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1 Test A

4 TV / she / watches / sometimes

1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij wyrazy.
5 I / friends / meet / often / my
1 2 3

6 Mum and Dad / hardly / tennis / play / ever

4 5 6

1 belt 4 b____ 4 Zmień zdania twierdzące w zdania przeczące.

2 t________ 5 s____
1 Peter likes ice cream.
3 h_____ 6 g______
Peter doesn’t like ice cream.___________
2 We take the bus to school.
2 Połącz połówki wyrazów tak, aby powstały 3 Amy wears jeans and hoodies.
nazwy ubrań. ______________________________________
4 I play football on Monday.

1 ski oes ______________________________________

5 You and Jack surf the Internet in the evening.
2 sh ners
3 sho cks 6 Mum goes shopping on Saturday.

4 so rt ______________________________________

5 co rts 5

6 trai at
5 Ułóż pytania w czasie present simple.
1 we / like / cheese?
Do we like cheese?__________________
2 Karen / go to / St Paul’s school?
3 Ułóż zdania twierdzące.
1 go / I / often / skateboarding 3 I / get up / at seven o’clock?
I often go skateboarding. ______________
4 they / watch TV / in the evening?
2 do / our / always / we / homework ______________________________________
5 you / ride / your bikes / to school?
3 usually / you / red / wear / coat / a
6 when / you / do / your homework?
______________________________________ ______________________________________

1 Test A
6 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij zdania. 8 Popatrz na tabelkę. Uzupełnij zdania w formie
twierdzącej lub przeczącej.

play go read
Dogs and cats usually fight. But my dog, computer swimming magazines
Bob, and my cat, Mimi, are unusual –
they’re best friends! When I take Bob Amy
outside for a walk, Mimi sits next to the
door and waits for us. When she sees Jo and I
Bob, she runs to him. Bob always likes
playing with Mimi, but he never eats her Ryan
food. When Bob goes to sleep, Mimi
jumps on his back, and they go to sleep 1 Amy __doesn’t play __ computer games.
together. It’s unusual to see, because 2 Amy _______________ magazines.
Bob is a big, brown dog, and Mimi is a 3 Amy and Ryan _______________ swimming.
small, grey cat. 4 Jo and I ________________ swimming.
5 Jo and I _______________ magazines.
6 Ryan _______________ computer games.

1 Dogs and cats _usually_ fight. 5

2 Bob and Mimi are _________ friends.
3 Mimi _________ for Bob when he goes for
a walk. Total 40
4 Bob and Mimi _________ play together.
5 Bob _________ eats Mimi’s food.
6 Bob and Mimi go to sleep _________.

7 02 Posłuchaj nagrania. Czy te ubrania

podobają się Sarze i Tomowi? Uzupełnij tabelkę
właściwymi znakami: lub .

jacket coat hoodie

1 3 5
Sarah _ _ _____ _____

2 4 6
Tom _____ _____ _____

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