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 Research is a careful, critical, and

basic concepts
exhaustive investigation to discover
new facts which will test a hypothesis,

 Research is viewed as a tool for global revise accepted conclusion or
solution of man’s problem. contribute to society in general.
 Endeavour to expand understanding of
different situations + give positive 3. Best (2001)
answers to problems.  Research is a more formal,
o Why do individuals engage in systematic, intensive process of
crime? carrying on the scientific method of
o Which issues would be feasible analysis.
to tackle with the resources
available and to a certain 4. McGratch and Watson (2001)
extent, what shortcomings  Quoted Griffith – Research is a
contributed to the deterioration method of inquiry in a process by
of the economy? which one ascertains the truth with the
 To come to a solution, we must have a matter.
variety of measuring instruments,
research tools and approaches to 5. Day (2001)
employ.  Research is characteristic of time and
 Research methods are valuable. arrangement of both which suggest or
o Used to gather information inhibits behaviour.
which would benefit society
either through direct application 6. Blurton (2000)
of findings to the solution of  Research seeks to understand the
social ills or through the use of range of behaviour in which people
findings to test theoretical naturally engage in.
issues in research.
7. Jacob (2000)
 Research as traditions which
1. Willis (2002) manifests drawing discipline based on
 Research can mean the process of historical domains.
discovering new knowledge— o Whereupon it stresses that the
knowledge that has been previously interaction of the person and
unknown, or that has been ignored for the environment caused
a long time. changing solutions to a
 Research methods is an approach problem.
whereby it is experimented upon in
order to achieve a variety of methods.
2. Mac Gratch (2001)
 Searching for a theory, testing a  Reliability adds to the consistency and
theory, or for solving a problem. predictability of research.
o It means a problem exists and  Research conducted on “Effects of
has been identified + a solution single parenting on the class
is necessary. performance of elementary school
o The problem is not ordinary + age children”.
the solution is here and now. o If the results conclude that is
 Scientific Research – is controlled causes low grades in class,
unlike ordinary problems (which may these results should have to be
be solved cursorily) reliable for another sample
o So planned that every step of taken from a similar population.
the way does not involve guess
or controlled evidences. 2. Validity
o Exact and precise outcomes  The strength of which we can make
are expected due to the control research conclusions, assumptions, or
employed in the research. propositions true or false.
 Determine the applicability of the
 Validity of the research instrument can
LESSON 3: be defined as the suitability of the
CHARACTERISTICS OF research instrument to the research
RESEARCH o How accurately the instrument
 Certain terms are commonly used in measures the problem.
research.  Validity and reliability are so co-
o Success of any research related.
depends on these terms.  Validity is more important than
o Determine whether a research reliability.
is scientifically and ethically o Without it, research goes in the
correct. wrong direction.
o They are called the o To keep research on track:
characteristics of the define your concepts in the
research. best possible manner so that
no error occurs during the
1. Reliability  2 Types of Validity
 A measure of repeatability or a. Internal Validity
replicability. b. External Validity
o The repeatability of research, o The researcher needs to make
research instrument, tool, or sure that both are strong.
 There are instruments that can 3. Accuracy
estimate the reliability of any research  It means that each process in the
instrument. research has been undertaken
 Reliable research – if any research accurately.
yields similar results each time it is  The degree to which research
undertaken with a similar population process, instrument, and tool is related
and with similar procedures. to each other.
 It measures whether research tools
have been selected in the best
possible manner + research  In quantitative research, it is easier to
procedures suit the research problems achieve that.
or not.  In qualitative research, generalizability
 Choosing the best data collection tool is more concerned to a smaller group
improves the accuracy of the research. to which the results are applicable.
 Research conducted on
transgender people. 6. Empirical
o Several data collection tools  It means that the research has been
can be used depending on the conducted following rigorous scientific
research problems. methods and procedures.
o If the population is less o Each step has been tested for
cooperative (giving biased accuracy + based on real life
answers / not returning the experiences.
questionnaires), the best way is  Quantitative research is easier than
to observe them. qualitative research.
o Qualitative research – biases
4. Credibility and prejudices are easy to
 It comes with the use of the best occur.
source of information + best  There are tools that can improve the
procedures in research. trustworthiness of qualitative research.
 Second-hand information makes the o The researcher should know
credibility of the research how to control biases and
questionable. subjectivity.
o Secondary data has been
manipulated by human beings. 7. Systematic
o Not valid to use in research.  The research should have one main
o A certain percentage of approach.
secondary data can be used if  The systematic approach helps the
primary source is not yet researcher understand the steps to be
available. taken and in what order to take each
 Credibility increases when accurate step.
references in the research are given.  Research should follow a procedure.

5. Generalizability 8. Controlled
 The extent to which research findings  There are tools that can help the
can be applied to a larger population. researcher in achieving some control
 If the research findings can be applied over how the research goes on.
to any sample from the population and
the same results are obtained.
When a researcher conducts a study, LESSON 4: GOALS OF
he/she chooses a target population. From
this target population, he/she takes a
small sample to conduct the research. The methodical study of
This sample is representative of the whole information and experimentation done in
population. order to discover new ideas and come to
 External validity improves research
generalizability. 1. Describe
o Strong external validity =
strong generalizability.
 Create techniques for measurement based on the conditions of the
that enable clear and exact test.
descriptions of behaviour.  Examples
 Large group = generalizations o Researchers predict that
 Single person/phenomenon people who eat faster weigh
 Systematic and precise more based on a study about
 Only relevant information eating habits.
 Basis for prediction o Researchers hypothesize that
 Vocabulary individuals whose parents are
o Description: using methods to divorced are more likely to get
define, classify and categorize a divorce themselves after
the relationships between observing separated families.
o Operational Definition: A 3. Control
definition that characterizes  Be able to influence the subjects in
events, qualities, and concepts order to get them to behave a certain
in terms of observable way.
operations, or procedures used  A person’s behaviour is permanently
to measure them. changed by the actions of a
o Average Performance: General psychologist.
trends in behaviour of a group  Examples
of subjects in a scientific study o Pavlov’s dog experiment
 Examples o Parents give a child a cookie
o A psychologist surveys when they do the right thing so
subjects to be able to describe the child will do it again.
how the amount of time a
person sleeps affects their level 4. Explain
of stress.  Answers “why does it occur?” and
o A psychologist observes “how would it occur again?”
children to attempt to describe  Conduct an experiment to answer.
what young kids do when  Identify the cause(s) of phenomena.
meeting a new person. o Co-variation of events
o Proper time-order sequence
2. Predict o Elimination of plausible
 Educated guessing about what will alternative causes.
happen in an experiment.  Vocabulary
 Sometimes in the form of hypothesis. o Co-variation of Events:
 Not always accurate. Variables are clearly correlated
 Supported by descriptions. and could not be related due to
 Vocabulary chance.
o Correlation: Two variables that o Proper Time-order Sequence:
trend in a related direction The cause must occur before
within an experiment (either the the effect of the experiment.
same or opposite directions) o Elimination of Alternative
- One variable can be Causes: Be sure there is not
used to predict the another cause for any
other. discoveries made in the
o Variable: A measurable factor experiment.
in an experiment that changes  Examples
o A psychologist figures out the 3. Explanatory
scientific reason why people  Casual research
who have been in a car  Conducted to determine how variables
accident react badly to loud interact.
noises.  Identify cause and effect
o A psychologist tries to relationships.
determine under what  Deals with they “why” of research
circumstances a serial killer questions.
would want to kill again.  Often based on experiments.


 Its purpose is to enhance society by  Improve way of life by continuing the
advancing knowledge through the search for truth.
development of scientific theories,  From the past up until now, man has
concepts, and ideas. harnessed natural forms and forces in
 A research purpose is met through order to meet his/her increasing needs
forming hypotheses, collecting data, + enhance his environment to facilitate
analysing results, forming conclusions, his/her consumable goods.
implementing findings into real-life o Achieves this through using the
applications, and forming new brain, physical efforts, time and
research questions. money.
 Its purpose is to further understand the o Results:
world + learn how this knowledge can - Transportation (land,
be applied to better everyday life. air, water)
 An integral part of problem solving. - Communication
(telephone, cablegram,
social media platforms)
1. Exploratory - Mass media
 The first research to be conducted  Research has become evident at
around a problem that has not yet home.
been clearly defined. o Chores are easier because of
 Aims to gain a better understanding of many appliances.
the exact nature of the problem and  Medicine: intensive search for cures
not to provide a conclusive answer to and remedies.
the problem itself.  Business and industry: maintain the
o Enables us to conduct a more quality of their products and services.
in-depth research later on.  Farming: improvement of products in
quantity and quality.
2. Descriptive  There came about a number of
 Expands knowledge of a research systematic searches for the most
problem or phenomenon by describing lucrative and attractive ways of
it according to its characteristics and entertaining people: animated
populations. cartoons, movies, video games.
 Focuses on the “how” and “what” but  Education: research on ways of how to
not the “why” improve instruction and develop the
student into a useful, enlightened
patriotic citizen.
o Research studies later on can
prove the need to assist
schools in developing materials
for continued research and
series of experiments.
 Humans must not only be a recipient
to the advantages of research, but
also active participants.
o Can be done if he/she engages
in research.
 With the continuous progress,
problems arise: rapid multiplication of
population, pollution, drug addiction,
uneven wealth distribution, etc.

 Research is important because of the


1. It is needed in tapping the immense

natural resources and in harnessing
2. Necessary in enhancing production to
cope with the needs of the increasing
3. Helps in determining the manpower
needs of the country and the ways to
meet those needs.
4. Enables the businessmen to forecast
the direction in which business will
take or to explore the possibilities of
new industries.
5. Enables the planners of education,
industry, or government to make
projects so that steps can be taken to
be ready for the future.
6. Maintains good health + remedy
7. An instrument of modernization –
promote the progress of a country.
8. Urgently needed for energy production
and regulation of its use.
9. Needed in improving the quantity and
quality of major crops – processing
them and transforming them to
different forms of marketable goods.

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