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& National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences Fast EAST School of Management, Lahore Campus Answer Sheet for Final Exam (Spring 2020) |. Please attach this COVER SHEET as the farst page of your PDF File / Answer Sheet for each part of the exam. 2. Use standard A4 size paper to write your answers to the exam paper. 3. Write down the Page Number and your Rell Number on each paze of the answer sheet. 4, The remote final exam is open book/notes. The question paper will be sent to your NU email and placed on LMS (SLATE, Google Classroom) 10 misutes before the scheduled time. 3. The remote final exam will be attempted offline in. your own handwritmg. 6. Assoon as you finish the exam, please use cam-icanner, MS lens of an equivalent applicaon ‘to scan and convert the hand-written answer sheets into a sngle PDF file. 7. The PDF file shall be titled as: Roll No_Course Code_Final (eg., 1174781_MG452_Fimal) 3. Submit the single PDF file on LMS within 15 minutes of the end of the allocated time, and also, email to the teacher's ema:l address given on the question paper. 9. Each part of the exam shall be submitted separately. 10. In case of any emergency regarding this exam, please contact through any of the following mode: (a) Google Classroom (your section) (0) Virtual Academic office address: bttps://meet ecople com'fic-zzgf-mct (c) landline: 042-3521 9252 11. Note that signing the Declaration given below is obligatory. Declaration: Meg Fraizam Almad hereby declare that [ did mot seek or provade help to any other person during the exam. I also declare that I did not post my question paper and its solution to any website, ‘t0cial media group or other online sources during the exam. Faizan Abmod 2406-20, ‘Student's Sigasnure Date ‘MG4S51L-ERP SAP Final 1614923 BAA Q:01 Paria: EL Ysador Tide: Company ‘Name: Carding! Properties 923 Search Term: 923 Postal Code: 55347 City: Eden Prairie Country: US Basiness Partner: 51852 Company Code: US00 Vendor: 125187 Fi Cestomer Basiness Partner: 51853 ‘Customer: 25402 City: Lahore Address: Faisa] Town Postal Code: 5700 Qo) » Bank Country: US Bank Key: 4923 Bank Name: Faizan Bank Bank Us was crenied ‘Bank GAL: 100000 ‘Company Code: US00 Q:01 e) Master Data It refers to the information that is present in the system for its lifetime. It is where a reference and other denivations that a transactional data get its characteristics. Master data are the top-level data because systems Tequires it in order to run. master data examples are GL accounts, asset master records etc Transactional Data It refers to the facts or encoded information during the transaction process. Example; credit memo, invoice transaction are transactional data. ‘Create a Company: Faizan Corporation ‘Company Code: FC02 ‘Chart of Accounts: FCO? ee ee Pate -B Qino-0> Frater “Yransmctional BPP oe ll ineprtonnd) fedivres 4 TrramsaceneD » The asi Rotecrse- 4 SAP Pion’ Ncw! aS traniaciorell "af fis. Fyomsactconed APES Y Pieti owe use FO Perfor dresacted nahh Lice 9 wremagey Ouaploger—- dromiacicr — fuer ar leanne ° Vues , raved yesuest , Ae ° Tromsaceconal PPPs tum new on ey GP HANNA late boe byt orn be olePleged pH “a aloc@bone wile ge cepa? [erfermam ce. rere Offs “ po aN gun Hie Ple a PtramsaceMs of ynorthe- dlevicas etl 0 plesk tops oF JaProps. Sraule. 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