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Wasim Khan


PLSC 102


Why Pakistan Constitution was Delayed?

After the partition in 1947, Both Pakistan and India adopted 1935 Indian Government Act, after
three years, India made its first constitution and Pakistan after facing many controversies got its
first constitution after nine years. After partition, Pakistan was flooded with millions of refugees
and their necessities had to be ensured. In 1948, India blocked river water from Kashmir.
Pakistan had weak economy and India refused to give its financial share. The offices of Pakistan
neither had the stationary for paperwork, let alone the constitution. The death of Quaid e Azam
was one of the main reasons for delayed constitution. He might have provided the people of
Pakistan with constitution with his unbiased leadership. After the basic principles committee
drafted its first report, the East Pakistan representation in central assembly refused to accept the
same representation as the other provinces as they claimed that they are majority. But the
politicians of west Pakistan didn’t support the claim as they didn’t want dominant Bengalis in
Assembly. Basic Principles committee also proposed Urdu as the national language, but this
point had huge opposition from East Pakistan as they claimed they are 56% of Pakistan
population and that Bengali should be the national Language. After Quaid’s death Muslim
League fell into wrong hands and conflicts aroused between highly ambitious leaders. With the
death of Liaqat Ali Khan, the bureaucracy intervened in politics, Bureaucrat Ghulam Ahmad was
made Governor-General, he dismissed ministers and premiership. And promoted former general
Iskandar Mirza to Governor-General who appointed his friend Chief of Army staff as foreign
minister. Iskandar Mirza ruled as President until Ayyub Khan imposed martial law when Muslim
League started open rebellion against Mirza. West and east constantly opposed each other in
assembly, which was main reason of delayed constitution.

How Military and Bureaucracy dominated Pakistan’s Political Proceedings?

After Liaqat Ali Khan death, bureaucrat Ghulam Ahmad was appointed as the Governor General,
who afterwards promoted former major general Iskandar Mirza to Governor General, who then
appointed Gen Ayyub Khan as his Chief of Army Staff. After 1956 constitution was in effect,
Iskandar Mirza took over President office, Ch M Ali took over the office of prime minister, he
was a civil servant. Muslim League opposed him on the appointment of the Dr Khan Sahib,
Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan, former congressman as the CM of NWFP. But he enjoyed the full
support of President Iskandar Mirza. As Dr Khan Sahib was Mirza’s old friend. Ch M Ali
launched the Republican Party. Now the Muslim League wasn’t the largest party in Pakistan.
Republican Party kept on growing. M Ali, when pressurized by Muslim league he resigned both
as PM and as Muslim League member. Then Suhrawardy was appointed as prime minister after
he agreed to Iskandar Mirza’s terms. He formed alliance between Republican and Awami
League. And passed the bill of separate electorate which was opposed by Awami League. Mirza
in favor of Suhrawardy persuaded leaders of west for joint electorate. After the problems kept on
rising Dr Khan Sahib advised Mirza to impose presidential rule. When a bill of full autonomy
was presented in east Pakistan assembly except foreign policy, defense and currency. Bhasin led
the movement against one unit. Suhrawardy was cornered between the conflict of one unit, so he
resigned in the fear of being dismissed. Then I.I Chandigarh of Muslim League was appointed
Prime Minister and he had the support of Republicans and Muslim league on One unit and
separate electorate, after electorate controversy, he then missed the support of any major group in
assembly. so he resigned, he was the third PM after 1956 constitution was imposed. Feroz Khan
Noon, was appointed as PM, Muslim League started rebellion against Mirza as he kept on
postponing elections, taking advantage of chaos, Ayyub Khan imposed Martial Law to fulfill his
political ambitions.
The main reasons of military-bureaucracy dominance were;
 One unit wasn’t successful strategy for a lands 3000 miles apart.
 Overambitious leaders, both from east and west were responsible for the martial law
So military men succeeded at last, from that time Military ruled Pakistan directly for 30 years.

Should Pakistan be Secular?

Independence of Pakistan was completely dependent on two nations theory. Quaid e Azam
claimed to have separate country for Muslims. But he was in the favor of secular state because
Pakistan was home to many religions like Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Sikhism. And we
have further sects in Islam like Sunni, Shia, Barelvi, Ahl e hadees and Ahmadi. And nowadays
we have atheists also. A single country with so many ideologies embedded in. In Pakistan we do
not enjoy much freedom. Muslim sects keep on bashing each other, hence creating hostility and
are weakening the ties of brotherhood in countrymen, clerks are responsible. We have seen
nowadays minority are targeted very often, In 1973, Ahmadis were declared non-Muslims and
atrocities were committed against them, Ahmadis were also founders of Pakistan. I think in
Pakistan religion shouldn’t be a taboo. In order to keep up with the pace of the world we have to
terminate the religious differences and tolerate one another. These tools are anti-democratic and
were often used by dictators to pump the people and weaken the stance of democrats, I think
without secularism there is nothing to look up to, if we have to achieve stability. As if we keep
on fighting with each other, we might be used up by some people, Instead we have to be friends
with the people of other religions. And to celebrate all these beautiful festivals.

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