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Name: ____________________________________
Strand Yr. & Section: ________________________ Parent’s Signature: ___________________
I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read the question carefully, write the correct answer in the space provided.
______1. He was honored with posthumous award with the title “Outstanding Composer.”
a. Francisco Buencamino c. Nicanor Abelardo
b. Francisco Santiago d. Antonio Molina
______2. He developed a style that combined European romanticism with chromaticism.
a. Francisco Buencamino c. Nicanor Abelardo
b. Francisco Santiago d. Antonio Molina
______3. He was known as the “Father of Kundiman.”
a. Francisco Buencamino c. Nicanor Abelardo
b. Francisco Santiago d. Antonio Molina
______4. He is the first National Artist for Music in 1973.
a. Francisco Buencamino c. Nicanor Abelardo
b. Francisco Santiago d. Antonio Molina
______5. A popular contemporary composer who also has classical compositions
a. Rodolfo Cornejo c. Lucio San Pedro
b. Felipe De Leon d. Cipriano Cayabyab
______6. He was known as a “Romantic Nationalist.”
a. Rodolfo Cornejo c. Lucio San Pedro
b. Felipe De Leon d. Cipriano Cayabyab
______7. He was is a writer and the chairman of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA).
a. Rodolfo Cornejo c. Lucio San Pedro
b. Felipe De Leon d. Cipriano Cayabyab
______8. Appointed by then President Manuel L. Quezon to became the researcher and official composer of the
Philippine government-in-exile
a. Rodolfo Cornejo c. Lucio San Pedro
b. Felipe De Leon d. Cipriano Cayabyab
______9. According to National Artist _____________, “contemporary music in the Philippines refers to
compositions that have adopted ideas and elements from 20th century art music in the west, as well as the latest
trends and musical styles in the entertainment industry.”
a. Lucio San Pedro c. Antonio Molina
b. Felipe De Leon d. Ramon Santos
______10. He won first place in the 2011 National Geographic Photo Contest.
a. George Tapan c. John Chua
b. Paul Quiambao d. Marc Nicdao
______11. He was the composer of “Sa Ugoy ng Duyan, a lullaby melody.
a. Lucio San Pedro c. George Tapan
b. John Chua d. Cipriano Cayabyab
______12. He obtained his Doctorate Degree in 1924 at the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago
a. Rodolfo Cornejo c. Lucio San Pedro
b. Francisco Santiago d. Cipriano Cayabyab
______13. He best known as an advertising and commercial photographer.
a. George Tapan c. John Chua
b. Paul Quiambao d. Marc Nicdao
______14. Many of his piano works have become a staple part of the Philippine repertoire of today's young
students, especially Mayon, Larawan, and Maligayang Bati
a. George Tapan c. Francisco Buencamino
b. Felipe De Leon d. Marc Nicdao
______15. He considered as a member of “Triumvirate of Filipino Composers.”
a. Rodolfo Cornejo c. Lucio San Pedro
b. Nicanor Abelardo d. Cipriano Cayabyab

II. Identification
Direction: Identify the following statements. Write your answer in the space provided
____________16. It means “Light Writing”. PHOTOGRAPHY
____________17. It means focusing a camera at a subject and clicking the shutter. PHOTOGRAPHY AS
____________18. There will be two brackets of matches: the winner’s bracket and loser’s bracket. DOUBLE
____________19. A series of contests by a number of competitors, who compete for an overall prize.
____________20. In this century, photographers elevated this “light writing” to an aesthetic form in its own right.
____________21. In every individual or team will compete with every other player or team in the
tournament once. ROUND ROBIN
____________22. Photographs are ________ in communication fields such as journalism, advertising, education,
and even in courts of law. VITAL TOOLS
____________23. It means discerning a significant moment or a unique expression, framing it in the camera
viewfinder with an eye for composition, and then clicking the shutter. PHOTOGRAPHY AS ART
____________24. Refers to any group of people, community, or school that sponsors, organizes, schedules or
conducts a competitive game in which one or more professional athletes participate. SPORTS ORGANIZATION
____________25. There are separate matches for two individuals or teams. Only the winner in each match will
have the chance to compete with one another until only one individual or team remains standing in the game.

IV. Matching Type
Direction: Match Column A to Column B. Write your answer in the space provided.

A. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger ColumnE.ATo improve maternal health

B. To achieve universal primary education F. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
C. To promote gender equality and empower women G. To ensure environmental sustainability
D. To reduce child mortality H. To develop a global partnership for development

H _____26. Address the special needs of least developed countries.

G _____27. Achieve significant improvement in lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers, by 2020.
F _____28. Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS.
E _____29. Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio.
D _____30. Reduce by two thirds the morality rate among children under five.
C _____31. Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and all levels by 2015.
B _____32. Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling.
A _____33. Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.
A _____34. Reduce by the half the proportion of the people living on less than a dollar a day.
E _____35. Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health.
F _____36. Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases.
G _____37. Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic.
H _____38. Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system.
A _____39. Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.
F _____40. Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it.

Column B

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of Enthusiasm.”

-Winston Churchill
♥♥♥ GOOD LUCK!! ♥♥♥

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