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 Encourage patient’s mother to follow and take the prescribed medications at

the right dose and timing to promote healing and to prevent further
 Instruct patient’s mother to give an oral medication Cefixime 100mg every
morning to treat her infection until May 30 2021.
Advise patient’s mother to take drug exactly as prescribed and to continue
to take full amount prescribed even when the child’ feels better.
 Instruct the mother to report any signs of allergic reactions and
anaphylaxis immediately.
 Instruct patient to take oral medication Procaterol 5mcg 2x a day. 8 am and
8pm for 5 more days.
 Instructed the mother to give the drug with meals.
 Instructed not discontinue the medication abruptly; abrupt
discontinuation can cause a worsening of your disorder.
 Instruct mother to administer Phenylephrin 2.5 ml 4x a day, 8 am, 12nn,
4pm and 8pm for 3 more days.
 Instruct mother to administer Dibencozide 1mg, 8 am at breakfast
 Instruct the mother to give the medication with meal
 Advised mother to follow the proper timing and dose
 Instruct the mother to administer Semithicone drops 4x a day, 8am, 12nn,
4pm and 8pm for 3-5 days
 Avoid carbonated beverages and gas-forming foods; should be
administered after meals
 Shake suspension before using; mix with water, infant formula, or
other liquids
 Instruct mother to administer nasal spray sodium chloride 1-2 spray to
each nostril as needed.
 Instructed the mother to store at room temperature away from
moisture and heat.
 Demonstrate patient’s significant other about Deep Breathing Exercises and
allow the significant other to re demonstrate it to assess the level of
understanding. DBE can reduce apprehension and promotes proper
Exercise:  Instruct patient about proper coughing such as performing DBE then
suddenly coughing upon exhaling to excrete secretions retained in lungs and
to avoid wrong coughing.
 Educate the mother that a breathing method called pursed-lip breathing may
help slow down the breathing pace and control shortness of breath.
 Instruct patient’s mother to elevate the head of the bed to promote lung
 Instruct the mother to put on mask to her child whenever dust pollen and
other irritant is present
 Instruct the mother to wash hands often to reduce the risk of infection and
deter the spread of microorganisms
 Instruct mother that a steamy bath or shower may help ease the child’s
breathing. And a cool mist humidifier in his or her room overnight can also

 Instruct patient’s mother to return one week after the discharge for follow up
 Encourage patient’s mother to visit their Barangay Health Center and have
check-up and information drive
Outpatient  Encourage patient’s significant other to have her child a yearly physical
(checkup) exam
 Encourage mother to bring her child, see an allergist. Allergy shots or
medicines can stop from reacting to the triggers.
 Instruct the mother that allergic bronchitis can increase the risk for lung
infections. Getting the following vaccines can help her child stay healthy:
 Encourage the client that her child can resume her regular diet unless
 Instruct the mother to increase her daughter’s fluid intake.
Diet:  Instruct the mother to remove any allergens or food that can trigger her
allergic bronchitis such as shrimps, crabs and other seafood.
 Advise the mother to divide her meal into small frequent feeding.

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