Cindy Tatiana García Pamplona: Semana 2

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Cindy Tatiana García pamplona

1 De acuerdo al vídeo de la profesora completa las 8 situaciones en pasado simple
y progresivo.

1. He was riding his skateboard when he fell

2.He crashed into a tree while he was driving his car

3. the wheels fell of as he rode his squat

4. When he hurt himself, he was riding his BMX

5 He tripped as he walked down the stairs
Enviar el libreto de la narración que grabo en el audio
3 in the morning

-This story dates back to the fourteenth century, in the streets of Atlanta, there
were murmurs of strange and inexplicable murders that were taking place, the
victims ranged between 20 and 35 years old, and even the inhabitants did not
understand what the characteristics of the victims were.
{At night}
-wow I'm really scared- Raquel said
-Yes, I am too- Finn said
-The truth is, I don't know what the supposed murderer is looking for, the boys
who have turned up dead have had nothing in common -Raquel said to which
he answered the end, we must be vigilant until the police find a clue the next
day the boys went to the high school and it was whispered in the hallways that
cool had died
[when they were at lunchtime]
_ Raquel exclaimed hoo I can't believe that this happened to cool!
_ Finn replied, I never believed
that he died so young
[everyone's attention was caught when a mysterious and incredibly beautiful
_ that girl is incredibly beautiful
¬_ the girl has beautiful blue eyes and not to mention her long black hair
The girl approached for her lunch and when she sat down, Raquel and Finn
invited her to sit at the table with them, the girl thought about it for a moment
and decided to accept, she sat down and immediately began to question her,
they began to meet one more and they realized that his personality was
incredibly outgoing over time they became best friends the murders continued
to occur now the attention was focused on the high school because the
murders were based on the students and the characteristics were still
anonymous. Finn's father was the town's police commissioner and Raquel and
Finn offered to help their father find the murderer to what Finn's father [the
officer told them you are just children] the officer's words annoyed the boys
They set out to find the assassin, the days passed and they tried harder and
harder to find evidence, although their results were null, after a few days the
murders did not happen again, the people of the town were very calm on the
school trip that held at the end of the year, cloe did not attend which was very
rare since all the students attended this event and it was almost mandatory to
be there because it was one of the graduation farewells the next day
spread the story that two students had appeared with their throats slit in their
homes after hearing this news, cloe quickly arrived at the high school and her
classmates noticed something strange in her -
¬_what they asked him what they asked him what happens to you cloe asked
_replied cloe why it should be
In philosophy class, Cloe invites her friend Raquel and Finn to spend the night
at her house to watch movies that they said yes.
After the hours Raquel and Finn arrived at Cloe's house in this house there
was no one they asked where your parents are Cloe told them they are on
vacation at the beach they admired the weirdness of this house the hours
passed and everything was normal until the 3 in the morning already a little
tired they went to sleep but before going to sleep cloe stops them and tells
them that she has to talk to them she tells them that they have to flee the town
that she does not want anything bad for her to happen to them She is one of
the acesines of a group called streechis. I confess that they will be the next
victamas, they are perplexed and do not know what to do, so he continues by
saying that the highest authority of the group looks for characteristics like
theirs because they are not very friendly and intelligent. but above all loyal,
cloe picks up her phone but immediately finn picks up a bottle and hits him on
the head with which he picks up a glass and cuts his vein orta this falls to the
ground bleeding to what Raquel reacts to giving a trap to the streechis in order
to deliver them to the police in this way ends the story of blood by a friend3 in
the morning

-This story dates back to the fourteenth century, in the streets of Atlanta, there
were murmurs of strange and inexplicable murders that were taking place, the
victims ranged between 20 and 35 years old, and even the inhabitants did not
understand what the characteristics of the victims were.
{At night}
-wow I'm really scared- Raquel said
-Yes, I am too- Finn said
-The truth is, I don't know what the supposed murderer is looking for, the boys
who have turned up dead have had nothing in common -Raquel said to which
he answered the end, we must be vigilant until the police find a clue the next
day the boys went to the high school and it was whispered in the hallways that
cool had died
[when they were at lunchtime]
_ Raquel exclaimed hoo I can't believe that this happened to cool!
_ Finn replied, I never believed
that he died so young
[everyone's attention was caught when a mysterious and incredibly beautiful
_ that girl is incredibly beautiful
¬_ the girl has beautiful blue eyes and not to mention her long black hair
The girl approached for her lunch and when she sat down, Raquel and Finn
invited her to sit at the table with them, the girl thought about it for a moment
and decided to accept, she sat down and immediately began to question her,
they began to meet one more and they realized that his personality was
incredibly outgoing over time they became best friends the murders continued
to occur now the attention was focused on the high school because the
murders were based on the students and the characteristics were still
anonymous. Finn's father was the town's police commissioner and Raquel and
Finn offered to help their father find the murderer to what Finn's father [the
officer told them you are just children] the officer's words annoyed the boys
They set out to find the assassin, the days passed and they tried harder and
harder to find evidence, although their results were null, after a few days the
murders did not happen again, the people of the town were very calm on the
school trip that held at the end of the year, cloe did not attend which was very
rare since all the students attended this event and it was almost mandatory to
be there because it was one of the graduation farewells the next day
spread the story that two students had appeared with their throats slit in their
homes after hearing this news, cloe quickly arrived at the high school and her
classmates noticed something strange in her -
¬_what they asked him what they asked him what happens to you cloe asked
_replied cloe why it should be
In philosophy class, Cloe invites her friend Raquel and Finn to spend the night
at her house to watch movies that they said yes.
After the hours Raquel and Finn arrived at Cloe's house in this house there
was no one they asked where your parents are Cloe told them they are on
vacation at the beach they admired the weirdness of this house the hours
passed and everything was normal until the 3 in the morning already a little
tired they went to sleep but before going to sleep cloe stops them and tells
them that she has to talk to them she tells them that they have to flee the town
that she does not want anything bad for her to happen to them She is one of
the acesines of a group called streechis. I confess that they will be the next
victamas, they are perplexed and do not know what to do, so he continues by
saying that the highest authority of the group looks for characteristics like
theirs because they are not very friendly and intelligent. but above all loyal,
cloe picks up her phone but immediately finn picks up a bottle and hits him on
the head with which he picks up a glass and cuts his vein orta this falls to the
ground bleeding to what Raquel reacts to giving a trap to the streechis in order
to deliver them to the police in this way ends the story of blood by a friend
3  Hacer los ejercicios para mejorar la escucha y el habla, enviar evidencia de
esta práctica.

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