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P.E 1


Physical Education:
Aerobic Activity
1. Aerobic Activity
2. Examples of Aerobic Activity

This module shows that doing activities and exercise have a good benefit to our health. When
your body is fit, it can handle the everyday stress of life and helps maintain both physical and mental
health. Physical exercise has an important role in keeping the body fit and becoming fit takes time,
patience and commitment.

By the end of the Module, the student is expected to:

GO1. Learn that doing exercises can make a person be active.

GO2. Value that having a healthy body we can live and enjoy life.
GO3. Appreciate that doing exercise can calm and clear our minds.
GO4. Design personal aerobic workouts.

1 C1M1PE1
Lesson 1: Aerobic Activity

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Assess health to be applicable to take vigorous activities

LO2. Identify the benefits and advantages of selected aerobic exercises.
LO3. Appreciate the importance of FITT in doing physical activities.

PRE – ASSESSMENT PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire)
Assess readiness for participation in physical activities by taking the Physical Activity Readiness
Questionnaire (PAR-Q). Let learners copy the template below and accomplish it in their activity

1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you
should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor
2. Do you feel any pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing
physical activity?
4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose
5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a
change in your physical activity?
6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for
your blood pressure or heart condition?
7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical

If you answered yes:

If you answered yes to one or more questions, are older than age 40 and have been inactive or are
concerned about your health, consult a physician before taking a fitness test or substantially increasing
your physical activity. You should ask for a medical clearance along with information about specific
exercise limitations you may have.
In most cases you will still be able to do any type of activity you want as long as you adhere to some

If you answered no:

If you answered no to all PAR-Q questions, you can be reasonably sure that you can exercise safely
and have a low risk of having any medical complications from exercise. It is still important to start
2 C1M1PE1
slowing and increase gradually. It may also be helpful to have a fitness assessment with a personal
trainer or coach in order to determine where to begin.

When to delay the start of an exercise program:

 If you are not feeling well because of a temporary illness, such as a cold or a fever, wait until you
feel better to begin exercising
 If you are or maybe pregnant, talk with your doctor before you start becoming more active.

Keep in mind, that if your health changes, so that you then answer “YES” to any of the above
questions, tell your fitness or health professional, and ask whether you should change your physical
activity plan.

(Pre – Assessment)
A. Warm – up Exercises
The activity will introduce several warm – up exercises to be
performed prior the physical activity. But before proceed into the
activity; you must obtain first your PMHR (Personal Maximal Heart
Rate) and THR (Target Heart Rate).
Here’s how to compute for the THR (Target Heat Rate) at moderate
and at vigorous intensity of physical activity;
Moderate (40-55%):220-age = _____ Personal Maximal Heart Rate
MHR x 0.4 = _______ bpm
MHR x 0.55 = _______ bpm
Vigorous (60-85%): MHR x 0.6 = ____ bpm
MHR x 0.85 = ______ bpm

REMEMBER: Keep track of your fitness level by having a record of your heart rate before and after a
physical activity. This is one of the most efficient ways to assess fitness, and that is through monitoring
your heart rate.


Neck stretches Jogging
Shoulder curls High Knees
Arm stretches Butt kicks
Trunk stretches Side shuffles
Toe touch Back pedals
Lunges Cariocas
Squat Jumping Jacks
B. Fitness Assessment

Age: Sex:
THR: ________ (Moderate Activity) THR: __________ (Vigorous Activity)
3 C1M1PE1
Weight: Height:
Physical Fitness Components and Tests Score
1. ________ (lower back and hamstring flexibility) ________ inches
2. ________ (shoulder and upper flexibility) ________ inches
3. ________ (Upper body strength) ________
4. ________ (Abdominal Strength) ________
5. Shuttle Run _________ ________seconds
6. 50m Sprint _________ ________seconds
7. Body Composition (weight/height2) ________(kg/m2)
8. ________ 3 – minutes step test ________(bpm)

*Refer to the table that the teacher will present for the interpretation of your score.

Processing questions:
1. What did the result of the fitness test reveal about your present fitness level?
2. Which test did you score satisfactory? Poorly? What should you do about it?
3. How important is tasking your THR when participating in a certain physical activity?

Aerobic Exercise is any physical activity that
makes you sweat, cases you to breathe harder, and gets
your heat beating faster than at rest. It strengthens your
heart and lungs and trains your cardiovascular system to
manage and deliver oxygen more quickly and efficiently
throughout your body. Aerobic exercise uses your large
muscle groups, is rhythmic in nature, and can be
maintained continuously for at least 10 minutes. Before
going into the benefits of aerobic exercise, let’s break down some key terms we just mentioned.
Cardiovascular system is made up of your heart and blood vessels e.g., arteries, veins, and
capillaries that transports blood throughout the body. Aerobic refers to how your body uses oxygen to
sufficiently meet energy demands during exercise.


In addition to strengthening your heart and cardiovascular system, participation in regular aerobic
exercise has many health benefits. Aerobic exercise:

 Improves your circulation and helps your body use oxygen better
 Increases energy
 Increases endurance, which means you can work out longer without getting tired
 Helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease
 Helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes
 Helps reduce body fat
 Helps you reach and maintain a healthy weight
 Helps reduce stress, tension, anxiety and depression
 Improves sleep


4 C1M1PE1
Aerobic equipment can comprehend floor mats, dumbbells, balls, steps, ropes, bicycles,


Frequency - Always consider the number of aerobic exercise per week. When doing cardio
exercise, especially to lose weight,

frequency is an important factor to make it more effective. Start

cardio exercise for 3 days, a week for the first few weeks, with not more than 2 days rest between
sessions. Afterwards, we can gradually increase the frequency of exercise to five days week.

Intensity – To be effective, aerobic exercises should be done in moderate intensity that is our
heart rate should be 60 to 80% of our maximum heart rate.

Time – More times spent during aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an increase
in endurance. We can at least do 20 minutes per session at first, and then gradually increase it to
60 minutes.

Type – Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming and playing contacts sports such as basketball are
some activities that we can do to improve our heart rate. It is also important to try different
exercise and activities to void boredom.


a) Limbering Exercises – stretching movements are performed to develop flexibility of

the body
b) Warm – up Exercises – prepare the different parts of the body for more complicated
c) Aerobics Dancing Routine – the aerobic proper, a continuous movement that will last
for about 30 minutes, which will strengthen the heat and blood vessels
d) Cool Down – it is the last phase of the workout wherein slow movement exercises
are performed within 5 minutes to relax the tired muscles gradually.


 Walking
 Stationary bicycling
 Step touch – step touch, close
 Lunge- place right foot forward, behind right knee
 Grapevine – side, back, side, close


 Running
 Jumping
5 C1M1PE1
 Treadmill
 Jogging

Activity 1.1
Direction: Read each statement carefully. Fill in the blank with the correct answer from the box below.

PMHR Endurance Oxygen

Intensity Cardiovascular Endurance Type
Aerobic Exercise Time Frequency
Increase Maintain

1. Before proceed into the activity; you must obtain first your _______ and THR.
2. ______________ uses large muscle groups, is rhythmic in nature, and can be maintained
continuously for at least 10 minutes.
3. _____ is also important to try different exercise and activities to void boredom.
4. _____________ made up of your heart and blood vessels e.g., arteries, veins, and capillaries
that transports blood throughout the body.
5. Aerobic exercises should be done in moderate ________ that is our heart rate should be 60 to
80% of our maximum heart rate.
6. Improves your circulation and helps your body use ______ better.
7. More _____ spent during aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an increase in
8. When doing cardio exercise, especially to lose weight, _________ is an important factor to make
it more effective.
9. Increases _________, which means you can work out longer without getting tired.
10. ___________ refers to how your body uses oxygen to sufficiently meet energy demands during

6 C1M1PE1
Lesson 2: Examples of Aerobic Activity

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Identify the examples of aerobic activities

LO2. Determine on how to enhance aerobic workout
LO3. Design an aerobic workout

Each of the variety of aerobic activities to choose from has its individual characteristics. The
interesting side of this aerobic activities when movement is combined with the music and dance


1. Improve the condition of the respiratory and circulatory system

2. Improve strong joints, firmer muscles, postural alignment, a decrease in body fat and better
3. Improve physical health and appearance, self – esteem and self – confidence.
4. Impacts the body system in ways that alleviate depression.
5. Develop coordination, balance and memory.

Zumba fitness described this program as “an exhilarating,
effective, easy to follow, Latin – inspired calories – burning
dance fitness – party” (McManama, 2014). Zumba is now the
language of people who love to dance for a cardiovascular
Basic Rhythms (McManama, 2014)
1. Meringue – it is a faster – faced rhythm said to have originated in the Dominican Republic
which suggested ties to Santo Domingo and Haiti. The “basic march” is the most common
2. Salsa – it has a faster tempo with a distinct beat. The salsa has Cuban flavor with a blend of
the Caribbean.
3. Cumbia – Colombia, South America, is cited for the rhythm: however, it has international
influences from European and Africa.
4. Reggaeton – the reggae style is associated with Jamaica, Panama, and Puerto Rico rhythm
and beat.
5. Flamenco – influence from southern Spain and from other several cultures. Movements
include upper body movements, clapping, and finger – snapping, and so on.
6. Samba – Brazilian connection of hip moves dance in a festive atmosphere.

7 C1M1PE1
Running is one of the easiest paths to fitness. It requires less time, less equipment, less learning
time, fewer expenses and less organization.
1. Body Composition – running trims down unwanted fats.
2. Cardiovascular Fitness – effective in improving the efficiency of the circulatory system.
3. Muscle Endurance – running develops the ability to withstand long period of physical workout
.4. Muscle Strength – it increases muscle protein which leads to strongest muscles.

It is considered to be the most natural, safest, easiest,
and least expensive form of aerobic exercise. Walking is also
the best activity to start a conditioning program for the
cardiorespiratory system.

Hiking is the perfect past time activity, and a habit as well. This activity offers close to nature
experiences blended with health benefits. Exposure to beautiful sceneries kills stress and tension. The
intensity of hiking in going up uneven terrains for 8 hours can
burn many calories compared to walking or even jogging.

Jogging is one of the most accessible forms of aerobic
exercise. One can jog anywhere he likes, open grounds are
available everywhere. Jogging needs proper gadgets especially a
pair of shoes to avoid further injury and uncomfortably.

is another
excellent option
for aerobic
Swimming uses most of the major muscle groups in the
body. Not only that, swimming improves good training stimulus of the heart and lungs, and good
alternative activity for jogging or walking.

Cycling is fun and interesting. Most people
learn and started cycling during their younger years. It
develops the cardiorespiratory system, as well as
muscular strength and endurance in the lower
extremities. Cycling is often done on highways.
Rope skipping at first is boring and discouraging
to perform because it looks so complicated and tiring. However, rope

8 C1M1PE1
skipping has the most contribution to health alongside with; cardiorespiratory fitness, increase reaction
time, coordination, agility, muscular strength in the lower extremities, and dynamic balance.

Stairs climbing has the less chance of injury, relatively safe
because the feet never leave the climbing surface; it is a low
impact activity. The intensity of exercise is controlled easily;
the individual can regulate his spacing through his need.

It is form of high impact that combines the moves of Tae
Kwon Do, Karate, Boxing, Ballet and Hip-hop dancing. TAE BO
stands for Total Awareness Excellence Body Obedience. It was
developed by Billy Blanks in the late 1980’s. Blanks discovered the
benefits of combining his tae kwon do and boxing training to form
an intense workout.

The likes of badminton, tennis, squash, are examples
of racquet sports perfect for aerobic fitness. The health
benefits of these sports are determined by the skill of the
players, the intensity of the game, and the time spent for
playing the games. Frequent pauses during play do not
stimulate cardiorespiratory development.


According to Hoeger (2007) preserved a typical aerobic workout which is divided into 3 phases:
Warm – up, Actual and Cool – down phases.
1. 5 – 10 minutes warm – up phase during which the heart rate is increased
gradually to the target zone.
2. The actual aerobic workout, during which the heart rate is maintained in the target
zone for 20 to 60 minutes.
3. A 10 minute aerobic cool down, when the heart rate is lowered gradually toward resting level.

9 C1M1PE1
Guide in Conducting an Aerobic Exercise
Warm – up aerobic exercises (5-10 minutes)
 walking or marching in place
 stepping from side to side
 moving the arms at waist level or higher
 A gentle stretch of each of the major muscle groups
Cardiovascular aerobic exercises (15-25 minutes)
 back and forth movements
 leaping and hopping
 Dance moves
Cool – down aerobic exercises (10-15 minutes)
 Gentle motions of the warm – up phase
 Stretching

Performance Activity 2.1

Complete Me! (Aerobic Exercises)

 Create an Aerobic Exercise (Zumba)
Materials/Equipment Needed:
 Speaker
 Aerobic Equipment (if needed)
 Group yourself into 4. Each group should compose of 15 members.
 Each group should create an aerobic exercise (Zumba) that will last for 5 minutes.
 The Aerobic Exercise should have the low and high impact.
 Your group will be graded/evaluated based on the rubric below.

10 C1M1PE1
Rubric of Performance Activity 2.1
Criteria Fair (1) Good (3) Excellent (5) Weight Total

Music The music was good Good choice of music in Extremely outstanding
enough to hold some relation to routines choice of music for the
relation to theme or presented. The routine was routines presented.
routines synchronized. Theme match the music
Rhythm/Tempo The group sometimes The group show is a good The group is accurate in
fails off beat and tempo understanding of tempo beat, tempo, rhythms
or makes errors in and beat, but rarely gets off and dance sequences. 3
rhythm. Tries get back beat or makes an error in
on. rhythm.
Length/requiremen 3 minutes long and 4 minutes long. Has all the 5 minutes have all 3
ts incorporates most of the requirements developed. requirements develop. 4
Enthusiasm Very little facial Average expressions, and Great expressions and
expressions and has a had enthusiasm for most of use of enthusiasm 5
little enthusiasm the routine.
Preparedness Group was mostly Group was prepared and Group handed in
prepared and mostly knew the routine and everything and ready to
knew the routines, but obviously. perform. Knew the 5
could have used more routine wee and
rehearsals directions were clear.
Total /100

11 C1M1PE1
Wrapping Up
 Before proceed into the activity; you must obtain first your PMHR (Personal Maximal Heart Rate)
and THR (Target Heart Rate).
 Aerobic Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and trains your cardiovascular system to
manage and deliver oxygen more quickly and efficiently throughout your body.
 Cardiovascular system is made up of your heart and blood vessels e.g., arteries, veins, and
capillaries that transports blood throughout the body.
 When doing cardio exercise, especially to lose weight, frequency is an important factor to make it
more effective.
 To be effective, aerobic exercises should be done in moderate intensity that is our heart rate should
be 60 to 80% of our maximum heart rate.
 More times spent during aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an increase in
 Type is important to try different exercise and activities to void boredom.
 Aerobic dance is combined with the music and dance routine.
 Zumba fitness described this program as “an exhilarating, effective, easy to follow, Latin – inspired
calories – burning dance fitness – party”
 Running is one of the easiest paths to fitness.
 Walking is considered to be the most natural, safest, easiest, and least expensive form of aerobic
 Hiking is the perfect past time activity, and a habit as well.
 Jogging is one of the most accessible forms of aerobic exercise.
 Swimming is another excellent option for aerobic exercise.
 Cycling is fun and interesting. Most people learn and started cycling during their younger years.
 Rope skipping at first is boring and discouraging to perform because it looks so complicated and
 Stairs climbing has the less chance of injury, relatively safe because the feet never leave the
climbing surface; it is a low impact activity.
 TAE BO stands for Total Awareness Excellence Body Obedience.
 Racquet sport is likes of badminton, tennis, squash, are examples of racquet sports perfect for
aerobic fitness.

12 C1M1PE1
DIRECTION: Identify the following statement. Choose your answer from the box below. Write the
letter of your answer on the blank before the number.

a. Mcmanama e. Muscle Strength i. Hoeger

b. Intensity f. Zumba j. Type
c. Aerobic Exercise g. Time k. Frequency
d. Body Composition

____1. It’s also important to try different exercise and activities to void boredom.

____2. It increases muscle protein which leads to strongest muscles.

____3. It’s an exhilarating, effective easy to follow, Latin – inspired calories – burning dance fitness –
____4. ________ refers to how your body uses oxygen to sufficiently meet energy demands during
____5. Aerobic exercises should be done in moderate __________ that is our heart rate should be 60
to 80% of our maximum heart rate.
____6. Effective in improving the efficiency of the circulatory system.
____7. When doing cardio exercise, especially to lose weight, ________ is an important factor to make
it more effective.
____8. According to ______ preserved a typical aerobic workout which is divided into 3 phases: Warm
– up, Actual and Cool – down phases.
____9. More _____ spent during aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an increase in
____10. Running trims downs unwanted fats.


DIRECTION: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is false,
underlined the word or group of words that makes it false. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.
_________1. Aerobic exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and train you digestive system to
manage and deliver oxygen.
_________2. Aerobic equipment can comprehend floor mats, dumbbells, balls, steps, ropes, bicycles,
_________3. It is considered to be most natural, safest, easiest and least expensive form of aerobic
_________4. Stair climbing at first is boring and discouraging to perform because it looks so
complicated and tiring
_________5. Meringue is a faster – faced rhythm said to have originated in the Dominican Republic
_________6. Improve the condition of the nerve and circulatory system
_________7. This activity offers close to nature experiences blended with health benefits it’s called
_________8. Swimming uses most of the major muscle groups in the body.
_________9. Martial Art is a form of high impact that combines the move of Tae Kwon Do, Karate,
Boxing, ballet and Hip – hop dancing.
_________10. 5 – 10 minutes warm – up phase during which the heart rate is increased gradually to
the target zone.

13 C1M1PE1
DIRECTION: Match Column A to Column B. Write your answer in the space provided before the
Column A Column B
______1. Stretching A. Warm – up aerobic exercise
______2. Dance moves B. Cardiovascular aerobic exercise
______3. Leaping and hopping C. Cool – down aerobic exercises
______4. Stepping from side to side
______5. Back and forth movements
______6. Walking or marching in place
______7. Gentle motions of the warm – up phase
______8. Moving the arms at waist level or higher
______9. A gentle stretch of each of the major muscle groups
______10. When the heart rate is lowered gradually toward resting level

14 C1M1PE1
 SlideShare –

Module Activity 1.1
1. Type
2. Aerobic exercise
4. Aerobic
5. Cardiovascular System
6. Intensity
7. Frequency
8. Endurance
9. Time
10. Oxygen
I. Identification
1. Type
2. Muscle Strength
3. Zumba
4. Aerobic
5. Intensity
6. Cardiovascular Fitness
7. Frequency
8. Hoeger
9. Time
10. Body Composition
II. Modified True or False
1. False – digestive system
2. True
3. True
4. False – stair climbing
5. True
6. False - nerve
7. False - jogging
8. True
9. False – Martial Arts
10. True
III. Matching Type
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. C

15 C1M1PE1
Use the chart below to rate your understanding of the lesson as a whole and your performance in the
various tasks.
Self-Assessment Chart
Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory
g of the

The activity I liked best is _____________________ because ____________________

The activity I need to improve on is ______________ because____________________

Moderately Needs
Excellent Very good Satisfactory
Activities Satisfactory Improvement
100-92 91-84 83-72
71-60 59 and below
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.1
Moderately Needs
Excellent Very good Satisfactory
Activities Satisfactory Improvement
100-92 91-84 83-72
71-60 59 and below

Key to Assessment

16 C1M1PE1

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