to turn off (D) always turn off
(D) A special Russian-owned ship would be used by this expedition. (B) always turned off (E) always you turn off
(E) A special Russian-owned ship would used by this expedition. (C) you always turning off

56 (EFOM-2007) “We all enjoyed the performance very much, although 60 (EFOM-2007) “___________ lemon originated in___________
________________.” China and spread south to ___________ Malaysian islands and west to
___________ India.”
(A) it was really out of this world
(B) the pianist himself was delighted with it (A) A / the / the / X (D) A / the / X / X
(C) no one disagreed with our opinion (B) X / X / X / X (E) The / X / the / X
(D) the pianist appeared rather nervous at first (C) The / the / the / the
(E) the performance was terrific















96 Vol. 2
Gabarito V olume
Inglês Assunto 10
Exercises Level 1
Assunto 7 01 Letra C. 08 Letra D.
Exercises Level 1 02 Letra B. 09 Letra A.
01 Letra D. 06 Letra E. 03 Letra D. 10 Letra B.
02 Letra C. 07 Letra A. 04 Letra C. 11 Letra A.
03 Letra A. 08 Letra C. 05 Letra C. 12 Letra B.
04 Letra E. 09 Letra E. 06 Letra C. 13 Letra C.
05 Letra B. 10 Letra B. 07 Letra B.

Exercises Level 2
Exercises Level 2
01 Letra E. 09 Letra D.
01 Letra B. 11 Letra B.
02 Letra A. 10 Letra D.
02 Letra A. 12 Letra C.
03 Letra D. 11 Letra A.
03 Letra C. 13 Letra B.
04 Letra C. 12 Letra B.
04 Letra D. 14 Letra E.
05 Letra B. 13 Letra B.
05 Letra A. 15 Letra A.
06 Letra C. 14 Letra C.
06 Letra C. 16 Letra A.
07 Letra C. 15 Letra D.
07 Letra A. 17 Letra C.
08 Letra D.
08 Letra B. 18 Letra D.
09 Letra D. 19 Letra E. Assunto 11
10 Letra A. 20 Letra D.
Exercises Level 1
Assunto 8 01 She asked me if/ whether I could draw a horse.
02 The boy said that he would never catch a fish in that river.
Exercises Level 1
03 Mrs. Sheen said that her hair was getting gray.
01 Letra E. 06 Letra B.
04 The man asked us if/ whether we wanted to bet that he could read our
02 Letra C. 07 Letra A.
03 Letra E. 08 Letra B.
05 Grandpa told the kids to close all the doors because the wind was
04 Letra C. 09 Letra E.
blowing hard that day.
05 Letra D. 10 Letra D.
06 Frank asked us why we were digging that hole in the garden
07 The doctor told me to bend my knees and tell him where it hurt.
Exercises Level 2 08 The zoo keeper told me not to feed the animals.
01 Letra C. 07 Letra A. 09 Mother said that the boys had been fighting a minute before.
02 Letra E. 08 Letra B. 10 Dad told me that milk had frozen because I had put the bottle in the
03 Letra C. 09 Letra D. freezer.
04 Letra A. 10 Letra D. 11 My neighbor said that his/ her flowers grown as much as mine.
05 Letra B. 11 Letra B. 12 I asked you what time the sun had risen the day before.
06 Letra B. 12 Letra C. 13 Nancy said that she liked the clothes I had been wearing two days
Assunto 9
14 Mother asked who had torn her beautiful curtain.
Exercises Level 1
01 Letra C. 06 Letra A. Exercises Level 2
02 Letra D. 07 Letra D. 01 Letra C. 04 Letra A.
03 Letra B. 08 Letra E. 02 Letra D. 05 Letra D.
04 Letra C. 09 Letra E. 03 Letra A.
05 Letra E. 10 Letra A.
Assunto 12
Exercises Level 2 Exercises Level 1
01 Letra E. 09 Letra D. 01 Letra B. 16 Letra C.
02 Letra B/C/E. 10 Letra D. 02 Letra D. 17 Letra A.
03 Letra A. 11 Letra E. 03 Letra B. 18 Letra E.
04 Letra E. 12 Letra E. 04 Letra D. 19 Letra A.
05 Letra D. 13 Letra E. 05 Letra C. 20 Letra D.
06 Letra A. 14 Letra E. 06 Letra D. 21 Letra E.
07 Letra E. 15 Letra D. 07 Letra A. 22 Letra D.
08 Letra D. 08 Letra E. 23 Letra D.
09 Letra B. 24 Letra D.


10 Letra E. 25 Letra E. 13 Letra E. 43 Letra D.

11 Letra B. 26 Letra A. 14 Letra C. 44 Letra B.
12 Letra A. 27 Letra E. 15 Letra A. 45 Letra E.
13 Letra D. 28 Letra B. 16 Letra C. 46 Letra C.
14 Letra B. 29 Letra C. 17 Letra E. 47 Letra D.
15 Letra A. 30 Letra B. 18 Letra A. 48 Letra D.
19 Letra E. 49 Letra B.
Assunto 13 20 Letra B. 50 Letra C.
Exercises Level 1 21 Letra A. 51 Letra C.
01 Letra D. 31 Letra B. 22 Letra C. 52 Letra D.
02 Letra B. 32 Letra D. 23 Letra C. 53 Letra C.
03 Letra A. 33 Letra C. 24 Letra A. 54 Letra C.
04 Letra A. 34 Letra B. 25 Letra E. 55 Letra C.
05 Letra A. 35 Letra C. 26 Letra D. 56 Letra D.
06 Letra D. 36 Letra D. 27 Letra B. 57 Letra E.
07 Letra D. 37 Letra E. 28 Letra E. 58 Letra A.
08 Letra C. 38 Letra A. 29 Letra A. 59 Letra D.
09 Letra B. 39 Letra C. 30 Letra D. 60 Letra E.
10 Letra C. 40 Letra D.
11 Letra E. 41 Letra A.
12 Letra B. 42 Letra C.






















366 Vol. 2
Oração condicional C hapter

A Day with Dad 04 Complete the gap with the suitable option.

Becky Brown’s parents are divorced. Becky spends every other (A) more smarter than.
weekend with her father Mike. One Saturday, Becky and Mike decide to (B) so much smarter than.
go to a beach, and there they get a surprise. Their formers neighbors, (C) much more smart than.
the Holts, are unpacking the next car. What a coincidence! Everyone (D) so smarter as.
waves hello and decides to spend the day together. Mr. Holts finds
a spot for them on the crowded beach. During the day some people 05 Considering the girl’s speech ABOVE, which question is the most
in the crowd sunbathe to get a tan. Other people swim and play suitable in relation to her doubt?
in the water still others listen to the radio or pick up shells. Becky
covers Mike with sand. The Holt’s son, Jimmy, builds a sand castle. (A) How intelligent is a girl in relation to a boy?
Mrs. Holt gets a sunburn. When everyone gets hungry, Mike puts on a (B) What’s the sexual difference on a specific intellectual skill?
chef’s hat and cooks hot dogs and hamburgers. Kites and birds fly over the (C) Where do males seem to perform better than females?
picnic. The families eat and eat. Finally, everyone cleans up, packs the cars, (D) Why are the boys so efficient in solving problems when they are
and says good-bye. Becky hugs Mike and falls asleep on the way home. younger?

Taken from the Writing Composition – Cambridge University Press.

First love
01 Which word(s) in the story tells you that there are many people on the
beach? Everyone remembers his or her first love. Few experiences will ever be
as intense and overwhelming as your first crush. When teenagers develop
(A) Formers neighbors. a sense of extraordinary closeness with another person, the experience has
(B) Crowded. echoes of the close contact between mother and child in infancy. Falling in
(C) Others. love as a teenager is more intense than the experience in adulthood. But
(D) Some people. these early relationships usually burn out quickly. One survey showed that
at age 15, dating relationships last an average of only three to four months.
02 Mark the option in which there is a grammatical mistake in the dialog. Love on the brain
Researchers have identified pathways in the brain that light up when
(A) A: Where did Beck and the Holts meet one another? teenagers are in love.
B: They met one another on the beach.
Brief loves
(B) A: What’s everyone eating?
B: They’re eating hamburgers and hot dogs. Researchers have identified three phases of love. The initial physical
(C) A: Who Beck probably live with? response is ‘lust’*. The falling in love is called ‘attraction’. The emotional
B: She lives with her mother. commitment, required to make relationships last in the long term, is known
(D) A: When does Beck stay with her father? as ‘attachment’. Teenagers seem to experience the attraction phase more
B: On weekends. strongly than adults, but their failure to enter the attachment phase may
be to blame for the short-term nature of their relationships.
03 Based on the first two sentences, which option has the correct
Time Magazine – 2006 (adapted).

(A) If Becky Brown’s parents were divorced, Becky spent every other Glossary:
weekend with her father Mike. *lust = a very strong desire.
(B) If Becky Brown’s parents are divorced, Becky spent every other
weekend with her father Mike. 06 De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que:
(C) As Becky Brown’s parents are divorced, Becky spends every other
weekend with her father Mike. (A) relacionamentos em qualquer idade duram apenas de 3 a 4 meses.
(D) Unless Becky Brown’s parents weren’t divorced, Becky would spend (B) quando o adolescente se apaixona, ele experimenta sentimentos que
every other weekend with her father Mike. o fazem reviver as emoções desenvolvidas com o seu primeiro elo
Observe the dialogue and answer the questions. (C) o primeiro amor é a única experiência intensa e só se desenvolve na
(D) quando nos apaixonamos, recordamos nossa infância, e estruturamos
“How come girls are ______ boys when we’re kids, and then when
então um contato real com nossas mães.
we grow up boys get to run everything?”

Taken from Academic Encounters – Cambridge University Press

Inglês – Chapter 14

07 O autor nos leva a concluir que: 10 Complete the blanks in the letter above using the right following words.

(A) a ausência da fase de comprometimento nos conduz a relações pouco (A) has happened / since / saw
duráveis. (B) happened / for / have seen
(B) enquanto jovens, nosso maior interesse no campo amoroso reside (C) happened / where / didn’t see
tão somente em atração física. (D) happens / when/ see
(C) não foram observadas quaisquer alterações no campo cerebral de
um(a) jovem apaixonado(a). Oração Condicional
(D) pesquisas revelaram que todos os jovens falharam ao reviver as três
fases do amor.
Orações iniciadas por IF e WHETHER
08 The words “three phases of love” is the answer to the following Emprega-se IF ou WHETHER com orações que introduzem perguntas
question. Which one? indiretas:
I haven’t asked whether he can come. [IF = WHETHER]
(A) Who has discovered the phases of love? (Não perguntei se ele pode vir.)
(B) Whose love have the researchers identified?
(C) What have researchers found out about love?
(D) What kind of love have the researchers identified? We don’t know whether he will agree or not.
(Não sabemos se ele vai concordar ou não.)
Lessons in love
We do not know if transport will be provided.
However short-lived it might turn out to be, an experience of passionate (Não sabemos se o transporte vai ser fornecido.)
love can quickly become the most important thing in a young person’s
life. Teenagers in love spend endless hours talking, either on the phone
or face to face. If it can be done in time is the main doubt.
This intimacy teaches them about their own identity, simply through (Se pode ser feito a tempo é a principal dúvida.)
becoming close to someone else. Intimacy also involves openness, sharing
and trust, so it also contributes to maturity. IF e WHETHER podem ser usados como sinônimos:
Discovering new emotional feelings, most teenagers also experience E.j.:
new physical desires as well.
I don’t know if I will go to the party.
(Adapted from Time Magazine – 2006.) I don’t know whether I will go to the party.
(Eu não sei se irei à festa.)
09 What’s the main consequence of “intimacy”?

(A) After three or four months teenagers are able to spend hours face to WHETHER é obrigatório:
face. Antes de infinitivo:
(B) The development of the physiological characteristics of the personality.
(C) Teenagers experience the attractive phase and they may become mature Infinitivo
as a result.
We don’t know whether to go or not.
(D) Physical desires usually turn out to mature lust.
(Não sabemos se devemos ir ou não.)
Dear Cathleen,
Depois de preposição:
You will no doubt be surprised to hear from me after all this time. You
know how the saying goes, ‘I have thought of you often, but I just haven’t Preposição
got around to writing’. I won’t go into everything that _______________ The directors talked about whether they should buy another company.
_______________ I last _______________ you, because I hope to have
the opportunity to tell you all this in person on December 15th. (Os diretores discutiram se deviam comprar outra empresa.)
I’m going to my uncle’s for the Christmas holidays, and I’m delighted
to find that I have to change planes in your fair city. I’ll have three hours Quando a oração exerce a função de sujeito:
between planes, and I’m hoping you can meet me at the airport for dinner. Whether he will have a party on his birthday has not yet been decided.
The pIane will arrive there at 5:30 p.m. The other plane is scheduled to
(Ainda não foi decidido se ele fará uma festa no dia do seu aniversário.)
take off at 8:30.
I hope to see your smiling face when I get off the plane.
Quando for usado or not:
You will have to do this work, whether you like it or not.
(Você terá que fazer esse serviço, gostando ou não.)
Josh D. Cliff

(Taken from Mastering American English) WHETHER está mais ligado à ideia de alternativa e IF à ideia de condição.

54 Vol. 3
Oração condicional

If Clauses – Conditional Sentences Nesta estrutura utilizamos Past Perfect e Simple Conditional.
As orações com “IF” em inglês seguem uma sequência de tempos Note bem que, nos casos chamados especiais, utilizamos estruturas
verbais conforme demonstrado abaixo: diferentes das citadas no quadro anterior, uma vez que temos casos
1st Probable – Possible Também temos:
Simple Present – Simple Future
Verbo TO BE no Simple Past – WERE – para todas as pessoas.
If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.
If I have the money, I will buy that car. Podemos também fazer a omissão do IF, fazendo a inversão do sujeito
(Oração Condicional) (Oração Principal) com o verbo.
I will buy that car if I have the money. Were I you, I wouldn’t do that.
(Oração Principal) (Oração Condicional)
O verbo to be no passado tem a forma WERE para todas as pessoas
2 Improbable – Possible
quando aparece em orações condicionais principalmente no registro
americano da Língua Inglesa, uma vez que na Inglaterra o uso do verbo
Simple Past – Simple Conditional (Would)
TO BE em sua forma normal (IF I WAS...) é popularmente bastante aceito.
Porém aconselhamos a usar IF I/HE/SHE WERE.
E.j.: Também temos a linguagem literária com uma forma mais requintada,
If I had the money, I would buy that car. em que fazemos a omissão de IF fazendo uma inversão com o verbo
(Oração Condicional) (Oração Principal) auxiliar.
I would buy that car if I had the money.
(Oração Principal) (Oração Condicional) If you had arrived earlier, you would have met Sue.
3rd Impossible (Se você tivesse chegado mais cedo, você teria encontrado Sue.)
Had you arrived earlier, you would have met Sue.
Past Perfect – Conditional Perfect (Would have + Past Participle)
E.j.: Podemos usar também UNLESS (a menos que – se não) no lugar
If I had had the money, I would have bought that car. de IF NOT.
(Oração Condicional) (Oração Principal) He won’t eat if you don’t prepare the meal.
I would have bought that car if I had had the money. He won’t eat UNLESS you prepare the meal.
(Oração Principal) (Oração Condicional)

De acordo com os exemplos anteriores, não há diferença quanto à 01 If she had studied a little bit more, she ............ her entrance
ordem dos tempos na construção das orações, desde que obedecida a examination.
sequência deles. (Simple Present – Simple Future, etc.)
O 1o condicional indica uma situação provável ou possível de acontecer. (A) will have passed (C) would have passed
O 2o condicional indica uma situação que, embora improvável, ainda assim, (B) won’t pass (D) would pass
seria possível de acontecer. O 3o condicional, porém, indica uma situação
impossível de acontecer. 02 If you ask her, she ....... she knows nothing about the fact.
Casos especiais (A) would say (C) will say
Podemos usar o Present Simple com o Imperative. (B) would have said (D) wouldn’t say
If you see Jane, tell her to phone me.
03 If you ...... John, he would have come to the party.
Neste caso, temos um pedido vinculado a uma condição.
(A) invited (C) invite
Podemos utilizar uma estrutura em que aparece duas vezes o Present (B) will invite (D) had invited
Simple. Quando expressamos leis naturais ou verdades universais.
04 He’d buy a car if he ........ how to drive.
If you put oil on the water, it floats.
(A) knew (C) will know
If you heat lead, it melts. (B) knows (D) would have known

Condição de passado com efeito no presente. 05 If he has enough money, he .... another house.
If you had eaten before you wouldn’t be so hungry now.
(A) would rent (C) will rent
(B) would have rented (D) rented

Inglês – Chapter 14

06 You ........ a bad time at the beach if it had rained. 19 They wouldn’t shut up if you ... them to do it.

(A) would have had (C) won’t have (A) don’t order (C) wouldn’t have ordered
(B) will have (D) would have (B) won’t order (D) didn’t order

07 If he drove more carefully, he ....... fewer accidents. 20 If he ..... time, he next Friday.
(A) would have had (C) will have
(A) will have – would visit (C) has – visit
(B) would have (D) won’t have
(B) has – will visit (D) has – visits
08 If I had not called the doctor, your friend .........
21 If I .....the truth, I would have acted in a different way.
(A) will die (C) would have died
(B) have died (D) will have died (A) know (C) had known
(B) knew (D) will know
09 You won’t go to the movies unless you ......... your mother.
22 If Brian ..... here now, he ..... us.
(A) don’t help (C) help
(B) won’t help (D) helped (A) was – will help (C) was – would help
(B) is – help (D) were – would help
10 I will go if I ...... the exam.
23 If we ......... a long vacation last year, we would have traveled.
(A) pass (C) will pass
(B) passed (D) would pass (A) had had (C) have
(B) had (D) have had
11 She would type the reports if you .... .
24 She won’t believe him if he ........ her his story.
(A) had asked (C) will ask
(B) ask (D) asked (A) tells (C) told
(B) tell (D) would have told
12 What would you do if you ...... to live in a foreign country?
25 If he studied at Oxford, he ....... English faster.
(A) have (C) will have
(B) had (D) would have had
(A) will learn (C) would learn
(B) you have learnt (D) learnt
13 I will be very happy if you ..... us.

(A) join (C) had joined 26 If he comes late, he .....

(B) will join (D) joined
(A) would miss the class (C) will miss the class
14 If I ...... you, I wouldn’t marry him. (B) missed the class (D) misses the class

(A) are (C) was 27 Ted will learn English if he .... to class.
(B) were (D) would be
(A) goes (C) go
15 Were you rich and she ........... you. (B) will go (D) went

(A) would marry (C) will marry 28 If she ..... a good car she ...... a lot.
(B) would have married (D) married
(A) had – will travel (C) has – would travel
16 Had he received an invitation he ...... to that party. (B) had – would have travelled (D) had – would travel
(A) had gone (C) would surely have gone
29 If you ..... all your exercises, you .... the text.
(B) surely went (D) will go
(A) had done – wouldn’t have failed (C) had done – wouldn’t fail
17 If you .....him, she ......
(B) did – would fail (D) do – wouldn’t fail
(A) invite – will not come (C) invited – will come
(B) will invite – will come (D) inviting – coming 30 If she had seen you, she ....... angry.

18 If she thinks everything is OK, she ..... surprised when she arrives (A) will be (C) would have been
there. (B) will have been (D) would be

(A) is (C) will be

(B) would be (D) would have been

56 Vol. 3
Orações subordinadas adjetivas C hapter

As orações subordinadas adjetivas, denominadas adjective clauses Porém outras construções são possíveis.
ou relative clauses em inglês, são iniciadas pelos seguintes pronomes
relativos: He is painting a house with green windows.
He is painting a house that / which has green windows.
Relative pronouns He is painting a house the windows of which* are green.
Who / Which / That / Whom / Whose
* A variação – He is painting a house of which the windows are green
Who – (Que, quem, o(s) / a(s) qual (is)) deve ser evitada por não ser muito comum.
É usado como sujeito do verbo, quando o termo antecedente for uma
pessoa. What – What é usado quando não há um substantivo ou um pronome
antes do pronome relativo. Significa “a (as) coisa (as) que”.
The men who built those houses were very rich.
Scott kept a diary and that is how we know what happened in the Pole.
Which – É também usado como o sujeito do verbo, quando o termo
antecedente não for pessoa. Outras estruturas com os pronomes relativos:
The horse which won the race was really beautiful.
Veja os exemplos:
• The woman is at home.
That – Pode substituir who e which em ambos os casos.
Esta frase não é clara o bastante, uma vez que não sabemos que mulher
Whom – É usado quando uma pessoa for o objeto da oração. Porém, está em casa. Para torná-la suficientemente clara temos que apresentar
é mais usado em inglês escrito formal. A tendência moderna é substituir alguma informação a respeito da mulher. Podemos dizer:
whom por that ou simplesmente omitir o pronome.
The woman who / that is sick is at home.
The boy whom you saw last week is my son. The woman whom / who / that you helped is at home.
The boy whom / who / that / x / you saw last week is my son. The woman whom / who / that you study with is at home.
The woman with whom you study is at home.
Which – É usado quando uma coisa ou um animal for o objeto da The woman whose daughter is my student is at home.
oração. Neste caso, pode ser substituído por that, ou simplesmente ser
Agora sabemos que mulher exatamente está em casa.
The film which I saw yesterday was very exciting. • My sister Anne, who lives with me, is sick.
The film which / that / x I saw yesterday was very exciting.
A oração entre vírgulas é absolutamente desnecessária. Se fosse
Com preposições empregamos os pronomes whom e which omitida a frase continuaria perfeitamente fazendo sentido. É uma oração
imediatamente depois delas. subordinada adjetiva explicativa.
The man to whom you are speaking is my brother.
Vejamos que pronomes podem ser usados nestas orações.
The house in which he lives is very old.
My sister Anne, who is a nurse, lives with me.
Em ambos os casos seriam possíveis as seguintes alternativas. My sister Anne, who(m) everybody likes, is a nurse.
The man who / whom / that/ x you are speaking to is my brother. My sister Anne, with whom I live, is a nurse.
The house which / that / x he lives in is very old. My sister Anne, who(m) I live with, is a nurse.
My sister Anne, whose daughter is my student, lives with me.
Obs. A omissão do pronome relativo é muito comum em Inglês coloquial
moderno, porém só é possível quando ele for referente ao objeto da oração.
– That nunca pode ser usado neste tipo de oração. (O pronome that
Whose – Este pronome aparece entre dois substantivos. O primeiro, o não é utilizado entre vírgulas.)
da esquerda, é o possuidor e o segundo, o da direita, é sempre o possuído. – Neste tipo de oração o pronome relativo NÃO pode ser omitido.
The man whose house is on fire is very poor. – O pronome that é preferencialmente utilizado com as expressões all,
everything, everybody, anybody, somebody, the first, the last, the
Whose também pode ser usado com substantivos inanimados. only e superlativos.
Cathy is the most intelligent girl THAT I know.
– Who e that também são utilizados em ditados em Inglês.
He is painting a house whose windows are green.
All that glitters in not gold.

Inglês – Chapter 15

Casos especiais 10 The science of medicine, in ........ progress has been very rapid lately,
Os advérbios when, where, why podem substituir algumas estruturas is perhaps the most important of all sciences.
formadas por preposição mais o pronome relativo which.
(A) who (C) that
She still remembers the day on which you two met. (B) which (D) whose
She still remembers the day when you two met.
11 That is the author ........ book is a great success.
I just forgot the place at which I left all my stuff.
I just forgot the place where I left all my stuff. (A) that (C) who
(B) which (D) whose
The teacher can not understand the reason for which you shouted.
The teacher can not understand why you shouted. 12 My employer, .......... I dislike, works in the next room.

EXERCISES LEVEL 1 (A) whom (C) whose

(B) that (D) which
01 The thief ..... stole the lady’s purse must be in prison now. 13 A good storyteller is a person ........ has good memory and hopes other
people don’t.
(A) which (C) whose
(B) whom (D) who (A) whom (C) who
(B) which (D) where
02 The coffee ............. you can drink in Brazil is very good.
14 She must remember the name of the man to ...........she handed the
(A) whose (C) which documents.
(B) who (D) whom
(A) who (C) whom
03 The woman .............. purse was stolen was desperate. (B) that (D) which
(A) who (C) whom 15 What is the name of the actress ......... worked in that film.
(B) which (D) whose
(A) whom (C) which
04 In “The poor neighbour who had his bedroom downstairs”, the word (B) who (D) what
WHO could be correctly replaced by:
16 My brother, ......... lived in the USA, speaks English very well.
(A) whose (C) what
(B) which (D) that (A) who (C) that
(B) which (D) whom
05 The man ............ daughter we saw yesterday is my boss.
17 The backache .......... she had made her stay home for four days.
(A) which (C) whom
(B) who (D) whose (A) X (C) Whom
(B) Who (D) What
06 The old man ....... was in the shop, and ...... you talked about is not a thief.
18 She didn’t know to .......she was talking on the phone.
(A) whom / who (C) which / whom
(B) who / whom (D) that / which (A) which (C) whom
(B) who (D) that
07 Jane’s room, ......... is seldom very neat, was cleaned today.
19 Places in .......... you can hurt yourself must be avoided.
(A) who (C) whose
(B) which (D) what (A) what (C) which
(B) who (D) whom
08 The man ...... cut your hair did it very badly.
20 The house ........ door is open is Mike’s.
(A) which (C) who
(B) whom (D) whose (A) whom (C) which
(B) who (D) whose
09 Flies, ........ come in the summer, carry disease.
21 He met the teacher ......... taught him.
(A) that (C) whom
(B) who (D) which (A) which (C) whose
(B) who (D) where

58 Vol. 3
Orações subordinadas adjetivas

22 The science ........studies matter and energy is called physics. 31 The boy ...... you punished so severely was, in fact, innocent:

(A) who (C) whom (A) which (D) what

(B) whose (D) which (B) whose (E) when
(C) whom
23 The old woman ......... you saw last night is my grandmother.
32 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as sentenças
(A) whom (C) which apresentadas:
(B) where (D) whose
I. He paid the man …… had done the job.
24 The girl about ........ you are talking is my neighbour. II. This is the girl ......... picture I showed you last week.
III. The chair …….. he broke is being repaired.
(A) who (C) that IV. The boy …… you’ve just seen is my cousin Lucas.
(B) which (D) whom
(A) who/ whose / that / whom (D) whose/ whose/ who/ whom
25 My brother, ......... you saw yesterday, is an engineer. (B) who/ who/ whose/ which (E) which/ whose/ which/ that
(C) whom/ which/ that/ whose
(A) whom (C) that
(B) which (D) whose 33 My neighbour Americo, ……………., has just traveled to Italy.

26 The old man ......... lives in front of my house is a friend of mine. (A) whose I told you (D) that I told you about
(B) about which I told you (E) whom I told you about
(A) who (C) whom (C) about who I told you
(B) which (D) whose
34 Many of these things, ………….., certainly do not belong to me, must
27 Assinale a alternativa incorreta: be thrown away immediately.
(A) Sartre is the man who said man was condemned to freedom. (A) whom (D) which
(B) Rodolfo said that he doesn’t know the guy whom you are looking for. (B) who (E) whose
(C) Linda, to who I promised my eternal love, ran away with another man. (C) that
(D) The protesters, whom the police were trying to dialogue with, were all
unarmed and calm. 35 Dada as seguintes sentenças:
(E) That’s the supermarket which sells wines from Europe.
I. She says she’s done everything that she could to help you.
28 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “The kids II. There will come a time when you’ll know I was right.
......... parents are waiting outside are the ones ......... grades are not that III. The lady in black, to who I was talking, is Mario’s daughter.
Constatamos que está(ão) correta(s):
(A) whose / whom (D) who / whom
(B) whose / whose (E) which/ whose/ which/ that (A) apenas a I. (D) apenas a II.
(C) which / which (B) apenas a II. (E) todas as sentenças.
(C) apenas a I e a II.
29 Dadas as sentenças
36 Complete a seguinte sentença: “The store .......... sells these incredible
I. Rui is the best friend that I have. computer games is really making a fortune.”
II. I forgot where I put my fountain-pen.
III. He who plays with the fire is bound to get burned (A) which (D) A and B are correct.
(B) that (E) B and C are correct
Constatamos que está(ão) correta(s): (C) X

(A) apenas a I. (D) apenas a I e a II. 37 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “No one really
(B) apenas a II. (E) todas as sentenças. knew …… he abandoned his wife and kids and simply disappeared”.
(C) apenas a III.
(A) whom (D) who
30 “People ........ lose their memories, are said to be suffering from amnesia. (B) which (E) why
Amnesia is a condition in ........ people can forget even their own names. (C) whose
Sometimes a person ........ memory is seriously affected may never regain it.”
38 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a seguinte sentença:
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do texto “It was 11 a.m. when a man ...... name I can’t remember now entered this
apresentado. room. Seemingly, he was looking for a woman ......... documents he had
found on the sidewalk. Do you know …… could be he be looking for?”
(A) which / who / whose (D) who / which / who
(B) who / which / whose (E) whose / who / which (A) whom / whose / who (D) whose / whom / whom
(C) which / who / who (B) whose / which / that (E) which / which / who
(C) whose / whose / whom

Inglês – Chapter 15

39 Qual das alternativas a seguir completa a frase “to ........ it may 40 Assinale a alternativa incorreta:
concern: I do not work here from now on.”?
(A) Everything comes to him who waits.
(A) whom (B) Nothing that I said was heard by you, was it?
(B) which (C) She is the first woman that crossed the Atlantic on a raft.
(C) X (D) All that glitters is not gold.
(D) whose (E) You are the only person which I love.
(E) that




























60 Vol. 3
Tag-question / Causative / Numeral C hapter

Tag questions 4. Interrogativa / negativa em tag question é possível sem forma contracta
embora a ordem das palavras seja modificada.
Tag endings são pequenas perguntas colocadas ao final das orações,
para pedir uma informação ou confirmação do que foi dito. E.j.:
You saw him, did you not?
Após uma oração afirmativa, usa-se o tag ending negativo.
5. You saw him, did you?
E.j.: = Oh, no you saw him.
Mary is working, isn’t she?
Paul will come, won’t he? 6. Too / So
They work in the morning, don’t they?
Bob plays the piano, doesn’t he? E.j.:
Mary talked to you, didn’t she? Bill would enjoy a game and Tom would too / so would Tom.

Características gerais do tag ending: 7. Neither / Either

(A) Vem sempre após uma vírgula.
(B) É sempre formado por um verbo auxiliar ou anômalo e um pronome. E.j.:
(C) A forma negativa aparece sempre abreviada. Paul hasn’t any spare time neither have I.
Paul hasn’t any spare time and I haven’t either
Quando a oração for negativa, o tag ending será afirmativo.

Causative form
Mary isn’t working, is she? Para indicar uma ação realizada por alguém a nosso pedido ou em
Paul won’t come, will he? nosso favor, usamos uma forma apropriada do verbo to have ou to get e
They don’t work in the morning, do they? o particípio passado do verbo principal.
Bob doesn’t play the piano, does he?
Mary didn’t talk to you, did she? E.j.:
I often have my car washed.
Casos especiais: I often get my car washed.

aren’t I? He had his house painted.

He got his house painted.
1. I am very late,
am I not? We will have our hair cut tomorrow.
2. Let’s go home now, shall we? We will get our hair cut tomorrow.
3. Open the window, will you?
4. She may go now, may she not? Causative use of have
Importante To have something done expressa que uma ação é feita por alguém
em favor ou a pedido do sujeito.
1. Palavras como: Para formarmos esta estrutura utilizamos:
No, none, nobody, nothing, scarcely, barely, hardly, seldom são tratadas
como negativas.
Sujeito + HAVE + Objeto + Particípio Passado
No salt is allowed, is it? I have my clothes made. (alguém faz)
I had my car washed. (alguém lavou)
2. Aos sujeitos como: I’ll have my meal prepared. (alguém preparará minha refeição)
Everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, no one,
nobody, none aplica-se o pronome “they”.
E.j.: Os numerais não estão, evidentemente, entre os elementos mais
No one would object, would they? importantes de um idioma. Seria, porém, lamentável se você dominasse
bem as estruturas da gramática inglesa, chegasse a ter um vocabulário
3. Lembrar que: razoavelmente bom e se atrapalhasse na hora de dizer algo como:
‘s = is ou has
‘d = had ou would

Inglês – Chapter 16

Ronaldo, que tem 37 anos, é piloto internacional; já voou mais de Obs.:

500 mil milhas e esteve nos Estados Unidos e na Europa uma 20 ou 30 vezes.
Quando está em Nova Iorque, costuma ficar em um hotel na rua 52 (A) Quando escrevemos os números por extensor, colocamos um hífen unindo
ou com um amigo que mora na rua 161. a unidade e a dezena. Isso vale tanto para cardinais quanto para ordinais.

25 – twenty-five
Para evitar vexames, a solução é memorizar e praticar. A propósito, o 25th – twenty-fifty
trecho acima ficaria assim:
167 – one hundred and sixty-seven
167th – one hundred and sixty-seventh
Ronaldo, who’s thirty-seven years old, is international pilot; he’s
already flown over five hundred thousand miles and has been to the USA
(B) Quando lemos ou escrevemos por extenso números superiores a
and Europe some twenty or thirty time. When he’s in New York, he usually
100, cardinais ou ordinais, acrescentamos and antes dos dois últimos
stays at a hotel on Fifty-Second Street or with a friend who lives on One
Hundred and Sixty-First Street.
518 – five hundred and eighteen
Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
518th – five hundred and eighteenth
1 one 1st first 333 – three hundred and thirty-three
2 two 2nd second 333rd – three hundred and thirty-third
3 three 3rd third
4 four 4th fourth (C) Em inglês, a pontuação dos números é oposta à nossa, isto é, onde
5 five 5th fifth usamos vírgula, eles usam ponto e onde usamos ponto, eles usam vírgula.
6 six 6th sixth
7 seven 7th seventh 1,000 3.1415 (π)
8 eight 8th eighth
1,000,000 0.5 (1/2)
9 nine 9th nineth
10 ten 10th tenth 1,000,000,000 Us 1,345.50
11 eleven 11th eleventh
12 twelve 12th twelfth (D) Como já vimos na Unidade 2, quando expressam número, hundred
13 thirteen 13th thirteenth thousand, million, billion, etc. não vão para o plural. Porém, quando
14 fourteen 14th fourteenth significam centenas, milhares, milhões, etc., de maneira genérica,
15 fifteen 15th fifteenth vão para o plural.
16 sixteen 16th sixteenth
17 seventeen 17th seventeenth three million (três milhões)
18 eighteen 18th eighteenth five trillion (cinco trilhões)
19 nineteen 19th nineteenth
20 twenty 20th twentieth mas hundreds of people (centenas de pessoas)
21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first millions of birds (milhões de pássaros)
22 twenty-two 22nd twenty-second
30 thirty 30th thirtieth (E) A abreviação dos números ordinais é feita acrescentando ao número
31 thirty-one 31st thirty-first as duas últimas letras de sua forma extensa.
32 thirty-two 32nd thirty-second
40 forty 40th fortieth first – 1st fourth - 4th
41 forty-one 41st forty-firts second – 2nd twentieth - 20th
42 forty-two 42nd forty-second
50 fifty 50th fiftieth third – 3rd seventieth - 70th
60 sixty 60th sixtieth
70 seventy 70th seventieth Na grafia, as duas últimas letras podem ser elevadas: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
80 eighty 80th eightieth 70th etc.
90 ninety 90th ninetieth
100 one/a hundred 100th (on e) (F) Em português, ao lermos ou escrevermos por extenso os números
hundredth ordinais, tanto na dezena quanto na centena e no milhar, todos os
101 one hundred and one 101st (on e) algarismos vão para a forma ordinal. Em inglês, porém, apenas o
hundred and first último algarismo vai para a forma ordinal.
1,000 one/a thousand 1,000th (on e)
thousandth 21o – vigésimo primeiro
1,000,000 one/a million 1,000,000th (one) millionth 21st – twenty-first
1,000,000,000 one/a billion 1,000,000,000th (on e)
72o – septuagésimo segundo
72nd – seventy-second

62 Vol. 3
Tag-question / Causative / Numeral

Em alguns casos, em inglês, empregam-se os numerais de maneira

diferente da nossa. Vejamos alguns. Exemplos:
Our English test will be on the 27th.
I. É comum usar o plural das dezenas para designar décadas ou quando Nossa prova de inglês será no dia 27.
se quer dizer “quarentão”, “cinquentão”, etc.
My sister got married on the 31 st.
in the fifties (nos anos cinquenta) Minha irmã se casou no dia 31.
V. Como expressar horas em inglês? Os povos de língua inglesa
in the eighties (nos anos oitenta)
costumam dividir o dia em duas partes: A.M. (Ante Meridiem), para
as horas antes do meio-dia, e P.M. (Past Meridiem), para as horas
Jane is still in her twenties. depois do meio-dia. A.M. e P.M. também podem ser grafados em letra
A Jane ainda tem vinte e tanto. (não chegou aos 30) minúscula.
Pode-se dispensar o A.M. e o P.M., desde que esteja claro que o falante
está se referindo à manhã, à tarde ou à noite. Para expressar frações
Mr. Castro is in his fifties. de horas, temos duas opções:
O sr. Castro é “cinquentão”.
A primeira, mais usada nos EUA, é semelhante ao nosso modo de ler
II. Como ler ano, por exemplo, 1988? Embora a forma completa seja as horas.
nineteen hundred and eighty-eight, popularmente diz-se nineteen eighty-
eight. 7:30 – seven thirty 11:25 – eleven twenty-five.
9:15 – nine fifteen 14:40 – two forty
Lê-se de dois em dois algarismos. 10:10 – ten ten 17:45 – five forty-five
1789 – seventeen eighty-nine.
1820 – eighteen twenty. Para as horas em que os minutos são inferiores a 10, vale o que
dissemos para anos.
1995 – nineteen ninety-five.
10:05 – ten oh five 14:08 – two oh eight
Quando o penúltimo algarismo for 0 (zero), lemos da seguinte forma:
A segunda opção, mais usada pelos britânicos, divide a hora em duas
partes: de 0 a 30 minutos, usa-se past (depois); e de 31 a 59, usa-
1805 – eighteen oh five se to (para). Além disso, usa-se quarter (um quarto) para 15 e 45
1907 – nineteen oh seven minutos, e half (metade) para meia hora. Os exemplos esclarecem:

5:10 – ten past five (literalmente: dez minutos depois das cinco)
O zero é pronunciado como se fosse a vogal o (pronúncia: ou).
5:30 – half past five (literalmente: meia hora depois das cinco)
III. Quanto a datas, a forma tradicional de expressa-las é colocando os 5:40 - twenty to six (literalmente: vinte minutos para as seis)
dias do mês na forma ordinal. Portanto: 5:50 – ten to six (literalmente: dez minutos para as seis)

On July 19th. / On the 19th of July.

No dia 19 de julho.

He was born on August 14th / on the 14th of August.

Ele nasceu no dia 14 de agosto.

(A) Note que, em inglês, os meses, assim como os dias da semana, são
grafados sempre com inicial maiúscula: March, June, September,
Sunday, Monday.
(B) Hoje em dia, está cada vez mais em desuso grafar datas na forma
ordinal quando o mês é mencionado juntamente com o dia: June
22, March 4, etc. Um exemplo típico ocorre em correspondências:
São Paulo, May 15, 1998; New York, Nov. 22, 1997. Não obstante,
é importante lembrar que, embora não se coloque o “th” depois de
15 ou o “nd”depois de 22, esses números devem ser pronunciados Mais alguns exemplos:
como ordinais. Portanto, a leitura é: May fifteenth, November twenty-
second. 6:05 – five past six 7:15 – a quarter past seven
8:30 – half past eight 9:35 – twenty-five to ten
IV. Quando o mês não é expresso, permanece a obrigatoriedade do ordinal. 10:45 – a quarter to eleven 11:55 – five to twelve
Isso ocorre principalmente em diálogos, em que se presume que o
interlocutor saiba de que mês se trata.

Inglês – Chapter 16

VI. As palavras teens ou teenager referem-se à ou ao adolescente, cuja (M) T h e c a p t a i n d i d n ’ t o r d e r t h e s h i p t o b e a b a n d o n e d ,

idade está entre 13 (thirteen) e 19 (nineteen) anos. A palavra teenager ___________________?
nada mais é do que a fusão substantiva de teen e age (idade). (N) Her mother can’t leave now, ____________________?
(O) He won’t be back before lunch, ____________________?
Exemplos: (P) The children don’t like the dog, ____________________?
When my mother was a teenager (in her teens), Elvis Presley was very (Q) Mary can’t speak English, ____________________?
popular. (R) He never comes to class on time, ____________________?
Quando minha mãe era adolescente, Elvis Presley era muito popular. (S) He may not go, ____________________?
(T) We haven’t met her, ____________________?
Monica was still a teenager (in her teens) when she got married.
02 Rewrite the following sentences using causative have.
Monica ainda era uma adolescente quando casou.
(A) He will paint his house next month.
(B) John was writing the letter.
Teenagers like rock and roll.
(C) Sally makes her dresses.
Os adolescentes gostam de rock and roll. (D) She cut her hair yesterday.
(E) We did the dishes.
VII. Os ordinais que seguem nomes próprios, quando pronunciados, são (F) She has sent the packages recently.
precedidos de artigo definido (the). (G) They would water her plants.
(H) I took a picture yesterday.
Queen Elizabeth II. (the Second) (I) He will install the telephone tomorrow.
(J) I have watered my flowers lately.
A rainha Elizabeth II.
(K) We would build our house.
(L) We must wash our clothes.
Pope John XXIII. (the Twenty-third) (M) He will cut his hair tomorrow.
O papa João XXIII. (N) They will send their letters the day after tomorrow.

King Henry VIII (the Eighth)
O rei Henrique VIII. (Escola Naval 1998) – Part I

VIII. Fração Read the following passage and answer questions (01) to (10).

 alone fifth Try something different for your
next Disney vacation – the Disney Institute
3 three fifths
5 You won’t believe what you can do. Animate a character. Climb a rock
wall. Produce a TV show. The Disney Institute is the newest Walt Disney
2 1 two and a quarter World vacation. Stay in a townhouse or bungalow walking distance of our
4 town green, nestled in a community-like setting.
Enjoy your choice of a variety of hands-on programs including Culinary
EXERCISES LEVEL 1 Arts, Animation, Sports and Fitness and more. Pamper yourself at The Spa
at the Disney Institute. Enjoy evening entertainment and film screenings.
01 Supply the correct tag endings. Special programs are available for children ages seven and older. Rates
from $499 per person for a three night stay, based on double occupancy.
(A) You don’t believe her, ____________________? To plan a Disney Institute vacation, call 1-800-496-6337, ext. PP46.
(B) The children aren’t looking for Jack, ____________________? Or call your Travel Agent.
(C) Jane won’t be sleeping by 10 o’clock, ____________________? Rate is valid most nights from 7/7 – 12/17/97. Offer is subject to
(D) Don’t talk to me, ____________________? change and availability. The number of packages available at the offered
(E) Tom hadn’t been playing tennis, ____________________? prices is limited. Meals, spa-services, private golf and tennis lessons and
(F) The players shouldn’t shout so much, ____________________? green fees are additional. Price in U.S. dollars. Programming not offered
(G) I am not going to see you tomorrow, ____________________? for children under 7.
(H) I am going to see you tomorrow, ____________________?
(I) The nurse will not take her examination today, ____________________? Disney Institute
(J) The doctors may be wrong, ____________________? You won’t believe what you can do.
(K) The employees won’t buy the books now, ____________________?
(Walt Disney World vacation guide – 1997.
(L) Yours friend may not pay the bill, ____________________?

64 Vol. 3
Tag-question / Causative / Numeral

01 Decide if the following statements are true of false. 07 The abbreviation ext. in “... call 1-800-496-6337 ... ext. PP46...”
( ) “The offer is valid until nearly before Xmas.”
( ) “You cannot find any information about the Disney Institute in the web.” (A) exterior.
( ) “Two people need U.S. $ 1000 to spend 4 days at the Disney Institute.” (B) external.
( ) “The planning of your vacation to the Disney Institute can only be done (C) extension.
through your Travel Agent.” (D) extent.
( ) “The number of packages available is limitless.” (E) extract.

Choose the option that has your answers. 08 The guide says you can produce a TV show. This means you can
(A) (F) (T) (T) (F) (T)
(B) (T) (T) (F) (F) (F) (A) a specific TV show.
(C) (F) (T) (F) (T) (T) (B) a particular TV show.
(D) (T) (F) (T) (F) (F) (C) any show you want.
(E) (T) (F) (T) (T) (F) (D) a show everybody knows.
(E) a show mentioned in the guide.
02 “The Disney Institute is the newest Walt Disney World vacation.” The 09 What is included in the price?
newest means that:
(A) Lunch, breakfast and dinner.
(A) there are other attractions which are as new as the Disney Institute. (B) The teaching of golf and tennis.
(B) they have opened other attractions which became available at the same time. (C) Accommodation.
(C) the Institute was the most recent facility opened by the Disney group. (D) The use of the golf course.
(D) they are going to open the Institute very soon. (E) A special program for people who want to lose weight.
(E) the Institute is an old dream of Walt E. Disney.
10 Another word for call in “Or call your travel agent.” is:
03 The word character in “Animate a character.” means:
(A) ask someone to come.
(A) mental or moral quality of a person. (B) telephone.
(B) a striking individuality. (C) shout.
(C) an unpleasant person. (D) make a short visit.
(D) a bad reputation. (E) wake.
(E) a person in a novel or play.
Part II
04 Which of the following underlined words is NOT being used as a verb
in the text? Choose the best answers in questions (11) to (25) to complete the blanks
in the text below.
(A) You won’t believe ...
(B) Pamper yourself at The Spa ...
Chapter one
(C) Offer is subject to change ...
(D) Stay in a townhouse ... Michael Y. McDeere (11) _____ twenty-five years old. He was (12) _____ to
(E) To plan a Disney Institute vacation ...
05 In which of the following choices the meaning of the word fit is similar
to its meaning in “... Sports and Fitness...”? (A) has
(B) had
(A) The food was not fit for human consumption. (C) will be
(B) He keeps himself fit by running 5 miles everyday. (D) was
(C) The room was fitted with a new carpet. (E) is
(D) These shoes don’t fit me.
(E) The elevator was so small that only three people could fit in it. 12

06 The word rate in the sentence “Rates from $499...” means that $ 499 (A) at
is the room: (B) on
(C) in
(A) cost. (D) about
(B) dollar. (E) of
(D) tuition.
(C) tax.
(E) fares.

Inglês – Chapter 16

graduate in the top five from Harvard Law School. He had a beautiful 18
wife, Abby.
He was white, handsome, tall and (13) __________ fit. He (14) (A) in (D) at
__________ drugs or (B) about (E) of
(C) on
graduated top of his class. They could see that poverty hurt, and that
(A) physically he wanted to climb away (19) __________ it.
(B) contemptuously
(C) usually 19
(D) gradually
(E) cyclically (A) to (D) in
(B) down (E) away
14 (C) from

(A) doesn’t take Now he was about to leave Harvard. Two firms in New York and (20)
(B) hasn’t taken __________ in
(C) isn’t taking
(D) didn’t take 20
(E) wasn’t taken
(A) other (D) one
drink too much. And he was hungry. He wanted it all: money, power, (B) the (E) a
a big house, a fast car ... He urgently wanted to succeed. (C) those
In other words, he was perfect for the Memphis law firm of Bendini,
Lambert & Locke. Chicago were interested in him, according to the file. (21) __________
Every one of the twenty partners in the firm (15) __________ a thick offer was
file on him.
(A) Higher (D) The higher
(B) High (E) Highest
(A) is taken
(C) The highest
(B) gave
(C) give
(D) has given $76,000 and the lowest was $68,000. All the partners agreed that he
(E) was given was the one they wanted. They wanted a new associate this year and they
wanted it to be him. The first interview, in a hotel near Harvard, went well.
They knew that he (16) _________ in poverty in Kentucky and brought Oliver Lambert took with him Lamar Quin, an associate who had been with
up by his the firm for seven years, and offered Mitch $80,000, a new BMW and help
in buying a house. Mitch was interested, of course. Lambert invited him
16 down to Memphis to visit the firm. He said he would send the air tickets.
The figure of $80,000 started Mitch and Abby dreaming. ‘Eight
(A) had born thousand in Memphis is the same as one hundred and twenty thousand
(B) had been born in New York,’ Mitch said. ‘We’ll (22) __________ afford almost anything
(C) be born we want, and it’s only the money’.
(D) has been born
(E) have born 22

mother after his father’s death. They knew that she had wasted the (A) could (D) be able
money the army gave her after her (17) _________ death in Vietnam, (B) be able to (E) could be
and that only the other (C) is able

17 I’ll start at; in two years I’ll be into six figures. They say that on average
an associate (23) __________ a partner in about ten years, and then I
(A) older sons’ (D) old son’s (24) __________ about half a
(B) eldest son’s (E) elder son’s
(C) old sons’ 23

brother, Ray had cared for him. They knew that he had won a place at (A) become (D) will have became
Western Kentucky University because he was good (18) _____ football, (B) was becoming (E) becomes
and had (C) became

66 Vol. 3
Tag-question / Causative / Numeral

24 31 If we leave now, we should be in New York __________ nine if there

isn’t much traffic.
(A) will be earning (D) didn’t earn
(B) doesn’t earn (E) earn (A) on (D) afterward
(C) will have earned (B) to (E) between
(C) by
million dollars a year! And what about the car and the house.
‘(25) __________ wants New York?’ Abby said, smiling, and thinking 32 He behaves so strangely __________ times.
about their
(A) in (D) at
(B) before (E) on
(C) after
(A) What (D) Where
33 I met her __________ accident __________ the theater the other day.
(B) Who (E) Which
(C) Whom
(A) by / on (D) by / at
(B) at / by (E) in / at
rusty Mazda and about new furniture in a big old house – and dreaming (C) on / in
(26) __________ 34 The old lady sat ________ the child on the bus.

26 (A) beside (D) between

(B) besides (E) next
(A) on (D) in (C) in
(B) with (E) (no preposition)
(C) of 35 I am sorry to hear about your problem. If I were you, I ________ your
grandmother exactly how you feel. She may have no idea that you are so
babies. ‘(27) __________ sort of work is it?’ lonely.

27 (A) would tell (D) wouldn’t have told

(B) wouldn’t have been told (E) would have told
(A) What (D) Where (C) would rather have told
(B) Who (E) Which
(C) Whom 36 The invention of the elevator by Elinsha Gray transformed architecture.
If he hadn’t invented the elevator, skyscrapers ________ have been built.
(GRISHAM, J. (1991). The Firm. Retold by Robin Waterfield. Penguin Books.)
(A) mustn’t
Part III (B) might
(C) should
Choose the correct answer for questions (28) to (50). (D) can
(E) wouldn’t
28 We need to sit __________ the other side of the room.
37 ________________ discussed by the Board of Directors when it was
(A) into (D) away proposed again by the supervisors.
(B) in (E) to
(C) on (A) The problem had already
(B) The problem is already
29 Peter is accustomed __________ spending his free time on the beach. (C) The problem had already been
(D) The problem has already
(A) from (D) by (E) The problem has already been
(B) to (E) at
(C) in 38 The X-ray treatments ________________ up to the time that he was
dismissed from the hospital.
30 Don’t throw the ball __________ me!
(A) gave daily (D) daily had been given
(A) down (D) in (B) were given daily (E) have been given daily
(B) up (E) at (C) daily have been given
(C) away

Inglês – Chapter 16

39 The Naval Academy at Annapolis ________ on the west side of 45 Ellen is shopping in a very famous department store in her town.
Cheasepeak Bay, south of Washington D.C. What does she say to the salesperson?

(A) located (D) whose location is (A) “I need some pair of new jeans.”
(B) is located (E) where is location (B) “I need a new jeans.”
(C) which is located (C) “I need a pair of new jeans.”
(D) “I need one new jeans.”
40 The flight instructor, when ________ at the air base, said that orders (E) “I need a jeans.”
not to fight had been issued.
46 The students were discouraged because ________ people passed
(A) interviewed (D) interviewing the examination.
(B) he interviewed (E) had interviewed
(C) to interview (A) none (D) a few
(B) a little (E) few
41 The first nuclear-powered ship in the world, The Nautilus, __________ (C) little
by the US Navy in 1954.
47 At the cafeteria Carol offers Joshua something to drink.
(A) it was launched (D) had launched
(B) that was launched (E) it launched Carol: “Would you like ________ tea?”
(C) was launched Joshua: “Yes, please.”

42 A passenger is asking for information. (A) some (D) much

(B) any (E) little
Passenger: “Excuse-me, could you tell me how to get to ________ city (C) many
Policeman: “Yes, go straight ahead, and then take ________ next turning.” 48 The Grand Canyon cuts steeply through an arid plateau region.
Arid means:
(A) a / – (D) – / a
(B) the / the (E) the / a (A) spectacular (D) majestic
(C) an / a (B) barren (E) vivid
(C) moist
43 Mary and Susan are very good friends. Mary meets Susan on her way
to the park on a beautiful Sunday morning. 49 Ice-cream manufacturers make their product in dozens of flavours.
In dozens means:
Mary: “What ________ wonderful morning! Let’s go for ________ walk!”
(A) 12 (D) approximately
(A) a/a (D) the / a (B) 24 (E) few
(B) a / – (E) a / the (C) many
(C) – / a
50 The most common cause of fire, however, is not man but nature.
44 The lecture we’ve attended was not good. It was quite ________ , and However means:
the audience was ________ .
(A) since (D) supposedly
(A) amusing / amused (D) boring / bored (B) therefore (E) consequently
(B) bored / boring (E) interesting / interested (C) nonetheless
(C) amused / amusing









68 Vol. 3
Falsos cognatos C hapter

Falsos cognatos são palavras normalmente derivadas de latim, que têm 18. cigar= charuto
a mesma origem e que aparecem em diferentes idiomas com ortografia 18. cigarro=cigarette
semelhante, mas que ao longo do tempo acabaram adquirindo significados
diferentes. A lista parece longa, porém se considerarmos todo o conjunto 19. collar= gola,colarinho, coleira
de palavras da língua inglesa, o número de falsos cognatos é reduzido. 19. colar= necklace

01. actually= really, indeed, in fact =realmente, de verdade 20. college= faculdade, ensino de 3o grau
01. atualmente= nowadays, today 20. colégio (2o grau)= high school
21. commodity= artigo, mercadoria
02. agenda= pauta do dia 21. comodidade= comfort
02. agenda= appointment book, agenda
22. comprehensive= abrangente, extenso
03. to amass(ed)= juntar, acumular 22. compreensivo= understanding
03. amassar= to crush(ed)
23. costume= fantasia, indumentária
04. to anticipate(d)=prever, ficar na expectativa 23. costume= custom, habit
04. antecipar= to do or take something in advance
24. data= dados, números, informações
05. application= inscrição, uso 24. data= date
05. aplicação (financeira)= investment
25. deception= logro, fraude, enganação
06. appointment= compromisso 25. decepção= disappointment
06. apontamento= note
26. defendant= réu, acusado advogado de defesa= attorney
07. appreciation= gratidão, reconhecimento por algo 26. defensor= defender
07. apreciação= judgement, opinion
27. design= projeto, estilo designação, to design(ed)= projetar, criar
08. to assist(ed)= ajudar 27. designar= to appoint(ed); indicação= appointment
08. assistir= to attend(ed), to watch
28. editor= redator
09. to assume(d)= presumir 28. editor= publisher; editor de textos= word processor
09. assumir= to take over
29. educated= instruído, com escolaridade
10. to attend(ed)= frequentar, assistir 29. educado= polite, well-mannered
10. atender= to help, to answer, to see,
30. emission= emissão, descarga(gases)
11. audience= plateia, público 30. emissão= issuing of a document
11. audiência= interview, court appearance
31. to enroll(ed) = inscrever-se, alistar-se, registrar-se
12. balcony= sacada, varanda 31. enrolar= to roll(ed) a carpet, sleeves
12. balcão= counter
32. eventually= finalmente
13. baton= batuta (de maestro), cacetete 32. eventualmente=occasionally, sometimes
13. batom= lipstick
33. exit= saída
14. beef= carne de gado 33. êxito, sucesso= success
14. bife= steak
34. expert= perito
15. cafeteria= cantina, refeitório 34. esperto= smart, clever, cunning, brainy
15. cafeteira= coffepot
35. exquisite= refinado
16. carton= caixa de papelão, pacote de cigarros 35. esquisito= odd, strange, weird
16. cartão= card
36. fabric= tecido, enredo
17. casualty= baixas (mortos ou feridos em acidente ou guerra) 36. fábrica= factory, plant
17. casualidade= chance

Inglês – Chapter 17

37. genial= afável, aprazível 58. moisture= umidade

37. genial= brilliant 58. mistura= mixture, mix, blend

38. graduate program= curso de pós- graduação 59. notice= aviso, comunicado; to notice(d)= notar, perceber
38. graduação=undergraduate program 59. noticiar= to report(ed); notícia=news

39. to grip(ped)= agarrar firme 60. novel= romance; novel= novo, inusitado, insólito
39. gripe= cold, flu, influenza 60. novela= soap opera (TV); novela= short story, tale(gênero lit.);
novelo= ball of yarn
40. hazard= risco
40. azar= bad luck 61. office= escritório, consultório
61. ofício= occupation, craft; oficial (adj.)= official, formal; oficial.
41. idiom= expressão idiomática (subst)= officer
41. idioma= language
62. parents= pais
42. ingenious= engenhoso, habilidoso 62. parentes= relatives
42. ingênuo= ingenuous, innocent, naïve
63. particular= específico, exato, especial
43. ingenuity=engenhosidade, habilidade 63. particular= private
43. ingenuidade= ingenuousness, naïvety
64. pasta= massa (alimento);
44. injury= machucado, ferimento 64. pasta=folder, case, briefcase(=objeto); pasta= dip (=molho);
44. injúria= insult pasta= paste (= cola, grude, pomada)

45. inscription= gravação em relevo 65. policy= política, estratégia,diretriz

45. inscrição= application 65. polícia= police; policial= policeman, police officer; Política= Politics;
político= politician (subst.) / political (adj)
46. to intend(ed)= pretender 66. port= harbour= porto
46. entender= to understand, understood to realize(d), to figure(d) out 66. porta= door

47. intoxication=embriaguez, efeito de drogas 67. porter (Am.E.) = carregador de malas; (Am.E.) = cabineiro de trem;
47. intoxicação= poisoning porter (Br.E.) = porteiro; (Br.E.) = pessoa que transporta porteira,
portão = gate, barrier; pacientes de um lado para o outro no portador
48. journal= revista especializada, relato diário = messenger, bearer; hospital.
48. jornal= newspaper 67. porteiro= doorman (Am. E.); portaria= reception desk (lugar);
portaria= government regulation
49. lamp= luminária
49. lâmpada= light bulb 68. prejudice= preconceito
68. prejuízo= damage, loss
50. large= grande
50. largo= wide, broad (adj), largo= public square (subst) 69. to prescribe(d)= prescrever, receitar
69. prescrever= acabar o prazo=to expire(d)
51. lecture= palestra, conferência
51. leitura= reading 70. preservative=conservante
70. preservativo= condom, rubber
52. legend= lenda
52. legenda= subtitle, caption 71. to pretend(ed)= fingir
71. pretender= to intend(ed), to plan(nned)
53. library= biblioteca
53. livraria= bookshop, bookstore 72. to procure(d)= adquirir, conseguir com dificuldade, exercer lenocínio
72. procurar= look(ed) for, search(ed) for
54. lunch= almoço
54. lanche= snack 73. to pull(ed)= puxar
73. pular= to jump(ed), to hop(ped)
55. magazine= revista
55. magazine=loja= store, shop 74. to push(ed)= empurrar

56. mayor=prefeito 75. to range(d)= pôr em ordem, classificar, ter alcance máximo de, oscilar
56. maior= bigger, larger, greater; more important; major= major 75. ranger= to creak(ed)

57. medicine= remédio 76. to realize(d)= perceber, entender

57. Medicina= Medicine 76. realizar=to carry out, to accomplish

70 Vol. 3
Falsos cognatos

77. to record(ed)= gravar, registrar; record= disco, registro, marco 04 arrest

77. recordar= to remember(ed), to recall(ed)
(A) arrastar
78. requirement= requisito (B) prender
78. requerimento= petition (C) abusar

79. to resume(ed)= reiniciar, retomar 05 balance

79. resumir=to summarize(d), to sum up
(A) equilíbrio
80. resumé= curriculum vitae, currículo (B) balanço
80. resumo= summary (C) desequilibrado

81. retired= aposentado 06 commodity

81. retirado= removed, secluded
(A) cômodo
82. senior= idoso (B) conforto
82. senhor= gentleman, sir, Mr. (C) mercadoria

83. service= atendimento 07 curse

83. serviço= job, task
(A) curso
84. stranger= desconhecido (B) xingar
84. estrangeiro= foreign (adj); foreigner (subst.); abroad (fora do país de origem) (C) relação sexual

85. stupid= burro, ignorante 08 disgust

85. estúpido, grosseiro = impolite, rude
(A) nojo
86. tax= imposto (B) desgosto
86. taxa (de natalidade) =birth rate; taxa ( de juros)=rate of interest; taxa (C) desgostar
(de inscrição) = entrance fee
09 estate
87. to turn(ed)= virar, girar; turn(subst.)= volta, curva, vez
87. turno (de trabalho)= shift; turno (escolar)= school period (A) estado
(B) propriedades
88. vegetables= verduras, legumes (C) estado de inconsciência
88. vegetais= plants
10 inhabited
(A) habitado
Escolha o significado correto de 1 a 20: (B) desabitado
(C) habitante
01 addiction
11 ordinary
(A) adição
(B) vício (A) ordinário
(C) viciado (B) comum
(C) ordenar
02 advertise
12 ore
(A) anunciar
(B) anúncio (A) orar
(C) advertir (B) minério
(C) oração
03 anthem
13 physician
(A) antena
(B) hino (A) físico
(C) anterior (B) médico
(C) Física

Inglês – Chapter 17

14 prospect But more than just providing an interesting engineering exercise, Aqua,
we hope, will someday play an important role in protecting coral reefs.
(A) perspectiva The most biologically diverse and sensitive components of the world’s
(B) panfleto marine ecosystems, coral reefs are extremely fragile, and today they
(C) prospecção are in a state of crisis around the globe. Twenty percent of the world’s
reefs have already been destroyed, mainly as a result of human activity.
15 sensible The remaining reefs urgently require protection. As our preliminary
experiments in Barbados showed, underwater robots such as Aqua could
(A) sensível
help conservationists monitor the health of reefs and thus be in a better
(B) sensato
position to protect them.
(C) sensibilidade
In the past 30 years, marine scientists have come to rely on
16 silicon underwater vehicles, or UVs, to probe ocean depths that before were
largely inaccessible to humans. Often, these vehicles reveal details about
(A) silicone the ocean that couldn’t be obtained using data-gathering instruments
(B) silício deployed on ships or satellites. For instance, at the Massachusetts Institute
(C) silenciador of Technology, in Cambridge, the Deep Water Archaeology Research Group
has been using a robotic UV to create precise photomosaics of under
17 sort water archaeological sites. Also, researchers at the Scripps Institution of
Oceanography, in La Jolla, Calif., and at the Woods Hole Oceanographic
(A) sorte Institution, in Massachusetts, have been experimenting with ocean robots
(B) tipo to gather data on hurricanes and marine life.
(C) azar Unlike many earlier UVs, Aqua is intended for shallower waters, and its
design reflects this. Although the majority of UVs are large and unwieldy –
18 scholar some require a crane to lower them into the water – Aqua measures only
(A) escolar 50 by 65 by 13 centimeters and weighs just 18 kilograms. Aqua is thus
(B) erudito easier to deploy: you can literally throw it into the water, or it can launch
(C) ônibus escolar itself from the beach.
The robot is also incredibly maneuverable. Most UVs are propeller-
19 support driven, so the range of actions they can execute is fairly limited. Aqua’s
flippers move independently, enabling it to move forward, backward, up,
(A) apoiar down, and sideways; it can swim in a straight line or along a sinusoidal
(B) suportar or helical path, and it can perform tight somersaults and rolls. Using six
(C) deixar de patrocinar flippers instead of four also helps stabilize the robot when it’s performing
such tasks as recording video in rough waters.
20 ultimately Even though Aqua’s compact size and amphibious locomotion make
(A) ultimamente it ideal for operating around coral reefs, some of our collaborators have
(B) realmente other ideas for the robot. They believe Aqua could serve as the basis for
(C) finalmente other robotic machines that could do environmental inspections in deep
water or near shorelines; perform routine monitoring in aquaculture tanks
used to raise sea creatures; and also help human divers with predive safety
checks and physical tasks underwater.

An amphibious robot (Adaptado de IEEE Spectrum, vol. 43, no. 6, June 2006.)

The robot is more than just lovable. With six rotating flippers, three
01 Leia o texto “An amphibious robot” e, EM INGLÊS, responda às
on each side of its boxy metal carapace, this machine is amphibious,
perguntas sobre ele.
capable of both walking and swimming – an attribute that is unique in the
robot world. As more onlookers gather, the little robot heads out through
(A) What is the unique attribute presented by the amphibious robot?
the surf and disappears into the turquoise waters that surround this
(B) What was the amphibious robot called?
Caribbean island.
(C) Which educational institutions are involved in the research?
The mechanical hexapod, called Aqua, is the latest in a series of (D) What is the objective of the research?
seagoing robots our research group at McGill University, in Montreal, has (E) What is the challenging robotic topic this research intends to reach?
been developing in collaboration with teams led by Michael Jenkin at York (F) What future task will be destined the amphibious robot to accomplish?
University, in Toronto, and Evangelos Milios at Dalhousie University, in (G) What is one main difference between this amphibious robot and earlier ones?
Halifax, N.S., Canada. Our goal is to develop an underwater vehicle that (H) How heavy is the amphibious robot?
can autonomously explore and collect data in aquatic environments while (I) When it comes to the movements the amphibious robot is able to do,
surviving the harsh saltwater conditions and often turbulent waters of the why is it considered incredibly maneuverable?
open sea. In building Aqua, we are tackling one of the most challenging (J) Using the amphibious robot as a basis, what other tasks scientists and
topics in robotics: integrating vision and locomotion into an amphibious researchers think it can be used for?
machine that can determine what it is “seeing,” where it is, and where it
is going.

72 Vol. 3
Falsos cognatos

02 Observe o 4o parágrafo do texto “An amphibious robot”. As palavras da Although the IATA collects a lot of statistics on flights and passenger
coluna 2 foram retiradas deste parágrafo. Relacione-as com as palavras numbers, working out how many of the growing number of planes are in
da coluna 1, conforme seu significado. the sky at any one time is a tricky business, especially as statistics related
to military and private aviation are more difficult to track down. Also, as the
Coluna 1 Coluna 2 IATA tracks mainly passenger numbers and freight, deriving the average
I. ( ) investigate (A) rely number of actual aeroplanes involves a little guesswork. According to the
II. ( ) for example (B) probe organisation, there are, on average, 400,000 people in the sky at any one
III. ( ) repeatedly (C) largely time: equivalent to the population of Bristol.
IV. ( ) accurate (D) often
According to a spokeswoman at the IATA, there are about 100 people in
V. ( ) places (E) deployed
each, giving an estimate of 4,000 planes in flight at any point during the day.
VI. ( ) predominantly (F) for instance
VII. ( ) testing (G) precise (Geographical Magazine, v78 i2, feb 2006.)
VIII. ( ) collect (H) sites
IX. ( ) used effectively (I) experimenting (A) ( ) Both passengers’ flights and cargo transport are rising on these
X. ( ) count (J) gather days.
(B) ( ) Western supermarkets import fruit and vegetables.
03 Leia o texto seguinte, retirado da Revista Geographical, de fevereiro (C) ( ) Passenger’s flights are growing slower then cargo transport.
de 2006, e coloque entre parênteses (V), caso a afirmação sobre o texto (D) ( ) The price of fuel influences the number of aeroplanes in the air.
seja verdadeira e (F), caso seja falsa. (E) ( ) A reduction on the price of fuel will enable the passenger numbers
and cargo transport to grow around 6%.
How many aeroplanes are in the air at any one (F) ( ) Once IATA collects statistics on flight and passenger numbers,
calculating the number of planes in the sky becomes an easy task.
time? (G) ( ) Statistics related to military and private aviation are not so clear,
The number of passengers taking flights grew by eight per cent between what influences the prediction concerning how many aeroplanes are
2004 and 2005. And that’s just people. Cargo transport is rising as more in the sky at any one time.
and more exotic fruit and vegetables are flown in for Western supermarkets. (H) ( ) Deriving the average number of actual aeroplanes is just a matter
However, it isn’t growing as quickly, racking up a mere 2.6 per cent rise over of guessing.
the past year, according to the International Air Traffic Association (IATA). (I) ( ) The population of Bristol is so small that they can all travel on the
The rising cost of fuel means that growth has slowed in recent months. same plane.
Even so, the IATA expects that over the next four years, growth in both (J) ( ) According to the statistics, the answer to the question title of this
passenger numbers and cargo will be around six per cent. Poland and China text is 4,000.
will see the biggest rises in aircraft use through to 2009.
















Prefixos e Sufixos C hapter

Prefixes (prefixos) B. IN (IM, IR, IL)

Sufficient Insufficient
Um prefixo pode ter mais de um significado. A seguir estão listados Polite Impolite
alguns, com a especificação do seu significado. Mortal Immortal
Regular Irregular
Prefixo Significado Exemplo
Responsible Irresponsible
antibiotic Patient Inpatient
anti- oposto
anti-american Legal Illegal
bi- dois, duas vezes bilingual Licit Illicit
reversão decode Justice Injustice
remoção deforest Pure Impure
Inter- entre C. UN
mono- um, único monosyllable Fair Unfair
Just Unjust
através transatlantic
trans- Kind Unkind
mudança transformation
Safe Unsafe
mis- errado misunderstand Lucky Unlucky
Real Unreal
Prefixos Área de significado Exemplos Selfish Unselfish
Interesting Uninteresting
unemploy Ending Unending
un- uninteresting Easy Uneasy
oposição, reversão
im-in- impossible, indirect
falta de ação
dis- discontent D. MIS
disconsideration Fortune Misfortune
Inform Misinform
over- overdose Handle Mishandle
under- underestimate Place Misplace
super- grau ou tamanho superman Understand Misunderstand
sub- subhuman
Carry Miscarry
mini- miniskirt
Believe Misbelieve
pre- pre-school Lead Mislead
post- postwar
Judge Misjudge
unilateral, unisex Behavior Misbehavior
um monotheism
bi- bifocal, bilingual Suffixes (sufixos)
di- dialogue, diameter O sufixo, como vimos, muda a função de uma palavra. Em seguida
TRI- três trident, tricycle temos alguns exemplos de mudança de função de palavra pelo acréscimo
multinational de um sufixo.
multi- multi-racial Mudança de verbos para substantivos
poly- polysyllabic Sufixos Verbos Substantivos
To arrive arrival
Prefixos Negativos To refuse refusal
A. DIS To depart departure
Close Disclose To fail failure
Compose Discompose To discover discovery
Connect Disconnect -y
To deliver delivery
Belief Disbelief
To pay payment
Agree Disagree -ment
To agree agreement
Obey Disobey
Like Dislike To teach teacher
Appear Disappear To work worker
Pleasure Displeasure To govern governor
To direct director

74 Vol. 3
Prefixos e Sufixos

Mudança de verbo para substantivo Mudança de adjetivos para verbos

Sufixo Adjetivos Verbos
-ation organize organization
apply application familiar familiarize
represent representation legal legalize
situate situation
Mudança de adjetivos para advérbios
-ion integrate integration Sufixo Adjetivos Advérbios
contribute contribution incessant incessantly
liberate liberation simultaneous simultaneously
Mudança de substantivo para adjetivo curious curiously
recent recently
-ern east eastern easy easily
west western perfect perfectly
north northern
south southern EXERCISES LEVEL 1

-al economy economical Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 01, 02, 03 e 04.
politics political

-ic economy economic Missing US soldier “found dead”

drama dramatic
Iraqi police say they have found the body of one of three US soldiers
-an europe european missing in Iraqi since 12 May. The men disappeared after an ambush on
a patrol south of Baghdad,and have been the subject of a massive search.
Mudança de substantivos para verbos The body was found in the Euphrates river in Musayyib, south of Baghdad.
The US has not confirmed its identity.
Sufixo Substantivos Verbos
The body found in the Euphrates has now been taken by US forces
computer computerize to check if it is indeed one of the missing men. Iraqi police say the body
author authorize discovered on Wednesday was dressed in what appeared to be the US
-ish fool foolish army trousers and boots, and had a tattoo on the left arm. There were
-less shape shapeless bullet wounds to the head and chest Babil police Capt Muthana Khalid said.
The three men disappeared after an ambush on a patrol near
-full power powerful
Nahmudiya, south of Baghdad, in which four other US soldiers and their
-ly friend friendly translator died.
-y guilt guilty About 4,000 US soldiers and 2,000 Iraqi soldiers have been involved
in a massive search for the men since It was discovered that they were
missing from the ambush site where the two humvees they have been
Mudança de adjetivo para substantivo
traveling in were attacked.
-dom free freedom
The US military has offered rewards of up to $ 200,000 (£ 100,000)
for information leading to the return of the three.
Mudança de adjetivos para substantivos
The Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella group of militants led by al-Qaeda,
Sufixos Adjetivos Substantivos has claimed to be holding the soldiers. In an unverified statement ´posted
quiet quietness on an Islamist website, the militant group claiming to hold the soldiers told
happy happiness the US: “If you want them safe, do not search for them.”
active activity
curious curiosity BBC news, May 2007 (adapted).

human humanism
-ism 01 Complete o resumo do texto “Missing US soldier “found dead” com
ideal idealism
palavras-chaves ou expressões retiradas do texto. Cada lacuna numerada
Mudança de verbos para adjetivos comporta apenas uma palavra ou expressão.
Sufixos Verbos Adjetivos
To provoke provocative A US patrol was attacked in a (an) __________(I) near Baghdad after
-ive which __________(II) militaries were found missing and five other people
To attract attractive
-ent To depend dependent involved in the mission died, including the __________(III) of the patrol. A
-ant To please pleasant rescue operation counting on 6,000 __________(IV) altogether have been
-able To agree agreeable set. A body was found in the Euphrates and the US forces took it to certify
-ible To sense sensible whether it actually was one of their __________(V) men. He was found
wearing what seemed to be military __________(VI) and __________

Inglês – Chapter 18

(VII),which may count as a cue to confirm his __________(VIII). Another After 30 days, scientist found that a combination of light brightness
mark on his body, a (an) __________(IX) may also help identification of and pulses was able to manipulate the circadian rhythm, over time adding
the body. The body of the man found on Wednesday had __________(X) approximately one hour to each subject’s day.
injuries, one more evidence of murder. The researchers said that there were numerous situations in which the
ability to do this might be useful.
Considere as informações contidas no texto “Missing US soldier “found “Jet-lag, shift work and circadian disorders such as advanced and
dead” e marque a alternativa correta em cada item seguinte. delayed sleep phase syndromes are all associated, to different extents,
with a condition where the circadian system is out of synchrony with the
02 As an effort to have indications that bring their kidnapped men back, light/dark cycle,” they wrote.
the US force... Another possible application might be during long space mission – and
to allow astronauts to adapt to longer days on Mars. “For this to work, you
(A) planned an ambush against militants of the al-Qaeda. have to be able to avoid light sometimes, which is more difficult in real-life
(B) did not go after them,as warned by the militant group. situations, where people are exposed to different levels of light as they go
(C) promised to pay for evidence. about their normal day-to-day business.
(D) set a patrol near Mahmudyiya, south of Baghdad. BBC news, May 2007. (adapted)
(E) attacked the two humvees they had been traveling in.
05 As palavras da coluna 2 foram retiradas do texto “Bright Idea creates
03 About the Islamic State of Iraq, it is correct to affirm that … 25-hour day”. Relacione cada uma com seu respectivo sinônimo na coluna
1, de modo que o sentido da frase no texto permaneça o mesmo.
(A) it has no access to the Internet.
(B) it declared to have the soldiers as prisoners. Coluna 1 Coluna 2
(C) all its members wear tattoos on their left arms.
(D) it is a militant group that controls al-Qaeda activities. I. ( ) treatment (A) stretch (no texto stretched)
(E) it is a militant group known for carrying umbrella-shaped guns. II. ( ) gloom (B) match
III. ( ) demand (C) standard
04 About the ambush mentioned in the text, it is correct to say that … IV. ( ) duration (D) length
V. ( ) exact (E) darkness
(A) a militant group warned the US force about it on a website. VI. ( ) divide (F) require (no texto required)
(B) at least five members of the US patrol were killed in it. VI. ( ) usual (G) share (no texto shared)
(C) Cap Muthana Khalid took part in it and got wounded on the head and VIII. ( ) convenient (H) precise
chest. IX. ( ) fit (I) regime
(D) it took place near the Euphrates river. X. ( ) extend (J) useful
(E) about 4,000 US soldiers and 2,000 Iraqi soldiers were involved in it.
06 Numere as frases a seguir de 1 a 5, de acordo com a ordem em que
Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 05, 06 e 07. tais eventos acontecem no texto “Bright idea creates 25-hour day”.

(A) ( ) Lyon University and Harvard University set a research Project to

Bight Idea creates ’25-hour day’
look at the possibility of altering human circadian rhythms.
(B) ( ) The researchers produced artificial days by means of artificial
Our natural daily 24-hour day cycle could be stretched by an extra hour light.
safely and simply by exposure to pulses of bright light, research suggests. (C) ( ) 12 volunteers were allowed to sleep and wake freely.
Many species, including humans, have natural “circadian rhythms” (D) ( ) By the end, the volunteers’ natural cycle could be stretched by
set to match the standard length day on Earth. an extra hour safely and simply by exposure to pulses of bright light.
The contrast between exposure to daylight and night-time darkness (E) ( ) By the end of a certain hour, established by the researchers, the
is thought to adjust and maintain this clock, which helps make sure the volunteers were stimulated by very bright pulses of light.
body is working as effectively as possible at times of day when maximum
alertness is required. 07 De acordo com as ideias do texto “Bright Idea creates 25-hour day”,
coloque entre os parênteses (H) caso a frase se refira a uma hipótese
Scientists already know that it is possible to interfere with the human
apresentada no texto, ou (F) caso a frase se refira a um fato.
circadian “pacemaker” by controlling exposure to light.
The latest research project, shared between Lyon University in France, (A) ( ) The ability to manipulate the alterations of human natural circadian
and Harvard University and Medical School in the US, looked at whether rhythms will be useful to control jet-lag effects.
it was possible to “fine-tune” these alterations to achieve a precise result. (B) ( ) The humans’ circadian rhythms are naturally set to adjust the
Humans do not have precise 24-hour cycles to begin with, and all of body to the standard length day on Earth.
the 12 volunteers had cycles ranging from 23.5 to 24.5 hours. (C) ( ) Human circadian ‘pacemaker’ can be altered by controlling
After allowing them to sleep and wake normally for a few days, a new exposure to light.
regime was imposed, with artificial “days” produced by a combination (D) ( ) Humans do not have precise 24-hour cycles.
of low light and very bright pulses of light near the end of the intended (E) ( ) The alteration of their rhythm will allow astronauts to adapt to
“wakeful” hours. Mars longer days.

76 Vol. 3
Preposição C hapter

Cultures of the world 04 In “... because of the lushness and diversity of it all”, what does the
word it refer to?
Local knowledge provides a foundation for global understanding. Wade
Davis has lived among some of the most remote peoples on the planet, studying (A) land. (D) 10,000 senses.
their cultures and the many different ways we humans have of communicating (B) Brazilian psyche. (E) lushness and diversity.
and expressing ourselves. Here he celebrates the diversity of Brazil. (C) Amazon rain forest.
“I’ve spent a lot of my life in cultures other than my own, and I’ve come 05 What is the concept underlying Davis’ statement: “It’s like trying to
to see that every language is a reflection of its culture. When you learn waltz to salsa music”?
a new language, you become part of its culture. It actually changes who
you are, how you move and speak and see the world. You start to take on (A) Insolence. (D) Independence.
the cadence and rhythm of the language, the body language as well as (B) Incompatibility. (E) Inaccuracy.
the verbal language. I think it’s physically impossible to speak Brazilian (C) Equality.
Portuguese, for example, without having your body melt into a different
rhythm. Of alI the languages I’ve heard, it’s the most sensual and melodious. 06 What is implied in the sentence: “If the body language is wrong, it
When you speak it, you start to use your hands more, to move with the doesn’t matter whether you have the grammar and vocabulary right.”?
language, to reach out to the person you’re talking to. I’ve watched travelers
in Brazil who can speak Portuguese but don’t let their bodies move with it. (A) Communication in Brazilian Portuguese is not facilitated by body
If they carry themselves stiffly, the way they do in their home culture, the language.
Brazilians simply don’t understand them. It’s like trying to waltz to salsa (B) Knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is sufficient to understand
music. If the body language is wrong, it doesn’t matter whether you have Brazilian Portuguese.
the grammar and vocabulary right. You won’t be understood.” (C) Body language is not a feature of Brazilian Portuguese.
“I call Brazil the ‘land of the 10,000 senses’ because of the lushness (D) Body language and grammar knowledge cannot help communication
and diversity of it alI. Just the Amazon rain forest alone fills the senses in Brazilian Portuguese.
with its sounds, smells, colors, even its silences. The vastness of that (E) Knowledge of grammar and vocabulary alone will not suffice to
forest in the north of the country hovers in the Brazilian psyche, as does communicate in Brazilian Portuguese.
the country’s rich mix of races and mythologies. They infuse the Brazilian
world and make it somehow magical.” 07 Among the feelings listed below, the one which best characterizes
Wade Davis’ impressions on Brazil’s language and culture is:
(National Geographic. Mission Programs Insights on Brazil)
(A) skepticism. (D) happiness.
01 Mark the option which best summarizes the introductory paragraph: (B) benevolence. (E) anxiety.
(C) fascination.
(A) Davis’ knowledge of his own culture enables him to understand other
peoples’ culture. 08 What aspects of the brazilian language have mostly impressed Wade
(B) Davis’ experiences in different countries give him a better understanding Davis?
of the world.
(C) Davis’ experience in Brazil allows him to understand Portuguese better. (A) Its 10,000 senses. (D) Its grammar and vocabulary.
(D) Davis’ understanding of the world contradicts his cultural values. (B) Its sensuality and melody. (E) Its richness and cadence.
(E) Davis’ knowledge of his native language allows him to understand the (C) Its lushness and diversity.
world better.
09 According to the author, what “infuse[s] the Brazilian world and makes
02 According to Wade Davis, Brazilian Portuguese is the most sensual it somehow magical” are:
language because:
(A) Brazil’s 10,000 senses, sounds, smells, and colors.
(A) there are different rhythms in Brazil. (B) the vastness of the countryside and the country’s mythology.
(B) Brazilians’ bodies melt into a number of different rhythms when they dance. (C) the Amazon’s vastness and Brazil’s mix of races and mythology.
(C) body language is an important tool to communicate. (D) the Amazon’s lushness and diversity.
(D) grammar and vocabulary sound right when body language is wrong. (E) the vastness of Brazil’s forests and the richness of races and mythology.
(E) Brazilians use their hands and body a lot when they speak.
10 Choose from the options below the one which does NOT reflect Davis’
03 The sentence “The vastness of that forest in the north of the country impression on Brazilian Portuguese:
hovers in the Brazilian psyche, as:
(A) cadence. (D) melodious.
(A) remote probability. (D) time reference. (B) sensual. (E) stiffly.
(B) exemplification. (E) contrast. (C) rhythm.
(C) comparison.

Inglês – Chapter 19

Preposição During
During é usado com datas conhecidas, como, por exemplo, Natal,
Preposições relativas AT e ON localização Páscoa ou períodos que já foram definidos:
no tempo
AT e ON são usados principalmente para se referir a pontos fixos no during the Middle Ages (durante a Idade Média)
tempo, enquanto IN localiza um evento dentro de um período e tempo. during 1941 (durante 1941)
During / For
At Usamos DURING para explicar “quando” ocorre alguma coisa e FOR
Usa-se AT com hora, idade, nomes de festas e feriados, em algumas para explicar “quanto tempo” ela dura.
expressões de tempo em que se subentende a expressão “quando” (no He was ill for a week, and during that week he ate nothing.
fim de semana, no almoço, no jantar, etc.):
In time e on time
In time passa a ideia de “com tempo suficiente”:
at midnight (à meia-noite)
If you don’t go now, you won’t arrive in time for lunch.
at breakfast (no café da manhã)
On time passa a ideia de “pontualmente”:
at the weekend (no fim de semana) (no inglês americano também é
The plane took off on time.
possível usar “on the weekend”/”on weekends”)
at Christmas (no Natal) Importante
at the time (na hora) Não use proposição quando houver pronome demonstrativo ou termos
at the beginning (of) (no começo) (de) como last, next, every, all:
at the end (of) (no fim) (de)
Duração de Tempo

Usa-se ON com nomes de dias (da semana ou mês) e de datas
especiais (quando se fala especificamente da data): For é usado para se referir a período de tempo:
I’m going to London for a week.
on Christmas Eve (na véspera de Natal)
on September 19th (no dia 19 de setembro) Since
Since assinala o ponto inicial de determinado período de tempo:
Importante It has been raining since I got up.
Quando você quiser falar sobre um período de um dia específico, use
ON. Por exemplo:
From… To
* on the morning of September 19th (na manhã de 19 de setembro)
From… TO pode ser usado para marcar o início (FROM) e o término
(TO) de uma atividade ou acontecimento.
In The conference lasts from September 21 st to October 2nd.
Usa-se IN para localizar um evento em um período de tempo (por
exemplo, um determinado período do dia, do mês, do ano – como as
estações). Until / Till
Pode-se ainda utilizar IN para décadas, anos e séculos: Until / Till podem ser usados em vez de TO quando se estiver falando
de tempo:
in the morning (de manhã) The conference lasts from September 21 st until/till October 2nd.
in 1948 (em 1948)
in the fifties (nos anos 50) Until ou By?
in the end (finalmente) Until é usado para falar de uma situação que continuará “até”
determinado momento:
I’m going to study English until 9 o’clock.
Outros usos de In
By é usado para dizer que uma ação irá acontecer em um momento
IN pode ser usado também para indicar quantidade de tempo:
específico ou, possivelmente, antes de um momento específico no futuro.
I arrived there in less than 20 minutes.
I must finish my project by Friday at 5 o’clock.

Up to
Within tem um significado muito parecido, sendo um pouco menos
específico: Up to é empregado em relação a tempo, principalmente na fala:
We’ll be there within an hour.

78 Vol. 3

I can stay with you up to the end of June. Usa-se ON com ônibus, aviões, navios, trens, bicicletas e cavalos.
Usa-se IN com carros e barcos pequenos.
From… Through We get on a horse.
From… Through é usado no inglês Americano com o significado de We get on a bus.
“até”, com sentido de inclusão: Get in the car.
I’ll be in London from Monday through Wednesday.

Referência a tempo anterior e posterior EXERCISES LEVEL 1

01 Supply the appropriate prepositions.

Before e After
Before e After correspondem respectivamente a “antes” e “depois”: (A) Walk three times _______________ the pool.
I’ll finish my homework before I go to bed. (B) Helen is _______________ home.
(C) The girls are _______________ the tree and the house.
(D) The books are _______________ the floor _______________ the
Towards chair.
Towards significa “próximo de” ou, mais informalmente, “lá para”: (E) He is studying _______________ Paris.
(F) The man walked _______________ of the hotel.
towards the end of October (lá para o fim de outubro).
(G) We are going _______________ school for our first French lesson.
(H) Wait for me _______________ of the cinema.
Past (I) They live _______________ 22 Broadway Avenue.
Past pode ser usado com horas, para expressar a ideia de “depois de”: (J) It was raining when I went _______________ the theater.
(K) Independence Day is _______________ September 7th.
It’s a already past five o’clock. (L) I’m going _______________ Europe _______________ Monday.
(M) Tom is sleeping _______________ that tree.
About / Around (N) I walked _______________ the lake.
(O) The bank is _______________ Baker Street.
About e Around, em relação a tempo, significam “por volta de”.
(P) Don’t be afraid. Stay _______________ Ted and me.
We’ll arrive around 8. (Q) The dogs are in the yard ______ the cats.
(R) My birthday is ______________June.
2. Preposição relativa a lugar para indicar (S) He is working _______________the supermarket now.
posição (T) There was a big rock concert ________ 1970.
(U) There is a large desert _____________ Western South America.
At (V) Your umbrella was ________________ the front door.
Usa-se AT para lugares, referindo-se a eles como um simples “ponto (W) It was impossible to see Jane ____________all those people.
no mapa”, sem nenhuma alusão a suas dimensões, e também antes do (X) Meet me ___________ the Roxy Theater _________ nine o’clock.
nome de um prédio, quando pensamos na atividade ali desenvolvida, e (Y) William was born ____________ a hot summer day _________ 1948.
não no prédio em si (como uma escola, por exemplo): (Z) My brother lives ________ Sunset Avenue ___________ Dallas.
at a friend’s house (A’) Can you call me _______ night? I’m very busy _______ in the
I live at 25, Brunswick Road.
(B’) She is coming __________ Easter Sunday.
(C’) I couldn’t find her shoes because they were __________ her bed.
On (D’) Can you tell me who is sitting ___________ your brother and Jack?
Usa-se ON para iniciar uma posição sobre uma superfície, ou seja, (E’) We don’t go to school __________ Sundays.
lugares pensados em termos de comprimento e largura, mas não altura (F’) I walk ______________ the park three times a day.
(ou profundidade): (G’) There must be a spy ___________ us.
(H’) I feel fine when I am ______________ intelligent people.
on the table (na mesa) (I’) Bob’s ball is ______________ the sofa.

IN refere-se a lugares, ressaltando sua área, sua extensão, seus limites
e seu volume. É usado normalmente com edifícios, cidades, países, etc.: 01 Sam sat ...... many friends and listened to the singers ....... two hours.
in the office (no escritório)
(A) among – to (C) next to – at
(B) between – for (D) among – for
On the road x in the road
On the road é usado para expressar a ideia de “a caminho”, “viajando”, 02 My parents live .... a house .... the end ..... the street.
e In the road, para referir-se apenas ao lugar:
(A) at – at – of (C) on – in – at
How long were you on the road?
(B) in – in – of (D) in – at – of
They were standing in the road.

Inglês – Chapter 19

03 They all agreed ..... going ..... bus Jane wanted to go ..... foot. 12 Bob can always be met .... the same coffee shop .... Friburgo.

(A) on – by – by (C) on – by – on (A) on – in (C) at – on

(B) with – on – by (D) in – on – on (B) in – in (D) in – on

04 Many people find it is difficult to watch TV and study ....... the same 13 In “He stayed there FOR fifty-two years”, the preposition FOR is
time. equivalent to:

(A) only. (D) before.

(A) in (C) by
(B) while. (E) during.
(B) for (D) at
(C) since.
05 Mark the correct sequence of prepositions:
14 In the sentence “Thus, by holding back their tears...”, the word BY
I. The school was too small .... my time. expresses the same idea as in:
II. .... all my care, it was completely broke.
(A) The detectives waited by the door.
III. ..... first he decided to leave the house.
(B) By ten o’clock, they knocked impatiently.
IV. He has a good ear ..... classical music.
(C) They tried to enter the room by kicking the door.
V. She was proud ....her grades in school.
(D) Since they failed, they went in by the window.
(A) for – of – at – in – after (C) after – for – in – at – of
(B) in – after – at – for – of (D) at – after – in – for – of 15 The smart boy was running ..... one side .... the other.

(A) from – to (C) to – to

06 The preposition UP appears in “Hurry up” but it can’t be used in:
(B) from – from (D) at – from
(A) It’s five o’clock and she’s already .....
(B) He has given .... smoking 16 He was born .... the country but he grew up ..... New York.
(C) Calm .... ; I’ll solve this problem.
(A) in – at (C) in – in
(D) I think Bill made .... this story.
(B) at – in (D) on – in
17 Marque a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas das frases:
07 Mark the correct sequence of prepositions:
I. The Declaration of Independence was signed ..... July 4, 1796.
I. I will see you ..... Friday.
II. ..... first, I thought you were a thief.
II. They were on holiday ..... Uruguay.
III. ..... present, I am living in Brazil.
III. The teacher goes to work ..... bus.
IV. The book store is ..... the bank. (A) at – at – at (D) in – in – in
V. Babies are afraid ..... the dark. (B) on – at – at (E) in – by – on
(C) on – by – in
(A) by – in – on – of – next to (D) on – by – in – of – next to
(B) on – in – by – next to – of (E) next to – in – by – of – on
18 I think there might be a thief .... the house.
(C) on – in – of – next to – by
(A) on (C) inside
08 Where did you copy it ...... ?
(B) into (D) onto
(A) of
(B) with 19 You can find these department stores .... the country.
(C) till
(D) from (A) throughout (C) against
(B) through (D) under
09 She saw a tall boy sitting .... the tree.
20 They were talking while they were walking .... the road.
(A) among (C) over
(B) under (D) at (A) over (C) at
(B) along (D) out
10 They were walking ..... the street when they met Bill.
21 I can wait for you ...... tomorrow.
(A) down (C) over
(B) at (D) under (A) to (C) on
(B) until (D) at
11 These phenomena were observed .... the morning ..... the afternoon
and ..... night. 22 Mike will be here ...... five o’clock.
(A) in – in – on (C) in – at – at
(A) on (C) within
(B) on – in – at (D) in – in – at
(B) in (D) about

80 Vol. 3

23 She usually reads the newspaper ..... breakfast. (A) of (D) off
(B) by (E) in
(A) at (C) for (C) on
(B) in (D) on
31 Mark the correct sequence of prepositions to complete the following
24 My son was born ..... May 8th ..... 1991. sentences.
(A) in – in (C) at – in
I. Will you lend me your book ..... a few minutes?
(B) in – on (D) on – in
II. Mary will wait for me .... 5 o’clock.
25 They will arrive ..... lunch. III. My German is improving day ..... day.
IV. I will write this letter ..... pleasure.
(A) before (C) on
(B) in (D) from (A) in – for – for – of
(B) for – until – by – with
26 The plane was flying high .... the clouds. (C) for – in – in – in
(D) since – until – in – with
(A) on (C) in (E) in – for – by – of
(B) above (D) out
32 This book is divided ... two parts.
27 Her ring is made ..... gold.
(A) onto (C) in
(A) with (C) from
(B) of (D) into
(B) of (D) to
33 She had to borrow some money…. the bank.
28 Winter begins ..... December 22nd ..... the United States and the
temperature is sometimes .... zero.
(A) at (D) from
(A) before – of – beneath (B) into (E) to
(B) by – on – down (C) by
(C) within – for – through
(D) in – at – under 34 She was angry ……. Brian.
(E) on – in – below
(A) to (C) from
29 Brian insisted ..... helping Mary ..... her homework. (B) with (D) at

(A) in – within (D) on – with 35 English is different ….. German.

(B) on – for (E) with – from
(C) for – with (A) for (C) at
(B) of (D) from
30 Mark the correct alternative to complete the sentences below.

I. Bill lives ...... Brooklyn street.

II. He was born ..... the night of May 15
III. They were ...... their way home when they met Frank.










Exercícios C hapter

As questões 01 e 02 referem-se ao texto abaixo. 03 O texto acima foi redigido originalmente como:
Job interview
(A) uma sinopse do filme The of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,
Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Person dirigido por Peter Jackson.
asked the Young Engineer fresh out of MIT, “ And what starting salary (B) uma crítica ao filme The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
were you looking for?” (C) um informativo sobre o lançamento do filme The Lord of the Rings:
The Engineer said, “In the neighborhood of $75,000 a year, depending The Fellowship of the Ring, dirigido por Tolkien.
on the benefits package.” (D) uma palestra sobre a obra literária de Tolkien e os filmes de Peter
The HR Person said, “Well, what would you say to a package of Jackson.
5-weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company (E) uma mensagem enviada por e-mail ao fã-club de Tolkien.
matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased
every 2 years – say, a red Corvette?” 04 Assinale a opção correta.
The Engineer sat up straight and said, “Wow!!! Are you kidding?”
(A) O autor do texto é leitor assíduo da obra de Tolkien.
And the HR Person said, “Of course, … but you started it.” (B) O autor do texto tinha grandes expectativas com relação ao filme antes
de assisti-lo.
Texto extraído de uma mensagem recebida por e-mail. (C) O filme fez com que o autor se sentisse tentado a adquirir um livro de
01 Qual dos adjetivos abaixo melhor descreve a atitude inicial do (D) O autor recomenda o filme para adultos e crianças.
engenheiro recém-formado? (E) O filme dirigido por Peter Jackson assemelha-se a Matrix.

(A) Bem-humorada. (D) Humilde. 05 Os termos “Yet” e “Unlike”, no segundo parágrafo, significam,
(B) Corajosa. (E) Maliciosa. respectivamente:
(C) Pretensiosa.
(A) Entretanto – Diferentemente.
02 Considere as seguintes interpretações em relação à entrevista: (B) Portanto – Conforme.
(C) Assim – Diferentemente.
I. Dentre os benefícios oferecidos pela empresa para a vaga, estão: 5 (D) Entretanto – Conforme.
semanas de férias anuais e um carro novo a cada 2 anos. (E) Assim – No entanto.
II. O engenheiro recém-formado será contratado pela empresa por um
salário que supera suas expectativas.
As questões de 06 a 10 referem-se ao texto abaixo:
III. A pretensão salarial do candidato está aquém do que a empresa
oferece. And now, the birdcast
Das afirmações acima, está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto: Passing almost unnoticed in the night, billions of birds will fly
over the mid-Atlantic states this spring on their annual migration
(A) apenas a I. (D) apenas I e III. northward. A new Web site will help ornithologists pinpoint critical
(B) apenas a III. (E) nenhuma. habitat for the feathered travelers by combining weather radar data
(C) apenas I e II. 5 with old-fashioned fieldwork.Radar has been used to track bird
migrations since around 1940, says Steve Kelling, who heads
As questões de 03 a 05 referem-se ao texto abaixo. BirdSource, a bird database at Cornell University. But the potencial
payoff grew about 5 years ago when the government began installing
First, let me tell you where I’m coming from. Before I saw “The Lord Doppler radar Stations, which yield high-resolution three-dimensional
of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”, I didn’t know the difference 10 data.
between an orc and an elf, or what Middle-earth was in the middle of. Ornithologists are eager to use Doppler to track bird movement,
This review is coming to you from a Tolkien-freezone. I went in to Peter but first, they need calibrate it with datafrom the ground.So Cornell,
Jackson’s movie – the first of a trilogy – with no preconceptions. I came Clemson University, and other group have launched BirdCast. Every
out, three hours later, sorry I’d have to wait a year to see what happens few hours from 1April to 31 May, radar images of the Philadelphia to
next in Frodo Baggins’s battle against the Dark Lord, Sauron, and thinking 15 Washington, D. C., area – some filtered to remove weather and reveal
a trip to the bookstore to pick “ The Two Towers” might be in order. (…) birds – will be posted on the project’s Web ( The site
This is a violent movie – too violent for little ones – and there are will also collect observations from several hundred citizen-scientists
moments more “Matrix” than medieval. Yet it transcends cheap thrills; we (birdwatchers, that is), which will be combined with other data, such
root for the survival of our heroes with a depth of feeling that may come as chirps picked up by acoustic monitors. Kelling says the results
as a surprise. The movie keeps drawing you in deeper. Unlike so many 20 should reveal the bird’s favorite rest stops, highlighting priority areas
overcooked action movies these days, “Fellowship” doesn’t entertain you for protection. Eventually, BirdCast hopes to go nationwide.
into a stupor. It leaves you with your wits intact, hungry for more.
fonte omitida para evitar indução na resposta Science. V. 288. 7/4/2000.

82 Vol. 3

06 A ideia principal abordada pela notícia é As questões de 11 a 14 referem-se ao texto abaixo:

(A) o lançamento do BirdCast, um radar desenvolvido pela Universidade de Commentary

Human Development 1997; 40:96-101
Cornell, que capta imagens dos movimentos migratórios de pássaros
na primavera.
(B) o lançamento de um novo site na Internet que tem por objetivo auxiliar A new generation: new intellectual opportunities
ornitólogos no estudo dos movimentos migratórios de pássaros na
primavera. These comments on the publication of the new handbook are
(C) a facilidade de acesso de ornitólogos e de “cidadãos-cientistas” a um written from the perspective of a member of the in-between generation.
banco de dados desenvolvido pela Universidade de Cornell. In-betweeners were born about the time Murchison edited the first and
(D) a participação de “cidadãos-cientistas” no estudo desenvolvido pela second handbooks in the 1930s. They spent childhood watching
Universidade de Cornell sobre o movimento migratório de pássaros 5 newreels of World War II at movie houses featuring ‘cowboy’ serials
na primavera. on Saturday afternoons. Their professional education straddled two
(E) a descoberta de áreas que necessitam de proteção ambiental para Psychological eras. It began just as the ‘experimental psychology’
preservar espécies raras de pássaros. paradigm was ending its domination and it was completed as new
alternatives were coming into view. (…)
07 Considere as seguintes asserções: 10 Had they been born just a few years earlier, they would have
been part of that powerful and long lasting generation that entered
I. A intenção dos idealizadores do “BirdCast” é que ele se torne um the military during World War II and filled the universities immediately
projeto de abrangência nacional. after the war. This unusual cohort held leadership in the discipline of
II. Radares são utilizados em estudos de movimentos migratórios dos psychology in general and developmental psychology, in particular,
pássaros há mais de 60 anos. 15 for several decades. (…)
III. A implantação de estações de radar Doppler permite a coleta de dados
de alta resolução em três dimensões. YOUNISS, James. The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA.

Das afirmativas acima, está(ão) correta(s): 11 Assinale a opção que NÃO expressa uma ideia contida no texto.

(A) apenas a I. (A) O autor dos comentários sobre o novo manual escreve da perspectiva de um
(B) apenas a II. membro da geração de psicólogos que se autodenominam “intermediários”.
(C) apenas a III. (B) Os “intermediários” passaram a infância assistindo a noticiários sobre
(D) apenas I e III. a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
(E) todas. (C) Os “intermediários” nasceram no período entre a edição do 1o e do 2o
Manuais editados por Murchison, nos anos 30.
08 Os termos “feathered travelers” (linha 4), “it” (linha 11) e “which” (D) A formação profissional dos “intermediários” deu-se entre dois
(linha 8) referem-se, respectivamente, a: períodos da Psicologia.
(E) Na época da Segunda Guerra, os cinemas exibiam filmes de cowboy
(A) ornithologists, bird movement e citizen-scientists. para as crianças na stardes de sábado.
(B) birds, Doppler e observations.
(C) birds, Doppler e citizen-scientists. 12 Assinale a opção que contém uma expressão equivalente a: “Had they
(D) ornithologists, Doppler e observations. been Born”, em “Had they been Born just a few years earlier...” (linha 10)
(E) birds, bird movement e observations. e que, portanto, poderia vir a asubstituí-la no texto.

09 Os termos “weather”, em “weather radar data” (linha 4); “heads”, em (A) They had been born... (D) Whether they had been born…
“ who heads BirdSource” (linha 6); e “rest”, em “bird’s favorite rest stops” (B) When hey had been born… (E) If they had been born…
(linhas 18 e 19) têm, respectivamente, as funções gramaticais de: (C) As they had been born…

(A) substantivo, substantivo e verbo. 13 Assinale a opção que contém a melhor tradução de “that powerful and
(B) adjetivo, substantivo e adjetivo. long-lasting generation” (linha 11).
(C) adjetivo, verbo e adjetivo.
(D) adjetivo, verbo e verbo. (A) aquela geração poderosa e duradoura.
(E) substantivo, verbo e adjetivo. (B) aquela geração forte de cheia de oportunidades.
(C) aquela geração poderosa e eficiente.
10 Cada uma das opções abaixo se refere a um termo extraído da notícia. (D) aquela geração forte e aproveitadora.
Assinale a opção em que o termo NÃO corresponde, respectivamente, ao (E) aquela geração poderosa e eterna.
significado e/ou à função gramatical explicitados.
14 O termo “cohort” (linha 13) refere-se:
(A) northward (linha 2): rumo ao norte, advérbio.
(B) pinpoint (linha 3) : detectar, verbo. (A) ao grupo autodenominado intermediário.
(C) data (linha 4): dados, substantivo. (B) à geração a que pertence a autor do texto.
(D) yield (linha 9): fornecer, verbo. (C) à geração que participou da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
(E) eventually (linha 19): casualmente, advérbio. (D) a estudante universitários de Psicologia.
(E) a profissionais do campo da Psicologia Experimental.

Inglês – Chapter 20

As questão 15 e 16 referem-se ao texto abaixo: As questões de 18 a 19 referem-se ao texto abaixo:

Men in cobalt-blue In the pipeline

In reality, a perfume is the liquid essence of herbs, fruit, flowers The sewer systems of Europe could soon provide a conduit for
and certain woods. In dreams, it’s not that way. In the ebb and flow more than water and waster. A machine vision sewer inspection
of the imagination, a perfume always breathes. When creating his project has sparked interest in using the pipes to lay cables for
recent Polo Ralph Lauren Blue, stylist Ralph Lauren began with the telecommunications traffic. The project, named Inspecting Sewage
5 freedom suggested by the color blue: seaside, cloudless sky and jeans. 5 Systems and Image Analysis by Computer, or Isaac, is part of a
From this feeling arose the other elements of the new cologne. In the larger European Commission-backed initiative to promote use of
vocabulary of a perfumist, there are the warm tones of melon and vision technology.
tangerine, of basil and sage and the soft scents of amber and musk. Project coordinator Mark Sawyer explained that the inspection
The idea is to please an urban man who is taken by adventure, the sea system employs a tractor-mounted CCD matrix camera and curved
10 and jeans. It follows the original Polo, that is now 25 years old. 10 mirrors for imaging inside the pipes, and proprietary software to
(ICARO, August. 2003 p.14)
convert the data into a perspective that humans can interpret. It
will enable rapid detection of defects in pipe walls and could be in
15 Assinale a opção que NÃO está de acordo com o texto. operations within 18 months.
“The prospect of using the sewers for telecommunications is still
(A) Ao criar seu mais recente perfume, Ralph Lauren inspirou-se na 15 evolving”, he said. Commercial relationships between cable companies
liberdade sugerida pela cor azul. and sewer landlords must be negotiated, and the technology to install
(B) O novo perfume de Ralph Lauren foi criado após 25 anos de existência cables has yet to be developed. “However”, he added, “an accurate
do Polo original. survey of the sewer system brings it closer.” It’s a concept that could
(C) O perfume é uma essência líquida de ervas, frutas, flores e certas well “go down the tubes”.
madeiras. Photonics Spectra. March 2003 p.176.
(D) Para Ralph Lauren, o homem urbano, que gosta de aventuras, sempre
vai usar um Polo orginal. 18 A ideia principal abordada pelo texto é:
(E) O nome do novo perfume de Ralph Lauren é Polo Ralph Lauren Blue.
(A) a busca de formas alternativas para tratamento de água e esgoto na
16 Os adjetivos “warm” e “soft” em “warm tones” (linha 7) e “soft scents”
(B) a implementação imediata de novas tecnologias no campo das
(linha 8) significam, respectivamente:
(C) o uso de tecnologia avançada na detecção de defeitos em cabos
(A) quentes e aconchegantes.
utilizados para telecomunicações.
(B) cálidos e suaves.
(D) a possibilidade de utilização dos encanamentos de água e esgoto
(C) sutis e refrescantes.
também para instalação de cabo de telecomunicações.
(D) leves e macios.
(E) o aprimoramento das relações comerciais entre empresas dos setores
(E) fortes e leves.
de tratamento de água e de telecomunicações.
A questão 17 refere-se à figura abaixo:
19 Considere as seguintes asserções:
I. O projeto Isaac entrará em funcionamento dentro de um ano e meio.
II. O software utilizado no projeto Isaac é um dos componentes essenciais
para auxiliar na detecção de defeitos em encanamentos de água e esgoto.
III. O projeto Isaac também é responsável por uma iniciativa mais ampla
de uma Comissão Europeia responsável por pesquisas no campo

Então, das afirmações acima, está(ão) correta(s):

(A) apenas a I. (D) apenas II e III.

(SWAN, M. e WALTER C. How English Works, O.I.P. 1998. p.177.)
(B) apenas a II. (E) apenas I e II.
(C) apenas a III.
17 Qual das opções abaixo melhor preenche a lacuna no cartoon?
20 Assinale a opção que NÃO condiz com o texto:
(A) you’re replaced
(B) you’re being replaced (A) ‘sparked’ (linha 3), em “has sparked interest”, tem significado
(C) you were replaced semelhante a ‘stimulated’.
(D) you replaced (B) ‘lay’ (linha 3), em “lay cables”, é o mesmo que ‘install’.
(E) you’ve replaced (C) ‘enable’ (linha 10), em “will enable rapid detection”, significa o mesmo
que ‘allow’.
(D) ‘evolving’ (linha 14), em “istill evolving”, é o mesmo que ‘in progess’.
(E) ‘go down the tubes’ (linha 19) é usado com significado semelhante a ‘fail’.

84 Vol. 3

As questões 21 e 22 referem-se à manchete da capa da revista Time, 21 Na frase “Secrets of the New Matrix: We’re the FIRST to see the
abaixo reproduzida: movie and play the videogame! If we told you everything, they’d have to
kill us”, extraída da manchete da revista Time, os pronomes “we” e “you”
referem--se, respectivamente, a:

(A) editores da Time — público que assistiu à estreia do filme.

(B) diretores do filme The Matrix Reloaded — público em geral.
(C) público que assistiu à estreia do filme — público em geral.
(D) editores da Time — leitores da revista Time.
(E) público que assistiu à estreia do filme — leitores da revista Time.

22 Considere as seguintes asserções:

– Em “We’re” e “they’d”, “’re” e “’d” são, respectivamente contrações de

flexões verbais dos verbos I e II .
– Uma outra forma de expressar a oração “If we told you everything, they’d
have to kill us.” é III .

A opção que melhor preenche as lacunas I, II e III é.

(A) are; would; They’d kill us, unless we told you everything.
(B) are; had; They had to kill us, unless we told you everything.
(C) were; would; Unless we told you everything, they would have
to kill us.
(D) were; could; Unless we told you everything, they could kill us.
(E) are; would; They wouldn’t have to kill us, unless we told you

As questões de 23 a 27 referem-se ao texto abaixo: Excluído: Job Interview¶

Reaching the end of a job interview, the
(...) Languages have always died. As cultures have risen and fallen, so their languages have Human Resources Person asked the
young Engineer fresh out of MIT, “And
emerged and disappeared. We can get some sense of it following the appearance of written what starting salary were you looking
language, for we now have records (in various forms Рinscriptions, clay tablets, documents) for?Ӧ

of dozens of extinct languages from classical times – Bithynian, Cilician, Pisidian, Phrygian, The Engineer said, “In the neighborhood
5 Paphlagonian, Etruscan, Sumerian, Elamite, Hittite... We know of some 75 extinct languages of $75,000 a year, depending on the
benefits package.Ӧ
which have been spoken in europe and Asia Minor. But the extinct languages of which we ¶
have some historical record in this part of the world must be only a fraction of those for which The HR Person said, “Well, what would
you say to a package of 5-weeks
we have nothing. And when we extend our coverage to the whole world, where written records vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical
of ancient languages are largely absent, it is easy to see that no sensible estimate can be and dental, company matching retirement
fund to 50% of salary, and a company
10 obtained about the rate at which languages have died in the past. We can of course make car leased every 2 years – say, a red
guesses at the size of the population in previous eras, and the likely size of communities, and Corvette?Ӧ

(on the assumption that each community would have had its own language) work out possible The Engineer sat up straight and said,
numbers of languages. (…) “Wow!!! Are you kidding?”¶

(CRYSTAl, D. Language Death. C. U. P. 2000:68.) And the HR Person said, “Of course,...
but you started it.”

23 Considere as seguintes asserções: 24 Assinale a opção que contém os respectivos referentes dos itens
abaixo relacionados:
I. Há registro de cerca de 75 línguas, hoje extintas, que já foram faladas
na Europa e na Ásia Menor. Linhas 1-2: “their” em “... so their languages have emerged...”
II. O exame do surgimento da linguagem escrita pode nos dar pistas Linhas 7-8: “which” em “... of those for which we have nothing...”
sobre as razões do aparecimento e desaparecimento das línguas. Linhas 8-9: “where” em “... where written records of ancient languages...”
III. As línguas extintas das quais temos registro hoje em dia representam
a maior parte das línguas conhecidas. (A) languages; historical record; ancient languages.
(B) cultures; extinct languages; the whole world .
Das afirmações acima, está(ão) correta(s).
(C) written languages; a fraction of languages; the past.
(A) apenas I e II. (D) todas. (D) cultures; extinct languages; the past.
(B) apenas I e III. (E) nenhuma. (E) cultures; a fraction of languages; the whole world.
(C) apenas II e III.

Inglês – Chapter 20

25 Assinale a opção que contém as respectivas melhores traduções para 28 Assinale a opção que contém a melhor pergunta para a lacuna (I).
os verbos sublinhados nos trechos abaixo:
(A) Why is it important to look for a balance between autonomy and
Linhas 6-7: “But the extinct languages of which we have some historical record control?
in this part of the world must be only a fraction of those for which...” (B) What was your talk about?
Linhas 9-10: “... no sensible estimate can be obtained about the rate at (C) Why was it important to introduce a reform in the British educational
which...” system?
Linha 10: “We can of course make guesses...” (D) How long have you been working in this project?
(E) Why did you talk about autonomy and control in your presentation?
(A) devem; pode; pode.
(B) devem; pode; podem. 29 Cada uma das opções abaixo refere-se a um termo ou expressão
(C) devem; pode; podemos. extraídos da entrevista. Assinale a opção em que o termo não corresponde
(D) deve; podem; pode. ao significado explicitado.
(E) deve; podem; podemos.
(A) (linha 11): major – importante.
26 Assinale a opção que contém outra forma de expressar a frase “on (B) (linha 13): employed – utilizados.
the assumption that each community would have had...” (linhas 11-12). (C) (linha 15): issue – resultado.
(D) (linha 22): moving away – distanciar-se.
(A) has each community had... (E) (linha 24): skills – habilidades.
(B) had each community had...
(C) if we assume that each community will have had... 30 Considere as seguintes asserções:
(D) if each community has had...
(E) assuming each community will have... I. Dentre outras atividades, H. R. Thomas já trabalhou como pesquisador
e consultor na área da Educação.
27 Assinale a opção que contém uma conjunção que NÃO pode substituir II. As reformas no sistema educacional britânico foram feitas há 15 anos.
“for” em “for we now have...” (linha 3). III. Durante o Seminário realizado em Brasília, H. R. Thomas falou sobre
a importância do equilíbrio entre autonomia e controle na Educação.
(A) as. (D) because. IV. Na opinião de H. R. Thomas, é essencial que a escola incentive os
(B) due to the fact that. (E) so. alunos a aprender a aprender.
(C) since.
Então, das afirmações acima, estão corretas:
As questões de 28 a 30 referem-se ao seguinte trecho, extraído de uma
entrevista: (A) apenas I e III. (D) apenas II, III e IV.
(B) apenas I, III e IV. (E) todas.
Hywel Rhys Thomas, 56, is an authority on Education. Holder of (C) apenas II e III.
a PhD in Education from the University of Birmingham, he has worked
as a lecturer, administrator and researcher in Europe and as a consultant As questões de 31 a 37 referem-se aos seguintes parágrafos:
in Africa and South America. Last September he took part in “Education The smaller boys were known by the generic title of “littluns”.
5 and Science as Strategies for National Development”, an international The decrease in size, from Ralph down, was gradual; and though there
seminar held in Brasília organised by UNESCO and the Brazilian Ministry was a dubious region inhabited by Simon and Robert and Maurice,
of Education. Dr.Thomas, who participated as a guest of the British nevertheless no one had any difficulty in recognizing biguns at one
5 end and littluns at the other. The undoubted littluns, those aged about
Council, discussed his ideas with Link UK:
six, led a quite distinct, and at the same time intense, life of their own.
They ate most of the day, picking fruit where they could reach it and
Link: ............................................................................................ not particular about ripeness and quality. They were used now to
10 H. R. Thomas: Over the last 15 years, the United Kingdom has stomach-aches and a sort of chronic diarrhoea. They suffered untold
been a place where major reforms have been introduced into almost 10 terrors in the dark and huddled together for comfort. Apart from food
all parts of the education system. It has become a ‘natural laboratory’, and sleep, they found time for play, aimless and trivial, among the
where different methods have been employed. We have gone from a white sand by the bright water. They cried for their mothers much less
system with very great professional autonomy to one where there is often than might have been expected; they were very brown, and filthily
15 much more direction. My presentation explored the issue of balance dirty. They obeyed the summons of the conch, partly because Ralph
between autonomy and control. 15 blew it, and he was big enough to be a link with the adult world of
authority; and partly because they enjoyed the entertainment of the
Link: What is the greatest challenge for Education in a country like Brazil? assemblies. But otherwise they seldom bothered with the biguns and
their passionately emotional and corporate life was their own.
H. R. Thomas: Clearly, sufficient resources are a major challenge. They had built castles in the sand at the bar of the little river.
It is also important to move towards more active learning. The leading 20 These castles were about one foot high and were decorated with shells,
20 economies of the 21st century will be ones where people are lifelong withered flowers, and interesting stones. Round the castles was a
learners and the only way in which you become a lifelong learner is complex of marks, tracks, walls, railway lines, that were of significance
to learn how to learn. This must mean moving away from passive only if inspected with the eye at beach-level. The littluns played here,
acquisition of knowledge to a model where there is more emphasis if not happily at least with absorbed attention; and often as many as
on analytical and critical skills. 25 three of them would play the same game together.
(adapted from Link UK. March/April/May/June,2004) (GOLDING, W. Lord of the flies. 1954/1977:64-65)

86 Vol. 3

31 Assinale a opção em que as orações desmembradas da sentença 37 Os termos “withered” em “withered flowers” (linha 21); “railway” em
“The undoubted littluns, those aged about six, led a quite distinct, and “railways lines” (linha 22); “absorbed” em “absorbed attention” (linha 24)
at the same time intense, life of their own.” (linhas 5 e 6), mantêm o e “often” em “and often as many as three of them” (linhas 24 e 25) têm,
significado original. respectivamente, as funções gramaticais de:

(A) The lives of the littluns, who were six, were really distinct. They were (A) adjetivo; adjetivo; adjetivo; advérbio.
also quite intense. (B) adjetivo; adjetivo; adjetivo; adjetivo.
(B) Those aged six were called the littluns. Their lives were distinct and (C) adjetivo; adjetivo; verbo; advérbio.
intense. (D) verbo; substantivo; verbo; advérbio.
(C) The littluns’ lives were distinct. At the same time, they were very intense. (E) verbo; substantivo; adjetivo; adjetivo.
(D) The boys aged six led a quite distinct life. They also led a very intense life.
(E) The undoubted littluns were the ones about six. They led a quite distinct A questão 38 refere-se ao texto seguinte:
and intense life of their own.

32 Assinale a opção que contém os respectivos significados dos termos

North american women sweep top honors
“nevertheless” em “.... nevertheless no one had...” (linha 4) e “otherwise” at Intel competition
em “But otherwise...” (linha 16 e 17).
For the first time in the history of the Intel International Science and
(A) apesar disso; entretanto. Engineering Fair, the top three award winners were women. Each of the
(B) entretanto; assim sendo. three high-school students won an Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award
(C) aliás; consequentemente. at the fair, held last May in Cleveland Ohio.
(D) no entanto; fora isso.
(E) portanto; por outro lado. Elena Glassman from Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Lisa Glukhovsky from
New Milford, Connecticut, and Anila Madiraju from Montreal each won a
33 Em “... and though there was a dubious region inhabited by Simon $ 50 000 scholarship and a personal computer.
and Robert and Maurice,...” (linhas 2 e 3), uma outra forma de escrever For her project, Glukhovsky, a junior, used simultaneous images of
o trecho “and though there was...” é: near-Earth objects (asteroids) from two observatory sites and a computer
spreadsheet she created to determine the distance from Earth to asteroids.
(A) ... and despite there was.... Her results closely agreed with NASA predictions.
(B) ... and, however there was... Glassman, a junior, designed a computer science project that used
(C) ... and furthermore there being... electrical signals from the brain to detect whether a person intends to make
(D) ... and no matter there being... . a left-handed movement. A potential application is to enable handicapped
(E) ... and in spite of the fact that there was... individuals to operate a computer. Madiraju, a senior, showed that a
method involving the use of a type of RNA to target and kill cancerous
34 O significado do termo “untold” em “They suffered untold terrors in cells is effective without the toxic side effects typically associated with
the dark...” (linha 9 e 10) é: anticancer drugs.
(A) alucinantes. This year, students from 36 countries competed for $ 3 million in
(B) inexpressáveis. scholarships and awards. Next year’s competition will be held in Portland,
(C) irreconhecíveis. Oregon, in May.
(TWEED, A. Physics Today, August 2003.)
(D) incompreensíveis.
(E) lancinantes.
38 Considere as seguintes asserções:
35 Assinale a opção que expressa uma ideia NÃO contida no texto.
I. A estudante Lisa Glukhovsky desenvolveu uma planilha que será utilizada
(A) Os meninos grandes raramente eram incomodados pelos pequenos. pela NASA para determinar a distância entre a Terra e asteroides.
(B) Os meninos pequenos apanhavam as frutas onde as podiam alcançar. II. O projeto de Elena Glassman poderá auxiliar deficientes no uso de
(C) Os meninos pequenos sentiam muita falta de suas mães. computadores.
(D) Além de comer e dormir, os meninos pequenos preenchiam seu tempo III. O objetivo do projeto de Anila Madiraju é o desenvolvimento de um
brincando. método para atingir e eliminar células cancerígenas que não provoca
(E) Os meninos pequenos respondiam ao chamado de Ralph, que era um efeitos colaterais, normalmente associados a medicamentos dessa
menino mais velho. natureza.

36 O pronome “they” em “They had built castles...” (linha 19), refere-se a: Então, das afirmações acima, está(ão) correta(s)

(A) the biguns and the littluns. (A) apenas a I.

(B) Simon, Roger and Maurice. (B) apenas a II.
(C) Ralph, Simon, Roger and Maurice. (C) apenas I e III.
(D) the littluns. (D) apenas II e III.
(E) the biguns. (E) todas.

Inglês – Chapter 20

As questões 39 e 40 referem-se ao seguinte texto, extraído da contracapa 39 O principal objetivo do texto é:

de um livro:
(A) traçar um panorama sobre os problemas existentes no ambiente
The five topics discussed here are of interest both for specialists universitário.
in these fields, and for anyone who would like to get an overview of (B) divulgar uma Universidade.
the University’s problems today. A circumstantial change in the event’s (C) sintetizar o conteúdo de uma coletânea de artigos publicados em um livro.
order of issues showed us how strongly they are all linked together, (D) propor/promover uma reflexão sobre o papel da Universidade na
5 something which will now allow the reader to go through the book sociedade.
according to his personal preferences. (E) propor debates sobre os problemas da Universidade.
Rather than proposing conclusive answers to all these problems,
the papers and debates here gathered intend to stimulate reflections 40 O termo “here”, nas linhas 1 e 5, refere-se:
about the roles and possibilities of the University.
(A) ao livro de cuja contracapa o texto foi extraído.
(BOLLE, W., ed. The University of the 21st Century. 2001.) (B) à Universidade em questão.
(C) aos cinco tópicos mencionados no texto.
(D) à ligação existente entre os conteúdos dos artigos observada pelos
(E) aos problemas analisados nos diversos artigos que compõem o livro.























88 Vol. 3
Gabarito V olume
Inglês (G) Am I? (Q) Can she?
(H) Aren’t I? (R) Does He?
Chapter 14 (I) Will she? (S) May He?
01 Letra B. 06 Letra B. (J) May she? (T) Have we?
02 Letra C. 07 Letra A.
03 Letra C. 08 Letra C. 02
04 Letra B. 09 Letra C. (A) He will have his house painted next month.
05 Letra A. 10 Letra A. (B) John was having the letter written.
(C) Sally has her dresses made.
Exercícios Nível 1
(D) She had her hair cut yesterday.
01 Letra C. 16 Letra C.
(E) We had the dishes done.
02 Letra C. 17 Letra A.
(F) She has had the packages sent recently.
03 Letra D. 18 Letra C.
(G) They would have her plants watered.
04 Letra A. 19 Letra D.
(H) I had a picture taken yesterday.
05 Letra C. 20 Letra B.
(I) He will have the telephone installed tomorrow.
06 Letra A. 21 Letra C.
07 Letra B. 22 Letra D. (J) I have had my flowers watered lately.
08 Letra C. 23 Letra A. (K) We would have our housebuilt.
09 Letra C. 24 Letra A. (L) We must have our clothes washed.
10 Letra A. 25 Letra C. (M) He will have his hair cut tomorrow.
11 Letra D. 26 Letra C. (N) They will have their letters sent the day after tomorrow.
12 Letra B. 27 Letra A.
13 Letra A. 28 Letra D. Exercícios Nível 2
14 Letra B. 29 Letra A. 01 Letra D. 26 Letra C.
15 Letra A. 30 Letra C.
02 Letra C. 27 Letra A.
Chapter 15 03 Letra E. 28 Letra C.
04 Letra C. 29 Letra B.
Exercícios Nível 1 05 Letra B. 30 Letra E.
01 Letra D. 21 Letra B. 06 Letra A. 31 Letra C.
02 Letra C. 22 Letra D. 07 Letra C. 32 Letra D.
03 Letra D. 23 Letra A. 08 Letra B. 33 Letra D.
04 Letra D. 24 Letra D. 09 Letra C. 34 Letra A.
05 Letra D. 25 Letra A. 10 Letra B. 35 Letra A.
06 Letra B. 26 Letra A. 11 Letra D. 36 Letra E.
07 Letra B. 27 Letra C. 12 Letra D. 37 Letra C.
08 Letra C. 28 Letra B. 13 Letra A. 38 Letra B.
09 Letra D. 29 Letra E. 14 Letra D. 39 Letra B.
10 Letra B. 30 Letra B. 15 Letra B. 40 Letra A.
11 Letra D. 31 Letra C. 16 Letra B. 41 Letra C.
12 Letra A. 32 Letra A.
17 Letra B. 42 Letra B.
13 Letra C. 33 Letra E.
18 Letra D. 43 Letra A.
14 Letra C. 34 Letra D.
19 Letra C. 44 Letra D.
15 Letra B. 35 Letra C.
16 Letra A. 36 Letra D. 20 Letra D. 45 Letra C.
17 Letra A. 37 Letra E. 21 Letra C. 46 Letra E.
18 Letra C. 38 Letra C. 22 Letra B. 47 Letra A.
19 Letra C. 39 Letra A. 23 Letra E. 48 Letra B.
20 Letra D. 40 Letra E. 24 Letra A. 49 Letra C.
25 Letra B. 50 Letra C.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Exercícios Nível 1
01 Exercícios Nível 1
(A) do you? (K) Will they? 01 Letra B. 11 Letra A.
(B) are they? (L) May they? 02 Letra A. 12 Letra B.
(C) Will she? (M) Did she? 03 Letra B. 13 Letra B.
(D) won’t you? (N) Can she? 04 Letra B. 14 Letra B.
(E) had He? (O) Will He? 05 Letra A. 15 Letra B.
(F) Should they? (P) Do they? 06 Letra C. 16 Letra B.


07 Letra B. 17 Letra B. Exercícios Nível 1

08 Letra A. 18 Letra B. 01
09 Letra B. 19 Letra A. (A) around (S) at / out of / in front of / behind
10 Letra A. 20 Letra C. (B) at (T) in
Exercícios Nível 2 (C) between / behind / in front of (U) in
(D) on (V) behind
(E) in (W) among / behind / in front of
(A) It’s capable of both, walking and swimming.
(F) out / in front (X) at / at
(B) It was called Aqua.
(G) to (Y) on / in
(C) McGill University, York University and Dalhousie University.
(H) in front / out (Z) on / in
(D) It’s to develop an underwater vehicle ... open sea. (I) at (A’) at / in
(E) Integrating vision... where it is going. (J) out of (B’) on
(F) It will protect coral reefs. (K) on (C’) under / behind
(G) It’s intended for shallower water. (L) to / on (D’) between / in front of / behind
(H) It weighs 18 kilograms. (M) under / in front of / behind (E’) on
(I) Aqua’s flipper’s... and rolls. (N) around (F’) around
(J) Environmental inspection... tasks underwater. (O) on (G’) among
02 (P) between / among / in front of (H’) among
I. B. VI. C. (Q) behind / among / front of (I’) under / behind
II. F VII. I. (R) in
IV. G. IX. E. Exercícios Nível 2
V. H. X. A. 01 Letra D. 19 Letra A.
03 02 Letra D. 20 Letra B.
(A) F. (F) F. 03 Letra C. 21 Letra B.
(B) V. (G) V. 04 Letra D. 22 Letra D.
(C) F. (H) F. 05 Letra B. 23 Letra A.
(D) V. (I) F. 06 Letra C. 24 Letra D.
(E) F. (J) V. 07 Letra B. 25 Letra A.
08 Letra D. 26 Letra B.
Chapter 18 09 Letra B. 27 Letra B.
01 10 Letra A. 28 Letra E.
I. ambush VI. trousers 11 Letra D. 29 Letra D.
II. three VII. boots 12 Letra B. 30 Letra C.
III. translator VIII. identity 13 Letra E. 31 Letra B.
IV. soldiers IX. tatoo 14 Letra C. 32 Letra D.
V. missing X. bullet 15 Letra A. 33 Letra D.
02 Letra C. 16 Letra C. 34 Letra B.
03 Letra B. 17 Letra B. 35 Letra D.
04 Letra B. 18 Letra C.
I. I VI. G Chapter 20
II. E VII. C Exercícios
III. F VIII. J 01 Letra C. 21 Letra D.
IV. D IX. B 02 Letra E. 22 Letra E.
V. H X. A 03 Letra B. 23 Letra A.
06 04 Letra C. 24 Letra B.
(A) 1 (D) 4 05 Letra A. 25 Letra C.
(B) 3 (E) 5 06 Letra B. 26 Letra D.
(C) 2 07 Letra E. 27 Letra E.
07 08 Letra B. 28 Letra B.
(A) H (D) F 09 Letra C. 29 Letra C.
(B) F (E) H 10 Letra E. 30 Letra B.
(C) F 11 Letra E. 31 Letra E.
Chapter 19 12 Letra E. 32 Letra D.
13 Letra A. 33 Letra E.
01 Letra B. 06 Letra E.
14 Letra C. 34 Letra B.
02 Letra E. 07 Letra C.
15 Letra D. 35 Letra C.
03 Letra C. 08 Letra B.
16 Letra B. 36 Letra D.
04 Letra A. 09 Letra C.
17 Letra B. 37 Letra A.
05 Letra B. 10 Letra E.
18 Letra D. 38 Letra D.
19 Letra B. 39 Letra C.
20 Letra E. 40 Letra A.

368 Vol. 3

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