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Spiritual Battlefield of Marriage and the Family

Jesus is the Center of any Marriage.

If He is not at the Center of a Marriage, it will not last.


The absence of Jesus in each soul in an earthly marriage leads to spiritual black holes within
each person that will not be able to be filled with any created thing they are trying to comfort
themselves with instead of Jesus.

These souls are dead and require reconciliation with Jesus for their mortal sins first.

A Sacramental Marriage in this world has one purpose. The Couple is to raise the next
generation in the Kingdom of God with the help of Jesus.

No Jesus. No purpose. No Marriage. Any Children are Prey for the World and the Devil.
Men are stewards of creation. They pray, provide, protect, and direct creation. This includes
the family in their care. Men have spiritual authority over everyone in their home. They are
ultimately responsible for the overall well-being of the woman and children in their care.
Women receive the provision, protection, and directions of the Priest of the Domestic Church
are distribute these gifts to the family and community surrounding the family. Woman also
protect the heart of a man’s home…his family. The wife will culture a man’s children. She
shares spiritual authority with the man over the children. A woman can warn a man of any
evil headed to attack his family. This enables him to do his job better.
Marriages not subscribing to Jesus at the center are not Sacramental and will not last. Any
children can fall prey to the world and the devil.
Intact, Sacramental Marriages are a natural hedge of protection for children in this world. A
fully functioning couple is a powerful force against evil and the evils found in this world.
Why? Jesus is at the center of the Life of the Family.

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