Abby!: She Was Coughing Blood. Mary Kneeled Beside Her

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A Day


She was coughing blood. Mary kneeled beside her.


Shhh! You'll wake up the dead. The girl said hoarsely.

You're getting weaker…



The girl smiled. …thank you for taking care of me!

I lived long enough… long enough for Mark.

…I'm sorry Abby.

Nah! Don't be sorry! When it's time, it's time.

Abby stood up weakly.

See you tomorrow, Doc! Mary knew it was a lie.

I have to see Mark today.

Did he know?


"Marry me."

Abby blinked.

It was an order, not a request. It was not a question. It was a statement. Notice the absence of polite
'will you' in the beginning of the sentence.

Abby fought the urge to giggle but a wide smile brightened her pale pretty face. "Oh, Mark," she said,
grinning at her boyfriend's handsome, somewhat blushing face.

Mark grunted, looking down at her face, the beautiful face of his girlfriend of three years. Her face was
pale but the brilliance of her smile and eyes made up for it. His grip on her hand tightened, dark eyes
narrowing irritably.

"Abby," he growled impatiently. The look on his face amused Abby and she resorted into childish

"You're so cute." She grinned when his brow twitched in annoyance.

"Abby," Mark repeated, his tone guttural and clearly infuriated. His large hand cupped her cheek to tilt
her face up. His eyes darkened as he glared at her as if to threaten her to say what he longed to hear.

"Why?" asked Sakura. Instantly, his glare darkened.

"Why not?" he snapped, pulling her closer. Abby smiled.

"Well…" she took steps backward until his hands left her face and hand. "I will marry you…if—" Mark
glared at her dangerously. "…you accept my challenge."

He raised a brow. "What challenge?"

Abby clasped her hands like a child. "Live a day without me."

Mark’s face darkened. "No way—"

"A day without communication between us for 24 hours."

"That's shit."

"You can only talk to me after 24 hours.”


"And I promise, I will marry you if you pass the challenge."

Mark narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Why are you doing this?"
She laughed. "Oh, come on Mark… Don't be a chicken."

He threw her a reproachful look. "After 24 hours, you will marry me?"

The girl looked down to the ground.


It took a long time for Abby to look up and smile.


Mark grunted. "You better keep your word, Abby!”

Sakura chuckled and hugged him. "Of course, Mark."




Damn it. Don't walk away from me.

I'm busy. She smiled. Can we talk some other time—?

He grabbed her arm, dark eyes flashing.

We will talk NOW.

Abby blinked. Wow… you're persistent. She grinned. And annoying.

Mark swallowed the lump forming in his throat.

Why… did you… He narrowed his eyes, his grip tightening. …you rejected me. He added quietly.

Abby bit the inside of her cheek.


DAMN IT! Talk!

She wet her lips. Mark… I'm sorry.

Damn you. He released her arm. His eyes looked at her with such contempt.

You frigging keep my hopes up.

You made me believe that you'll fucking wait for me.

So, he looked down to her, eyes dark and clearly in pain, disappointed and betrayed. You're acting so
hard to get. You know I want you and now…you know that I do… to get back at me… you—

You're babbling. Abby interrupted softly.

DAMN IT! Mark shouted, Abby shrunk away in shock and fear. He's angry. As hell.



He huffed in front of her, angry and blushing…somewhat.

Abby blinked.

Why do you have to yell?

Mark blinked. And from the corner of his eye saw people staring at him.

Abby grinned. You're so cute.

Mark glared.

And I love you too.

His face softened.

But… sorry. I can't be with you.

He paled.

At first, it was hard. Abby had been an integral part of his routine.

Wake up.

Brush teeth.

Go to Abby.

Spend time with her.

Train with her.

Let her punch him.

Let her heal him.

Punch him again.




But he endured, knowing after this day, tomorrow, she will marry him.

For two years, he endured. He loved her. He loved her too much in the end. After his family member
died, he became happy… though it wasn't THAT obvious. He said he loved her but she turned him down.
She said she loved him too…but why can't she be with him?

He tried to appear less broody still she rejected him, with a smile though.


She stopped but didn't turn around.

Turn around. Look at me.

She didn't.

Be with me.

One day later.

It was 8am. It was early but he wanted to see her again. 24 hours without seeing her, he will never
admit it, but he missed her. Her and her annoying voice and monstrous strength.
He frowned, confused. In front of the house, the house left to her by her parents, were people. Aviy,
Lance, Kyle and even Donny.

"What's happening here?" asked Mark, his frown deepening as he saw Aviy’s eyes watered.

No one answered. Mark searched the faces and found Ace.


Ace looked up, pale and shaking. "Mark…"

"What happened? Why are you all here?"

Ace kept quiet.

"Damn it. Just fucking tell me." Mark growled impatiently. Oddly, he felt his stomach twisting. What's

Finally, Ace spoke.

"It's… Abby." He said quietly. "She…" he trailed off and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "…she's not

"What? Where is she?"

Naruto turned away.

You sent Today at 12:47

"Ace…" Mark growled threateningly. He was about to grab his collar but Donny tapped his shoulder.
"Mary said that you should meet her in the cliff overlooking the sea."
Mark scowled. "I have no time for her. I have to find Abby—"

"She's with her."

Mark frowned.

"Alright…" he turned to go but stopped. "Thanks."

Donny nodded curtly.

Maybe she loved him too. Or loved him as much as he loved her. Whatever way around, he was

For three years, they were together. And he was happy.



He looked forward for happy long years with her. And so, he asked her. Or ordered her to—

Marry me.

When he arrived there, Mary was not alone.


The two spun around.

"Mark," Tom said, hands inside his pockets.

Mark walked towards them. "Where's Abby?"

Mary casually jerked her head towards the tree. Mark's gaze followed where she indicated.

A cherry blossom tree.

He walked closer to the tree, his knees shaking.

Then, looked down.

She watched him frown. She giggled.

Mark grunted. You better keep your word, Abby!

Sakura chuckled and hugged him. Of course, Mark


So, go away now! And don't you dare sneak!

He grunted, annoyed.
She pushed him away…weakly.

Remember after 24 hours!

He looked even more somber.

She smiled.

Oh, Mark… just remember: I love you so so so so MUCH!

Mark snorted. You're so childish.

I love you this this this MUCH! She grinned as she stretched her arms wider.

Mark sighed.

Alright… you're on, Abby.

She grinned cheekily. Now, don't cheat…

I won't.

I'll know if you did.

Alright…you're annoying.

I lived long enough to annoy you, huh?

He looked at her, puzzled.

She laughed to cover her slip. Anyway! I love you! I love you! I love you!

He sighed and turned around.

Prepare yourself, Abby. After 24 hours,

He looked at her over his shoulder.

You'll be mine.

A tombstone.

Silver and bore no name except for a single cherry blossom flower.


Mary blinked back her tears.

…haha… good thing I got rid of Mark… at least for 24 hours, ne?
Mary nodded.

He'll be pissed. Tom stated.

More than pissed. Ace said quietly.

Abby smiled, her color paling… and paling.

I don't want you to see me like this… Ace.

Abby… he choked.

I loved you like… like a brother… right?


I lived long enough…



Long enough for Mark.

You sent Today at 12:47

She smiled up to the ceiling.

I don't want to die in front of him.

Tom tapped him in the shoulder. "Mark,"

He ignored him, clenching his jaws together.

"She asked me to give this to you." his gloved hand held a white folded paper.

Mark looked up to him and took the letter.


Tom stepped back, giving him privacy.

Mark opened the letter.

It contained one line.

Ace sobbed harder, his whole-body trembling as he kneeled beside her bed. Abby… Abby… Don't go

Abby didn't cry but coughed thick blood. Mary looked away.

A-Ac... ce…

Little by little, light faded from the horizon. It was red sunset with soft breeze coming in and out of her
They watched in silence with muffled sobs from Ace.

15 hours later after Mark's proposal, she died.

"You made it Mark! Can you do it again every day?"


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