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Home / Tin Yat Dragon Blog / Is Feng Shui Superstitious?

Is Feng Shui Superstitious?

TIN JEE | 17 APRIL, 2017 ← Previous | Next →
Is Feng Shui Superstitious?
When it comes to Feng Shui, there are often two different types that you will bang
into, and that is one type that claims Feng Shui is science or scientific, then
another type that keeps going the superstitious route and using some ‘Feng Shui
Cures” such as a bunch of salt and stones, coins, crystals, mirrors, just like as if
Feng Shui is some sort of witchcraft or Pagan magic. Which is the real Feng Shui?

First of all, we got to define what is superstitious here. From what I read google
and dictionary, the word superstitious is often referring to people believing things
that happen without any linkage between two things, like they don’t even have any
relationship and it happened. People think that witchcraft and such are
superstitious because they cannot find a relationship between the ritual and what
is happening or believed to happen from the ritual. How can burning some candles
lead to this result of good luck or something like that?

Let’s step back a bit and think about is science a form of superstitious belief? We
talk about atoms, photons, electrons, and all that crazy small particles. We cannot
see them with our eyes too, yet they exist and work in things we use every day,
such as the computer, your phone, and such. We were educated to believe these
things work like so and so in school, and the things we see in textbooks are all
computer generated images of planets, atoms, waves, but how do we really know
it’s really like that? We were taught about atoms in school, but none of us can see
one before we believe so. Not to even mention blood cells, DNA, and such. We
believe it without seeing it, are we being superstitious with science?

Feng Shui, Taoist magic, and all sorts of magic in this world uses a form of energy
that cannot be detected by science, but it is a form of energy inside us, and we can
“feel” it every day, it’s just that you cannot use the “science method” to observe
and analyze it, because the time you try to analyze it, the matter or energy will be
gone. How is this even possible?

Thanks to our superstitious science, quantum physics.

If you look into the basics of quantum physics, you will see that “scientist” are
speaking in tongues, just like everything you learned about science is wrong. There
is an experiment where scientist shoots some light particles through a wall with
one single slot, and one wall with two slits and they have got some stunning

You can see the video yourself to know what it is about.

Quantum Physics Explained

Sum it up, in short, they say that this experiment is crazy when you observe the
stuff, it behaves like ABC, and when you look at it, the result will become XYZ, how
can this even be possible with “matter”? The whole lab test is done the same way,
but “people paying attention” to the experiment or not changes the result, things
can act like waves or matter, and they change instantly like time don’t even exist in
that world of sub-atomic science. The more you dig into these quantum physics
videos, you will know that science is really not everything, and I am glad that
science does admit that today too.

Many people knew how to make a fire in the ancient time, but none of them know
how it works for real. Some just “accidentally” discovered it, some copied others,
and some got inspired by “something”, but apparently, we all can make fire from
all over the world in the ancient time, without science knowledge. Then how do we
know we have to “cook” things before eating them? How can “cooking” be
invented even without science explaining the cellular structure and changes of
things inside the cells and such? We don’t even know what is bacteria is back in
the ancient time, but we know fire can cook food and we can make it safer to eat.
How is this teacher that teaches us all these wonder knowledge back then? Are we
just “superstitious” to believe that fire can cook food and “kill the germs”?

Just that you cannot see it, doesn’t mean it is not there. We cannot see bacteria
with our eyes too, but it is there and they can kill you when it gets into your
organs. Sorry, you can’t even see your organs, but they are there too. There are
many things you cannot see, smell, sense, or even detect with your body and we
are living with them all the time. Feng Shui energy is like that, and so is the magic
energy we use in Taoist magic. If you don’t believe it, let’s talk about
electromagnetic waves, gamma waves, radio waves, infrared waves, all these
things cannot be detected, but we are living in a world full of these things around
us. We cannot see it, yet we believe it, is that also superstitious to believe how
radio can work just like magic? Wi-fi beams in the air? Wireless power? Oh mine,
science is so superstitious, if we lack the real knowledge behind and don’t
understand it.

Feng Shui is also like that, Feng Shui is not superstitious. It just works with a form
of energy that cannot be detected by any physical matter, because it is what we call
the pre-heaven energy or creation energy. This energy is like the energy which
triggers our “feeling” and our “heart” living energy. Not the organ, but the heart
that feels.

You can wake up in the middle of the night, nothing happened, but you just feel
the “urge” of wanting to type something on twitter. Why? What made you feel that
way? It’s your “heart”. We all know that, but it is not explainable, and not
graspable, and not touchable.

Just like love, you can feel it, you know it, but it JUST cannot be explained. The
more you try to explain this with “logic” and refer it to matters, the more you lose
it, and the more you destroys it.

Feng Shui is not superstitious, but it is not scientific too. Feng Shui exists, and it is
real, but it depends if you have the right teacher to teach you the stuff and if you
learn from a legitimate path, and not just from the crappy books out there
teaching you those fast foodFeng Shui…!

Feng Shui 101 - Real Feng Shui Wisdom Introduc…

If you want to learn Feng Shui, skip the bookstore, here you can ordain and start
learning Taoism and Feng Shui already. Why do you need to ordain and become a
Taoistto learn Feng Shui? Well, you don’t need to be a Taoist to learn Feng Shui,
but you need to do so if you want to work with Feng Shui energies, the creation
energyor what we call pre-heaven energies! Normal people are “already born”
human beings, and we only get “fed” by the pre-heaven energy! We cannot
manipulate or control it backward! That’s the law of nature! If you want to work
around it, you need to cultivate and learn the Taoist magic, which works with an
even more original, raw, ancient form of pre-heaven energies, which is what you
can use to really work with the Feng Shui energies in this world. Ordain and
experience the real deal Feng Shui today. Knowledge is everything, and that is why
we don’t call Feng Shui superstitious and not science. Feng Shui is Feng Shui,
what else do you want?

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