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IADC/SPE 72281

Optimizing Drilling Parameters Enhances Horizontal Drilling Performance

Walid Mohamed Eissa / Petrobel (Eni-Agip)

Copyright 2001, IADC/SPE Middle East Drilling Technology

This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Middle East Drilling Technology
held in Bahrain, 22–24 October 2001.
Drilling in mature fields as Belayim land and marine
becomes a challenge due to the old age of the field
This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the (in production since 1960’s), where the depletion of
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling
Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the its producing sand levels becomes a real challenge
author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC or
SPE, their officers, or members. Papers presented at the IADC/SPE meetings are subject to
to drill through in safe way and efficient manner.
publication review by Editorial Committees of the IADC and SPE. Electronic reproduction,
distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written
Some of the remarkable difficulties been
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print encountered during drilling these wells and raised
is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was extremely the non productive time percentage
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax
01-972-952-9435. compared to the whole drilling time were while
drilling Belayim formation’s depleted sands. where
Abstract drilling these sands exercised the following
The optimized selection of bits and mud type during problems, Sever mud losses, differential pipe
any drilling operation improves significantly the sticking tendency, hole wall stabilization, inefficient
drilling efficiency presented in high rates of hole cleaning, poor rate of penetration, premature
penetration consequently less cost per meter. bit wear and seal life, finally excessive reaming
Hydraulics play also great part in optimization cycle times.
by enhancing the ratio of the pressure loss across Later will illustrate in details these problems and
the bit nozzles to the circulating pressure., Utilizing will analyze each of their components, also
bit hydraulic horsepower or jet impact force criteria describing the optimization process that reflected
which improving considerably the rate of the improvement achieved.
penetration, due to the continuos cleaning below
and through the bit cones. ANALYSIS AND STUDY
Geosteering drilling is considered as one of the All the above down hole concerns have been
optimizing tools that recently introduced to drilling carefully studied and deeply analyzed., it has been
operations, where it affected positively Petrobel categorized into two major arguments, which
horizontal drilling learning curve performance. representing the main factors of optimization.
This paper present a case study for group of The first argument was the drilling mud, where
horizontal wells drilled by Petrobel through last two several drilling fluids are being trailed in more than
years, summaries the good drilling performance one well and in different lithological conditions.,
achieved and analyzing difficulties encountered considering the real challenge that to find a mud
and describing implementation process of the system that can minimize fluid loss into Belayim
lessons learned from old wells in planning recent formation depleted sands, in turns, eliminating any
ones. damage to the reservoir’s rock might happens
As a result of that, the cost per meter was during wells production, taking into account the
decreased by about 50% in last two years, and existence of an overpressure shale level in the
average penetration rate was nearly doubled, same phase with the depleted sands (expected
moreover, the production rate increased mild to sever losses), where these shale should be
approximately 10 times more each well. kept under control without any additional impact
over such depleted zones, that to avoid any
possibilities of pipe sticking.

Other essential mud criteria that being introduced without any additional production problems related
recently into the oil industry worldwide, that the to bottom hole skinning or reservoir rock damage.
system must have no environmental impacts, The study of nearby correlating wells shows
where it can be dumped freely without any unusual hole problems of overpulls associated with
treatment processing requirement or special mud losses, where these wells were drilled using
transportation means either in land or offshore. oil base mud system, another main problem was
Later will explain in details the steps of selection the high well inclination in front of these depleted
the fluid type used for drilling these wells, where it sands, a matter of fact that cleaning of such highly
characterized by combining all the previous inclined holes requires extreme flow rates., where
properties., also will illustrate the comparison have in our case, it is quite impossible to reach the
been performed with previous mud systems, finally proper rate to clean such high angles with the
will represent its effect in decreasing hole trouble existence of such depleted sands, as a result of
time percentage compared to the whole drilling that, drilling cutting will accumulate on the low side
time. of the hole, leading to sever problems either pipe
The second argument which has the same sticking or excessive annulus hydrostatic pressure
importance as the first one was the drilling bits., which causing sever losses into depleted levels, in
huge number of bits are being used from numerous which leaving a big chance for shale bodies either
manufacturers, that to obtain an optimum rate of to close back or pack off around the drilling string,
penetrations for each formation type, where several in general affecting badly hole stability. Excessive
tri-cone and PDC bit types were modified washing and reaming time being required each
particularly to fit such formations structure., the time tripping out or running in hole which was
selection basis for excellent bits performance will consuming most of the whole drilling time, where
be showed shortly same with the optimum ROP such long time of circulation in front of these weak
achieved compared with old performances, where sands raising another risk of mud losses in that
the results confirmed significant improving of the kind of formation.
drilling rate. Drilling in remote offshore areas (far from Abu
The advanced technology in the oil business Rudies base) was making extra burden on logistic
become the key factor of optimization, where operations while drilling using oil based mud,
introducing such technology in our drilling especially, during rough sea condition periods., that
operations reflected great improvement not only in because of the special precautions required for
our drilling performance, but also helps in our transporting the drilling cuttings to shore in daily
production optimizations, Geosteering drilling plays basis for treatment following the restricted
an important factor in that optimization process. environmental regulations.
Here below will synopsize the analysis process of All the above consideration have been combined
each argument, and how it being addressed and together to establish new mud system replacing old
considered in planning of other successive one.
horizontal wells, where the results recorded in
recent wells proved great success in optimizing DRILLING BITS
drilling performance and enhancing learning curve, Improving bit performances became an valued
consequently decreasing the overall drilling costs., concern, that most of the oil companies are looking
in addition to improving company daily oil for., in which, pushing bit manufacturers to update
production. and modify continuously their products design to fit
with different lithological combinations, that to avoid
DRILLING MUD the extra-trips required for changing between
Efforts to maximize returns on drilling investment different bit types, considering an important factor,
have led to much advancement in drilling fluid that to maximize the rate of penetration, in turns,
technology, where the drilling and completion fluid minimizing drilling time, lowering cost per meter,
compatibility with the formation characteristics consequently saving more expenditures. Where in
represents important issue for both mud the ultimate 4 years, bit technology observed
contractors and drilling-completion staff., that for several innovative modifications, which brings the
improving ROP while maintaining hole stability bit industry to new frontier.

Regarding Belayim field and as mentioned before Recently the high well costs compared to the low
about the complex lithology combinations, which productivity rate of such mature field as Belayim
characterizing its structure, where the upper part is could decreases its development chances.
composed of loose sands, garvels, pressurized Meanwhile the oil market is exposing to sever
shallow water sand levels, and clays., while the abrupt changes in prices and unstable conditions.
lower part is composed of anhydrite to anhydritic Accordingly, it was more convenient to study the
salts, dolomites, limestone to siltstone, and shale feasibility of drilling more wells that are horizontal,
bodies (sticky in some parts of the field). in addition to re-entry of old ones with weak
Selecting the suitable bit type for such complex production rates., that for getting the benefits of
lithology was representing big challenge for drilling crossing more net sands in each well, consequently
operations, where insert bits were not suitable due increasing the production rate and cut down the
to sever balling problems. Milled tooth bits were costs of drilling several directional wells to get the
also unable to complete the section because of its same net sand thickness.
lower rate of penetrations, where an excessive bit’s Geosteering drilling recently introduced into
gauge wear and bearing failure were noticed Petrobel drilling operations provided reliable and
commonly due to insufficient sustaining resistance efficient real time directional control, in addition to
to that much directional work (sliding mode early detection of targeted reservoir formation. It
percentage more than the rotating mode)., effectively succeeded to locate the reservoir
especially during drilling through the anhydrite boundaries by the efficient identification of Gas/Oil
formations. Other PDC trials, were not the good contacts. Allowing interactive steering of the BHA
application either heavy set blades because of during drilling process, by placing the formation
balling problems or light set ones due to the very evaluation measuring point close to the bit., also
hard anhydrite as mentioned above, another increasing the depth of investigation into the
significant problem was the directional drilling using formation in order to get the maximum wave
PDC bits and its famous problem with tool face propagation, which helps in early detection of any
control difficulty., as a result of that, the cost per layer dipping changes or difference in lithology. It
meter have reached unacceptable and very high gives also accurate formation evaluation data
values, which creates an impacting force from oil (azimuthul Gamma ray and Resistivity at bit),
companies to the bit contractors towards providing complete reservoir characteristics in wells
optimization philosophy. that are typically difficult to be logged using
The main optimization factors were to replace the conventional wire line technology. Permitting the
tri-cone bits with PDC types having suitable cutter precise placing of the horizontal section landing
sizes for each formation hardness, modifying well point, keeping the well bore within any reservoir
trajectory design, optimizing bit hydraulics by thin thickness, in addition to navigating the bit up
redesigning nozzle outlets, compromising bit and down, right or left according to the layer
designs between very hard and very soft formation dipping changes.
intercalation. From Petrobel Drilling Performance Evaluation, it
Later will explain the steps being taken for bit has been proved that the horizontal wells which
optimization and the optimum progress that noticed has been drilled using the Geosteering Innovative
in Petrobel’s horizontal drilling performance. Technology is much more economical than the
horizontal one drilled without that technique. That
GEOSTEERING DRILLING because of the continues steering of the well bore
Exploratory and development drilling expenditures into the reservoir boundaries getting more net sand
are considered the main nerve for international intervals, and of course more production potential
companies. That means, As much as their capabilities.
investments increases in international scales, and
the amount of their budgets raised than its
competitors, that surely will reflects its power in the
economics world. Keeping its position stable in
front of the big and strong merged companies., also
increasing its financial value internationally in that
free-market economy.

RESULTS AND ACHIEVMENTS For the Geosteering drilling, it was proved that the
For the drilling mud, two new systems been geosteering technology succeeded to execute the
introduced till now, the first one is light weight desired target of Petrobel, that to increase the
diesel based fluid, which was optimum for depleted productivity rate of the field, by the precise placing
zones, where the second fluid was an water based of the wellbore into thin reservoir thickness,
inhibited-non damaging fluid, where it was optimum especially Belayim formation, achieving Petrobel
for those overpressure shale bodies in combination objective of increasing the production rate per well
with other depleted zones., beside its main approximately up to10 times in marine fields., While
advantage where it can be dumped freely without other re-entry operations of old wells with low
any environmental impacts. productivity using short radius technology proved
Both systems proved great success in Petrobel greet success in production optimizations,(see Fig
drilling performance, where the washing and 2.a.) & b.) are showing the production rates
reaming times were minimized dramatically to very comparison, 2.a.) is showing comparison between
low percentages, also the mud losses was Belayim marine old wells and new
completely eliminated. Significant improvement in horizontal/geosteering wells, where 2.b.) is showing
hole stability been clearly noticed, especially those comparison between Belayim land old wells and its
problematic zones either sever depleted sands or Re-entry using short radius drilling techniques., that
pressurized shale bodies. to achieve the main strategy of Petrobel that to
increase the productivity of such mature field.
For the drilling bits, the modifications are being
performed had been summarized in the following ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
recommendations, enhanced design for rock bits I wish to thank my management for permission to
lead to easy and smooth kick off point, it also gives publish this paper, thanks also to Eni-Agip
much more tool face stability to perform all the colleagues and IADC/SPE Steering and Program
necessary directional work., in addition to Committees for their great assistance in presenting
strengthen bit gauge and introducing new bearing such study. Also wish to express my deep
features that lead to minimizing bit wear and appreciation for all the drilling and w.over
increasing bearing resistance, in turns, increasing department’s staff, both at Cairo head office or in
bit life (longer hours in hole). Abu Rudies fields for their great efforts to achieve
Improving PDC performances by choosing the that optimum performance.
suitable cutter size according to formation
hardness, short gauge bits helps drastically in tool REFERENCES
face stability, switchblades hydraulics to avoid
balling problems, bits hard facing for standing such 1. W. Eissa, “Cost optimization in drilling the Mediterranean high
high mud weights 1.9kg/l. pressure gas wells”. ARPO convention, 25th-26th March, 1998,
Agip premises, San Donato Millanese, Milano, Italy.
Well path modifications also plays great part in the 2. R. S. Khrumi: A Text book of Hydraulics, fluid mechanics and
optimization process, where all the direction work Hydraulic mechanics, twelfth edition, S. Chand &Company ltd.,
should be avoided in front of depleted zones, and Ram Nagar, New Delhi, 1982.
to be drilled using tri-cone bits and finished earlier 3. S. D. Joshi, Ph.D.: Horizontal well Technology, Pennwell
than those trouble zones. publishing company, Tulsa, OK, USA, 1991.
4. P. L. Moore: Drilling practices Manual, second edition,
All the above features have minimized dramatically
Pennwell publishing company, Tulsa, OK, USA, 1986.
the number of bits being used for each phase, also 5. W. Tiraspolsky: Hydraulics downhole drilling motors, editions
lead to optimizing the rate of penetrations, technip, Paris, 1981.
consequently decreasing the cost per meter. 6. J. T. Dewan: Essentials of open – hole log interpretation,
Fig.1.a.), b.) & c.) are showing optimization results, Pennwell publishing company, Tulsa, OK, USA, 1983.
7. C.M. Smith: “Schlumberger well evaluation conference”,
a.) ROP optimization (drilling learning curve), b.)
Schlumberger Middle East S.A, Egypt, 1984.
number of bits reduction per phase and meters 8. Baroid fluid Handbook
drilled, c.) cost per meter ($/m) optimization, all the 9. MI fluid handbook.
charts data were based on the ultimate 4 years

Rate of penetrations (ROP) performance

ROP, m/hr during drilling 16" phase





1996 1997 1998 1999-2000

ROP, m/hr Years

Fig. 1.a)

Number of bits compared to the meters drilled

during 16" phase
Bits number meters

14 2,500

11 1,970
10 1,820 1,855
8 1,500

6 7


0 0
1996 1997 1998 1999-2000

no. of bits Years meters

Fig. 1.b)

Cost per meter comparison

Cost, $/m during drilling 16" phase







0 379.8 194.8

1996 1997 1998 1999-2000

Fig. 1.c)

Belayim Marine wells production comparison

between new Horizontals and old wells
Production rate, m3/d



200 230


old well (1960) horizontal-normal
Horizontal-geosteering A
Horizontal-geosteering B
Well Types
production rate, m3/d Fig. 2.a)

Belayim Land Re-entry wells production comparison

between old holes and horizontal re-entries
Production rate, m3/d

200 230

150 180

40 30
old hole Vs. Re- old hole Vs. Re- old hole Vs. -Re-
entry- A entry - B entry-Short R. -C
Old well Production rate
Fig. 2.b)
Re-entery Hole Production rate

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