V2KS3 Classes of Distinction

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Classes of Distinction

The following class options have been designed to enhance your gaming experience. If you’re a player looking to use one, make sure
you get permission from your Game Master first.

If you’re a GM considering these new options, keep the following in mind:

• Each option has been designed to provide a measure of balance among the class it is available to. Some options may be more pow-
erful, others less. The idea is to give players an array of choices best for your campaign.
• The options are built based off existing features already incorporated in the PHB, with enough variation and innovative features to
keep the experience exciting and unique. If you don’t like the features in one of the options, you’re well within your rights as a GM
to change it or veto its use.

Class Options At a Glance

Path of the Alpha. If combat buffs and party battle tactics are Vigilante. The vigilante roguish archetype focuses on
your cup of tea, you’ll enjoy this barbarian class option. Flexible incapacitating and restraining foes – as well as giving them a few
war cries grant you and your comrades increased health, speed, obvious “superhero” motifs. While there’s certainly no requirement
defense, and damage – all while you remain a martial threat to become a caped crusader in a local city or town, you certainly
in combat yourself. You’ll want an investment in Charisma to can do just that. The class option works just as well for traditional
ensure more war cry uses, which follows suit with the option’s combat and dungeon crawls, however, making it an ideal route for
leadership motif. those that prefer to capture and interrogate their foes.
College of the Muse. It’s time for bards to self-inspire! The Blood Magic. Blood maguses have existed as a player favorite
Bardic College of the Muse does just that, allowing bards the in previous editions, and it feels natural as a sorcerous origin in
ability to award themselves one of their Bardic Inspiration dice. the game’s current format. This sorcerer feature introduces the
Growing in the class allows their majestic presence to inspire concept of tying hit dice to spell resources, giving you the option
multiple comrades at a time, as well as ensuring an inspired ally to forgo future healing for the sake of power or utility. It presents a
deftly avoids danger in combat! couple dynamic options to choose from, making it a well-rounded
Circle of Ruin. This new druid option finds a balance between choice with plenty of room for fun role-playing!
continuous wild shaping and flat-out spell use, opting for a hybrid The Hand of Fate. What does the future hold? A warlock with
melee combatant. Class features allow you to harness the entropy The Hand of Fate otherworldly patron knows better than most.
of nature to empower your weapons, take on a primordial form, With this option, a warlock gains a modicum of control over his
and reap vitality from those slain in your presence. An exciting or her fate, and the fate of others. In addition to some powers
option to change your druid’s tactics! that can tip the balance of battle, this patron also bestows brief
Trapsman. The idea of a ranger utilizing traps to harry their glimpses of the future. These prophetic visions should be enough
foes is iconic, and this new ranger archetype embraces that role. to keep the warlock wary until the future plays out.
By conjuring traps on the battlefield, you’re able to use your Chronomancy. A new twist on wizard arcane traditions, this
reaction against enemies that draw near them, hampering them one focused not on magic sub-schools, but how magic affects time
with damage and conditions as they advance. A great alternative itself. Includes some useful utility to speed up your allies while
with lots of trap effect options to choose from, and a great asset slowing your opponents to a snail’s pace - leading up to the ability
for giving your ranger a degree of battlefield control! to stop time at a fraction of a second, or remove creatures from
Oath of Ancestry. Paladins of the Oath of Ancestry call upon time altogether! Definitely one to check out if you like the idea of
the spirits of their family to aid them at all times, granting them a utility caster.
a mix of offensive, defensive and utilitarian options. Players and
GMs alike can have a lot of fun drawing up NPC spirits that are
summoned as result of this new sacred oath. Knowing who the
spirits used to belong to can make for some interesting role-playing.

Copyright © 2016 Dan Coleman. This Dungeons on Demand product is published through the Open Gaming License. See the License section for complete details.
Dungeons On Demand

Barbarian Alpha
At 10th level, you assert yourself as your pack’s leader, and your

PATH OF THE ALPHA passion for battle conducts those that follow your lead. While rag-
ing, whenever you hit a target with a melee attack, one ally within
5 feet of the target hit may use their reaction to move 5 feet. This
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Primal Path
War Cry: Blood
Exarches of barbarian tribes are not just ferocious combatants, but At 14th level, your war cry can turn each weapon in your com-
inspirational and cunning leaders as well. Barbarians that follow panions’ hands into a menace, like a predator on the scent of
the Path of the Alpha find themselves in command of others; rage blood. Instead of your war cry’s normal effect, targets deal +1d6
is not only a passion to destroy their enemies, but also an instinct damage with weapon attacks, and can choose to reroll a missed
to protect and lead their allies. As a member of this path, you rel- weapon attack once during the war cry’s duration. They must use
ish when you defeat your adversaries through total domination by the result of the second roll.
your pack.

War Cries
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can use a bo-
nus action while you are raging to shout a war cry to inspire your
companions and bolster their efforts in battle. A war cry affects
you and your allies within 30 feet that are able to hear you. You
are unable to use a war cry if you are gagged, magically silenced,
or otherwise unable to speak.

While under the effect of your war cry,

each target’s hit point maximum and cur-
rent hit points increase by 5 for the
duration. At 9th level this amount
increases to 10, at 13th level this
amount increases to 15, and at
17th level this amount increases
to 20. As you gain levels, you have
the option to modify the effect of your
war cry each time you issue it.

Each war cry lasts for 1 minute, until your rage ends,
or until you issue a new one of the same kind, whichever
occurs first. A new war cry of the same kind supersedes the
effects of a previous one. You can use this feature a number
of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (a minimum of
once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a short or
long rest.

War Cry: Flock

At 3rd level, your war cry can increase the speed of your com-
panions, like a flock of birds in flight. Instead of your war cry’s
normal effect, targets increase their speed by 10 feet, and gain an
additional action each round which may only be spent to use the
Dash action.

War Cry: Mountain

At 6th level, your war cry can bolster the durability of your
companions, like the unyielding mountain. Instead of your war
cry’s normal effect, targets gain +1 AC and have advantage on
saving throws versus becoming charmed, frightened, poisoned, or
Classes of Distinction

Bard Starting at 6th level, whenever you use a bonus action to give a
Bardic Inspiration die, you choose a number of creatures equal to

COLLEGE OF THE MUSE your Muse score. Each creature selected gains a die, although this
only expends one use of your Bardic Inspiration feature.

Bard College
Guiding Presence
At 14th level, your very presence is a boon and guide to those you
have inspired. Whenever a creature that has one of your Bardic
Bards of the College of the Muse seek inspiration and advocate Inspiration dice is required to make a saving throw, they can use
creativity. These bards tend to be artists in their own right, trav- your Muse score in place of their own ability modifier to add to
eling the world for new ideas to better their craft, and in their the result.
presence multitudes of others are inspired by them. For such
bards, the beauty is not the result of the art they create, but in
their journey to perfect it.

Muse Score
Your insightful demeanor gives
those you inspire a positive
outlook. Beginning at 3rd level
when you adopt this college, you
gain a Muse score of 2. Whenever a
creature rolls one of your Bardic Inspi-
ration dice, they can choose substitute the
result of the Bardic Inspiration die with your
Muse score.

Your Muse score increases when you reach certain levels

in this class. It increases to 3 at 10th level, and again to 4 at
15th level.

Also at 3rd level, you become prone sudden moments of
insight and clarity, surprising and inspiring yourself as you
normally do for others. You have the option to select your-
self when choosing a target for your Bardic Inspiration die.
Dungeons On Demand

damage per spell level of the expended spell slot. This damage
Druid type is chosen when the spell slot is spent. The weapon remains
empowered for 1 minute or until you lose your concentration (as

if you were casting a concentration spell).

At 10th level, you gain the ability to manipulate the balance
Druid Circle between life and death. Whenever a creature within 30 feet of
you that is not an undead or construct is slain, you can use your
The storm devastates the countryside. The drought reaction or bonus action to regain 2 hit points per druid
withers plants to husks. The fire reduces all in level. You can use this feature once at 10th level and twice
its path to cinders. Druids of the Circle of Ruin starting at 15th level. You regain expended uses of this
embrace the entropy of the natural world, feature after a long rest.
and in the constant cycle of death and
rebirth they find strength. The circle’s Force of Nature
oldest members are terrifying agents At 14th level, you become the embodiment
of ruin, each wielding destructive of nature’s destructive power. When you use
powers of nature at their employ. your action to cast a druid spell, you can
As a member of the Circle of make one weapon attack as a bonus action.
Ruin, your magic is influenced
by such forces, as you reap
power from the destruction of

Ruinous Cantrip
When you choose this circle at 2nd
level, you gain one of the follow-
ing cantrips: chill touch, fire bolt, or
shocking grasp. The cantrip counts
as a druid spell for you.
Whenever you deal dam-
age with this cantrip, you
add your Wisdom modifier
as bonus damage.

Form of Ruin
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to use
your Wild Shape to transform into a Form of
Ruin, causing your skin to change into a primor-
dial mass. Your new form is appears as a hybrid
humanoid and elemental, perhaps mistaken for a fey
or demon by an observer. Your armor and clothing are
merged into your new appearance, but carried weapons,
shields, and items may still be used by it.

While transformed, your AC equals 13 + your Dexter-

ity modifier and you have advantage on saving throws
against fire, lightning, and necrotic damage. Otherwise,
your game statistics remain the same. Transforming in
this manner does not change your hit points or Hit Dice.
While transformed, you can continue to cast spells and
speak, although your voice becomes echoed and guttural.

Weapon of Ruin
Starting at 6th level, you can use a bonus action to expend one
spell slot to empower a melee weapon you wield. While a weapon
is empowered, it becomes a magic weapon with a +1 bonus to
attack rolls and deals an additional 1d4 fire, lightning, or necrotic
Classes of Distinction

OATH OF ANCESTRY Tenets of Ancestry
The tenets of the Oath of Ancestry vary from house to house; some
emphasize specific goals or household values while others are more
Sacred Oath general in how a paladin should act. They typically emphasize the
principles of good, although the good of the family always comes
The Oath of Ancestry binds a paladin to uphold the tenets of his first. All of them share the following core philosophies.
or her family. It often begins at birth by all members of a certain Honor the Name. Never sully the family name with dubious
lineage, the importance of the family’s name and history being deeds, and never allow another to speak ill of it.
taught as the paladin goes through adolescence. Those that swear Honor the Past. Remember those in the family that have served
its final vows become vessels for the spirits of their families; these the name before you.
souls guide, protect, and assist their living heirs and descendants Honor the Future. Ensure the family name lives on.
at all times. A paladin of the Oath of Ancestry never steps into Honor the Others. Show respect to others of great names, as
battle alone. they show respect to you in kind.
Dungeons On Demand

Spirit Guide. As a bonus action, you can use your Channel

Divinity to invoke a specific spirit to aid you. The spirit may
belong to someone you were once close to, such as a deceased
sibling or parent, or a prominent figure of your household, such
as a great, great-grandparent that forged a family heirloom or
accomplished a notable feat. The spirit remains by your side for
1 minute and can’t be harmed. The spirit cannot speak, but can
communicate empathically with you.
At any time during the duration, you can use the spirit’s
assistance, giving you advantage on a single attack roll, check, or
saving throw. Once you gain this benefit, the spirit is dismissed.

Ancestral Aura
Starting at 7th level, the spirits of your ancestors lash out at those
that threaten you. When a hostile creature starts its turn within 5
feet of you, it takes force damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 10 feet.

Ancestral Guardian
Starting at 15th level, you can call a warrior spirit of your
ancestors to watch over you for an extended period of time. The
spirit arrives in a space you can see within 30 feet of you, where
it remains for up to 8 hours, until you dismiss it as an action, or
until you move more than 100 feet away from it.
The spirit is invisible to all creatures except you and can’t be
harmed. The spirit does not speak, but make a wailing sound
audible to all creatures. When a hostile creature comes within 30
feet of it, the spirit begins to wail loudly. The spirit sees invisible
creatures and can see into the Ethereal Plane. It ignores illusions.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish
a long rest.

Spectral Scion
At 20th level, you can allow an ancestral spirit to possess your
Oath Spells body, giving you some of its spectral power. When you do so, your
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. corporeal form and equipment changes to that of a spirit, taking
on features of the family member possessing you. For example,
Oath of Ancestry Spells you may have the signature scar of your deceased great-uncle,
Paladin Level Spells the long hair of a deceased cousin, or the rough accent of your
3rd guiding bolt, heroism deceased grandfather.
5th enhance ability, warding bond Using your action, you undergo the transformation and become
9th phantom steed, spirit guardians incorporeal. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
13th arcane eye, guardian of faith
17th commune, raise dead • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical weapons, and you are immune to
Channel Divinity necrotic and poison damage.
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two • You cannot become grappled, paralyzed, petrified,
Channel Divinity options. poisoned, prone, or restrained.
Call Spirits. You can use your Channel Divinity to call the spir- • You gain a fly speed of 30 feet, and you can move through
its of your ancestors to manifest around you. As a bonus action, other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain.
you cause these spirits to appear, grabbing and clinging to your You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside
enemies. For 1 minute or until your concentration is broken (as if an object.
you were concentrating on a spell) hostile creatures treat the area
within 10 feet of you as difficult terrain. This effect includes flying Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish
creatures and creatures moving through the Ethereal Plane. For a long rest.
the duration, creatures within 5 feet of you provoke opportunity
attacks from you even if they take the Disengage action before
leaving your reach.
Classes of Distinction

Enhanced Range
Ranger At 15th level, you can use your reaction to trigger your trap
against a hostile creature that moves within, or ends its turn

TRAPSMAN within, 20 feet of the space occupied by your trap.

Trap Effects
The trap effects are presented in alphabetical order.
Ranger Archetype
Dazzling Burst. An array of bright lights and flashes surround
A ranger that embraces the Trapsman archetype understands the target. The triggering creature makes an Intelligence saving
the power of the element of surprise. These trapsmen (or indeed, throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes distracted by the
trapswomen in many cases) earn their namesake from their use of display and cannot use reactions for 1 minute. At the end of each
traps to hunt and defeat the monsters that threaten the wilderness. of its turns, an affected creature can repeat its saving throw against
By following the role of the Trapsman, you develop unique traps this effect, ending the condition on a success.
and learn different ways to employ these traps in battle.
Fire Gout. A gout of flame sprays at the target. The triggering
Ranger’s Trap creature makes a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 1d10
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn how to use fire damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a
your magic to conjure traps that surprise and harass your foes. successful one.
Trap Effects. You learn two trap effects of your choice, which This trap’s damage increases by 1d10 when your ranger level
are detailed under “Trap Effects” below. Each trap effect causes reaches 5 (2d10), 11 (3d10), and 17 (4d10).
your traps to interact with hostile creatures differently.
You learn an additional trap effect of your choice at 7th, 11th, Lightning Strike. A jet of lightning blasts out toward the target.
and 15th level. Each time you learn a new trap effect, you can The stroke of lightning then leaps from that target to another
replace one trap effect you know with a different one. target within 30 feet. The triggering creature and secondary
Placing Traps. You can use a bonus action to conjure a Small targets each makes a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6
trap in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see lightning damage on a failed saving throw.
within 30 feet. When you place a trap, you choose which trap The amount of secondary targets increases by 1 when your
effect it has. The trap remains in its space for 1 minute, until it is ranger level reaches 5 (2 secondary targets), 11 (3 secondary tar-
sprung, until you use a bonus action to dismiss it, or until you gets), and 17 (4 secondary targets).
conjure another trap beyond your normal limit.
You can only have one trap placed at a time. At 7th level, you Luminous Dust. A cloud of luminous dust billows onto the
can have up to two traps placed at a time. At 15th level, you can target, making them easier to detect and target. The triggering
have up to three. Each trap may have a different trap effect. creature makes a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save the
Your trap is invisible to hostile creatures, has an AC of 10, im- creature is coated in the luminous material and sheds dim light in
munity to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage, and hit points a 10-foot radius until the start of its next turn.
equal to 10 + your ranger level. A creature affected by this trap cannot benefit from being invis-
Springing Traps. When a hostile creature moves within, or ends ible. Any attack roll against an affected creature has advantage if
its turn within, 10 feet of the space occupied by your trap, you can the attacker is able to see it.
use your reaction to trigger its trap effect. When a trap is sprung,
it will either require you to make an attack roll against the target Needle Barrage. A fusillade of needles is launched at the target.
using your spell attack modifier, or for the target to make a saving Make an attack roll against the triggering creature. On a hit, the
throw against your spell save DC. target suffers 1d4 piercing damage and makes a Constitution sav-
After a trap is sprung it crumbles into dust and no longer oc- ing throw. On a failed save the target suffers a grievous wound,
cupies its space. suffering the damage again at the start of its next turn. A creature
that regains hit points before its next turn ignores this effect.
Empowered Traps This trap’s damage increases by 1d4 when your ranger level
Starting at 7th level, your traps that make attack rolls against a reaches 5 (2d4), 11 (3d4), and 17 (4d4).
target count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance
and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. Net Trap. When this trap is sprung a barbed net it fired at the
target. Make an attack roll against the triggering creature. On a
Improved Cover hit, if the creature is Large or smaller it is restrained until it can
At 11th level, whenever you gain the benefit of half or three- free itself from the net. A creature can use its action to make a DC
quarters cover, you gain an additional +1 bonus to your AC and 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within reach
Dexterity saving throws. While benefitting from cover and not on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also
moving you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. frees the creature without harming it.
Dungeons On Demand

Poisoned Bolt. A toxin-coated bolt is fired at the target. Make

an attack roll against the triggering creature. On a hit, the target
suffers 1d6 piercing damage, and must make a Constitution sav-
ing throw. On a failed save, the target is poisoned for 1 minute.
At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature can repeat its
saving throw against this effect, ending the condition on a success.

Snare. Weighted bolas fires at the target, entangling and forcing

it to fall. Make an attack roll against the triggering creature. On a
hit, if the creature is Large or smaller it is knocked prone.

Tar Trap. Globs of sticky tar fire at the creature, slowing its
movement. The triggering creature makes a Strength saving
throw. On a failed save the creature moves at half speed and suf-
fers a -2 penalty to Dexterity saving throws for 1 minute. At the
end of each of its turns, an affected creature can repeat its saving
throw against this effect, ending the condition on a success.
Classes of Distinction

Debilitating Strike
Rogue Starting at 17th level, you’ve mastered strategic strikes to debilitate
your foes. When you attack and hit a creature that is restrained or

VIGILANTE surprised, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your

Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save,
the creature becomes unconscious.
Roguish Archetype

All rogues pride themselves on their ability to think on their feet,

improvise, and take matters into their own hands if necessary.
No archetype exemplifies these ideals more than the vigilante.
These rogues work outside the law to handle their
adversaries as they see fit, putting their excep-
tional skills to use where local authorities lag
behind. A local vigilante may be perceived
as a hero or villain, depending upon the
populace they serve, but none can argue
their methods get results.

Alter Ego
When you choose this archetype at 3rd
level, you can choose to develop an alter
ego you operate under while in populated areas. You
gain proficiency with the disguise kit, and profi-
ciency with the Deception and Intimidation skills
while operating under your alter ego. Most
vigilantes treat this identity carefully, diligent
not to let others know their true identity lest
authorities come looking for them.

Tools of the Trade

When you choose this archetype at 3rd
level, you gain proficiency with attack rolls
with nets. Additionally, you can use the
bonus action granted by your Cunning
Action to bind an incapacitated Large or
smaller creature with manacles or rope.

Improvised Weapon Mastery

By 9th level, you’ve learned how to turn even
the most innocuous objects into deadly weapons.
You are considered proficient with all improvised
weapons, and your improvised weapons cannot deal less than
1d6 damage. The first time you attack a creature with an with an
improvised weapon you surprise it; you gain advantage on the at-
tack roll, and on a hit you can apply your extra damage from your
Sneak Attack feature.

Starting at 13th level, you’ve learned that overcoming obstacles
is an effort of both mind and body. Your Evasion feature now ex-
tends to all saving throws, instead of just Dexterity saving throws.
Dungeons On Demand

of these spells is prepared upon you as a distinct scar. As long as

Sorcerer a scar is upon you, you can cast the spell associated with without
using a spell slot, at which point the scar magically disappears.

Each spell prepared as a scar in this manner lasts 24 hours, or
until it is cast, whichever occurs first.

Awaken Blood
Sorcerous Origin Beginning at 18th level, your tie to blood is so strong you’ve
learned how to manipulate the blood in other creatures, agitat-
Your innate magic comes from a mysterious power, deep-seated ing it and causing them horrific pain. As a bonus action, you can
in your own blood. Spilling your blood unleashes a wellspring of spend 3 sorcery points to use this power on a creature within 60
this power, making your magic all the more potent. Most often, feet of you with blood in its body (for instance, constructs, oozes
sorcerers with this origin discover their magic at an early age, and most undead would likely be unaffected by this power, but a
typically when they suffer a small wound that draws blood. Once vampire would certainly be subject to it).
this correlation is discovered, sorcerers draw their blood more
and more often to call upon it. This leaves many blood maguses The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw versus
covered in scars, dancing the line of knowing just how much your spell save DC or have vulnerability to damage you deal with
blood to sacrifice for potency. spells while affected by this power. This effect lasts for 1 minute
or until you lose your concentration (as if you were casting a con-
Blood Magic centration spell). A creature that succeeds on this saving throw
Starting at 1st level, you can choose to spend one of your sorcerer is immune to this ability for 24 hours. If a creature is killed while
hit dice when you deal damage to one or more creatures with a under this effect, its blood bursts forth in a bloody explosion upon
sorcerer spell. If you do, roll the die and add your Constitution its death.
modifier. Each target damaged by the spell suffers additional
damage equal to the result. You do not regain hit
points for hit dice spent for this effect.

Your blood and sorcerous power are
intertwined to the point where you can
convert blood for power, and power for
blood. At 1st level, as a bonus action, you
can spend 2 sorcery points to regain a spent
sorcerer hit die. Or, as a bonus action, you
can spend a sorcerer hit die to regain 2 sor-
cery points. You do not regain hit points for
hit dice spent for this effect. You cannot use this
feature to gain hit dice or sorcery points beyond your
normal maximum.

Starting at 6th level, the power in your blood provides
you unnatural resilience towards staving off death.
When you roll a death saving throw, rolling a 1 on the
d20 no longer counts as two failures, and rolling a 19 or
20 on the d20 allows you to regain 1 hit point. Additionally,
whenever you are dealt damage by a nonmagical attack, you
can use your reaction to spend a sorcery point to gain resistance
to the damage dealt by the attack.

Starting at 14th level, you’ve learned how to draw blood to store
magical potency in scars you create. During a short or long rest,
you may choose to spend an amount of sorcerer hit dice up to half
your sorcerer level (you do not regain hit points for hit dice spent
in this manner). If you do so, you can select any combination of
levels of spells you know equal to the same amount of hit dice
expended. You may select the same spell more than once. Each
Classes of Distinction

Otherworldly Patron

Your patron is a powerful servant of fate, an entity whose

existence serves no other purpose than ensuring all events un-
fold according to a cosmic, predestined plan. These beings’ ap-
pearances usually reflect their nature of meticulous order. They
are often titanic, clockwork constructs, designed by gods, and
operate incomprehensibly to mortal minds. They have no
emotion, personality, or humanity. The Hand of Fate positions
its servants like pieces on a chessboard, empowering each with
just enough control over its own destiny so its actions inevitably
lead to a predetermined outcome.

Expanded Spell List

The Hand of Fate lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to
the warlock spell list for you.
The Hand of Fate Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st false life, identify
2nd detect thoughts, locate object
3rd bestow curse, clairvoyance
4th death ward, locate creature
5th creation, legend lore Fate Sense
Starting at 10th level, your patron infuses you with a portion
Twist of Fate of the clockwork forces of reality, allowing you to perceive the
Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the ability to way events will unfold before they actually do. As a result of this
slightly alter reality for yourself and others to better suit the path special sense, you can’t be surprised while you are conscious, and
of fate. When you, or another creature you can see makes an other creatures don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against you as
attack, check, or saving throw, you can use this feature so that the a result of being hidden from you.
roll is made with advantage or disadvantage (your choice). Additionally, your presence is obscured from those that would
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish attempt to alter your fate. You can’t be targeted by divination
a short or long rest. magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.

Glimpse the Future Fate Walker

Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to commune with your Starting at 14th level, you can effectively alter the fate of others
patron, gaining brief insight into the events of the near future. By in your presence, for better or for worse. As a bonus action, you
taking 1 hour to prepare yourself in a meditative state, you contact can enter a state of fatewalking; in this state your eyes become
your patron. You ask a single question concerning a specific goal, dark voids, like orbs filled with the starry night sky. While
event, or activity to occur within 7 days. The GM offers a truthful fatewalking, when a creature you can see succeeds or fails a saving
reply. The reply might be an audible statement, symbolic imagery throw you can use your reaction to force the creature to make the
that appears in your mind, or an omen you must interpret. saving throw again, gaining your Charisma modifier as a bonus
This ability doesn’t take into account any possible circumstanc- or penalty to the roll (your choice). The creature must use the
es that might change the outcome – it presents the fate of your new result. Creatures with legendary resistance are immune to
query as it currently stands. However the patron replies to you, its this effect. You can use this feature on your turn, but if you do you
answer is delivered exactly as it is intended to. Whatever outcome cannot use a reaction until the start of your next turn.
occurs, its revelation maneuvers you to a fate desired by your You remain in a state of fatewalking for 1 minute or until your
patron, regardless of the reply. concentration is broken (as if you were concentrating on a spell).
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
a long rest. long rest.
Dungeons On Demand

saving throw against your spell save DC to negate the effect.

Wizard You can choose whether an affected creature is hastened or slowed
by this feature when you use it. A hastened creature gains a +2

bonus to AC, has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gains
an additional action on each of its turns which can only be used to
take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide,
or Use an Object action. A slowed creature’s speed is halved, suffers
Arcane Tradition a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and cannot take re-
actions. During its turn, a slowed creature can use either an action
The very nature of magic flies in the face of physics, distorting or bonus action, but not both. A slowed creature cannot make more
the fabric of reality. Those that study the art of chronomancy than one melee or ranged attack while affected by this ability.
pinpoint where the threads of space and time begin to unravel as Creatures remain affected by this ability for 1 minute, until you
their magic is unleashed. dismiss the effect, or until you lose your concentration (as if you
As a chronomancer, you’ve studied this aspect in detail, capable had cast a concentration spell).
of using spell energy to weave time itself to your benefit… or to
the detriment of those Split Second
that stand before you. At 10th level, your ability to
Most chronomancers ap- manipulate time is so precise
pear of indeterminate age, you’re able to freeze it for a
a result of their constant fraction of a second to avoid
manipulation of time. danger. When you would
It’s common for them to normally be hit by weapon or
display a mix of anach- spell attack, you can use your
ronistic features, such as reaction to stop time long
youthful builds combined enough to get out of harm’s
graying hair, making a way. The attack misses and
chronomancer’s true age a fails to affect you, and you
mystery. move to a location within 5
feet. This movement does not
Quicken Time provoke opportunity attacks.
Beginning at 2nd level After you use this feature, you
when you choose this cannot use it again until you
tradition, you can use a finish a long rest.
bonus action to expend
a 1st level or higher spell Time Slip
slot to accelerate your At 14th level, you’ve mastered
path through time. When your control of time, harness-
you expend the spell slot, ing your spell power to slip
and then as a bonus action yourself or others through
on each of your turns, the time stream. As an action,
you can take the Dash ac- you can choose to expend a
tion. The effect lasts for 1 5th level or higher spell to
minute per level of the spell slot you expend, until you dismiss it, briefly remove a creature from time. If the creature is not a willing
or until you lose your concentration (as if you had cast a concen- target, it can make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save
tration spell). DC to negate the effect. While removed from time, a creature
twinkles out of existence, and is stunned. During this time, it
Slow Time cannot be targeted by attacks or spells, and is unaffected by area
Also at 2nd level, you can use your reaction to expend a 1st level effects. All attempts to locate the creature fail.
or higher spell slot to slow your path through time, allowing you A creature remains removed from time while you maintain
to fall safely. When you expend the spell slot your fall speed de- your concentration on the effect, up to 1 round per level of the
creases to 60 feet for one minute. If you land on the ground before spell slot expended. At the end of each of the target’s turns, it can
the effect ends you suffer no falling damage. make another saving throw against your spell save DC to end the
effect. When the effect ends, the creature reappears in the same
Time’s Grasp location or nearest unoccupied space to where it was when you
Beginning at 6th level, you grasp over time extends to others. As used this feature.
an action, you can choose to spend a 3rd level or higher spell slot You can choose to use this feature on yourself as well. Remov-
to change how time affects a creature you can see within 30 feet of ing yourself from time also causes you to lose your concentration
you. If the creature is not a willing target, it can make a Wisdom on your other spells and effects, however.
Classes of Distinction
The following text is the property of Wizards of the 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game
Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open
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(d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license with the ex-
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Dungeons On Demand

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You Product Identity: The following items are hereby
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents proper names (characters, etc.), dialogue, plots,
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under any version of this License.
Open Content: Except for material designated as
10. Copy of this License:You MUST include a copy of this Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of
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11. Use of Contributor Credits:You may not market or version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply

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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically

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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to

be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to
the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0a

Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document 5.0

Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike
Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell,
Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original mate-
rial by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Classes of Distinction
Copyright © 2016 Dan Coleman


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