Week 4 Group Assignment SIMULATION Progress Report UPDATE

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8 March, 2021.

Hi Everyone,

Further to my (below) note from yesterday (Mar 7), I thought I would send you a great example of
how to set out your Team Meeting Minutes – just in case you are still unsure of how to collate and
submit these.

Team 5 has been very kind by allowing me to share their format with all of you. Please have a look –
it is easy, straight forward and without too much detail.

Something along these lines will suffice and serve the purpose. Please remember to submit your
group’s Minutes by Friday, 1800h, Mar 12.



7 March, 2021.

Hi Everyone,

How are you all progressing with the group work ? We are now into Week 4 of the term and the 3 rd
week of group decision making. I would hope that everyone has settled into their weekly routines
and that the group dynamics and individual involvement is going well.
I have had emails from some of you expressing concerns that some within your group are not
contributing their fair share and that in one case, they are yet to have had engagement with all
group members !

If this is the case, then this is clearly unacceptable.

I want to get a sense of how every group has been working together. This is really important,
especially for a group exercise/assignment.

You should be keeping very simple minutes of the times you come together and the decisions that
you take. This summary is what keeps track of who is present and engaged and helps avoid any
misunderstandings amongst the group about who said what, or what was agreed. If you haven’t
been doing this, then you need to trace back your steps and pull this together ASAP. It should form
part of your final group report as an appendix – just like any report would include minutes of
meetings and details of decisions taken. This ensures accountability of the group work and helps
keep everyone honest by providing such transparency – which will be important for me, especially
when I mark your group work and look at the peer assessments that each of you will need to submit.
This factual record will also ensure that the peer assessments remain objective.

As a progress “health check” on the group work and engagement, I would like each group to submit
to me by 1800h, Friday, Mar 12, a “Work in Progress” update, showing me the minutes of your
meetings held, those present and decisions taken.

This does not require a lot of detail – it is a summary. It should be as simple as the below - for



TEAM MEMBERS PRESENT: John Smith / Jane Citizen / Bob Jones / Tracy Gold / Corey Jones / Cathy


I trust this is straight forward and everyone is clear around what you need to submit. If anyone has
any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me (d.kondic@unsw.edu.au)



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